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Nov 6, 2014 5:52 PM

Dec 2012
I wouldn't say I'm asking this out of blind curiosity as I can see some things in it that would turn people off (I'm personally not bothered at all), but what are some reasons this isn't doing so hot on MAL? Or at least to the people not enjoying it, what about it is off putting? I'm even seeing Glasslip comparisons which speaks great volumes here at MAL.

I'm enjoying it fair enough so far, I'd put it at a 7/10 right now. But I'm not here to persuade, only inquire.
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Nov 6, 2014 5:59 PM

Oct 2007
There are bad show that is so well known.

There are good that is hardly ever known.

This show is just one of those.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Nov 6, 2014 6:17 PM

Mar 2013
It's definitely not Glasslip level. Not even close.

But many people would say it's boring. There's drama, but for the most part the audience doesn't really know why there's drama because it's not well explained. So they call it boring melodrama. Which it kind of is.
Nov 6, 2014 6:18 PM

Jan 2013
fst said:
It's definitely not Glasslip level. Not even close.

But many people would say it's boring. There's drama, but for the most part the audience doesn't really know why there's drama because it's not well explained. So they call it boring melodrama. Which it kind of is.

and yet shigatsu has an 8.3

go figure
Nov 6, 2014 6:21 PM

Mar 2013
Shigatsu has better music.
Nov 6, 2014 6:50 PM

Nov 2011
probably because of the forced melodrama and how badly they resolved the hate that Yuzuki had against Nonoka. Noel (and the pretty animation) is pretty much the reason I'm still watching, though some might say that she's just a moe character, and they're probably not far wrong.
You can buy lossless digital music from your favorite Japanese artists on
The songs are all DRM-free and you can re-download your purchased albums as you wish.
Show your support to your favorite artist if you can!
ps. if you are looking for Japanese albums, you have to search it in Japanese (not romaji). Just copy and paste the name.

For those who want to learn Japanese through anime
Resources for learning the language
Nov 6, 2014 7:38 PM

Oct 2007
The population of MAL isn't a die hard music anime fan. Most people who actually watch those music show are the one who like them and this lead to low population with high score rating. And go figure out why Sakamichi no Apollon rank 94#.

MAL isn't the best place to judge a show based on Rank/Rate but it is a good place to know how popular a show is and how many people who hate or love the show.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Nov 6, 2014 11:47 PM

Oct 2012
SolvitePriest said:
fst said:
It's definitely not Glasslip level. Not even close.

But many people would say it's boring. There's drama, but for the most part the audience doesn't really know why there's drama because it's not well explained. So they call it boring melodrama. Which it kind of is.

and yet shigatsu has an 8.3

go figure

I take it your eyes are closed while you're watching shigatsu.

Nov 6, 2014 11:50 PM

Jul 2012
Siva said:
The population of MAL isn't a die hard music anime fan. Most people who actually watch those music show are the one who like them and this lead to low population with high score rating. And go figure out why Sakamichi no Apollon rank 94#.

lol i think more people watched SnA because it was directed by watanabe not because they liked jazz music
also, what other music shows are you referring to? nodame is well received and has a decent popularity here and that's the only other big music anime
Nov 7, 2014 10:04 AM
Jul 2014
If Slaine taught us anything, is that Yuzuki will murder everyone. At that point the show will skyrocket.

Takei_Hisa said:
SolvitePriest said:

and yet shigatsu has an 8.3

go figure

I take it your eyes are closed while you're watching shigatsu.

It's clearly the only reasonable explanation for you thinking the show is overrated.
Nov 7, 2014 11:12 AM

Dec 2012
mayukachan said:
also, what other music shows are you referring to? nodame is well received and has a decent popularity here and that's the only other big music anime
W-w-what about K-On!?!?

DreamingBeats said:
probably because of the forced melodrama and how badly they resolved the hate that Yuzuki had against Nonoka. Noel (and the pretty animation) is pretty much the reason I'm still watching, though some might say that she's just a moe character, and they're probably not far wrong.
Yeah Noel tugs at my heartstrings, I love when the ED starts and it's her running with a little leaf-umbrella.

