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Jun 30, 2012 2:46 PM

Jul 2010
Noooo, that's really it?! What if Nobu broke up with Yuri?! And then went to Hachi hehe<3

Ugh, I'm so depressed right now. I want to read more. I'm totally gonna miss NANA. Such a good story, it's not even funny.
Aug 17, 2012 9:28 PM
Jul 2011
sigunjdd said:
I want to stroke Yuri's face with a razor sharp knife.

Don't we all?

But seriously I hate that girl Yuri, It's such a cliffhanger to leave off at I hope Nobu breaks up her...
And I hate how Takumi neglects Nana &he's with Reira. I disliked him from the very beginning. I hope Hachi chooses Nobu in the end...c:
That awkward moment when you're watching yaoi then all of a sudden someone walks in...
Sep 8, 2012 10:47 AM

May 2010
Sigh, now we are stuck at this stage forever
ddw1aApr 29, 2013 11:23 PM
Oct 31, 2012 1:29 AM
May 2012
I finish it today ...
Now i know 84 is the last chapter ...
I can rest in peace ...

(I fall in love with Nana ... Osaki of course :P)
Jan 25, 2013 6:04 AM

Jan 2008
Funny how my post is the second on this thread almost four years ago.

I just finished watching the anime and re-reading the manga. I was left crying again as everything crumbled around Ren's death. That cliffhanger. ;A; I do hope Yazawa finishes up this series sooner or later. It would be really sad to have this great series not completed. I do have to agree with a post that was made earlier here about young Ren possibly being Nana's and Nobu's. It makes far too much sense. Ah. It's nice to see another perspective on how lost I was when they kept mentioning Ren when he was clearly dead. It all makes sense. I would love to see a NanaxNobu ending. Enough of Takumi and his ways. And let's see how many years pass after my making of this post that I'll come back to the series again and it still be in such a stand still... .-.
Feb 10, 2013 5:26 PM
Feb 24, 2013 4:17 AM

Jul 2009
It's been so long since it's on hiatus, I saw she did the Junko's room chapter, I hope she can finish it, I am waiting for the day when Nanas will meet again.
Mar 11, 2013 4:09 PM
Aug 2012
zzz whats the ilness the mangaka has? Seems to be quite bad if its extended for a couple years.

Also this series is getting retarded takuma is a faggot i wish he died instead of ren.
"届どいた....手紙?" - スワ(オレンジ)
Apr 7, 2013 10:28 PM
Jan 2011
I seriously hope she starts NANA up again. I know the series can be cheesy but I think it really is a must read for all young women. I think the girls represent young woman rather well.

And to add to the debate on the children's parents, I support that the child is Nobu's. How could the child be Reira and Takumi's if the one that is obviously Hachi's is younger? That'd mean either 1. Hachi loses this bab and has another down the line, or 2. Reira currently has a hidden children because it is older than Hachi's child.

Also, Hachi promises to name her child after Ren (or in a sense--- she consults him on a name). And well, the kid's name IS Ren.

Also, the kid has a natural interest and talent with the guitar, as does Nobu.

Nobu didn't 'walk out' on Hachi when he found out she was pregnant, he was just shocked and he did offer to do all it took to care for the child, but Hachi was convinced the child was Takumi's since Takumi didn't use protection, but Nobu did (but hey, condoms break). I think she was just trying to think of her child in the long run and the best financial and assumed biological situation, I don't think she was in love with Takumi. She is trying to make the best of the situation and make a warm home and a family for her child to be born into. But so far that doesn't look like that's going to happen. I think they will remain married, yet live separate lives.
kapwnedApr 7, 2013 10:39 PM
May 10, 2013 1:20 PM

Aug 2009

May 27, 2013 12:01 AM
May 2012
I like this like an end.
Is pretty romantic.
Ren dead, and Nana alone far far away, singing until the end of her days. Is beautiful.
Wait, r there another characters/storylines?
May 30, 2013 1:18 PM

May 2010
I think Yazawa also died.
Jun 16, 2013 5:51 PM

Jul 2010
Confucius said:
I think Yazawa also died.

