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Feb 5, 2009 4:18 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- this series was mostly predictable, but i still liked it i haven't read the manga but i get the feeling that this was an anime original ending. loved that the ceremony was actually one to increase bust size, tho i have no idea why Karin would need it >.> Anju getting her brother into trouble so that she could steal his dinner was priceless XD |
Feb 5, 2009 7:22 AM
Read the manga. it's so much better. I loved the anime too but mainly because of the comedy. the manga is a lot more dramaful :) |
Feb 14, 2009 2:28 PM
Best. Ending. Ever. Seriously, I really liked the ending for some reason. It was quite predictable, but still. |
Apr 30, 2009 9:07 PM
The ending was far from being great. In the entire series, they (Karin+Kenta) didn't kiss, not even once. The only kiss in the anime (even though it was a dream), was between Karin and Winner. I was expecting a kiss from Karin+Kenta at the end. For me the ending ruined the entire show. |
May 21, 2009 3:08 PM
Uh, I'm confused. I really liked how the tension build up and then... ended with a nosebleed. Altogether, I laughed when the "serious" stuff turned out to be much less dramatic. On the other hand, the story was totally raped - I reckon that nothing really changed in their lives, didn't it (I mean, comparing with the last episode before the arrival of that V-vampire hunter)? The episode as a single one was one of the best, but as an ending - a complete failure. |
Jun 22, 2009 5:25 PM
It was good. The ending was much more happier for the anime than the manga since yeah... Still, Kenta and Karin are able to be together, and everyone's happy. |
Aug 12, 2009 1:41 PM
Wonderful ending, the most hilarious that all Karin, her mother, father, brother and sister suck and injected their own 'attribute' Victor blood at once. That will makes Victor thinks positive. And now im still giggling of that moment. I love the animes ending rather than manga' ending because karin has separated from family. On the anime everyone happy. |
May 31, 2010 7:31 PM
Jun 4, 2010 4:55 AM
This has been a great ride, but the last episode was really bad. They all die and Karin was all lovey-dovey with Usui (a really shallow character... seriously, what the hell did he do in the entire series?). Then they resurrect like nothing happened. Oh come on. |
Jun 26, 2010 4:36 AM
neoalexys said: The ending was far from being great. In the entire series, they (Karin+Kenta) didn't kiss, not even once. The only kiss in the anime (even though it was a dream), was between Karin and Winner. I was expecting a kiss from Karin+Kenta at the end. For me the ending ruined the entire show. I feel the same. I was just SO disappointed. Why don't they kiss !? And Maki and Winner, we just don't know if they're actually dating or not ! What an end... |
Aug 4, 2010 12:09 PM
Aug 4, 2010 12:34 PM
Aug 12, 2010 9:08 AM
Anime-Roach said: Oh... It seems that the anime didn't follow the Manga. really ? I will read the manga end then. Thanks for sharing ! |
Oct 21, 2010 5:14 PM
Oct 23, 2010 1:17 AM
Zukin-Man said: Enh. I like the fact that the family survived, but I'm not big on their explanation behind it. Couldn't they think of a better way to bring them back besides "lol jk"? I think it's better this way. It wasn't a serious anime from the beginning so... Also. I seriously don't get why so many people complain about lack of kissing in such anime. Also 2, I loved that crowd of jealous women standing in front of Ren, and how Anju found them delicious. Hee hee. |
Nov 23, 2010 10:58 PM
Zukin-Man said: Enh. I like the fact that the family survived, but I'm not big on their explanation behind it. Couldn't they think of a better way to bring them back besides "lol jk"? I totally agree. Obviously Karin had a bit of a situation on her hands, but if I were in her shoes I'd be flipping out because my entire family was just massacred before my eyes. She even said, "But I thought you were dead!" like it was nothing. Not what I'd expect her to say given the circumstances. I'm upset there was no kiss, but it didn't ruin the ending for me or anything. I still wish there had been one though >_> |
Nov 30, 2010 2:23 AM
Mar 4, 2011 11:16 PM
azmaty said: neoalexys said: The ending was far from being great. In the entire series, they (Karin+Kenta) didn't kiss, not even once. The only kiss in the anime (even though it was a dream), was between Karin and Winner. I was expecting a kiss from Karin+Kenta at the end. For me the ending ruined the entire show. I feel the same. I was just SO disappointed. Why don't they kiss !? And Maki and Winner, we just don't know if they're actually dating or not ! What an end... Just assume they are... Winner finally takes the effort to say Maki's name correctly. Still Karin and Kenta are together (altho they don't confirmed it-.-). I still would like see a kiss between Karin and Kenta and maybe with Maki and winner:) or they could do something like "10 years later" and you see their kids or something:P |
