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Dec 12, 2013 9:23 AM

Nov 2011
Dat Charlotte.

Too much yandere faces and misunderstandings. Seriously, that bastard Ichika. Dat Laura and her playing with food~

Pretty much guaranteed anime original ending now. I'm disappointed at how this series is turning out to be so far now. Hopefully will give a climatic episode for the finale. Laura also plays with her food too much.
Dec 12, 2013 10:27 AM

Nov 2007
So they got well from England girl's "attack"? Nice. Kyoto trip of love and memory and accidents (and girls including student council girl chasing him as always). Japanese sweets are delicious! Charlotte, Student council girl's sister, and Houki got alone time together. Then enemies incoming. She finally said that her true enemy is older sister.

Still no student council girl in ED, keeping it for finale? (because OST also includes TV size ver. of all 7 girls singing)
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Dec 12, 2013 10:29 AM

Aug 2013
Stark700 said:

Dat Charlotte.

Too much yandere faces and misunderstandings.

Looks like this episode isn't really good....

tsubasalover said:
So they got well from England girl's "attack"?

They're heal quite fast.... XD

ernietheracefanDec 12, 2013 10:35 AM
Dec 12, 2013 7:26 PM

Jan 2010
why does the IS always late releasing subs?, sometimes i wait until tomorrow to watch IS.
Dec 12, 2013 7:37 PM
Oct 2012
this season has been a huge disappointment. some things need to change big time. i only hope that should they make a season 3 they will make it more interesting and with more plot. i support a season 3. its a good anime and has so much potential but they are just wasting it so much. it's sad how i waited every week to watch the new episode with only about 3 worth the wait. they better make 12 better or this thing is dropping from a 8 to 7.
Dec 12, 2013 8:20 PM

Aug 2012
It's like every episode is getting worst/boring oh well 1 more episode to go.
Dec 12, 2013 8:22 PM

May 2013
Not much happening in this episode except for that ending.
Dec 12, 2013 8:37 PM

Dec 2013
shast007 said:
why does the IS always late releasing subs?, sometimes i wait until tomorrow to watch IS.

definatley agree with you

althoght the series is seems to be leaning too much towards the typical harem/comedy department would love to see some charater growth especially from ichika and more romance between him and well samurai girl (bit to drunk to think up name)

having an updated anime list makes life easier for everyone
Dec 12, 2013 8:48 PM

Jul 2013
I figured this would happen. Anime original material to end the season.

They followed the Light Novel somewhat well this season, up until the beginning of the last episode. but definitely not as well as the first season. Season one had much less filler. They even skipped an entire volume (volume 6).

I also don't like how they don't talk about the student council more

Regardless, I do hope that once more material is written, a season 3 does come out in the future. I feel that it will.
Dec 12, 2013 8:59 PM

Sep 2013
That was fucking brilliant when Kazashi pushed Tatenashi back in the case :D to bad that was the only funny part this whole episode, at least we got some 'plot'.
Dec 12, 2013 10:18 PM

Oct 2013
Again a boring episode. The only thing i liked about this episode was Laura.
Dec 12, 2013 11:11 PM

Jul 2013
wtf is with this anime??... normally if you will make a 2nd season it'd be much better than the 1st... this season it sucked!! next episode will be the last.. wonder what will happen.. (obviously no improvement with his harem)
Dec 12, 2013 11:29 PM

Aug 2012
Was it only me? Or was the art especially bad this episode? well in the beginning that is
Hidden_JokerDec 12, 2013 11:39 PM
Dec 12, 2013 11:53 PM

Jun 2013
GOOD JOB. IT TOOK 11 FREAKING EPISODES TO CONVEY THE ARC'S AIM. Ecchi is okay but random useless arc asdkgjkaml. Nonetheless , looking forward to its last episode.
"Children of Japan. And those who were once children. Listen! This is not a dream. This is not fiction. In reality, your superheroes were always fighting. To teach viewers courage and the meaning of justice! No matter how many enemies there are. No matter how strong evil is. Just remember. Does any another country have so many heroes? Has any another country been protected by multiple superheroes? Stand with me, friends! Remember when you used to watch your superheroes!
Once you may have given up this dream. But today, you can be a hero!"

- Kaname Jouji , Red Axe

Dec 12, 2013 11:59 PM
Nov 2011
i wish they give a brain to ichika or a upgrade to his intelligent
how can he be so stupid
kinda boring all the rage form all the girls to him also always the same shit happen on and on to each ep
Dec 13, 2013 12:29 AM

Dec 2011
Seeing Kanzashi to put Tatenashi back in the bag is so hilarious.

