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Fruits Basket Collector's Edition
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Sep 14, 2008 9:55 PM
Apr 2008
so far, these eps are actually really related to the manga....and it's good in that way. can't wait till i see kisa!
May 1, 2009 8:23 AM

Mar 2009
Really great episode glad she got to go home.

May 4, 2009 7:52 AM

Aug 2008
So cute :)

Jul 7, 2009 1:24 AM
Jul 2009
Haven't seen it yet but I'm sure it will be great.
Sep 11, 2009 2:45 AM

Aug 2009
Really heart-warming episode^^
Kyo is the first male tsundere I know^^
I start to like the opening :-)
Sep 17, 2009 4:41 AM
Aug 2009
But... at the end of the episode they were all holding hands... isn't physical contact meant to change them? or is it only hugs?

Regardless i'm glad it had a happy ending, not that you would expect anything else from this kind of show.
Sep 17, 2009 2:30 PM

Sep 2008
thethirdkibeth said:
But... at the end of the episode they were all holding hands... isn't physical contact meant to change them? or is it only hugs?

I was wondering that too.

But anyway, yeah, very cute episode. Quite heart-warming... and I really didn't expect Yuki and Kyo to show up when they did. XD I felt so bad for Tohru when she was at her grandfather's house. Her relatives, besides her grandfather, were all such jerks. Good thing she went back "home".
Nov 27, 2009 12:01 PM
Sep 2009
aww she missed them, and she admitted it, not like little miss toradora whats her face who took half a bloody series before she realised the guy she was enslaving was actually her only hope of a boifriend. Lol so yer i liked this ep.
Jan 12, 2010 6:15 PM
Nov 2009
Such a sweet episode!~♥ ^_^

All the characters are so cute! And the end was really sweet, when Yuki said "then just come", and after that when Kyo grabs her hand and pulls her along, and at the end when Shigure is smiling at them *starry eyes*

And the music is really nice! 'Never really payed especial attention to the music in an anime before (which is horrible, since they must put so much effort into making it D: ), but the music in this is really nice! :D

Feb 7, 2010 4:30 AM

Feb 2009
awww, the ending was really sweet and cute!
Feb 16, 2010 12:52 PM

Jan 2009
and someone said 'Onigiri!' ^^ kyaa so lovely
Apr 30, 2010 8:29 PM

Mar 2009
Very sweet episode.
I'm so glad that Tohru made herself a real home to miss and to go home to, the way that her so-called 'normal' relatives (with the exception of her Grandfather) treated her was just horrible, and this was before they discovered that she had been living with three guys and of course they jumped to the wrong conclusions!
And liked that speech of Kyo's were he told her to just be herself. Tohru's a very nice girl but it does get a little tiring of her being so sweet all the time.
Still, she does bring some much needed stability to that house, and to their lives. Glad that it worked out in the end.
Jun 28, 2010 5:40 PM

Aug 2008
me too, I want TWO HANDSOME GUY to take me back! XD
Jan 20, 2011 1:24 AM

Aug 2010
I'm surprised they delivered on retribution so much. I wanted to slap her relatives, and ojisan took care of that for me. Then I wanted to cuss them out, and mister rat took care of that.

So satisfying.
May 30, 2011 5:19 PM
Apr 2011
This episode, especially the ending, was way too adorable. xP
Aug 20, 2011 8:43 PM

May 2011
i loved this ep, havent experienced a feel good anime like this in quite some time, but none of them come close to the feeling i get from this :3
Sep 9, 2011 3:45 AM

Nov 2009
Thillygooth said:
I'm surprised they delivered on retribution so much. I wanted to slap her relatives, and ojisan took care of that for me. Then I wanted to cuss them out, and mister rat took care of that.

So satisfying.

I know right? Annoying family characters like them never get what they deserve.

Then BAM boss grandpa slaps the shit out of one of them.
Sep 26, 2011 10:10 PM

Sep 2011
I love this episode so much! It makes me smile and cry all over like a sap. I love Tohru because even after everything she's been through she still is kind and strong. She might not be the most complicated girl, but she is honest and kind and always tries to do the right thing. It's inspiring and heartwarming <3 This episode makes me feel like it is possible to find a place you can truly call "home".
Mar 29, 2012 6:46 PM

Jan 2011
Best episode so far. Tohru's grandfather knew that she would be happier living away from her aunt and uncle. I'm sure that they didn't chip in on the renovation costs, nor are they paying rent. I wonder if the anime will go into the backstory on Tohru's mother and father?
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Apr 26, 2012 9:37 AM

Jan 2012
Very cute episode. Kind of predictable but that's to be expected from Shoujo.
Aug 8, 2012 12:29 AM

Oct 2008
awwww, this episode is just so touching! Tohru is too kind. Good thing her grandpa supports her and now she found her true home. I so love this!
Oct 31, 2012 5:59 AM

May 2012
Great episode, it was so to know that the house was finished and what a sucky family, it's good that they've got her back to her real house!

