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Pages (4) « 1 [2] 3 4 »
Jul 25, 2009 1:56 AM

Sep 2008
Oh dear God I just could not express how much Mirai annoys me.
Jul 25, 2009 1:57 AM

May 2008
omg that was so creepy, very mch like real life too

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jul 25, 2009 1:57 AM

Apr 2008
this series somewhat boring somewhat good x_x cant decide

Jul 25, 2009 2:46 AM

Jan 2008
In regards to some people's comments saying that they were surprised by people shoving a kid. Well I assume you've never been in a huge crowd before... I was actually surprised by the calmness of it. IMO people weren't panicked enough, considering it is a natural disaster threatening their lives. Also, I still have no problem with Mirai... she fits a few teens her age that I know to the tee. I think they've done wonderful character development and depth in this show so far... if some people miss it, maybe it is just a bit too subtle for them.

Jul 25, 2009 2:50 AM

Jan 2008
Very good episode. It managed to get me engaged once more with the story and character development. The stampede had me worried there. Poor Yuuki going against the stream of people.
Jul 25, 2009 3:11 AM

Jan 2009
This anime is perfect, you can feel the desperation of the situation, of people, I never saw an anime that portray so well the reality.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 25, 2009 5:12 AM

Aug 2008
3rd boring episode in a row = dropped
Jul 25, 2009 5:39 AM

Jul 2008
Not a kid my ass, I mean, never does an extremely smart mouth help the situation but it is 10 times as useless in the situation that they are in. Let's see if Mirai will be able to become dependable enough to be able to look after herself. She might as well shape up or go jump off a collapsing bridge because she is acting like that is what she wants to do. Other than Mirai acting way beneath that of her kid brother, the episode carried emotions and intense moments in which you could feel the fear and panic.
Jul 25, 2009 6:05 AM

Jan 2008
Great episode, I liked it. Today, I learned a lot from this anime again.
Jul 25, 2009 6:12 AM

Jul 2009
To me it didn't really feel that much realistic, most of it was but somethings just weren't right. For example they know there are going to be aftershocks and the buildings may fall and it is more dangerous the longer you stay on the island but why is everybody so calm when walking, There are people who are pushing children but only walking, if they don't want to be slowed down why won't they run?

Here's a Cookie !!
Jul 25, 2009 6:15 AM
Anime Moderator
Grammar Queen

Jun 2008
very well done. quite a slow pace, but eh what's the rush?
p r o f i l e 👀
Jul 25, 2009 6:23 AM
Apr 2009
Good episode. I was laughing out loud sometimes though, about how over dramatic this is lol.

Like, the part where people pushed her away felt overreacted to me. I wouldn't know, but I know those 2 were probably ahead of me so I wouldn't freak out. The second weird part, they walk, then suddenly a woman screams, and fcking 300 people falls forward lolo, and of course she loses grip of the kid. Idk, I would have just waited till I see her cause I know thell be looking for her. I knew the ''search;'' ended in just a few seconds, but yet it seemed like a long family reunion when they met again : D

I didn't say I wouldn't act panicked, but that was just my first reaction when seeing it Lol.

Good episode. Mari owns.
Jul 25, 2009 6:54 AM

Nov 2007
TokyoNeonLight said:

And will somebody, who maybe went to Japan, explain to me how is it possible to have the signal for the news, but not the signal to make a simple call? Maybe I'm just not informed, or simply stupid.

They said it in episode 1, they are using 1seg
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Jul 25, 2009 7:56 AM

Oct 2008
I guess i was wrong in the previous thread, only took one episode to get off the island, not 2. Nice episode but hard to believe everyone passed the woman wiht a stroller and her crying kid.
Jul 25, 2009 1:17 PM

Jul 2008
DarK_BalteR said:

that was exactly what i said wen i saw this although i tried not to laugh xD

Jul 25, 2009 1:33 PM

Dec 2008
Pretty good episode overall, although I'm still not totally engaged in this series yet. I'll still keep watching, though. The really tense moments (e.g. on the boats) were very well down, however.

I have to agree with some people when it comes to the asses who yelled at Mirai for stopping or going slower. I mean, yeah, it's a crisis and people don't act the way they normally would, but to yell at a kid who's all alone after a huge earthquake? Hell, I'd help the kid, not yell at her.

As for people passing by that mother with the stroller and kid...I suppose you could argue diffusion of responsibility, but still, it's not exactly hard to stop for a minute to help a woman with her stroller >_> I don't know, but for me, I would like to think that I'd be more inclined to help people during times of crisis than normal.
Jul 25, 2009 2:54 PM

Jul 2008
Static said:
I was liek... WTF episode end?

