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Jan 30, 2015 7:53 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, that was intense, more than I had expected

Really loved the Egyptian themes this episode. Polnareff's fight against Anubis was pretty fun to watch with the pacing. The OST used in this episode was catchy too. Lol, the rats. That ending gave me the thrills.
Jan 30, 2015 7:54 AM

Apr 2009
A few small additional scenes at the beginning make for a better introduction to the upcoming fight against Anubis (even though it makes Pol Pol seem a bit dumber), that once again emanates the menacing atmosphere we came to expect from most Stands. And just as expected, the fight looks very good albeit a few uses of 3d CGI.

The next half of the episode is a bit slower and deals with the 'aftermath' of the Stand fight, slowly leading up to the reveal of Anubis' other abilities.

Next up: The conclusion of the fight.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Jan 30, 2015 8:48 AM

Jul 2011
I think this is one of the weaker parts of the Egypt arc (personally it's my least favorite), but it's still pretty entertaining because sword fights.

I'm looking forward to the fight in the next episode though.
Jan 30, 2015 10:06 AM

May 2013
That is one interesting sword. Iggy is definitely wary of it. Can't wait for the next episode.
Jan 30, 2015 10:07 AM

Aug 2007
Good ep. I give them props on the fight I really enjoyed seeing that in motion. I'm looking forward to the conclusion of this!

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Jan 30, 2015 10:09 AM
Content Admin
Overkilled Red

Aug 2013
Polnareff vs. Anubis was pretty awesome, particularly that secret technique of Chariot! Pretty neat way to take down the opponent, though it's a bit risky.

For a moment, I thought Anubis would try to manipulate Polnareff too. That would've been a nice twist.

Decent episode. Looks like Polnareff will take care of Anubis once again by himself next week as well.

Jan 30, 2015 10:21 AM

Oct 2012
Jotaro reading a magazine about marine life in the barbershop was a nice touch.
Jan 30, 2015 11:02 AM

Aug 2010
Well we got a BA Polnareff this ep. But I just can't get over how much he lets his guard down <_< It gets annoying.

I wonder if Jotaro will save Polnareff or he'll get out of it his self.

Anubis seems quite awesome :3 Loved Chaka at first.
Jan 30, 2015 11:04 AM

May 2013
Polnareff and Jotaro in the barbershop was one of the most tense scenes I've ever witnessed.
Jan 30, 2015 11:07 AM

Jul 2014
There was a lot of Iggy filler in this episode. Not that that's a bad thing.

Kellhus said:
I think this is one of the weaker parts of the Egypt arc (personally it's my least favorite), but it's still pretty entertaining because sword fights.

I'm looking forward to the fight in the next episode though.

Whaaat? Anubis was one of the best Stands in Egypt for me.

Jan 30, 2015 11:08 AM

Jul 2010
Not that it was a long fight but it was well executed indeed. Animations and OST ++.

That satisfied face of Iggy cracks me every time.

Tomino said:
Jotaro reading a magazine about marine life in the barbershop was a nice touch.

Yeah, that was pretty funny to see.
Jan 30, 2015 11:22 AM

Jul 2014
Tomino said:
Jotaro reading a magazine about marine life in the barbershop was a nice touch.

On a related note:
Jan 30, 2015 11:31 AM

Mar 2013
I really like the stand anubis. good episode
Jan 30, 2015 11:41 AM

Apr 2014
I've been wondering something about Silver Chariot lately.

Is that sword projectile it's ability? Or is armor removal its ability?

Jan 30, 2015 11:44 AM

Jul 2014
Dragonage2ftw said:
I've been wondering something about Silver Chariot lately.

Is that sword projectile it's ability? Or is armor removal its ability?

Silver Chariot's ability speed and precision.

The armor removal is just an extension of its speed, just as its "Shooting the Sword" is an extension of its precision.

The main characters, unfortunately, have rather basic Stands in Stardust Crusaders. Later parts fix this.
Jan 30, 2015 12:01 PM

Apr 2014
Hobgoblin2099 said:
Dragonage2ftw said:
I've been wondering something about Silver Chariot lately.

Is that sword projectile it's ability? Or is armor removal its ability?

Silver Chariot's ability speed and precision.

The armor removal is just an extension of its speed, just as its "Shooting the Sword" is an extension of its precision.

