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Nov 22, 2014 5:13 AM

Nov 2014
FakePriest said:
Holy...what does that have to do?Did I ever mention that?

For Saints that is a basic attack.
Because using her claymore was putting her into a disadvantage.A Punch would be enough on a regular body.
Misaka explains why she managed to block her and SPEED is not the reason.
There was no reason to fight Misaka to begin with since Birdway herself was never intending to beat Touma anyway.
And Misaka hesitates to attack when Brunhild froze in place when a moment ago she was fighting with Brunhild who was barely affected by her powers.

None of them has mach speed.Dont try to make Misaka capable of Mach speed by giving Mugino the same feat.

Misaka can make sure that her electricity isnt lethal.We know, it has being explained.It's called low amperage.
Touma received grave injuries but not lethal ones.

Dont bring different anime into this.And they have equipment protecting them unlike Misaka.

So you disregard any "realism" not related with overpowering Misaka.

Mention what?

That really isn't a basic attack, seeing as she "charged up to a point", "swung vigorously", and moved at "supersonic speeds". She was moving supersonic speeds at that point.

Except that it would mean the she would be offenseless AND defenseless against Misaka.

Yes, she reacted. She bent Iron Sand, I know. But again, to react to things like that, she needs to have been close to that speed as well. I've already set up an analogy with you.

So what if Birdway didn't want to kill touma? That won't affect their fight anyway, anyhow.
Again, So?

LOL. Alot of them has Mach Speed. Accel is. Angels are. Saints are. Heck, they even said "Brunhild moves at supersonic speed" themselves. I'm not trying to give Mugino mach speed to give Misaka mach speed. That's merely a fact.

Yes, but it would still affect the brain. It should have shut off her brain a looong time ago.
So a dust explosion won't kill you? A tornado won't kill you? Yeah, sure.

I was giving a comparison that anime "normal" characters aren't the same as our normal people, and since you won't believe that with Toaru, I had to give examples to other anime instead.

It's pretty obvious that they aren't, really. We have people surviving falling from the sky, impaled, had bugs inside of them, and more, and they were merely "normal people" there.

So you just ignore everything I just said.

Nov 22, 2014 5:44 AM

Aug 2009
For warrior Saints that isnt basic?

How exactly would she be in danger from Misaka's attacks?Because an electric attack didnt even stop her.

So in other words Touma has Mach speed as well.No actually make it lighting speed.Thats what you are saying.

If they were serious
Only Silvia had to be less casual about it because of who she was fighting.

I am talking about Mugino and Misaka.
1)Accel isnt affected by any force due to his ability.2)Angels arent even from that world and 3)Saints are literally superhuman both in body and abilities.Misaka has none of those 3.
No it isnt a fact.Misaka was never shown to have supersonic speed even when she needed it.She doesnt have a highly resistant body either.
The reason she reacted to Brunhild was the almost the same one why Touma react to her or others' attacks.She didnt even block the attack.She just reacted to Brunhild disappearing.You dont need Mach speed for that.She cant see Brunhild, her attacks or block them in time.She was lucky she had spread Iron Sand on the surface before the fight.
FFS This shouldn't even be up for debate.If Misaka had such power she would be a lot better in the Sister arc,Level Upper arc,Daihasei Festival arc,Hawaii arc,Agitate Halation arc...
Stop pulling out "facts" straight out of your ass.

Why?Her attacks on Kuroko arent lethal in any way.Or continuous.
No if you run away from it .No if the blow isnt big enough.And Touma unlike others has
Or do you want to say that he doesn't have that because

Except that in Toaru if some chars arent capable of something they DONT do it.

You live in your own world, bring up things I didnt say, your apparently overestimate all characters when that makes Misaka even more OP.

I would love to see any other bs you bring up in order to make Misaka OP and derail this further.
ssjokgNov 22, 2014 5:51 AM
Nov 22, 2014 6:07 AM

Nov 2014
FakePriest said:
For warrior Saints that isnt basic?

How exactly would she be in danger from Misaka's attacks?Because an electric attack didnt even stop her.

So in other words Touma has Mach speed as well.No actually make it lighting speed.Thats what you are saying.

If they were serious
Only Silvia had to be less casual about it because of who she was fighting.

