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Jul 5, 2015 6:08 AM

Dec 2012
Hunter x Hunter? Huh?
Jul 5, 2015 6:32 AM

Aug 2011
Excluding sequels and spring leftovers, this is the best summer anime in my opinion.

The characters aren't stupidly annoying and the MC is funny and tough

Great pacing for a first episode, with character intros, explanation on the demons and the beast spear, and a great piece of action.

This had more volumes than Parasyte, so the adaptation might be rushed or have more episodes.

I will watch this for the next 38 episodes.
Jul 5, 2015 6:36 AM

Sep 2011
As a fan of the manga (and of any of Kazuhiro Fujita's other series, actually) I'm completely satisfied with this first episode.
Kind of sad we'll "only" have 39 episodes, adapting 300+ chapters, but since the chances of Ushio & Tora EVER being made into an anime were basically non-existent in my opinion I'll just shut up and enjoy what we've got with all my heart:)
But all the clocks in the city
Began to whirr and chime:
'O let not Time deceive you,
You cannot conquer Time.
Jul 5, 2015 6:52 AM

Nov 2008
Fujita worked on script, there'll be small changes to fit into this 39 episodes. There were a talk that they actually wanted to fully cover the manga, but the author itself was good with the idea of cutting some things. He decided what will go into anime and what not, so this should be a quality adaptation nonetheless of the length.

Love the metal opening, love Tora also great visuals and ost. This is some pretty badass retro shounen action here. Looking forward to more.
Jul 5, 2015 7:06 AM

Sep 2014
HOLY FUCKING SHITE! This Anime. Man, this Anime. What can I say? I got freaking goosebumps watching this episode. Reminds me of the good ol' days when I used to look forward to watching Hokuto no Ken, Yu Yu Hakusho, Samurai X and others. Great stuff! Can't wait to see more.
Jul 5, 2015 7:12 AM
Apr 2013
Based Mappa. Garo was GOAT and I have high expections for this adaptation.
Jul 5, 2015 7:13 AM

Dec 2012
That's one charming anime I have to say. Really, really liking the art style & the old anime vibe to it. Though the writing was not that great.

Flawfinder said:
The action kinda sucks. They cut away from showing Ushio and Tora actually hitting anything, going straight to the aftermath in the final climax, and the monsters went down too easy for my taste. I know this is just the first episode and all so the latter can be excused, but the former?

I was kind of disappointed too about the fight scene. I thought it would be so epic & full of purple blood splattered all over. But seeing the opening, I think we can expect a much cooler enemies & action in the future.
I like anime.
Jul 5, 2015 7:43 AM
Jul 2018
AWW YES 80's style and great direction. I really like this show's intense energy. All hail MAPPA
Jul 5, 2015 8:08 AM

Apr 2014
I praise MAPPA for sticking with the 90's style. Since it's difficult to make new character designs for temple themed anime.
The OP song and animation was good and it's retro and I really miss those styles once in a while. And the ED song was just fine.
It's really good they adapted chapter 0 for the first episode without rushing. And I'm definitely looking forward to watch it every week.
It's just too bad I won't be watching it same day as Japan because fucking CrunchyRoll delays it for 2 days!!!
Haters always gonna hate.
Jul 5, 2015 8:09 AM
Mar 2014
Not a big fan of the OP, the ED is pretty good.

Solid introduction episode i like it so far.
Jul 5, 2015 9:49 AM

Jun 2013
Wow! Im really glad i decided to give this a chance, this first episode was amazing! :)
Jul 5, 2015 10:28 AM

Jun 2015
Enjoyed the episode, though I feel a little annoyed coz of Ushio's voice, but he definitely suits the role. Looking forward to the next!

Jul 5, 2015 11:07 AM

Jul 2013
Based MAPPA.
Still, being a newfag I hope this isn't episodic.
Jul 5, 2015 11:44 AM

Jun 2013
Jul 5, 2015 11:55 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
that was so incredibly retro. Felt like those early shounens which is waht I suppose they were going for. Gonna keep watching this one a bit longer to see where it leads. I hope it has a decent story.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jul 5, 2015 11:57 AM

Jun 2013
oh god i'm in love with the old art style it's so nostalgic of old series
Jul 5, 2015 12:15 PM

Nov 2012
Pretty good start,

This is very shounen-y (though it is from a shounen manga from the 90s afterall).

Generally dislike shounen anime,but actually liked this so far.
Jul 5, 2015 1:46 PM

Aug 2009
I really enjoyed this, and the choise of art style is spot on, and that ED is great :D
Jul 5, 2015 2:01 PM

Mar 2015
Much better than expected and the art looks nice too, clean looking retro style. Super excited for the rest of this season's comedy lineup as this and the others have really impressed me.
Jul 5, 2015 2:37 PM

Dec 2014
Amazing first episode. I love how nostalgic this anime feels, way different from the generic moe art style a lot of anime have these days.

This anime may not be popular, because people don't respect series like this anymore. They love ecchi/school-life/harem anime, with lolis, boobs and pantsu.