So good i was completly sucked in.
Jul 25, 2009 7:06 PM

Nov 2007
I'm another who was shocked when the ending credits started -- the episode really flew by.

Just *thinking* about the situations the characters are in makes me feel a bit panicky, so I don't think any of their reactions have been over the top.

Mari's hint of fear (the shaking hand) was especially well done, I thought. And now we also know that her husband died ... interesting. I wonder what the circumstances were.

I'm more or less enjoying this series so far. It's not at the top of my list, but it's pretty solid, and with the episodes flying by, I definitely want to know what will happen next.

[avatar from Tales of the Abyss]
Jul 25, 2009 9:15 PM

Jun 2008
I was like WHWAT ?!?!? The episode ended. It's so good!! Each episode just gets better and better. 25 minutes went by like that*snaps*
And finally Mirai is being less of a brat. And yet again, the story with the actual facts. Are so well implemented. This show is by far the best one this summer. :D
And the characters feel like there actual humans. Even though they are anime characters. xD
oh and another thing
AddictedToAnime said:
DarK_BalteR said:

that was exactly what i said wen i saw this although i tried not to laugh xD

indeed. I laughed(a little bit), I mean why jump you baka, when you know you're not going to make it.
Bakka!! (excalibur like). He still got rescued by the other boat. Baka...
izzy92Jul 25, 2009 9:19 PM
Jul 26, 2009 2:37 AM

Sep 2008
izzy92 said:

AddictedToAnime said:
DarK_BalteR said:

that was exactly what i said wen i saw this although i tried not to laugh xD

indeed. I laughed(a little bit), I mean why jump you baka, when you know you're not going to make it.
Bakka!! (excalibur like). He still got rescued by the other boat. Baka...

That's 1 human nature - panic~~
Jul 26, 2009 4:13 AM

Jul 2009
TaisukeKanou said:
izzy92 said:

AddictedToAnime said:
DarK_BalteR said:

that was exactly what i said wen i saw this although i tried not to laugh xD

indeed. I laughed(a little bit), I mean why jump you baka, when you know you're not going to make it.
Bakka!! (excalibur like). He still got rescued by the other boat. Baka...

That's 1 human nature - panic~~

The other funny thing about it is that nobody helped him after his jump even when he was still clinging on to it. They just watched and left him to fall into the water >.<, there seemed to be plenty of room still on the boat too. lol.

( . )( . ) o.O ..
Jul 26, 2009 5:30 AM

Sep 2008
Good episode, Mari seems like she is scared but she's hiding it, and Mirai is still kind of reluctant to accept her help.
Jul 26, 2009 10:39 AM

Mar 2009
DarK_BalteR said:
TaisukeKanou said:
izzy92 said:

AddictedToAnime said:
DarK_BalteR said:

that was exactly what i said wen i saw this although i tried not to laugh xD

indeed. I laughed(a little bit), I mean why jump you baka, when you know you're not going to make it.
Bakka!! (excalibur like). He still got rescued by the other boat. Baka...

That's 1 human nature - panic~~

The only realistic element in this episode.
Jul 26, 2009 11:50 AM

Dec 2008
Why call him stupid for trying to jump on a boat? It's summer, it's not like he loses anything by getting himself wet. Of course, him failing made me laugh quite a lot; especially how people were like SHOCKED that he tried to jump on the boat, as if it's unbelievable, that was funny.

Boring episode, I would have loved being on their boat at the end though, the waves seemed fun.
「Godspeed You! Black Emperor」
Jul 26, 2009 12:22 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Damn, that's crazy.

Not a situation I wanna be in.

[edit]: @pic: Another failure the anime community is.




[H+] ³  
Jul 26, 2009 3:37 PM

Sep 2007
A couple things felt off about the episode, like why people seemed so calm or why people were so unfriendly at an extreme level, but otherwise I really liked the episode. Passed really quickly and like others said, I was surprised when the ED came on too.

Oh and:

cyruz said:
[edit]: @pic: Another failure the anime community is.
Jul 26, 2009 3:38 PM

Nov 2008
Very nice episode.. brung me to tears a bit with all the emotions going around as everything was breaking down in front of their faces.. definitely one of the best animes this season

Also.. I don't think It's a valid argument saying Mirai's a Jerk and whatnot.. we really don't know much about her past except the fact she doesn't really respect her parents, theres always a reason so I think we should stop being hasty about Mirai

Jul 26, 2009 3:42 PM

Sep 2008
Awesome indeed. Another great episode. Man, this is by far my favorite anime this whole year. It keeps getting intense and intense. I love it.
Jul 26, 2009 5:38 PM

Feb 2009
First 3 epds were pretty good, mirai still annoying at times no doubt. I really like mari's optimism, dunno if I could be so calm in a time like that.
Jul 26, 2009 6:05 PM

Dec 2007
this is now the best show of the season
Jul 26, 2009 6:46 PM

Aug 2008
Tekky99 said:
this is now the best show of the season

One can argue. I'm liking Bakemonogatari more.

