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Sep 24, 2014 7:35 PM

Feb 2013
Create your Character

Rules for Character Creation and RPing

  • Do not GodMod.

  • You can make as many characters as you want so long as you can manage them all

  • Please try to avoid one line posts and try your best with spelling and grammar.

  • Characters must be approved by an officer/admin.

Character Profile

Name:( Your Character's Name )
Age:( Your Character's Age )
Gender:( Your Character's Gender )
Race: (What is your character. Ex. Human)
Job: (Your character’s job. Ex warrior )
Bio:( A large story about your character )



Approved Characters List

  • Kasai Dromede - PickyOtaku
  • Diana - Diogora
  • Takuma - Kinith
  • Kazuha Konohana - Asrea
  • Eden "Rikki" Rinel - MoniStar
  • Blair Dell - Raion21
  • Jun - TheOneLostSoul
  • Enzo Lightningale - JamiRamiSama
  • Masaru - EmperorsChosen01
  • Kain Nox - Yzmael
  • Alice - TheOneLostSoul
  • Isabella Ann Blanchard - Ryumia
  • Violet Izriady - Expeliarmus
  • Lynda - Diogora
  • Rois Archenhaud - Rika713
  • Morpheus - Yzmael
  • Cecilia Helmi - Tamoball*
  • Baraxus - DjSpiN
  • Hatsue Kishiro - Asrea
  • Kairey - LoveandHate91
  • Henry - Wallabee
  • Hayato "Dirty Knight" Shingen - Kinith
  • Sadie - Tamoball
  • Zoey Swift - Expeliarmus
  • Yugana Kageka - EmperorsChosen01
  • Rina Belmont - Newmn84
YzmaelOct 7, 2014 7:55 AM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Sep 24, 2014 9:02 PM

Jun 2014
Name: Kasai Dromede
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Hybrid
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 163
Job: Red Mage

Personality: Quiet(obviously), cold. He can be nice at times but only to those he deems as good people.

YzmaelSep 25, 2014 10:24 AM
Sep 24, 2014 9:08 PM

Feb 2013
Character Profile

Name: Okarith
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: God
Height: 6"3' (Human Form), 13" (Second Form) and Unknown (Final Form).
Weight: 160.9lb (Human Form), 442lb (Second Form) and Unknown (Final Form).
Job: God of Time

Bio + Personality: Okarith is the Mad God. The one who betrayed the Creator and forged an alliance with the most devious creatures of the entire Creation. These being the Demons from the Creator's Realms.

Okarith is cold, uncaring and very egomaniacal, to the point where he puts himself above all others and considers himself the new Creator. His very attitude was the cause of many problems throughout the Creation and his greed was the cause of even more problems for the other Gods. As the first God to be created, Okarith always had what he wanted. Because of this, he became a greedy man with weird tastes and strong desires to control everything.

This twisted part of Okarith's personality is well-hidden below a mask of gentlemanly and altruistic attitude, which he uses to take opportunities and use his allies for himself before ditching them and killing them. Few even know of his other personality, mainly because those who know usually die right after learning.

Okarith is patient, calm and very collected. He knows how to wait for his advantage to come and is an excellent strategist, as shown when he defeated the Void in a 15.000 years war, where he patiently watched as his army slowly pushed towards the enemy grounds.

Don't misjudge him, however, as he knows exactly what he is doing and why he is doing it. He believes in his utmost superiority and thinks of himself as the new King of All Realms. Because of that, he disregards others and barely sees enemies as strong or overpowering him. His strategical sense is completely thrown out of the window when he gets into a battle and a maniac finally appears on the other side. One who likes to play with it's prey before killing it.

As a Time Controler, Okarith has been the one who had most time to train his powers, which caused him to become the strongest of the three Gods. It has to be noted, however, that he is not the strongest because he is more powerful, as all three have the same ammount of power. He is considered the strongest because of his ammount of control over his power, which was trained for so long that even Gods lost their track.

Okarith's greedy personality tends to get him into doing whatever is necessary for his own gains and victory, even sacrificing his own soldiers, as he did during the entire 15.000 years during the Void/Time War. He is also a perfeccionist and despises mistakes. Those who do mistakes in his reign are killed by the God himself and shown for the public as an example of world-wide failure. He has already killed multiple generals for their stupid mistakes and all of their bodies were shown for the public before they were tortured for the remaining time of the war. Okarith's perfeccionism, however, has led him to doing great things, and not only greedy and selfish actions. He is a tyrant, but one who cares about his people.

