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if you were conan, who would you choose..ran?haibara?ayumi?

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Nov 17, 2012 1:39 PM

Feb 2012
I personally would choose Haibara, but for the original Conan Ran is the best choice
In 9/10 cases, the worst thing about an anime is its fandom.
Dec 16, 2012 11:20 AM
Sep 2009
Ran, definitely! It's not that I hate Haibara, it's just that she comes out as this mature and cold person; the "know-it-all" type... I know some find Ran shallow but I al least enjoy watching the scenes with her and Shinichi, they're funny and sweet, where as with Ai I honestly just get bored...
And Ayumi is definitely out! She annoys the life out of me!
Dec 28, 2012 9:56 PM

Oct 2012
ConanXHaibara :) It's too bad it could only go one way and its most likely Ran and Shinichi :/

Aug 15, 2013 10:16 PM

Sep 2011
GuyFreakz said:
Kaito: What do you think about Ran?
Conan: Meh... She just a fool crybaby girl. I'm already tired with her. She doesn't even hotter than my mom.

Mitsuhiko: I think Ayumi likes you...
Conan: C'mon who wants with toddler that acts like bitchy adults. Take her as much as you want but don't you dare to touch Haibara... she's mine!


Haibara and Conan are almost the PERFECT match, their personality complement each other so much. Not that it would happen, but DAMN, is this a couple!?

Ran is one of the most one dimensional characters I have seen. She is very, very boring.

And that's right, Shinichi's mom is times hotter than Ran.
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Aug 29, 2013 7:33 PM

Jul 2013
Anyone other than Ran-Neechan is a joke!
Dr. Sheldon Cooper " It is no way to make new humans. People coming out of people. Some kind of dirty magic show.
Aug 30, 2013 3:21 PM

Sep 2011
Yondy375 said:
Anyone other than Ran-Neechan is a joke!

Ran is a joke. She is literally he most boring major female character
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Sep 14, 2013 1:39 PM

Jun 2013
Ran gets on my nerves because she's always interfering with his investigations. I prefer Haibara. Beautiful, smart, stubborn yet soo cute =D

Ran is your typical, overused shoujo character. I'm really tired of her...
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
I might be crazy. So, what's the problem?

Oct 6, 2013 11:11 AM
Sep 2012
I think I would choose Haibara. They both have gone though many things together, especially with the organisation.
Nov 3, 2013 6:26 AM

Nov 2013
Definitely Ran. I'd like Haibara to be with Mitsuhiko hahaha.
Jan 24, 2014 7:24 AM

Apr 2012
Zeppen said:
Definitely Ran. I'd like Haibara to be with Mitsuhiko hahaha.

I think Ai would stays in her child body in the end
Feb 15, 2014 9:28 PM

Oct 2012
For SHINICHI, of course I would go with Ran
If CONAN were actually somebody else, I would totally pair him up with either Ai or Ayumi. <3 SO CUTE.

Apr 22, 2014 8:16 AM
Dec 2013
Haibara. Conan and Haibara match up shockingly well together. To be honest they are one of the the very few couples I've seen that give me the "soulmates" type of feeling. Everything falls just so perfectly in place. ShinRan and Conan X Ayumi, on the other hand are just another normal "kawaii" type couple, I like them too though, but honestly they're no where near CoAi as far as compatibility is concerned and Gosho's main heroines (Ran & Aoko) are somewhat dull.
Silverbullet96Apr 22, 2014 8:24 AM
Apr 22, 2014 8:28 AM

May 2012
I want Haibara for him but we all know he's into Ran :))
May 6, 2014 3:55 AM

Jan 2014
Haibara, of course.

