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Apr 4, 2015 3:36 PM

Dec 2014
Looks like WIT studio throws everything they have into the visual and sound, but the script...

I hope it remains as a mindless show for the most part, don't try to be "smart" or artsy, OK?
raveninthemuddleApr 4, 2015 5:33 PM
Apr 4, 2015 3:46 PM

Jan 2015
Didn't like that they cencored some things from the manga but overall it was good and hope it stays that way.
HybridstoneApr 4, 2015 4:16 PM
Apr 4, 2015 3:52 PM

Dec 2011
Can't say anything yet as I feel this episode didn't introduce the world setting enough.

But, by the time they planned their escape, it already signaled their death. >.<
Can't wait to see him become a full fledged warrior. He doesn't seem weak.
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Apr 4, 2015 3:54 PM

Aug 2011
Blond boy was the most interesting out of the two.
Apr 4, 2015 3:58 PM

Sep 2012
I don't think this was supposed to make me laugh.. but here I am, giggling.

Something so SHOCKING and TRAUMATIZING doesn't really have any effect whatsoever if the only interaction with the characters it's happening to are them spewing cliche "we're family" lines that nobody in real life would say.

Sorry little girl character #3A died. She was my favorite. So memorable.

This felt really rushed. The actions the characters took felt so forced and random that it's almost like they weren't actual people with their own personalities and thoughts, but rather plot devices who act in ways just to force things to happen. Like the writers were like "ok, we need a post apocalyptic world.. we need EVIL vampires... we need a big tragic sequence.. let's play connect the dots by just putting the same characters in those situations and hope it's coherent".

The best I can hope for is a lot of yaoi doujins.
Apr 4, 2015 4:03 PM

Apr 2013
Love the background and it has been awhile since I found Sawano's music nearly as good as his work in gulity crown. Like the voice acting and the overall atmosphere fits the music well.
Still have many questions about the basic premise. I hope there will be a proper explanations as the show progresses
Definitely a keeper
(lol people still believe that the main target audiences are fujoshi)
Apr 4, 2015 4:04 PM

Oct 2014
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa---- This 1st episode gives me Shingeki no Kyojin feelsssss
Apr 4, 2015 4:13 PM

Jun 2012
Interesting start. Not so sure how I feel about this prophecy business or high school setting though.
Apr 4, 2015 4:15 PM

Aug 2014
aerithclode said:
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa---- This 1st episode gives me Shingeki no Kyojin feelsssss

The ending made me want to punch my computer..
Apr 4, 2015 4:27 PM

Dec 2013
The background art is absolutely beautiful ;w; The character designs are nice too. I love the VA cast~ The first episode is better than I imagined c:
Apr 4, 2015 4:30 PM

Jul 2013
hlubkoj2020 said:
So far so good.
Hope it follow the LN...don't want a good series to be ruin.
Looking forward to next episode.

The LN is the prequel and follows Guren, the man at the end of the ep. This one adapted the manga where Yuichiro is the MC. I don't think WIT will ruin this with the author supervising the anime, there's just no helping it that the start of this series just screams generic for the most part. :x

Apr 4, 2015 4:39 PM
Oct 2010
Jonesy974 said:
Rianri said:
That was ok. It felt a bit rushed but there really wasn't any other way around it...
I expected the animation to be better, but it's not like I'm disappointed either. Eh, pretty much everything about this episode was in the ok-zone for me.

Are you high? What about this was rushed at all? They only adapted the first chap.
You expected the animation to be better? The fuck, in what way? The animation was superb. You just already have the show set up to fail in your head, so you'll say anything is a flaw to boost your reasoning.

whoa whoA WHOA DUDE PUT THAT GUN DOWN. You've got the wrong guy!! I swear I'm clean since '91
I don't know why you're so worked up, I just stated my opin- it wasn't even an opinion, it was more of an impression...

Anyway, since I have nothing better to do, I'll explain myself:
I never said it was a rushed adaptation. What I meant is that the episode itself felt A BIT rushed...then I added - it can't be helped - because having read the manga I know they adapted it pretty faithfully. The fact they only adapted 1 chapter is meaningless either way. Pacing in manga and pacing in anime are completely different things...I'm not saying they should have adapted half of the chapter, that would be moronic. All I'm saying is that there are ways to make things flow more naturally.