Yazawa didn't die, actually she was released from the hospital a couple of months ago.
Aug 16, 2013 1:02 PM

Jul 2008
I read the manga because the anime ended on a cliffhanger...I didn't expect the manga to do the same.

I hope Yazawa Ai some day finds it in her to finish the series, but I doubt it.
Sep 1, 2013 6:23 AM
Sep 2013
kapwned said:
I seriously hope she starts NANA up again. I know the series can be cheesy but I think it really is a must read for all young women. I think the girls represent young woman rather well.

And to add to the debate on the children's parents, I support that the child is Nobu's. How could the child be Reira and Takumi's if the one that is obviously Hachi's is younger? That'd mean either 1. Hachi loses this bab and has another down the line, or 2. Reira currently has a hidden children because it is older than Hachi's child.

Also, Hachi promises to name her child after Ren (or in a sense--- she consults him on a name). And well, the kid's name IS Ren.

Also, the kid has a natural interest and talent with the guitar, as does Nobu.

Nobu didn't 'walk out' on Hachi when he found out she was pregnant, he was just shocked and he did offer to do all it took to care for the child, but Hachi was convinced the child was Takumi's since Takumi didn't use protection, but Nobu did (but hey, condoms break). I think she was just trying to think of her child in the long run and the best financial and assumed biological situation, I don't think she was in love with Takumi. She is trying to make the best of the situation and make a warm home and a family for her child to be born into. But so far that doesn't look like that's going to happen. I think they will remain married, yet live separate lives.

i agree. i think it should be a must read! it seriously helped me realise a feel a lot of things when i first watched the anime. [i read it recently. i was waiting for it to finish but then u know..i waited forEVER so..yeah.]
The way yawaza brings the characters to life on paper or on the just so strikingly beautiful. i remember when NANA performed ROSE for the first time on top of the dining table when Nobu visited, the chills and vibes i got were so incredible. and when she performed on stage for the first time ROSE, again, it was even more incredible. you only get that feeling in real life, at real concerts or around real people..
There's just so much put into the story of's a shame if anyone lets it pass by them..
Sep 1, 2013 6:30 AM
Sep 2013
Derravaragh said:
Arwenia said:
spazure said:
Ladylethal said:
So I reread all the flashes into the future and the feeling I have is that Lil' Ren is Hachi and Nobu's kid. I think we all immediately thought Satsuki was older but I think Ren will be born first, and then Hachi will have Satsuki.

That way it makes sense that Lil' Ren has light hair like Nobu, and explain why Nobu is ALWAYS asking for him and asking about him playing guitar (when Nobu said to present pregnant Hachi that he wants to teach the child). Hachi is assuming it's a girl but it will be a boy and since it's only a few months after Ren's death they name him after Ren.

But since Takumi said he'd raise the child as his own he does get attached even though the child is Nobu's. Either way Hachi and Takumi will spend more years together and have Satsuki, and only now in the "future" we see they're separated.

That sounds like the best interpretation yet! I hope Yazawa-sensei decides to continue with the series, I recently heard that she might not after her illness.. :/

I interpreted it the same way. And I was in the beginning Takumi x Hachi fan but I can't stand emotional disorders (Takumi) and slavery (Hachi) so I was feeling pretty bad when Takumi violated their relationship (sleeping with others, kissing Reira and never calling Hachi). She really loves him, but I think that she made a mistake in too quickly choosing him. Nobody would die if she could wait a little bit longer and talk with Nobu (he haven't even recovered from the news and he was already dumped) and push Takumi away for a while so she can choose. I hope she will choose Nobu. He is a perfect character for her. Loving, caring, everything that Takumi isn't and it would be a real shame if manga wouldn't end this way (marriage Nobu x Hachi). :)
--> And yea. The chapter was short. Really too short.