I'll admit it's a bit flimsy in the drama department although the resolution certainly wasn't random like I've seen some people mention before. In episode 5 -

Also I'm fairly invested into these characters so far so for example when I see Yuzuki upset I don't think "man she's such an annoying bitch!"
Nov 7, 2014 1:50 PM

Oct 2007
mayukachan said:
lol i think more people watched SnA because it was directed by watanabe not because they liked jazz music
also, what other music shows are you referring to? nodame is well received and has a decent popularity here and that's the only other big music anime
I doubt most people watch any show because it was directed by someone, with the exception of Gen Urobuchi(because people hype the heck out of everything that has this guy name on it).

Like I said, any music shows on MAL that is properly directed is always get a good score. It has nothing to do with how good the show is. It is due to many reasons. It could be that people don't know the proper way to judge the show. People tend to forgive any mistake the show made and go easy on the show, maybe there isn't many of this type of show. the more important one is, people don't understand music. There is no way for most of us to tell what is right or wrong with music.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Nov 7, 2014 1:59 PM

Jun 2014
I'm not surprised with the lukewarm reception for this show. It's just as everyone says. Forced melodrama is forced.

Were it not for the pretty visuals and moe-blob characters I would have given up on Ep2. In a sense, this anime is all style and no substance.
Nov 7, 2014 5:00 PM

Jul 2012
Siva said:
I doubt most people watch any show because it was directed by someone, with the exception of Gen Urobuchi(because people hype the heck out of everything that has this guy name on it).

Lol no but there are people who watch it for the director/staff. People who liked Ping Pong went to other Yuasa works afterwards. Watanabe's even bigger so yeah lots of people watch his shows just because of him.

Siva said:
Like I said, any music shows on MAL that is properly directed is always get a good score. It has nothing to do with how good the show is. It is due to many reasons. It could be that people don't know the proper way to judge the show. People tend to forgive any mistake the show made and go easy on the show, maybe there isn't many of this type of show. the more important one is, people don't understand music. There is no way for most of us to tell what is right or wrong with music.

Your reasoning works with any theme. It's not just music but any type of show, whether it's Sword Art Online or Hunter x Hunter, if someone likes it, I think they'll be ignorant to flaws. And as for understanding music, yeah not everyone has the musical background but they can enjoy it to the fullest without it.

Ratohnhaketon said:
mayukachan said:
also, what other music shows are you referring to? nodame is well received and has a decent popularity here and that's the only other big music anime
W-w-what about K-On!?!?

Isn't that more of a slice of life and less music-focused? It's like saying Haruhi or Love Live or Utapri are music anime. They have the theme but it was never the main focus. They don't focus on the real gist of it, I would say. Sakamichi and Nodame actually go into the realism of a musician (and Shigatsu too) while the other shows I brought up are like shows that have the idea there but are there just to make the show better.
Nov 7, 2014 5:24 PM

Oct 2007
@mayukachan: Go and test it yourself, ask all of your friends and see how many of them watching a show because they know who will be the director or even the staff.

In music show, they can make their own rule and yet we still don't even know what would that mean to us. For example, in Nodame, if Chiaki were to make any mistake during his performance we simply can not know. We can only know what happen during the performance through the writer alone. If the writer said "amazing" we simply go "awwwwwwwwww" with him. And if he said "bad" we will make a sad panda face. But this doesn't apply to a show like Sword Art Online or many others. If the writer make a rule that you dies when you got killed in the game then you have to die. Anything that go against this rule will have to be explained in detail or it is a plot hole.
SivaNov 7, 2014 5:27 PM

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Nov 7, 2014 5:29 PM

Jul 2012
Siva said:
@mayukachan: Go and test it yourself, ask all of your friends how many of them watching a show because they know who will be the director or even the staff.

my irl friends only watch sword art online so no
but i have MAL friends who do watch things for the staff...