Wait, no.
I'll let Conan have Ran. Haibara is for me.
May 28, 2014 1:19 PM
Dec 2013
IMO It should be AiCon which should happen and no one else, number of ShinRan votes on the internet are biased, as in -
1. Some of them don't care about romance in DC, just pick ShinRan because they think that's what is going to happen.
2. Some of them haven't reached Haibara's appearance episode yet, and would obviously pick Ran.
Most important one IMO -
3. Most of ShinRan fans sound like pre-teens to me, who refuse AiCon for very silly reasons and don't want to see anything beyond Ran. It is very likely that many of them will come to understand and like AiCon when they grow up. I was the same.
Silverbullet96May 28, 2014 1:26 PM
May 28, 2014 1:22 PM

Jan 2012
Ofcourse Haibara she is intelligent too

A scientist and detective that what I call a perfect couple.

Jun 15, 2014 7:56 AM
Aug 2011
I'd say Ran. They've known each other since early childhood and they thus share a strong bond in my opinion. Conan is still the high school student Shinichi, he would never eventually "choose" Ayumi, who is at present still an elementary school student. Ai surely complicates things as they both complement each other on a cognitive level -- the rationality of a detective paired with that of an ingenious scientist. I would say Shinichi and Shiho are tied together rather by their circumstances (the shrinking drug) than sole affection.

Ran obviously cares a lot for Shinichi as seen in the movies/anime several times. Shinichi displays his affection for her more implicitly. He is shown being worried about her in the event of any potential danger, frequently calls her and saves her several times (e.g. the movies).
ZinnoberflammeJun 15, 2014 8:41 AM
Jul 15, 2014 2:42 AM

Jul 2014
Without any doubt I would choose Ran. Because the only person Conan truly loves is Ran.
Aug 9, 2014 7:22 AM

Apr 2014
Haibara. Not into the whole tsundere type. Also that they are both in the same situation so they understand each other struggles.
Sep 7, 2014 4:08 PM

Sep 2013
Silverbullet96 said:
Haibara. Conan and Haibara match up shockingly well together. To be honest they are one of the the very few couples I've seen that give me the "soulmates" type of feeling. Everything falls just so perfectly in place. ShinRan and Conan X Ayumi, on the other hand are just another normal "kawaii" type couple, I like them too though, but honestly they're no where near CoAi as far as compatibility is concerned and Gosho's main heroines (Ran & Aoko) are somewhat dull.

Pretty much why I have an issue with Aoyama. His heroines are just the childhood friend type of love interest. For me, Ran and Shinichi's relationship peaked at the play where they almost kissed and even then I wasn't particularly in suspense. Ai just has a better chemistry going on with Conan amd their relationshop seemed far moee natural than the forced one with Ran.
After I had caught up with Detective Conan, I read Magic Kaitou(and eventually watched the specials) and had an even bigger dissapointment with the love interest, as Akako had a far more interesting character(albeit somewhat annoying at the start) and her feelings for Kaito were more of a nice source for her development into a likeable character.
Bottom line, I don't exactly dislike the heroines, but I don't really like them either, I'm just indifferent to them.
Now, to get back to the original topic, it's clear that Shinichi(and Kaitou, for that matter) will choose Ran(and Aoko, respectively), because of Aoyama's lack of talent in the romance department. But personally, I'd go with Ai(and Akako, respectively).
Nov 16, 2014 1:41 PM

Sep 2009
Just let fate decide. If he manage to go back to being Shinichi, then obviously ran, since she's going to wait even if its 20 years. If he's going to live his whole life as Conan then obviously there is no better partner in the world than Haibara. But i'll feel bad for Ran.

Shinichi is a faithful guy though.
Dec 28, 2014 12:03 AM

Nov 2014
I ship Haibara (well Shiho) with Akai. So Ran. Plus I've got a serious issue with obsessing over childhood romances.
And I've always thought Haibara was the tsundere, not Ran. Being in denial isn't an automatic qualifier for a tsundere.

To be honest, Haibara's feelings towards Conan are kind of only founded to the fact he's her savior. He's the only fish in the sea, so to speak. I believe they get along well as partners, not as lovers. Although I won't be too disappointed if Shinichi doesn't end up with Ran, as long as Ran ends up with someone.

