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Your Lie in April
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Jan 5, 2015 12:49 PM

Aug 2012
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Please nooo ....
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Jan 5, 2015 4:28 PM

Sep 2014
Fatma94 said:
If my memory serves me right, wasn't Kaori undergoing an operation in the previous chapter? and Arima was performing alone?
this could be Arima's imagination, and that Kaori probably died in the hospital but wrote a letter in advance?
p.s I have not read the chapter, I'm just guessing based off these four pictures.

Yeah pretty much this. 99% sure that she died cause the letter could be read as "Dear somebody" (copied from reddit)
Jan 6, 2015 2:57 PM
Jul 2012
Seriously...I am thirsting for this chapter more than a meth addict needing a good fix. But anyway...i like to look at it this way: judging from these pages alone, we can't fully determine if she really died. what's presented to us, we can assume this much: Kousei's performance is over. And that he is no longer with Kaori, one way or another. She either died, OR the operation didn't kill her and she went away somewhere, leaving a letter behind. Though I don't know why she would do that. But obviously I would hope for the latter.
CynarchyJan 6, 2015 3:40 PM
Jan 7, 2015 12:58 AM

Nov 2013
Can't wait for last chapter. I really hope she isn't dead.
Jan 7, 2015 6:12 AM

Aug 2012
Saw that RAW and i'm afraid that she died ..
That letter at the end was from kaori .. I have bad feeling about this .
szympus11Jan 7, 2015 7:01 AM
Jan 7, 2015 8:37 AM
Jul 2012
I just read the raw. I don't know how else to think of it. I want to be in denial that Kaori dies so I'm trying REALLY hard to find solid reasons to say why she may be still alive...that performance was basically a farewell to Kaori, who just took a life risking surgery. But did she really die? I don't know if I missed anything (so correct me if I'm wrong), but I didn't see a flatline in that monitor so it might be possible that she survived that operation. One thing that must be noted is that this farewell happened inside his mind. And then there's the letter...when did she write that letter? Was it before? Or after? If it was before, then that opens a bigger possibility that she may have died. In any case...I think we shouldn't just count her off just yet...but if she really did die,'s really gonna hit a ton of bricks. The last chapter could not come any sooner. PLEASE DON'T DIE </3 I don't wanna believe it :(

CynarchyJan 7, 2015 8:41 AM
Jan 7, 2015 10:51 PM
Mar 2012
The image of Kaori disappearing as Kousei concludes his performance was a very powerful scene for me, I'm just hoping the implied symbolism doesn't come true, but I can assume Kaori has now passed away. I'm curious to know what is written in her letter.
Jan 8, 2015 3:13 AM

May 2010
I just looked over at the pictures and it seems to be that he saw her spirit (lol can't believe this manga would do that) or he was remembering the last time they played together??

Well I guess that's game over.
Jan 8, 2015 12:29 PM

Oct 2009
Now I'm praying....if Kaori is really dead, I will cry.
Jan 8, 2015 1:37 PM

Mar 2013
LastChapter said:
The image of Kaori disappearing as Kousei concludes his performance was a very powerful scene for me, I'm just hoping the implied symbolism doesn't come true, but I can assume Kaori has now passed away. I'm curious to know what is written in her letter.

I Love you Kousei... maybe.

fuck this shit, I'm gonna cry like a baby.
Jan 8, 2015 9:24 PM

Mar 2013
Plowed through the raw scans like a madman. I really want to know what Kaori wrote for Kousei.
Jan 8, 2015 11:02 PM

Dec 2012
hory fak !! Now I hope there is an epilogue where he is married to Emi :3
lunar1412Jan 8, 2015 11:06 PM
Jan 9, 2015 6:51 AM

Nov 2012
Viendo el cap 33, espero que al final no muera, puede que se salve al amputarle un brazo, lo que le impediría tocar, si de verdad muere sería demasiado.