For example, in Nodame, if Chiaki were to make any mistake during his performance we simply can not know. We can only know what happen during the performance through the writer alone. If the writer said "amazing" we simply go "awwwwwwwwww" with him. And if he said "bad" we will make a sad panda face.

I'm not sure i'm catching your point tbh...Are you saying it's a bad thing? What if I think Nodame Cantabile is actually a really good show? Am I wrong?
Nov 7, 2014 7:19 PM

Oct 2007
I do see people who watch show based on who makes them but to say it is a majority or even half of it is pretty much nonsense(no offence here) Most people watching anime because they want to see anime and not because they want to know who make them.

My point, in a music show, even if they said nonsense at you you don't even know it. You may understand if the story good or not, or the character is interesting but when it come to Music itself, you can't. In a show like SAO, if they make Kirito way too OP then everyone will complain about it because they can understand the rule. But in Nodame, if they were to make Nodame or Chiaki so ridiculous OP we don't even know that, but we may cheer on them instead. Why? Because we don't understand music.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Nov 7, 2014 7:38 PM

Jul 2012
Siva said:
My point, in a music show, even if they said nonsense at you you don't even know it. You may understand if the story good or not, or the character is interesting but when it come to Music itself, you can't. In a show like SAO, if they make Kirito way too OP then everyone will complain about it because they can understand the rule. But in Nodame, if they were to make Nodame or Chiaki so ridiculous OP we don't even know that, but we may cheer on them instead. Why? Because we don't understand music.

So what if you DO understand it and the show actually makes sense to you? (Uh I wanted to be a conductor at one point in my life and I have learned piano too lmao) Nodame was ridiculously OP but anime usually feature prodigy-like characters (same in Honey and Clover) because they do exist in real life. People like Nodame who can play by ear do exist. Chiaki's just talented, I wouldn't call him overpowered or anything as he has the musical experience laid out. The thing with SAO is that Kirito is in a game and they wrote the story so that he...a 16 year old lonely the most powerful in that game. Of course people would call that unrealistic. If they made him one of the stronger fighters, it would have been more likely.
Nov 7, 2014 8:13 PM

Oct 2007
It is unfair to say Kirito's character is unrealistic while accepting Nodame's character because you know people like her do exist. What stop people from thinking of the possibility that a 16 year old can be the most powerful in a game?

Like I said, for the last time, people usually went easy on Music show. And I don't know if it is a bad or good thing. FYI, I enjoyed both show, Nodame and SAO.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Nov 7, 2014 11:56 PM

Mar 2014
It's a shame that this show isn't getting more attention because i actually think this anime has a lot of good things about it. Although i do understand why some wouldn't like it. For one, it's slow paced and the characters/plot can be hit or miss to some people. With that said i still like the anime even if it has it's flaws. :D

Oh and this anime is already WAY better than Glasslip. Glasslip was just garbage that made me want to fall asleep.
Strawberry-RainNov 8, 2014 12:00 AM
MAL: A community that thinks every anime is bad, but rates everything a 7/10.
Nov 8, 2014 11:05 AM

Jul 2012
Siva said:
It is unfair to say Kirito's character is unrealistic while accepting Nodame's character because you know people like her do exist. What stop people from thinking of the possibility that a 16 year old can be the most powerful in a game?

My point is that Nodame isn't portrayed as the best in the world while Kirito was. That's the difference. She has talent, he has talent but the way they wrote it made people perceive it different. Plus, the way Kirito gets all the bitches made it even worse.
Nov 8, 2014 2:28 PM

Oct 2007
In a story, there got to be something the best in the story whether it is in SAO or Nodame or any other shows. If the story of Nodame were to keep going, sooner or later she is going to be the best in her story. But the problem is, people don't give damn about it because it is music. And in SAO, people complain about it.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Nov 12, 2014 1:09 PM

Mar 2014
Siva said:
In a story, there got to be something the best in the story whether it is in SAO or Nodame or any other shows. If the story of Nodame were to keep going, sooner or later she is going to be the best in her story. But the problem is, people don't give damn about it because it is music. And in SAO, people complain about it.