It'd be too coincidental, but if everyone does make it out alive, then the final pairing might be Shuichi x Hidemi, and Sera x Eisuke.
Dec 30, 2014 12:04 PM
Aug 2014
I would go for Haibara. I am in love with her and her character. But im 20 so lets say I'm in love with Miyano Shiho just to be safe lol
Jan 2, 2015 1:31 PM

Jan 2012

Jun 5, 2015 10:09 PM
Jun 2015
i choose ran because shinichi love ran and ran always wait for shinichi. they said that ran's character is boring but i think its not. I also like haibara too, she is smart and pretty. I wish that haibara will marry a good person because ran is for shinichi. haibara is just a third person
Jul 9, 2015 9:40 AM
Jul 2015
Definitely Ran,
Not that i despise Haibara or anything, personally i think she's cool because of her personality and i respect the fans of ShinichxHaibara but honestly, I HATE IT when people just want Haibara to be with Shinichi JUST because she's prettier than Ran. People say Ran is boring, for those who said that are basically rude and scornful people.

If you watch Inyuasha, its the same with Kagome and Kikyo
Jul 31, 2015 3:10 PM
Jul 2015
If I would be Shinichi I would choose Ran because they have lived their childhood together and Ran really have Passion- she's the perfect girlfriend for him:) if I would be Conan I would choose Ai because they have a secret togrther and Conan promissed her to protect her, they are both very clever and it's everytime so sweet when she teases him- she's so cool.....
But it's obvious that Conan would choose Ran:)
Aug 10, 2015 8:03 AM

Jan 2015
This is a easy question... Ran!
Aug 18, 2015 1:32 PM

Aug 2014
Ran is a nice character, she and Shinichi are a good couple, but she's kinda.. boring, sometimes. Like typical, or a little annoying. I've come to like her a bit more, though, lately.
Ai & Conan are nice together, but I can't really imagine romance between their grown-up versions.
And Ayumi, well.. There's of course the issue of Conan being Shinichi (so 10 years older), but even without that I'm not a fan of Conan x Ayumi.

So I guess I don't really prefer one.. But I do like Shinichi x Kaito, or Shinichi x Heiji (but Heiji x Kazuha too).. heh.
ChocoMikanAug 18, 2015 1:37 PM
Aug 28, 2015 2:10 PM
Aug 2015
Haibara: Lol, I think Ran is a loser. At final Kudou kun will choose me.


Ran: (hugs) conan kun is so warm <3


sorry. I choose Ran. CuZ shes kind.
Sep 19, 2015 2:00 AM

Jan 2015
i agree >w<
Oct 15, 2015 3:16 AM
Oct 2015
Of course haibara becoz Conan and haibara are jst made for each other
Nov 26, 2015 8:40 AM
Nov 2015
It's been years but here's my opinion
I think haibara suits him more
Yet it would be awkward if he will simply give up on ran
Haibara loves him
And he loves her too but I can only prove her love to him
In movie 19 while Conan is thinking while staring at the picture haibara looks at him and smiles(ignore the piece of art in front of her) but she still tries to hide her feelings since she knows he loves ran
Nov 26, 2015 9:42 AM
Jul 2015
i think haibara but in the same time i can't leave ran hotori
Dec 4, 2015 7:12 AM
Mar 2010
Ran has an overwhelming advantage over Haibara, that cannot be overruled unless the little scientist decides to promote herself as a contender. Since we all knew Conan and Haibara's relationship is very ambiguous, there are times that Aoyama flashes some intimacy between them and it's pretty romantic in a vague way.

I love Ran but I love Haibara a bit more... XD
Though I bet he won't be choosing anyone in the end.
Dec 25, 2015 6:22 AM

Aug 2012
If I'm in Conan's position, I would choose Haibara. She's my favourite and well, I don't deal well with girls like Ran or Ayumi.

But if I'm Conan himself, I would choose Ran. Haibara is definitely a great girl who matches Conan a lot, but she makes a better friend than girlfriend. On the other hand, Ran is someone who chooses to always believe in him, and would accept his flaws, and well, will (probably, no definitely) forgive all his lies. For Conan/Shinichi, Ran would be the perfect girl. I hope Shinichi is perfect for her too though.