This causes many people to see him as a good king with a soft heart, but with an iron fist. Who punishes those who deserve but compensates those who did well.

This is proven many times, when he truthfully rewarded the heroes of war that he had and gave them enough political and magical power. These heroes are now part of the Saint Crown, the group of holy heroes chosen by the Creator himself, which also explains how he was able to easily corrupt and convince the Holy and Corrupted sides of the Creation to follow him and help him on his odyssay against all other Gods.

He also has the abillity to see in the wicked ones a chance for redemption, as he did with the demonic and hellish members of the Realm of Creation, giving them a chance to act for him in the name of his blade and promising them redemption when they finish their part of the deal. Of course, however, that if they do not do well enough, he will be more than happy to kill them all and free them of their misery.

It is difficult to tell how Okarith's personality is, but one thing is for sure: He has no good intentions for after he governs all Realms. He made himself clear when he deemed that he would kill and extinguish all humans from the Creation, considering them a "cursed and dreaded" people.

Appearance: Human Form:

Second Form (Battlegod Form):
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 25, 2014 12:14 PM

Mar 2014
Name: Diana
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Hybrid
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Job: Red Mage

Personality: Kind, Playful, loves helping others by using her powers

diogoraSep 25, 2014 12:31 PM

Sep 25, 2014 1:37 PM

May 2014
Character Profile

Name: Takuma
Age: ~ 25 years
Gender: male
Race: Human
Height: ~ 6 ft 6 in (2 meter)
Weight: ~ 176 lb (80 kg)
Job: Black Mage
Takuma never had the chance to get to know his parents. His parents got killed very soon after his birth, and he was adopted by a magician. At this time he was just around 1 year old. This magician raised him and taught him the basics of magic knowledge. Takuma never got to know his family name, and never used the name of his new father.

Just as he turned 16 year old, his new father died of a disease leaving him alone again. Before dying Takuma promised that he will study all kinds of magic to become a great magician, but because of his personality and attitude, he never managed to get many friends, so he just went ahead to travel the world and study magic.

Since both his father and he himself never bothered with the past, he has no idea what is age is, sure he is around 25 years old, but when was he born? What was his family name? Are there maybe still family members alive? Those are some questions without answers. He himself knows the best that he won't get answers to this questions... At least not easily...
He is a quiet person, who mostly observes. Quite the realist.


Sep 25, 2014 2:14 PM

Jul 2012
Name:Kazuha Konohana
Age:~+88 (looks 22)
Job:Black Mage/White Mage/Red Mage

Kazuha is gentle and caring, awfully quiet and shy too she won't say much unless she has to but is very indecisive...can be quite the ditz and sleepyhead...
AsreaSep 26, 2014 9:00 PM
Sep 25, 2014 2:37 PM
Jul 2018
Name: Aneminia Calumaria Fisito Lucia or Aneminia Calumaria
Age: ? Looks like a teen
Gender: Female
Race: Human but who knows
Height: 5’2
Weight: 98lbs
Job: White Mage soon to be scholar

(Also the Mage councilor?)

Personality: Mysterious, Cunning, Childish, Shy, Pessimistic


removed-userOct 2, 2014 6:53 PM
Sep 25, 2014 4:04 PM

Jan 2014
Name: Eden "Rikki" Rinel
Age: 71, looks 21
Gender: Male
Race: Anima- Cat
Height:6 foot 4 inches
Weight: 210 lbs
Job: thief

Very mischievous and cunning but kind hearted. He is madly in love with blair and is slow to anger but when someone bad mouthes or hurts her he gets very defensive and gives off a killing intent. He can smooth talk his way out of any situation and if things come to blows he is known to be in front of you one minute then in a blink he's gone. Playing to his strengths he decided to become a thief, using the modified twin daggers of his late father and his signature boomerang as his weapon of choice.


Throwing knives x ?


