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Aug 23, 2014 10:57 AM
Apr 2013
UGH the adaption sucks but if i was just an anime watcher I would still like it I guess.
Aug 23, 2014 11:05 AM

Aug 2014
NeutralSide said:
My two Gripes about this episode.
Its really apparent that Kaneki shifted back to his Episode 2 self when he was still struggling with his Hunger urges.It would have make much more sense and Kaneki being a wimp more understandable if Dove arc was first before Gourmet arc.Because he's still fresh from turning into a ghoul in that time frame.

I'm a bit pissy that they are pushing That Rize is inside Kaneki's body..Which she isn't By the way.
She's just a fiction of kaneki's imagination and a Metaphor for Kaneki accepting his Ghoul side..But in the anime they are clearly Implying that She's inside Kaneki..

Episode wise..This is a 9/10 I really enjoyed it despite my gripes but It would have helped if they didn't bother Switching arcs around.The animation was top notch and Finally they took it seriously compared to the previous episodes Where OST were out of synch..I just hope they do the same for the Most important character development which is the "Chair" scene.
Also More Kaneki inner monologue,He was more calculative in the manga and Inner monologue shows it.And Amon Mistook Kaneki for a human parading around as a Ghoul because He's punches doesn't do Sh**.

I see. I assumed that she actually was inside of him.

Xway101 ~By me~
Aug 23, 2014 2:00 PM

May 2013
Best episode so far! almost 20 min fighting yay! censorship, well, i think it was ok here...I guess we won't see White Kaneki in this 12 eps. Let's see what will happen next.
Let justice be done, though the heavens fall.
Aug 23, 2014 2:09 PM

Jan 2012
Meeeeh, I sorta regret that I already started watching. Usually I wait for promising Anime to be aired completely before I watch it. I watched all episodes in 2 days (because Tokyo Ghoul is freaking amazing) and now I have to wait, it's tormenting T--T
Aug 23, 2014 2:22 PM

Aug 2014
I liked this episode.
Aug 23, 2014 2:30 PM

Aug 2013
I really like this episode, finally the series starts to go somewhere, even if it hurts by Mado-san... was a good character.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 23, 2014 3:06 PM

Feb 2014
This episode is more emotional and intense than in the manga

悲しい… 悲しいわ…
あなたも… 私 “たち” の中に… 取り込んであげる。
Aug 23, 2014 5:25 PM

Feb 2013
Psycho-dude is dead... the battle was "ok", not that great. (stupid censoring)
Aug 23, 2014 5:33 PM

Apr 2009
Meh. So, after the first few episodes, I figured I would stick with this series a little longer in fain hope that the main character would outgrow hes shoneny wimpiness and rip some people apart.
Guess it's not that kind of a show tho.
Whenever you correct someone's grammar just remember that nobody likes you.
Aug 23, 2014 5:48 PM

Jun 2009
Xayoz said:
Meh. So, after the first few episodes, I figured I would stick with this series a little longer in fain hope that the main character would outgrow hes shoneny wimpiness and rip some people apart.
Guess it's not that kind of a show tho.

Just in case, I'll tag this. Though it's more of a confirmation of whether or not you are right.

"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Aug 23, 2014 5:57 PM

Mar 2009
A solid episode, good music, good drama, even the fights were better.I think I'm starting to like this show.

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
Aug 23, 2014 7:05 PM

Aug 2010
Really liked this episode. Liked the dialogue and also the action scenes.
Aug 23, 2014 7:26 PM

May 2013
What a perfect episode... From beginning to end. The fights were amazing and Kaneki's emotional struggle... Wow! RIP Mado, he was a truly interesting villain. This episode was an emotional roller coaster. Kaneki was amazing this episode. Just a perfect episode.

Aug 23, 2014 9:23 PM

Aug 2012
I'm starting to feel bad for both sides now, humans and ghouls. However, the one thing I loved more than anything was seeing Mado get killed. Best scene in the series so far. Feels like all the stress I've been putting up through this series was taken away during that scene...

But daaaammmnnn, Hinami inherited both her dad and mom's powers. Badass!

Kaneki, that expression you made... scary as fuck, son.

