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Noumin Kanren no Skill bakka Agetetara Nazeka Tsuyoku Natta.
Dec 10, 2022 4:51 PM
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Your cards have arrived!
Remember to save them within 14 days!
Use Ctrl+F to find the cards you requested – the file
will be named after you!
Shrine LE // Cards
Deliveries for Carmine Sky!
You can get your Tasogare Otome x Amnesia LE
cards from this link.
You have 14 days to save them.
Thank you for requesting~
Your Cards from Carmine Sky have Arrived
Mega Card Delivery
Fwoo~ finally finished naming all the cards \(^o^)/
Sorry for the huge delay guys ^^;
Click the banner to receive your cards
Remember to save and rehost, the links expire in 2 weeks.
If you have any problems please don't hesitate to PM me.
Click the banner for your cards
Save and rehost in one week
Cards by pinkvixen Delivered by: Fate
Cards expire in 14 days. Please save them as soon as possible! Thanks for requesting!
-----Kawazoe Kumiko
P.S. If I messed up in any ways, please feel free to leave me a comment here!
✦ save and rehost
✦ ctrl+ f and type your
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