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Dec 13, 2013 9:20 PM
Jan 2011
Blooey said:
Alright, I just finished watching this series .................AND WOW...What the hell happened?

Seriously, I keep repeating the last few episodes in my head, and makes no sense....
The chemistry in this show does not add up in that last half of the 24th episode. Its like watching the chemistry in the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince movie....And I'm not just complaining because I like Kiri's character, nor am I complaining about the incestuous ending....

What I am very upset about is that for 23 and a half episode, Hiroki's feelings/relationship towards Elis was nothing close to loving her in "that" way. Not a single moment did I recognize a sign that shows his feelings for her in "that" way. To me, he seemed like a brother and only a brother. BUT yet, somehow, after she confesses one more time, he decides he likes HER?!?!

It seems as though the writer/creator tried to be "bold" and have some amazing plot twist, but in the end, this ending seems so amateur-ish, to be honest. A real good ending would have had some development to it. Like a sort of progression towards the end, rather than just an unexplained ending.

Well, I'm just ranting to let off some steem, ignore me if you must.....

I think they were trying to go the whole cliche romcom "you don't know what you want until you lose it". At the risk of losing her he went after her.
Apr 18, 2014 4:10 AM

Sep 2013
I ended up playing the visual novel, I went for Ellis route first so I can save the others for later, Kiri and Tomoko's routes were far better.
Dec 8, 2014 1:07 PM

Jun 2014
75 % of the story was all about Elis, and I rooted for her. Marriage of cousins is common in Japan. Kiri is just too plain and looks average. But still it was unexpected that Hiroki chose her, it never hinted that he has a romantic feelings towards her. He only blushed in hospital bed scene and that's it.
blessofcurseDec 16, 2014 5:10 PM
Dec 19, 2014 7:53 PM

Aug 2014
well damn, I watched most of this series with 3/4th attention but still pretty decent. Seriously thought Tomoko died on the plane or something until I let the credits roll a bit.

Waited the entire series for that incestual moment and it delivered.

Jan 28, 2015 1:07 AM

Aug 2013
YagokoroEirin said:
Elis Suck,Selfish Bitch.

<3 This
Aug 12, 2015 1:41 PM
Jul 2015
Izayoi23 said:
YagokoroEirin said:
Elis Suck,Selfish Bitch.

&lt;3 This

Nah, she is much much better than Kiri
Aug 12, 2015 2:08 PM

Aug 2015
I was really satisfied that Elis and his cousin got to hook up; she really loved him and at times it was painful to watch how sad she was when he had rejected her. One thing that could have made the ending a lot better, was to develop a little bit further between the part at the airport and the final scene in France.
Jan 24, 2016 6:08 PM
Jun 2014
blessofcurse said:
75 % of the story was all about Elis, and I rooted for her. Marriage of cousins is common in Japan. Kiri is just too plain and looks average. But still it was unexpected that Hiroki chose her, it never hinted that he has a romantic feelings towards her. He only blushed in hospital bed scene and that's it.

Nahh, he did blush a few more times than that. Anyway, it was clear that the story was going that way for a good while before the ending.
Apr 27, 2016 1:31 PM

Aug 2013
Satisfying ending. Really good series. Beautiful art and animation. Great soundtrack ND OP/ED songs. I really miss series like this nowadays.
Jan 18, 2017 11:32 AM

Jul 2014
lolwut that ending, and I also thought Tomoko chan died because of not taking her pills???

DID THEY F**K at the end???
Feb 16, 2017 8:38 PM
Oct 2015
Ughh, the progress of the anime stood well until Hiroki chose that damn cousin Elis (and the blanket scene?). Too bad they ended it that way. Oh well, definitely give this anime a 5/10 rather than 8, if it progressed through Kiri x Hiroki.
Oct 28, 2017 7:14 PM

Jul 2009
What a horrible ending jesus. Elis became straight insufferable towards the latter half. Is this based off a vn? Poor kiri jesus christ. Shit show all around
Dec 6, 2017 8:44 PM
Jan 2017
damn elis, i hate her
Jan 21, 2018 1:29 PM

Nov 2008
Felt bad for Kiri, because she had always loved Hiroki. But no objections with the ending.
Aug 18, 2018 3:21 PM

Oct 2017
Ah, the longevity of the Otaku world...

