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May 31, 2015 12:43 AM

Apr 2015
ign:lulli, used to be shaiyae, saving up for another name change for shaiyae again
challenger god from the land of challenger

Jun 8, 2015 11:51 AM
Mar 2015
Hi, im new here. I play NA servers and my IGN is Lee Sin 4 Days
as you guessed, im a Jungle main, but I can honestly play anything!

Im quite a casual atm though as I'm more into CSGO for the moment.

Feel free to add me, im unranked, I peaked somewhere in Plat :) Thanks!
Jun 8, 2015 11:58 AM

Apr 2015
Hello, I just joined and I would love to introduce myself:

·I play in EUW and I don't have any problem sharing my username
·I play League almost everyday .
·My favourite lane would be bot cause I don't usually loose it, but I enjoy much more playing top as Riven or Blue Ezreal.
·I'm bronze II atm but I'm expecting myself to get to silver, so good luck myself.
·I hate laning against Nasus, Trynda and a good Kalista.

Aaaand that's all I guess, you can feel free to ask me anything you want ^^
Jun 16, 2015 6:27 PM

Jun 2015
Hi everyone, thanks for having me.

I play League casualy nowadays (filthy casuals) but when I do I like to try new, fun possibilities - tryndamere bot is ridiculous :3 - also, I don't play ranked for it is usually bad for my mental health :p

Would love to meet a fellow casual and possibily marry and raise a family
*just kidding, there's no need for marriage ;)
// Kappa this... Kappa that...
Jun 18, 2015 5:29 PM
Jul 2018
Hey guys my summoner name is theb0ldone my real name is Jacob. my favorite champ to play is Janna but I've been finding myself playing allot of thresh and blitz recently. I'm on the NA server currently bronze 2 I don't play ranked much I wanna do more during the summer but I play with my friends often so I don't get the chance to do ranked. I buy wards even when I don't support so that's a start I first learned to buy wards when I was playing nunu. I guess my play style could best be described as safe but flexible I tend to lean towards farming until my opponent messes up. I'll play any lane but mid usually and I'm not too fond of adc my favorite two are jungle and support for jungle I take udyr and amumu and for support I take Janna thresh or blitz
Jun 19, 2015 8:39 PM

Dec 2013
Ummm....H-hello everyone. My name is Meg.
I like cute girls and animals.
I used to be a huge LoL fan but I sucked so much I stopped..
I hope we can get along...
Jun 20, 2015 4:04 AM

Apr 2015
Welcome N0inim, Jacob and Meg!
Jun 29, 2015 3:10 PM

Aug 2014
My name is Sniree, and my summoner name is also Sniree....
I play in the EUW server and I recently got into Platinum ~ :3
I started playing league back in season 2 when teemo's shrooms did +1AP dmg (lol, back then it was really hell-ish)

I can play on any lane but my main would be top. If I were to list my skills in different lanes it would be Top>Jungle>Mid,Support>ADC
My favourite champs in: Toplane- Riven because she's so broken (get it?)
Jungle- Kha' Zix
Mid- Ezreal
Support- Blitzcrank
ADC- Kalista

I hate to lane against: Varus, Leona, Teemo(...), Irelia, Vladimir and Viktor

Jul 1, 2015 11:45 AM

Apr 2015
Welcome tothe club, finally an EUW mate! :D
Jul 1, 2015 3:10 PM

Jun 2015
atchamean 'finaly'?
// Kappa this... Kappa that...
Jul 2, 2015 4:37 AM

Apr 2015
To many people from the NA server :(
Jul 22, 2015 1:48 AM

Dec 2012
Hello, I'm kinda new at LoL. Started like month ago and I play in EUW server, I'm level 12 atm.
I mainly play with Fizz (as AD) on Top or Mid (since I don't have any other champions, lel)
Aug 4, 2015 4:07 PM
Aug 2015
Hi everyone, thanks for having me . :3
Finally i found people who play LoL and watch anime.
I really appreciate it to be a part of this awesome community.

