Oct 1, 2013 7:29 PM
Template: Full name: Alias: (Optional) Age: Gender: Species: what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Rank: Weapon: (optional) Likes: Dislikes: Personality: Bio: Looks: shop or house?:(optional) looks:(optional) |
FadeIntoDarknessOct 1, 2013 7:40 PM
Oct 2, 2013 8:56 PM
Template: Full name: Dooley Ryker Alias: (Optional) the dark one Age: 19(so he say) Gender: male Species: Rayouko what are you? citizen or a rebel?: drifter Rank: none Weapon: (optional) any thing he get his hand on. he is a weapon master Likes:doing very little work, sleeping under trees Dislikes: having to go all out in a fight Personality: care free, clumsy Bio:He was hated as a kid for being what he is, but he did not care he enjoy having fun. he just left an is loking for others like him Looks: normal ( ) looks:as a Rayouko ( ) |
frogotenOct 7, 2013 9:19 AM
..... :'( |
Oct 6, 2013 10:04 PM
Full name: Artemis Everheart Alias: Reaper Age: 40 Gender: Female Species: Demon what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Rank: Queen Weapon: Chains Likes: Hurting others, control, and bossing people around Dislikes: People questioning her authority, disobeying slaves, and the rebels Personality: She's sadistic most of the time, when she's not she's usually asleep or in a very relaxed mood. She's not lazy but she hates doing stuff herself. Bio: She's always been the queen. She found her kingdom and built the castle using her slaves' willpower. She does and always has ruled by scaring or intimidating others. Looks: shop or house?: the castle looks: club pic |
FadeIntoDarknessOct 17, 2013 6:27 AM
Oct 6, 2013 10:05 PM
frogoten said: Template: Full name: Dooley Ryker Alias: (Optional) the dark one Age: 19(so he say) Gender: male Species: Rayouko what are you? citizen or a rebel?: drifter Rank: none Weapon: (optional) any thing he get his hand on. he is a weapon master Likes:doing very little work, sleeping under trees Dislikes: having to go all out in a fight Personality: care free, clumsy Bio:(thinking) Looks: normal ( ) looks:as a Rayouko ( ) DarkThornReaper said: Approved! Well... finish yours, FrogotenFull name: Artemis Everheart Alias: Reaper Age: 28 Gender: Female Species: Demon what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Rank: Queen Weapon: Chains Likes: Hurting others, control, and bossing people around Dislikes: People questioning her authority, disobeying slaves, and the rebels Personality: She's sadistic most of the time, when she's not she's usually asleep or in a very relaxed mood. She's not lazy but she hates doing stuff herself. Bio: She's always been the queen. She found her kingdom and built the castle using her slaves' willpower. She does and always has ruled by scaring or intimidating others. Looks: shop or house?: the castle looks: club pic |
Oct 7, 2013 12:27 AM
Full name: Yuki Everheart Alias: (Optional) - Age: 16 Gender: Female Species: Demon what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Citizen Rank: Princess Weapon: (optional) she has a golden dagger that comes out of her wrist Likes: cats, cute things, bats, sweets, sleeping Dislikes: gross stuff. annoying people Personality: quiet and reserved, cute but can be really mean Bio: (add later) Looks: (add later) shop or house?:(optional) looks:(optional) |
AyaNekoQueen1996Oct 9, 2013 11:39 PM
Oct 7, 2013 6:28 AM
ayachan1996 said: Approved ^_^Full name: Yuki Everheart Alias: (Optional) - Age: 16 Gender: Female Species: Demon what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Citizen Rank: Princess Weapon: (optional) she has a golden dagger that comes out of her wrist Likes: cats, cute things, bats, sweets, sleeping Dislikes: gross stuff. annoying people Personality: quiet and reserved, cute but can be really mean Bio: (add later) Looks: (add later) shop or house?:(optional) looks:(optional) |
Oct 7, 2013 12:48 PM
thank you ^w^ |
Oct 7, 2013 4:47 PM
Full name: unknown to almost all, if he ever even had one, Alias: (Optional) bringer of death. Hades, Grim, Age: (unknown) favors a young look around his 20/30s Gender: male Species: human? (takes many forms) what are you? citizen or a rebel?: assassin guild contractor, (currently with rebels) Rank: assassin class A1 Weapon: (optional) extensively trained, (favored weapons twin concealed daggers, and concealed short sword) throwing knives, illusion magic Likes: a clean job, getting paid, honor, respect, worthy fights Dislikes: loose ends, cheats, cowards, Personality: calm cool collected and professional, Bio: raised almost all his life and trained by the guild to be an instrument of its will, he of Couse has he own views of what he does and personality, but rarely shares them unless asked, most would describe him as cold and professional without remorse. he has many talents that allow him to infiltrate to get close to his targets from illusion magic, to the bardly crafts of storytelling and music, Looks: ( will be more as he dawns his disguises,) neko form shop or house?:(optional) (not sure yet) looks:(optional) |
Havoc117Oct 13, 2013 1:53 PM
Oct 7, 2013 5:00 PM