The main characters, unfortunately, have rather basic Stands in Stardust Crusaders. Later parts fix this.

Yeah, I've read every part of Jojo's except for the last couple of chapters of Part 8.
It's why I was confused.

Also, aren't speed and precision something that some stands just have in addition to their power?

Jan 30, 2015 12:01 PM

Sep 2009
Holy shit. The scenery porn. The atmosphere. The choreography.

David Productions could not possibly have gotten the Chaka battle more right.

David Productions confirmed for best studio ever.
Jan 30, 2015 12:12 PM

Sep 2012
A truly brilliant adaptation.
Oh god who are you people?
Jan 30, 2015 12:14 PM

Jul 2014
Dragonage2ftw said:
Also, aren't speed and precision something that some stands just have in addition to their power?

I'm not quite sure what you mean by that, but a Stand's stats are measured in six aspects.

* Destructive Power
* Stamina
* Precision
* Speed
* Range
* Developmental Potential

The main characters do tend to get fast Stands that hit hard, but have poor range if that's what you mean.
Jan 30, 2015 12:17 PM

Apr 2013
The 'ol sword in the stone bit huh.
Decent episode.
Jan 30, 2015 12:28 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
The shaving scene was some tense stuff. Anyone who'd been in that position realizes the incredibly vulnerable position you're in. Looking forward to seeing how Polnareff get's out of this one.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jan 30, 2015 1:11 PM

Jun 2014
Pretty good episode. More Polnareff is always good, and we got some Joseph Engrish, too.
Jan 30, 2015 1:44 PM

Nov 2011
Anubis is probably my least favorite fight of Egypt. It's not that I dislike it or anything, I like it better than most of the pre-Egypt stuff, I just don't like the Polnareff deus ex machina of suddenly being able to shoot the sword (kind of like Jotaro suddenly being able to use Star Finger during the Dark Blue Moon fight). And I guess I just love the other fights more because of how crazy and unique they are.

However, that having been said, this episode was absolutely FANTASTIC as an adaptation. They could not have done a better job animating the Chaka fight. The animation and use of 3D CGI were absolutely flawless.

EDIT: Actually, without the Anubis fight, Chaka wouldn't be in Heritage for the Future. And since he's my main in that game, I love the fact that the Anubis fight exists xD
GyroSpinJan 30, 2015 4:34 PM
Jan 30, 2015 1:48 PM

Jan 2014
Oh Polnareff. Can never catch a break.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Jan 30, 2015 2:10 PM

Sep 2009
Fadeout4 said:
EDIT: Actually, without the Anubis fight, Chaka wouldn't be in Heritage for the Future. And since he's my main in that game, I love the fact that the Anubis fight exists xD

Oh hey, a fellow HFTF player.

Vanilla Ice will fuck up your shit.
Jan 30, 2015 2:35 PM

Nov 2011
Nobody seems to take Iggy as serious as he deserves. A bit short of a fight but I loved the atmosphere around Anubis stand, the suspenseful threat, no bs just swordfight and all. That Joestar "no" must have been the funniest so far, so off beat. XD
Jan 30, 2015 2:36 PM

May 2014
DAMN !!! This was really really good!!!
Given the right situation , the right story , anyone can be shaped into Snake.
-Revolver Ocelot , MGS2
Jan 30, 2015 2:43 PM

Jul 2014
Fadeout4 said:
Anubis is probably my least favorite fight of Egypt. It's not that I dislike it or anything, I like it better than most of the pre-Egypt stuff, I just don't like the Polnareff deus ex machina of suddenly being able to shoot the sword (kind of like Jotaro suddenly being able to use Star Finger during the Dark Blue Moon fight). And I guess I just love the other fights more because of how crazy and unique they are.

I dunno. I can forgive Shooting the Sword, since it has a legitimate reason for Polnareff to not have used it up to this point.

That and Polnareff has had his Stand a lot longer than Jotaro has had Star Platinum, so it stands to reason that he'd have a few tricks that he could do with it.
Jan 30, 2015 2:58 PM

Apr 2009
You know I was joking when I said after the strength fight that if an orangutan could have a stand then why not inanimate objects? They didn't even wait until the next part to break out a sentient sword stand that possesses people to do its bidding. And all this right after oingo boingo, it goes to show how great JoJo is when it can go from silly to serious so fast and not be a mess tonally

Jan 30, 2015 3:16 PM

May 2014
Hobgoblin2099 said:
Tomino said:
Jotaro reading a magazine about marine life in the barbershop was a nice touch.