My Candies 2024

My Old Candies:
Jan 9, 2015 8:10 AM

Dec 2011
Help :(((((( Im crying my ass off. Why cant it just have a happy ending :(( at least let them play together for the last time :((((( the letter at the end seems had written before kaori and kousei meet, so im guessing its a love letter from kaori about what and how she has been thinking about kousei and probably why he has been so inspirational til the day he stopped playing piano, and prob how she cant hold and reach out for kousei to make him play piano again.
Cant stop my tears help :(
Jan 9, 2015 1:55 PM

Jun 2009
Topic Merged
Please keep all manga discussion here.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Jan 10, 2015 9:57 AM
Dec 2013
lunar1412 said:
hory fak !! Now I hope there is an epilogue where he is married to Emi :3

hell no that would ruin the ending
Jan 11, 2015 3:44 AM

Mar 2011
So I saw some post on FB saying ch 44-45 will be kaori's funeral(w/c will be release on Feb 6) -.-
Did they(publisher or author) really release a statement about that

I know it's 90% made up story but I'm not following jap related site so I haz no clue about it XP
ricardo241Jan 11, 2015 3:54 AM

Jan 12, 2015 7:35 PM

Jan 2014
I think kaori will die, and that that will make kousei an even better pianist.
I actually read this and last chapter with the piece kousei is playing and... THE FEELS
Jan 12, 2015 8:32 PM

Sep 2013
she died... T_____________T
Jan 13, 2015 3:59 AM
Jul 2014
I think Kaori died. I mean that letter at the end from ch43 was from her and the text in the boxes can be translated as "Dear Kousei Arima...". Another thing that makes me think Kaori died is that there would be no reason for Kousei to have a letter from her if she was still alive...
Jan 13, 2015 11:59 AM

Nov 2012
No podría ser que ella se preparó para lo peor y escribió la carta pensando que no sobreviviría? Bueno, quiero apostar por que ella sobrevivió a costa de perder una mano o brazo, lo cual la dejaría sin posibilidad de tocar otra vez, creo que sería un buen final.

My Candies 2024

My Old Candies:
Jan 13, 2015 12:47 PM

Dec 2014
If Kaori dies I'll be content. If she lives I'll be even more satisfied. This manga was honestly a true gem and being a major fan of classical music it became one of my favorites in a short amount of time.
Jan 13, 2015 5:50 PM

Mar 2011
BTW what was the piece that kousei played on the last chapter?

Jan 13, 2015 8:10 PM

Jan 2015
whoa whoa wait.. I can't read the RAW since I can't read Japanese, but what is this you say? Kaori dies?! What no this can't happen! .___.
Jan 13, 2015 11:50 PM
Mar 2012
For those that can't read Japanese, I'll provide some context. Kaori gradually disappearing as Kousei plays the piano is pretty much symbolism of her death. As she disappears, Kousei has a monologue: " Don't go. Don't go. Please don't go. Please don't leave me behind and go."

The flashback of her smiling with the sakura petals flying has her saying "Friend A, I appoint you as my accompanist." He cries because Kaori is nevermore, he'll never see her smile and hear "Friend A" again. The page after, as he stands with the audience cheering and giving him bravos, the last line of his monologue is "Goodbye."

The envelope says "Arima Kousei-sama" on the front and "Miyazono Kaori" in the back. The text in the boxes in the last page says "Dear Arima Kousei-sama." What is stated at the bottom is "Next issue, the final story of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso."
Jan 14, 2015 11:54 AM
Mar 2012
Fatma94 said:
Do they ever reveal what condition she is suffering from?

I forgot if they ever explicitly ever mentioned it, but she's suffering from a degenerative disease as seen when she starts losing control of her legs and experiencing a seizure through heart failure.
Jan 15, 2015 3:48 PM
Jan 2015
in the best case she didnt die but cant contin ue playing music thats could be one options without kill her to the en d of the story
Jan 15, 2015 5:34 PM

Apr 2013
Read the raw like 10 days ago... so there wasn't any discussion that i could find but...

My hope:
That she went over seas for treatment and that was a letter from Kaori o.o
At least this would make this a lot more acceptable lol

Not gonna lie though... it seems like she died O.o

I'm curious how well he'll continue to play from now on but... the anime is ending the series at the same time as the manga series will end if i remember correctly... so it's gonna be over so quickly now D:

lol, the wikia for this series...