Full name: Masaru Everheart Alias: Shinigami Age: 19 Gender: Male Species: Demon what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Citizen Rank: Prince Weapon: Katana, though usually uses hand to hand. Likes: Silence, Night, Solitude, Younger siblings Dislikes: Crowds, Loudness, Pride, Honor, Religion, Being looked down on Personality: Masaru usually wears a scowl on his face. The only time his expression lightens is around his family, and even then it still remains blank usually. He can be quite cold and distant to people, though he is actually one of the nicer people under the crown. However, when threatened, he can also be one of the coldest. He can kill someone without hesitation if he believes they are threatening him or someone close to him. Quite amusingly and against how he usually appears, he's a giant prude and will easily get flustered towards such subjects. Unlike his mother, he can be somewhat lazy at times and prefers to do things himself than have servants do it. Bio: Masaru was quite different when he was young. He was extremely hot-headed, cocky, and was always picking fights with others. He seemed to only care for combat and fighting. He didn't think much of the commoners, not that he looked down on them, he just didn't pay attention to politics or anything of the sort. As he grew older however, he became more aware of what was going on and more often than not would end up participating in the politics that he hardly cared about. He continues to act as a sort of adviser to his parents when something comes up, and a soldier when the need arises, however he continues to not care much for either roles. Looks: shop or house?: Castle looks: |
Oct 7, 2013 7:01 PM
Full name: Shinku Saitou Alias: None Age: 19 Gender: Female Species: Vampire Neko what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Citizen Rank: Weapon: Likes: being left alone, being alone, dark places, fighting Dislikes: people hugging her or touching her, being outside when the sun is out the light, annoying people, liars, Personality: mean Bio: She used to be very nice until one of her closets friends stabbed her in the back. After that she hasn't trusted anyone since and doesn't need or want any friends. she likes being alone and wont trust anyone. shop or house?: house looks: |
Dead inside....... |
Oct 7, 2013 7:48 PM
havoc117 said: Full name: unknown to almost all, if he ever even had one, Alias: (Optional) bringer of death. Hades, Grim, Age: (unknown) favors a young look around his 20/30s Gender: male Species: human? (takes many forms) what are you? citizen or a rebel?: assassin guild contractor, (currently with rebels) Rank: assassin class A1 Weapon: (optional) extensively trained, (favored weapons twin concealed daggers, and concealed short sword) throwing knives, illusion magic Likes: a clean job, getting paid, honor, respect, worthy fights Dislikes: loose ends, cheats, cowards, Personality: calm cool collected and professional, Bio: raised almost all his life and trained by the guild to be an instrument of its will, he of Couse has he own views of what he does and personality, but rarely shares them unless asked, most would describe him as cold and professional without remorse. he has many talents that allow him to infiltrate to get close to his targets from illusion magic, to the bardly crafts of storytelling and music, Looks: ( will be more as he dawns his disguises,) shop or house?:(optional) (not sure yet) looks:(optional) EmperorsChosen01 said: Full name: Masaru Everheart Alias: Shinigami Age: 19 Gender: Male Species: Demon what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Citizen Rank: Prince Weapon: Katana, though usually uses hand to hand. Likes: Silence, Night, Solitude, Younger siblings Dislikes: Crowds, Loudness, Pride, Honor, Religion, Being looked down on Personality: Masaru usually wears a scowl on his face. The only time his expression lightens is around his family, and even then it still remains blank usually. He can be quite cold and distant to people, though he is actually one of the nicer people under the crown. However, when threatened, he can also be one of the coldest. He can kill someone without hesitation if he believes they are threatening him or someone close to him. Quite amusingly and against how he usually appears, he's a giant prude and will easily get flustered towards such subjects. Unlike his mother, he can be somewhat lazy at times and prefers to do things himself than have servants do it. Bio: Masaru was quite different when he was young. He was extremely hot-headed, cocky, and was always picking fights with others. He seemed to only care for combat and fighting. He didn't think much of the commoners, not that he looked down on them, he just didn't pay attention to politics or anything of the sort. As he grew older however, he became more aware of what was going on and more often than not would end up participating in the politics that he hardly cared about. He continues to act as a sort of adviser to his parents when something comes up, and a soldier when the need arises, however he continues to not care much for either roles. Looks: shop or house?: Castle looks: Kutekitty said: All approved! Kitty, you can make a thread for your house if you want.Full name: Shinku Saitou Alias: None Age: 19 Gender: Female Species: Vampire Neko what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Citizen Rank: Weapon: Likes: being left alone, being alone, dark places, fighting Dislikes: people hugging her or touching her, being outside when the sun is out the light, annoying people, liars, Personality: mean Bio: She used to be very nice until one of her closets friends stabbed her in the back. After that she hasn't trusted anyone since and doesn't need or want any friends. she likes being alone and wont trust anyone. shop or house?: house looks: |
Oct 7, 2013 9:18 PM
Full name: Messiah Crimson Alias: Crimson Rose Age: 18 Gender: Female Species: Demon what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Citizen Rank: Noble Weapon: scythe Likes: Roses, candy, Masaru, and hurting others Dislikes: being polite, doing work, and going to group meetings Personality: she's sadistic like the queen herself but she has a soft spot for Masaru... or a psycho obsession. Its too hard to tell. Bio: She's one of the nobles, she lives alone ever since that "accident" with her parents when they wouldn't get her a puppy. She was and still is childhood friends with Masaru and currently sells slaves to make money. Looks: shop or house?:(optional) looks:(optional) |
