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Jul 12, 2009 1:26 AM

Jul 2007
Pre-OP= Joliot Vs Scar awesomeness. Joliot's design is always something ultra duper super awesome.



Mei's introduction = Shit
Rentanjutsu/Alkahestry introduction = OK.
Xiao Mei and SCAR = LOL
Mei's daydream = 100% faithful to manga LOL. :3
Riza's and Barry's scene = epic :3
Barry's Love = LOL
And here they cut Riza's call to Mustang.
Thankfully they did not cut "Did you kill Hughes?" line :3
Cut thar and thar and thar and thar and fracking thar.
Ling's introduction = Great.
Fight = EPIC :3
Fu = Solid Snake :3
Rabbit trap for Ran Fan = LOL
They skipped the "beach scene".... T_T

ED: calm.

Overall episode was better paced than previous ones and I liked that they did not cut many important scenes. It felt good and it had some great animations for fight.

Next episode seemingly deals with


Where's mah Royai ship >_>
AhenshihaelJul 12, 2009 1:37 AM
Jul 12, 2009 4:22 AM

Jul 2008
The new opening is awesome. I love seeing the new cast members in it. :DDD

Ling's voice is PERFECT. A+ I loved his quick escapes (especially the one where he sort of dances away from all the angry citizens of Rush Valley) and random popping in. Ling is my hero.

Riza shooting Barry was epic. ♥ I love how stoic she can be.

I'm sad they cut Riza's call to Mustang. :( They seem to be cutting all the Royai scenes. I was especially sad to see this little exchange cut out. But I loved just seeing Roy and Riza in civilian clothes. ♥♥♥

Jul 12, 2009 6:01 AM

Dec 2007
Yes, episode was really good (besides Mei's introduction) BUT when you look at it as a royai fangirl whom I happen to be, it was disappointing -.- I mean they cut chess scene earlier and now they cut most of the royaish Barry part, tsk, they cut most of the Barry part even not royaish moments, why oh why they included this fight at the beginning but cut Barry part, darn it -.-
Jul 12, 2009 6:50 AM
Jul 2009
Fai said:
Pre-OP= Joliot Vs Scar awesomeness. Joliot's design is always something ultra duper super awesome.



Mei's introduction = Shit
Rentanjutsu/Alkahestry introduction = OK.
Xiao Mei and SCAR = LOL
Mei's daydream = 100% faithful to manga LOL. :3
Riza's and Barry's scene = epic :3
Barry's Love = LOL
And here they cut Riza's call to Mustang.
Thankfully they did not cut "Did you kill Hughes?" line :3
Cut thar and thar and thar and thar and fracking thar.
Ling's introduction = Great.
Fight = EPIC :3
Fu = Solid Snake :3
Rabbit trap for Ran Fan = LOL
They skipped the "beach scene".... T_T

ED: calm.

Overall episode was better paced than previous ones and I liked that they did not cut many important scenes. It felt good and it had some great animations for fight.

Next episode seemingly deals with


Where's mah Royai ship >_>

Were do you watch it so early please tell me wich website:
Jul 12, 2009 7:04 AM

Dec 2007
deiboom, I'm not sure about Fai but probably, just as me, he watched it online-streamed by KeyHoleTV, TVAnts or something like this...
Jul 12, 2009 7:11 AM

Apr 2009
I was quite disappointed with the lack of Royai too!

But overall the episode was great, the new OP sounds good and animation is great, ED had mediocre music and animation but I suppose it'll grow on me.

Ling and Miyano Mamoru were EPIC!
Jul 12, 2009 7:13 AM
Jul 2009
Alzea said:
deiboom, I'm not sure about Fai but probably, just as me, he watched it online-streamed by KeyHoleTV, TVAnts or something like this...