Kaori Miyazono:
Status: Unknown o.o
duderusJan 15, 2015 5:38 PM

Jan 17, 2015 10:49 AM
Mar 2014
HMMM the way i see it there are only 2 routes left in this last chapter

1st route is kaori is alive and is oversees for additional treatment or she is in rehabilitation somewhere else that she can't reach kousei that's why she wrote the letter for him and we will see a happy ending for both of them in the end.

2nd route is kaori is dead she wrote that letter before her surgery full of inspirations to make kousei continue on playing piano even she is gone. it might be a bitter sweet ending cause it might be a route where kousei will end up with tachibana...bitter cause kaori dies in the end but still sweet cause kaori's the main reason why kousei got back in playing again the piano and still kousei ends up with a wonderful girl.
Jan 22, 2015 11:46 AM

Mar 2013
Maybe the idea of the author is that kousei will end with Tsubaki if Kaori Dies... This sucks. I don't want Kousei to be with Tsubaki this way. It's sad being with someone who has chosen you just because his real love died, not because he loved you since the beginning.
Not that Kousei doesn't love Tsubaki, but is more like childhood friends than in a romantic way. But, maybe he fell for her after a time, if Kaori really dies. Just in this case I'll acept this.
Jan 26, 2015 10:01 PM
Apr 2011
What if... Kaori actually entered in coma result of her brain surgery (it was brain, wasn't it?). I mean, if Kaori survived the surgery it's laudable to think that Kousei would have visited her, instead of open that letter. But, if she is in coma, it makes sense to read it because she is still unable to talk with him.

For the time being, that letter indicates nothing because it is obvious that it was written before her surgery, and nobody knows how it went. It was just "in case".

And that "Kaori disappearing" scene also it is not conclusive, it was just his state of mind in that particular moment. His fear of losing her, materializing in his music.

A good (happy) finale, in my opinion, could be two possibilities (assuming she is in coma):

- All that "you always show up when I least expect" could lead us to think that Kaori will going to wake up one day and she is going to appear in front of Kousei suddenly.

But I like this more:

- Many years have passed, and she's still in coma. So, her relatives take the decision to disconnect her. But, before, Kousei carries a piano to her room and dedicates a song, a farewell piano song composed by him. The song ends, and when he look again, Kaori is watching him, crying and with a smile in her face: "Hi, friend-A."

That could be amazing, and full of symbolism.

And finally... "Your lie in April"

Someone has thought about what it means? I personally think is Kaori's lie related to her health. She always knew that she had a terminal disease (bad ending), or at least something really dangerous (good ending), but she always responded "I'm fine" when Kousei asked her.

Well, anyways... I really want to think Kaori is going to survive somehow. If not, it'll strike me like a fucking truck.
Jan 27, 2015 12:28 AM
Mar 2012
You're forgetting that she took the surgery to prolong her life long enough to perform with Kousei one last time. If the surgery succeeds or it doesn't, no matter what, she'll still have a short life. Forget a few years, months is the most she can hope.
Jan 27, 2015 12:42 AM
Apr 2011
LastChapter said:
You're forgetting that she took the surgery to prolong her life long enough to perform with Kousei one last time. If the surgery succeeds or it doesn't, no matter what, she'll still have a short life. Forget a few years, months is the most she can hope.

When they said that?
The final chapters are not officially translated, aren't they?

I thought that surgery was with the mere purpose of saving her life. More than prolong her lifetime. We don't even know what disease she had.
Jan 27, 2015 1:06 AM
Mar 2012
serphirs said:
When they said that?
The final chapters are not officially translated, aren't they?

I thought that surgery was with the mere purpose of saving her life. More than prolong her lifetime. We don't even know what disease she had.

Most of the revealed information has not yet been translated, but chapter 37 already gives you an early indication:

We do know what disease she has also, it's a degenerative one as stated in a previous post.

If we look back at chapter 41, there was a very powerful and tearjerking scene where Kaori asks Kousei a lot of questions such as his likes and hobbies because she realizes how little she really knows about him. Then she goes and says she regrets not getting to know him better, and it is too late now because her time in life is limited.

If you're reading it in English, just patiently wait for translations to come and see how everything unfolds up to this point.
Jan 27, 2015 2:06 AM
Apr 2011
But have they stated if that surgery is a temporal or definitive solution before?

There Kaori is the one who is talking, so I suppose she is guessing. "If it'll buy me a little bit of time", and she also said in the same chapter if I remember correctly "it's dangerous".

