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Dec 27, 2012 4:31 PM
Jul 2012
Wasabi said:
dat derp face

That orange hair man is weird
Jan 6, 2013 12:47 AM

Jul 2012
Pretty epic episode; though the way Akane runs down the stairs looked so... Prissy, idk -.- Well, she still didnt do anything helpful in this episode besides convincing the guy to look/go after the murderer >.< Hoping she'll improve next episode~
Jan 9, 2013 2:46 AM

Oct 2012
JReitan said:
katsucats said:
A lot of people here it seems like Psycho-Pass's handling of flaws in the Sybil system. But this is one of the details that leave me scratching my head; in fact I would even go as far to say that it's a major flaw of the anime and completely unrealistic.

Bad English, not sure what the hell you're saying.
Then that's your problem. My English is impeccable.

JReitan said:
I had this same question when I saw the first episode as well. However, I've come to the conclusion that Akane is simply one in a million. We have to simply assume that there are two major characteristics about Akane that separate her from the rest of society.
If we were to judge the world of Psycho-Pass by our own standards like Akane is and view the Sybil system repulsively, then it is simply unrealistic that nobody else in all the time that the system was in place would have had the same reaction. Justice-oriented types are not 1 in a million, they are more like 4 out of 10.

JReitan said:
I think you are raging too much over the fact that we have to assume these things. But here's the thing; if you let your butthurt get the best of you, you're going to miss the important messages that are contained in this Anime.
So I'm butthurt just because I don't judge anime the same way you do? Spoken like a fanboy.

JReitan said:
Lol, I can tell you've never seen Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. What you said is true; people, (usually young people), will personally connect to Akane and like her for the wrong, (or rather naive) reasons. But believe me, Urobuchi will not dissapoint. Throughout the course of the next episodes, I can assure you that we will see the flaws and strengths of both characters come out and develop more and more.
I have seen Madoka -- decent show but overrated. It might have been a twist on the magical girl genre, but it was nowhere near groundbreaking. The themes in Madoka (and the themes in Psycho-Pass) have all been done before. It's not enough just to have a pseudo-philosophical message, that doesn't make a show good. Obviously, if I see flaws in the premise of a show then it won't be enjoyable to me.
My subjective reviews:
Jan 17, 2013 11:39 PM
Mar 2009
What a shitty place to work in. Especially when your coworkers turn on you like that.

Dayum, Dominators are ridiculous. They can plow through metal like that?

Heh. I wonder what happened between Shinya and Gino. From the looks of it, it looks like they were partners and then something happened. Maybe Gino brought Shinya into custody for some reason?
Jan 19, 2013 7:52 PM

Jul 2012
nice. i liked the end.

the main girl may not be badass but the other characters totally make up for it. i'm loving their team!
Jan 22, 2013 6:51 PM
Jan 29, 2013 4:27 PM

Oct 2008
When I first heard of Psycho-Pass I couldn't really be bothered, but when I saw some gifs on Tumblr it looked pretty cool. So I gave in this week and gave it a try, and it's actually really good. This episode really convinced me that this series can become something great.
Feb 3, 2013 9:26 PM

Dec 2012
Good Episode, nothing more to add. This is going into episodic mode for a couple of investigation stories until we get into the main plot
Feb 10, 2013 1:15 AM

Jan 2013
Keeping up the awesomeness
Feb 19, 2013 4:23 PM

Jan 2012
very interesting with the whole being out of range, big disadvantage there but worked well to lure him out.. so him being bullied essentially helped him as he psycho pass didn't increase or something like that? at least that's what i got from it... the manager was a bit of a douche too...... Kogami is turning into a pretty cool character for me! Akane wasn't as annoying this episode but its still there, im hoping they take the time to improve her character!

dominators are apparently stupidly powerful in 3rd stage mode, just ripping through that robot/android thing... dayumm!
Mar 21, 2013 2:36 AM

Dec 2010
It was an alright episode, and it was enjoyable overall. The OP is good and the ED is nice.

Alliando1 said:
Those dominators were so epic, I wonder what other stages they can go to.

