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Jul 8, 2014 10:29 AM

Jul 2010
It's been a long time (1 or 2 years) since Yoko Kanno worked on something. And I'm really glad to hear her brilliance once again. Now even more, I can't wait for Zankyou no Terror to air.

So for those who have already listened the album, what are your favorites tracks?
Personally, I absolutely loved:

08 - Lava. It's good to hear a male voice that accompanies Yoko's melodies, just like the old good times with Steve Conte.

12 - nc17. It's a beautiful work on piano then it changes to electric guitar. Pretty interesting.

15 - Seele. Carillion-like, but with a gently piano.

07 - Veat. Clearly reminds me the sound of CB with that gag-eletronic music, at least I had the same vibes.

02 - Von. Beautiful. This is one of the reasons WHY I love Yoko Kanno so much. The language of the vocal doesn't exist, because as she stated in a interview there are no spoken languages that can actually express how she feels about her music.

09 - Walt. OUTSTANDING on every possible level. Probably my favorite of the whole album. Kanno 100%.

06 - Hanna. Is also a beautiful piece with the vocal of a child, Kanno never changes after all.

Overall, I absolutely loved this new album. I'm looking forward to hear where they will put these tracks. Also, is it only me or lately the titles for the soundtracks are really strange? I mean, Shiro Sagisu's latest album and Sawano Hiroyuki's last two/three albums had strange titles too.
AkanezoraJul 8, 2014 12:10 PM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jul 8, 2014 12:07 PM

Jan 2011
Fantastic album! I even start imagining some random scenes from Zankyou no Terror with a couple of tracks.

My favorites so far:

- lolol
- fugl
- walt
- nc17

Strange titles are strange, indeed.
Jul 8, 2014 4:27 PM

Oct 2012
Amazing OST. It really makes me wonder how some of these tracks will be used in the anime. Weird titles though, apparently some of them are Icelandic?
Hanna, lolol and walt would be my favourite tracks if I had to pick, but I seriously do love this album.
Jul 8, 2014 9:03 PM

Apr 2013
Yoko Kanno can do no wrong, that's for sure. Amazing!
Powerful eyebrows.
Jul 8, 2014 9:24 PM
May 2014
Can someone tell me where I can listen to the OST?
The anime industry is dead, the otaku fanbase killed it.
Jul 9, 2014 12:28 AM

Apr 2013
kikohunter said:
Can someone tell me where I can listen to the OST?

Here's the playlist of the OST on youtube:
Powerful eyebrows.
Jul 9, 2014 8:39 PM

Jun 2012
The music with the female vocals are not on the ost. :(
Jul 9, 2014 9:45 PM

Dec 2012
Wow, just listening to this OST makes me so excited. It's a masterpiece! Tomorrow can't come fast enough.
Jul 10, 2014 6:25 AM

Mar 2012
I hear playing sitar and indian tabla in some of tracks. Wow
Jul 10, 2014 7:58 AM

Dec 2012
galimx said:

Yoko Kanno never dissapoints..

And what style of music is that? Googling says: Neo-classical, piano, experimental, electronica, ambient ?
Sounds about right to me. I just love how Yoko Kanno can make completely different sounding music. She's so diverse and talented.
Jul 10, 2014 12:29 PM

Jul 2010
galimx said:

guys, what language is this? Icelandic?
Yoko Kanno never dissapoints..

And what style of music is that? Googling says: Neo-classical, piano, experimental, electronica, ambient ?

Akanezora said:
The language of the vocal doesn't exist, because as she stated in a interview there are no spoken languages that can actually express how she feels about her music. Of course not always is like that.

Also yes, the tags are pretty accurate.
Jul 10, 2014 12:57 PM

Jul 2010
galimx said:
Wait what?
Zankyou no Terror OST - von (ft. Arnor Dan)
I googled and it says the language is islandic, so I dunno :) I am not entirely sure.

I'm not really sure either, you might be right, but you know there's the possibility that the language might not exist, since Yoko Kanno always do that kind of stuff with her music.
Jul 10, 2014 1:13 PM

Jan 2014
OST is already out? Oh my god.
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Jul 10, 2014 1:18 PM

Apr 2014
Fantastic OST. Initial reaction is that this is the best I've heard since Kill la Kill's first one, at least for now.

Jul 10, 2014 1:21 PM

Sep 2013
Fuck, now I can't wait to get home. It seems amazing judging from the reactions.
Jul 10, 2014 1:33 PM

Oct 2007
migohunter said:
Yoko Kanno can do no wrong, that's for sure. Amazing!