Hopefully, the final episode finally reveal what is the real plan of Phantom Task.
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Dec 13, 2013 1:36 AM

Aug 2013
Fiji said:

Hopefully, the final episode finally reveal what is the real plan of Phantom Task.

It wouldn't fit enough in one episode (with assumption this season=12eps)
Dec 13, 2013 2:34 AM

Jan 2009
What a useless dumbshit he is yet again...
superman89Dec 13, 2013 2:38 AM
Dec 13, 2013 5:09 AM
Dec 2012
In Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai, Kodaka is some what on par with Ichika in how he responds to his fellow club members feelings towards him such as when it might be a date accidentally everyone is invited, loose compliments taken deeply by the girls, favoritism towards one makes the pack jealous with rage, and so on. However later it is revealed Kodaka was not that stupid and was acting due to his fear of losing the bonds he created/restored if he picked someone.

Ichika in this episode he puts himself in multiple situations where one is singled out and the group hate him and whoever he is with until they are included, leads Charlotte into a situation where she says my favorite line "Ichika no Ecchi!", brings out the adorable side of Laura, and so on. Roughly 60%+ of an episode is stuck repeating the same situations( Tatenashi is straight forward and I was hoping for something solid but all I got was her being replaced by her sister...?) and trying to avoid advancing the plot it seems. I enjoy the girls' personalities, the fights when they happen, and his intentions of being a stand up guy but I see him hooking up with Chifuyu-nee before anyone else.
Dec 13, 2013 7:00 AM

Nov 2013
Riez said:
GOOD JOB. IT TOOK 11 FREAKING EPISODES TO CONVEY THE ARC'S AIM. Ecchi is okay but random useless arc asdkgjkaml. Nonetheless , looking forward to its last episode.

Meeh. There wasn't even any good ecchi.
Dec 13, 2013 7:24 AM

Jul 2013
At least we I got see Char.
I hope the last action scenes, deliver.
Dec 13, 2013 8:24 AM

Sep 2011
And, after 11 episodes, we're finally at the plot! :D

Dec 13, 2013 8:55 AM

Aug 2012
BladesOfTime said:
Haaa...One more episode to go.

nuff said
Dec 13, 2013 9:24 AM

Mar 2013
So bad it's funny.

Dec 13, 2013 10:09 AM

Apr 2012
when he got trampled there was a paw print on him
Dec 13, 2013 12:48 PM
Feb 2013
Oh c'mom, another filler episode, instead adding a Phantom task arc?

Shit there only one more to go this is what they come up with?
Dec 13, 2013 1:29 PM
Mar 2013
Omg! Ichika i will knock you the fuck out. Stop being so stupid. This season is much worse than the first season. I was really hoping that atleast one girl won, there is some moments between him and Houki but there is no development.

Kanzashi leave! I hate you.

If Houki doesn't win, i can totally see Nohotoke, Tatenashi or Charlotte winning.

I have a teeny-weeny bit of hope left. Please don't ruin everything for me.
MummenatorDec 13, 2013 1:44 PM
Dec 13, 2013 2:49 PM

Oct 2013
There is most likely not gonna be a winner anyhow. There might be some romantic ending however. I believe, Im not 100% sure, but I think that Ichika and Houki are gonna go on a date at the end because of the tickets that they received. Or are they leaving that out? Idk wat do u guys think?
Dec 13, 2013 3:23 PM

Jul 2010
BladesOfTime said:
Haaa...One more episode to go.

I know your pain but we're almost over, don't give up.
Dec 13, 2013 5:36 PM
Nov 2013
The ending was actually interesting, but other than that I'm really disappointed. I really enjoyed the first season and this second season is a huge letdown. I love the girls, but I just wish something was actually happening instead of fighting over Ichika.

Does anyone know how this is selling in Japan right now? Id like another season, but one with actual plot and development (although that's probably not gonna happen)

Other then that, I really love Houki.
Dec 13, 2013 6:26 PM

Mar 2013
I want to see Char's Pantsu XD
when the fcking BD will be out?
Dec 13, 2013 9:12 PM

Apr 2010
NOOO! Where's TABANE?!?! On that note, Madoka has a pretty cool new I.S. suit.


Any novel readers wanna explain how this is different? What happened in the novel?
Dec 13, 2013 10:18 PM

Aug 2013
I know its too late, but now I'm really pissed of because they didn't covering vol6...
BTW.., What's the name of Madoka's new IS....??
Dec 13, 2013 10:26 PM

Aug 2012
At this point, I don't feel anything for this anime any more--no rage, no hate, no disappointment. I'm just a robot going through the motions.