There are other stages? 0.0 Seems like I was too sleepy during this episode (yawn)

Yumekichi11 said:

Yeah, she's awesome.
Mar 21, 2013 7:09 AM
Jul 2012
I love the ending song so much.
Great episode, though i thought the boss was going to be the crazy guy.
The series so far for me, is a mix of Ghost in the Shell, and the Turks from FFVII
Mar 21, 2013 2:13 PM

Nov 2012
too obvious
Mar 21, 2013 2:16 PM

Nov 2009
Does everyone think the crimes and the culprits behind them are supposed to be mysterious and hard to solve? >.>
Mar 21, 2013 2:26 PM

Dec 2012
^ yeah, because it will showcase how brillant Kougami is
Mar 21, 2013 6:21 PM

Nov 2012
bakuramariks said:
Does everyone think the crimes and the culprits behind them are supposed to be mysterious and hard to solve? >.>

That post was obviously directed towards me, might as well quote me.
All I'm saying is that is that the suspect was just too obvious, does that bug you?
Mar 21, 2013 7:30 PM

Nov 2009
It doesn't bug me at all.
Mar 26, 2013 7:42 PM

Sep 2011
Sick ending!
Apr 2, 2013 2:14 PM

Aug 2009
OriginANIME said:
Sick ending!

Apr 8, 2013 10:27 AM

Jan 2008
Liked the ending, off to the next episode :D
"Truth is always a delusion." - Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Apr 10, 2013 3:13 AM
Jul 2018

I want those Dominators. XDD
Apr 18, 2013 3:10 PM

Apr 2007
btw does anyone know the OST that plays when Kougami is explaining to Akane his actions about in the sounds wrong but srsly does anyone know :X?
Apr 21, 2013 12:40 AM

Mar 2013
tsubasalover said:
A place where no connected with current system? Disadvantage for the current world in the anime.

living in this place would suck because you could not even watch anime :(
"Stop whining, all I did was chop off your stupid legs."
May 25, 2013 8:53 AM

May 2012
Quite a nice case that got solved, the action in the end was superb, I really like that gun! Lets see what follows next!
Jun 10, 2013 3:48 AM

Jan 2013
Interesting murder case and tons of action = WIN

Really liked this ep!
Jun 18, 2013 4:42 PM

Jan 2013
It was interesting when the older enforcer (the one with the scar on his mouth) was talking about detective’s intuition. They have a lot of experience in this but the inspector doesn’t want to rely on this but to us e his “concrete” numbers in the psycho-pass to carry out their work.

Turns out Kougami’s method was indeed the fastest and led to the swift capture of the worker.
-Nothing can stay unchanged. Even so, can you still keep on loving this place?

-Be still my soul; when change and tears are past, all safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
Jul 8, 2013 10:33 PM

Apr 2010
Shinya pouring out-of-the-fridge cold water on himself is just- too hot. Hard to handle!
Stop doing that for the sake of the sanity of the weak-hearted fangirls like myself!

Other than that, the episode was marvelous! I love Shinya's attitude too.
Jul 16, 2013 3:24 PM

Jul 2013
Pretty awesome show so far. It's got my attention.
Jul 23, 2013 6:21 PM

Feb 2011
"They say that fools learn from their experiences, while the wise learn from history."

That distinction is really interesting. Experiences can be clouded by your reactions/emotions, whereas history is usually the facts of the matter.

Akane's pout. XP

WTF what a horrible chief! :(
Jul 29, 2013 12:08 AM

Mar 2013
_Rika said:
That fanservice. A nice way to begin the episode xD Kougami is a sexy beast m/


"Even when our eyes are closed, there's a whole world out there that lives outside ourselves and our dreams."
Jul 30, 2013 3:00 AM

Nov 2012
I felt so bad during this episode. It almost feels as though Sibyl is purposely making people end up with cloudy hues just to arrest them. I mean they discussed about how Kanehara was placed there for a reason and it was right for people to bully him to bring out his "true colours" so to speak but I can't help feeling that if people didn't know about Sibyl and only the police force knew, there would be a lot less trouble apprehending REAL criminals.
Sep 17, 2013 3:51 PM

Feb 2013
much better episode than #2
the dominator is sick
Oct 25, 2013 8:53 AM

Nov 2011

Episode more than good, I wanted a bit more action, but even so it's fine! The Dominator are terrifying. O_O
Nov 9, 2013 11:37 AM

Aug 2012
So i guess the reason the murderer held grudge against the victim, the one who apparently was a model employee because he was involved in the bullying too, eh?

and still waiting patiently for a 3rd season of Spice & Wolf :'|
Nov 29, 2013 1:14 AM

Jul 2009
amazing episode!

lol Kougami acting like a model in the first scene XD

Ginozo is one strict guy, kinda ticks me off for some reason. never seen him be mad like that.

man Kougami can be too kind sometimes! i always thought he's your typical lone wolf, but he really can be helpful person at times. glad he owned that stupid manager thinking he can just ignore what's happening in the factory just like that. love Akane's smirk!!

such a badass battle!!! the gun became some sort of plasma particle that cuts through anything!! amazing!!! an all in one gun!!!

i expect more action scenes like this in the next episode!

and finally i hope the preview episode will be the actual episode. the last preview episode wasn't like this and it showed various things like there was a bar scene, and Tomomi is painting something and what not.
Dec 20, 2013 2:44 PM

Jan 2013
Oh nice finally some nice action :), awesome episode.