I partly disagree. Having to be the "best" at something is typical for Shonen series and fighting series, or for "heroic journey" type of stories like many mechas and mahou shoujos, but there are plenty of stories out there, in anime and otherwise, where nobody is the "best" or claiming to be the "best" at anything, especially in genres like slice-of-life, harem comedies, horror, and romance where personal accomplishments and comparisons are not a major focus of the plot. Toradora didn't have a character who was "the best" (or anywhere close to "the best") at anything in particular, nor did Higurashi, or K-ON, or Clannad, or Love Hina, and plenty of people still enjoy those shows.

The real key is that, regardless of whether you have characters who are totally normal or who are prodigies or who are "the best" at something, that you're giving the audience a reason to be interested in them, and to want to keep watching them. Whether people like or dislike Kirito, he's a compelling main character that demands people's attention - SAO wouldn't be half as popular if he were just some boring schlub. Same thing with Toradora - those are perfectly normal high school kids who are nowhere near being "the best" at anything they do, but if you're a fan of that series it's because you like those characters anyway and want to share in their daily adventures. I didn't like any of Celestial Method's characters as I got to know them except for Noel (I did like her a little bit), and that's one of the biggest reasons why I've stopped watching it, at least for now.
Nov 12, 2014 2:11 PM

Mar 2014
Ratohnhaketon said:
I wouldn't say I'm asking this out of blind curiosity as I can see some things in it that would turn people off (I'm personally not bothered at all), but what are some reasons this isn't doing so hot on MAL? Or at least to the people not enjoying it, what about it is off putting? I'm even seeing Glasslip comparisons which speaks great volumes here at MAL.

I'm enjoying it fair enough so far, I'd put it at a 7/10 right now. But I'm not here to persuade, only inquire.
MAL either loves or hates a show that focus mainly on drama, that goes for most people really, it really depends if you can relate to the characters or not.
I'd say Sora is like a 7.5/10 for me now but the fact that it's in the bottom 10 of this season and has been going down pretty much every week is just, I don't know, I don't get it, I guess people didn't expect to get drama and got mad at the characters for getting mad at each other when, in the viewers' minds, everything should be clear as water and they should all say fuck it and be friends and let the anime go full CGDCT. The show even goes out of it's way to not say much about what actually happened so I imagine people are either mad at the fact that the show is not clear enough or mad that it's "clear enough" and forget we don't know half the story.
Either way, personally, I'm intrigued at what will happen, how it'll happen and even more about what actually happened, I'm also someone who puts some thought into a character's actions so that's probably why I don't get all the hate the characters in this show get.

mayukachan said:
Siva said:
It is unfair to say Kirito's character is unrealistic while accepting Nodame's character because you know people like her do exist. What stop people from thinking of the possibility that a 16 year old can be the most powerful in a game?

My point is that Nodame isn't portrayed as the best in the world while Kirito was. That's the difference. She has talent, he has talent but the way they wrote it made people perceive it different. Plus, the way Kirito gets all the bitches made it even worse.

Problem wasn't that Kirito was good, it was that everyone else sucked, I actually find him perfectly normal but he's in a world full of dumbasses.
Still, I find Kirito to be a good character and blame the story for the rest, like how in the most recent episodes Klein, apparently, is now a retard who is just there to make Kirito look good.
Paulo27Nov 12, 2014 2:24 PM
Nov 12, 2014 9:11 PM

Oct 2007
WingKing said:
Siva said:
In a story, there got to be something the best in the story whether it is in SAO or Nodame or any other shows. If the story of Nodame were to keep going, sooner or later she is going to be the best in her story. But the problem is, people don't give damn about it because it is music. And in SAO, people complain about it.