Great episode!
Feb 28, 2013 3:57 PM

Jan 2012
Aside from the grandfather all her family is a bunch of pricks.

Apr 1, 2013 3:10 PM

Jun 2012
This episode was so cute :)

i love tohru and kyo together <3
Apr 30, 2013 7:54 PM

Aug 2010
Really cute episode. And god, that family of assholes. I love when yuki told them off.

Aug 1, 2013 1:24 PM

Jun 2009
I've only browsed the other posts so I may have missed someone commenting on it, but I really like how this episode shows how the series got it's title. The theme of "Tohru being a riceball in a fruits basket" and her sitting outside the children playing is such a powerful image and is really important to what she does in regards to the Sohma family.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Mar 3, 2014 3:16 AM

Aug 2012
The more information we get about Tohru's mom I just love her more. :)
Mar 19, 2014 3:05 PM

Jan 2014
"We just witnessed a classic example
of what I like to call misdirected rage.
I believe the technical term is being
an ass."
by Shigure. He just ruLZ :3
"A riceball doesn't belong in a fruits'
I feel you Tohru, I feel you.
Feel happy and sad the same. Wow!:)
Apr 28, 2014 2:30 PM

Mar 2013
Hmm does any body else find it odd that they hired a private detective to find out what Tohru has been up to?? WTF. This is especially more twisted after they kicked her out in the first place, knowing she has nowhere to go, both her parents have been killed, she has no money, and is in high school. The family that moves back in with the grandfather dares criticize and scrutinize Tohru's action?? Some fucked up logic at best, the grandfathers slap doesn't even begin to address the problems i pointed out, but its better than nothing.

While i was happy the guys took their respective actions to get her back, I was a bit perplexed how Yuki could have known that the uncle was a low life scum? Was he eavesdropping on the entire situation to be able to come to such a conclusion? If not then it seems like a poor move to barge into someone else's home and make such accusations whilst snatching away a teenage girl into an all boy home. Even if Yuki had witnessed/overheard the lowball behavior of the family/uncle, the actions and words he and kyo take can have a permanent damaging effect between Tohru and her family.

An additional point is that it would not have been surprising if Tohru's family tried to take matters to the authorities like the police over the incident. Unlawful trespassing? Check. Kidnapping of older men(at the least Shigure) of a teenage girl? I'm sure they could lie and call it that... Their son the police officer will likely heed their interpretation. Ofcourse this is just a Shoujo anime, but partially due to introducing the insane scheme of the family to get private detective's involved, it has an obligation to address the issues I'm presenting.
SlickDApr 29, 2014 5:31 PM
Apr 28, 2014 2:33 PM

Apr 2014
It's been 1 1/2 year since I've watched it, I don't remember what happens in this episode. Can someone please remind me?
Apr 29, 2014 5:34 PM

Mar 2013
TobiOrNotTobi said:
It's been 1 1/2 year since I've watched it, I don't remember what happens in this episode. Can someone please remind me?

Just reading our posts should give you a fair idea. In short Tohru goes back to live with her grandfather and aunt/uncle/cousin since renovation for the home is done. They don't treat her well, and say some inappropriate and harsh things to Tohru. She wants to go back to the Sohma house, and luckily for her Kyo and Yuki barge into her grandfathers home to save the day.
Feb 14, 2015 12:08 PM

Sep 2014
YESSS, go grandpa! That male cousin of hers was such a dick. Really, a detective agency on a 16 year old orphaned girl? Get out of here...

Kyo is such a tsundere. I love it. :)
Jun 10, 2015 3:40 AM

Jan 2012
She really love their home.

Dec 15, 2015 8:15 PM

Aug 2013
Woah, what an unpleasant family, with the exception of the gramps of course. Anime grampa are always wisdom, while old people I know are more often senile.

Anyway, that episode was super cute. Mah nigga, Kyo is supa kawaii.
But two guy, who hates each other, fight for the same girl? Oh boy, this will be complicate.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Dec 31, 2015 6:28 PM

Aug 2013
Those family members minus the grandpa where asshat's good thing Tohru got outta there.
Sep 25, 2016 12:44 PM

Sep 2013
Grandpa was awesome!!

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Oct 3, 2016 9:05 PM

Apr 2016
Wow, that was wonderful. Wasn't expecting an episode this dramatically heavy hitting so early on, but it was effective. I'm taking to these characters faster than I usually do.
Nov 10, 2016 10:28 AM

Nov 2015
If I was Tohru...*pulls on my stewie t-shirt* "Alright, I guess this is the night b*****s die" BUT, thanks to Grandpa, no blood will be spilled...tonight.
Jan 30, 2018 11:31 PM

Jun 2017
Great Episode. Tooru's family (except for gramdfather) are complete assholes. Thank god grandpa gave that bastart a good spanking and for Yuki for telling them that they are low life garbage, cuz thats what they are. Utter Garbage.
So glad my baby Tooru got outta that house. (;
Nov 30, 2018 10:52 PM

Jun 2010
SlickDragon said:
Hmm does any body else find it odd that they hired a private detective to find out what Tohru has been up to??