About the animation: At the very least, I expected it to shoot rainbows out of my screen. I also didn't feel any smell or blood sprinkling on my face. Come on... it's 2015...
The animation didn't impress me. Period. It's pretty good, above average, imo, but that's it.

And hey thank you for informing me of what goes on in my head, I honestly had no idea I was expecting this show to fail...Like whoa, why am I even watching it? I thought I liked it but maybe I hate it? Oh my god? Would you mind telling me what my favourite colour is? Pretty please? I can't trust myself anymore...
RianriApr 4, 2015 4:42 PM

Apr 4, 2015 4:39 PM

Mar 2015
Eh, Sawano Hiroyuki is on a roll, isn't he? You can surely get his ~~vibes~~ while watching this episode.

The story felt kinda bleak to me, but still, a decent start I guess?? Altho it seemed quite rushed...
I'll be following the next episodes and see what happens. Just hoping this won't be too generic <:

also i liked the backgrounds wow.
Apr 4, 2015 4:41 PM

Jun 2014
1:00- here, i IMMEDIATELY thought of the American tv show, Flashforward! if youve seen it, you know what i mean.

:0 I love the backgrounds. it looks like it was painted.
daaaam that was an amazing first episode. definitely sticking around
Apr 4, 2015 4:43 PM

Jul 2013
Well that was boring! Episode felt rushed and was mediocre at best. Couldn't feel anything for the random kids that got killed.
Apr 4, 2015 4:43 PM

Oct 2013
Felt like Attack on Vampires. This episode was like a watered down version of the first snk episode. The next episode looks different though, but in a bad way. Srsly? A school setting of all things!? You gave us a world that didn't require a generic school setting, but you're using it anyways!? But who knows, I could be wrong since I've never read the manga. It could be a "special" school setting for all I know.
emobuttercupApr 4, 2015 4:55 PM
I'd go with emobubbles, but someone else already had it, damn bastard.
Apr 4, 2015 4:44 PM
Nov 2013
Yes! Wit Studio has done a great job with the first episode. Sawano's soundtrack is great as always as well. Can't wait to see the rest of the series since the manga is very good.

5/5 episode, can't wait for more.
Apr 4, 2015 4:48 PM

Oct 2013
Red_Keys said:
I don't think this was supposed to make me laugh.. but here I am, giggling.

Something so SHOCKING and TRAUMATIZING doesn't really have any effect whatsoever if the only interaction with the characters it's happening to are them spewing cliche "we're family" lines that nobody in real life would say.

Sorry little girl character #3A died. She was my favorite. So memorable.

This felt really rushed. The actions the characters took felt so forced and random that it's almost like they weren't actual people with their own personalities and thoughts, but rather plot devices who act in ways just to force things to happen. Like the writers were like "ok, we need a post apocalyptic world.. we need EVIL vampires... we need a big tragic sequence.. let's play connect the dots by just putting the same characters in those situations and hope it's coherent".

The best I can hope for is a lot of yaoi doujins.

Also note how the main character was just like Eren Jaeger. "I don't want to be raised like livestock!" "I swear I'll destroy all the tita- I mean vampires!" (they have the same eyes too)
Akane kinda looked like a happy Mikasa character design wise, and even the best friend kinda reminded me of Armin. (At least they were x-ed off)
emobuttercupApr 4, 2015 4:52 PM
I'd go with emobubbles, but someone else already had it, damn bastard.
Apr 4, 2015 4:49 PM

Nov 2013
Apr 4, 2015 4:54 PM

Dec 2010
Well.... this was a pretty fucking awful intro episode.
Apr 4, 2015 5:26 PM
Star Guardian

Apr 2014
Really good episode. I hate that his friends (family) died though. I was hoping Mika and Akane would live though.
Apr 4, 2015 5:27 PM

Jul 2012
Good start in my opinion. Now lets hope that this show wont disappoint us.
Tom's Hardware graphics veteran++ (Legacy)
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Apr 4, 2015 5:32 PM

Apr 2015
It was more rushed than I imagined it to be and they unfortunately didn't add some things about Mika (lines and what he did when Yu first came to the orphanage) but not bad, I guess.
Apr 4, 2015 5:51 PM

Dec 2010
I really loved this first episode. The animation was so fluid, the art uuuungh I love it. The scene with the kids hurts lol, but they had a BIG deathflag imo. Also I'm happy to see Sawano in this anime, he and Yuki Kajiura are my fav for animes OST, the music here!