Thank you so much: )
Jul 12, 2009 10:12 AM

Sep 2008
yea, better pacing than the previous because its actual new manga stuff instead of review of previous.
ling is awesome as ever, his VA is nice too.
the beginning fight was a great intro for us saying 'its new stuff!'
the comedy is presented more than before since the previous were used in fma1 already, so seeing all the comedy again is nice.

liked and didnt like the new opening at the same time. nothing too special aside from the fight scenes.
Jul 12, 2009 11:52 AM
Jul 2009
I though this episode was awsome but it kinda sucked that they cut out meis introduction: ( But the fight in rush valley was awsome and the metting with barry!
Jul 12, 2009 12:08 PM

Apr 2007
Great episode. Ling's voice makes him more likable (I honestly hated him when I first read the manga) and Ran Fan seems more feminine than I remember. Also loved the comedy scenes with Ling and Winry XD

& I miss the old opening :<
Jul 12, 2009 12:33 PM

Apr 2009
...Must...see....Ling....must...see.....*dies from not seeing 15 yet*

Damn I'm pathetic to want to see this guy so badly. xD Still, from what you guys have said, it looks like another good episode. Saw the new opening and I'm meh about it. I think the first one was better, but the animation quality is still superb. *Nod* I really love how good the animation is in all of Brotherhood; it just makes me go wow, lol.


Okies, finally saw it. Pretty good; May's opening was bad though, even if a person hadn't read the manga. It's like she's so..randomly entered. I mean, she was pretty random in the manga with her introduction, but at least it made more sense to how she got to Scar and Yoki. Still, Ling's introduction made up for it. xD Poor poor Ed, he wasn't expecting that. Ling's voice actor is really good too. 0-0 Fits him well.
PosskJul 12, 2009 2:05 PM
Jul 12, 2009 8:30 PM

May 2009
I'm surprised about Ling's voice actor, Miyano Mamoru...
But liked his voice... fits him very well...

For me, the new opening wasn't so bad...
and the ending is more or less...

Loved the fight scenes... the animation was very good.

The only bad part was May's introduction...

Possk said:
Okies, finally saw it. Pretty good; May's opening was bad though, even if a person hadn't read the manga. It's like she's so..randomly entered. I mean, she was pretty random in the manga with her introduction, but at least it made more sense to how she got to Scar and Yoki. Still, Ling's introduction made up for it. xD Poor poor Ed, he wasn't expecting that. Ling's voice actor is really good too. 0-0 Fits him well.

Jul 12, 2009 8:35 PM

Dec 2008
Where i can download the episode!?!? i want to watch!
Changing for the Sake of the future
Jul 12, 2009 9:50 PM

Jul 2008
luigi21 said:
Where i can download the episode!?!? i want to watch!
I can only speak for my self, but I usually watch it live on KeyHoleTV but you find raws for it, too.

Jul 13, 2009 6:05 AM

Jan 2009
I liked the ED, but the OP the former was much better, the episode was very funny o//
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Jul 13, 2009 2:18 PM
Jul 2018
adamantine said:
I'm sad they cut Riza's call to Mustang. :( They seem to be cutting all the Royai scenes. I was especially sad to see this little exchange cut out.


new OP and ED I like and don't like them at the same time, I guess I'll get used to them.
Good episode, Barry <3
Jul 13, 2009 2:36 PM

Apr 2008
Are they gonna fucking sub it or what?
Jul 13, 2009 3:30 PM
Aug 2008
Swiftblade said:
Are they gonna fucking sub it or what?

Give it time buddy. :)
Jul 13, 2009 3:53 PM

Dec 2007
Scar vs Mei-chan
Scar vs Xiao-Mei

not so nice:
OP song

nice ^_^

PS I've just noticed that Ran Fan looks like Ogiue from Genshiken manga...
Jul 13, 2009 4:57 PM

Apr 2008
brettchalupa said:
Swiftblade said:
Are they gonna fucking sub it or what?

Give it time buddy. :)

Kinda hard to give them time when they've been releasing it on Sunday every week.
Jul 13, 2009 5:06 PM

Sep 2008
You'll get over it. =P

You could always ask for your money back!!!! -.-
Jul 13, 2009 5:11 PM

Apr 2009
Swiftblade said:
brettchalupa said:
Swiftblade said:
Are they gonna fucking sub it or what?

Give it time buddy. :)

Kinda hard to give them time when they've been releasing it on Sunday every week.