I really can't comprehend why people like Takumi? Never once in this entire manga has he shown any bit of emotional interest in Hachi. Before she got pregnant, he only talked to her to have sex with her, never meant what he said (only remembering that he promised to come over after he finished the tour when he got yelled at), and only stayed by her side the night her pregnancy came out because he knew her pregnancy was something that could potentially hurt Trapnest, his initial reaction was, "I'll pay for the child", not let's be together. Even after she chooses him, he has never once put her as any sort of priority, he just does what needs to be done for her to survive.

Secondly, Why do people think she loves Takumi? She was enfatuated with him because he was a star in the beginning, and his sweet talk got to her that first night (the night of the tomatoes, not first sex), which is just Hachi being Hachi, lusting after guys based on nothing. As soon as a genuine opportunity for love appeared, her feelings changed, but the pregnancy happened. She only chose Takumi because Nobu left and didn't stay by her side that initial night and Takumi did. You can say that it was Hachi's fault for not talking to him and only apologizing, but she didn't say anything to Takumi either and he still stayed assuming the responsibilty.

Finally, and there's nothing to base this off really, but I just feel that Ren (the child from the future scenes) is Takumi and Reira's.

I honestly could not even agree more.
Takumi is like.. a monster just thrown into the NANA universe. i wish he'd be the one to die instead of Ren. Takumi has done nothing to make anything better except paying for Nana and her child to live on in comfort and taking care of Trapnest. i'll admit i had a little bit of compassion for him in the Takumi chapter, showing his past..but then i think of all that he's done to cause this rift in the whole story.

I think if Takumi didn't cause the damage he did, Nobu and Nana(hachi) would be so, so happy and Nana wouldn't have run off after Ren's death and she wouldn't have had those hyperventilating attacks and Maybe he would have gotten with Reira and she would be happy but i personally think Shin and Reira should be together they're like nobu and nana[hachi] in a way. their relationship would be sweet and caring.

Poor yasu. maybe he'll have a shot with nana after all this but i doubt that.
Sep 19, 2013 1:40 PM
Jul 2013
We have enough information to predict the ending ourselves. In the timeskip we know that nana is in london singing, hachi has two kids (ren might be nobu's) and is still married to takumi; However, it's unclear since in one of the panels Jun-chan asks hachiko "Aren't you two getting a divorce" (I bet hachiko found takumi two timing her) though hachi denies it quickly saying it's not worth it. I haven't seen yuri around in any of the flashes so my guess is that she broke it off with nobu. MiuxYasu is still going on. Only questions i have are for shin, reira and the relationship between nobuxhachi.

It's been 3 years since Yazawa's release from the hospital folks it's best if we put an end to this manga as fans, it's the least we can do
Sep 20, 2013 11:23 AM

Jul 2009
Personally, as a reader, I feel slighted by the author. Zero respect for the fans. She can not say for three years, is she will continue to write or not. It was as if she had everyone in the ass.
Sep 23, 2013 4:13 PM

Feb 2013
Just finished watching the anime and reading the manga ( about 3 times). I have to say that I LOVED this series. It was far better than I expected. It really got deep there. I can't tell you how many times I cried. Especially when Ren died. It just broke my heart. Luckily the author just recently put out new issues of Junko's room. It gives me hope that she'll finish the manga.

As for the events in chapter 84, I can see Nobu dumping Yuri. Not just because of his feelings for hachi but her attitude in general. I never liked her in the first place so I hope she disappears. I don't Nana is going to leave immediately but I think this will be the catalyst. I'm also wondering what'll happen with Reira. Personally, I can't stand her. I mean seriously, stuck on a man who you know doesnt love you like that for years is a hot mess. She's the most selfish character. I mean so is hachi but at least she admits her selfishness.

