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Knights of Sidonia
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Apr 26, 2014 5:45 AM

Jul 2013
LOL screw MAL.
Something like Date A Live is ranked higher than this.
"Komugi, are you there?"

Apr 26, 2014 6:08 AM

Aug 2010
Just give the rating thing a break guys. Ongoing series rating means nothing. It's all about how it ranks after it's completed.

There are many kids who just like to give low ratings to CG series from the first ep -.- It'll go up when they're excluded.

Many series have had that happen to them before.
Apr 26, 2014 6:10 AM

Dec 2013
Where is the logic of having lovers in the same squad on a mission with a low chance of survival? Come on now anime.

Preview shows some serious suffering and death next ep so looking forward to that.
Apr 26, 2014 6:15 AM

Jul 2007
t_alexis79 said:
i dont understand how this show is getting such a low rating, my honest opinion is that that this shit is good 9/10 so far.

Not enough lolis.
Not enough incest.
Not generic enough characters
No "true" highschool setting
No 2D.
The lead is not a gary stu.

Shit show by MAL standards.

ashlelouch said:
LOL screw MAL.
Something like Date A Live is ranked higher than this.

To put it in perspective. Sidonia is now lower ranked than:
fucking Witchcraft Works.
Date a Live
Apr 26, 2014 6:17 AM

Nov 2010
Izana keep Nagate close to you! If you can stand him puking on you than he's your guy
The trip to the sea was wonderful in that bathysphere

Seeing Akai's team eliminated by the Gauna was somewhat expected
Momose leading their team to that danger after their team captain was out was just sad
Apr 26, 2014 6:43 AM

May 2012
I didn't expect that. Whole crew is dead?!

I heard many bad opinions about this show, but it's actually very good.
One of my favorites this season.
Apr 26, 2014 7:16 AM

Apr 2014
Fai said:
t_alexis79 said:
i dont understand how this show is getting such a low rating, my honest opinion is that that this shit is good 9/10 so far.

Not enough lolis.
Not enough incest.
Not generic enough characters
No "true" highschool setting
No 2D.
The lead is not a gary stu.

Shit show by MAL standards.

ashlelouch said:
LOL screw MAL.
Something like Date A Live is ranked higher than this.

To put it in perspective. Sidonia is now lower ranked than:
fucking Witchcraft Works.
Date a Live

what can i say...weeaboo otakus need their moe
Apr 26, 2014 7:19 AM

Oct 2013
ashlelouch said:
LOL screw MAL.
Something like Date A Live is ranked higher than this.
Taste = Tits. What else is there? Everyone on this site enjoys getting a hard on to girls that basically present themselves to the bitch ass, embarrassed, dipshit MC.
Apr 26, 2014 8:01 AM
Apr 2014
And there go the aces. In retrospect, it is indeed rather illogical to have lovers on the top team, but I'll just write it off as no fighting experiece for a hundred years.

About the rating, like the manga, this is more of a cult show, so the rating isn't all that important to me. People who watch this usually have better taste, but are a bit less numerous than your average anime watcher.

And for everyone here who's wondering about the Kabizashi, they'll explain that. I'll put the explanation in a spoiler, but read at your own risk because (obviously) massive spoiler.

And everyone who thinks Kunato's a nasty son of a bitch now is in for a surprise xD
"Though mountains crack, and ice will thaw

Though walls will fall, to tooth and claw

Though stars will fade, and shadow spread

On the heights we stood, with iron red.

And as they died, they killed the dead.
Apr 26, 2014 8:31 AM

Feb 2013
This show is intense. I at first wasn't so savvy with the animation scheme, but the story grabbed a hold of my attention right from the start. All I can really say about it is that it has balls and takes me by surprise in almost every other scene.

tingy said:
Man Momose ruining it for everyone. I don't mind that she was the one to be caught instead of the other three men, nor do I mind that Akai would try to save her and sacrifice himself because she's the love of his life...but it really just sucks that she ended up being partially the reason why the team failed. I don't know if they could've killed the Gauna or not even if Momose didn't go insane, but she probably caused the team to fail quicker. It's like someone else said though, they're great inside the arena, but it's different in real battle (heh, the other SnK).