Can't wait for the next episode.
Aug 23, 2014 9:51 PM

May 2013
Pretty good episode. I could really feel that despair coming from Hinami ;_; Unlike some of the other scenes that lost impact due to censorship before. Though I wtfed at Kaneki becoming a punching bag in the anime. But after giving it some thought, it fits Kaneki's

I still have to prefer the manga's version of the fight despite that. I liked how they put the 2 fights side by side and let us see how Touka and Amon's thoughts are similar. That was pretty neat. Some other small changes were made this episode but I'm alright with them mostly. Btw, anyone else feel like the rain scene was animated say, oddly? Or lazily maybe. They didn't give me the impression of being 'wet' for example. Some of the movements in previous episodes felt strange to me as well. I guess it's true that Pierrot really isn't the best with animation. The Kagunes and Quinques do look awesome though. And the other complaint I have is how they've removed the aspect of Kaneki who knows how to

It seems unlikely to me that they'll add this in until season 2 (or it might not get added in still/there might not be a s2 at all)...

Nisx said:

didnt touka and kankei worked on some plan
on the last episode to end this situation and thats
why he get the mask?
on this episode it only mention that touka go
somewhere but nothing more.
from there everything done on such a rush and
any 1 could have see this.

the fight between Touka and Mado felt
like touka plan it from the beginning when medo
weapon stop working bcuz he reach is limits on
the forest trees then suddenly is second weapon
catch her by surprise.
it like she plan get him to the forest to get advantage on him.
but how she knew Hinami will run there.

Amon were so strong and then so weak and is weapon so shitty and useless.

and Kaneki were almost like watching a old naruto episode
somewhere on the begining fights of zabuza and haku.
even is ghoul looks like 9 tailed fox get over naruto buddy.

when i start watching the series i were so amaze by the story,art,
chars,op and ed songs........ now i feel kinda bad for it.

going start the manga when the anime will end hope it will be better.

The mask is just used to hide a ghoul's identity from investigators.

Touka leaked false information about Hinami being there before (through the phone call in ep 7 I think) because she knew it would be difficult for Mado to use his weapon there.

She didn't plan for Hinami to be there as well. Mado lured her out with her mom's scent. That bag is supposed to contain a part of her mother's body (it was an arm in the manga but idk about here). If your asking how Touka found her there, she heard her scream, remember?

Well, that's probably because Tokyo Ghoul is being done by the same studio who did Naruto.

Please do start the manga from chapter 1 ^^ A lot of stuff was cut out/changed in the anime.
UrcanpyAug 23, 2014 9:59 PM
Aug 24, 2014 12:17 AM

Dec 2013
Was expecting Mado to do something diabolical like luring Hinami into the sewers. The dude was basically blinded in his hatred for the one-eyed Ghoul who killed his wife/family and went batshit crazy on all Ghouls.

I love the morality dilemma that all the characters face in this show, but I hate how Amon tried to justify what he was doing "for the sake of humanity". He kept going on about how Ghouls only killed off humans and ranted about them being morally wrong for it, but what the hell was he thinking when they lured Hinami's mom out and slaughtered her? Double standards? I think he's been somewhat brainwashed by Mado's crazy way of thinking. I got so pissed off when Kaneki didn't even retort about them killing off Ryouko during that fight, which would have made sense too.

I knew Mado was gonna die the moment Touka showed up without her mask. They had to keep their identities secret afterall, but that flag just made it a bit disappointing, since I would have preferred Mado surviving to antagonize another day.

Hinami, the poor girl, but yet so powerful! Not a pedobear or anything, but you can't help but wanna hug her and tell her everything is alright. The experience of seeing your parents dead, being used by their killer, and then having to lose it and stab him yourself, is probably the most trauma-inducing thing any kid could endure. Here's hoping there'll be a silver lining for her. Oh and her inherited Kagune.... so beautiful!

Wonder if the Jason guy shows up next episode. Seems like the current arc is over at least.
Aug 24, 2014 12:31 AM

Jul 2013
As someone who doesn't read the manga, I loved this episode and haven't noticed any major flaws in this anime besides the censoring.
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Aug 24, 2014 3:18 AM

Jan 2011
Another great episode. I kept myself from increasing score, but if this keeps up next episode I will raise it.

The only complaint I really had for the show was that the story wasnt that deep, but now it looks like it will cover that.
Aug 24, 2014 3:40 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Best episode in a while. I hope that the next 4 episodes continue in this vein.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Aug 24, 2014 9:13 AM

Mar 2014
I think the fight ended a bit too fast but at least got some decent action
Aug 24, 2014 3:07 PM

Jul 2013
Gantsz said:
This episodes pacing was so masterful!

You misspelled 'shitty'.
I don't know what to say about this show. They're rushing it like there's no tomorrow and the animations are lacking. It seems Pierrot only cares to shows with 'Naruto' on its title.
HachiKirraAug 24, 2014 3:11 PM
Aug 24, 2014 3:41 PM

Oct 2011
Mado is dead !!!! But I don't want Amon to die though : (
Aug 24, 2014 4:57 PM

Dec 2008
That ass had a wife at home? He was probably a lousy excuse of a husband just like he was a lousy excuse of a human. I'm sure she's glad that he won't be coming home anymore.

