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Soul Eater
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Mar 31, 2009 7:03 PM

Nov 2008
Lame.. and for future posters don't rant on me for explaining this last episode In one word.. because I don't really feel like talking up a whole essay based on this crap <.<

Mar 31, 2009 7:13 PM

Nov 2007
the first half was awesome. but then once they started to talk to kishin it just went to shit. cmon, courage and that stops him from firing an attack bc he can't understand it. i almost stopped the show and deleted the episode when that started to happen. also i love how everyone is practically dead, but then they can mutter words and then after kishin is dead....oh we are all totally fine. we were just joking.

maka becoming a weapon was cool and she should have killed him as a weapon, not with a "courage" punch.

this is probably one of those series that deserves a remake after the manga is completed.

dropped the score from a 9 to an 8.
Mar 31, 2009 7:36 PM

Mar 2008
Booo! they went w/ the
..ending i went throught the drama of 51 eps for that Dx

WTF why couldnt Maka eat him w/ her spiffy new blades. Or they all band
to make supa weapon ..even that lame cliche would be better than what they

Zetsubou Shita! DDDDXXX

Mar 31, 2009 8:14 PM

May 2008
Okay, I could buy Maka turning into a weapon because of the Black Blood that she got from Soul, but I'm pretty much with everyone else on the courage + normal punch = demon god explodes. That was B.S. Plus the fact that it just went "they win, comment on the blue sky and needing to rebuild the city, cue credits". There was really no sense of closure at all. Just... *sighs* (Oh, and I forgot: gotta love how all the people who were 200% K.O.d were able to just stand up and be all genki-schmenky.)
Mar 31, 2009 8:20 PM

Dec 2007
skyenix said:
I love how maka is such a bad ass weapon, but it didn't make too much sense. The Kishin died by a punch to the face? Fantastic. Still, an awesome ending to a great series. =D

Her father is actually a weapon, so that makes sense for me.
REALLY REALLY weird ending, but I can't say I din't liked it.
And wtf guys, Maka ever was the main character, since ever. Re-watch it and see.
Mar 31, 2009 8:45 PM
May 2008
I know they deviated from the manga, but I think anyone writer who actually watched the show would have known that the ending didn't match the rest of the show at all. It was like a poorly executed Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann ripoff ending. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I just want the courage punch the crap out of this ending.
Mar 31, 2009 8:47 PM

Feb 2009
Soul eater Rocks!
but I hope on the manga Maka is also a weapon
but the anime spoiled it for me!
Mar 31, 2009 8:49 PM

Sep 2008
i admit i was expecting something different
it was a cool anime but they screwed up at the end
it do felt good tou
i woul dlike a second season
9/10 it was an awsome anime but i didnt liked the enidng
Being a fan is like having a penis. Its nice to be proud of it But don't pull it out in public and wave it in other's faces

Kyurem Black. Kyurem White. Together they are Pretty Kyurem.
Mar 31, 2009 8:59 PM

Apr 2008
I hated the ending. Plus, out of all 6 songs SE has had, they play the one I hate. Damn. Corny ass ending, though. I agree with peeps who say the show was good from ep 1-25. I did love 5/6 of the songs, though, so that's a plus I suppose. The whole demon god thing towards the end was lame IMO. I miss Medusa...
Mar 31, 2009 8:59 PM

Apr 2007
That was such a lame ending. "Courage defeats all hurr hurr." >_>
I hate how Asura turned into such a child at the end and it was pretty funny/retarded that the rest of the group just stayed on the ground to watch Maka fight. I don't want to rate this too low since it was adapted so well in the beginning so I'll just go with a 7/10.

Oh, but one thing I liked about these last few episodes was that I could see more of my fav supporting characters; Marie, Justin, & Giriko :3
Mar 31, 2009 9:06 PM
Mar 2009
come on Bones, WHAT HAPPENED?!

the writing was cliched to annoyance, a courage punch killed the freaking demon god, excalibur and the the rest of the shibusen people did nothing, but I really got frustrated about how Maka alone killed Asura. The whole series has been about team work, yet they end the series with Maka turning into a weapon (like Yu Yu Hakusho by introducing a great power with no foreshadowing at all with Yusuke randomly being half-demon) and single-handedly beating Asura, with no help from Soul.

this ending really screwed the series as a whole to me. what were Bones thinking?!