FadeIntoDarknessOct 7, 2013 9:22 PM
Oct 7, 2013 9:22 PM
DarkThornReaper said: ApprovedFull name: Messiah Crimson Alias: Crimson Rose Age: 18 Gender: Female Species: Demon what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Citizen Rank: Noble Weapon: scythe Likes: Roses, candy, Masaru, and hurting others Dislikes: being polite, doing work, and going to group meetings Personality: she's sadistic like the queen herself but she has a soft spot for Masaru... or a psycho obsession. Its too hard to tell. Bio: She's one of the nobles, she lives alone ever since that "accident" with her parents when they wouldn't get her a puppy. She was and still is childhood friends with Masaru and currently sells slaves to make money. Looks: shop or house?:(optional) looks:(optional) |
Oct 8, 2013 10:08 PM
Full name: Zero Hiyuki Alias: (Optional) Silent Night Age: 19 Gender: Male Species: Pureblood Vampire what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Wandering Assassin....was formerly a rebel Rank: Master Assassin? Weapon: (optional)A silver handgun that shoots a red rose cross, a katana, dark and fire magic. Can suck the blood of something to heal and gain a massive speed increase. Likes: Silent nights, violins, roses, large crowds, blood Dislikes: The sun, power houses, bad people Personality: Silent, manipulative, cunning. sadistic Bio: Ritsu was born in the middle of now where and was trained his whole life to be an assassin. He's killed multiple people and was given the nickname Silent Night because most of his kills were in the middle of the night and no noise was made when he killed someone. He travels around looking for a place to be. He is a highly trained killer and a little sadistic. Looks: shop or house?:(optional) Nowhere yet Sword More: He is looking for his little sister named Rin. They were separated at birth. |
IcyOceanOct 12, 2013 9:50 AM
Oct 9, 2013 6:34 AM
OceanFiree said: ApprovedFull name: Zero Hiyuki Alias: (Optional) Silent Night Age: 19 Gender: Male Species: Pureblood Vampire what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Wandering Assassin....was formerly a rebel Rank: Master Assassin? Weapon: (optional)A silver handgun that shoots a red rose cross, a katana, dark and fire magic. Can suck the blood of something to heal and gain a massive speed increase. Likes: Silent nights, violins, roses, large crowds, blood Dislikes: The sun, power houses, bad people Personality: Silent, manipulative, cunning. sadistic Bio: Ritsu was born in the middle of now where and was trained his whole life to be an assassin. He's killed multiple people and was given the nickname Silent Night because most of his kills were in the middle of the night and no noise was made when he killed someone. He travels around looking for a place to be. He is a highly trained killer and a little sadistic. Looks: shop or house?:(optional) Nowhere yet Sword |
Oct 10, 2013 8:11 PM
Full name: Isaac Otani Alias: (Optional) none Age:20 Gender:Male Species: Human what are you? citizen or a rebel?: citizen Rank: servant (butler) Weapon: (optional) None Likes: making others happy/laugh, practicing basically every musical instruments, reading Dislikes: anger ( just in general), extended periods of silence or inactivity Personality: very goofy, but obedient Bio: was born into a family of servants, but outlived the rest of my family. My sole purpose is to serve the noblemen and women. shop or house?:(optional) None Looks: |
Oct 10, 2013 8:12 PM
DaedricMaster said: ApprovedFull name: Isaac Otani Alias: (Optional) none Age:20 Gender:Male Species: Human what are you? citizen or a rebel?: citizen Rank: servant (butler) Weapon: (optional) None Likes: making others happy/laugh, practicing basically every musical instruments, reading Dislikes: anger ( just in general), extended periods of silence or inactivity Personality: very goofy, but obedient Bio: was born into a family of servants, but outlived the rest of my family. My sole purpose is to serve the noblemen and women. shop or house?:(optional) None Looks: |
Oct 11, 2013 10:31 PM
Full name: Raynard Redoc Alias: Shadowrazor Age: 26 Gender: Male Species: Human what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Assassin/Mercenary. Currently employed by the Rebels. Rank: N/A Weapon: Anything with a blade. Equipped with a broadsword, dual katanas, dual daggers, as well as many khrowing knives when Shadowrazor. Likes: Women, Alcohol, Money, Winning Dislikes: Being manipulated, Spoiled kids, Personality: Ray has two personalities. One in which he acts like a perfect gentleman. Easily mistakable for a high ranking aristocrat as he is polite, kind, and has manners. The other one he uses when out of the Queen's territory. This is his true personality. He is cocky and pretty full of himself, however claims that he can 'back it up' with actual skill. He can be flirtatious, even if its his opponent. He seems to not think ahead, but is actually very tactical and careful. Bio: Ray's family was a military family. His father was apart of the Queen's military and was a high ranking officer, now retired. Ray and his older brother were trained since they were young with the intention of joining the military as well. When he could, his older brother did join. Then after a few years he went with the rebels and died in battle. Ray, unlike his brother and father, didn't intend to join the military nor the rebels. He said either way he'd be a lapdog fighting for something he didn't care about. So, he became a mercenary, and a good one at that. Most people know who Shadowrazor is, though Ray has done a good job keeping his identity a secret. So far know one knows he is Shadowrazor, not even his family or friends. Looks: (Ignore eyes) Shadowrazor: shop or house?:(optional) looks:(optional) |