I'm Zekken_X (male , so many ppl. think iam a girl :O #SAO<3)
I play on EUW.
My IGN is Zekkèn ( è <- Alt+138 numbers from the right side )
I play on EUW and iam currently Plat V Solo/Duo
Gold V 5v5 Team
Support Main ;] ( Thresh,Leo, Nami main)

Well if you want to know more or want to play , dont hesitate to add me(LoL or MAL).

Iam looking forward hearing from you .
Aug 12, 2015 7:53 PM
May 2015
Hi I'm Siiiy Shadow

I play on NA server and sometimes on the EUW Server

My Favorite Position is Fill because I like to learn all the roles and be flexible XP
My Favourite Champion is Quinn and Vi

My favorite teams are Fnatic and CJ Entus.

I'm currently Silver 2 in Ranked Solo Q.

I looking for people to talk to just in general, but getting to gold would be a big help too ^^
Aug 13, 2015 6:36 AM

Apr 2015
Welcome to the club! I'm from the EUW server so if you want to play with me, just add me: (WG Harem king). And Fnatic is such a great team <3
Aug 21, 2015 9:02 AM

May 2015
Hey everyone, here comes Xhenyl!

I'm playing in EUW servers, my id ingame is HellishAl, you can add me but I don't plan to play for the next month until I get a new PC.
Last one has crushed down like a cow's crap on the floor ... Somehow.
Currently I'm unranked because I can't play regularly but I started to play at the end of S1 when Irelia was way more broken shit than now ;)

I can play almost all role at ease, except that I'm kinda bad at midlane because I hate playing casters.
I main support but in general I pick tanky beefy champs so I'm quit good at Toplane and Jungle.
Favorite champs by Position:
Top : Shen
Jungle : Gragas
Mid : Vlad and Morde
Adc : Graves and Ezreal
Support: Alistar <3

Right now I'm supporting CLG (because Aphromoo is epic) and Roccat that I learn to love through S4.

Anyway have fun on MAL or Summoners Rift and see you arround.
Bye ;)

P.S : I'm french so pardon me if my english is kinda random or shitty sometimes x)
And keep praying guys, one day we'll got Ao shin!
StryrrokAug 25, 2015 12:38 PM
Aug 21, 2015 9:09 AM

Aug 2014
you... support CLG?

Aug 21, 2015 9:20 AM

May 2015
@Sniree I warned you my english is kinda weird sometimes x)
In french we use the word "support" in order to say that you're behind a team, cheering, encouraging and motivating them etc...
I loose focus and used it that way like in french.
My bad :(

No I'm not Aphromoo, i'm a just a silly random fucked up froggy :)
Aug 22, 2015 6:01 AM

Apr 2015

Welcome to da club I will add you to play a game (Dont worry will wait 1 month :) )

Just wanted to say that you can I support CLG, but it would have been better if you would say: " I am supporting CLG and Roccat". Technically it is correct! :D
Aug 23, 2015 5:29 AM

May 2015
Okay thanks for correcting me mate :)
Oh you' have too wait a bit longer I think.
Just as an advice:"Leave your PC alone when you're drunk"
Trust me x)
Aug 25, 2015 9:39 AM
Jun 2014
Ya ho!
My name is Ukaito!
I play on NA servers!
Let's see......
My favorite champion is Rengar! I play him jungle a lot!
What else.....
Oh! I also play adc (Vayne, Kalista) and support (Thresh, Blitzcrank, Leona)!
I'm in Gold V so nothing special.
An interesting fact about me is that I translate Chinese League of Legends comics so check me out on iFunny!
Aug 26, 2015 6:02 PM