Aug 19, 2011 11:37 PM
To be honest, I was somewhat surprised by the way they ended it...although it was rather predictable through out. Probably would've dropped if it wasn't for the supporting charac. (Winner, Maki, and her family, kept me awake.) Too much unnecessary ecchi ... and what a 'BRILLIANT' resolution. -this guy basically takes out a family of powered vampires but falls victim to some boobs. Wish Karin bit him to death instead.....NAHHH ONLY HIBARI COULD PULL THAT ONE OFF<3 -Not to be taken seriously...( 6/10 ) |
Oct 28, 2011 5:58 PM
Well I'll say that I enjoyed this ending more. The whole family being fine after all that was pretty lol, but wasn't was random/stupid as how the manga wrapped up so still better. Everyone doing alright (except maybe Ren). Though think Maki should aim for a guy who can actually remember her name :). |
Jan 16, 2012 2:33 PM
Jul 29, 2012 7:37 PM
Aug 16, 2012 1:14 PM
Oct 29, 2012 4:17 PM
Good ending I guess; but Karin and Kenta should have kissed damn it. I liked the part where Karin was sniffing Kenta's neck hehe sniff sniff and bite. |
Nov 8, 2012 7:36 AM
Finished some time ago, and i have to say, the manga is 100 times better. In the anime, they added new characters, replaced characters, and even removed old characters. They also changed the story and the ending. There are so many epic moments they just let go down the drain, there's also much more development between Kenta and Karin in the manga. Go read the manga instead. ;) |
![]() |
Mar 12, 2013 11:33 AM
I really liked the main pairing overall and was shipping it the whole time. Also Maki x Winner. Perseverance my dear lol. The ending was a bit cliche admittedly but it was satisfying enough. You would have to assume that the relationship would progress eventually. It's bad though as I thought Fumio was the hottest throughout the entire show. Definitely a Grade A MILF XD. |
Mar 16, 2013 10:43 PM
My thought of the ending was, "okay, what the heck just happened?" The explanation of the family's sudden resurrection was not sufficient and satisfactory. "Vampires are more sturdy than humans?" Seriously?! The lack of the awaited kissing scene didn't really bother me. I guess Winner is actually the winner for getting a kiss from Maki. lol. And the effects of having your blood drank by vampires is just temporary. Hence, the vampire hunter will come back to get his vendetta once he is sane, so it's technically not over yet. Oh well. The ending sucked for me. |
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine." ~Fruit Basket |
Apr 13, 2013 11:47 AM
im glad no one died tht wld have ruined the show but i wld have thought in eldas case after she was aparently dead he wld have disposed of the corpse not jst left it lol in any case im soso glad no one actually died that wld imediatly droped the show to a 1/10. the ceremony being for boobs was prtty funny so was karin allways tht op ? after being bitten when the bit heals dont the people revert to them selves so victor will be back to his vampire killin ways wld it not be more simple to delete all his memories or control his mind |
Jul 28, 2013 2:07 PM
Foo. We already knew from Elda's arc that a stake in the heart wouldn't kill them, and many times we were shown just how rapidly wounds would heal. The only thing we were show that would kill them was exposure to sunlight, as demonstrated during Elda' arc when three vampires were executed, not by stabbing with stakes but by exposure to the sun. What I found curious was that Victor had believed he had actually killed them by stabbing and shooting them - I would have thought surely he would have known that would only disable them. Whatever. I don't usually enjoy vampire themes but for the most part I thought it was a lot of fun and interesting. The only thing I didn't like was that Winner grated on my nerves every time he spoke, and even though I really liked Maki I doubt her sanity for falling for him. I was fine with the ending. Though I would have liked to have seen Karin's parent drown Victor, maybe it says something that the vampires would be more forgiving than this human. |
CratexJul 28, 2013 2:11 PM
Aug 29, 2013 9:37 AM
Hmm, and we are done. It was not bad to watch this after manga, at least I saw my favourite characters animated. But I have to say that second part of manga is a lot better and thought-out, plot-wise talking because every little details mentioned there has some hidden purpose. And manga also had some afterwords about events that happens to Kenta and Karin (and their daughter) in the future and I liked that better. I don't like this "but-in-fact-we-are-not-dead-after-all" anime ending so much and as I predicted they even don't get rid of Karin blood explosion or touched the reason behind it. Vampire-hunter "boob-defeat"' was the worst, he should be killed for what he had done or turned vampire at least. The way it was I can't say I would marked this as satisfying. So, in the end, it was sort of enjoyable but the ending was lame. 6/10 |