Aren't they supposed to be professional pilots or whatever? The fact that Momose lost her cool and went AWOL just irks me to no end for some reason. I garuntee that Akai would have taken down the Gauna if Momose didn't cause so many distractions. -_-
Apr 26, 2014 9:28 AM
Oct 2012
Kondo-Isao said:
ashlelouch said:
LOL screw MAL.
Something like Date A Live is ranked higher than this.
Taste = Tits. What else is there? Everyone on this site enjoys getting a hard on to girls that basically present themselves to the bitch ass, embarrassed, dipshit MC.

To defend the average MAL voter, Science Fiction is a niche market, the more hard core the science the more niche it becomes (I say this as someone who loves Science Fiction), so that alone would mean that this show will rank lower. Date A Live is an above average harem animation, has battle scenes, a little romance, some good humor, and had a good initial hook (world fate decided by a dating sim)(never underestimate the importance of the initial hook to a show success).

A show that can appeal to several genres will beat a show that appeals to one genre 9 times out of 10.
Apr 26, 2014 9:39 AM

Apr 2012
TsukiumiFanboy said:
all i see are death flags!!! damn that was brutal i was calling their deaths as soon as "last date" appeared lol

You and me both brah. At 1st I was like sweet they gonna have some special service( underwater viewing) . Then the " last date" and the *I don't think we can survive it* ish tone to their mission. To me they were as good as dead the moment they lauched.
The Art of Shipping is no mere game. It can be small skirmishes to huge nation size wars.
Of course some will claim their ship is the BATTLESHIP but they all do. This is why battles occur because of factions fighting each other to justify their favourite ship.
And thus SHIP to SHIP combat occurs almost anytime even now.
Beware, Threading into the Shipping battlefield will be bloody.... What are you waiting for?
Apr 26, 2014 10:14 AM

Jan 2014
Way to go Momose, for doing absolute shit. And shame on Midorikawa for going back for that waste of space, leaving poor Aoki completely defenseless.

BUT I guess if I got annoyed it means the show's doing a great job! They aren't experienced in real combat after all. I just wish the show would stop one-sidedly portraying females as absolutely incompetent in combat, gdi.
Apr 26, 2014 11:02 AM

Aug 2012
lin000 said:
I just wish the show would stop one-sidedly portraying females as absolutely incompetent in combat, gdi.

Wait... what?

This is the first time a female pilot shits on a mission. Yamano was blindsided, any pilot in her place would have suffered the same fate.
Apr 26, 2014 11:02 AM
Jun 2012
Reite said:

I hope we won't see any more of female-only incompetence in Sidonia.

Well, I appreciate the feminist angle. But it seems misplaced there. The better question is why you lot can only see the female characters incompetence.

You have the boyfriend who abandons his mission, even when killing the enemy would also save her.
You have the replacement squadleader who abandons one team to an impossible mission in order to rush of after her without even checking if the enemy is pursuing.
And you have the remaining teammate doesn't even bother to keep his attention on the lethal foe in front of him.

You also have the military academy who doesn't train cadets to handle stress, emotions, unexpected situations and so on.

But most extreme is a strategist who only sends a single squad with no other plan than 'attack and hope all goes well'. Even when we've been shown that at least three quads is possible. No backup, no distraction, no long range support, no rescue and salvage. I guess this is the guy who says a girl still in school could replace him. I guess he's right, but not because she's brilliant.

I guess it all could be explain by extreme arrogance, and people gaining position by office politics. But that's not what's shown at all.

Of course it is a well used plot device in order to promote the protagonist, as someone wrote. And also to show how scary the monster is. But that does not explain how it was done. Wouldn't the for be more fearsome if it defeated competent fighters?
Apr 26, 2014 11:59 AM

Oct 2011
Yukatas were nice. Tanikaze runs the minute food is mentioned XDD.