I partly disagree. Having to be the "best" at something is typical for Shonen series and fighting series, or for "heroic journey" type of stories like many mechas and mahou shoujos, but there are plenty of stories out there, in anime and otherwise, where nobody is the "best" or claiming to be the "best" at anything, especially in genres like slice-of-life, harem comedies, horror, and romance where personal accomplishments and comparisons are not a major focus of the plot. Toradora didn't have a character who was "the best" (or anywhere close to "the best") at anything in particular, nor did Higurashi, or K-ON, or Clannad, or Love Hina, and plenty of people still enjoy those shows.

The real key is that, regardless of whether you have characters who are totally normal or who are prodigies or who are "the best" at something, that you're giving the audience a reason to be interested in them, and to want to keep watching them. Whether people like or dislike Kirito, he's a compelling main character that demands people's attention - SAO wouldn't be half as popular if he were just some boring schlub. Same thing with Toradora - those are perfectly normal high school kids who are nowhere near being "the best" at anything they do, but if you're a fan of that series it's because you like those characters anyway and want to share in their daily adventures. I didn't like any of Celestial Method's characters as I got to know them except for Noel (I did like her a little bit), and that's one of the biggest reasons why I've stopped watching it, at least for now.
By being the best, it doesn't mean it has to be compared to the world or to only the good thing. For example, Shinji Ikari, he is being the best retarded in his story or maybe in anime history. Another example would be, Clannad, For every girls in Clannad to fall for Tomoya Okazaki it does say something, even without anyone in the show yelling that out loud, that he is great at something. But it is true, not every shows are focusing on how is the best like in Nodame or SAO.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Nov 13, 2014 6:27 AM

Jul 2014
Siva said:
mayukachan said:
lol i think more people watched SnA because it was directed by watanabe not because they liked jazz music
also, what other music shows are you referring to? nodame is well received and has a decent popularity here and that's the only other big music anime
I doubt most people watch any show because it was directed by someone, with the exception of Gen Urobuchi(because people hype the heck out of everything that has this guy name on it).

Like I said, any music shows on MAL that is properly directed is always get a good score. It has nothing to do with how good the show is. It is due to many reasons. It could be that people don't know the proper way to judge the show. People tend to forgive any mistake the show made and go easy on the show, maybe there isn't many of this type of show. the more important one is, people don't understand music. There is no way for most of us to tell what is right or wrong with music.

oh you are so wrong, im just coming here to reply to your opinion.
I follow all shinichiro watanabe show and im not the only one cause he is too damn good. for the record he have a larger fan base than urobutcher. Of course if you watched anime long enough you should know.
How do I signature?
Nov 13, 2014 7:12 AM

Mar 2014
Blitzkriag said:
Siva said:
I doubt most people watch any show because it was directed by someone, with the exception of Gen Urobuchi(because people hype the heck out of everything that has this guy name on it).

Like I said, any music shows on MAL that is properly directed is always get a good score. It has nothing to do with how good the show is. It is due to many reasons. It could be that people don't know the proper way to judge the show. People tend to forgive any mistake the show made and go easy on the show, maybe there isn't many of this type of show. the more important one is, people don't understand music. There is no way for most of us to tell what is right or wrong with music.

oh you are so wrong, im just coming here to reply to your opinion.
I follow all shinichiro watanabe show and im not the only one cause he is too damn good. for the record he have a larger fan base than urobutcher. Of course if you watched anime long enough you should know.

I highly doubt Watanabe has more followers than Urobuchi, heck, I'm amazed he still has any left after Zankyou no Terror, but hey. What Watanabe does have is a very high % of fanboys compared to Urobuchi (or rather, he usually appeals more to a certain audience instead of being more broad like Urobuchi which will bring less but "stronger" followers).
But I agree with you, I doubt the average MAL user puts much thought into who is making what but there are a lot of people who will watch something because someone worked on it.
Paulo27Nov 13, 2014 7:16 AM
Nov 13, 2014 5:06 PM
Aug 2013
This show is nowhere nearly as bad as Glasslip. Those who say that don't know what they are talking about.