I am talking about Mugino and Misaka.
1)Accel isnt affected by any force due to his ability.2)Angels arent even from that world and 3)Saints are literally superhuman both in body and abilities.Misaka has none of those 3.
No it isnt a fact.Misaka was never shown to have supersonic speed even when she needed it.She doesnt have a highly resistant body either.
The reason she reacted to Brunhild was the almost the same one why Touma react to her or others' attacks.She didnt even block the attack.She just reacted to Brunhild disappearing.You dont need Mach speed for that.She cant see Brunhild, her attacks or block them in time.She was lucky she had spread Iron Sand on the surface before the fight.

Why?Her attacks on Kuroko arent lethal in any way or continuous.
No if you run away from it .No if the blow isnt big enough.And Touma unlike others has
Or do you want to say that he doesn't have that because

Except that in Toaru if all chars arent capable of something they DONT do it.

You live in your own world, bring up things I didnt say, your apparently overestimate all characters when that makes Misaka even more OP.

I would love to see any other bs you bring up in order to make Misaka OP and derail this further.

Seeing as she "charged up" and used "supersonic speeds", no it isn't. If it was basic it would have been merely a jab strike, not "charged up".

When did I say Brunhild was in danger? Brunhild would probably win against Misaka.

Touma is mach speed, not lightning speed. He aimblocks Mikoto's attacks.

They weren't playing around. Even if they weren't dead serious, they were still serious enough to fight properly.

Misaka fought brunhild, who moves at supersonic speeds. It does not matter if Misaka saw her disappearing. If you saw a gun fire at you, you still wouldn't be able to react to it unless your speed is close to the bullet.

Normal people die from being shocked from sockets, and those were little sparks. You can actually see Mikoto creating bigger electricty than a little spark.
No, you won't. Did you know that in a Nuke explosion, the blast isn't actually the greatest factor, but the shockwave?
Unless its instant regen, it won't help.

Again, PIS. Touma could have barraged Accel while he was down, but he didn't. Accel could've kept the tornado to kill Touma, but he didn't.
Kuroko could've telported when he was caught by a golem, but she didn't.
Mugino could've fired at Misaka while she was down, but she didn't.
Misaka could've sped up to do whatever you want her to do, but she didn't.

If someone is shown to be capable of doing it, they are capable of doing it. It does not matter in this argument whether or not "why didn't she use it then?"

When did I overestimate a character?
Lets take a test, tell me something. When did I post a feat for Misaka that was never shown?
Mach speed? Against brunhild. Multiple powers? Against Accel and while using railgun.
You, however:
1. Say Mugino can block the railgun, while she never blocked something as strong as that before and had second thoughts of using it against a bomb.
2. Mugino had EMP sense, while her power does not even involve that.
3. Mugino is faster or as fast as Misaka, while she never had any speed feats or movement feats that is even on par with Misaka's.

Misaka isn't OP in any way, especially in To Aru.
She's merely stronger than Mugino.

Nov 22, 2014 6:18 AM

Aug 2009
"Touma is mach speed."

Okay now I know you are just bullshiting along with the fact that you ignore and twist Mugino's feats plus twisting Misaka's feats to make her better.Even when I clearly posted facts directly from the source you just ignored them or just made Misaka even more powerful based on another chars FULL POTENTIAL that we never saw in the fight.
ssjokgNov 22, 2014 6:21 AM
Nov 22, 2014 6:39 AM

Nov 2014
FakePriest said:
"Touma is mach speed."

Okay now I know you are just bullshiting along with the fact that you ignore and twist Mugino's feats plus twisting Misaka's feats to make her better.Even when I clearly posted facts directly from the source you just ignored them or just made Misaka even more powerful based on another chars FULL POTENTIAL that we never saw in the fight.

Is it so hard to believe that Touma, which beat far stronger and faster beings that Misaka can ever dream of beating, is mach speed? He isn't exactly a normal human. We don't even know his past that well.

1. When did I ignore what you say? Enlighten me. You ignore far more things that I do. Heck, you just ignored my entire post and just said"bullshit, that's not true".
Typical. Am I on Youtube or something?
2. "Normally, this may have been an attempt to not hit one’s opponent with the blade of the sword. However, the situation here was different. Brunhild Eiktobel could move at supersonic speeds and the claymore she held was like a giant sword made by attaching a grip to a metal sheet."
Huh. She was clearly moving at supersonic speeds. What surprise that you don't read!
3. When did I twist Mugino's feats? Please enlighten me as well.

Damn your arguments are so solid. Blaming me while not even stating when I did that?
Just plain wisdom in your part.


Nov 22, 2014 6:42 AM

Aug 2009
Twisting things I said and things from the novel...Sigh....
Nov 22, 2014 7:11 AM

Nov 2014
FakePriest said:
Twisting things I said and things from the novel...Sigh....