Also, for Haibara's sake, she should get someone better than the insensitive (how his character is designed) Conan. If both are secretive, the relationship won't work.

Apr 21, 2016 8:50 PM
Apr 2015
You gotta choose Haibara! Conan had protected Haibara from many danger before, and I think they make a great couple due to their equal intelligence. They also understands each other the most since they have the same goal to bring Black Organization down. Conan can't possibly fall in love with Ayumi, considering the fact she's only 8 compared to 17 year old Conan.

And Ran just don't understand the situation Conan's in, she'll only cause more trouble. But later a girl called Sera Masumi appears and seems she knows Conan being Shinichi and might holds feelings for him. But u still support Haibara Ai.
Apr 24, 2016 10:13 AM

Aug 2012
Nami-Nami said:
They also understands each other the most since they have the same goal to bring Black Organization down.

If this holds true, then how bout when BO's finally down?

May 4, 2016 1:15 AM

Aug 2012
said_kamara said:
Haibara for sure
Can't imagine how it will be with a couple contains intelligence and and love also haibara cares for Conan like ran does for kudo but Haibara is smarter and just perfect for conan's character

I don't like to ship them but I can disagree with this ><
Haibara does a good job in keeping Conan's in check.

May 17, 2016 6:47 PM
Jan 2016
Ai haibara/Shiho miyano coz they understand each other the most and they are both victim of APTX 4869, so they understand each other's suffering and they are both mature and smart as for ran I hate her she's so stupid, dense and immature always like: "shinichi, shinichi" or something like that it's so annoying so I prefer haibara
May 19, 2016 12:28 PM
May 2016
Haibara. She matches Conan in ways Ran never can.
Personally I relate to Haibara because she isn't perfect. She shows anger, her fears & jealousy. She has flaws. She is also beautiful, smart & baddass.
One of the best female character on the show.
May 20, 2016 9:57 PM

Jan 2009
I agree with kiddo1412

Major and minor complications for Conans relationships with Haiabara, Ran and Ayumi

Ran and Shinichis parents.
Ran is too old for Conan it would be weird.
Ran likes dr Araide think works at the school ran goes to.
Then there's Rans boy crazed friend Sonoko who tries to set ran up with other guys.
Daiske from preschool likes ran and may or may not come back.
Then there is Kazuha is trying to get Ran to tell Shinichi how she feels about him.
I think Shininchi told ran how he feels about her.

Gin may be in love with Shiho/Haiabara
Mit likes haiabara as well as ayumi which may complicate things.
Genta and Mit would beat up Conan if he went out with Ayumi
since Conan is really Shinichi and likes ran he can't be with Ayumi.

Of coarse Conan/Shininchi would bore all three of them with his mystery otaku powers.
If Conan becomes Shinichi Ran may have moved on.
Pro Detective
Oct 7, 2005 at 11:50am
Also (a little bit off topic but still DC): I found out why people absolutely dislike the idea that Shinichi and Shiho might be brother and sister without knowing it> It'd make the AiXConan pairing completely impossible! ^^ Isn't that the reason?
JersaniMay 20, 2016 10:56 PM
This sums up the YuYu Hakusho anime well (paraphrased) “you can’t end a good party without someone on the floor.” Yusuke Urameshi
Jun 12, 2016 4:22 AM
Jun 2016
Definitely Haibara
Sometimes I think they are married as they understand each other despite knowing each other for short time (in the anime)
ShinRan childhood friends that love each other is very common couple (at least there are 4 couples or more like them in the anime)
But CoAi a detective and scientist with their personality and harmony make you impressed you maynot find a couple like this
Also Haibara nearly lost everything in her life she lost her all family and didn't live her childhood like others and was forced to make a poison and to be a murder if she lost Conan in the end that will be desaster life for her unlike Ran that have everything to make her happy
Jun 12, 2016 4:37 AM
Jun 2016
aa-dono said:
If I'm in Conan's position, I would choose Haibara. She's my favourite and well, I don't deal well with girls like Ran or Ayumi.