Maybe the results of that surgery are uncertain. But if it goes smooth, maybe she can even heal, or give her a lot more time but, it is so risky that she could die right away or get even worse, or a coma, and that's the reason why she had not taken it before.
Jan 27, 2015 5:13 PM

Oct 2008
As much as I don`t like it I think she died. Kousei looks genuinely surprised when he sees her on stage. It`s not like he was expecting it nor he thinks it`s his imagination. But after sudden surprise he closes his eyes as in realization, like he is thinking "that`s it that`s our promise, our last performance together, this is it." So yeah, I think that was their last performance together. Plus I think that even Tsubaki feels Kaori`s presence that has to mean something. As for a letter it`s probably goodbye Kaori written before surgery. Gosh I hope I`m wrong and your theories about treatment abroad are correct... I know that her dying makes more sense, but I hate bad endings there`s enough of them in real life...
Jan 27, 2015 8:46 PM
Mar 2013
the surgeons seemingly panicked (speed lines and all), Kaori appearing next to Kousei right after, the emphasis on her life line as well as the surgeons stopping and showing us the time.. when she started disappearing and Kousei obviously feeling all of this :(

As much as i hate it (and i seriously hope am wrong) with all of this, Kousei saying goodbye and the letter this is it :( But even then i cannot help but believe she's alive, i know it's just denial but it sure is hard.

The way Naoshi's portraying emotions is just amazing, cannot help but feel like crying checking this raw, truely a master piece.
Jan 28, 2015 9:09 PM
Apr 2011
Whatever happens. It seems It's been awhile between the concert and the letter scene. Unless it was a rare snowfall in full Spring.

That's interesting. If Kaori died, do you think the author would have skipped her funeral?

And why to look that letter so long after her death? Judging the way Kousei is looking at, it seems he has just received the letter.

Jan 29, 2015 2:49 AM
Mar 2012
serphirs said:
[spoiler]But have they stated if that surgery is a temporal or definitive solution before?

There Kaori is the one who is talking, so I suppose she is guessing. "If it'll buy me a little bit of time", and she also said in the same chapter if I remember correctly "it's dangerous".

Maybe the results of that surgery are uncertain. But if it goes smooth, maybe she can even heal, or give her a lot more time but, it is so risky that she could die right away or get even worse, or a coma, and that's the reason why she had not taken it before.

Whatever happens. It seems It's been awhile between the concert and the letter scene. Unless it was a rare snowfall in full Spring.

That's interesting. If Kaori died, do you think the author would have skipped her funeral?

And why to look that letter so long after her death? Judging the way Kousei is looking at, it seems he has just received the letter.


It's a temporal solution, the surgery is meant to extend her life for a little bit more, not to cure her disease. Of course she said "it's dangerous," it's because if the surgery fails, she dies. Kaori has two paths ahead of her: 1) Continue the way she is living now and deteriorate until she dies, or 2) Take the surgery with the risk of death and prolong her life a little bit more. There is no third route where she is magically cured.

You're the first and only I know who proposed the coma idea, reason being is that it's unfeasible in this situation. Okay, let's say the surgery "half succeeds" and she survives and is now in a coma. There is no point to it because now she's just literally rotting in bed at a faster rate because she is unable to exercise her muscles to slow the degeneration process. She'll die before she can even wake up in time. Don't hope that she'll be in a coma for a long time and wakes up to be miraculously healed. Like I said, the surgery is a high risk with low return since she's betting her life on the small chance she'll live a bit longer.

Where did you get the idea Kousei's concert this chapter was in spring? From what I saw from the last few chapters, it was winter. Everyone was wearing heavy jackets and scarves with the scenery barren with leafless trees unlike the beginning of the series where they were wearing short-sleeved shirts and lots of trees were growing. It was also snowing in chapter 41. Barely any time has passed since the concert and him receiving of the letter, and I can even give you the exact date of the concert: February 18.

Though I do enjoy theories, it'd be best to know the content first. Skipping a bunch of chapters and making conjectures about the latest one without knowing much context may not be the best idea.
Jan 29, 2015 9:36 AM
Apr 2011
Nah, I'm just being delusional. Maybe just in denial mode but, I feel you bothered a little, sorry there.
But well, yeah I just read this a little ago and I confess I didn't notice the weather change in the last untranslated chapters. Maybe because I didn't have anything to read and just turned the pages a little upset with all that tragic situation.