On a related note:

Jotaro attempts to court a future mate.
Jan 30, 2015 3:52 PM

Feb 2013

Taking note of the most pressing of matters
Jan 30, 2015 3:55 PM

Feb 2013
Osaka117 said:
And all this right after oingo boingo, it goes to show how great JoJo is when it can go from silly to serious so fast and not be a mess tonally
Such are the benefits of an episodic structure
gedataFeb 1, 2015 1:56 PM
Jan 30, 2015 4:15 PM

Jul 2011
Hobgoblin2099 said:
Whaaat? Anubis was one of the best Stands in Egypt for me.

I don't like how the stand users aren't memorable, and there's not much that makes the fight sequences stand out from the pre-Egypt fights. Unlike all the other Egyptian gods, where the users are all memorable and the powers are much more creative. Makes for way better fights than the pre-Egypt stuff.

I think this whole part could have been a lot cooler though. Seems almost like a waste to have it just be a sword used by some random guy with little personality and then a barber with even less personality.
KellhusJan 30, 2015 4:18 PM
Jan 30, 2015 4:30 PM

May 2014
Kellhus said:
Hobgoblin2099 said:
Whaaat? Anubis was one of the best Stands in Egypt for me.

I don't like how the stand users aren't memorable, and there's not much that makes the fight sequences stand out from the pre-Egypt fights. Unlike all the other Egyptian gods, where the users are all memorable and the powers are much more creative. Makes for way better fights than the pre-Egypt stuff.

I think this whole part could have been a lot cooler though. Seems almost like a waste to have it just be a sword used by some random guy with little personality and then a barber with even less personality.

Oh come on Anubis has a character of his own , and probably this is my favorite episode by far
Given the right situation , the right story , anyone can be shaped into Snake.
-Revolver Ocelot , MGS2
Jan 30, 2015 5:09 PM
Apr 2009
Chaka is too damn cool. I also use him in Heritage for the Future. (and a bunch of other characters as well)

but what is the literal japanese for when Chaka says "I will take your life" it sounds so cool.
Jan 30, 2015 5:35 PM

Jan 2011
I thought the cow was gonna get it, considering all the dogs we've gone through already.
Jan 30, 2015 5:39 PM

Sep 2009
LiquidZero said:
but what is the literal japanese for when Chaka says "I will take your life" it sounds so cool.

Inochi wo morai ukeru
<img src="" border="0" />
Jan 30, 2015 5:42 PM

Mar 2014
Jojo just the way I like it. The best episode so far in this season, it was fun and made me laugh unlike the first 3 crappy episodes.

The stand is cool but i'm disliking how they are making it more obvious that something is a stand and how the crew still don't expect a stand to be any object or material.
Jan 30, 2015 6:53 PM

Jul 2014
To be fair, this is the first Stand they've met that actually has the ability to separate from its user. For all Polnareff knew, that guy had a Stand that let him cut through objects with his swords.

Kellhus said:
Hobgoblin2099 said:
Whaaat? Anubis was one of the best Stands in Egypt for me.

I don't like how the stand users aren't memorable, and there's not much that makes the fight sequences stand out from the pre-Egypt fights. Unlike all the other Egyptian gods, where the users are all memorable and the powers are much more creative.

That's kind of one of the things I liked about Anubis. It's not a tricky Stand. It's rather straightforward.

Jan 30, 2015 8:24 PM
Jan 2013
Noone noticed the fail in the fight? People are even praising it?

He is standing on a pillar and talks about popping up from the ground I was already confused there and suddenly he is standing on the ground.

I watched the scene a few times and it just looks like a huge animation error? How come noone is talking about this?
Jan 30, 2015 8:31 PM

Nov 2011
freigeist said:
Noone noticed the fail in the fight? People are even praising it?

He is standing on a pillar and talks about popping up from the ground I was already confused there and suddenly he is standing on the ground.

I watched the scene a few times and it just looks like a huge animation error? How come noone is talking about this?