You just work that way, huh?
THIS is youtube.

Referring to Ad hominem when losing an argument really... isn't good.

Saying I "ignore" your posts while constantly ignoring everything I say.
Saying I "twist" stuff while I directly refer to novels.
Saying I 'twist" what you say when you don't really refer to what I twist and I doubt I twist anything.

Sugoi desu ne, fakepriest-san. At least it was entertaining.

Nov 25, 2014 4:08 PM
Nov 2014
Ik this is old but on the fight between Mugino and Misaka at full power both of them, Misaka would win because even though mugino can redirect misaka's lightning she can not control metal (shown with the dolls misaka used against her when they first met) so the railgun would have effect on mugino. also the railgun moves faster then the meldowner. mugino does have an edge when it comes to firing the meldowner because it is easier to fire and CAN BE FIRED FASTER (it does not move faster) but she can only fire the meldowner in 1 direction at a time (what i mean by this is since she can shoot 4 at a time she can't shoot one in one direction and another in another direction) also it has been shown that misaka can dodge the meltdowner. the railgun has shown to be more destructive (not including the meltdowner at full power or railgun at full power). so i believe that misaka would win because she is more powerful, more agile, and can control metal.
nova_tenNov 25, 2014 4:15 PM
Jan 5, 2015 12:59 PM

Aug 2013
Holy shit, the puppet right in the head was hilarious. Never underestimate the power of fucking metal! Literally.
That fourth best esper really was totally crazy. Never go full crazy, there's no going back. And poor Frenda, with Mugino mental state, she's gonna taste it hard.

Now I understand why Misaka is before the Meltdowner. The Electromastery have way more application than the Meltdowner. For instance, Mugino can't really do anything against gravity. If she was falling from very, very high, she would be in big trouble.

So all is over... Or is it? Last time we saw the scientists, they were moving. It's pretty rare that you move a project to cancel it at that new place...

Oh wow, that ending. Remind me of a certain scene and I'm pretty sure that's what will happen from the next episode title :)
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
May 16, 2015 6:22 PM

Jan 2014
Wow, that was a joy to watch. I just want to see that Railgun in use one more time. That's what got me interested in this in the first place.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Feb 28, 2016 8:33 AM

Mar 2015
So Misaka won the battle with brains.

It seems Toaru franchise is obsessed with psychopath, LOL

Killing 20,000 slimes??? LOL. That made me laugh XD

Another hype next episode. I know where this is going. Touma will save the day.

Like it.
Mar 30, 2016 5:40 PM

Mar 2015
That ending is really sweet. Touma is the one who gives Misaka light in her sadness and darkness.

The fight scene is way better than the bitchy loli on Index II and all those weird stuff happening in Index series.

Dec 16, 2016 10:17 PM

Jul 2011
Mugino can only shoot her beams in one direction (The direction shes facing most likely). And it takes her a bit of time to prepare her shots. If Misaka uses her magnetism to throw something at her from the front and back. Mugino cant do anything about both of them except to dodge.

Misaka can also also probably do a shotgun railgun. Even if Mugino stop the projectiles that will hit her. The ones that miss and hit around her would surely kick up some pretty bad shrapnel that would hit all around her.
KyuukazeDec 16, 2016 10:24 PM
Feb 13, 2017 3:39 PM

Dec 2013
Dat Mikasa struggle! The way she used the bombs was really clever.

Touma appears!!!
Mar 25, 2017 5:28 AM

Aug 2013
Finally its reach the beginning point at index.
After 10 eps Touma finally makes his debut looking forward to it.
Aug 2, 2017 8:13 AM

Mar 2013
lol the way Mugino passed out.

That end... haha
Jan 21, 2018 1:01 PM

Apr 2013
Hmm now I'm wondering how Mugino would defend against Misaka's railgun... would probably be too much to handle ^^
Feb 8, 2018 4:06 AM

Sep 2012
the way Misaka knocked Mugino out lol
Mar 30, 2018 2:43 PM

Nov 2016
Frenda messed up pretty bad xD

Mugino was as crazy as ever and I liked the fight with her.

And yes,Touma is there.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 11, 2018 11:43 AM

Sep 2017
Damn, I like Misaka. She is better than Light Yagami and L at making plans to escape. This just keeps getting better and better again. I bet Misaka is a Magical girl.