Jun 2015
Hey :D
Been playing league for quite awhile now and spent 2 regretful years playing soloQ. Pretty chill, always trying to spice up the game a bit, but I do play to win. I play on the NA servers, main botlane, mostly Vayne. Add me IGN: NumberFive. My life is almost next to boring so I spend my time cruising in Gold 1 and watching anime. <~(^_^)~>
Sep 4, 2015 6:01 AM

Aug 2015
Hi! I am Kiyoshiru Emiya and the IGN is Kiyoshiru.
I've been playing LoL for about 3 years on the EUNE server.
My favourite champions are Jarvan and Diana and I play them on both mid and top.
I am currently Gold 2.
My favourite teams are CLG and OG.
My favourite streamers are SivHD, Boxbox, Voyboy and hi im gosu.
MihaillSep 4, 2015 9:55 PM
Sep 5, 2015 2:30 PM

Apr 2015
Welcome to da club!
Sep 13, 2015 3:09 PM
Sep 2015
Hi I'm Fallen,

I play on the NA servers

I like playing league of legends because its super fun to make new friends and play with them. I am not toxic at all, and I do not like toxic people. If you guys want to add me, my ign is Zed lV (the "l" is a lower care "L"). It would be awesome if you guys could add me on here and recommend me some new animes!

My favorite champs are Zed, Jayce, and Irelia! I am Gold 5, so if anyone wants to duo or play with me just ask :)

Thank you guys so much for reading this, hope to see you soon :) Have a wonderful day :D
Sep 19, 2015 8:25 AM

Jul 2013
i main adc as Graves ... and im good junlge with Nocturne ...and good mid with Yasuo
not good top and i dont like supporting but if i had i go as Taric (gems,gems,gems,..)
Sep 19, 2015 10:49 AM

Apr 2015
Welcome to da club Talon!
Sep 19, 2015 6:22 PM

May 2015
Hi I'm Imbalanced

IronSolaris on EuW,

As you can see, i love Leona
My main are currently Amumu, Rammus, Shyvana and Irelia, guess I'm a main jungler, but can fill out every position

Platinium V at the moment, open to any kind of games, normals, ranked or 5v5's rk for getting these ward !
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 22, 2015 3:46 PM

Sep 2011
Hello Summoners. Rey here.

I can easily say LoL is my second most played game I have. Even thought it's infuriating as hell most of the time, Rito is like, "deal with it bruh" and I'm like, NAY!!", but I still keep coming back to it.

I play in the NA Server and I main Jungle with ma boy Rengo, but I'm also pretty decent on other lanes, specially support (I can be a mean Lux).

Want to know more? Check out my profile or Message me. :D
JuicyP0PSep 22, 2015 3:59 PM

For the depressed:
You're living. You occupy space. And you have a mass. Do you know what that means??
You Matter.

~Science motivational puns ftw~
Sep 22, 2015 5:28 PM

Oct 2011
Glad to see so many introductions over the past while, remember to come chat in the comment sections to get to know us or talk about anything, this is a site based around anime after all!

Welcome to my club everyone, and remember to spread word so we can continue to grow ^_^
Sep 23, 2015 3:51 AM

May 2014
I'm a top and jungle main with my next best role being mid. I prefer playing solo roles since that's always been my play style and I'm more able to help out the team with ganks.
My main champs: Lee Sin, Rek'Sai, Zed, Voli, Trundle, Rumble, Akali, and Jax.

I prefer to be considered a casual player since I play for fun and try not to let the game get to me; but none the less, I'm happy to be considered a reliable top laner by people as I do my best to gank a lot as soon as I start to get the upper hand in my lane.
Sep 29, 2015 3:47 PM
Sep 2015
Hi. IGN : Askuka, NA server here. Been playing since last year but I didn't really play ranked until like 2 weeks ago. Gold 2 now.

