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May 24, 2015 7:22 AM

Nov 2011
Surprisingly tame episode in some ways in the present storyline. Now that the girls are united to help Yuuji...I think it'll take them well thought planning.

One of the most important parts of this episode imo showed the aftermath when Kazuki was younger in the forest. Turns out that more shit went down there even though she tried to stop it. Glad to see she survived that actual encounter though.
Stark700May 24, 2015 10:41 AM
May 24, 2015 10:40 AM

Oct 2010
Love the new outfits for the girls. That Angelic Howl aftermath flashback sure was brutal. That Yuuji clone at the end though. Red eyes and white hair makes him look more related to Kazuki lolz.
May 24, 2015 10:46 AM

Aug 2013
Great episode again.
May 24, 2015 10:51 AM

Jan 2012
Well now we know the rest of the story of Amane's class. Poor Kazuki, she survives all that and still becomes a computer system or whatever. So what happened to her physical body I wonder...incinerated? Oh also Michiru was quite the butt monkey during the first half.
May 24, 2015 10:52 AM

Jun 2014
Damn they turned his sister into a machine?!?!
Now thats messed up.. And whuuuut, that Yuuji clone o-o..
Another great episode!
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May 24, 2015 11:03 AM
Jul 2018
ElKiddoLoco said:
Damn they turned his sister into a machine?!?!
Now thats messed up.. And whuuuut, that Yuuji clone o-o..
Another great episode!

Yuuji's clone has red eyes and silver hair, just like his sister. I wonder if this is just Yuuji's clone.
May 24, 2015 11:14 AM

Feb 2015
So the love is really for all girls, Lucky Yuuji lol (PICK YUMIKO SHE THE DA BEST GIRL)
The whole scene with the girls attacking/killing each other was damn brutal, as for the whole machine, I got that from season 1 with the whole hint that her head was missing, but I didn't think she really lived through it.

Really loved this episode
May 24, 2015 11:28 AM

Jan 2009
Episode felt a little rushed to me for some reason, but it wasn't a bad episode.
May 24, 2015 11:37 AM

Apr 2012
Yeah, they removed a lot from the novel as always....

And that ending, so many spoilers XD
May 24, 2015 11:39 AM

Jul 2014
Geez, and I thought that the stuff from Angelic Howl couldn't possibly get any worse, but of course it did. It was crazy how they just started killing each other like that, but really not surprising given the circumstances.

Also, this show sure knows how to end on a shocking twist doesn't it? I did not expect Oslo to have a Yuuji clone hanging around with him, and it's even more surprising that the clone has Kazuki's hair colour and eye colour.
May 24, 2015 11:40 AM

May 2013
Cool that we get to see what happened to Kazuki. Sucks that she basically became a machine.
May 24, 2015 12:02 PM

Mar 2015
It was a well done episode. That ending piqued my interest even more.
May 24, 2015 12:36 PM

Jan 2014
May 24, 2015 12:40 PM

Feb 2013
I was always curious about what happened after Angelic Howl but damn...

And also the music that played when clone Yuuji showed up was super badass. Chills.
May 24, 2015 12:44 PM

Apr 2015
Good episode. I originally trusted the teacher back when I played Angelic Howl. (Despite his scummy looks I wanted to believe in him and felt disappointed when he really really lost it) So I'm glad that he decided to atone for what he had done. Even to go as far to make it look like he was just a nutty killer.
The Yumiko thing with the "do u like Yuuji" thing was eh. Idk why I was groaning at that part. Maybe because of how she got singled out of all of the girls. That and the Grisaia group really had more a family feel especially in the VN. (excluding them wanting to bang him anyways but thats eroge for you)
Yuuji: Normal sibling but a bit strange
Makina: Energetic Sibling
Michiru: Silly Sibling
Amane: Big Sister
Yumiko: Reserved Sibling
Sachi: Eccentric Sibling
That and for the Rakuen ending
YuzurynMay 24, 2015 12:54 PM
May 24, 2015 1:05 PM

Apr 2014
More Kazuki history

Did they have permission to just remove Kazuki's brain and install it into an organic computer?

That Yuuji clone at the end O.O

This series just keeps getting better and better
OrangeJPMay 24, 2015 1:17 PM

May 24, 2015 1:17 PM

Apr 2014
Ho...this episode is dark.
Kazuki's tells what happen after Amane escape.
So Kazuki no longer have a physical form?
Going to be sad if Kazuki lose her physical form...and her favorite food is Yuuji..Ok...
The girls planing on saving Yuuji...I believe the caller is Kazuki herself, yes?
Can't wait to see if I'm correct or not ahaha.
May 24, 2015 1:20 PM
Jul 2018
It was good to know what had happened after Amane's escape.

Poor Kazuki, she got turned into a machine.
May 24, 2015 2:06 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Cut out a bit from the VN there but I guess it turned out pretty well anyway

Slowly but surely getting into the really weird parts of Rakuen though lol
May 24, 2015 2:15 PM

Oct 2013
Alright somebody please spoil this for me in a mesage or something

May 24, 2015 2:23 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
FrozenRemains said:
Alright somebody please spoil this for me in a mesage or something

If you really have to know
May 24, 2015 2:29 PM

Oct 2013
HaXXspetten said:
FrozenRemains said:
Alright somebody please spoil this for me in a mesage or something

If you really have to know

I think im gonna go read the VN from start.