Hidden Blade/gun
MoniStarSep 29, 2014 6:35 PM
Sep 25, 2014 6:19 PM

Feb 2013
Blair Dell
130 lbs

Blair is a lighthearted and sarcastic individual. She often puts on airs, making herself out to be better than others in various ways. She's rarely serious about such comments and often times they're little more than harmless jests meant to prod conversation or reactions. But if there's one thing Blair is not lacking in, it's confidence. In fact, she has more than enough to spare. However, she is aware of her limits and just how far she can feasibly push them. True to her job Blair has collected various skills related to trickery and deceit. Her own casual attitude has become an extension of these skills.


Raion21Sep 30, 2014 9:21 AM
Sep 25, 2014 8:13 PM

May 2012
[color=gold]“I shall embrace my cherished Gaia... and serve her people as she wills...”[/color]

Name: Enzo Lightningale
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human ==> Hybrid (Post Gauntlet)
Height: 6”3
Weight: 187 lb.
Job: Ex Warrior ==> Red Mage

Personality: Typically monotone, unintentionally seductive(lol), devoted, chivalrous.


JamiRamaSamaSep 25, 2014 10:03 PM
Sep 25, 2014 10:05 PM

Dec 2011
Name: ??? (Will edit once he chooses to reveal his name.)
Alias: The Shinigami
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6 feet, 3 inches
Weight: 170 lbs.
Job: Warrior
Bio: (Again, will edit once his true history is revealed.)

There are many myths regarding the existence, history and behavior of Shinigami, however as of yet there is only one materialized incarnation. Even then, there are mostly just rumors of his existence. Some even disbelieve his existence entirely. There are two things that people attribute to The Shinigami, whether they actually believe in him or not. The first is that he is said to be a tall, built man wielding a large, pitch-black nodachi, slightly jagged on the back. From the black and red clothing to the bone-like armor and demonic-looking skull helmet, everything about him is said to resemble and bring death. The second, of course, relies in his actual skill with death. It is rumored that The Shinigami possesses his own agenda and, as such, will ignore everyone and everything. However, should anyone get in his way or foolishly persist in aggravating him, it is told that, not only their bodies, but their very souls will be ripped apart. The people who have claimed to have witnessed The Shinigami, or at least his aftermath, state that the look in his victims eyes was of pure anguish and terror leading to the belief that their very souls were torn apart with their mutilated bodies.

Personality: (Once more… Will edit accordingly as he reveals it himself… I swear I’m not being lazy XD)

Almost completely silent and unresponsive, even eerily so, if his mere presence was eerie enough, that is. He will most often ignore anything and everything, including orders unless truly believing it necessary. While he may seem stoic and cold with how he is, people can attribute some kind traits to him as well if they pay attention. The Shinigami will, quite often, try to help and/or save people, he will simply not make it terribly obvious. This does not make him “nice”, though. If someone is a threat or standing in his way, of what is unknown however, he will cut them down without hesitation. He may try to scare said threat or obstacle first, but is the extent of his mercy. Because of this, people tend to characterize him by his rumors as, to the eyes of the less perceptive or less interested, he is no different from what the myths speak. Yet one who can learn to care and see through this “mask” will gain information unknown to all others and, more importantly, a powerful and loyal ally.


EmperorsChosen01Sep 25, 2014 10:13 PM
Sep 26, 2014 2:28 AM

Feb 2013
Name: Kain Nox
Alias: The Black Gunslinger
Age: 110, looks 22.
Gender: Male
Race: Hybrid( Dark Infusion )
Height: 6 feet, 6 inches.
Weight: 178 lbs.
Job: Sharpshooter, soon-to-be Sniper.
Bio: In one of the planets of the Earthrealm, one would find a floating piece of unadvanced land. Perhaps because the tehcnology didn't reach them, but these people apparently had no idea of the outside knowloadge and, instead, preferred to live on their own homes rather than move to Symphonia. Even after the announcement of war, they refused to move to Symphonia for security reasons.

Of course, Kain was one of these indignant and ungrateful fools. However, he had a much different view of the thing. Kain Nox was the son of the Sheriff, Martyr Nox, and the most dangerous Sharpshooter of the south area, Hanna Shair. Now, you might be asking yourself, why the heck would the Sheriff get in a relationship with the most wanted criminal of the entire "county". Of course, that is one of the reasons why Hanna was never emprisioned, after all, she was Martyr's wife.