Can't really say about my main champs since I like to play whatever I see that rekts in competitive play lol.
Sep 30, 2015 11:52 PM

Oct 2014
Hi! ^^
My name's Isis and I've been playing LoL since May this year. I play on EUW as Seijoh, still unranked 'cause I first want to practice some more. My favorite role is support and my favorite champs are Ezreal, Taric, Soraka and Leona.
Oct 1, 2015 11:23 AM

Apr 2015
Welcome to the club Isis! If u want to play with me (cuz we are both Nederlandse 'Broeders') feel free to add me! :)

My IGN is WG harem King, am looking for people who want to play games for fun :) Check out the comment section from the club, that is the da place to be of this club. (Unless Janna is talking about school *sigh*)
Oct 2, 2015 3:39 AM

Jan 2008
Hi, my name is TheBritishBear (Both EUW and PBE) and I am an alcoholic. Ahem.

I am Gold V Ranked on EUW and I main top and support. For Top, I pick up Vladimir, Irelia, Gnar, Sion, Tahm Kench, Malphite, Rumble, Fiora and any OPs that don't get banned.

For support, I play Braum, Soraka, Bard, Alistar, Leona, Tahm Kench, Shen, Nami. I absolutely hate Sona in ranked because her buffs are meaningless, her heals are weak compared to Soraka and her form of CC is in her ult, which is easily cleansable. But I own DJ Sona and play her in normals for fun.

I hate going against Yorrick because he's such an unfun champion.

I am a huge fan of Unicorns of Love and Fnatic. I am disappointed with UOL though and am glad to see Vardags being benched.

My most favourite champion are Tahm, Bard and Sion. But Sion got overnerfed that I can't play him like I used to.

I'm not a grill, but an oven.
Oct 4, 2015 2:13 PM
May 2015
Ah i should have done this before posting my summoners name!

My name is Vlade or well you guys can call me Commander Lulu.
I'm a Animator, Music Writer (if making counts as writing haha), Artist that enjoys playing league from time to time, im currently unemployed so im more active on my drawing and league gaming. Big Cloud 9 Fan. Chill but shy guy. Really like meeting new people that i can just be chill with. Introvert and such.

Currently in Plat 5, Chilling in ARAM and Edgy Normals lately since theres no use to rank anymore untill the next season. NA player from EUW.

i think thats pretty much enough for a introduction.
i hope to have fun with y'all!
Oct 14, 2015 2:48 PM
Nov 2013
Hey, I am Pontax! I currently play league of legends and I am on the FGCU League of Legends Club team. I am seeking more people interested in ranked 5v5s & 3v3s. If you are interested add me my summoner's name is "Pontax" and my other account is "Moonshrines". Message me about the post and we can get rolling. As of primary role, my most used champs are top lanes, however I enjoy being versatile and fill most roles. However for my collegiate team I play support and Top lane.
Favorite Role: Top=Vlad, Fiora, Shen, Darius, Varus, Malphite Support= Malphite, Bard
Favorite Champions to play: Shaco, Vlad, Fiora, Malphite, Bard, Yasuo.
Hated Champions= Teemo, Teemo, Teemo, and Dianna
Ranks: Silver 2 & Bronze
Let me know I'll be happy to play with everyone, Recently was just in a tournament and my team and I placed third.
Oct 18, 2015 3:59 PM

Mar 2015
Hello, nice to meet you all.
I'm new to the club so I thought it would be proper to introduce myself. My summoner name is ChasingKairos and I play in the EUW server. I started a few weeks ago so I'm still a beginner. I'm not really good to be honest but I'm trying. ^^

I'm level 10 at the moment and am still trying out the champions to see what suits me. I like Zyra and Annie. I'm probably going to stick with Annie for a while because she's annoying. My favourite role is support and I go where I'm needed so I don't prefer any positions.
--my heart's a hieroglyph, it speaks in tongues
Oct 19, 2015 1:50 AM

Apr 2015
Welcome to the club!

If u wanna play with someone, u can always add me on EUW. My summer name is WG harem King.