I am definitely surprised by so many of these angry, disappointed posts. You people all sound like my Grandparents or something.... Cousins!! Incest!! Disgraceful!! I have more to say to you in the paragraph after the next - you know you want to hear it, you backwards geriatrics! I'm just kidding. No real offense intended there. Sometimes ya can't help the way you feel, I know.

** SPOILERS for Canvas2 Visual Novel ** SPOICLERS SPOILERS ****
Lot of disappointed people at the end there. I just finished the VN and had watched some of the anime but had not completed them ... The VN - although a different medium, and like all of this stuff, is a matter of taste -- the Anime did have a pretty decent look to it.. However - even with so many "episodes", the VN is much longer than that, and really allows one to "get to know" each of the characters to a much greater extent. As far as Yanagi - the writer (I don't recall how many were involved - for so many routes, it seems likely there'd be a few but ... don't know for sure) anyway - the writer messed up with Yanagi and Hiroki, and even Kiri, when it comes to that. What he did - unforgivable - I don't care who you are, Mother Theresa would kick you in the face. And yeah - to feel SOOO BAAD... in one moment, and then turn to the girl you love and propose to her... well - that was the VN, so - apologies if that didn't happen in the anime. I almost dropped the VN because Yanagi gets Kiri if you don't go for her route... he needs a f***ing karma bomb to explode on his head, not to get the girl. Writers ROYALLY SCREWED THAT ASPECT OF WRITING... totally some B.S. altruistic fantasy garbage - "Hey kids -steal your best friend's best work and life-long dream, and pass it off as your own - it PAYS BIG-TIME!!! And Kiri - not just being disgusted by it, letting it slide and even going with him (in other routes) - made me REALLY want to punch that writer. Next time I'm in Japan... yep. Gotta find that person. Of course, if it's a girl, I'll have to settle for sternly scolding her. OK

Cousins marrying - you're insulting a LOT of people in this world with your stern judgments and aspersions cast. On the subject of children - I have a brother with a genetics degree, spoke about it at length, then went online and got a better understanding from some Scientific Pubs and such on genealogy. Even siblings can have a child and the likelihood of there being disabilities or ANY issues is SMALL... The ISSUE with incest is NOT about a single-pairing. It is about successive pairings over several generations - such as in Royal bloodlines of old... dynasties and such.. A single incidence does reduce some of the genetic protections that a random pairing benefits from - but statistically, the increase in likelihood of problems _with that one pairing having offspring_ is not great. Unless there was already a significant incidence of in-breeding in the sibling's lineage. Don't take my word for it - go read about it yourself. The myth surrounding incest is just that - myth. Evolution does a pretty good job of removing "those" feelings from typical sibling relationships - as most of us are aware. Just like you close-minded types, the idea of hooking up with one of my sisters is ... unthinkable. May as well put me with a 100 yr old woman or ... hell, a dude. Which is just to say - totally not happening. BUT... if two people - people I knew or did not know - somehow managed to actually fall in love - feel the way that I have (like for at least a few of my girlfriends - past or present) - well, I DO NOT ENVY THEM. It's a social stigma almost everywhere - now cousins, eh... not so much. there's still quite a bit of diversity with the other two parents, plus the fact that there is no SAME parent, which is quite different from a sibling genetically (i.e. no chance of matching on a DNA test, for sure, even if they are TWINS)... well - like I said - I wouldn't envy them. It's not always just about the sex (and I am sure it wasn't in Hiroki's case with Elis - their relationship - in the VN anyway - was pretty deep... but regardless - to have a romantic love "in your heart" - it's not easy to put aside, now is it? IRL I mean. Now - I understand folks getting all "Rush Limbaugh" (conservative) about siblings. But not cousins. Nope. As has already been said - it's legal and socially accepted in Japan (these originated in Japan - you probably got that from the names, right? Just messin' with you) So -- try to relax, you'll probably live longer ;-)