It took 50 years until the town finally got angry at his father and lynched him in the middle of the park. Soon after, they planned to get their attack on Hanna, had Kain not stood in their way. Kain wouldn't sit by and watch as they killed the only person he cared for. After all, Hanna raised and thaught Kain all he knew. His father was too busy to do so himself, and he pretty much didn't care about Kain.

Kain killed over half of the population of the town before they finally gave up. That day, Kain had thrown away his life to save his mother's. He was assassinated a few days later and buried on the same night.

However, the assassin didn't really seem to be very intelligent. In this Island, elements such as Void Mines can be easily found. Luckily for Kain, he was buried right beside one of these mines. The element of the Void crawled towards him and stuck into his skin, flesh and bones before it returned him to life, but no longer as a human. In fact, he wasn't even close to being human anymore.

It would be after four days, crawling and opening his way up, that he would see the sunlight. But not only sunlight, but as well as a group of knights that patiently awaited him outside.

Of course, they quickly took him with them and sent him towards the Judge for him to be judged before being sentenced to death. He was pretty sure he was going to die. After all, no one killed over half the population of a city and lived. However, after the situation was explained to the judge, he understood Kain's situation and decided to, instead, give him a chance. He was sentenced to fight in the war against the Mad God with only 60 years. Claiming he had no expertise to do so, the Judge then sentenced him to spend his initial years at the Academy, to learn how to master both his new form and his already excellent affinity with guns.

It would take him a few months to arrive at the Academy, where he clearly voice his disapproval of the use of magic. However, since it was the only way to discover what Kain was now, he approved of it for the lone time of his entire life, in which he was a anti-magic man. It was then that he discovered he was no longer a normal human but, instead, a Voidspawn. This is how Hybrids with the element of the Void were called. Kain was now a monster that fed on magical energy to live. Obviously, he found a way to deal with this in no time, and focused on his training as a Sniper for the Earthern Army.

Born in a land without any kind of magic, Kain is someone who is quite unknowloadgeable and very skeptic about it, preferring Technology and swords over a staff and a mage.

Personality: A redneck without a doubt, Kain will sometimes reveal his uncolloquial side by letting his strange accent slip. He deeply hates magic but lately he has shown a more condescending side towards these mages, seeing how he now somehow needs them to live.

However, when his redneck side is hidden, he acts as a very informal and laid back man that really doesn't seem to care about the world around him. He has a kind side and a strange affinity in helping women, which is why he claims himself as a feminist. He helps women in need but really doesn't seem to care about men, which is an after-effect of being raised by his sole mother and being completely ignored by his father. He greatly dislikes when people pry into his business and hates even more when they call him a Hybrid. In his own eyes, he sees himself as nothing more than a normal human.

As his laid back and uncaring personality dictates, he doesn't really seem to understand romantical interactions unless someone is clear about them and, even when people are clear, he doesn't really seem interested in it.


Extra: He has many guns but is seen walking around with only three, which he never leaves aside.
Artoris and Dain, the Twin Revolvers:

Buster(Sniper Rifle):
YzmaelSep 26, 2014 3:29 AM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 26, 2014 6:50 AM

Feb 2013
[center]All characters up to now are approved!![/center]
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 26, 2014 4:39 PM

Sep 2014
Name: Alice a.k.a "Rabbit"
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 123
Job: sharpshooter

Personality: She may be silent at some times but her mind is colorful and clever but often a scary place. Her reasoning is different from most people, half of her actions she cannot explain, she even lacks common sense at times. But don't let that fool you, when she has a job she will complete it with efficiency and few errors.

YzmaelSep 26, 2014 4:45 PM
Sep 26, 2014 5:39 PM

Apr 2010

Isabella Ann Blanchard

"No matter what you feel on the inside, always remember to put on a good face."

Character Profile

RyumiaJul 23, 2015 8:29 PM
Sep 26, 2014 8:29 PM

Sep 2012
Name: Violet Izriady
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Hybrid
Heighht: 4'11
Weigh: 107
Job: Dark Mage (Black Mage)
Bio + Personality: Vi (Violet) is a very smart and and quiet young lady who's life has been focused only on training to become the best mage on the planets. (Notice I added an 's' in plantes. I say planets because she travels from planet to planet to study dark arts in magic, her family left her when she was 5 years old. They disappeared and never came back to pick her up or to take care of her, so she took care of herself by herself until she found herself a sensei, he helped her through life whilst training to become the best mage. And as she grew up, she was able to stand by herself and go on her own as she studies even more about magic.