But to do that,i have to find it first.
May 24, 2015 2:37 PM

Feb 2014
They finally explained what happened after Amane left... well, it went as I expected, everyone basically killed themselves.

Kazuki contacted the girls ohhhh, this will be a perfect team so hyped!

Oh what the fuck, that Oslo guy is so fucked up dude! He created his own fucking Yuuji... can the real Yuuji just kill him already. That guy pisses me off so much.
May 24, 2015 3:11 PM

Dec 2011
Good episode as usual.
That flashback was really brutal. I wonder how Kazuki could survive through it without going crazy or something like that.

The ending though....

It's a bit shame that they changed the ED, I really liked the old one.
alcrowryMay 24, 2015 3:14 PM
May 24, 2015 3:13 PM

Feb 2009
Poor Kazuki :(

May 24, 2015 3:55 PM

Nov 2014
Kazuki is such a horrifying, abusive person... what she did to Yuuji was/is worse than anything their parents or Heath Oslo could have done because she shaped his values and ways of looking at himself and twisted them all to amuse and please herself. Even after everything else Yuuji went through, and after learning to stand up for himself and beginning to gain inner strength (if not satisfaction- two different things) he falls immediately back into the same pattern of subordination and fetish-anticipation/fulfillment with her, whereas when confronted with Oslo he was at least conflicted and highly disturbed.

And now, instead of only having the power to make individuals like Yuuji & their parents, or the bus accident kids, into her toys, The Government™ has decided to give her the power to make the whole world her bitch. Seriously, don't evil scientists bother with psychological profiling any more? Pffft. Color me unimpressed.
Quality Queen.
May 24, 2015 3:58 PM

Oct 2013
Still gotta love the siblings YuujixKazuki=Unstoppable siblings

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May 24, 2015 4:04 PM

Oct 2013
RAWRfizzz said:
Kazuki is such a horrifying, abusive person... what she did to Yuuji was/is worse than anything their parents or Heath Oslo could have done because she shaped his values and ways of looking at himself and twisted them all to amuse and please herself. Even after everything else Yuuji went through, and after learning to stand up for himself and beginning to gain inner strength (if not satisfaction- two different things) he falls immediately back into the same pattern of subordination and fetish-anticipation/fulfillment with her, whereas when confronted with Oslo he was at least conflicted and highly disturbed.

And now, instead of only having the power to make individuals like Yuuji & their parents, or the bus accident kids, into her toys, The Government™ has decided to give her the power to make the whole world her bitch. Seriously, don't evil scientists bother with psychological profiling any more? Pffft. Color me unimpressed.
come man she was more of a parent to him then there actual parents, maybe what you're saying is true(in your opinion) but Kazuki thought yuuji what must be done when you're in a tight spot.

P.S. no hate on my comment on this.
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May 24, 2015 5:09 PM

Apr 2015
Good episode as always! I really loved Kazuki even though she became a computer :P
If you come to japan you can board a house-style boat which yumiko bought.
MisuzuChinMay 25, 2015 1:46 AM
May 24, 2015 5:19 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Yaaaay, more Kazuki greatness :D Gotta say though, it's pretty sad how she kinda died but at least she gets to live on (Sort of) Her personality hasn't changed a bit lol

Not much happened in this episode rather than the flashback (Which tried to make those students look less crazy but they're all still a bunch of psychopathic murderers) but I enjoyed the little talk that the gang had with Thanatos

Shit will probably get real from here on now that Yuuji is on the move to kill Oslo and Oslo and Fake Yuuji wanting to capture, kill and experiment on Yuuji
May 24, 2015 5:49 PM

Aug 2013
Great episode, I found that much information would only be shown more forward, but the plot is developing well

Michiru increasingly rising in my concept, but still not the best girl, I hope Amane appear a little more, I look forward for the next episodes ..
May 24, 2015 7:38 PM

Apr 2015
born2biscuit said:
Did you guys see that piece of fried fish they were eating it was shaped like a marijuana leaf

Yeah it looked so, but marijuana is not allowed in Japan xD I guess it was a maple leaf.
MisuzuChinMay 25, 2015 1:50 AM
May 24, 2015 7:42 PM

Oct 2013
pretty good episode nice to see what happened in the forest after amane left and yumiko saying she loves yuuji in front of everyone was nice :D
May 24, 2015 7:48 PM

Oct 2012
The rest of angelic howl was terrifying :/ And the clone of Yuuji :/

:/ :/ :/ (my face during the entire episode)