Admittedly, I probably lean toward Kiri a little bit, but Ellis is right up there too [from the VN though.. not this anime. Heck - surprisingly, in the VN I liked almost all of the heroines. There _were_ a lot of them - I think for my VN experience the most I've encountered, though I know there are VNs with even more. Anyway - it's really difficult to not pick Kiri, honestly At the same time, it is a little painful to reject Ellis as well. The VN does a far better than typical job of fleshing most of the characters out - and especially Ellis and Kiri. I do recommend the VN for people who liked this anime title. Unless you just hate the medium, it is a welcome surprise in it's characterizations - aside from the
- that was just awful all around...

Since I didn't see the whole series, I can't claim that I would have liked the ending - but... I know I wouldn't have been screaming at the TV like so many people on MAL seem to have been doing. Incidentally, 16 yr old girls (she was 16 at the end) can legally get married in Japan. BUT... there are issues, depending on the prefecture (~state) for >20 male and <20 female unless Parent's of girl agree (he's her guardian, and I guess it's ok with him, so... lol.. don't know, seriously, what happens). Perhaps it's a crime - one easily avoided for the powerful and rich, of course... guess it's good they wound up in France. For the other girls, if their parents get cool with it, it can be permitted. Well - make friends with the parents boys....
aprilia1kFeb 5, 2022 1:04 AM
Apr 18, 2019 6:51 PM

Mar 2016
I felt this ending was pretty obvious, and it was hard to obscure behind the traumas Hiroki and Elis (Eris = discord haha get it) were going on about for the longest time. In the end Hiroki and Elis are finally 'true to themselves' by going against everything their peers had been instructing them to do (Paris/becoming a teacher). There are a lot of anime stories like this where the catharsis comes from characters doing what is unexpected, risky or impulsive. So I'm not really surprised, and unlike what others say I thought it built up to it in typical dramatic fashion. The 'incest' doesn't bother me.

The character writing in this was actually pretty decent, and it really stood out to me in the last 4 episodes, especially when Kiri and Elis were talking right before the accident. Hiroki was always this two-faced kind of guy so I think Kiri is better off to be honest (and maybe that's sort of the point, two damaged people lick each others wounds in an unhealthy relationship). To want him to get with Kiri is a big time misunderstanding of the kind of story this is. Not a bad drama I guess but it's been a while since I've watched an anime like this.

And I can't believe Tomoko is fucking dead.
syncrogazerApr 18, 2019 7:02 PM
Sep 23, 2019 7:36 AM

Nov 2012
No matter how I look it was a forced and wrong ending, made me wonder "what am I doing in my life".
Nov 22, 2019 9:51 PM
Sep 2012
This ending made me both angry and happy. For 23 episodes, they've been pushing Hiroki X Kiri on us with no hope of an Elis ending. I don't hate Kiri even though I'm Team Elis but out of nowhere Elis wins. Has the author ever heard of foreshadowing? Also, as a member of Team Elis would it kill them to give us more than 10 seconds of Hiroki X Elis or even a little buildup to that sexy ending?
Feb 15, 2020 10:36 AM
Feb 2013
It's kind of funny. I have a really long PTW list, so I have no idea why I added most of them anymore, and I picked this one at random to watch. When I saw it was "2", I came here to make sure I could watch it without being lost (usually I'd avoid forums or wikis or anything -- I hate spoilers of any sort), and saw the thread about the ending being surprising. I do like anime that go unexpectedly, because then you're not just waiting for the inevitable ending that you already know to come around, so if this show really did have an unexpected ending that I heard about somewhere, it would be no wonder I threw it on my PTW list.

Of course, this ending wasn't in any way unpredictable. I did prefer Elis to Kiri, and I don't have enough qualms with incest to count it as a negative as long as it's good, but this wasn't that. It wasn't predictable because there was a bunch of development between Hiroki and Elis that broke down the familial barriers between them and brought them closer together (if anything, it was the opposite), it was predictable because there was nothing in particular standing between Hiroki and Kiri and nothing developed between them anyway (both in the present and in the past), which in animeland means: congratulations to the other main girl (especially since, 9/10 times it's the "mainer" of the main girls). An MC making lovey eyes at one character and then going the other way by the end to pretend that there was character development is so played out and obvious (even back in 2005, I'm sure) that I'm kind of surprised people were surprised or angry about him going with Elis in the end. (Granted, it was abrupt, even for a show that played the "he's always loved her and only just now realized it" card.)