Can't wait to see more Mika, he totally looks like Wolfram's son lol (Also I have a weakness for blendes in uniform), also Yuu, badass protag. I'm shipping these two really bad, uuugh the feels.

Awesome start.

I'm KinAtsu trash FIGHT ME
Apr 4, 2015 6:03 PM

Feb 2013
Shit that was really good. Went by so quickly. Wonder if they'll be able to keep it up. Ugh at the vampire genre though >.<
Apr 4, 2015 6:07 PM
Oct 2014
probably the best first episode I've watched so far this season. i was expecting for OP and ED since I only watched this anime because of Hiroyuki Sawano (music composer). anyways, i'll be looking forward to the next episode... <3
Apr 4, 2015 6:08 PM

Jun 2013
Looks like some depressing tragic stuffs for the first episode. It pretty much set itself up for everyone to get killed except MC when they planned to escape lol.

I usually hate vampire crap so this is just meh for now. Let's see how it progresses, seems interesting I guess
Apr 4, 2015 6:14 PM

Jul 2010
Hey guys, where are you watching all of the currently-airing anime? I know that Crunchyroll has a few, but they don't have everything.

I know there are other ways to go about finding these episodes but I was just curious what your guys' methods are.
Apr 4, 2015 6:25 PM

Jan 2010
Ok that was all predictable , but I particularly liked the context and the world was made , just thought TOO fast. I think it is no exaggeration two episodes for this introduction . Neither gave to feel anger or shame .
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Apr 4, 2015 6:30 PM

Jan 2011
Yall knew going in none of them kids were gonna make it out

can't say i was impressed even though i was looking forward to this the art was great having played bloodborne the vampire city really had the same Victorian era setting and music is nice but the edge is strong with this one Attack on Vampires feels like a fitting title for this right now lol.

would be hella good if all this family got turned into vampires then he had to fight em just saying needs some kind of twist or this is gonna be typical shounen stuff lets see how it turns out though

and the hell was up with that ending? some how able to cram high school in despite humanity perishing
Apr 4, 2015 6:30 PM

Jan 2013
No they killed Akane...

Ive gotta say he looked pretty cool at the end
Apr 4, 2015 6:37 PM

Apr 2012
Dang, that was one heck of a first episode. Plunged us straight into the mayhem without wasting any time at all. I mean it took all of thirty seconds to see an entire city square drop dead. Looks like we're going to be in for one heck of a feel trip too.
Apr 4, 2015 6:42 PM

Dec 2014
Holy shit, no hesitation on killing little kids at all! Well what a dramatic first episode. I love the music.
Apr 4, 2015 6:43 PM

Aug 2012
Unfortunately the director's somewhat lack of experience showed at times, a lot of things feeling 'off' or just seeming to happen. Excluding Yuu's initial characterization in his lofty goals to take out vampires(understandably toned down since we'll be seeing plenty of that) and Mika and the kids' pasts and forcing Yuu to accept them as family may hurt later if not revisited. On the other hand, I think some directing choices were quite smart and improved the manga's narrative, like the changing of events in the beginning with humanity's fall and Yuu's arrival to the orphanage. The manga's transitioning there was pretty bad, so that was a nice fix and I hope Kagami is working with Tokudo to round out more things like that.

That said, the direction style is going to be much different for the rest of the show to match the narrative, so a lot of those weird flowing scenes should go away.

Reception is mixed as expected. If people get past the 'oh school vamp fantasy so edgy' bullshit and give the setting and Yuu's character a chance to develop, they'll be surprised as it gets quite a bit better than its generic start lets on.

Honestly though, expecting best girl Shinoa to save the anime for a lot of viewers.

Ferid is shit. Sakurai should have voiced Shinya. Didn't like how Mika was presented either, but I never cared for his character much anyway. As long as Yuu gets solid characterization and doesn't come across as edgy Eren clone then I'm good.
Apr 4, 2015 6:59 PM

Jun 2013
mika wasnt dead when he ran...we shall see him again
Apr 4, 2015 7:14 PM

Jan 2008
I read a bit of the manga a long time ago, and watching this episode felt just as gut-wrenching as it did back then when those kids were killed.