I know Eclipse's original parent server was shut down by Funi for distributing FMA:Brotherhood. Maybe they finally caved in even though they are running on a new server? I hope not.... I just peeked on their site and they have nothing listed for episode 15 yet.
Jul 13, 2009 5:49 PM
Aug 2008
Omegaoveride said:
Swiftblade said:
brettchalupa said:
Swiftblade said:
Are they gonna fucking sub it or what?

Give it time buddy. :)

Kinda hard to give them time when they've been releasing it on Sunday every week.

I know Eclipse's original parent server was shut down by Funi for distributing FMA:Brotherhood. Maybe they finally caved in even though they are running on a new server? I hope not.... I just peeked on their site and they have nothing listed for episode 15 yet.

I was afraid of this too, but I would like to know if it is confirmed or speculation.
SF or Darksoul subs should be out relatively soon I hope.
Jul 13, 2009 8:24 PM

Mar 2009
Swiftblade said:
brettchalupa said:
Swiftblade said:
Are they gonna fucking sub it or what?

Give it time buddy. :)

Kinda hard to give them time when they've been releasing it on Sunday every week.

New OP and ED means more time.
Jul 13, 2009 8:46 PM

Apr 2009
brettchalupa said:
Omegaoveride said:
Swiftblade said:
brettchalupa said:
Swiftblade said:
Are they gonna fucking sub it or what?

Give it time buddy. :)

Kinda hard to give them time when they've been releasing it on Sunday every week.

I know Eclipse's original parent server was shut down by Funi for distributing FMA:Brotherhood. Maybe they finally caved in even though they are running on a new server? I hope not.... I just peeked on their site and they have nothing listed for episode 15 yet.

I was afraid of this too, but I would like to know if it is confirmed or speculation.
SF or Darksoul subs should be out relatively soon I hope.

I was on Eclipse's IRC tonight. No "official" dropping of the series stated. The one in charge of subs probably took the night off or something its not like these guys are getting paid to do this so I will wait patiently for Eclipse to deliver.
Jul 13, 2009 10:23 PM

Nov 2008
cant wait to watch this episode :)

i love ling.......he's my all time fav character from FMA lol
Jul 13, 2009 11:20 PM
Oct 2008
Eclipse's translator is away for three days.
Jul 14, 2009 3:48 AM

Jun 2008
man, how i want eclipse and mkv right now D':
Jul 14, 2009 7:01 AM

Jul 2008
Some new group translated ep 15, KG subs. I prefer eclipse thou.
Jul 14, 2009 8:13 AM
Nov 2008
The TMD-ASU sub is up at least:
Jul 14, 2009 8:32 AM

Nov 2008
LIIIIIIIIIIIIIING <3 RANFAN >3 MEI<3 and even that old ninja geezer! Episode was great, tought i was little disappointed because they cut Risa's phone call to Mustang, but oh well it was okey because there is ling vs Wrath battle scene at opening :D.
Jul 14, 2009 9:21 AM

Apr 2009
Possk said:
...Must...see....Ling....must...see.....*dies from not seeing 15 yet*

Damn I'm pathetic to want to see this guy so badly.

I've only seen the opening so far, I'm gonna watch the episode when I find a better translation xP
But seeing Ling in the op alone made me go like SPAZZOMFG. I can't help it, I love this guy to no end and what happens later in the manga is just the cherry on top of the cake that is Ling.
I've been waiting for his appearance in the anime since I've first seen him in the manga. And then I found out his seiyuu is Miyano. SO FUCKING AWESOME x3 I love Miyano.
Ok, I'm literally jumping on my chair here. God, I never expected being a fangirl. Dx So sad.