Sent with Mal Updater
Aug 24, 2014 5:21 PM

Jul 2013
Hannah_Ana said:
That ass had a wife at home? He was probably a lousy excuse of a husband just like he was a lousy excuse of a human. I'm sure she's glad that he won't be coming home anymore.

Sent with Mal Updater
His wife was probably killed by a ghoul, hence him wanting revenge.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 24, 2014 5:50 PM

Apr 2014
I hate how he's such a Friggin wimp here.He was more Calculative in the manga but they went overboard here with his wimpyness.This is the accurate representation of Kaneki in the manga on this arc.

Aug 24, 2014 5:55 PM

Oct 2013
sick episode finally killed that cunt
Holly shit I thought Touka was done for thank god she is alive
DAMM Hinami is a badass she had an amazing transformation
This being nice thing is more of a turn off than the censorship >.>
Aug 24, 2014 11:08 PM

Mar 2014
great episode really didn't think mado was married or had a reason for hunting ghouls other than for the sake of killing

definitely thought he just hated ghouls for no reason
Aug 25, 2014 12:08 AM

Jan 2013
I thought he was supposed to kill Amon
Aug 25, 2014 12:39 AM

Nov 2011
I really dont have problem with Kaneki having identity crisis being half ghoul and half human, but why he has to be "possessed"by Rize everytime his ghoul side kicks in?
PS. imo it's kinda sad that anime's only purpose is to boost manga sells. That's the picture i have,when i've read comments on forums of previous episodes.
OnbuuAug 25, 2014 12:50 AM
Aug 25, 2014 1:14 AM

Jun 2013
Man, eff Mado! Hated him in the manga and hated him even more here. Good riddance!
Aug 25, 2014 1:26 AM

Apr 2014
Onbuu said:
I really dont have problem with Kaneki having identity crisis being half ghoul and half human, but why he has to be "possessed"by Rize everytime his ghoul side kicks in?
PS. imo it's kinda sad that anime's only purpose is to boost manga sells. That's the picture i have,when i've read comments on forums of previous episodes.

Are you a manga reader?
No he's not possessed by Rize.The anime is implying that Rize is inside kaneki so Clearly that its palpable.
In the manga there weren't none of those its just Kaneki accepting his ghoul side and Rize only appeared as a fiction of Kaneki's Imagination and a representation of Kaneki's frustration that everything that happened to him is due to him being weak.She was a metaphor for kaneki accepting his Ghoul side.

Which would be seen and the last arc for this anime.

The manga is infinitely better since its subtle and each chapter has references to previous and hints to future chapters.Ishida (Author) is a genius.

Aug 25, 2014 12:07 PM

Nov 2011
NeutralSide said:
Onbuu said:
I really dont have problem with Kaneki having identity crisis being half ghoul and half human, but why he has to be "possessed"by Rize everytime his ghoul side kicks in?
PS. imo it's kinda sad that anime's only purpose is to boost manga sells. That's the picture i have,when i've read comments on forums of previous episodes.

Are you a manga reader?
No he's not possessed by Rize.The anime is implying that Rize is inside kaneki so Clearly that its palpable.
In the manga there weren't none of those its just Kaneki accepting his ghoul side and Rize only appeared as a fiction of Kaneki's Imagination and a representation of Kaneki's frustration that everything that happened to him is due to him being weak.She was a metaphor for kaneki accepting his Ghoul side.

Which would be seen and the last arc for this anime.

The manga is infinitely better since its subtle and each chapter has references to previous and hints to future chapters.Ishida (Author) is a genius.

No,im not a manga reader,which prolly explains why i thought Rize was on charge of Kaneki's ghoul side. It seems,that manga handled that aspect way better than anime. Waaaaay better.
Aug 25, 2014 1:21 PM
Jun 2014
RaininChocolate said:
Pretty good episode. I could really feel that despair coming from Hinami ;_; Unlike some of the other scenes that lost impact due to censorship before. Though I wtfed at Kaneki becoming a punching bag in the anime. But after giving it some thought, it fits Kaneki's

I still have to prefer the manga's version of the fight despite that. I liked how they put the 2 fights side by side and let us see how Touka and Amon's thoughts are similar. That was pretty neat. Some other small changes were made this episode but I'm alright with them mostly. Btw, anyone else feel like the rain scene was animated say, oddly? Or lazily maybe. They didn't give me the impression of being 'wet' for example. Some of the movements in previous episodes felt strange to me as well. I guess it's true that Pierrot really isn't the best with animation. The Kagunes and Quinques do look awesome though. And the other complaint I have is how they've removed the aspect of Kaneki who knows how to

It seems unlikely to me that they'll add this in until season 2 (or it might not get added in still/there might not be a s2 at all)...