Jan 28, 2014 6:17 PM
Apr 24, 2014 4:39 AM
My God A Freaking Twist!...They Did Not Die?!...I recalled This Anime having a VERY Different Kind of Vampire Facts...Like about their Smell or Sucking Blood Between Different Blood Affinity...But God My Mind Was Blown!...Elda Want's To Continue Staying Alive?!...Ugrh!!...Overall.........................................................8/10...I Enjoy Thoroughly...Until the very end... |
Front Hooks...Oh yeah... |
Aug 3, 2014 8:48 PM
I wished they kissed here like in the manga and started here they're still shy with each other for their feelings...kinda suck...winner can still NTR Usui here...MAL should put shoujo tag in this anime...seriously...Karin only had a n episode date with this winner's so unfair even though Kenta is the main protagonist... |
Got something to live for, I know that I won't surrender, A warrior of youth, I'm taking over, a shot to the new world order I Am Bulletproof. . . |
Dec 26, 2014 3:15 AM
The show was great, but the ending was horribly executed. "Family member dies, shout their name loud". Instead of getting a mental breakdown, it seemed like she just didn't care that much about their deaths. Still, it's great to see a light hearted ending |
Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! |
Jan 13, 2015 9:36 PM
Hmmm. Well I just finished this, and it was decent enough for basically being an anime original for 3/4 of the show, it was incredibly lackluster compared to the manga. For those who were curious about what they did differently, but don't want to go through the manga: - First of all, they ruined a lot of characters. - Ren is probably the biggest one. They made him this angry, homophobic, sexually confused guy, but his backstory in the manga as to why he hates humans is A THOUSAND times more dramatic. And it doesn't involve any yaoi. - Anju. They made her awakening kind of sad, but it was way more sad in the manga. Here it was more like oh she didn't want her sister to stay with the family. In the manga, Anju didn't want to awaken because she was the only one left who could spend time with Karin during the day. Once she awakens Karin would be left all alone because everyone in the family would have t sleep. - Henry & Carrera. They were a bit more loving in the manga. They still had all of those moments with Carrera beating up Henry, but they had lots of deep romantic moments too. Also, in the anime Carrera mentions their marriage being against their families' wishes. In the manga Henry's dad took Carrera in and they were basically betrothed. Also, Carrera's side of the family is monumentally important to the story line in the manga. - Elda. They still made her character good, but she was more prominent in the manga. They ruined her character a bit in the anime by making her love interest an anime only human. Basically Winner and his family clan ruined a lot of the story. In the manga Elda was madly in love with Henry's dad James, and his death impacted her character a lot. She was also important to Karin's character. Things they changed in the anime that were better in the manga: - The main story. The anime follows Karin's blood problem and the Sinclair family. In the manga, Karin's blood loss is a special thing. Basically in the manga, all of the other vampire families are having trouble reproducing, and the species are dying out. Later it's discovered James Marker could have married Carrera's mom, but fell in love with Elda. Afterwards the dad introduces young Carrera to Henry and betroths them. It's discovered that Carrera's bloodline, through her mother Cecelia, has the unique ability to produce an child who has blood capable of helping vampires reproduce. The child is an unvampire, like Karin, and they inject their blood into other vampires to make them fertile. But the blood the inject is their life source, and after losing too much of it, they die. This becomes a major issue in the later arcs. Other families attempt to steal Karin and drain her of her blood so they can continue their lineage. Rather than the Sinclair family, a lot of noble vampire clans are the focal point. Other parts of the story: - Usui's relationship with his father. They axed this part too, which was a big part of Usui's character development. He meets his estranged father and gets past his hatred. This part is also important for Fumio's character development too. - Fumio. In the manga Fumio actually lands a steady job and becomes happy on her own. Fumio and Usui's relationship with his