They explained that; they were worried their son, who wants to be a policeman, could be negatively affected if a family member had a criminal record. Storytelling-wise, it also demonstrates how they coldly treat Tohru as an outsider and potential threat despite how downright angelic she is.

SlickDragon said:
I was a bit perplexed how Yuki could have known that the uncle was a low life scum?

He blithely asked if Yuki was one of the men Tohru was "cohabiting" with, strongly implying that Tohru was giving them sexual favors. This is extremely rude. On top of that he uses "chan" for Tohru while clearly demonstrating he doesn't understand or respect her, which is why this is what Yuki specifically objects to. The prince was defending the lady's honor.

SlickDragon said:
An additional point is that it would not have been surprising if Tohru's family tried to take matters to the authorities like the police over the incident.

Grandpa will take care of that, I'm sure. He'll just tell them not to worry, and they didn't like having Tohru around anyway.
Dec 11, 2018 3:51 PM

Jun 2017
Fronzel said:
SlickDragon said:
Hmm does any body else find it odd that they hired a private detective to find out what Tohru has been up to??

They explained that; they were worried their son, who wants to be a policeman, could be negatively affected if a family member had a criminal record. Storytelling-wise, it also demonstrates how they coldly treat Tohru as an outsider and potential threat despite how downright angelic she is.

Been a few years since I watched this episode, but I think dear Auntie also mentions Tohru's mother, and that's why they felt they had to check up on Tohru. East Asians, especially older ones, tend to believe very strongly in character traits getting passed down, so Kyoko's less-than-savory past would have biased them against Tohru automatically. Hence their jumping to the conclusion that Tohru was off doing disreputable things that would reflect badly on them while she was on her own.

Completely agree with the rest of your post :)
Jul 7, 2019 10:08 PM

Nov 2012
I'm impressed with how quickly they made the trio and Shigure by extend feel like a family.

Might get a little odd later on considering this is a shoujo anime but I'll put that aside for now.
Jan 30, 2020 9:49 AM

Sep 2019
Adorable at the beginning, Tohru's reading up on Kyo and Yuki's interests, to better bond with them and in her hopes try to get them to get along with each other better too.
FeSTiNaLeNTe said:
"We just witnessed a classic example
of what I like to call misdirected rage.
I believe the technical term is being
an ass."
by Shigure. He just ruLZ :3

I came here to say this as well X3. Total Chaotic Good Wiseguy, total savage. I like that just a moment later he was commenting on Yuki's non-passionate goodbye too.
WE NOW KNOW WHY IT'S CALLED FRUITS BASKET! And a little more about Tohru.
Ston3_FreeN7 said:
I really like how this episode shows how the series got it's title. The theme of "Tohru being a riceball in a fruits basket" and her sitting outside the children playing is such a powerful image and is really important to what she does in regards to the Sohma family.

And Tohru's response to the kids teasing and excluding her too QwQ. Those dummies got her wrong, she's not a rice ball, she's a cinnamon roll! <3
Like everyone else said, her aunt & uncle & cousins are meanies, and it was VERY refreshing to see Grandpa and Yuki serve some justice. >:D

Iszumi said:
And liked that speech of Kyo's were he told her to just be herself. Tohru's a very nice girl but it does get a little tiring of her being so sweet all the time.
Still, she does bring some much needed stability to that house, and to their lives. Glad that it worked out in the end.

I cried happily at the end of this episode, Kyo's ironic speech Tohru on allowing yourself to be open about how you feel. (I say ironic because he struggles with it himself, but I guess that's how we really know it comes from the heart).
I also like that it's the writers intended character flaw of her that she's passive to being hurt, that it's something she needs to work on.
AliceWill said:
And the music is really nice! 'Never really payed especial attention to the music in an anime before (which is horrible, since they must put so much effort into making it D: ), but the music in this is really nice! :D ♥

S A M E. I love the OP and ED so much it's beautiful , and the background musics good too.
~ A Rice Ball in a Fruits Basket, gets 5/5 stars from this biddy ~
Jan 7, 2021 4:11 PM

Dec 2007
so we finally find why the anime called 'fruits basket'.

apart from missing the sohma house, her aunt house wasn't nice to her at all, good ridness.

great ending.
Jan 2, 2023 8:44 PM
Jul 2018
After Kyo said such earnest and kind words at the end there, proving his understanding of her nature (which is to never ask for help or try to burden others), I was hoping that Tohru would say something like, "I wish I could hug you", because I certainly wanted to reach through and hug him after that speech!
Nov 30, 2024 8:01 PM
Sep 2022

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