This whole story and overall atmosphere gives me a Shin Megami Tensei vibe with the dark tones, supernatural enemies killing humans, eerie music, and character designs.
Apr 4, 2015 7:15 PM

Nov 2014
The main character's stubbornness annoys me
Apr 4, 2015 7:30 PM

Jul 2013
AlexTheRiot said:
Unfortunately the director's somewhat lack of experience showed at times, a lot of things feeling 'off' or just seeming to happen. Excluding Yuu's initial characterization in his lofty goals to take out vampires(understandably toned down since we'll be seeing plenty of that) and Mika and the kids' pasts and forcing Yuu to accept them as family may hurt later if not revisited. On the other hand, I think some directing choices were quite smart and improved the manga's narrative, like the changing of events in the beginning with humanity's fall and Yuu's arrival to the orphanage. The manga's transitioning there was pretty bad, so that was a nice fix and I hope Kagami is working with Tokudo to round out more things like that.

That said, the direction style is going to be much different for the rest of the show to match the narrative, so a lot of those weird flowing scenes should go away.

Reception is mixed as expected. If people get past the 'oh school vamp fantasy so edgy' bullshit and give the setting and Yuu's character a chance to develop, they'll be surprised as it gets quite a bit better than its generic start lets on.

Honestly though, expecting best girl Shinoa to save the anime for a lot of viewers.

Ferid is shit. Sakurai should have voiced Shinya. Didn't like how Mika was presented either, but I never cared for his character much anyway. As long as Yuu gets solid characterization and doesn't come across as edgy Eren clone then I'm good.

Pretty much agree with all you've said.

I'm sure best girl Shinoa will be keeping a lot of watchers from dropping the series. xD
I like Ferid the trickster though and Sakurai Takahiro is such a perfect fit for him that I just can't imagine him with other VAs.
Shinya also had perfect VA for him since I always imagine him to have the same type of voice as Tachibana Makoto from Free!.
Heck, all of the VAs in this seems like a perfect fit for their characters. :>

Apr 4, 2015 7:41 PM

Apr 2009
what a good start to the year, a good episode

Barion-Zara said:
That was a pretty strong first ep. Not bad at all :O The art is really good and the animation was quite amazing. The girls in this series are cute :3 Esp Akane <3 Love her design...Honestly didn't expect her to die right away DAMN ;_;...and all the lolis too D:

What a merciless bastard that bishi vampire was. I wonder if he's really dead? So Vampire can die if they're shot in the head in this series? I wouldn't be surprised if Mika is still alive either.

Pretty interesting setting so far. The emotions during the massacre scene were quite feelzy. I felt they were depicted really well and the facial expression were nicely drawn esp for Mika and Yu.

The OST during the "escape" was really good too.

Good start overall ^^

wheres your sig from
Apr 4, 2015 7:47 PM

Oct 2013
I thought this was a great first episode, and the art especially impressed me. That massacre was disturbing to watch, and it kinda surprised me that not even one of the children except the MC survived it (even if it was generally predictable). It is undeniable however that this is not entirely original - the MC is literally Eren Jeager, and the tone of the story starts off much like AoT. I'm willing to overlook that, except there are a couple of other concerns that are surfacing for me...

The fact that apparently starting from the next episode, the anime will be in a clean-looking school environment kind of rubs me the wrong way. Not only does it seem cliché, it feels like a waste of a more engaging opportunity: I feel this would be more interesting as a survivor story where the kids have to survive in poverty and try to overcome that challenge. Another thing that rubs me the wrong way is the thus far unquestioned dichotomy between humans and vampires. It feels cheap if we're supposed to believe they are all a whole-heartedly evil bunch that deserve being massacred.

Otherwise, I will still be following this anime as it still does quite interest me. It's just that if the above two points continue as I fear they will, Seraph will probably not be nearly as satisfying for me. Fear of too much cliché-ness also has me a bit worried. I'm truly hoping the anime proves me wrong and surprises me, but as excellent as this first episode was, for now I look towards the next episodes with trepidation.
_AisuApr 4, 2015 7:54 PM
Apr 4, 2015 7:49 PM

May 2014
Good introduction episode. Love the OST and the voice acting (as expected). And MIKAAA!!!! I want to see him as a vampire... Can't wait for Shinoa's and Yoichi's debut :)

VanishingKira said:
Atleast Kaji doesn't voice the MC.