But this is still a great show. I HATE little bitch nose girl. She can go die. I just wanna jump into the anime and slap her a good hundred times, drop kick her off a building, get that chicks motorbike, run her over a couple of times then leave her bleeding in a building as it collapses on her.

Jul 26, 2009 9:17 PM

Jan 2008
Jul 26, 2009 9:25 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
Although predictable (every time they said to hold hands tight, it was obvious they'd get separated), it didn't change the fact that I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I blinked in shock when the ED came on.

I have to wonder if most of the people who hate Mirai so much don't just see themselves in her. Teenagers are like that (as anyone who is no longer a teenager can attest to), especially teenage girls who don't get along with their parents and are forced to look after their brothers :P I'm sure by the end of the show, she's going to have grown up a lot. She's the perfect protagonist for this kind of show.

The people's lack of courtesy didn't surprise me. Their lack of stealing things from the mall to eat, drink, fulfill their greed, etc. did though.

Iriya said:
Oh and:
cyruz said:
[edit]: @pic: Another failure the anime community is.
x 3
Jul 26, 2009 11:07 PM

Jul 2008
Now in my favorites.

I think they're foreshadowing Yuuki's death. Him getting lost is going to get him killed eventually.
Jul 27, 2009 12:57 AM

Jan 2008
Kineta said:

I have to wonder if most of the people who hate Mirai so much don't just see themselves in her. Teenagers are like that (as anyone who is no longer a teenager can attest to), especially teenage girls who don't get along with their parents and are forced to look after their brothers :P I'm sure by the end of the show, she's going to have grown up a lot. She's the perfect protagonist for this kind of show.

The people's lack of courtesy didn't surprise me. Their lack of stealing things from the mall to eat, drink, fulfill their greed, etc. did though.

My thoughts exactly.

Also, I think some of the people that hate her so much are judging on a purely shallow level. There are a lot of bits in the show that hint towards deeper reasoning for her actions.

Jul 27, 2009 6:45 AM

Dec 2008
Kineta said:
The people's lack of courtesy didn't surprise me. Their lack of stealing things from the mall to eat, drink, fulfill their greed, etc. did though.

Didn't surprise me a bit. People were stealing clothes and jewelry in Florida when Katrina was going to say hi. Here it's food/drinks, and since it'd probably go to waste/expire anyway, especially if the island sinks, you can barely consider it shocking compared to what can happen.

Already explained my view on Mirai back in episode 1, and I won't bother with people still hating her for being a teenager and acting like her age even though I wasn't alone trying to explain to them why the fuck it's the case.
「Godspeed You! Black Emperor」
Jul 27, 2009 10:20 AM

Apr 2008
Time seems to fly by when I watch this series. I'm not a fan of the character designs, but the story is so engrossing and realistic that the episode ends too quickly for me. I'm really liking it so far.
Jul 27, 2009 10:24 AM

Dec 2008
Geez throughout the whole episode I had tears in my eyes. What an emotional roller coaster.

I like how a lot of us including me is feeling this "What?! It's over already?!" moment when the episode ends :) Really goes to show you if an anime is done right...

P.S. Every time I vote on the poll, I get a bit confused for a few seconds because it's like...Am I allowed to love this episode even if it's about earthquake/aftershocks and people dying? Then I have to remind myself it's an anime XD
robbydesuJul 27, 2009 10:30 AM
Jul 27, 2009 11:28 AM

Jul 2008
This episode was way too short.

This anime is really good, and I especially love the interaction of Mari and Mirai. Troughout the episode I was just thinking that there needs to be a moment where Mari needs some comforting and I was wondering how Mirai then reacts... and then BAM the last scene when Mari held Mirais shaking hand and said "Thank you". That was just wonderful and showed that Mirai build up some trust into Mari.

I love this show.
Jul 27, 2009 2:01 PM

Mar 2009
Mari: Mirai, please do this?
Mirai: NO!!!
Yuuki's sad
*something happens as Mari said*
Mirai does the thing
Yuuki's happy.

Mari: Mirai, please do this?
Mirai: Eh, NO!!!
Yuuki's sad
*again something happens as Mari had said*
Mirai realises that's she's dumb.
Yuuki's happy.
Jul 27, 2009 6:37 PM

May 2008
I'm loving this....the realism, the emotions, the suspense.... Best of the Season!
Jul 27, 2009 9:19 PM

Mar 2009
Tenori said:
I'm loving this....the realism, the emotions, the suspense.... Best of the Season!