At the age of 21, she already had mastered her dark magic arts, she continues to learn more and more about her abilities as she goes on with her life.

DarthAshOct 1, 2014 1:02 PM
Sep 27, 2014 2:47 AM

Mar 2014
Name: Lynda
Age: ~40: Looks 19
Gender: Female
Race: Anima
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Job: Warrior

Personality: optimistic, smart, easily attached to others, shy

YzmaelSep 27, 2014 7:28 PM

Sep 27, 2014 2:13 PM

Nov 2010
Character Profile

Name: Rois Archenhaud
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 6 feet ~ 183 cm
Weight: 153 lbs ~ 69 kg
Job: Warrior/Monk

Serious and determined, making her seemingly hard to approach and befriend despite being a very friendly and caring one. She may seem like a confidant person but when one spends some time with her they found out that she's actually a pretty awkward person with poor social skills in certain situations. Also honest and not very good at concealing her feelings, therefore often dubbed as "easy to read like an open book".


rika713Sep 27, 2014 2:33 PM
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Sep 27, 2014 7:23 PM

Feb 2013
Character Profile

Name: Morpheus
Age: 52
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5 Feet 7 Inches
Weight: 132,28 lb
Job: Warrior
Bio: Born of a noble, wealthy family, Morpheus was the high-classed younger brother of the family composed of five sons and three daughters. He was the youngest of the family and was, strangely, the most isolated one. Being born with a large span between his age and his siblings'( a span of nearly 70 years ), he was the one who received less attention on the entire family.

The only person that would usually sit by and talk to him normally would be the elder brother, who loved Morpheus deeply and wanted him to take an important position on the family. Unlike the rest of his family, Kaidan, the eldest brother, believed strongly on Morpheus and promised him to enlist him on the army as soon as he had the first chance and Morpheus hit set age necessary for him to enlist.

Kaidan was already part of the army and he was Morpheus' role model, someone who Morpheus idolized and considered the best person he had ever met. Kaidan spoiled Morpheus, considering him his favorite.

It took Morpheus 30 years until he could enlist on the army and then join his brother in battle. For his first mission, he was sent along with his brother for a recon mission on the south area of the Void, a supposedly completely harmless location, since it was protected by the Voidlings for months and not even a single attack was launched there.

Perhaps it was just a strike of bad luck, but on the day Kaidan and Morpheus were sent for their recon mission, the Army of Time invaded the Realm and started an onslaught against the Voidling resistance. It was known for both Kaidan and Morpheus that the Time Army was devastating the frontlines, but it was the first time both of them saw so many people die on such a low gap of time. More than 200.000 soldiers died that day and, in the list of victims, was Kaidan... Morpheus' brother.

"Kaidan and the rest of the squad ran. They were pretty sure they had to retreat here, they had no chance against such a large army. Over 50 drop pods came from the sky each second. When they hit the ground, they released the soldiers of time, Robots. They massacred, killed and attacked extremely quickly, giving no chance for the Voidlings to protect themselves. It took Kaidan and his squad forty minutes to reach what seemed to be a bunker. There, they set camp and tried to hold down for a few seconds before the evac arrived. "This is so messed up!" Kaidan mused to himself as he managed the sentry turret, taking down as many soldiers as he could while his brother covered the back of the Bunker. These robots came from everywhere, they had no chance to respond. Their only option was to resist for now. "We gotta hold ourselves for the following five minutes, guys! Five minutes!!" The captain shouted from the middle of the bunker as they held their ground.

After four minutes, a message reached the captain, causing him to become emotionless. His face had no emotion at all. He set the radio down and then turned towards the soldiers that were holding their ground for five minutes, an incredible feat, considering the number of enemies that were outside. Turning towards their soldiers, he spoke once more. "Someone has to stay back and hold the Time Army. I'm staying, who else volunteers?" The captain asked. Obviously, everyone was shocked, but their response took less than ten seconds. A few people raised their hands, four or five soldiers. One of them was Morpheus' brother. Kaidan raised his hand before the Captain nodded to them and made his way back into the radio. He said for the evac to come and then made his way back. "Evac's gonna be here in ten seconds, survivors fall back!" The captain shouted. Morpheus was speechless. He had no idea on what to say. Was his brother going to die here? Sure... Morpheus knew that. He struggled, he tried to say something and also tried to tell the captain he would stay, but his brother shoved him out of the bunker and told him to retreat before he was dragged by the rest of the squad towards the evac.