Yaoi undertones between Yuuichirou and Mikaela (not that I'm surprised the manga mainly sold well cause of fujoshis).

A bunch of "deaths" I didn't feel a damn thing about.

Doubt any of them die,they probably got turned to vampires.

Unimpressive/meh start.

ChuunichanApr 4, 2015 7:58 PM

Apr 4, 2015 7:52 PM

Sep 2013
The direction of this episode was subpar. The show was jumping from one thing to another in a really weird way.

Pretty cliché so far, and the visuals aren't anywhere close to those of AoT.

Hmm, let's see how it goes.
Apr 4, 2015 7:53 PM

Oct 2013
Enjoyed the episode more then I thought I would, also really liking the black/green military outfit they showed near the end. Gonna be interesting to see how this story is gonna continue from here on, just hoping they introduce some interesting characters within the next 1-2episodes.
Apr 4, 2015 8:10 PM

Aug 2012
EasyGo-er said:
AlexTheRiot said:
Unfortunately the director's somewhat lack of experience showed at times, a lot of things feeling 'off' or just seeming to happen. Excluding Yuu's initial characterization in his lofty goals to take out vampires(understandably toned down since we'll be seeing plenty of that) and Mika and the kids' pasts and forcing Yuu to accept them as family may hurt later if not revisited. On the other hand, I think some directing choices were quite smart and improved the manga's narrative, like the changing of events in the beginning with humanity's fall and Yuu's arrival to the orphanage. The manga's transitioning there was pretty bad, so that was a nice fix and I hope Kagami is working with Tokudo to round out more things like that.

That said, the direction style is going to be much different for the rest of the show to match the narrative, so a lot of those weird flowing scenes should go away.

Reception is mixed as expected. If people get past the 'oh school vamp fantasy so edgy' bullshit and give the setting and Yuu's character a chance to develop, they'll be surprised as it gets quite a bit better than its generic start lets on.

Honestly though, expecting best girl Shinoa to save the anime for a lot of viewers.

Ferid is shit. Sakurai should have voiced Shinya. Didn't like how Mika was presented either, but I never cared for his character much anyway. As long as Yuu gets solid characterization and doesn't come across as edgy Eren clone then I'm good.

Pretty much agree with all you've said.

I'm sure best girl Shinoa will be keeping a lot of watchers from dropping the series. xD
I like Ferid the trickster though and Sakurai Takahiro is such a perfect fit for him that I just can't imagine him with other VAs.
Shinya also had perfect VA for him since I always imagine him to have the same type of voice as Tachibana Makoto from Free!.
Heck, all of the VAs in this seems like a perfect fit for their characters. :>
Yeah the casting is solid so far(Yuu sounds great as annoying 12 year old Yuu, can't wait for 16 year old and further developed Yuu) and looks promising for the rest of the cast. And you're right Sakurai is very good for Ferid, I just hate Ferid so it's hard lol. Everyone else is going to be a perfect fit, especially Kimizuki and Kureto. I just really hope Hayami captures Shinoa's charm, she certainly has the potential to.
Apr 4, 2015 8:11 PM

Dec 2014
It was a good first episode. I have mixed feelings about the MC, though. Reminds me a lot of Eren. Hope he becomes than just a big ball of anger.
Apr 4, 2015 8:13 PM

Aug 2012
Well... what a shame for Akane xD
Apr 4, 2015 8:19 PM

Jun 2007
I was distracted by how much the lead looks and acts like Eren. As well as Armin mk2. All over the place and shallow / uninteresting post-apocalyptic shounen-ai vampires as for as the story goes. Cheap shock value with everyone predictably dying, as well. Then... some humans were waiting for the lead as prophesied? Hits every cliche on the tree.

Avok said:
the visuals aren't anywhere close to those of AoT. Hmm, let's see how it goes.