Just have fun :)
Oct 20, 2015 1:52 PM

Mar 2015
Thank you, will do. :)
--my heart's a hieroglyph, it speaks in tongues
Oct 26, 2015 9:09 PM
Mar 2013
Hey! I play on an NA server. I main ADC while my husband plays support... Fave champs are Kindred, Nidalee, MF and Jinx. I like all of the maps really and have played each role at some point or another :P
Oct 27, 2015 3:15 PM
Jun 2015
Hello friends, name is MamoruMiyano (named after one of my favorite voice actors in the past, should be familiar to you all). I play a lot on NA server east coast so send me an invite for some casual duo games in gold/ low plat elo :). I main mid mostly even though my favoirte roles are top and adc since I suck at top and adc is boring this season. My favorite champions right now are probably Rengar, Azir and Ryze but overall I like Jayce, Lee Sin, and Graves.
Nov 17, 2015 10:38 AM
Nov 2015
Yo, I'm dzzzY (IGN: Techno DzzzY2G) and I've been playing league since roughly the end of season 1. Finally reached 30 and actually started playing the game in season 3 (ranked *cough*). From there on I've slowly progressed to the rank of platinum 2 with the intentions of eventually reaching that almighty diamond... League is practically the only game I play now, I used to play cod4 competitively (PROMOD,if anyone knows what this is, I automatically love u) and played WoW (raiding). On top of this, I'm a huge FF (final fantasy) fan! My favourite champ in league has to be the... DEER! THE GODYR! Or udyr for those unaware of the slight nicknames of the champion :P my other favourite would have to be shaco and I mainly like him as an ap assassin because it's fun to just let ur opponent walk into a bush and get exploded from 4 jack-in-the-boxes. Thanks for listening anyway and hope your say hello on the rifts of justice.
P.S. I play on EUW
Nov 21, 2015 3:22 AM
Aug 2015
Hey Guys :D

My summoner name is Brannulvor and I play on EUW
My main roles are Jungle and Top but i can play pretty much every other role at the level of my elo (which is currently silver 2).

My strongest champions are Sejuani, Rengar, Rek'Sai, Gnar, Cho'Gath and, strangely Thresh :P

If you wanna play, feel free to add me!
Nov 22, 2015 10:11 AM

Apr 2015
Welcome to the club!
Nov 24, 2015 9:35 PM

Oct 2015
Hello all, my name is Greg. I play on the NA server and prefer jgl or mid, but I also play a mean support. I am usually hanging around the LOL chat room and play pick ups of Ultimate Bravery whenever I get the chance. My summoner name is Draktorius, I play the guitar, and I'm currently watching K-ON!
Mr. Cobra, I'm a police officer. I need you to send me back to Earth. Pronto.
Dec 1, 2015 7:15 AM
Jul 2015
Hi there, my name is Callum.

League is one of my favourite games and I always try to play a game or two a day (although sometimes I forget). I play on the EU West servers and my summoner name is Morganá. I am currently Silver 4.

My favourite champion is Morgana, if you did not guess, although I also really like playing Shyvana, Elise, Jinx, Malphite, Ahri and Annie. My main role is Support and Jungle, although I can play anywhere, although my worst is top lane. In terms of pro teams I am a Cloud 9 and Fnatic fan, in that order.

I would love to play some games with people, if you do then just add me on League, or message me here and I will let you know when I am available.
Dec 1, 2015 12:51 PM

Dec 2007
I'm Platinum. My summoner name is KrisTheGod

I main mid, jungle, and support.

Nautilus is the best champ ever
Dec 1, 2015 5:28 PM

Oct 2011
KuriTheGod said:
I'm Platinum. My summoner name is KrisTheGod

I main mid, jungle, and support.

Nautilus is the best champ ever

You should post that in the summoner's name thread and not forget to add server ;)

Welcome to the club though ^_^
Dec 2, 2015 4:02 PM

Apr 2013
Hai im Zack
ING: Panda hero (EuNe).
Fav Camp's: Riven
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