Oct 11, 2013 11:38 PM
EmperorsChosen01 said: ApprovedFull name: Raynard Redoc Alias: Shadowrazor Age: 26 Gender: Male Species: Human what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Assassin/Mercenary. Currently employed by the Rebels. Rank: N/A Weapon: Anything with a blade. Equipped with a broadsword, dual katanas, dual daggers, as well as many khrowing knives when Shadowrazor. Likes: Women, Alcohol, Money, Winning Dislikes: Being manipulated, Spoiled kids, Personality: Ray has two personalities. One in which he acts like a perfect gentleman. Easily mistakable for a high ranking aristocrat as he is polite, kind, and has manners. The other one he uses when out of the Queen's territory. This is his true personality. He is cocky and pretty full of himself, however claims that he can 'back it up' with actual skill. He can be flirtatious, even if its his opponent. He seems to not think ahead, but is actually very tactical and careful. Bio: Ray's family was a military family. His father was apart of the Queen's military and was a high ranking officer, now retired. Ray and his older brother were trained since they were young with the intention of joining the military as well. When he could, his older brother did join. Then after a few years he went with the rebels and died in battle. Ray, unlike his brother and father, didn't intend to join the military nor the rebels. He said either way he'd be a lapdog fighting for something he didn't care about. So, he became a mercenary, and a good one at that. Most people know who Shadowrazor is, though Ray has done a good job keeping his identity a secret. So far know one knows he is Shadowrazor, not even his family or friends. Looks: (Ignore eyes) Shadowrazor: shop or house?:(optional) looks:(optional) |
Oct 16, 2013 1:23 PM
Full name: Rin Hiyuki Alias: (Optional) Age: 8 Gender: Female Species: Pureblood Vampire what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Rebel: Infiltrator Rank: Private (seems most logical xD shes only 8 after all) Working as a Maid Weapon: (optional) Likes: Blood, Silent nights, flowers, animals Dislikes: being yelled at, people dying, fighting Personality: Shy, careful and kind Bio: Rin was born into a rebel family of pureblood vampires. Growing up with them, she was trained to work for the rebellion and their cause. Trained as a infiltrator, the leader of the rebels sent her to the castle to work as a maid, in the service of the royal family. She know she have a brother, separated at her birth. Only knowing thus much, not even his name or anything else about him, she wants to find him and get to know the brother she never had. This ulterior motive is not easy for her to achieve due to her shy personality and duties as an infiltrator. shop or house?:(optional) (dont know about this one. Maybe some kind of maid chamber in the castle?) looks:(optional) |
Dead inside....... |
Oct 16, 2013 3:33 PM
Kutekitty said: ApprovedFull name: Rin Hiyuki Alias: (Optional) Age: 8 Gender: Female Species: Pureblood Vampire what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Rebel: Infiltrator Rank: Private (seems most logical xD shes only 8 after all) Working as a Maid Weapon: (optional) Likes: Blood, Silent nights, flowers, animals Dislikes: being yelled at, people dying, fighting Personality: Shy, careful and kind Bio: Rin was born into a rebel family of pureblood vampires. Growing up with them, she was trained to work for the rebellion and their cause. Trained as a infiltrator, the leader of the rebels sent her to the castle to work as a maid, in the service of the royal family. She know she have a brother, separated at her birth. Only knowing thus much, not even his name or anything else about him, she wants to find him and get to know the brother she never had. This ulterior motive is not easy for her to achieve due to her shy personality and duties as an infiltrator. shop or house?:(optional) (dont know about this one. Maybe some kind of maid chamber in the castle?) looks:(optional) |
Oct 16, 2013 4:45 PM
Name: Thomas Forster Age: 17 Race: wolf man What are you?: free lance for ether side. Likes: girls, booze, hunting, fighting, and those who he likes Dislikes: annoying people, sorrow, getting hurt, going hungry, and getting scolded Bio: he is very energetic and loves to spare but won't hesitate to kill if needed. He loves new tech and likes to be up to date even if others don't like it. Most of the time he is carefree but when things get serious so does he. Looks: Weapons: blood red katana he calls the blood queen, a knife, and whatever new tech he can get his hands on. |
Ookami-51Oct 30, 2013 3:36 PM
![]() |
Oct 16, 2013 5:40 PM
Okami-51 said: ApprovedName: Thomas Forster Age: 17 Race: wolf man What are you?: free lance for ether side. Likes: girls, booze, hunting, fighting, and those who he likes Dislikes: annoying people, sorrow, getting hurt, going hungry, and getting scolded Bio: he is very energetic and loves to spare but won't hesitate to kill if needed. He loves new tech and likes to be up to date even if others don't like it. Most of the time he is carefree but when things get serious so does he. Looks: Weapons: blood red katana he calls the wolf queen, a knife, and whatever new tech he can get his hands on. |
Oct 16, 2013 6:20 PM