Morpheus sat... He cried... He smacked against the ship's plating but it was useless, he knew Kaidan wasn't coming back. He watched from a window as they left Planet Karsuss, that was lost right after a few hours. No organic life was found on the planet... "

When Morpheus came back, he was considered a hero by everyone... Except his family. They cursed him and stripped him of his noble class and name. They blamed him for his entire life. He could not forgive himself. He left his brother to die. His life became hell and then he was recovered by the army and selected for a special Traumatic Event Treatment. With that, they sent him back to the Army's Headquarters before finally deciding on sending him to Symphonia, where he would put good use to his skills.

Personality: Before the TET( Traumatic Event Treatment ), Morpheus was depressive and self-destructive. His family's hate struck him harder than any other weapon and he got to the point where he couldn't believe that his brother was dead.

However, after the TET, he became quite different. More secure, he lost his depressiveness and noticed a new light in his life, the objective he had searched for his entire life: To make others not go through what he went. Because of that, he became friendly, warm and extremely jokey. He's barely not smiling, as he takes on every problem with a strangely satisfied expression on his face.

YzmaelSep 27, 2014 8:15 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 28, 2014 5:05 AM

Jul 2008
Name: Cecilia Helmi
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: Anima (rabbit)
Height: 5'8" ~ 172.72cm
Weight: around 100 lbs (45.35kg)
Job: Red Mage
Born to a pair of devout parents, Cecilia was to be trained in a monastery in the holy arts. However, after learning the basics of healing, she decided that it just wasn't her thing and she quit. Yes. She simply quit learning white magic and convinced a red mage to train her. Cecilia wanted to go faster than she could ever dream of, and red magic seemed to be the first step towards attaining such speed. She learned quickly from under his wing and, once again, quit after learning what she felt she needed to! She wanted to learn not just how to move quickly and to make slow attacks fast...but make fast attacks EVEN FASTER!

As such, she left her 2nd master as soon as she discovered fencing. Upon becoming proficient with fencing, she decided that one sword just couldn't be fast she took up a second rapier and began dual-wielding.

Upon hearing the call of adventure, she decided it was time to put her speed to the test and set forth. What adventures await her?

"Faster, faster, FASTER!"
Likes to play to her strengths and plan ahead, rather than cover her weaknesses and wing it. Typically calm, but tends to flip her lid when things don't go according to plan. Very bad at adapting to new situations, so she tries to end conflict as quickly as possible. Some say she gets off on going fast; she does not deny this.

Extra: Carries 4 rapiers: One at each hip and two crossed at her lower back. Typically dual-wields them.
As an anima of the rabbit tribe, her affinity is simply "speed"

TamoballOct 8, 2014 4:39 PM
Sep 28, 2014 4:39 PM

Apr 2011
Name: Baraxus

Age: 144

Gender: Male

Race: Titan

Height: 12ft

Weight: 650 lbs

Job: Monk


"If you can find love, you can find anything..."
Baraxus is a friendly Titan who enjoys spending much of his time alone. His appearance often scares others, but in truth he is quite gentle and loving. He cares for all living things, but does not show mercy to his enemies. He is suprisingly smart, and often enjoys thinking to himself in silence when he is not training..

Extra: N/A

QuakeUPSBSep 29, 2014 9:22 PM
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Sep 29, 2014 6:22 PM

Jul 2012
Name:Hatsue Kishiro
Age:64 years old (looks 16)
Trained in the way of the sword Hatsue has been in the school for the past 10 years.The only person he even gets along with is Morpheus and maybe a few others and helps Morpheus around with his student council work... For the most part he won't reveal much about himself besides that he is a swordsman. A certain incident caused his left eye to turn red...Mistaken for a girl from time to time....a TRAP!
Stern, serious, and cold. Not one for jokes and trains by himself a lot, the lone wolf type.
AsreaOct 1, 2014 4:05 PM
Sep 29, 2014 10:57 PM
Aug 2014
Alias:Lone Wolf
Race: Hybrid
Height: 5'10
Weight:175 Ibs
Job: Theif
Bio: Lone Wolf is name passed down through his family and has recently been given to Kairey. Kairey tells no one his name since he believes to be getter then any one else if Lone Wolf tells any one his name its because they have earned his respect Lone Wolf likes to work alone since he believes everyone else level is under him and they just get in his way.