And regarding Little Rens parentage, I'm probably the only one who thinks that's Takumi's child. I have doubts that it's Nobu's. We tend to forget that hachi also has light hair. If you see some of the color panels little Ren had brown hair. Plus I think takumi would say if it wasn't his child whether he loved him or not. I actually like both Takumi and Nobu. I do think Takumi sincerely loves hachi but he will always put his job first. It's obvious that he regrets his actions...notice his expression in ch.74. He knows that things have gone to far and probably can't be repaired easily. Nobu knows hachi will never leave takumi and had resigned himself to just be her support. Nobu probably asked after Ren out of the fact that's it's hachi's baby and his namesake. He's just a loving guy. That's the way I see things.
NubiengoddessSep 23, 2013 5:46 PM
Sep 28, 2013 11:19 AM

Aug 2008
As Nubiengoddess, I also think Little Ren is Takumi's child. I also hope he is, as a matter of fact because I quite liked Takumi.

I've first watched the anime, but being utterly unsatisfied with its ending -because I simply wanted to know and experience much more of the anime, much-much more only because I have been and still am irrevocably in love with the story, entirely captivated by its fascinating appearance, I decided to also read the manga... Oh my goodness!!!
Both manga and anime are very, very good quality. In my humble objective opinion, the series is quite a successful one. In my outrageous/mad/fanatic/subjective opinion, I believe this to be one of the best mantas I've come across up till now.

I seriously think the manga won't be continued which is a pity, but it has already been 3 years since she hasn't submitted anything. 3 or 4 years? Well, I've read the manga two years ago, but if I remember it clearly, the last submitted chapter was in 2009. As far as I know, Yazawa-san recovered her health, but can't read anything more on the internet about it -whether she's been all quiet or there's something else going on between, I do not know. But I cannot eliminate this deep pain I face every time I remember the series. As devoted fans, I do believe we deserve some more consideration. On the other hand, I do not know anything of Yazawa-san's life, so I cannot seriously argue. We are, nevertheless, in our most righteousness to complain and feel frustrated about it. I wonder if we can so easily forget all about it. This is clearly a pity.

The series = wonderful.

I did like Takumi very much.even though in the anime he seems more like a monster, I feel that in the manga we experience several of his features. I think he loves Hachi in his way, he is attractive for he is a serious and responsible man. This is the kind of man Hachi needs- she wants comfort and security to ensure her life, her well being and security. I understand Hachi's feelings. Even so, she still loves Nobu - I was happy to see her go to Takumi, though. I felt that for one single time she had been mature and responsible. That was the most reasonable choice.
About Ren, I feel devasted. Even more about Nana.

Personally, I do not enjoy guessing. I'd simply like to read the next chapters of the story. Then I'd be happy. Guessing about it won't make me feel anything. Is not as if I only want to know what will happen. It is clearly not enough.
If the author would appear tomorrow to tell us what she thought of drawing further on the manga, I wouldn't feel a thing. What I need is to read about it. Only guessing or knowing about it is not enough.

Predictable or not, I'd like to read the rest of it.
Terayama Shuji
Oct 25, 2013 11:35 PM

Nov 2011
O please just give us some information :(

I wish we could just get some closure and with the flashs into the future through out the series it just makes me want to know what will happen so much more.
We haven't even seen Hachiko have her baby yet T_T
This series is soo wonderful and so very powerful, I fell in love with it from the very first time I watch the anime.. It took me a very long time to start reading the manga but I just couldn't hold off any longer.
Ren's death was so so very powerful that I had so many chills running down my spine it was ridiculous.
I wouldn't even mind if the author released some notes just detailing what would happen next and left it at that.
Though I don't believe it's the author fault and I can understand why the fans feel anger towards her. She hasn't gave us any information on her condition though if she is really that sick I can see why she hasn't.