But I can't believe they cut out Roy's Glowing Eyes of Doom and the 'extra hot flame' line Dx

I have no idea how to deal with torrents BUT I'M GONNA FIND OUT. For the sake of the link few posts above.
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

Current icon:
Kusuriuri from Mononoke
by pana (LJ username)
Jul 14, 2009 10:34 AM

Jun 2008
ep full with win! new characters! lol moments! fights! and omg plot is so different and that is also very great, well i just love this anime so far! 8} have to get used to new op though, i liked 1st one very much so it's a bit sad..

btw ppl, what's with wrath? the one from fma 1, was he kinda like filler character? here wrath is supposed to be fuhrer? ..confusion here =/
Jul 14, 2009 10:46 AM

Aug 2008
i like the new op.! :)
i like the song of the ending.
Jul 14, 2009 11:02 AM

Apr 2009
Shadoww said:
btw ppl, what's with wrath? the one from fma 1, was he kinda like filler character? here wrath is supposed to be fuhrer? ..confusion here =/

Oh, no, you should separate the 1st and the 2nd anime, they're completely different. I haven't watched the 1st one but if Wrath wasn't Bradley, then it WAS filler. Manga Wrath is Bradley. Think of this anime as of a completely different story. If not, you're gonna be confused.
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

Current icon:
Kusuriuri from Mononoke
by pana (LJ username)
Jul 14, 2009 12:09 PM

Jun 2007
Ling!!! Oh what a great episode

Can't wait for the 'boot' scene lol
Jul 14, 2009 12:26 PM

Feb 2009
Cool Ep. but the subs i watched sucked ass.

Jul 14, 2009 12:40 PM

Aug 2008
I like Xiao Mei, she's cute.
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Jul 14, 2009 12:46 PM

Nov 2008
Cenedess said:
Shadoww said:
btw ppl, what's with wrath? the one from fma 1, was he kinda like filler character? here wrath is supposed to be fuhrer? ..confusion here =/

Oh, no, you should separate the 1st and the 2nd anime, they're completely different. I haven't watched the 1st one but if Wrath wasn't Bradley, then it WAS filler. Manga Wrath is Bradley. Think of this anime as of a completely different story. If not, you're gonna be confused.

yes it was the frist one bradley was pride and wrath was ed/al's master's kid
Jul 14, 2009 12:55 PM

Apr 2009
suigetsu00 said:
Cenedess said:
Shadoww said:
btw ppl, what's with wrath? the one from fma 1, was he kinda like filler character? here wrath is supposed to be fuhrer? ..confusion here =/

Oh, no, you should separate the 1st and the 2nd anime, they're completely different. I haven't watched the 1st one but if Wrath wasn't Bradley, then it WAS filler. Manga Wrath is Bradley. Think of this anime as of a completely different story. If not, you're gonna be confused.

yes it was the frist one bradley was pride and wrath was ed/al's master's kid

Haha no way xD I hope none of the FMA1 fans will be offended when I say BULLCRAP. Lol.

I need to watch that episode but I want the good quality subs x_X Ehh, be patient, be patient.
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

Current icon:
Kusuriuri from Mononoke
by pana (LJ username)
Jul 14, 2009 12:58 PM
Mar 2009
SWEET The Xing guys finally appear!!!!

aww the part with Barry was cut short only with the massive pistoling and short questioning

True or False
Anime + Manga = Chuck Norris / Chuck Norris
Jul 14, 2009 1:12 PM

Jul 2007
Cenedess said:
suigetsu00 said:
Cenedess said:
Shadoww said:
btw ppl, what's with wrath? the one from fma 1, was he kinda like filler character? here wrath is supposed to be fuhrer? ..confusion here =/

Oh, no, you should separate the 1st and the 2nd anime, they're completely different. I haven't watched the 1st one but if Wrath wasn't Bradley, then it WAS filler. Manga Wrath is Bradley. Think of this anime as of a completely different story. If not, you're gonna be confused.

yes it was the frist one bradley was pride and wrath was ed/al's master's kid

Haha no way xD I hope none of the FMA1 fans will be offended when I say BULLCRAP. Lol.

I need to watch that episode but I want the good quality subs x_X Ehh, be patient, be patient.