Especially since Hiroki didn't seem to be particularly conscious of either Elis or Kiri throughout the series, given that he would drag Kiri to meaningful events for Elis despite her hating Kiri, and would regularly ignore Kiri or ditch their plans at the last minute. Two of my favorite moments in the series were: 1) when Elis confessed to him, he was like, "Huh, is this April Fool's?" which seems like a totally disrespectful way to imply, "I'm not going to take you seriously," and 2) when Kiri told him she was going out to eat with Shin, he was like, "What are you going to eat?" which is just him saying he doesn't give a crap. I thought both were really funny, but I also thought that they were informing us that he wasn't looking at either of them in a romantic way, since it's demonstrating that he had a pattern of flippant behavior to both of them, which makes it hard to believe that deep down he was in love with either of them. Honestly, coming into this series expecting the ending to be surprising had me thinking towards the end that he would go with Kana, since she was dropping a bunch of hints about how she doesn't know how a little sister vs childhood friend situation can be resolved outside of taking a third option and drops a bunch of hints about liking him, which the other side characters don't do. THAT would have been surprising (albeit no less abrupt than the ending we did get), but obviously it was not to be.
Jun 24, 2020 6:32 PM
Jun 2019
I must say this, the mangaka of this anime is a low tier mangaka. Bland characters, poor timing, cliche story. The mangaka built up a relationship for 23 episodes, and right in the end of the episode 24, he just destroys it. Like, 23 fucking episodes, and right at the 24 he destroys that relationship. Don't even get me starting with the technical aspect of this mangaka's writing cause it's just bad. The ending was one of the worst endings to an anime serie. I wouldn't recommend this anime to anyone.
Oct 11, 2020 12:40 AM
Oct 2020
Lol Final incesto 😎👍 kiri como molestaba xd
Jan 8, 2023 10:04 PM

Dec 2022
Very good anime with a lot of emotional scenes, cute characters, decent comedy (sometimes unintentional, like anything Hiroki says or does pertaining to romance), and heartful internal resolutions. This episode wasn't paced very well though. Hiroki was seemingly ignorant or inconsiderate of Elis's feelings for a good portion of the anime and only has an epiphany about it after he sent her off to the airport, then the last few minutes are just a rush of barely developed scenes that should've been given much more attention. Elis should've had more private moments with Hiroki before this episode, rather than twenty different instances of him just going to every cafe/restaurant in the country with Kiri. That said; the episodes before this were great, and I'm glad Elis won.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Oct 9, 2024 10:40 PM

Aug 2014
Im just coming off watching Canvas season 1 (the 2 OVA episodes anime from 2002)

There were a lot of similarities in both Canvas season 01 and this Canvas season 02, with how the male MC can no longer paint, having a crush on an older girl, a girl his age/younger crushing on him, hospital girls, many similarities in that aspect.

Of course, Canvas 2 is a much better written anime and it makes sure to be decent from start to finish, and even has a solid romance, with two nice love triangles.

And the male MC was fine to follow around. He was not bland nor annoying.

I also liked that even though the characters were mostly in a school, it wasnt just about the students, but also about the teachers.

I also liked how all the heroines in this anime were not bland nor boring nor annoying. They were fun to follow around.

I also loved the ending song for Canvas 2 and the images they used while the song played in the ending of all the heroines drawn in an artistic way.

As for who the male MC picked in the end = I love wincest in anime, however, this one just didnt make sense, since the male MC NEVER saw the blonde girl as a romantic partner throughout the whole anime until that hospital bed scene in episode 22. And by then, the male MC was already all in love with the gym-teacher. The male MC throughout the anime only saw the blonde girl as a person he was taking care of.

Overall, an underrated anime, however its not like the anime is a masterpiece or anything.
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