At least now I am motivated to complete the VN
May 24, 2015 8:48 PM

Jan 2011
Great episode! Seeing the girls work together is really nice. Even better seeing Yumiko admit to all the girls that she loves Yuuji; that was pretty cute. xD Finding out that Kazuki became the Thanatos System and what actually happened after Amane left was pretty crazy. The few surviving girls at the time were insane and literally broken. At least Kazuki and Yuuji were finally able to reunite despite the situation. Kazuki contacting the 5 girls seems logical too. Geezus, I didn't expect the Yuuji clone at the end though. x_x
May 24, 2015 8:53 PM

Jun 2014
shit is getting weird lol
May 24, 2015 9:42 PM

Aug 2013
who's that Yuuji in the end? fffuu
I thought that post-Angelic Howl event would be more brutal, but well it's ok
May 24, 2015 10:25 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
TheBlckJoker said:
Still gotta love the siblings YuujixKazuki=Unstoppable siblings

May 24, 2015 10:35 PM

Jan 2013
Finally got the conclusion to Kazuki's backstory. Too bad she doesn't have a physical body anymore. Good episode though
May 24, 2015 11:13 PM

May 2013
Yumiko admitted it! Haha! That was so cute of her. I guess their mission on saving Yuuji begins with the help of Kazuki.
So that's what happened in the continuation of the Angelic Howl. That's so awesomely brutal. They again killed each other. Thanatos was created using her brain. And now there's a clone of Yuuji. I'm lost in words by that.
I so want the two VN to be translated immediately!
May 24, 2015 11:55 PM

Dec 2013
Geez, immortal robby has done everything hasn't he? O_O
May 25, 2015 12:13 AM
Nov 2013
Very good episode. I like where this is going, especially the darker atmosphere. The comedy with the girls was also spot on as usual. Kazuki backstory was very gut wrenching, god I feel so bad for everyone in that situation. But it's good to know that Kazuki is alive, but as a computer program.
May 25, 2015 12:25 AM

Apr 2014
Awesome episode once again. 8-bit has managed to impress me very very much. 4 episodes left though, let's see how they will handle this.
May 25, 2015 12:30 AM

May 2012
i really do like this series, the general concept is interesting and i like it, but the execution is awful... in my personal opinion... and i have no idea how theyll wrap everything up in 4 episodes.... well i guess we shall see..
May 25, 2015 3:14 AM

Oct 2008
So now Amane can be done in both holes, huh?
May 25, 2015 4:22 AM

Apr 2013
Great episode and nice conclusion to Kazuki's backstory and Angelic Howl. Can't wait for more~
May 25, 2015 4:32 AM

Jun 2013
And the trauma is brought back. I guess everyone calmed down after going crazy, I didn't think they would be able to come back to their senses after all that shit first season. I guess it makes sense though, makes it more believable how Kazuki survived because the others didnt kill her.

I gotta say everyone is growing on me, I don't really hate anyone anymore.

Great episode, sometimes I wish I didn't spoil it for myself but I think that plays a big part in me liking it now because I had time for everything to set in

New ED not as good as first, but it's still top tier Nanjou
May 25, 2015 4:49 AM

Apr 2015
Oh, God...... why they have to bring back the cleaver and scissors?! I was closing my eyes when they start holding those! I can't believe the sensei chopped the girls to pieces! That is so gross!!!

Guess it's harem....
May 25, 2015 5:09 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Imeon said:
Guess it's harem....
Well it is harem tagged you know
May 25, 2015 5:41 AM

Nov 2014
TheBlckJoker said:
RAWRfizzz said:
Kazuki is such a horrifying, abusive person... what she did to Yuuji was/is worse than anything their parents or Heath Oslo could have done because she shaped his values and ways of looking at himself and twisted them all to amuse and please herself. Even after everything else Yuuji went through, and after learning to stand up for himself and beginning to gain inner strength (if not satisfaction- two different things) he falls immediately back into the same pattern of subordination and fetish-anticipation/fulfillment with her, whereas when confronted with Oslo he was at least conflicted and highly disturbed.

And now, instead of only having the power to make individuals like Yuuji & their parents, or the bus accident kids, into her toys, The Government™ has decided to give her the power to make the whole world her bitch. Seriously, don't evil scientists bother with psychological profiling any more? Pffft. Color me unimpressed.

come man she was more of a parent to him then there actual parents, maybe what you're saying is true(in your opinion) but Kazuki thought yuuji what must be done when you're in a tight spot.

P.S. no hate on my comment on this.

I'm trying to figure out your English here, so if I misconstrue your point I apologize, but from a young age she controlled the food he was given, the friends he was and wasn't allowed to see, made him feel like an asshole for not having friends then chased all the friends he did make away, then forced herself on him in the bathtub while giving him the classic pedo speech about how it's really society who should be punished for looking down on their (her) love, not her fault. She emasculated her father thereby turning him into the man he became. She had enough intelligence to know he was dealing with people like Oslo and enough control over the household to forbid it yet allowed him to get closer to her brother. This is all classic narcissist/sociopath behavior and typical behavior patterns of an abuser.

I understand that on a surface level it seemed like she was doing things to help him, but what she was really doing was creating an unhealthy psychological dependence on her and establishing an "us against the world" paradigm typical of abusers.
Quality Queen.
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