Izana likes you Tanikaze!!! Please be with her before something horrible happens

Elite 4 death was coming. Brutally !!!

Kunato OMG will you be Gauna food already!!!!!!!! Die !!!

Next week she gonna die NOOOOOOOO!!!!
Apr 26, 2014 12:15 PM

Jul 2012
God damn!! The ending. I loved the directing, esp near the ending when they flashed between the action scenes to the non-action and eventually showed that all four of that team died. Amazing.

Getting crazy Shinsekai Yori vibes now, with the whole world building, dystopian setting, the mix of dark/depressing moments with those subtle beautiful ones (the underwater scene omg) and the characters dying without any warning.

Yeah, I'm looking at a high 8/10 or 9/10 from this show as long as they keep doing well and the plot is exposed more.
Apr 26, 2014 12:18 PM
Oct 2012
Helpme said:
Well, I appreciate the feminist angle. But it seems misplaced there. The better question is why you lot can only see the female characters incompetence.

It's not just the incompetence, its the screaming hysterical component of it that is the problem. And had it only been once that would have been fine, but it's been the second episode in a row with it.

It's not so much feminism (at least on my part), as much as it is a "canary in a coal mine" warning that what to now had been an intriguing show is starting to show writing problems. I agree with everything you wrote that occurred AFTER the woman warrior because a scream hysterical twit. None of it made much sense. Not so much the panic, many soldiers panic when first under fire and this ship hadn't fought the enemy in over a 100 years, so panic was to be expected. But to use a screaming hysterical woman warrior TWICE now to spark the panic is just plain bad and uncreative writing.

Another "canary in the coal mine" warning was that they decided to have the main leader wearing that stupid mask for no apparent reason.

I know this sounds stupid, but Japanese SF loves that trope, and to date I have not scene a single series where when it was done the ending paid off (to be clear not talking about Code Geass where the MC had a reason to wear one). It is another sign of uncreative writing.
Apr 26, 2014 12:44 PM

Sep 2008
omg idk if it's just me but for some reason i tend to space out a bit when watching this and i end up missing some things. I had to go back to see why they were having that competition but good thing it wasn't something super important. I really, really liked Akai but i feel that i sealed his fate for a doomed death by doing that. Especially that whole last date thing/underwater scene, major death flag. I actually liked his whole squad, I'm pretty torn by all of this. These death scenes are pretty intense and i end up remembering them a couple of days later, which isn't pleasant.
Apr 26, 2014 1:09 PM

Aug 2012
Takuan_Soho said:
Another "canary in the coal mine" warning was that they decided to have the main leader wearing that stupid mask for no apparent reason.

"They" have a reason to use masks.

BTW, Akai and Midorikawa died by their own mistakes. The one who was killed by the fault of the other three was Aoki.
Apr 26, 2014 1:16 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Bleachway said:
Epic, the rating this show has is embarrassing. Not that MAL ratings reflects accurately on shows anyway.
HowTragic said:
A mind fucking episode. The screaming sadness imbued with vengeance and tragedy. This episode made me nergasm. This is anime done right.

Such a masterpiece only averages a 7.25, while drivel like Date A Live II has a 7.88. What is wrong with this world.

I've stopped taking ratings in this site seriously and instead focus more on reviews (ANN's reviews despite all their flaws are much more accurate than MAL ratings).
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Apr 26, 2014 1:45 PM

Mar 2014
The Elite Four of anime I have ever seen: One of them got down.
"He seems dead."
"OK, he is the weakest one of us."
"Hahaha, he was disgrace of the Elite Four, he was defeated by such a weak enemy."

The Elite Four of Sidonia no Kishi: They were annihilated in three minutes.

By the way, I watched it on TV. And I also watched TV commercial between the first half and the second half...
Apr 26, 2014 1:50 PM

Oct 2009
Dam...I was expecting at least some of them to survive..looks like next episode most of everyone dies ^_^

Also screw Norio!