Personality: Cold out spoken calm pratical sadistic

LoveandHate91Oct 2, 2014 1:31 AM
Oct 1, 2014 2:55 PM

May 2013
Character Profile

Name: Henry

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 5'9

Weight: 130 lbs

Job: Warrior

Weapon(s): Sword & Shield

Stats & Abilities: Click the Link

Biography: Henry is the son of a talented blacksmith from a village called Vex, who is inspired to be a great blacksmith like his father someday. He often watched and assisted his father with the blacksmith work whenever he got the chance to. Learning first hand on how difficult it really is to be one. Sometimes Henry is given the opportunity to even test out his father's creations, which somehow lead him to have a crazy obsession with weaponry and armory. He is able to control his obsessions at times, but that usually depends on how great the weaponry and armory is in his eyes. If he ever gets obsessed with other people's weaponry and armory then one should take it as a compliment. As he has a knack for identifying tremendous potential on a weapon or armor.

When it comes to his combative skills, Henry taught himself on the ways of battle from using training dummies as his opponents and crafting his weaponry from wood. If the dummies weren't enough practice for him then he would ask his older brothers for some assistance. He practiced hard and long hours to hone as many combative skills as he possibly can. Sometimes exerting himself to the limit due to how determined and stubborn he can be when he wants to accomplish something.

Personality: Determined, friendly, stubborn, hyperactive (only when his crazy obsession kicks in), and sometimes intelligent.

WallabeeJul 23, 2015 8:01 PM
Oct 1, 2014 4:29 PM

May 2014
Character Profile

Name: Hayato "Dirty Knight" Shingen
Age: Unknown
Gender: male
Race: Hybrid
Height: ~ 6 ft 6 in (2 meter)
Weight: ~ 176 lb (80 kg)
Job: Monk
Hayato was born in a poor family, who practiced the "Shingen"-Style martial art. As he reached the age of 4 his body was transformed into a hybrid adding the necessary Ki/Mana for the Shingen-Style skills. The training started once he had enough strength back to move. By the age of 20, he already mastered the forms passed down by his family.

After finishing his base training he left his family to find new ways to improve himself. It was only a few years later, that he learned of the fact, that the other members of the Shingen family were burnt by religious fanatics. Left as the last practitioner of the Shingen-Style he searches for a way to improve himself, and the style.

Roaming the land for endless years, he found that he should take a break on his endless journey and settle down for some time. With this thought he found the recruitment poster of the military academy...

Quiet, observer, realist.

KinithOct 1, 2014 4:34 PM
Oct 3, 2014 9:49 AM

Jul 2008
Name: Sadie (has no last name)
Age: 19-20. Birth records unclear
Gender: Female
Race: Anima (feline)
Height: 4'8"
Weight: unknown
Job: Thief
An orphan that grew up in a human city. She's been stealing all her life from humans just to survive (and to pilfer "treasures"), but these humans lacked a sense of community...always trying to screw each other over and stab each other in the back when they were no longer useful. She made a lot of money being a thief for hire and stopped stealing food altogether...

She was eventually arrested while stealing from a noble and was refused a trial. She spent a couple weeks in there until a VIP from the military gave her a choice: Fight in the upcoming war or be sent to the mines where she'd be forced to work for the remainder of her life. She almost took the latter out of spite...
The official story was that she was trying to steal a painting and later confessed to the crime. Sadie herself would tell a completely different story...but who trusts a thief?
"Fight dirty? A winy little cunt like you wouldn't last a minute on the street."
Mischievous yet aloof. Prefers alone time with her "treasures." Hates humans for some reason.
Isn't really a team player, either, and is partial to fighting "dirty." If you like having kidneys, don't make fun of her height. She WILL get even for even the smallest of slights!