That said, this show is missing something - gravitas behind all of the melodrama that's going on between Nonoka and her friends. Nonoka's friends are upset at her, but why is that the case? We hear vague references to some promise that Nonoka made to them when they were all little kids, but what's the significance of that promise and why does it matter now? The show does a poor job at explaining why we should care about Nonoka's conflict with her friends, and vague references to the mysteries of the saucer over town doesn't offer the viewer any clarity on the matter.

It's a very pretty show. Noel is extremely cute. I am still enjoying it, but it's probably a show I'm going to forget once next year rolls around.
Nov 14, 2014 3:03 AM

Jun 2010
What bothers me is that there is no fanfiction category for this. I may be the only one who wants to write for this series, but even so, I desire a place to write.
Nov 14, 2014 7:09 AM

Jul 2014
Paulo27 said:
Blitzkriag said:

oh you are so wrong, im just coming here to reply to your opinion.
I follow all shinichiro watanabe show and im not the only one cause he is too damn good. for the record he have a larger fan base than urobutcher. Of course if you watched anime long enough you should know.

I highly doubt Watanabe has more followers than Urobuchi, heck, I'm amazed he still has any left after Zankyou no Terror, but hey. What Watanabe does have is a very high % of fanboys compared to Urobuchi (or rather, he usually appeals more to a certain audience instead of being more broad like Urobuchi which will bring less but "stronger" followers).
But I agree with you, I doubt the average MAL user puts much thought into who is making what but there are a lot of people who will watch something because someone worked on it.

hm is that so.
well back to topic. This anime, its just...... to melodramatic for the tiniest reasons? The artwork is beautiful and all, but there's nothing for me to look forward too and I believe thats the same for alot of the audience. At this rate it'll have less and less viewers as each week goes by.
How do I signature?
Nov 14, 2014 6:21 PM
May 2014
SolvitePriest said:
fst said:
It's definitely not Glasslip level. Not even close.

But many people would say it's boring. There's drama, but for the most part the audience doesn't really know why there's drama because it's not well explained. So they call it boring melodrama. Which it kind of is.

and yet shigatsu has an 8.3

go figure

Shigatsu is far from being boring(amazing soundtrack and great directing) and doesn't suffer from pointless drama and sexualised lolis everywhere for the pedophiles though.
The anime industry is dead, the otaku fanbase killed it.
Nov 14, 2014 10:36 PM

Feb 2013
Is poorly received because is very poorly done. At least the music is decent.
Nov 14, 2014 10:58 PM

Nov 2011
automnesouriant said:
Is poorly received because is very poorly done. At least the music is decent.

the animation is more than decent. it's PA Works animation afterall. the actual story/plot is poorly done though.
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Nov 14, 2014 11:01 PM

Feb 2013
DreamingBeats said:
automnesouriant said:
Is poorly received because is very poorly done. At least the music is decent.

the animation is more than decent. it's PA Works animation afterall. the actual story/plot is poorly done though.

Maybe. I hope this show doens't end up like Glasslip which had a beautiful animation but it was extremely boring and empty.
Nov 14, 2014 11:07 PM

Nov 2011
automnesouriant said:

Maybe. I hope this show doens't end up like Glasslip which had a beautiful animation but it was extremely boring and empty.

this one has an adorable loli though. Noel pretty much is the saving grace for this series.
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ps. if you are looking for Japanese albums, you have to search it in Japanese (not romaji). Just copy and paste the name.

For those who want to learn Japanese through anime
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Nov 15, 2014 3:19 AM

Mar 2014
DreamingBeats said:
automnesouriant said:
Is poorly received because is very poorly done. At least the music is decent.

the animation is more than decent. it's PA Works animation afterall. the actual story/plot is poorly done though.

PA isn't making this.
The studio is brand new and the same goes for most of the staff.

kikohunter said:
sexualised lolis everywhere for the pedophiles though.