Did you miss the - what I assume were - beautiful hand-drawn backgrounds, then? Shingeki was all over the shop in terms of art consistency and had limited animation. If nothing else, Seraph has a bigger budget. Perhaps because it's only 12 episodes.
Apr 4, 2015 8:35 PM

Jul 2013
AironicallyHuman said:
Avok said:
the visuals aren't anywhere close to those of AoT. Hmm, let's see how it goes.

Did you miss the - what I assume were - beautiful hand-drawn backgrounds, then? Shingeki was all over the shop in terms of art consistency and had limited animation. If nothing else, Seraph has a bigger budget. Perhaps because it's only 12 episodes.

This will be a split-cour with 24 episodes. Imo, Seraph had better schedule and time management with the split-cour and the studio was just formed when they made Shingeki so there's all sorts of problems like the lack of animators. I guess most of those problems have been resolved now. Can't wait to see how Shingeki S2 will be next year with all the money they got from the sales lol.

Apr 4, 2015 8:35 PM

Jun 2013
Had a little expectation for the show but I'm left disappointed..
The OST was alright for the episode and the same goes for the art and animation, but the execution was poor and the characters were not interesting..
I'll give the show a couple more episodes to see where the story goes, though I have a rough idea regarding the story.

Apr 4, 2015 8:38 PM

Apr 2009
AlexTheRiot said:
Unfortunately the director's somewhat lack of experience showed at times, a lot of things feeling 'off' or just seeming to happen. Excluding Yuu's initial characterization in his lofty goals to take out vampires(understandably toned down since we'll be seeing plenty of that) and Mika and the kids' pasts and forcing Yuu to accept them as family may hurt later if not revisited. On the other hand, I think some directing choices were quite smart and improved the manga's narrative, like the changing of events in the beginning with humanity's fall and Yuu's arrival to the orphanage. The manga's transitioning there was pretty bad, so that was a nice fix and I hope Kagami is working with Tokudo to round out more things like that.

That said, the direction style is going to be much different for the rest of the show to match the narrative, so a lot of those weird flowing scenes should go away.

Reception is mixed as expected. If people get past the 'oh school vamp fantasy so edgy' bullshit and give the setting and Yuu's character a chance to develop, they'll be surprised as it gets quite a bit better than its generic start lets on.

Honestly though, expecting best girl Shinoa to save the anime for a lot of viewers.

Ferid is shit. Sakurai should have voiced Shinya. Didn't like how Mika was presented either, but I never cared for his character much anyway. As long as Yuu gets solid characterization and doesn't come across as edgy Eren clone then I'm good.

reaction is not really mixed most people liked it
EasyGo-er said:
AlexTheRiot said:
Unfortunately the director's somewhat lack of experience showed at times, a lot of things feeling 'off' or just seeming to happen. Excluding Yuu's initial characterization in his lofty goals to take out vampires(understandably toned down since we'll be seeing plenty of that) and Mika and the kids' pasts and forcing Yuu to accept them as family may hurt later if not revisited. On the other hand, I think some directing choices were quite smart and improved the manga's narrative, like the changing of events in the beginning with humanity's fall and Yuu's arrival to the orphanage. The manga's transitioning there was pretty bad, so that was a nice fix and I hope Kagami is working with Tokudo to round out more things like that.

That said, the direction style is going to be much different for the rest of the show to match the narrative, so a lot of those weird flowing scenes should go away.

Reception is mixed as expected. If people get past the 'oh school vamp fantasy so edgy' bullshit and give the setting and Yuu's character a chance to develop, they'll be surprised as it gets quite a bit better than its generic start lets on.

Honestly though, expecting best girl Shinoa to save the anime for a lot of viewers.

Ferid is shit. Sakurai should have voiced Shinya. Didn't like how Mika was presented either, but I never cared for his character much anyway. As long as Yuu gets solid characterization and doesn't come across as edgy Eren clone then I'm good.

Pretty much agree with all you've said.

I'm sure best girl Shinoa will be keeping a lot of watchers from dropping the series. xD
I like Ferid the trickster though and Sakurai Takahiro is such a perfect fit for him that I just can't imagine him with other VAs.
Shinya also had perfect VA for him since I always imagine him to have the same type of voice as Tachibana Makoto from Free!.
Heck, all of the VAs in this seems like a perfect fit for their characters. :>

or people who like the setting and the male character like my self will keep watching no matter what
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