Sorry, one last thing, why did this become Evangelion with the Asura freak out with the text "You're Afraid" stuff?
Mar 31, 2009 9:16 PM

Apr 2008
What a stupid ending.... once again Maka saves the day by magically becoming invincible and beats someone that she should have had no chance in hell of beating. She killed Asura with just one punch on the face because she has courage, how ridiculous and cliche is that? I give it an 8/10 just because I really liked the 1st half of the anime and then it just started to go down hill from there and I had such high hopes for this anime lol.
Mar 31, 2009 9:35 PM

Feb 2009
Grimmm said:
I hated the ending. Plus, out of all 6 songs SE has had, they play the one I hate. Damn. Corny ass ending, though. I agree with peeps who say the show was good from ep 1-25. I did love 5/6 of the songs, though, so that's a plus I suppose. The whole demon god thing towards the end was lame IMO. I miss Medusa...

what did you hate the" I wanna be" song? LOL
BatOtaku13 said:
come on Bones, WHAT HAPPENED?!

the writing was cliched to annoyance, a courage punch killed the freaking demon god, excalibur and the the rest of the shibusen people did nothing, but I really got frustrated about how Maka alone killed Asura. The whole series has been about team work, yet they end the series with Maka turning into a weapon (like Yu Yu Hakusho by introducing a great power with no foreshadowing at all with Yusuke randomly being half-demon) and single-handedly beating Asura, with no help from Soul.

this ending really screwed the series as a whole to me. what were Bones thinking?!

Sorry, one last thing, why did this become Evangelion with the Asura freak out with the text "You're Afraid" stuff?

Bones is only listening what the director said
Mar 31, 2009 9:50 PM

Mar 2009
/cry It's over = (. This was one of those animes that I liked every episode and couldn't wait for the next. Time to find a better or something similar = )
"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it." Oogway
Mar 31, 2009 9:55 PM

Jan 2009
Apparently not a lot of people liked the ending.. I thought it was alright, yes, it was corney but i think they stuck to the style that they started with. there is no reason why maka's "courageous punch" would hurt kishin so much more than black stars punches but whatever. I will read the manga though, because i like the story and would like to see how it goes. Maka becoming a weapon was weird.
Mar 31, 2009 10:41 PM

Jul 2007
wow, who needs a Death Scythe when you have a Courage Punch lol

Well, I did not like the ending much and even most of the last few episodes but overall it was still a great series. Loved the characters and the animation style was very nice. 9/10
Mar 31, 2009 11:42 PM

Feb 2009
Haha, I have to say, the ending was so lame that I ended up laughing. Of course, I got frustrated at first and wanted to hit something. But I read all of the posts in this thread and afterward, I just laughed throughout.

That was a horrible way to end any anime, much less Soul Eater. They were given an amazing chance! They were given 51 episodes! 51! There should be no excuse that "they had to rush things" because they had twice the amount that a usual series has.

Maka's mother was never introduced, she wasn't completely known or famous nor was she really acknowledged for anything amazing. So how did her plain jane daughter become the hero of the day? Through courage? Through a single punch of courage? Didn't Maka say herself that "everyone has it"? So then why was it that it was HER courageous punch that made it and not everyone's (don't forget Kid's 2000% hit!) combined effort?

ALSO. Soul STAYED down after one blast from the kishin. Didn't Maka take a hit too since he said that Soul would die if she dodged? Not only that! Didn't he also crush her ribs and then woke her up from that unconscious state? So how exactly was she able to run around as if she unscathed? And her appearance seemed as though she was never injured either.

What was the point of bringing in the other PROFESSIONALS out? Maybe that's why Maka's mother never showed up, she probably knew that she'd become so utterly useless with her perfectly COURAGEOUS daughter on the frontlines.

It's also rare that they didn't have something after the credits. And Shinigami getting up like that after everything was also lame. Everything ended the way that I thought it would and it failed.

Originally a 7, went down to a 6, brought it back to a seven, and after this? It's down to a 6. And if I sit long enough, it'll probably drop to a 5. Even Blassreiter had the upper hand in a sense. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU, BONES?
Apr 1, 2009 12:47 AM

Sep 2007

6/10. Could have been an 8 without the pathetic last 13 episodes.
Apr 1, 2009 1:05 AM

Nov 2006
* turning into her into a weapon in the last episode and not expanding on it?
* maka being hit by the same blast as soul AND getting her stomach torn apart and still able to run, while soul was unable to move?
* using that fucking TERRIBLE song for the last minutes of the episode that could have been used for something else?
* having maka spout a line about courage and doing anything you put your mind to, and making it sound straight out of a children's book?