And lol I kinda jumped back when the robot forced his hand trough the door xD.
Dec 20, 2013 6:30 PM

Aug 2013
Yeah, it was pretty obvious that Shinya was bluffing. he didn't seem like the reasonable type of guy. These people like their job, they like to hunt their pray. I mean, he could have bring him by force to the entry, but he prefered to play with him.

I liked is his tactic. Way to be subtle... xD I don't understand though why it didn't kill him, he seemed to had a high coefficient.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Dec 27, 2013 12:49 AM
Nov 2013
"What a blessing the Sibyl system is, huh?"

You can definitely see the sarcasm in Shinya's statements. He's become my favorite character, he can see that the Sibyl system is wrong, but he's also a realist who sees what he can't change. He does good where he can, and keeps out of trouble where he can't. We got some hints as to his backstory with a picture of a girl on his wall, I'm guessing maybe a dead girlfriend that the guy from the beginning of the first episode killed, or something along those lines. I'm not quite as much of a fan of Akane, her heart is in the right place, but she seems to naive for her own good. I get the feeling her character will grow and improve over time though. Ginoza, on the other hand, needs a good kick in the nuts.

That was a nice, badass final action scene that didn't get too ridiculous, another thing to add to the list of things that i like about this show. I'm still loving the serious atmosphere and thought-provoking themes of the series, it has so much potential, i just hope it can continue to live up to it. As of now, all i can see getting in the way of that is it's episodic format, hopefully we will get into an actual overarching plot before too long.

I like the video for both the ED and the OP, but I'm really not a fan of the vocals in the OP. ED song is ok.

minouneetzoe said:
I don't understand though why it didn't kill him, he seemed to had a high coefficient.

Something that i noticed, though I'm not sure why they would confuse us like this, is that previously it would say "his coefficient is ___ above normal" and this time it just said "his coefficient is 260" if the normal coefficient is something like 180, then it only would have been 80 above normal.
SatanicBeaverDec 27, 2013 12:53 AM
Dec 30, 2013 4:22 PM

Jan 2013
Yup... after that scene with at the beginning with Shinya and the water and no shirt... I think he will definitely be added to my top favorite characters. Gotta say, the predator look in someone's eyes is hot.

That gun is also wicked sick. When it changes types of modes it changes its outside. That is so cool.

So I wonder what will happen with Akane now that she has decided to side with Shinya and the others. They will surely drag her through lots of hell but I think she can take it, she seems strong.
Jan 11, 2014 5:40 AM

Jun 2013
tsubasalover said:
A place where no connected with current system? Disadvantage for the current world in the anime.

Lolololol. This.
Jan 11, 2014 5:42 AM

Jun 2013
Kougami is badass.
Mar 4, 2014 8:54 PM

Jan 2009
1. wouldn't have thought it was the builled who would commit those crimes

2. this episode was just ok for now, unlike ep1.

Apr 7, 2014 12:04 PM
Jun 2013
pretty crappy future when beating someone up in the work place is seen as normal stress relief and that person was born for that type of abuse.No shit hes going to go out and kill those people what els did you think would happen.
Apr 11, 2014 11:27 AM

Sep 2013
seems like a pretty awful workplace where people get bullied for fun and the boss allowed it, and no internet. awesome action scenes too,
May 1, 2014 3:01 PM

Mar 2014
It's pretty good actualy! and I love the OST and opening! But even for a police/crime/SciFi anime it doesnt have much of a plot twist and unexpected turns :/

I hope there is something up ahead except CSI Miami in Sci Fi anime
May 5, 2014 6:48 PM

Jul 2012
Wow! Nice episode. owo
Pretty creepy about hearing that a droid dismantled a poor employee....but it turns out that the dude being bullied was actually the murderer. o-o

Cool episode, that gun just never gets old....or look bad! It just keeps getting better and better. xD
May 26, 2014 1:24 PM

Feb 2013

ao_no_exo said:
And lol I kinda jumped back when the robot forced his hand trough the door xD.
No kidding. I was just watching then... BAM!... woke me up.

It's those high-contrast sound effects that make everything harder hitting, especially the dominator. Boom!
Jun 25, 2014 10:50 PM

Apr 2014
that opening scene
damn kougami is hot af

Jul 29, 2014 8:25 AM

Jun 2009
Dominators are fucking bitchin' guns.
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