I'll be always checking for updates on her condition, I just hope one day we do finally hear something.
Nov 8, 2013 8:02 AM

Feb 2012
thank god i checked the forums before beggining to read/watch this. I hate unfinished series.
Nov 19, 2013 3:11 AM

Jul 2013
IceBurn said:
thank god i checked the forums before beggining to read/watch this. I hate unfinished series.

HAHA, I'm doing the same thing. I can't believe it ends like this. I'm hesitant about reading it now.
Demi Valentine

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Nov 20, 2013 12:27 PM
Nov 2013
Hopefully the author come back and finish it some day, or you we will have to make up our own endings lol.
Nov 22, 2013 10:24 AM
Feb 2012
I loved the series and feel the same way about the manga. I also knew that there's some kind of open ending, but this is just like a slap to the face. It's not an open, but rather abrupt ending, leaving almost everything unresolved...
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Feb 24, 2014 5:16 PM
Feb 2014
So first question how did Ren death make you feel. I was sadden by it he was one of my favourites and sad to seem him kill him self just to protect Trapnest. Second how do you think Reira felt if she knew why and third how do you think Nana would feel if she knew why?
Nov 10, 2014 9:41 PM

Nov 2011
I'm still rating this a 9/10 and likely a perfect score if it had a proper conclusion. Sigh, how long has it been since the series went on hiatus? Anyways, I'm glad to see Nana singing again and the mood being a bit cheerier even with the loss of Ren. That was quite a sad death though..

Still hoping the manga will get some sort of continuation someday.
Dec 11, 2014 10:14 AM

Nov 2011
Are there any news on Yazawa Ai?

Jan 5, 2015 12:10 PM

Apr 2010
wuxiaspear said:
Are there any news on Yazawa Ai?

The last news presented was in 2013 that she had drawn a new "Junko's Room" chapter but that was it, unfortunately. That came from animenews and it's really hard to find anything else that is credible. I've tried.

Ugh, this manga. It gets me every time.
Right THERE.
That stupid, awful, beautiful twist that makes me tear up anytime I re-read it. The realistic and emotional aspect of the story is really endearing. I haven't ever had the time to rewatch the anime but it holds a special place in my heart with the way the music is able to come to life. The scene when Nana stands on the table and sings is still one of my favorite parts.

And the characters, I want to punch them in the throat and cuddle them simultaneously. All of them with their flaws and shitty decisions while still being amazing and beautiful. Their the best part.

It's really depressing that it's been so many years that this manga has gone with updates but I'm happy to hear that she is out of the hospital and recovering. There were numerous rumors floating around as to what her medical issues were, even a stroke but nothing was confirmed. As a fan, I selfishly do hope that one day she continues but if she doesn't, that's okay too. I'm really grateful for the 84 chapters she did give to us of this amazing story. It's one of my favorite mangas.

I rate it 10 even without the proper ending. And I'll always be a fan and cheering her on. And I'll probably still be checking in another five years to see if that update ever comes. Damn you Yazawa and you're beautiful manga, you got me for life.

[size=90]dafuk isdis ?

Jan 18, 2015 4:17 PM

Dec 2009
My opinion about the future here, it will be that Ren is certantly Hachi's child but because she and Takumi are separate now he stay with him and then Satsuki with Hachi, but in my opinion both are siblings, probably they are twins, that is why Satsuki is always wishing to be together as family as Nana said. Ren can't be Reira's son because he never say "my mom" and then when Reira said that it was incredible how she loves him even when he is Takumi's son, I don't think a mother can say that about her son, but it is intersting who all of this turned out already, which I think Nana will be back in the aparment in her birthday as she said again: "as a present". Now about Nana she is living near the ocean because it is were Ren is, now all of them are in England, Trapnest and Nana, again if you think about it the story is back again when they are in the same city as they were in Tokyo, now it could be that Yasu will be running to see Nana or maybe not, as you know he is still with Miu so who knows at this point HAHAHA , on the other hand Nobu is always asking for Ren not beacuse he is his son but is just the fact that he's still in love with Nana, and just to think that probably they could be his childs for me that always kills Nobu, but is more than obvious that both are Takumi childs, I mean they are almost the same as him,it is really hard to see Takumi separate from Nana, he is still cold with her, I think he really loves her but I cannot say the same for Hachi... Nana for me it is full of mistery yet the history and of course a great plot, so I hope Ai Yazawa can continue this amazing manga.
May 16, 2015 3:19 AM