Name: Azael Alias: The Chain Warden Age: Unknown Gender: Male Species: Spirit Guardian Affiliation: Symbols of Death, Bounty Hunters. Currently allied to the Queen. Rank: N/A Weapon: Spectral Kusarigama: Azael's weapons consists on a sickle on a side and a lantern on the other, very similar to the Kusarigama. The Lantern: The Lantern is used as a soul collector, allowing him to trap any souls he collect inside of it. Millions of souls reside inside the Lantern but it never seems to be full or empty. It shines a pure green light whenver it is active and also whenever it collects a soul. The Lantern usually floats around Azael, allowing him to use her even in combat. The Sickle: The Sickle is Azael's main weapon and his way to flay his enemies alive. Usually, Azael throws The Sickle on his enemies that are fleeing of fear, catching them and taking them back to him. The Sickle cannot be broken, negated or blocked. The Sickle also has a very powerful skill that concetrates energy and force in it the less it used. Whenever used excessively, The Sickle needs time to recharge its absurd powers. Likes: Collecting souls, joking, breaking people's minds. Dislikes: Being played with, receiving orders from anyone other than Queen, his targets escaping, courage. Personality: Holding his sadistical sense of humor, Azael plays with his victims before killing them and collecting their souls. Only obidient to the Queen, he abides any kind of rule by being part of the 'elite' bounty hunters. These hunters are usually used whenever everything else fails. Used to getting to job done, Azael kills his enemies without mercy, never allowing them to run away or survive. Aside from that, people usually call him 'strange' or 'mad' to which he answers by agreeing with them. Bio: Azael is by far one of the most powerful warriors of the Realm. He does not know where he came from or who created him. All he knows is that he was once a jailer that liked to play with his prisioners. After his death, he was apparently revived as one of the Symbols of Death, a group of supernatural bounty hunters that are considered the Elite but are rarely attended to due to their policies of 'no rules'. It is known that Azael gets more powerful the more souls he collect so he is usually considered a very dangerous character. Azael now works as a Rebel Hunter, killing anyone related to them and only stopping at the Queen's commands. Appearence: Extra Info: Azael can only collect souls of those who are already dead. |
YzmaelOct 20, 2013 6:52 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Oct 16, 2013 6:25 PM
Yzmael said: Approved!Name: Azael Alias: The Chain Warden Age: Unknown Gender: Male Species: Spirit Guardian Affiliation: Symbols of Death, Bounty Hunters. Currently allied to the Queen. Rank: N/A Weapon: Spectral Kusarigama: Azael's weapons consists on a sickle on a side and a lantern on the other, very similar to the Kusarigama. The Lantern: The Lantern is used as a soul collector, allowing him to trap any souls he collect inside of it. Millions of souls reside inside the Lantern but it never seems to be full or empty. It shines a pure green light whenver it is active and also whenever it collects a soul. The Lantern usually floats around Azael, allowing him to use her even in combat. The Sickle: The Sickle is Azael's main weapon and his way to flay his enemies alive. Usually, Azael throws The Sickle on his enemies that are fleeing of fear, catching them and taking them back to him. The Sickle cannot be broken, negated or blocked. The Sickle also has a very powerful skill that concetrates energy and force in it the less it used. Whenever used excessively, The Sickle needs time to recharge its absurd powers. Likes: Collecting souls, joking, breaking people's minds. Dislikes: Being played with, receiving orders from anyone other than Queen, his targets escaping, courage. Personality: Holding his sadistical sense of humor, Azael plays with his victims before killing them and collecting their souls. Only obidient to the Queen, he abides any kind of rule by being part of the 'elite' bounty hunters. These hunters are usually used whenever everything else fails. Used to getting to job done, Thresh kills his enemies without mercy, never allowing them to run away or survive. Aside from that, people usually call him 'strange' or 'mad' to which he answers by agreeing with them. Bio: Azael is by far one of the most powerful warriors of the Realm. He does not know where he came from or who created him. All he knows is that he was once a jailer that liked to play with his prisioners. After his death, he was apparently revived as one of the Symbols of Death, a group of supernatural bounty hunters that are considered the Elite but are rarely attended to due to their policies of 'no rules'. It is known that Azael gets more powerful the more souls he collect so he is usually considered a very dangerous character. Azael now works as a Rebel Hunter, killing anyone related to them and only stopping at the Queen's commands. Appearence: Extra Info: Azael can only collect souls of those who are already dead. |
Oct 17, 2013 1:09 AM
Full name: Dark Everheart Alias: (Optional) D Age: 40 Gender: Male Species: Demon what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Rank: King Weapon: (optional): his blood (manipulation of his own blood)[if thats allowed ^^] Likes: family, wife. darkness, Dislikes: people hurting his family, people who direspects him or his family Personality: generally cold to everyone, but he is a totally different person to his family, he is really nice and caring, he can be mean at times though Bio: [add later] Looks: shop or house?:(optional) looks:(optional) |
AyaNekoQueen1996Oct 17, 2013 6:27 AM
Oct 17, 2013 6:16 AM