But if I'm Conan himself, I would choose Ran. Haibara is definitely a great girl who matches Conan a lot, but she makes a better friend than girlfriend. On the other hand, Ran is someone who chooses to always believe in him, and would accept his flaws, and well, will (probably, no definitely) forgive all his lies. For Conan/Shinichi, Ran would be the perfect girl. I hope Shinichi is perfect for her too though.

Also, for Haibara's sake, she should get someone better than the insensitive (how his character is designed) Conan. If both are secretive, the relationship won't work.
I might agree but you wanted to say she makes a better sister I guess and Haibara belived in him too she showed this a lot of times and I disagree that Ran is perfect I don't hate her but she isn't perfect and we haven't seen Conan and Ai as couple if this happened you would change your opinion because the only few romantic moments between them are so amazing
Jun 20, 2016 9:15 PM
Jun 2016
Of course Ran !! She is the bravest , prettiest , most honest one .
Jun 21, 2016 5:23 AM
Jun 2016
OF course haibara. She is cute and the only one that knows how much shinichi/conan suffers. I don't hate ran, I just hate how She try to show off. In some cases, She just make it like more not isteresting? Anyway, conan/shinichi x ai/shiho is the best. Ayumi? Go to hell ! Well She is not bad. But I hate her trying to showing off too much, much more than ran. Detective boys just GO TO HELL. Mitsuhiko I hate you! Don't you dare to take haibara from conan!! Well that's what I think. In the end SHIHO X SHINICHI IS THE BEST
Jun 26, 2016 9:06 PM

Aug 2012
SKam_101 said:
aa-dono said:
If I'm in Conan's position, I would choose Haibara. She's my favourite and well, I don't deal well with girls like Ran or Ayumi.

But if I'm Conan himself, I would choose Ran. Haibara is definitely a great girl who matches Conan a lot, but she makes a better friend than girlfriend. On the other hand, Ran is someone who chooses to always believe in him, and would accept his flaws, and well, will (probably, no definitely) forgive all his lies. For Conan/Shinichi, Ran would be the perfect girl. I hope Shinichi is perfect for her too though.

Also, for Haibara's sake, she should get someone better than the insensitive (how his character is designed) Conan. If both are secretive, the relationship won't work.
I might agree but you wanted to say she makes a better sister I guess and Haibara belived in him too she showed this a lot of times and I disagree that Ran is perfect I don't hate her but she isn't perfect and we haven't seen Conan and Ai as couple if this happened you would change your opinion because the only few romantic moments between them are so amazing

It's kinda hard for me to choose actually because of course I like both girls (thought not equally, since I stated my biased on Haibara). I guess I prefer Ran and Shinichi not because they're more suitable, more like I wanted Haibara to get someone better than Shinichi. Like, from the bottom of my heart, I want her to have someone who deserves her.
[And as much as I like Shinichi/Conan the tantei, I don't like them :P ]

Jun 26, 2016 9:07 PM

Aug 2012
therivergirl said:
Of course Ran !! She is the bravest , prettiest , most honest one .
I definitely like Ran a lot in Countdown to Heaven. Being brave at the right time is really great. Even Shinichi didn't thought of pulling it off :)

Jun 27, 2016 9:48 AM
Jun 2016
aa-dono said:
therivergirl said:
Of course Ran !! She is the bravest , prettiest , most honest one .
I definitely like Ran a lot in Countdown to Heaven. Being brave at the right time is really great. Even Shinichi didn't thought of pulling it off :)

Me too . I wonder why some of DC fans think that Ran is stupid . she is smart in my opinion .
Jun 27, 2016 9:27 PM

Aug 2012
therivergirl said:
aa-dono said:
I definitely like Ran a lot in Countdown to Heaven. Being brave at the right time is really great. Even Shinichi didn't thought of pulling it off :)

Me too . I wonder why some of DC fans think that Ran is stupid . she is smart in my opinion .

They forgot she's a 17 (or 16) year old who is not a biochemical genius or a deduction freak?

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