Jun 2013
What a wonderful manga, I really loved every chapter!
It's pretty sad it has been on a hiatus for so long and I hope Yazawa Ai will continue with the manga one day.
Sep 24, 2015 8:08 AM

Apr 2013
Just waiting for the bad news that we'll never be getting a continuation.
Oct 17, 2015 12:15 PM

Mar 2015
So, I just finished watching the anime, and then went back and read the manga from the start. I've got to say, that I'm now officially on board the Nana bandwagon, and hope like hell that this story sees its way through to the end. Good luck to Ai Yazawa, and good luck to all the fans who eagerly await answers. What a great story.

And since there seems to be a lot of speculation as to who the two kids belong to, I'll post my theory here.

I believe that one of the children is Nana Osaki's.

I'll refer to Nana Osaki as Nana, and Nana Komatsu as Hachi, for clarity's sake.

At first, I thought that Satsuki had to be Nana's daughter, and that Ren had to be Hachi's son, based on merely physical appearance. Ren has the same hair color as Hachi, and Satsuki vaguely resembles Nana. But once I thought about it further, it seemed almost too obvious.

Here's some reasons why the first scenario might not add up. Ren seems to be easily a year or two older than Satsuki. Hachi was pregnant for a while with her baby before Ren died. But up to the point that Ren dies, we're never given any indication that Hachi is close to her due date. When Ren died, Nana hadn't seen Ren for about a month. I know there was mention of Nana forgetting to take birth control pills a few times while Ren was still around, but even if he did get her pregnant, Nana's child wouldn't be that much younger than Hachi's. Less than a year in age difference. Yet Satsuki seems considerably younger than little Ren. There is also a scene in the manga where Hachi and Satsuki are out shopping and talking about Valentine's chocolates. Satsuki finally confesses to Hachi that she wants to buy chocolates for Shin. After that, they go to Jun's place. When Hachi tells Jun that Satsuki wants to buy chocolates for Shin, Jun replies that Satsuki has definitely inherited Hachi's genes/DNA. If Satsuki wasn't really Hachi's daughter, then why would Jun say that? After Jun mentions that, Hachi's reaction is that of a mother worried that her daughter has inherited her taste in men, not the reaction of someone who's hiding Satsuki's true identity from Jun. Its because of this that I think little Ren may be the child of Nana and Ren Honjo. But not from the Tokyo era. I think Nana may have got pregnant with Ren's child before he left for Tokyo. Ren had been in Tokyo about two years before Nana decided to go. Right before he tells her he's going to Tokyo, Nana mentions wanting to go take her pill because she can't afford to have a child at the moment. But rather than go take it, her and Ren start fooling around and then he tells her he's leaving. After that, a year and nine months pass before Nana mentions buying a ticket for Tokyo. I think its possible that Nana gave birth to Ren and then gave him up to an orphanage. If you remember when Nana was lecturing Hachi about mothers not taking having a child seriously, my first instinct was that she felt so strongly about it because her mother had abandoned her. But after this possibility, I think that maybe she felt strongly about it because she gave up her own child back in her hometown, and thus followed in her mother's footsteps. Maybe down the line, Hachi finds out about Nana and Ren's child and adopts him from the orphanage. I could definitely see her doing that to have one last thing to keep her closer to Nana. And I wouldn't see Takumi putting up a fight about it because he and Ren were close. It's mentioned several times that Ren is very independent and will often wander off alone. Could this be mirroring his parents' personalities, and also because he may not have had a lot of affection early on if he spent the first couple of years of his life in an orphanage? Nana also was expelled from high school, so that wouldn't interfere with keeping having a child a secret. Although, I don't recall how long BLAST stayed together after Ren left, so that may pose a problem with this theory, as I can't see Nobuo and Yasu being completely in the dark about this if the band was still together while Nana was pregnant. There is a narrative line by Hachi, in the chapter where, around Christmas, she receives the envelope with pictures of a long-haired Nana singing. Hachi says, "Every year when Chrismas gets closer, I pray to the sky for a miracle. Not for angels or Santa Claus. But for the night when Nana and Ren can meet again. At this point in time, Ren Honjo is already dead. Could Hachi be referring to little Ren? Or could she just merely be praying for the impossible, or for Nana and Ren Honjo to meet again in the afterlife?