Apr 1, 2009 1:25 AM

Nov 2007
omg, that had like one slightly good fighting scene then the rest was an over dramatic play up on morales with a cliche ending, I mean seriously ... way to end a series with some idealistic cliche words like that, my gosh, Ashura just lost all his cool this episode, if they were trying to depict him as being like a child then went a bit overboard I found the transition to sudden, and also they just dropped the Maka is also a weapon on us then she gets owned and ends up winning the fight with a 'fist of courage' ... *sigh*
Apr 1, 2009 1:45 AM

Jul 2008
I hate the ending of SE, that was too sweet...
Apr 1, 2009 1:59 AM

May 2007
Hopefully a second season appears so they can correct some things they left out. Ending was a bit on the pants side but i liked the series overall so i gave it a 10 (being generous!).

[ Cartoons are for kids? Thats a hate crime! ]
Apr 1, 2009 2:04 AM

Feb 2009
Taylor said:
Hopefully a second season appears so they can correct some things they left out. Ending was a bit on the pants side but i liked the series overall so i gave it a 10 (being generous!).

a second season is bad because they made effort on the ending.
Apr 1, 2009 3:23 AM
Anime Moderator
Grammar Queen

Jun 2008
Yuki_no_kodomo said:
there are satisfiied with THIS people? O_O
what the heck was this episode?
no screen time for soul ...(he`s like main character if people don`t remember...)
maka becoming a weapon...HA? she`s a freaking meister! NOT a weapon....why Bones think SOUL was created dammit?
it`s was the worst episode of SE
crapped the series so much T_T crapped such a GREAT series T_T i want a 100% adaptation of manga!

maka kicking kishin butt ALONE with COURAGE is NOT cool


it`s SHOUNEN ...all shounen propogandize friends and team work...ESPECIALLY in final battles
that`s the worst ending i`ve saw X_X

must killl bones
you stole the words out of my mouth.
skyenix said:
I love how maka is such a bad ass weapon, but it didn't make too much sense. The Kishin died by a punch to the face? Fantastic. Still, an awesome ending to a great series. =D
you're the only one...
Viperslayer said:
The ending fit the artwork I guess.
10/10 regardless.
what?? how was the artwork abstract?? go watch Kaiba or Mononoke before you call Soul Eater's art "abstract"
crazy_eights said:
the first half was awesome. but then once they started to talk to kishin it just went to shit. cmon, courage and that stops him from firing an attack bc he can't understand it. i almost stopped the show and deleted the episode when that started to happen. also i love how everyone is practically dead, but then they can mutter words and then after kishin is dead....oh we are all totally fine. we were just joking.

maka becoming a weapon was cool and she should have killed him as a weapon, not with a "courage" punch.

this is probably one of those series that deserves a remake after the manga is completed.

dropped the score from a 9 to an 8.
again, stole the words out of my mouth.

1. courage ending = LAME & FAIL
2. Soul should have been the main character. it's called "SOUL EATER"!!
3. it's sad that the ending sucked so much because it affects the over all rating of the show. i was prepared to give the awesome anime a 10 but random episodes like this last one especially kill the series :'(
4. There should be a 2nd season.

gahhh i have no idea what to rate this show... the art was great, there was great balance of action and comedy, and I was excited to watch each new episode every week, but this ending just ruins it :'(

*edit: also, why no Maka x Soul D':
NaruleachApr 1, 2009 3:28 AM
p r o f i l e 👀
Apr 1, 2009 5:02 AM

Aug 2008
hmmm well there are alot of bad comments...but yea ur right
but if you think about the people doing the animation + story is hard work.
they maybe have rushed it, maybe, but still high quality animation + writing a decent story that is interesting and has a NON cliche ending.
can u come up with a better ending
tell me a better ending besides "courage"
Btw morals are a goodthing to have
i reckon it was alright
yes it was cliched but maybe it is just emphasising the point that
we all have courage
well here are just my thoughts so
yea the beggining epsodes were better.
ikutoApr 1, 2009 5:06 AM
Apr 1, 2009 6:37 AM

Nov 2008
Well, I was a bit dissappointed of this episode. The new scythe was cool and I thought that Maka finishes Kishin with that, but only with a punch of courage? lol But Yaaay for Shinigami-sama's revival o.o\,,/
Apr 1, 2009 6:55 AM

Dec 2007
Just me loved to have a GIRL main character on a shounen series? That's so cool.
But I'm sure it will have a second season.
Apr 1, 2009 7:19 AM