ayachan1996 said: ApprovedFull name: Dark Everheart Alias: (Optional) D Age: 29 Gender: Male Species: Demon what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Rank: King Weapon: (optional): his blood (manipulation of his own blood)[if thats allowed ^^] Likes: family, wife. darkness, Dislikes: people hurting his family, people who direspects him or his family Personality: generally cold to everyone, but he is a totally different person to his family, he is really nice and caring, he can be mean at times though Bio: [add later] Looks: shop or house?:(optional) looks:(optional) |
Oct 17, 2013 6:19 AM
thanks ! ^w^ |
Oct 17, 2013 6:24 AM
(I think we should change the Queen's and the King's age... I mean, they have a kid that's 20 so that means... it just wouldn't make sense xD how's 40? That okay?) |
Oct 17, 2013 6:26 AM
yeah, and theres a 20 year old kid O.o but yeah thats fine ^w^ |
Oct 17, 2013 6:19 PM
Full name: Emi Everheart. Alias: (Optional): None. Age: 10 and a half. Gender: Female. Species: Demon. what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Citizen. Rank: Princess. Weapon: (optional): None, yet. Likes: Music, sneaking candy and sweats. Dislikes: Being alone and is afraid of bugs. Personality: Care-free, bubbly, ignorant, and shy. Bio: Born into her role she really doesn't know what is happening around her. She believes that the place she lives in is peaceful. She hates fighting and stops it when she can. Looks: shop or house?:(optional) looks:(optional) |
akira1998Oct 17, 2013 6:25 PM
Oct 17, 2013 6:36 PM
so i have another daughter and a sister :) yay |
Oct 17, 2013 6:45 PM
akira1998 said: Approved ^_^Full name: Emi Everheart. Alias: (Optional): None. Age: 10 and a half. Gender: Female. Species: Demon. what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Citizen. Rank: Princess. Weapon: (optional): None, yet. Likes: Music, sneaking candy and sweats. Dislikes: Being alone and is afraid of bugs. Personality: Care-free, bubbly, ignorant, and shy. Bio: Born into her role she really doesn't know what is happening around her. She believes that the place she lives in is peaceful. She hates fighting and stops it when she can. Looks: shop or house?:(optional) looks:(optional) |
Oct 17, 2013 7:07 PM
Full name: Nautilus Everheart Age: 18 Gender:Male Species:Demon what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Citizen Rank: Prince Weapon: Spear Likes: Food, women, His country Dislikes:Rebels, Spicy food, non obedient people Personality: He naturally laid back, but easily provoked Bio: Born into the ever heart family, thus bringing him to be a prince. He was a quick learner, excelling him at a young age to be better than most of his age. He always looked up to his elder siblings, and welcomed the younger Looks: shop or house?:(the castle?) |
Oct 17, 2013 7:08 PM
and another son XD hey Dark, arnt we glad we made them 40 XD |
Oct 17, 2013 7:10 PM
Thank god i took you on before your family came in >.> |
Oct 17, 2013 7:23 PM
kahmu84 said: ApprovedFull name: Nautilus Everheart Age: 18 Gender:Male Species:Demon what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Citizen Rank: Prince Weapon: Spear Likes: Food, women, His country Dislikes:Rebels, Spicy food, non obedient people Personality: He naturally laid back, but easily provoked Bio: Born into the ever heart family, thus bringing him to be a prince. He was a quick learner, excelling him at a young age to be better than most of his age. He always looked up to his elder siblings, and welcomed the younger Looks: shop or house?:(the castle?) |
Oct 18, 2013 4:33 PM
Brones said: ApprovedFull name: William Brigand Alias: Blood knight Age: 19 Gender: Male Species: Human what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Citizen Rank: Knight Weapon: Personality: Born into an upper class family, Will was raised with the principle of ruthlessness as a virtue. At first glance, he would seem a cocky, callous, infuriating bastard. He rarely cares for the plights of others as long as it's nothing to do with him. His cockiness is his most definitive characteristic, with something of a swagger and a flippant kind of attitude. Fortunately for Will, he can back this up by being one of the most skilled knights in the kingdom, despite his age. He is a great swordsman, and uses both a sword and a long thin dagger in combat. Will was infamously named the Red Knight, a title coined as a result of his ruthlessness in combat. He needs action and he does not feel alive unless he's fighting and this need for action makes him largely fearless. Even in bad situations, he keeps calm. Read more at Bio: Despite his noble upbringing, William chose the life of a knight over the lavished lifestyle he was entitled to as a birth-rite. But make no mistake it was not in pursuit of following some moral code. Will became a knight for one single reason: fighting. Ever since he was a child, Will had an unhealthy obsession with violence. Knighted at the age of seventeen on battlefield, Will has been since amassing more and more respect from his fellow knights, and fear from his potential enemies, the name “Red Knight”, ringing more bells than one throughout the kingdom. Looks: |
Oct 20, 2013 7:57 AM