Oh boy.
Nov 15, 2014 9:19 AM

Nov 2011
Paulo27 said:
PA isn't making this.
The studio is brand new and the same goes for most of the staff.

oops, my bad. i forgot for a moment it's not PA Works. The animation is gorgeous though.
You can buy lossless digital music from your favorite Japanese artists on
The songs are all DRM-free and you can re-download your purchased albums as you wish.
Show your support to your favorite artist if you can!
ps. if you are looking for Japanese albums, you have to search it in Japanese (not romaji). Just copy and paste the name.

For those who want to learn Japanese through anime
Resources for learning the language
Nov 16, 2014 8:20 PM

Nov 2013
actually this anime is focused on kids for kids to watch since they are almost similar in age. not for over aged otaku that look even for the tiniest detail on any anime and even compare it to other previously watched anime.

this is why anime industry has this kind of problem nowadays.
Nov 18, 2014 10:20 PM
Aug 2011
blitz_21x said:
actually this anime is focused on kids for kids to watch since they are almost similar in age. not for over aged otaku that look even for the tiniest detail on any anime and even compare it to other previously watched anime.

this is why anime industry has this kind of problem nowadays.

Lol I'll take this bait.
I don't think kids are old enough to understand some of the drama on this show. If this was made for kids there would be 0 drama
Nov 19, 2014 6:14 AM

Mar 2014
blitz_21x said:
actually this anime is focused on kids for kids to watch since they are almost similar in age. not for over aged otaku that look even for the tiniest detail on any anime and even compare it to other previously watched anime.

this is why anime industry has this kind of problem nowadays.

While true to some extent this isn't for kids.
Dec 8, 2014 1:45 PM
Jul 2018
I think it's because the drama feels forced and is only occasionally resolved in a satisfactory manner. I also feel like there is still a lot that could be better explained or could have been dealt with earlier in the show.

Granted, I don't think it's a horrible show but I also don't think it's that great. It's very much an average show for me. The enjoyment value from episode to episode is generally low, though has had a few high points, and I do feel compelled to keep watching because I'm curious to see how things will wrap-up and if it will tie some lose ends together and feel more complete.
Dec 15, 2014 6:29 PM

Oct 2011
Art is pretty
Music is okay
Story is somewhat okay
Theme is bad, "I wish everyone to smile" like I haven't heard that before in other anime so many times. Cheesy as fuck. Too much drama. Came to see how badly this anime is reviewed and saw it. But will finish it. This anime sucks.
-Great leaders must first learn to be great followers.
Dec 15, 2014 11:04 PM

Oct 2009
Not enough quality drama exploits, plot is not too deep and lack of emotional stir material. There's a good material but they fail to exploit it like the reason Nonoka lost contact is because of the loss of her mother. Her friends seems to be casually dismissive about it and keep on their high ego (mostly Yuzuki and Shione). They rather put up with a shallow drama of 'friendships: do things together' than a real strong interpersonal strife between each members.

The latest few episode is just felt like throw it all at the most upstanding members of the group, Noel. which the main characters doesn't even care to give her a proper shelter and a warm bed to spend the night, it is ridiculous, who would let a loli lives alone in an abandoned run-down building!

Screw this show.
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Dec 16, 2014 10:55 AM

Apr 2013
I don't really get why it's poorly received. I like it, it's cute and has pretty art and animation with some good pieces of music here and there, but it does feel like something's missing, and I don't really know what. While I don't care too much for the characters, I don't hate any of them, and the story is a bit lackluster, nothing too special. I don't think there's anything remotely bad about the drama, it feels more subtle in some areas than not, but that's just me.

But I'll admit that for the past few weeks I've only been watching it because it's a bit relaxing. I don't find it dull, but it almost feels like some of the problems are being dragged on longer than they should, and it just causes more problems that shouldn't exist. As of the recent episode, I'm starting to question how they're going to end it, because I think 13 episodes is too long for this kind of show.
Dec 26, 2014 6:15 PM

Nov 2011
Lil-Bird said:
I don't really get why it's poorly received.