TamoballOct 5, 2014 3:25 PM
Oct 4, 2014 3:47 PM

Sep 2012
Name: Zoey Swift
Age: 21
Race: Anima (Fox)
Height 4'11
Weight: ?
Job: Black Mage
Bio: Born in a very rich family, she grew up gathering intelligence from her family, people around her world and learning as she became the top best in her world. She was known as the Ninja Fox. But a ninja mage combined? Sounds odd, I know but believe it. She's helpful, she's done a lot for everyone in her tribe. She doesn't like it when people approach her with a negative vibe, she'll disappear in a blink of an eye right before your eyes can see it. Try to underestimate her and she will show you no mercy. Seriously, she doesn't play games. Her personality: She's playful and friendly. She loves to eat apples and fish. She also loves to stay out during the night close to a river and just enjoy the view.

(True Form)

Animal Form:
DarthAshOct 5, 2014 6:23 AM
Oct 5, 2014 12:25 PM

Dec 2011
Name: Yugana Kageka
Age: ??
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 118 lbs
Job: Black Mage
Bio: Yugana keeps it secret, for two reasons. The first is that she doesn’t trust anyone enough to speak something she believes so personal. The other is that she really has trouble speaking it. There is literally a chance that she might break down midway or just freeze up. It was cold and cruel, full of abuse with no safety or trust to be found no matter how hard you look. It turned her into who she is today, which makes it easy to deduce that her past was anything but fun or even tolerable. Abuse of all kinds, experimentation, neglect and betrayal are merely a few pieces of her horrid life. This is easy to figure out, the more difficult question to answer is why she was subject to such an existence.

Personality: Simply put, Yugana is a frail, cold, pessimistic and misanthropic girl. You will be able to deduce this the moment you try to strike up a conversation with her… or merely take a gander at the sign of spite that appears to be permanently ingrained into her eyes. Blunt and to the point, so much so that it often hurts, she will state what she thinks only if being prodded. Otherwise she will keep her thoughts to herself and herself away from others. She slow to trust and befriend… and it’s hard to find a reason to try with her attitude. Through and through she’s generally someone you’d want to avoid. However, despite her cold front, she is but a weak, terrified little girl. Contrary to how she generally pushes people away, she truly wants someone she can rely on and trust without having to worry. Of course, said person would have to be the most patient and forgiving person on the planet.

Oct 5, 2014 6:27 PM

Apr 2011
Character Profile

Name: Rina Belmont
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130 lbs
Job: Black Mage

Rina is usually calm, quiet, and reserved but she isn't afraid to let her opinion be heard. The rare cases where she loses her cool usually involves people damaging or misplacing books. Slightly OCD, she like things nice, neat, and orderly and before she was hired as an archivist, she often spent hours rearranging books which weren't in the correct place according to the standard academy archive classification, essentially doing the jobs of the archivists for them. When she was eventually hired, she was readily and happily welcomed aboard my the entire staff.

Newmn84Oct 5, 2014 6:48 PM
Oct 5, 2014 7:28 PM

Sep 2014
Name: Jun
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Hybrid
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 125
Job: Warrior

Personality: She's quiet but more high tempered, often going ballistic when someone doesn't follow orders, within a short time too. She's naturally curious, finding trouble is her specialty but she's "always ready" so its not a problem for her. She can manage to stay composed almost through any situation except when it comes to love or even any type of romance, sometimes the topic makes her blush right away. But she has a high determination which contributes to her fighting spirit and endurance.

Oct 9, 2014 7:21 PM

Feb 2011
Name:Iwasawa "Ia" Asami
Weight:167 lb
Bio:Born into the a fallen martial art school Iwasawa or Ia for short was raised to be the best in her family.For nearly all her life Ia has been confined inside her temple,learning all the family skill.One night as she watch the winter starry night she notice firework in the distant.Curious she left the temple for the first time.After walking for 15 minute she came upon a small town.They were the one that was setting off the firework.After the show was finish she left the village but will never forgot the experience.However when she came back she found her grandfather, Master of the current household at the front gate.Without a word he handed her only a backpack and a staff and expelled her from the temple ground.With no where else to go she return to the town last night and found a old shack abandon.

As the year past by Ia had become something of a local hero as it soon turn out that the town was a center hub for drug and human track fitting.With the local police force being too undermanned she took thing into her own hand and slowly but steady she manage to win the heart of the people and rid them of the shadowy people.
Personality:Gentle, caring, complex and a highly intuitive individuals.

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