Not to mention that FMA1 kept Tucker alive as Rabbit Chimera, with upside down head. Oh and Sloth was Ed's mother thar

As for quality. There are no quality subs for now. The ones that exist well...are almost impossible to understand

Quoting the current subs:
"Not bad but scratch, I get high!"
"Scratch? I blow scratch high"
"What this is?"
Jul 14, 2009 1:30 PM

Apr 2009
Fai said:
Not to mention that FMA1 kept Tucker alive as Rabbit Chimera, with upside down head. Oh and Sloth was Ed's mother thar

As for quality. There are no quality subs for now. The ones that exist well...are almost impossible to understand

Quoting the current subs:
"Not bad but scratch, I get high!"
"Scratch? I blow scratch high"
"What this is?"

XDD Ok, I'm sorry, but I think they reached new heights of Asspulling there XD
As for the subs that are present at the moment - I got through the beginning but I didn't really get the Scar/Silver Alchemist conversation AT ALL. So I turned it off. I'M WAITING FOR HIGH QUALITY LING QUOTES. (Oh, and to be perfectly clear, this is NOT supposed to be jerkass rushing the subbing groups, I'm just stating a fact there :) I figure that if I can't help, I shouldn't at leat complain, yep? xP)

...but actually, I get much more pleasure this way, waiting for Ling to appear on-screen x3
And no, I won't stop talking about him xD I'm sorry.
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

Current icon:
Kusuriuri from Mononoke
by pana (LJ username)
Jul 14, 2009 2:08 PM

Jun 2008
Cenedess said:
Shadoww said:
btw ppl, what's with wrath? the one from fma 1, was he kinda like filler character? here wrath is supposed to be fuhrer? ..confusion here =/

Oh, no, you should separate the 1st and the 2nd anime, they're completely different. I haven't watched the 1st one but if Wrath wasn't Bradley, then it WAS filler. Manga Wrath is Bradley. Think of this anime as of a completely different story. If not, you're gonna be confused.

i know that fma 1 & movie is separated story like it never even happened because it's not after manga, i was wondering because everyone else from homunculis team are the same at this fma too and then there was no wrath, but wrath came out to be fuhrer afterall, so u wont tell me fuhrer will reveal his "true" form or something as this kid.. some moment of story? well i guess not...i'm gonna miss this ^ character a bit however, but luckily this, the real version of Fma has some new cool characters instead, take for instance Ling xD
ShadowwJul 14, 2009 2:12 PM
Jul 14, 2009 2:44 PM

Jul 2007
Shadoww said:
.i'm gonna miss this ^ character a bit however,

Sadly I wont. Hated that character, voice and anything surrounding his storyline to the core. Hated how stupid Izumi would act around him, Hated his almost abnormal relationship with Sloth/Ed's_Mother, hated him for
and being overall unstable character.

Thankfully his VA does a perfect(that is, different from his FMA1 role) job as Ran Fan(Ling's female guard) in FMA:B, so I can forget how annoying that VA sounded in FMA1...
AhenshihaelJul 14, 2009 2:48 PM
Jul 14, 2009 2:52 PM

Apr 2009
Fai said:
Shadoww said:
.i'm gonna miss this ^ character a bit however,

Sadly I wont. Hated that character, voice and anything surrounding his storyline to the core. Hated how stupid Izumi would act around him, Hated his almost abnormal relationship with Sloth/Ed's_Mother, hated him for
and being overall unstable character.

Agreed. I couldn't stand the little twerp. x___x And that was before I'd even set eyes on the manga. Looking back...FMA1 really made a lot of stupid plot choices compared to the actual manga storyline.

Meh. Oh well. If I hadn't watched it, I wouldn't have read the manga, and thus I would not have heard of the epicness that is Ling Yao. LING. *dies* Damn I loved his introduction in this episode. xD That definitely wasn't your average stray.
Jul 14, 2009 4:00 PM

May 2007
Great to see Ling in his animated glory. His VA is perfect. Looking forward to more.
Jul 14, 2009 5:39 PM

Jul 2008
New OP and ED =D
and new characters =D
XD at Ling when he was saying he didnt understand the country's language forcing them to fix everything XD
Jul 14, 2009 7:17 PM

Aug 2008
OP Much better then the first, ED is alright but not as good.
Jul 14, 2009 9:21 PM

Jul 2007
Is it possible to die from FMA2 starvation? >_< need it now!
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