I kinda want to put this on-hold and watch the whole thing in one go, waiting for each week is painful but then the wait for this to finish is even longer..
Apr 26, 2014 2:50 PM

Jun 2008
Helpme said:
Reite said:

I hope we won't see any more of female-only incompetence in Sidonia.

Well, I appreciate the feminist angle. But it seems misplaced there. The better question is why you lot can only see the female characters incompetence.

You have the boyfriend who abandons his mission, even when killing the enemy would also save her.
You have the replacement squadleader who abandons one team to an impossible mission in order to rush of after her without even checking if the enemy is pursuing.
And you have the remaining teammate doesn't even bother to keep his attention on the lethal foe in front of him.

Well, I completely agree that everyone was at fault here, and the fighters weren't prepared for such stress. The whole strategy was seriously lacking, although maybe we'll get an explanation later on. Or at least backup squads or something.
The thing that bothers me with Momose is not really her incompetence (bad wording on my part), but her exaggerated hysterics and general uselesness. She was the only one who lost her cool. Akai performed a heroic sacrifice - it was stupid, yeah, but he died with a smile, saving his girl, which is infinitely more heroic than what she did earlier (she started screaming just after being captured) and later. Midorikawa tried to save her too, and Aoki in general tried to do something reasonable.
If they all broke down, it would be more understandable. But no, only the female had to be freaking out to the point of absolute uselessness, and just at the beginning of the fight too. *sigh*
Apr 26, 2014 6:29 PM

Jan 2014
All dead just like that?

Glad to see a show that shows the horrific truth and more realistic as some shows always have everyone living
Wanna listen to some good OP/ED songs? Head over to my profile!
Apr 26, 2014 7:06 PM

Feb 2013
I'm loving the battles in this anime. Great action. It isn't like we didn't know beforehand they were all gonna die. Only the "hero" can save the day after all.

To bad everything other than that is not so good.
Apr 26, 2014 7:55 PM

Aug 2013
Takuan_Soho said:
Helpme said:
Well, I appreciate the feminist angle. But it seems misplaced there. The better question is why you lot can only see the female characters incompetence.

It's not just the incompetence, its the screaming hysterical component of it that is the problem. And had it only been once that would have been fine, but it's been the second episode in a row with it.

What are you talking about? Women generally have a higher pitched voice then men. It's not hysterial, you're exaggerating. There is nothing wrong with women yelling with a voice they were born with. You're just imposing a chauvinistic male dominated view (which is female voice= weakness). Please stop projecting.
Apr 26, 2014 7:59 PM

Aug 2013
Damn, the death flags were so big, no one could have avoided them...
Yuhata must feel bad now that her brother is dead and that the last thing she told him was that she hate him :/

Well that elite four is no longer. And from the preview, it look like the mothership will be at the verge of collapsing. Those people falling in the pit of the spaceship, must be an awful way to die when you though that ship was your security against Gauna...

Nagate is a real woman magnet. Izana, just make a move already while you're still alive!

Kunato is such a little whiny bitch. I hope he die soon.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Apr 26, 2014 8:47 PM
Aug 2013
steins001 said:
All dead just like that?

Glad to see a show that shows the horrific truth and more realistic as some shows always have everyone living

Well, it's obviously setting up a standard "our best people can't do it but somehow The Chosen One, who is significantly more like an average human than the rest of this sci-fi population, can!" thing, it's not really more realistic it's just darker.
You are not the king of your brain. You are the creepy guy standing next to the king going "a most judicious choice, sire" - Steven Kaas
Apr 26, 2014 10:06 PM

Apr 2013
Epic as ballz. I am definitely looking forward to this anime.
Apr 26, 2014 11:46 PM

Mar 2010
So... Last episode we had a typical "accidental pervert" anime cliche. This week we get semi-tournament and semi-festival episode rolled into one. And when they started talking about going to the ocean I was like "Noooooooooo! This can't be happening! Beach episode as well?!". Good thing they managed to present it quite differently

And then a bunch of "pros" died because of one stupid bitch making a mistake (or at least that's the way I saw it)

Well hopefully the show will pick up the pace now
"Then again, if she's not my sibling, there's no bling, either" - Ararararagi Koyomi
Apr 26, 2014 11:59 PM
Oct 2010
WhisperBit said:

And then a bunch of "pros" died because of one stupid bitch making a mistake (or at least that's the way I saw it)

Well hopefully the show will pick up the pace now

Honestly I really hated that angle of it. I wished they did it a little differently, like the thing caught them off guard with something (which it did) or they died because they weren't good enough. Instead the leader dies because his woman (who is behind him btw) is apparently so bad (despite being a pro) that she got caught by those tentacles despite being behind the dude.