Full name: Alys Charborn Age: 87 Gender: Female Species: Wyrm Rank: Citizen, Slave. Weapon: None, however, being a wyrm she possesses the ability to breath and control fire, while also being immune to it. Likes: Nobility, honour, valour, bravado, virtuous, duty. Dislikes: Antonyms of the above. Personality: Decades of slavery and the queens influence have reduced this once proud warrior to little more than an obedient slave to the royal family. Every shred of her personality has left her and she has become a deadpan broken soul. The only time she ever shows a shred of personality was when she used to recite the tales of Wyrmian heroes to the royal children when they were young. Bio: Before the rein of Queen Artemis Everhart, the land belonged to a proud, yet peaceful race known as the Wyrms. They lived in harmony alongside Dragons in a symbiotic relationship. As dragon blood ran through a Wyrmian, they possessed the ability to communicate with dragons as well as their mastery of the fire element and millennium long lifespan. But their peace was not to last. Artemis sought to claim the land for herself, and claim it she did. A fierce war broke out, but in the end the wyrms were all but one. A princess, by the name of Alys was spared by the now queen, but it was no mercy. Made a trophy slave, Alys now walks the lands her ancestors once ruled proudy over, in chains, a mere plaything of Reaper. The dragons that remained became savage, and now roam the lands with an unquentiable thirst for the blood of demon and man both. Looks: |
Oct 20, 2013 8:58 AM
(Edit because awesome demon on dragon war is awesome) Full name: William Brigand Alias: The kingslayer (This is what everyone both recognises him as and calls him) Age: 37 Gender: Male Species: Human what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Citizen Rank: Knight Commander Weapon: (The sword that killed the Wyrm king) Personality: Personality: Born into an upper class family, Will was raised with the principle of ruthlessness as a virtue. At first glance, he would seem a cocky, callous, infuriating bastard. He rarely cares for the plights of others as long as it's nothing to do with him. His cockiness is his most definitive characteristic, with something of a swagger and a flippant kind of attitude. Fortunately for Will, he can back this up by being one of the most skilled knights in the kingdom, despite his age. He is a great swordsman, and uses both a sword and a long thin dagger in combat. He needs action and he does not feel alive unless he's fighting and this need for action makes him largely fearless. Even in bad situations, he keeps calm Bio: Despite his noble upbringing, William chose the life of a knight over the lavished lifestyle he was entitled to as a birth-rite. But make no mistake it was not in pursuit of following some moral code. Will became a knight for one single reason: fighting. Ever since he was a child, Will had an unhealthy obsession with violence. Knighted at the age of seventeen on battlefield, his loyalty was sworn to Queen Artemis. Having been born into an upper class family, Will was raised with the principle of ruthlessness as a virtue. In his earlier years, he would always have been defined as a cocky, callous and full of himself. He never cared for the plights of others as long as it had nothing to do with him, although he has been shown to have a soft spot for the royal children. Following the war against the wyrms, William was offered the position of Commander of her future kingdoms army having slain the king himself. Leaving his childishness on the battlefield that day, Will accepted and has since guarded the family and their people with his life, having adopted a more suitable attitude towards his life. His latest and ongoing concern is the growing rebellion forces, a ight he must quench in order to uphold his duties to protect his king, queen and country. Looks: |
King-in-YellowOct 27, 2013 1:42 PM
Oct 20, 2013 10:43 AM
Tomora said: ApprovedFull name: Alys Charborn Age: 87 Gender: Female Species: Wyrm Rank: Citizen, Slave. Weapon: None, however, being a wyrm she possesses the ability to breath and control fire, while also being immune to it. Likes: Nobility, honour, valour, bravado, virtuous, duty. Dislikes: Antonyms of the above. Personality: Decades of slavery and the queens influence have reduced this once proud warrior to little more than an obedient slave to the royal family. Every shred of her personality has left her and she has become a deadpan broken soul. The only time she ever shows a shred of personality was when she used to recite the tales of Wyrmian heroes to the royal children when they were young. Bio: Before the rein of Queen Artemis Everhart, the land belonged to a proud, yet peaceful race known as the Wyrms. They lived in harmony alongside Dragons in a symbiotic relationship. As dragon blood ran through a Wyrmian, they possessed the ability to communicate with dragons as well as their mastery of the fire element and millennium long lifespan. But their peace was not to last. Artemis sought to claim the land for herself, and claim it she did. A fierce war broke out, but in the end the wyrms were all but one. A princess, by the name of Alys was spared by the now queen, but it was no mercy. Made a trophy slave, Alys now walks the lands her ancestors once ruled proudy over, in chains, a mere plaything of Reaper. The dragons that remained became savage, and now roam the lands with an unquentiable thirst for the blood of demon and man both. Looks: |
Oct 20, 2013 10:47 AM