I don't know about that, but she's definitely better than Yuki Overratedness and it's nice to see her getting some OST work again rather than just the occasional theme song.
Jul 10, 2014 1:34 PM

Jun 2013
I like birden for its melancholic tone. And I especially like the title, because it gives "lifting the burden off your shoulder" a whole new, beatufiul meaning. It's like the burden has lifted and flew away to give the person the freedom characteristic of a bird flying in the sky.
Jul 10, 2014 2:45 PM

Jul 2010
pakoko said:
I like birden for its melancholic tone. And I especially like the title, because it gives "lifting the burden off your shoulder" a whole new, beatufiul meaning. It's like the burden has lifted and flew away to give the person the freedom characteristic of a bird flying in the sky.

Couldn't agree more with you, I also find pretty accurate the meaning you just gave to it with the melody itself, since it starts really gently and "free", then at 2.31 it becomes pretty restless and then again quiet.
Jul 10, 2014 3:22 PM

Jul 2012
Loved it as well. I'm looking forward to how they'll match the songs in the anime.
Jul 10, 2014 4:27 PM

Sep 2012
I only listened to it once. Very consistent, yoko never disapoints, OST of the Year for the moment!

Favorite tracks so far are:

hannah (<3 the vocal)
Jul 10, 2014 4:50 PM

Apr 2013
Kaioshin_Sama said:
migohunter said:
Yoko Kanno can do no wrong, that's for sure. Amazing!

I don't know about that, but she's definitely better than Yuki Overratedness and it's nice to see her getting some OST work again rather than just the occasional theme song.

She hasn't produced a single bad OST that I can recall, and unlike Yuki experiments and mixes musical genres into her work very often. Jazz, electronic, classical, you name it.

I would say Kanno deserves the attention.
Powerful eyebrows.
Jul 10, 2014 5:18 PM

Jan 2014
SetsukoHara said:
I only listened to it once. Very consistent, yoko never disapoints, OST of the Year for the moment!

Favorite tracks so far are:

hannah (<3 the vocal)

Listening to it right now and hannah's vocals are just out of this world. Yoko Kanno's works definitely are on another level.
Personal favorites besides hannah are lolol and von and fugl, but it's pretty hard to pick with all that awesomeness.
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Jul 10, 2014 5:19 PM

Apr 2013
10/10 ost

so much emotions can be felt in each track
Jul 10, 2014 5:36 PM

Jun 2013
Akanezora said:
pakoko said:
I like birden for its melancholic tone. And I especially like the title, because it gives "lifting the burden off your shoulder" a whole new, beatufiul meaning. It's like the burden has lifted and flew away to give the person the freedom characteristic of a bird flying in the sky.

Couldn't agree more with you, I also find pretty accurate the meaning you just gave to it with the melody itself, since it starts really gently and "free", then at 2.31 it becomes pretty restless and then again quiet.

Thank you :) I actually looked up to see if "birden" meant anything in any language, and apparently in Turkish it means "suddenly." Lol for now i like my own interpretation better :P

Anyways, thank YOU for posting these up. I wouldn't even have discovered the soundtrack if you hadn't posted up the link.
Jul 10, 2014 6:24 PM

Mar 2014
Jul 10, 2014 7:26 PM
Dec 2013
I can only say that I love how smart and merciful Yoko is! She knows! She KNOWS that we're desperate for the music that goes into these animes as soon as we hear it and makes it available to us ASAP instead of waiting two months! More musicians can learn from her!
Jul 10, 2014 9:51 PM

Mar 2013
Loved her OST from GitS

For a second I also thought she did psycho-pass, but that was mainly by a person called Yuugo Kanno... any relation between the tow? if there is, they must be a family of musical geniuses.

I honestly didn't remember hearing anything amazing from first ep, need to re-watch and pay more attention to the music to see if I missed any gems.
Jul 10, 2014 10:25 PM

Sep 2013
She has outdone herself with this one, so much power and emotions in each track.
sic mundus
Jul 10, 2014 11:20 PM

Aug 2013
I'd say the track that stood out the most for me would be von. It felt so heavy and really lonely like you're stuck in the deepest level of depression >__<

I didn't expect to hear a child's voice in hanna. It really fit well :o

is and birden are nice tracks to listen to after von. There's something refreshing about it.

I didn't feel blessed at all after listening to bless. It felt so sad but beautiful T__T
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Jul 11, 2014 12:06 AM

Nov 2013
Her OST for Darker than Black also be amazing. I'm glad she's back with new music.
Jul 11, 2014 1:52 AM
Jul 2018
Straight on my phone, love it.
Jul 11, 2014 2:04 AM

Jul 2010
I also like how the soundtrack "Hanna" is titled like this because the little girl who sings is precisely called Hanna Berglind. That's somehow a tribute to her I guess, it's a pretty honest and heartwarming message.