What are you talking about? Polnareff jumped on top of a pillar to not get ambushed by Chaka. When Chaka cut the other pillar to attack Polnareff, he launched his blade. He's still standing on the pillar at this point. Then Chaka and the pillar he cut crash down to the ground, and Polnareff jumps off the pillar he was standing on. I really don't see how thought he was suddenly standing on the ground O_o
Jan 30, 2015 8:44 PM

May 2014
freigeist said:
Noone noticed the fail in the fight? People are even praising it?

He is standing on a pillar and talks about popping up from the ground I was already confused there and suddenly he is standing on the ground.

I watched the scene a few times and it just looks like a huge animation error? How come noone is talking about this?
What are you talking about ? I just rewatched that he jumped off the pillar after his launch attack thing
Given the right situation , the right story , anyone can be shaped into Snake.
-Revolver Ocelot , MGS2
Jan 30, 2015 8:45 PM

Jan 2013
Good episode as always, they still split up quite a bit.
Jan 30, 2015 8:46 PM

May 2014
Fadeout4 said:
freigeist said:
Noone noticed the fail in the fight? People are even praising it?

He is standing on a pillar and talks about popping up from the ground I was already confused there and suddenly he is standing on the ground.

I watched the scene a few times and it just looks like a huge animation error? How come noone is talking about this?

What are you talking about? Polnareff jumped on top of a pillar to not get ambushed by Chaka. When Chaka cut the other pillar to attack Polnareff, he launched his blade. He's still standing on the pillar at this point. Then Chaka and the pillar he cut crash down to the ground, and Polnareff jumps off the pillar he was standing on. I really don't see how thought he was suddenly standing on the ground O_o
Given the right situation , the right story , anyone can be shaped into Snake.
-Revolver Ocelot , MGS2
Jan 30, 2015 9:00 PM

Feb 2013
sullynathan said:
Jojo just the way I like it. The best episode so far in this season, it was fun and made me laugh unlike the first 3 crappy episodes.

The stand is cool but i'm disliking how they are making it more obvious that something is a stand and how the crew still don't expect a stand to be any object or material.
you can't exactly blame the guys, they've seen some pretty fucked up stand users, but all of em were living breathing mammals. An independent sword stand is pretty out there. They're learning new stuff about stands every day (well, with exception of last week)
Jan 30, 2015 9:24 PM
Jan 2013
Fadeout4 said:

What are you talking about? Polnareff jumped on top of a pillar to not get ambushed by Chaka. When Chaka cut the other pillar to attack Polnareff, he launched his blade. He's still standing on the pillar at this point. Then Chaka and the pillar he cut crash down to the ground, and Polnareff jumps off the pillar he was standing on. I really don't see how thought he was suddenly standing on the ground O_o

After reading your post I rewatched again and I get it now. He is standing on a broken pillar that is much shorter than the others.

Looking at the distance of the pillars it doesn't really make sence to do this hence my misunderstanding. But yeah here I am just being a whiny bitch, as long as the situation looks possible I should just use suspension of disbelief.
Jan 30, 2015 10:10 PM

Nov 2012
Realllly hoping this doesn't become a 3 part episode...
Also needs more
Jan 30, 2015 11:31 PM

May 2014
freigeist said:
Fadeout4 said:

What are you talking about? Polnareff jumped on top of a pillar to not get ambushed by Chaka. When Chaka cut the other pillar to attack Polnareff, he launched his blade. He's still standing on the pillar at this point. Then Chaka and the pillar he cut crash down to the ground, and Polnareff jumps off the pillar he was standing on. I really don't see how thought he was suddenly standing on the ground O_o

After reading your post I rewatched again and I get it now. He is standing on a broken pillar that is much shorter than the others.

Looking at the distance of the pillars it doesn't really make sence to do this hence my misunderstanding. But yeah here I am just being a whiny bitch, as long as the situation looks possible I should just use suspension of disbelief.

It's okay. I thought what you said was true at first too. I had to rewatch it as well to understand what the others are saying is actually more correct than what it appears to be.
Jan 31, 2015 12:36 AM

Jul 2014
ArcAdeAlchemist said:
Realllly hoping this doesn't become a 3 part episode...
Also needs more

Unless they add a LOT of filler to the barber fight, I can't see this becoming a three parter.
Jan 31, 2015 6:09 AM

Sep 2014
Lol really fun episode overall, let's see how it turns out next week.
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