Very refreshing stuff this anime gave us. Can't wait for One-Punch Man to also show up these generic otaku anime
Jul 5, 2015 2:57 PM

Jan 2013
That was awesome ! Can't wait for the next ep !
Jul 5, 2015 3:30 PM
Jul 2018
That was very cool and like everyone I love the nostalgic feeling it gives. The art is a little weak but it's an old manga and I like the fact they kept the art as it is, makes it even better imo. The OP was seriously awesome too.
Jul 5, 2015 3:47 PM

Feb 2013
Love everything about this. The opening gets you pumped af!
Jul 5, 2015 4:02 PM

Jul 2009
Finally! After all this years we got solid, action packed shounen, without pantyshot every second take, and titshot in between.
Jul 5, 2015 5:30 PM

Apr 2012
oldschool feeling...liked the first episode. art wasnt that bad like some ppl say.. but it wasnt that good either like some ppl praying .....
Jul 5, 2015 6:43 PM

Oct 2014
babymimi said:
r0ykun said:
To be honest, this doesn't seem that outdated as some people are saying. The action scenes were extremely fluid, loved it. The character designs are a little ugly but I can deal with it cause this was very HxH.

Ushio looks more like an Hajime no Ippo character imo.

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thought so. I was thinking that the entire time.
Jul 5, 2015 6:46 PM

Aug 2011
MAPPA delivering that "classic feel". I like it.
Glad this is in for a longer haul.
Jul 5, 2015 7:23 PM

Jan 2011
first time ever hearing about this the art style is a little ugly but watchable kinda reminded me of HxH just not as cleaned up,in fact it's really just Ushio that's ugly as fuck looks like a middle-schooler with the face of a 30year old.

but hey i ant got nothing wrong with some old school anime i liked it glad it's gonna be on for a while

all i could think watching the op was I AM SHOCK! from gintama just because it's so 90s
Jul 5, 2015 7:23 PM

Oct 2013
Shingeki no Bahamut, Garo & now this, MAPPA continues to impress!

Don't mind the old school style, nor would I mind if it'd be more modernized. Not gonna objectively praise it nor look down on it simply because it's old school. I'm way more interested in what it has to offer content-wise. But there seems to be some hidden gem potential right here, so I do hope it reaches it.

For now, looking forward for some good dynamics between Ushio & Tora!
Jul 5, 2015 7:51 PM

Feb 2012
This might be first MAPPA anime that I enjoy. Watching this makes me feel like I'm 12 again.
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Jul 5, 2015 7:58 PM

Aug 2012
MAPPA makes it happen again. They seem to be striving to be the most experimental studio right now, and so far they haven't let me down so I'm strapped in for this one. I love the feel, the backgrounds, the OST, the crisp art. Animation I thought was fluid but the action did feel a bit lazy. Not worried though, since it's three cour we could see some Garo/Bahamut level fights.
Jul 5, 2015 9:04 PM
Jun 2013
I think it would be better with quicker pacing and less comedy scenes but ok I guess. I didn't find much of it funny but I do think the monster is intriguing...hopefully the fight scenes get a bit better too. Moving >>> still shots...
Jul 5, 2015 9:26 PM

Nov 2010
Hmm, i could see myself watching this every week. the start was good enough.
Jul 5, 2015 10:10 PM

Dec 2014
Solid episode. Love the old school feel, it's nice to see more manga from the 90's getting anime adaptations.
aconiteJul 5, 2015 10:16 PM
Jul 5, 2015 10:17 PM

Jan 2015
Good first episode. Does anyone know how much of the manga they plan on adapting through these three cours?
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Jul 5, 2015 10:31 PM

Feb 2010
Really nice artstyle, looks like Ippo merged with HxH 2011.

Does someone know how much chapter they poured into this first ep?

I liked a lot HxH 2011 by MADHOUSE, well, you can't dislike it with this story and those characters, but I felt like the pacing was a bit too fast to my taste, like "this is a pure adaptation by madhouse, yes, US, who gave you Death Note, so watch this super long shounen without filler and without slow pacing !!!"

except that the slow pacing can sometime helps to convey feelings, same for Parasyte, it was very rushed, the part that shocked me the most was with

so since those are the old madhouse guys who did the awesome adaptation of Ippo and the guys from DN, FMA and DBZ script, I hope he understand that being too fast paced is not that good.

“Read as little as possible of critical or aesthetic works. They are either products of a close-minded spirit, petrified and devoid of meaning in their lifeless hardening, or clever verbal games [...]. Works of art are of an infinite solitude; nothing is worse than criticism for approaching them. Only love can grasp them, keep them, be just toward them. Always give precedence to your own feeling against these analyses, these reviews, these introductions. [...] You must let every impression, every seed of feeling, ripen within you, in the dark, in the inexpressible, in the unconscious, those regions closed to understanding. Wait with humility and patience for the hour of the birth of a new clarity. Art demands of its faithful followers as much as of its creators.”
— RAINER-MARIA Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet (letter dated April 23, 1903).
Jul 6, 2015 1:20 AM

Dec 2013
Harrymanhunter said:
HOLY FUCKING SHITE! This Anime. Man, this Anime. What can I say? I got freaking goosebumps watching this episode. Reminds me of the good ol' days when I used to look forward to watching Hokuto no Ken, Yu Yu Hakusho, Samurai X and others. Great stuff! Can't wait to see more.