grandmother (Fumio's mom) and her hatred for Usui also impacted their character development a lot! - Usui and Karin. In the manga, Karin bites him way before the ending. And they also are an official couple long before the end of the manga. The manga also includes the ending where they are married and have a daughter. - Anju. As I said they changed her awakening a bit. They also left out her days of going to elementary school and how those relationships with her classmates and the boys who liked her impacted her. She actually was a bit like Karin in that regard in the manga. - Ren. I already mentioned his backstory being heavily altered, and not only was that less dramatic, his life goes differently in the manga too. He ends up helping his family fight back against the Brownrick family (antagonist vampires) and gets the head of the family, Bridget pregnant. He stops her from joining the fight by basically having sex with her all night. She get's pregnant and they have a son who ends up meeting Karin's child in the future. - The Brownrick family. They become the main antagonists in the later arcs and offer a lot to the story. Glark is Henry's friend, and the one who kidnaps Karin. Tachibaba is Glark's niece and she is the half-breed child of a human and vampire. She becomes an important plot piece who is always trying to tell Karin why her love for Usui will never work. And Bridget, as I mentioned before. - Sophia. She's a mysterious existence in the manga, and kind of hard to explain. In the manga, when Karin injects her blood into people, sometimes they are able to see a hallucination of the person most important to them. When Karin bites Usui, he is able to see Sophia as Karin, only he sees her outside of dreams as well. As it goes she's actually some kind of fertility goddess or something. She was trapped in the special vampires (Karins) blood, and through Usui's actions she is able to be freed. By her being freed all of the vampires who were infertile were able conceive, and she told Usui that she would be reincarnated as their child. (which she later does). - Maki. In the manga, Winner doesn't exist. Her love revolves around a childhood family friend and it's a side chapter. And a lot less painful to watch. - the ending. In the manga, after they save Karin, they find out that if she's in love, (and after Sophia being freed) that her blood loss stops occurring. Thus he life is no longer in danger. Because of this she is basically a regular human. Seeing this, her family realizes that they would only be a burden to her, so they wipe her memories of them and replace them with her being an orphan. Henry and Carrera actually had this planned all along just in case, and already had an apartment set up for her to live in after she goes unconscious. Then Usui, who knows what really happened, is forced to keep that secret as well, as one last request. However, they still love Karin deeply and do watch her from the shadows. Then Usui and Karin, marry and have a child (Sophia 2.0). They are a happy family, they go with Fumio and show off their child to Usui's grandmother, and her bitterness goes away a bit after seeing her. Eventually one day their kid runs off and runs into Ren's kid in the woods by their barrier. Usui runs into him and they chat, asking if Ren wants to see Karin. Ren says that if he gets close to her she'll get her memories back so he cant. Then they part ways. The whole ending was a tad bittersweet, but for the most part pretty happy. And THAT is why the manga is way better If you didn't read the manga, I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend it. You will not be disappointed. |
Jan 31, 2015 7:39 PM
Usui Kenta: boring character ever last episode: 2/5 |
nanofate fan konata x kagami fan |
Jan 31, 2015 7:42 PM
shit ending |
Feb 25, 2015 1:07 AM
All the critics got butthurt by that ending, but personally, I liked it. I'm not fond of excessive drama. I watch anime to relax after all. So it's always nice when a roller-coaster plot like this ends peacefully with a happy ending. It was a nice comic relief in the plot twist that the ceremony was actually one to increase bust size. Especially since Karin's the last person that'd need it. And also seeing Carrera rip up the book when they find out - seeing as Elda would've probably wanted to use it for herself too. I'm kind of glad she didn't get to though - her DFC modest size suited her well. Like the thread's OP, I agree that Anju getting her brother into trouble so that she could steal his dinner was priceless XD. She must've had a feast on all that jealousy she caused. Anju is irresistibly cute. Oh how I'd wish to be in Karin's position - just so I'd get to hug Anju all the time. It's clear that Anju loves Karin more than anything and anyone else in the world. If I had an imouto like that, I'd never let her go - all the other characters can just get lost. |