Agreed. When I first heard of this series I wasn't expecting too much but now, after the 2nd and 3rd episodes, I am hooked.
It Is Excellent!!
Jul 27, 2009 10:25 PM
Oct 2008
Kineta said:
Although predictable (every time they said to hold hands tight, it was obvious they'd get separated), it didn't change the fact that I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I blinked in shock when the ED came on.

I have to wonder if most of the people who hate Mirai so much don't just see themselves in her. Teenagers are like that (as anyone who is no longer a teenager can attest to), especially teenage girls who don't get along with their parents and are forced to look after their brothers :P I'm sure by the end of the show, she's going to have grown up a lot. She's the perfect protagonist for this kind of show.

The people's lack of courtesy didn't surprise me. Their lack of stealing things from the mall to eat, drink, fulfill their greed, etc. did though.

Iriya said:
Oh and:
cyruz said:
[edit]: @pic: Another failure the anime community is.
x 3

This is true, this is pretty much a realistic view of a young teenager. At times I could even predict what Mirai's response would be just because at one point I went through a phase where I probably would have responded the same way she has in some of these situations xD. So I can't say I have an all out hate towards Mirai because I can relate to her on some level and understand why she responds the way she does even though I may not like it now. I predict that she'll mature as the series goes on given how she was towards the end of the episode.

I guess I can see how some would think the responses and the lack of courtesy would be unrealistic because I don't think most of those that have commented have been in a disaster. I know the feeling I got from watching this was the exact feeling I had during Katrina, so I'm not really surprised at how others are acting. While I doubt the lack of courtesy would go to the extreme shown in this episode, there are some people who really are just irritable during a time of crisis and don't care who they are pushing out of the way as long as they are safe.

I was also surprised though that no one was raiding the stores but I guess that was because some of them where giving food away where as with Katrina, many where in areas where they didn't get relief for days due to slow response or the stores where closed and contained a large amount of spoiled food.
Jul 28, 2009 12:39 AM
Jul 2009
Hato-kun said:
Tekky99 said:
this is now the best show of the season

One can argue. I'm liking Bakemonogatari more.

But this is still a great show. I HATE little bitch nose girl. She can go die. I just wanna jump into the anime and slap her a good hundred times, drop kick her off a building, get that chicks motorbike, run her over a couple of times then leave her bleeding in a building as it collapses on her.

woah that's some serious hate there.

I wouldn't compare Bakemonogatari with Tokyo Magnitude as they're from completely different genres but admittedly, Bakem is my favorite so far this season.
Jul 28, 2009 5:13 AM

Jan 2008
Good god, that was quite intense.
Jul 28, 2009 5:32 AM

Jun 2008
TaisukeKanou said:
izzy92 said:

AddictedToAnime said:
DarK_BalteR said:

that was exactly what i said wen i saw this although i tried not to laugh xD

indeed. I laughed(a little bit), I mean why jump you baka, when you know you're not going to make it.
Bakka!! (excalibur like). He still got rescued by the other boat. Baka...

That's 1 human nature - panic~~

I never considered it a fail except that he missed. I'm actually surprised by the relative calmness of the population after such a major natural disaster. One would envision panic and anarchy just to get off the island and onto the boats. I'm also a bit shocked by the lack of those who can swim, or know how to swim, to get into the river and start paddling to the other side.
What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?

Jul 28, 2009 8:39 AM

Dec 2008
^Yep, although it can be dangerous if a bridge crumbles on you, but you just have to stay in the open to lessen the chances of it happening.

About the woman trembling at the end of the episode, maybe it's simply because she's not a good swimmer? She knows that if that wave flipped the boat over, she wouldn't be able to do anything for the kids, and that freaked her out.

She wouldn't show that when getting simply on a boat, since it's the best way to the other side, but facing that wave and barely surviving it (if it's the case), it ended up being a horrible experience for her.

Or simply she thought she was about to die (waves aren't nice if they're that strong) and never see her brat again, heh. That'd be less interesting as the plot develops though, since not knowing how to swim can make things turn for the worst, and it'd be funner ):
「Godspeed You! Black Emperor」
Jul 28, 2009 10:26 AM
Jun 2008
This episode was awesome!
I was sure that Mari was afraid as well, but she was hiding it. And as a lot of us thought, Mirai is beginning to show some feelings.

Wut? Tokyo tower collapsed??? I wanted to go there... =P
Jul 28, 2009 8:46 PM

May 2009
I don't understand the hate on Mirai. To me she's just like any other child.
I loved this episode, i got really worried about the people who fell in the river...
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