Jun 2007
I really don't want a second season. Its Claymore all over.
Story raped beyond repair, so even if the manga does finish, it won't be possible to use that as a base for a second season

About Kishin yelling about another kishin appearing, that's just your average "oh noes! I am defeated but don't rest yet" speech
Apr 1, 2009 7:27 AM

May 2008
Lame.Definitely. >__>

Just when Maka and Soul were the only ones left and you'd expect them to put up a jaw-dropping fight...Soul gets knocked out [last time i checked he was the main chara o_O] and everything is up to Maka [btw..if Kid and Black Star were able to talk..why didn't they get their *censored* back into the fight? *anger vein*]

And apart from the "i will defeat you with my courage" thing...i can't believe Maka and Soul didn't win together as a team.I mean,they were always together and supporting each other..That was so stupid..I was definitely expecting something else.

Thank God for the manga >_>
Apr 1, 2009 10:10 AM

Feb 2009
episode gets a 2/5
series gets a 8/10
even though it rapidly spiraled downward towards the end i still liked it
i lol'd at kishin just standing there letting the demon hunter attack hit him then ask
do you think i'm a demon?
i really wanted the barrier to go down and have kishin appear, and have everyones mouth drop to the floor

~May you continue being the Messiah....
Apr 1, 2009 10:16 AM

Jun 2008
I think that either she inherited it from her father or she still had some of black blood and that made her into a weapon xD
Apr 1, 2009 10:32 AM

Jul 2008
This ending really pissed me off. I liked the first half of this episode a lot (which I haven't in ages), untill they started about this courage bullshit. Another typical messed up shounen anime ending.

In general, I liked this series a lot to the point they started dropping the manga storyline. From then on, it's become more senseless and crappier with every episode. I hope they'll remake this series and follow the manga storyline when it's finished, like they did Fullmetal Alchemist.
Apr 1, 2009 11:02 AM

Jan 2009
Epic fail ending. Supa power maka, kishi "the clown", etc, etc...

Its was a nice anime in general, but the final sucks a lot
Apr 1, 2009 11:12 AM

Aug 2007
The whole anime itself was great! Funny, good action, good characters it was all very enjoyable...but what the hell of an ending is this?? This was a terrible episode! The first half of the episode was great but what was the deal with the Kishin going nuts because of courage!! The guy was such a badass fighting the Shinigami and then he gets defeated with a punch from a girl because she made him confused! I'm really desapointed on how it turned out.
Apr 1, 2009 11:22 AM

May 2008
It was good. Though the most part of anime haven't got connection with manga, but... At this episode I've almost laughed my ass off xDD I think that they thought (geeez... what a sentence :3) that it would be... I don't know. Maybe like "Kids-Look-And-Learn" or "We-Must-Always-Have-Faith-...-And-Courage-Of-Course"... A little bit stupid and childish.
But it was funny to watch Asura who psyched out. He's so cuuuute! <33

Anyway - nothing special. Just simple happy ending.
Otaka_AyanoApr 2, 2009 6:20 AM
Apr 1, 2009 11:49 AM

Dec 2008
Can you say: deus ex machina?
Honestly, I love the first 40 episodes of Soul Eater, and I liked the last 10, but this I have a running problem with hating last episodes of anything, animes and tv shows alike, but this was just...
I mean, no explanation as to WHY Maka is a weapon all of a sudden and then a punch takes out Ashura?
-sigh-, I still love Soul Eater, because I had so much fun with it, but this last episode was disappointing in more ways than one. :/
I've heard rumors of a second season, and I would be happy with one, because it would give them a chance to explain things, but I'm not really counting on one.
Apr 1, 2009 12:32 PM

Nov 2008
Maka meister-weapon? WTF?
Two weapons in one team?

Well, there'll be probably 2nd season. I hope I'll enjoy is as much as I enjoyed this one.
Apr 1, 2009 1:43 PM

Apr 2008
The first half of this series was great. Great action, alot of nice funny bits and comedy and a plot that was actually good. The second half was slow, boring, not too funny and flat out crap. Sucks too because the first 10 episodes of this series was so good I thought it might given Yu Yu Hakusho a run for it's money but it turned out to be a mediocre series to begin with. It probably should be a 6 in my book but the fact the first 10 episodes were spectacular, the next 15 were good and the rest were bad still leaves it some sort of nostalgic feeling and thus will be getting a 7.2/10
Apr 1, 2009 2:04 PM

Dec 2008
Cliched ending, the Maka-as-a-weapon thing was jsut really... What, wtf?