Lil-Bird said:

the story is a bit lackluster
problems are being dragged on longer than they should

you answered your own question.
unnecessary melodrama + lackluster story
and also unlikeable characters, except for Noel
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Dec 27, 2014 2:16 AM
Mar 2013
i didn't enjoy it very well
1) Story was not interesting
2) Characters were not so great
3) Music is ok
4) Graphic is good
I agree its not as bad as glasslip but i refer only to the story
Gal3rielDec 27, 2014 2:21 AM
Dec 31, 2014 8:45 AM

Jun 2013
I guess its not everybody's cup of tea.
I just finished it and loved it.... my final score was a 9 out of 10 :)
Jan 3, 2015 4:57 AM

May 2014
Ahhh sorry, I think the majority of the people here all really like Sora no Method, but I mean since this question is being asked, I will do my best to give it a go to give an opinion to this question.

Honestly I felt like most of what I disliked about Sora no Method was Nonoka; she was just pushing it too much. I don't know what it is about her, but I could NOT root for her at all. It was just very annoying how she wanted everybody to be friends with her and would not accept no for an answer. Just imagine yourself in middle school where some really kid just bothers you all the time and won't settle for "no" as an answer so they keep calling you and following you everywhere until you become friends with her lmao. "SHIONE! SHIONE!!!!!!" I think in Japan they have something with politeness where they call each other by their last names if they are anything but good friends. It visibly bothered Shione that Nonoka was calling her by her first name, even to the extreme of threatening to smack her if she kept it up, yet Nonoka just kept calling her Shione. I didn't like how in like episode 10 or 11 or something Yuzuki and Souta suddenly just decided to not talk to each other anymore after JUST TALKING IT OUT LIKE 2 EPISODES AGO?? How do these kids even come to a conclusion on how to solve their problems? (PS: Yes I know this is middle school, but give me a break.. There is literally the same issue over and over again in every episode where Nonoka suddenly can't make friends with somebody and she just keeps bothering them until they do become friends with her.... annnd.. repeat.) I know people like seeing the underdog win or see a well fighter character who refuses to give up, but Nonoka was just taking the wrong approaches.

I think it was a bit odd that Shione suddenly had that 5 second personality swap where she went from "I hate you, Nonoka." to "I LOVE YOU NONOKA, IM SO SORRY!! I WANT TO BE FRIENDS!" and then back to "I hate you, Nonoka." It's just very unrealistic, something like that would get you sent to the counselors for having these weird mood swings.

Also a really weird thing that pretty much just might be me, but Nonoka and Noel kept saying "I WANT TO SEE YOU SMILE" or something like that like 20 times per episode which pretty much threw me into a batcrap insanity from how broken-recorded it was.

The art and music for this anime were very nice though, I really liked the character designs too, just not their personalities or the story (which, of course, is why we watch anything in the first place for entertainment).

That being said, I dropped the anime on episode 11 just because I couldn't handle Nonoka or the crazy on-off drama per episode anymore. ;__; Oof, Happy New Year though everybody!

PS: If anybody wonders why I even bothered to stay that long if I couldn't stand Nonoka or the plot at all it was all because of Noel LOL. I go crazy over anime figurines and they were making the cutest Noel nendoroid that I just had to get, and it just wouldn't feel right if I got Noel without watching the anime she was from. xD
kimoeJan 3, 2015 5:01 AM
Jan 3, 2015 9:48 AM
Jun 2010
Melodramatic in a bad way. Over promised under delivered.

Twintail on the other hand, under promised while over delivered.
Jan 4, 2015 7:10 AM
Mar 2013
The drama is beyond irritating to watch (I can deal with drama usually, but this and Glasslips I cannot stand), and I really did not like any of the characters besides Noel (and to a far less extent Nonoka; her constant bothering, mainly 2 characters, even when they clearly don't want to talk to her got on my nerves).
RoychopJan 4, 2015 2:10 PM
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