NyaaFeb 25, 2015 1:12 AM
Jul 18, 2015 12:49 PM
Quite an emotional episode. Sweet ending even though it was predictable! |
Aug 20, 2015 12:54 PM
not a bad anime at all. I really liked Karin. could've been a sweeter ending but its ok. |
Nov 8, 2015 2:20 AM
Is it weird if every time she got a nosebleed I immediately thought "Dead end, Game Over" XDD |
Nov 8, 2015 2:33 AM
Jonesy974 said: Hmmm. Well I just finished this, and it was decent enough for basically being an anime original for 3/4 of the show, it was incredibly lackluster compared to the manga. For those who were curious about what they did differently, but don't want to go through the manga: - First of all, they ruined a lot of characters. - Ren is probably the biggest one. They made him this angry, homophobic, sexually confused guy, but his backstory in the manga as to why he hates humans is A THOUSAND times more dramatic. And it doesn't involve any yaoi. - Anju. They made her awakening kind of sad, but it was way more sad in the manga. Here it was more like oh she didn't want her sister to stay with the family. In the manga, Anju didn't want to awaken because she was the only one left who could spend time with Karin during the day. Once she awakens Karin would be left all alone because everyone in the family would have t sleep. - Henry & Carrera. They were a bit more loving in the manga. They still had all of those moments with Carrera beating up Henry, but they had lots of deep romantic moments too. Also, in the anime Carrera mentions their marriage being against their families' wishes. In the manga Henry's dad took Carrera in and they were basically betrothed. Also, Carrera's side of the family is monumentally important to the story line in the manga. - Elda. They still made her character good, but she was more prominent in the manga. They ruined her character a bit in the anime by making her love interest an anime only human. Basically Winner and his family clan ruined a lot of the story. In the manga Elda was madly in love with Henry's dad James, and his death impacted her character a lot. She was also important to Karin's character. Things they changed in the anime that were better in the manga: - The main story. The anime follows Karin's blood problem and the Sinclair family. In the manga, Karin's blood loss is a special thing. Basically in the manga, all of the other vampire families are having trouble reproducing, and the species are dying out. Later it's discovered James Marker could have married Carrera's mom, but fell in love with Elda. Afterwards the dad introduces young Carrera to Henry and betroths them. It's discovered that Carrera's bloodline, through her mother Cecelia, has the unique ability to produce an child who has blood capable of helping vampires reproduce. The child is an unvampire, like Karin, and they inject their blood into other vampires to make them fertile. But the blood the inject is their life source, and after losing too much of it, they die. This becomes a major issue in the later arcs. Other families attempt to steal Karin and drain her of her blood so they can continue their lineage. Rather than the Sinclair family, a lot of noble vampire clans are the focal point. Other parts of the story: - Usui's relationship with his father. They axed this part too, which was a big part of Usui's character development. He meets his estranged father and gets past his hatred. This part is also important for Fumio's character development too. - Fumio. In the manga Fumio actually lands a steady job and becomes happy on her own. Fumio and Usui's relationship with his grandmother (Fumio's mom) and her hatred for Usui also impacted their character development a lot! - Usui and Karin. In the manga, Karin bites him way before the ending. And they also are an official couple long before the end of the manga. The manga also includes the ending where they are married and have a daughter. - Anju. As I said they changed her awakening a bit. They also left out her days of going to elementary school and how those relationships with her classmates and the boys who liked her impacted her. She actually was a bit like Karin in that regard in the manga. - Ren. I already mentioned his backstory being heavily altered, and not only was that less dramatic, his life goes differently in the manga too. He ends up helping his family fight back against the Brownrick family (antagonist vampires) and gets the head of the family, Bridget pregnant. He stops her from joining the fight by basically having sex with her all night. She get's pregnant and they have a son who ends up meeting Karin's child in the future. - The Brownrick family. They become the main antagonists in the later arcs and offer a lot to the story. Glark is Henry's friend, and the one who kidnaps Karin. Tachibaba is Glark's niece and she is the half-breed