Brones said: Approved but if anyone questions your character's rank I have no say in the matter.(Edit because awesome demon on dragon war is awesome) Full name: William Brigand Alias: The kingslayer (This is what everyone both recognises him as and calls him) Age: 37 Gender: Male Species: Human what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Citizen Rank: Knight Commander Weapon: (The sword that killed the Wyrm king) Personality: Stern, no nonsense and serious, The kingslayer is as rigid as his blade. Being the young lords and ladies' hand to hand trainer since they were children, William developed an over the top level of over protectiveness towards them. This is partly why he is so ruthless in battles and is the main reason why he harbours such a deep hatred towards the rebels. Bio: Despite his noble upbringing, William chose the life of a knight over the lavished lifestyle he was entitled to as a birth-rite. But make no mistake it was not in pursuit of following some moral code. Will became a knight for one single reason: fighting. Ever since he was a child, Will had an unhealthy obsession with violence. Knighted at the age of seventeen on battlefield, his loyalty was sworn to Queen Artemis. Having been born into an upper class family, Will was raised with the principle of ruthlessness as a virtue. In his earlier years, he would always have been defined as a cocky, callous and full of himself. He never cared for the plights of others as long as it had nothing to do with him, although he has been shown to have a soft spot for the royal children. Following the war against the wyrms, William was offered the position of Commander of her future kingdoms army having slain the king himself. Leaving his childishness on the battlefield that day, Will accepted and has since guarded the family and their people with his life, having adopted a more suitable attitude towards his life. His latest and ongoing concern is the growing rebellion forces, a ight he must quench in order to uphold his duties to protect his king, queen and country. Looks: |
Oct 20, 2013 2:08 PM
Full name: Neil Everheart Alias: None Age: 22 Gender: Male Species: Demon what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Citizen Rank: Prince Weapon: A cane that opens into a long sword. Likes: Attention, order, companionship, spending money on unnecessary thing. Dislikes: Being alone, uncleanliness, anything that isn't in order and understandable. Personality/Bio: As a boy, Neil was often ostracized by his peers due to his short temper and frail appearance. In an attempt to strengthen his often transparent resolve, he was forced to undergo training in fencing and sword brawling, which he excelled in after much persistence. However, what he gained in physical talent, he remained without in emotional composition, lacking the social skill and tact expected of a prince. These tendencies led to his being left out of many family events and gathers of his peerage. As a result, he spent most of his youth cavorting with the royal slaves, forcing them to play games with him and reveling in the interesting tales that they had to offer. As he grew older, he became more irritable around the slaves he once held as friends, learning to despise all but a select few of them due to their inability to, as he would put it, "Maintain an adequately cleanly environment". Above all else, he fears the loss of the few people he thinks of as friends (a short list inclusive of a handful of slaves and his own family), but lacks the emotional compass to properly express his value of them, or his lack thereof for himself. Looks: |
Oct 20, 2013 2:24 PM
Ghost-Lightning said: ApprovedFull name: Neil Everheart Alias: None Age: 22 Gender: Male Species: Demon what are you? citizen or a rebel?: Citizen Rank: Prince Weapon: A cane that opens into a long sword. Likes: Attention, order, companionship, spending money on unnecessary thing. Dislikes: Being alone, uncleanliness, anything that isn't in order and understandable. Personality/Bio: As a boy, Neil was often ostracized by his peers due to his short temper and frail appearance. In an attempt to strengthen his often transparent resolve, he was forced to undergo training in fencing and sword brawling, which he excelled in after much persistence. However, what he gained in physical talent, he remained without in emotional composition, lacking the social skill and tact expected of a prince. These tendencies led to his being left out of many family events and gathers of his peerage. As a result, he spent most of his youth cavorting with the royal slaves, forcing them to play games with him and reveling in the interesting tales that they had to offer. As he grew older, he became more irritable around the slaves he once held as friends, learning to despise all but a select few of them due to their inability to, as he would put it, "Maintain an adequately cleanly environment". Above all else, he fears the loss of the few people he thinks of as friends (a short list inclusive of a handful of slaves and his own family), but lacks the emotional compass to properly express his value of them, or his lack thereof for himself. Looks: |
Oct 20, 2013 6:49 PM
Full name: Nara Yamada Alias: Arctic Rose Age: 19 Gender: Female Species: Human what are you? citizen or a rebel?: rebel Rank: Second Lieuteant Weapon: katana Likes: snow, learning, and drinking Dislikes: Being sober, heat, and idiotic people Personality: She's a Thaumaturge and she likes to act the part. She's mostly cold hearted, except when she's drunk then she's somewhat kind or calm. Bio: Nara has always hated the queen, she has no interest in following her orders. She's is the first person in her family to be a rebel. Her goal is to be strong enough to kill the queen. Looks: shop or house?:(optional) looks:(optional) |
Oct 20, 2013 6:49 PM
DarkThornReaper said: ApprovedFull name: Nara Yamada Alias: Arctic Rose Age: 19 Gender: Female Species: Human what are you? citizen or a rebel?: rebel Rank: Second Lieuteant Weapon: katana Likes: snow, learning, and drinking Dislikes: Being sober, heat, and idiotic people Personality: She's a Thaumaturge and she likes to act the part. She's mostly cold hearted, except when she's drunk then she's somewhat kind or calm. Bio: Nara has always hated the queen, she has no interest in following her orders. She's is the first person in her family to be a rebel. Her goal is to be strong enough to kill the queen. Looks: shop or house?:(optional) looks:(optional) |
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