Although, little Ren being independent could be a product of Takumi's personality, and he could be Hachi's/Takumi's son after all. Nana could have got pregnant before Ren died, and just hasn't realized it yet, and Satsuki could be slightly younger and just smaller than Ren. But then that contradicts the DNA comment that Jun made. Ugh, I just wish I could find out for sure. Either way, I still think one of them is Nana's/Ren's child.

I'm not sure if this is how the story will end up or not. But its the theory I'm going with at the moment. Thoughts?

Let's all hope for the best for Ai Yazawa, and a conclusion to an amazing story.
ig-88aOct 18, 2015 8:57 AM
Aug 19, 2016 7:14 PM

Apr 2009
it's official Ai Yazawa is coming back "someday"
I don't care how long but she plans on finishing it.
Aug 27, 2016 8:16 PM

Oct 2015
RIP Yuri, you was good while you lasted.
Jan 14, 2017 7:53 PM

Jan 2016
I already knew that it was unfinished and on hiatus for a long long time before i started reading this, but seriously this chapter was way too short and doesn't have any closure to anything, it just ended like a normal chapter

Jesus christ i'm cursed to only read mangas that i will never see the ending
HxH, Berserk, probably One Piece and Tower of god, and now Nana LOL
Nov 9, 2017 5:12 PM
Aug 2017
Here goes my thoughts:

1.- Nana Hachikun and Takumi remain married and have two childs: Sa-chan and Ren. We can see Ren calling Takumi "Dad" (you can fetch yourself, Dad) while in England (where the kid doesn't want to return to Japan because he likes more England). Takumi is in England seaching for Nana, who has been missing for a while. They thought she died but the "Search" reporter found her singing in a Pub. Hachi, Yasu, Nebu and Shin remain as close friends and they even remember every march 4th. Sa-chan calls Yasu and nebu "uncles". ...

I'm afraid we won't see the end ever.

and, yes... I'm crying.
Jan 4, 2018 9:57 PM
Nov 2015
What a amazing - and sad at the same time - ride that was. I loved this series. From the beginning, through the anime, until the hiatus.

I am cursed with these unfinished series... HxH and now Nana. That's so frustrating.

PS: it is really admirable how hateful Yuri has become in such a few chapters. Maybe she is now even above Takumi in my Most Hateful Nana Characters List.

I really hope Ai Yazawa finishes the story someday. No matter when, it could be in 2050. It would be my pleasure to read it all over again, and I will always be waiting for an ending.


BetoYeriExyApr 8, 2019 7:36 PM
Apr 11, 2018 6:02 AM
Apr 2017
damn i just finished watch and read Nana, and it's already 9 years but still no positive sign that the author will continue the manga ><
Sep 17, 2018 8:56 AM

Feb 2013
Asami ruined the good mood.
Now we will have to wait and see if we ever get a new chapter.
Dec 26, 2018 7:10 AM
Aug 2018
Hey, it's 2018 and I'm a new addition to Nana's fans. I've just finished reading the latest chapter and I'm crying. This has been a bittersweet rollercoaster ride of emotions. Nana touched me in ways that no other anime ever did. The story, the lessons, the heartaches, the laughter, the tears, the love, all of this, I will treasure. I'm really sad that it seems the story would not be finished but, I never regretted reading this and investing my time in this.