DerpHole said:
For a second I also thought she did psycho-pass, but that was mainly by a person called Yuugo Kanno... any relation between the tow? if there is, they must be a family of musical geniuses.

As far I know, there isn't any relation between the two but yeah I get your point. Yuugo Kanno is really good too, I'm starting to appreciate him with Psycho-Pass and Stardust Crusaders.

pakoko said:
Akanezora said:

Couldn't agree more with you, I also find pretty accurate the meaning you just gave to it with the melody itself, since it starts really gently and "free", then at 2.31 it becomes pretty restless and then again quiet.

Thank you :) I actually looked up to see if "birden" meant anything in any language, and apparently in Turkish it means "suddenly." Lol for now i like my own interpretation better :P

You're welcome, haha yes I still find your interpretation the most interesting between the two!

pLaguE_ said:

Amazing track, it's really growing in me.
AkanezoraJul 11, 2014 2:15 AM
Jul 11, 2014 2:16 AM

Mar 2008
Totally unrelated but why can you only put 7 people as your favorites and not 10? This sucks.. xD

The ost is absolutely amazing, as expected from Kanno. Makes me only more hyped to see the rest of the series. I'm so glad we have someone like her in the anime industry, she's not afraid to experiment with her tracks.
Watanabe and her work so well together!
Jul 11, 2014 2:52 AM

Dec 2011
Daaamn, so good! One of the best anime OSTs I've heard in a while!
All tunes were great, but I really enjoyed lolol, walt, nc17.
Jul 12, 2014 8:44 PM

Jan 2009
I miss this woman so much!!
english isn't my native language... ;)
Jul 13, 2014 8:20 PM

Jun 2014
Veat is amazing.

Jul 14, 2014 9:46 AM

Nov 2011
It's not a question man. It's not to wonder about. All you need to know is, fuck Kajiura Yuki, hail Kanno Youko.

Unlike the former, the latter actually knows great musical theory. Once you listen to the blues side of jazz, then you can't go wrong.
Jul 16, 2014 10:18 AM

Jan 2013
No. 8, lava, reminds me quite a bit of pink floyd
Jul 18, 2014 11:47 AM

Jul 2013
does anyone know what is playing at 20:10 of episode 2?
Jul 18, 2014 7:02 PM

Jul 2010
orchidork said:
does anyone know what is playing at 20:10 of episode 2?

Can't seem to find it, I hope to hear something more about that. Or even better, a future release date for a possible 2nd album.
Jul 20, 2014 6:13 AM

Jun 2013
She's really awesome. :))
Jul 26, 2014 2:15 PM

Feb 2008
A rather spectacular soundtrack indeed. Her style is distinctly different from the mainstream, complementing the series as a whole well.
Jul 26, 2014 3:57 PM

Jan 2012
Aw yeah, Yoko Kanno never dissapoints. Furthermore, she is doing some Icelandic stuff? Pretty awesome, I love Sigur Ros, so it is quite the delight.
Aug 1, 2014 9:20 AM

Jan 2014
I've listened to the OST every night, before going to bed. This, along the likes of kara no kyoukai and mushishi just make waking up and going to bed a whole different experience of bliss.

My top 3 so far, in no particular order:
is (since I now picture the bike scene which was totally awesome)

I'll be listening to this ost for a long time, from time to time.
Aug 1, 2014 1:59 PM
Jan 2013
any information on that whether there will be a second album?( which includes the missing tracks like the one at the end of episode 2 etc.) If someone knows anything about it I'd be grateful:D.

Btw as the previous links are not working anymore thought I'd give a good one:
Aug 2, 2014 4:12 PM

Jul 2010
Drust said:
any information on that whether there will be a second album?( which includes the missing tracks like the one at the end of episode 2 etc.) If someone knows anything about it I'd be grateful:D.

Btw as the previous links are not working anymore thought I'd give a good one:

Not yet, but don't get your hopes too high, because very often they don't even release the missing tracks. It personally happened to me a lot of times.

Thanks for the link anyway, much appreciated.
Aug 6, 2014 11:51 AM

Dec 2011
The OST so overpowered it distracts me from the anime itself...
Ohhh All Hail Yoko Kanno TvT
Aug 8, 2014 5:27 AM

Jun 2013
> why is Yoko Kanno so amazing?

because she is. o.o
my personal favorite as of now is definitely nc17. looping the shit out if it right when i listened to it.


these are some golden music. as always she has gone international.. now with Icelandic musicians and singers getting roped in :D
Aug 11, 2014 12:20 PM
Jul 2014
Seele was definitely based off of an existing piano piece, right?

What was the original called
Aug 15, 2014 7:44 AM

Apr 2013
Is (feat. POP ETC) is so beautiful.
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