Nisx said:

didnt touka and kankei worked on some plan
on the last episode to end this situation and thats
why he get the mask?
on this episode it only mention that touka go
somewhere but nothing more.
from there everything done on such a rush and
any 1 could have see this.

the fight between Touka and Mado felt
like touka plan it from the beginning when medo
weapon stop working bcuz he reach is limits on
the forest trees then suddenly is second weapon
catch her by surprise.
it like she plan get him to the forest to get advantage on him.
but how she knew Hinami will run there.

Amon were so strong and then so weak and is weapon so shitty and useless.

and Kaneki were almost like watching a old naruto episode
somewhere on the begining fights of zabuza and haku.
even is ghoul looks like 9 tailed fox get over naruto buddy.

when i start watching the series i were so amaze by the story,art,
chars,op and ed songs........ now i feel kinda bad for it.

going start the manga when the anime will end hope it will be better.

The mask is just used to hide a ghoul's identity from investigators.

Touka leaked false information about Hinami being there before (through the phone call in ep 7 I think) because she knew it would be difficult for Mado to use his weapon there.

She didn't plan for Hinami to be there as well. Mado lured her out with her mom's scent. That bag is supposed to contain a part of her mother's body (it was an arm in the manga but idk about here). If your asking how Touka found her there, she heard her scream, remember?

Well, that's probably because Tokyo Ghoul is being done by the same studio who did Naruto.

Please do start the manga from chapter 1 ^^ A lot of stuff was cut out/changed in the anime.

Hey If I wanted to start the manga from this episode on, what chapter would I start on?
Aug 25, 2014 1:24 PM
Jun 2014
Hannah_Ana said:
That ass had a wife at home? He was probably a lousy excuse of a husband just like he was a lousy excuse of a human. I'm sure she's glad that he won't be coming home anymore.

Sent with Mal Updater

Not sure if this is a spoiler though because he did say it as he died, i think.
Aug 25, 2014 2:01 PM

May 2013
Defective_Minus said:

Hey If I wanted to start the manga from this episode on, what chapter would I start on?

Chapter 1 Seriously, I recommend starting from chapter 1, but if you really just want to read from where the anime is at right now then start at chapter 47. Also, there are some missing chapters later on because different groups are translating and most of the chapter jumping comes from chapters done by anonymous users on 4chan. The missing chapters have just been translated and should be uploaded soon.
UrcanpyAug 25, 2014 2:57 PM
Aug 25, 2014 2:10 PM

Nov 2012
Defective_Minus said:

Hey If I wanted to start the manga from this episode on, what chapter would I start on?

chapter 1. you will see the difference.
my animesongs chord thread : here bro
Aug 25, 2014 6:00 PM

Apr 2014
Defective_Minus said:
Hannah_Ana said:
That ass had a wife at home? He was probably a lousy excuse of a husband just like he was a lousy excuse of a human. I'm sure she's glad that he won't be coming home anymore.

Sent with Mal Updater

Not sure if this is a spoiler though because he did say it as he died, i think.


^Pretty tamed spoiler I guess.

Aug 25, 2014 6:02 PM

Apr 2014
Onbuu said:
NeutralSide said:

Are you a manga reader?
No he's not possessed by Rize.The anime is implying that Rize is inside kaneki so Clearly that its palpable.
In the manga there weren't none of those its just Kaneki accepting his ghoul side and Rize only appeared as a fiction of Kaneki's Imagination and a representation of Kaneki's frustration that everything that happened to him is due to him being weak.She was a metaphor for kaneki accepting his Ghoul side.

Which would be seen and the last arc for this anime.

The manga is infinitely better since its subtle and each chapter has references to previous and hints to future chapters.Ishida (Author) is a genius.

No,im not a manga reader,which prolly explains why i thought Rize was on charge of Kaneki's ghoul side. It seems,that manga handled that aspect way better than anime. Waaaaay better.

Well thought you were a manga reader because you were complaining that Rize is possessing Kaneki..As far as I can tell mostly all of the Manga readers are complaining about that because they know whats REALLY happening.