child of a human and vampire. She becomes an important plot piece who is always trying to tell Karin why her love for Usui will never work. And Bridget, as I mentioned before. - Sophia. She's a mysterious existence in the manga, and kind of hard to explain. In the manga, when Karin injects her blood into people, sometimes they are able to see a hallucination of the person most important to them. When Karin bites Usui, he is able to see Sophia as Karin, only he sees her outside of dreams as well. As it goes she's actually some kind of fertility goddess or something. She was trapped in the special vampires (Karins) blood, and through Usui's actions she is able to be freed. By her being freed all of the vampires who were infertile were able conceive, and she told Usui that she would be reincarnated as their child. (which she later does). - Maki. In the manga, Winner doesn't exist. Her love revolves around a childhood family friend and it's a side chapter. And a lot less painful to watch. - the ending. In the manga, after they save Karin, they find out that if she's in love, (and after Sophia being freed) that her blood loss stops occurring. Thus he life is no longer in danger. Because of this she is basically a regular human. Seeing this, her family realizes that they would only be a burden to her, so they wipe her memories of them and replace them with her being an orphan. Henry and Carrera actually had this planned all along just in case, and already had an apartment set up for her to live in after she goes unconscious. Then Usui, who knows what really happened, is forced to keep that secret as well, as one last request. However, they still love Karin deeply and do watch her from the shadows. Then Usui and Karin, marry and have a child (Sophia 2.0). They are a happy family, they go with Fumio and show off their child to Usui's grandmother, and her bitterness goes away a bit after seeing her. Eventually one day their kid runs off and runs into Ren's kid in the woods by their barrier. Usui runs into him and they chat, asking if Ren wants to see Karin. Ren says that if he gets close to her she'll get her memories back so he cant. Then they part ways. The whole ending was a tad bittersweet, but for the most part pretty happy. And THAT is why the manga is way better If you didn't read the manga, I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend it. You will not be disappointed. Oh My *Adds manga to "To Watch List"* Although, I am slightly hesitant: my least favorite endings are when memories are lost or where one character lives while another dies (Gokukoku no Byhildr, Plastic Memories, Tokyo Ghoul, almost Golden Time, almost Mirai Nikki, etc...) I'm not sure I want to set myself up for an amazing ending that will make me depressed for the following three weeks ^^' |
Mar 26, 2016 8:13 AM
Everybody is dead and after few minutes everyone is alive. Possibly best ending as the story follows but this series could be a tragic anime too. Somehow I felt that there should be more Usui x Karin moments, they not even kissed. I'm now gonna read the manga, hope the story will be more dramatic and less comedic. It has many shortcomings including the fact that there was no explanation how the Maaka family members got alive after that kind of severe injuries, this leases to a question, are they immoral? Anyway, I love this anime a lot, happy ending, monster girl is in love with human boy is the best combo for me. A solid 9/10. |
Jul 31, 2016 10:54 AM
I loved seeing Ren get busted by all his past ladies. The only thing I'd have liked to see in this finale would be the death of Winner (God, he's annoying). Otherwise it was a nice conclusion to a good show. |
Oct 25, 2016 2:04 PM
.....Ren and Anju= perfect combo _xD she makes everyone forget about how jealous they are and Ren can date them all over again _xD -oh, he almost learned her name! -all of the family members being shot and 'killed' was a pretty gruesome, unexpected sight.. even though it was an anime original ending, it wasn't bad, and ho-heck, i loved vampy Karin there when she had her wings, and her boobs grew three sizes that day _xD! pretty okay anime, glad it's over, onto the next one .w.~! |
Jan 11, 2017 11:15 AM
I liked it, overall 8/10. I honestly thought the grandma would stay dead though. |
Jun 9, 2017 6:22 PM
hirahira said: Read the manga. it's so much better. I loved the anime too but mainly because of the comedy. the manga is a lot more dramaful :) I m hoping you are right because. Usui x Karin was really boring, I usually tend to ship the main cast from a series, but these two were easily overshadowed by more interesting characters like Anju (best imouto) and Elda (best granny ever). Some scenes were really cute but for the most part I was not very invest in what was going on with them. 7.3 |
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