Overall, 8/10.

There is nothing in this world more ugly than imperfection
Apr 1, 2009 2:08 PM

Mar 2009
i was expecting something better, bones could have thought of something more cool than pure courage to defeat kishin... the music fitted nicely though. if drop in quality were continued in sequel i don't wanna see it I don't know how to deal with such a lame ending;)
ClementinaApr 2, 2009 7:30 AM
Apr 1, 2009 2:13 PM

Jan 2009
dude seriously?.. They must let the people who ride the short bus take over this anime after like episode 25

Apr 1, 2009 2:24 PM

Aug 2008
I did not like. :(
Did we have a memorable combat with Kid and Black Star against the Kishin, and the Maka fights alone and defeats the Kishin with only a punch with the excuse "of the power of the courage"?
I wait what has another season and what has a much better end!
Apr 1, 2009 2:50 PM

Mar 2007
The first half was great but the super-power-wepon-Maka was just acceptabel but the courage bullshit was annoying and Kishin was defeted with just an ordenary punch was super lame!

Overall i like the this anime. I wanna give it 7,5/10 but since i can't i think i give it an 8 bc of the badass animation
LuzifurrApr 1, 2009 10:35 PM
Instagram: Luzifurr
Apr 1, 2009 3:02 PM

Jan 2009
One word I'd say to sum things up:


UPD. ok, i've cooled down a bit, it was a WAIT WHAT episode anyways
i wonder where did Medusa's soul go just after seeing Arachne's eaten
was that sort of "a bug or a feature" thing ?
yukari-murasakiApr 1, 2009 3:31 PM
Apr 1, 2009 3:13 PM

Jun 2008
Ya, the fist part of the episode was awesome.... Then they got all.... corny... *shivers*

Something told me that Maka would have to fight alone and her turning into a weapon was just win (And it totally makes sense. Her dad is a weapon. It's kind of a no brainer that she would be part weapon).

Then Maka started talking about courage and it totally bothers Asura and changes his entire personality.What the hell?

Then there was Black Star who I thought was completely unconscious and Death the Kid who I thought was DEAD wake up at the most perfect of moments just to put their two cents about courage.... >.>

And the worst of it all was the final hit. The Great Punch of Courage. The only thing about it was that.... Well, it was a normal punch..... I'd like to give a big BULL SHIT to that. The End

Oh and one last thing. I don't know why everyone is saying the Soul was main character since he had one of the least amount of background information in the whole 51 episodes. The main character is MAKA ALBARN. Most of the events in the anime were revolved around her. Soul's name is just in the title.

Apr 1, 2009 4:25 PM

Aug 2007
I agree with probably everyone here. The beginning half was awesome. I loved when Maka turned into a weapon and her scream when the Kishin squeezed her. (It sounded so real! She's always so awesome with her screams. xD) But then when she was like 'I'm gonna kill you with courage.' WTF?
I mean, I'm pretty sure you have to have courage to even go up against the Kishin in the first place, so wtf? She should've killed him in weapon form or something.
...or had shinigami come back and kill him.
That would have been the best ending. ever.
Apr 1, 2009 4:28 PM

Jan 2009
Disliked it. When Maka was transformed, I thought, OMG we have an exciting fight. But the end of the Kishin was ridiculous. Hoped that the Soul is become a Death Scythe, with the soul of Kishin and Arachne >.< I'm disappointed.
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Apr 1, 2009 4:47 PM
Jul 2008
Maka turning into a weapon? fucking kick ass. Of course it was definetly a wtf response but dam it was kewl. I think the audience may have responded better if the director explain it better and hinted it somehow in the earlier eps. Ending was meh. typical shounen ending with courage and faith kicking ass. In my view the show did not fail, but if they put in more impact somehow on the punch and courage thing....things may have turned better. Overall i gave it a 10, since i havent catch an anime like this in a while. Bias but w/e.
Apr 1, 2009 4:48 PM

Apr 2008

What a fun show. :) I have a feeling I should've enjoyed it more, though. The soundtrack is lovely!!

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Apr 1, 2009 4:54 PM
Anime Moderator
Grammar Queen

Jun 2008
Xylona said:
I loved when Maka turned into a weapon and her scream when the Kishin squeezed her. (It sounded so real! She's always so awesome with her screams. xD)
i find Maka's screams really annoying...
p r o f i l e 👀
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