Secondly, I don't see why this dude stop going for the core, if he had just killed the damn thing he would have saved her and stopped it at the same time. Instead his decision killed them all (I'm very glad that girl didn't survive, if she did that would have been pretty irritating). I guess you can chalk that one up to battle inexperience, but good lord.
Apr 27, 2014 12:05 AM

Jul 2011
I saw the death flags, but damn... Momose killed everyone. ಠ_ಠ
How'd she get caught so easily as one of the elite four... I wish they died differently.

Kunato! What the heck is wrong with him?? She had a freakin' stick in her thigh, and he doesn't even give a rat's ass. Grrr.

Well, with the four dead hopefully the MC can step up and take it down. Seems like next episode is the hinted gravity fail and he can play hero.

I find it weird how the series still manages to incorporate romcom/harem/ecchi cliches though. But so far my favorite episode. There was tension and good action.
Apr 27, 2014 2:06 AM

Jul 2007
Mirorin said:

How'd she get caught so easily as one of the elite four... I wish they died differently.

"elite four" simply means they are good at simulations and would have to be the first to go against the gauna attack(basically, cannon fodder). It does not mean that much in grand context as NONE of the pilots have ever faced a gauna before.

Mirorin said:

I find it weird how the series still manages to incorporate romcom/harem/ecchi cliches though.

Oh that will get way weirder. Too bad that most of the WEIRDEST shit will be left to theoretical second season(if this ever gets one :( )

Not surprising though since human relations and sexual interactions have been a huge part of scifi genre since its inception(ex: Isaac Asimov's "The Gods Themselves").
Apr 27, 2014 2:13 AM

Apr 2014
Fai said:
Mirorin said:

How'd she get caught so easily as one of the elite four... I wish they died differently.

"elite four" simply means they are good at simulations and would have to be the first to go against the gauna attack(basically, cannon fodder). It does not mean that much in grand context as NONE of the pilots have ever faced a gauna before.

Mirorin said:

I find it weird how the series still manages to incorporate romcom/harem/ecchi cliches though.

Oh that will get way weirder. Too bad that most of the WEIRDEST shit will be left to theoretical second season(if this ever gets one :( )

Not surprising though since human relations and sexual interactions have been a huge part of scifi genre since its inception(ex: Isaac Asimov's "The Gods Themselves").

Its a shame we won't be able to see the best part lol
Apr 27, 2014 2:13 AM

Aug 2013
freaking goosebumps when Akai's squad getting annihilated
awwwww man this anime
Apr 27, 2014 3:41 AM

Oct 2013
Gotta remember that Japan is one of the lower ranked countries in the world in regards to gender equality. So really, a female character that follows that "damsel in distress" stereotype would be pretty common, so there's no real reason to be so annoyed about it.

If anime came from a western country, then we'd have something to be pissed off about.
Apr 27, 2014 4:52 AM

Jul 2011
Marzan said:
Bleachway said:
Epic, the rating this show has is embarrassing. Not that MAL ratings reflects accurately on shows anyway.
HowTragic said:
A mind fucking episode. The screaming sadness imbued with vengeance and tragedy. This episode made me nergasm. This is anime done right.

Such a masterpiece only averages a 7.25, while drivel like Date A Live II has a 7.88. What is wrong with this world.

I've stopped taking ratings in this site seriously and instead focus more on reviews (ANN's reviews despite all their flaws are much more accurate than MAL ratings).