Nana will always hold a soft spot in my heart. I'm so happy I stumbled upon this gem.

Love lots! 💗
Jan 2, 2019 5:21 AM
Jan 2019
It's January 2019 and I just entered the club of people praying for Ai Yazawa's health so she can finish write this. Even with the abrupt ending of this chapter and the 10 year hiatus, I think I just read my favorite manga ever. All the characters have flaws which make this so realistic for me. I'll always carry this feeling I have right now after read about the life's of both Nanas.
May 2, 2019 3:46 PM
May 2017
The story is completely f*cked up. Somebody dies, chapters goes back and forth showing future and present story, and suddenly Nobu started making a move on the pregnant hoe again.

At this rate i don't care about the continuation anymore because it's already unbearable to read.
Jan 14, 2020 1:54 PM

Aug 2017
this thread is like a time capsule of sadness :(
Mar 15, 2020 7:40 PM

Aug 2010
I would love to know the ending of this story one day. I really wanted to know about Nobu's conversation with Yuri. This manga meant the world.
May 2, 2020 12:05 AM
Nov 2015
ecchidori said:
this thread is like a time capsule of sadness :(

Covid 19 make many people re - read, again i cry , still hate mangaka for never ending this, i Guess she realized she make a horrible mistake by killing an important character and now It Will be terrible to come back to status Quo ... I'm probably one of the few that wanted a Nana x nana ending lol
Jun 7, 2020 6:42 PM
Dec 2019
freizel said:
ecchidori said:
this thread is like a time capsule of sadness :(

Covid 19 make many people re - read, again i cry , still hate mangaka for never ending this, i Guess she realized she make a horrible mistake by killing an important character and now It Will be terrible to come back to status Quo ... I'm probably one of the few that wanted a Nana x nana ending lol

Literally same, I started re-watching and re-reading Nana with some friends because of the pandemic. This is one of my friend's first time encountering Nana so she doesn't yet know about Ren's death. I know she will be heartbroken when she finds out that such an important character died. I look forward to a possible continuation, but with every year, it seems less and less probable. That being said, I don't even know how the manga will end with all the trauma the characters have experienced. Sometimes I wonder if it's better for it to remain unfinished so the fandom can imagine the wonderful endings for the characters instead of dealing with a possibly disappointing finale. All of my friends and I are also Nana O x Nana K fans, so them ending up together seems unlikely. Well, for now, I guess all we can do is appreciate the story that's been told and hope the hiatus will end...
Aug 28, 2020 10:57 PM
Jun 2020
Eu odiei o Takumi desde o primeiro dia que o vi, espero que Hachi termine de algum jeito com o Nobu <3
Aug 30, 2020 4:05 PM

Jun 2013
Just got to the 'end' (for now)

I think, for what it was, ignoring the 'ending', Nana can be taken as a great story in its own right.

I guess even though at the time those 'flash-forward' chapters let us fill in most of the gaps between this point and then, even if the manga may never continue...

Ah well, here's to hoping Yazawa finds it in herself to finish Nana someday, although it's been over a decade at this point, so maybe not...
Oct 22, 2020 4:30 AM
Feb 2019
Can someone tell me the appeal of nana and rens relationship? Takumi and hachi marriage is far better than this and even that relationship sucks.

I dont think ren dying was tragic in the least, it would have been far more tragic if someone from the main band had died like yasu or nobu, the character of ren was really lacking focus since the start and then the author out of nowhere decided to put all the focus on him and suddenly off him, felt forced just like his relationship with nana. All in all i didnt care much abt ren and hated seeing his unhealthy af relationship with nana so im glad that ended but im not saying im happy abt him dying.
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