^^^^ + 1 Thiss , And This episode made me laugh so mcuh too . Really Solid episode ....
Jul 6, 2015 2:28 AM

Jan 2011
Eremes said:

Does someone know how much chapter they poured into this first ep?
Just the prologue, chapter 0, with a bit of school stuff added for padding.
Jul 6, 2015 2:33 AM

Jun 2014
This was a really good first episode.
In manages to introduce all importan plot points while still being fun and exciting.
Jul 6, 2015 3:48 AM
Mar 2010
Wonderful first episode!

For people complaining about the art, that's how it's gonna be for the full 39 episodes so if you can't stand it you may as well drop it. But please, just because it's old style, don't call it 'terrible'.

Check out the News Club for daily rankings, discussion on future CD and BD releases, manga and novels. New members are welcome!
Jul 6, 2015 4:20 AM

Aug 2014
90s anime-style ftw! Clearly better than most of the series aired in this season!
Awesome OP song! Character design may looked weird, but have its own charm! This one's a keeper!

Also, how refreshing to hear Koyama's voice in non-charismatic way in Tora! I didn't even realized it was him the first time watching this! Inoue looks more attractive in this too. Dat lovely voice!
Jul 6, 2015 5:00 AM

Oct 2009
I loved the manga ( it's one of my favorites of all the times ) and this first episode looks awesome, the retro feeling is perfect and the art looks great ( they have mantained the style of Fujita-sensei! ).
I'm really hyped for this, it's one of the few manga that made me cry at the end 15 years ago and that still moves me every time that I read it.

For those who are complaining about the art I have only one suggestion: watch this anime till the end, trust me, it's not the usual shounen, the story behind it it's unique and if you love Japan it's impossible to hate it.
Jul 6, 2015 5:21 AM

Sep 2013
I started reading the manga and watching the new anime simultaneously, seems kind of silly but so far I have much enjoyed both of them. I'll go on reading the manga while waiting for the anime weekly.

And just my two cents regarding the (mis)usage of the (buzz)word "edgy" to describe elements from a 90's manga negatively - It's fucking stupid.
Jul 6, 2015 6:23 AM
Feb 2011
Well I usually dislike battle shounens so I wonder how it'll be with this one.
So far I enjoyed the 1st episode and the main character is likeable. Now I just wanna see some battles and how good will they be.
Also loved the character designs and art style in general.
dfsafsafJul 6, 2015 6:28 AM
Jul 6, 2015 6:57 AM

Apr 2014
Eremes said:
Really nice artstyle, looks like Ippo merged with HxH 2011.

Does someone know how much chapter they poured into this first ep?

I liked a lot HxH 2011 by MADHOUSE, well, you can't dislike it with this story and those characters, but I felt like the pacing was a bit too fast to my taste, like "this is a pure adaptation by madhouse, yes, US, who gave you Death Note, so watch this super long shounen without filler and without slow pacing !!!"

MAPPA is working on this series. Not Madhouse.
Jul 6, 2015 9:17 AM

Aug 2014
Really loved the first episode! I thought it was refreshing, I really love the whole 90s vibe into it, and I understand that some people here don't like that.
Jul 6, 2015 12:55 PM

Dec 2011
Because its different from the usual modern anime we'll get a whole bunch of whiners trying to shit all over it no matter how good or bad it really is. Some people just can't accept that not every anime will cater to them. Just the way it goes.
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Jul 6, 2015 4:35 PM

Jan 2014
LayedBack said:
Because its different from the usual modern anime we'll get a whole bunch of whiners trying to shit all over it no matter how good or bad it really is. Some people just can't accept that not every anime will cater to them. Just the way it goes.

And we will also have a whole bunch of people come in and praise the shit out of it just because its different from the usual modern anime no matter how good or bad it really is. Some people just can't accept that everyone can have their own preferences or voice their own differing opinions. Just the way it goes.

On Topic: Decent first episode, not willing to commit just yet, will give it 2 more episodes.
I love Christine

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness." - Henry David Thoreau

Jul 6, 2015 10:55 PM
Nov 2012
I think I still have the 90s OVA on VHS somewhere in my house. From what I remember of it, this first episode was almost exactly the same minus a few small additions that I don't remember in the old series.

If this follows the old series (and presumably the manga) then I'll probably drop it. I remember the OVA getting pretty boring after 2-3 episodes.
Jul 6, 2015 10:59 PM

Jan 2013
No one cares about someone likes or hates, just don't use shit logic to shit on or don't whine for you got shitted on for using shit logic.
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