That's why I still watch series that here are rated 5 or 6 and I can say that most of the time I do not regret it.
Apr 27, 2014 5:02 AM

Apr 2014
ainky said:
Marzan said:
Bleachway said:
Epic, the rating this show has is embarrassing. Not that MAL ratings reflects accurately on shows anyway.
HowTragic said:
A mind fucking episode. The screaming sadness imbued with vengeance and tragedy. This episode made me nergasm. This is anime done right.

Such a masterpiece only averages a 7.25, while drivel like Date A Live II has a 7.88. What is wrong with this world.

I've stopped taking ratings in this site seriously and instead focus more on reviews (ANN's reviews despite all their flaws are much more accurate than MAL ratings).

That's why I still watch series that here are rated 5 or 6 and I can say that most of the time I do not regret it.

Oni chichi:Rebuild has 8.44 score so yeah after seeing that I stopped taking MAL ratings seriously
Apr 27, 2014 5:49 AM

Jul 2013
Z4k said:
ainky said:
Marzan said:
Bleachway said:
Epic, the rating this show has is embarrassing. Not that MAL ratings reflects accurately on shows anyway.
HowTragic said:
A mind fucking episode. The screaming sadness imbued with vengeance and tragedy. This episode made me nergasm. This is anime done right.

Such a masterpiece only averages a 7.25, while drivel like Date A Live II has a 7.88. What is wrong with this world.

I've stopped taking ratings in this site seriously and instead focus more on reviews (ANN's reviews despite all their flaws are much more accurate than MAL ratings).

That's why I still watch series that here are rated 5 or 6 and I can say that most of the time I do not regret it.

Oni chichi:Rebuild has 8.44 score so yeah after seeing that I stopped taking MAL ratings seriously

That's why we all should watch Daimidaler, by far the best show in this Spring season.
Apr 27, 2014 8:26 AM

Feb 2013
SO GOOD. Really love the pacing of this series so far. Can't wait to see if it climbs to increasing excellence.
Also new pickup line..."Want to photosynthesize with me?"
fiddle_shnibsApr 27, 2014 8:30 AM
Apr 27, 2014 9:46 AM

Jun 2013
This is why you shouldn't make emotional teenagers mech pilots...
Apr 27, 2014 11:14 AM
Aug 2012
JivingLotus said:
This is why you shouldn't make emotional teenagers mech pilots...

I was wondering (all speculations) but since they managed to implement photosynthesis into humans, why not rework their emotion? (aka, by making humans less humans, less sentient...)
Philosophy and Anime, huh :)
Apr 27, 2014 2:41 PM

Apr 2013
The best pilots of humanity and 5 min later, everyone is dead. Now all the dirty work is left to the rookies who encountered the first Gauna and the MC of course.
Apr 27, 2014 3:08 PM

Apr 2014
i usually hate the mix between 2d and CGI in animes but since the whole serie is CGI i was like "not a cgi anime..."

but i like it so far and waiting for the next episode
Apr 27, 2014 4:59 PM

Mar 2013
Oh man, Akai and Midorikawa... brutal episode. It really broke my heart the guys being annihilated.
Btw, I hate Kunato, what an asshole.
Apr 27, 2014 6:34 PM

Mar 2013
This is why relationships aren't allowed in the military, and even if they were, they would make sure to put them in separate units so as not to risk compromising every single fucking mission they take part in.
Apr 27, 2014 6:36 PM

Apr 2012
I didn't expect the top team to be wiped off o:
Apr 27, 2014 8:22 PM

Jun 2009
Z4k said:
Brutal episode. I wonder why most of the time female characters turn out to be useless and are the reason for dragging other characters to either danger or death.

Because no matter how far we've come women are still seen as weak

Z4k said:
the death flags were high.

Seriously, all fluttering and stuff. I didn't think all 4 would be annihilated though.
Apr 27, 2014 9:29 PM

May 2009
Should've just stuck to the mission and forgotten about casualties for the time being. That Gauna is wiping the floor with these scrubs. Unleash Nagate with Tsugumori already!
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