I'm just trying to find some reason to stay with the "good" things between all the tragic things this manga is showing. Even if someone says that Kousei can overcome this and do as nothing has occurred and become a better pianist, this is a pretty harsh way to go. I mean, for a random guy to live 2 death experiences in a short timespan that's a way too cruel outcome. He can use this as life-experience but even the most cold-blooded guy in the earth It would have died internally at some extent. I get the message too, Kousei needs intense emotional events to get the better musician he has inside but, it doesn't need to be sad all the time. That piss me off.
serphirsJan 29, 2015 9:42 AM
Jan 29, 2015 3:41 PM

Mar 2011
The letter is an invitation for Kousei to perform w/ Kaori lel

Jan 29, 2015 8:22 PM

Aug 2013
ricardo241 said:
The letter is an invitation for Kousei to perform w/ Kaori lel

That would be honestly an amazing troll, after all that build up.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Jan 29, 2015 11:03 PM

Mar 2011
minouneetzoe said:
ricardo241 said:
The letter is an invitation for Kousei to perform w/ Kaori lel

That would be honestly an amazing troll, after all that build up.

Well not really... it's possible that the author will let Kaori do her last performance w/ kousei then *poof* after 1 month or a year she died

Feb 16, 2015 10:36 PM
Jan 2013
I just finished picking away at the raws for chapter 43 and I'm super dejected at Kaori's death. She's not in a coma, or recovering overseas, she's dead.

As a person who hates sad endings, no matter how beautifully executed and apt with the storyline, I'm really sad to see this route taken by the story. Not only that, but the letter addressed to Kousei at the end details Kaori's story starting from Arima's first performance (where that little girl started to cry which made him really flustered). And to top it all off, the meaning of the name of the series is revealed in the letter when Kaori writes that she lied that she liked Watari when instead she liked Kousei. Wow. When I read, along with the next few panels I felt like someone hit me in the chest.

I guess the whole thing was very well executed, with all of the symbolism and messages brought forth through the music and monologues, but couldn't the ending have been a little less...unimaginably tragic? ;_;

brb time 2 cri
Mar 9, 2015 4:49 PM
Feb 2015
vincedaled said:
I think Kaori died. I mean that letter at the end from ch43 was from her and the text in the boxes can be translated as "Dear Kousei Arima...". Another thing that makes me think Kaori died is that there would be no reason for Kousei to have a letter from her if she was still alive...

Unless she did not want to burden/distract Kousei anymore with her illness ... especially if the results of the operation won't be known for sometime, or if she is in a coma. If it was her wish to have Kousei forget about her I think her parents would most likely be willing to tell a small "lie" and give the letter to Kousei since they did admire Kousei and are familiar with his past. One unusual thing about the funeral ... where are the mourners besides her parents?
pharma57Mar 9, 2015 4:52 PM
Mar 9, 2015 6:39 PM

Nov 2011
A lot of signs points out that she died this chapter...oh God. I wonder how what that letter says though. Guess we'll find out next time.

That performance by Kousei seemed good.
Mar 9, 2015 7:10 PM
Feb 2013
Just read last chapter(raw) from some blog(spot) - dunno if it is genuine or not-

seems real though and don't want to believe it. But heck, imma crying like stupid baby that just born now.
I became the fan of this classical-music manga since last year, which I never think that I would like it, and this is what I got?!! damit!!
RyushaMar 9, 2015 7:20 PM
Mar 9, 2015 7:24 PM

Apr 2011

So the lie was she likes Watari.

It was not really surprising. Overall it was AWESOME!
Mar 9, 2015 8:28 PM

May 2014
Oh god she's dead isn't she... Well time to get the tissues...

Still, I can't wait to hear that performance animated.
"You either die an Ashita no Joe, or you live long enough to see yourself become a Naruto."
Mar 9, 2015 9:18 PM

Dec 2011
That was one great performance and we can feels the sadness and all the emotions of Kousei.Can't wait to hear that piece in anime and love everyone reaction at the end......
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