Looks like there is more to the Level 6 project than it seems. Also, I know I have never said this, but this had the best art and animation ever. I might just give it a 9 or 10 if it goes this way.

Biri Biri!!

Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.

Nov 10, 2018 4:28 AM

Aug 2013
Mugino and Misaka fight was great.

Feb 8, 2019 6:49 PM

Aug 2017
Well, Frenda indirectly saved Misaka. Mugino is crazy, her arrogance caused Misaka's escape but, now, she knows about the Level 6 Shift Project and something else.

This episode feels like a conclusion but it seems that the arc is not done yet.

Now, we have caught up with the events of the Index I. I'm going to watch Toaru Majutsu no Index episode 10.
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Mar 13, 2019 2:02 PM

Dec 2014
ok I guess this was a wrap we are connecting to the early episodes of index..... nice
Feb 13, 2020 1:49 AM
Mar 2012
Good end to the arc, tho lots of loose ends, or setup to follow later & in Index which I've seen.
Insane fight Misaka gotta thank Frenda for dropping the bombs. Would be fun if Frenda returns on casual terms.
Lots of good levels background from Mugino & the hints while she's on the laptop.
Feb 23, 2020 12:38 AM

Sep 2018
Episode that does not leave a bad taste in the mouth, but in the end puts even more expectations on what is yet to happen. Narrative rhythm assia tight and at the same time fun, a mixture that proves very spot on. The previews are greedy and bode well, drawings and animations excellent as quality.
Jun 23, 2020 4:20 AM

Aug 2018
Well, of course it can't be that easy.. It'd be just strange.. I mean.. It's level 6 reaching experiment! Now way they just won't pill in more funds for that.. ;P
Aug 26, 2020 6:50 PM

Jun 2017
Just noticing, it looks like Meltdowner also wears shorts under her skirt. You get a very clear silhouette in this episode, right after she gets a phone call from the hoodie girl mid-fight.
Nov 9, 2020 7:47 PM
May 2020
That last scene, a direct prequel to first Misaka's appearance in Index I...

Anyway, what a great fight. Meltdowner and Takitsubo for greatest duel? How about Railgun and Shirai Kuroko? Well i guess they're having a fight later, seeing from the OP. Nice episode.
Jan 14, 2021 3:16 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
This series is so good right now, and notice how shirai, saten, and uihara whatever her name is are pretty much completely off screen. Cut the slice of life bs and focus completely on the eskers and this universe is actually interesting

whiskey tango foxtrot

Mar 13, 2021 8:01 AM

Jan 2021
The fight scenes with Mugino along with that Time limit OST were absolutely mind-blowing🤩!! And finally, our boi Touma is gonna show up in the next episode😂.

Apr 8, 2021 8:47 PM

Jul 2017
This arc in Railgun S has been the shit. The characterization and subtle world building about the darker side of science and Academy City, the action being extremely intense and well animated, just so many things I love here, which feels good after an average first season and an average time with the Index novels (read first 13).
Jul 9, 2022 5:31 AM
Oct 2019
Misaka using Frenda Doll Bomb.

Epic Fight!

that ending scene with Touma on Vending Machine, so next episode gonna take place in that Arc of Index Season 1?
Jun 10, 2023 5:40 AM

Jan 2021
Nice episode once again. This season has been amazing so far.
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Jun 12, 2023 5:18 PM
Nov 2010
05:14 Mugino is a hypocrite. She didn't fight fairly since it was a 3v1 at the start.

Accelerator is in a class of his own, huh? The fights between the other ranks look close, but all the other Level Fives are nothing against him. I think only a Saint or Touma can beat him.

An excellent fight between two beauties. They were both hot during that fight & I enjoyed watching them use every available tactic to outdo one another. The animation was good. This was indeed the heyday of JC Staff.

For me, the MISAKA clones are better off dying in the experiment. They don't live long anyway; what kind of life will they lead beyond the experiment? And their sacrifice can eventually lead to a scientific breakthrough.
Nov 29, 2023 5:03 AM
Jul 2018
Another fight scene, another motivation
Jun 7, 2024 10:24 AM
Jan 2023
Holy, that was intense, absolutely loved this episode full of fighting. And with that, we are now at the point where the timeline crosses with Index I.

I'm not sure J.C.Staff could have done this arc better if they tried. If this was the end of the season right now, this would be getting a 10/10 no question. I just hope that the rest of what this show has in store holds up to that.

Well, definitely exciting to see what sort of crazy adventures come next. Also same thoughts as Misaka, why the heck is Touma doing the preview?
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