Aug 25, 2014 8:22 PM
Dec 2010
Like most manga readers, I do feel it was somewhat rushed. HOWEVER - this was easily the best episode of the season thus far. The animation hit an epic high that i didn't know Studio Pierrot was fully capable of, and DAT SOUNDTRACK especially.

The directing is good overall, though not astounding (see Zankyou no Terror for that). I'm hoping - praying, really - that they do the next arc justice. There's only 4 episodes left in the season, which is a lot to introduce. I can only wonder where they'll end it at...
"I... don't need anything else...if you don't need anything else."
Aug 25, 2014 8:28 PM
Jun 2014
generalmartacus said:
Like most manga readers, I do feel it was somewhat rushed. HOWEVER - this was easily the best episode of the season thus far. The animation hit an epic high that i didn't know Studio Pierrot was fully capable of, and DAT SOUNDTRACK especially.

The directing is good overall, though not astounding (see Zankyou no Terror for that). I'm hoping - praying, really - that they do the next arc justice. There's only 4 episodes left in the season, which is a lot to introduce. I can only wonder where they'll end it at...

Could you tell me where I could start off in the manga from episode 8 in the anime. I know there are some change between the 2 but the general plot is still the same.
Aug 25, 2014 9:09 PM
Jul 2014
A really nice pace! Was nice and good fighting scene. Loved it.
Aug 25, 2014 11:21 PM

Jun 2013
Brutal and action-packed episode. Great to see the theme of moral ambiguity and endless conflict coming through clearly again.

Kaneki is pathetic as always once again LOL

Though I'm a bit confused on Mado's hand o.O
Aug 25, 2014 11:24 PM

Apr 2014
Best episode so far. Ost and animation were perfect. Now time for the best arc to begin.
Aug 26, 2014 3:03 AM
Sep 2009
Why the fk everyone in this anime cries. Literally 70% of each episode is bitching and crying.
Aug 26, 2014 8:48 PM

Jul 2009
Another amazing episode :)

Both Amon and Kaneki are having conflict on what's right and how Ghouls or Humans should have the right to live with one another.

And lol Mado is such a fucking bastard. Using the corpse of Hinami's parents to lure her as well as using their own weapon against her and Touka is a cheap tactic of this bastard.

He kinda looks strong, but it seems he doesn't pay attention to his surroundings does getting killed by Hinami and Touka's Kagune.

I do agree Kaneki being pathetic once again. Seriously, With all the PV's and ads in Japan with his mask on, i was hoping he would be badass like Hei from Darker Than Black.

But nope, once again trying to be a pussy. What the hell are standing there being hit like if your not gonna fight back??

It does feel like Rize is still alive within Kaneki. I do wonder if she'll reappear once more?? :P

Mado is dead, but Touka notices ring from him. I thought he might be relative to Touka or someone she knows.

Still everything went by pretty fast!!! God damn it why rush an amazing series like this???

Should have been 24 episodes and we should only be during Gourmet arc.

Any case i can't wait for the next arc. Damn we only have 4 episodes and it's done T___T

I hope they remade this or at least continue where they left off.

I do feel
Aug 27, 2014 5:46 AM
Jul 2018
Liked the episode, for now it's my favorite (but I have to say it hasn't been epic).
The second part was very good and the battles were very enjoyable.
I'm very happy for the death in the episode, always hated the character...
Waiting for next episode and the manga (in my country it will be released in October)
Aug 27, 2014 11:11 AM

Apr 2013
Would be cool if Kaneki could actually could control Rize's powers, otherwise great episode.

Only thing that bothers me with this shows are the people that complains about the manga and the anime adaptation...
Aug 28, 2014 12:31 AM

Sep 2009
pretty amazing episode. kaneki's fight was definitely amazingly animated (though i haven't read the manga so who knows how it did in comparison). man. everyone just wants the same thing. why is coexistence so hard.

i keep forgetting names, but that little girl's kagyuu, dang. such op. it was still very impressive either way though.
Aug 28, 2014 7:32 AM

Mar 2014
Very good episode, the animation was great.
I am wondering what we are going to see in the next 4 episodes, because there is not much time for the next arc (if it is adapted it's gonna be too fast-paced). Damn the series should be 2 cour because the next arc is soo awesome and it would be a shame if it was not well adapted.
Aug 29, 2014 5:59 AM

May 2010
I commend you, Kaneki. You are the only one who can change this world

Finally the psycho is dead, I hated him so much. I am sure he had his reasons though, but the way he thought was seriously disturbing.

I wish Amon would realize the truth and join hands with Kaneki and the rest. Don't want him to die..
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