Hell, I'm typing this as the episode is playing on another tab. I'm not even paying attention to it because I know that the first 19 minutes of it will be pointless.

Edit: And whaddya know? I was almost right--the "plot" started at 18:30.
gamer2710Dec 13, 2013 10:30 PM
This topic has not been locked and is still available for discussion.
Dec 13, 2013 11:09 PM
Jul 2018
Nuvi said:
Again a boring episode. The only thing i liked about this episode was Laura.

Pretty much this is what everyone is saying.
Dec 13, 2013 11:53 PM

Jul 2009
lol i wish this show never had a 'plot'. it just makes me realize that behind all the hnghhh, this show is just really bad and the mc should shoot himself
Dec 14, 2013 12:03 AM
Aug 2013
Jeez.. i didnt much like season 1 to begin with and only really watched it cause of Char.

Season 2 is just so much worse, to me it felt like this episode was just a bunch of single scenes drawn with some talking, and then a bit of animation between each one to link them together, and moments thrown in, drawn out for no reason, just to waste time.

Like why does it take almost an entire episode for each episode out of season 2, to finally get to the good part of advancing the plot?

2-4 minutes of advancing the plot, the rest, the girls fawn over Ichika, and get mad at him while Ichika continues to remain clueless. Fine if it was for an episode or 2, but every single one?

Char barely holds it together for me anymore :(

At least the whole suitcase scene was pretty funny.

On the plus side, the season is almost over.

I had to watch my favorite episode of Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai after watching this just so I could get a dose of the amazing artwork, voice acting, animations and music to balance it all out.
dasichriDec 14, 2013 12:18 AM
Dec 14, 2013 1:58 AM
Feb 2013
If Ichika gets any denser, he's going to collapse into a neutron star.
Dec 14, 2013 1:58 AM

Nov 2013
12 episodes is not enough for this season . The whole season only explained small important plot points. It mostly focused on the fan service and harem .
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Dec 14, 2013 2:03 AM

Jul 2012
A runaway train and battle in the forest.

Great episode!!!
Dec 14, 2013 3:52 AM

Apr 2011

I also have a theory that Ichika is the ultimate troll/heart breaker. Impossibru for such a dense character. Only logic is so he can play with innocent, pure female hearts. Then stomp them to the ground by declaring he's gay. Obviously he is. :D
"Ogon’ po gotovnosti!"
Dec 14, 2013 6:36 AM
Nov 2009
Next episode HAS to be the best episode for this season. I haven't read the novel but if next episode isn't full of action and plot, then this season has failed its purpose completely.

Ichika has to be the worst harem mc ever in all harem animes, or atleast the most dense among them. Props to Ichika's VA for being able to voice him and Mereum from HxH at the same time lol
Dec 14, 2013 7:36 AM
Jan 2008
Where are my ecchi scenes? Where is the pantsu of Charlotte? Come on, most of the people who are watching this is all because of the ecchiness.
Dec 14, 2013 9:46 AM

Feb 2013
this episode wasn't all that great until near the ending, only one more episode left.
Dec 14, 2013 10:58 AM

Dec 2012
Much of the episode was mildly entertaining but ultimately pointless, yet they still try to make things relevant again at the end. The first season laid some solid groundwork, but this is a failure of a second season, and doesn't deserve a third season to be honest.
Dec 14, 2013 11:45 AM

Oct 2013
hmmm well not much to say, a normal episode, this season is so dissapointing so far....

p.s we will get probably some actions in the last episode, but heh pretty any last episode of a season is action... so overall thumb down
Dec 14, 2013 12:52 PM
Jan 2013
They've wasted a whole episode just for Ichika's harem thing.
Dec 14, 2013 12:54 PM

Oct 2013
Laura's face when Ichika was talking about getting wrinkles just explains how I feel about this whole series in a nutshell. One more to go.
"A cruel world is not without it's beauty, and many times a select few find it by mistake. Only then do those select few see the world for what it is... A disastrous masterpiece." ~ 7thVoid

"Hates a river that only flows down." ~ 7thVoid
Dec 14, 2013 12:59 PM

Feb 2013
I had hight hopes from season 1 , but it just went downhill. If it were more then 12 episodes would have probably droped this. Since there are only 12 will get it over with and forget season 2 ever happened.

"Hodor" - Hodor
Dec 14, 2013 1:06 PM

Jan 2013
The girls getting angier each episode. Give it one season more, then nice boat that Ichika and give me a show about Laura and Char kicking ass together.
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