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Aug 26, 2013 9:47 PM

Aug 2009
I feel this show is really lacking direction. Now the objective of the Gatchaman is supposed to be to stop these aliens from attacking, yet Hajime wants to make friends with them and I'm guessing thats whats going to happen by the end of the series, but honestly how are we supposed to believe that they want to be friends when supposedly Berg-Katze is representing them and hes going around kissing(so pretty much sexually assaulting) people and randomly attacking them too. He also manipulated Rui by taking advantage of GALAX to make even more problems with the crowds. Plus like a lot of the characters in this show hes super obnoxious, mocking Joe when they're fighting by repeating his move names and just being a jerk in general when hes hanging around Rui.

At the same time though, the anime has shown that none of this matters as Hajime has already managed to tame (I would say enslave though) one of the Mess things. There are also other aliens in the show including Paiman, who honestly no one takes seriously despite him being their "commander" (probably because he sounds like a 4 year old and is a small panda) and ofcourse JJ who is really more an observer if anything. If he really was an observer though, than why would be put together the Gatchaman team? If he knew Hajime had an erratic personality and reveal their existence to everyone why even bother with Amnesia effect in the first place? Honestly whats the whole point of this show? Couldn't JJ just stop this whole "alien invasion" thing by himself? Why does he have to rely on this odd group of people to fight the aliens and why would he introduce Hajime into the group if he knew she wasn't even going to attempt to "fight" the aliens.

The other characters in the anime that can be considered "normal" are Joe , who really we don't know much about aside from hes kinda emo and doesn't talk much. Kinda sad when the emo guy is "normal"; and Sugane who I honestly care more about than Hajime. Hes trying to help her out and give her advice and she just doesn't care, she would rather do her own thing.Also he has to deal with her annoying crap all the time. She doesn't listen to orders, and she doesn't respect anyone on the team. Yeah she "cares" about them. She listened to Utsu's problems and gave really generic and honestly useless advice "it's all okay" really? Thats all you can say to your friend thats having these serious problems? Speaking of Utsu, shes more of a trope than anything. Just a standard Kuudere and they decided to give her an annoying catch-phrase because why not right? Really having a catch-phrase that you often say instead of actual dialogue is not funny or cute, it's just lazy and dumb. Also who told her it was okay to wear lingerie all the time?

Then theres OD, pretty much just an eccentric effeminate dude who acts as a mother figure and can't transform. He honestly doesn't serve much purpose aside from adding another grating high-pitched voice to the cacophonous medley that is Gatchaman's VA cast. Then theres Rui... yeah alot of people in this anime seem to be gender-confused. Really this isn't a bad thing and it's not a bad theme to explore. The problem is they never actually talk about it or show any sort of recognition of gender roles or how they effect people in this anime. It's just there, without any sort of explanation, just because it's a popular trend in anime these days (cross dressing that is). Anyway hes actually one of the better characters, because he actually wants to help people and pretty much turns around from being a 'supposed" villain to more of a victim.

This brings me to my biggest problem in the anime... Hajime. Now I don't deny that Hajime understands a lot more than she lets on. This is the problem though, she has no excuses for her behaviour. For example she seems to know Rui's true identity when she mentions he looks better without make-up. Yet does she tell any of the other members about this? Nope, keeps it to herself, because she feels like it. Also like I mentioned above she reveals the existence of Gatchaman without bothering to consider how it might effect the other members of the team or the operation. Wasn't the whole point of Amnesia effect so the regular people don't find out? Why even introduce the concept in the first space is Hajime is just gonna reveal it to everyone? Not only that but she doesn't respect any sort of authority, she doesn't care about the law or her superiors. She just does whatever she feels like without considering how it might effect other people. Shes always happy, she never stops smiling and she thinks that most things in life are "kawaii". Talk about one dimensional. As if that wasn't bad enough she has some sort of dialect that is just really not easy on the ears and she does that thing where you add some sort of suffix at the end of your sentences...

Lastly the cg.... I don't like it. Why does everything mechanical have to be cg these days? what happened to good ol' handrawn animation? Did people just forget how to do handrawn vehicles and mechas nowadays or are they just really lazy? No I'm not saying the fights look bad... when they actually start fighting something. For a sentai fighting anime theres really not too much combat in this.

Anyway, overall with all this stuff is really just hindering my enjoyment of the show. I know a lot of it is pretty trivial and subjective and some people really like these "rebellious" characters, but usually if they go against society this much they have some kind of plan and lofty ideals about how it should be. Hajime has none of this, she just acts the way she does, because she feels like it. She always gets her way and no one chastises her for it. Atleast not in a way that her mind can comprehend. Someone seriously just needs to smack some sense into this bitch.
LoneWolfSep 8, 2013 2:46 AM

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Aug 27, 2013 1:36 PM
Jan 2013
Aug 27, 2013 1:41 PM

Jan 2013
Don't you be hating on ma bro Hajime!
Aug 27, 2013 4:50 PM

Oct 2009
I know bro, I can't stand long rants too.
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Aug 27, 2013 4:54 PM

Jan 2013
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Aug 27, 2013 5:54 PM
Feb 2009
Tl;DR: I'm old and hate anything new and different
Aug 27, 2013 8:57 PM

Aug 2010
I feel you, this show would be more interesting if it had a better cast of characters. I'm not saying they're terrible, just nothing out of the ordinary, and that's bad for a series like Gatchaman crowds which has such an extravagant premise.
I probably only care about Sugane, which is my favorite so far since he's actually centers on what he does.
Aug 28, 2013 9:10 AM

Oct 2012
I love the characters though :<
Also, I honestly have no idea where you're getting that Hajime wants to befriend all the enemies, when in episode 2 she clearly attacked the MESS until she discovered that they mean no harm. Hajime will fight Berg, I can pretty much guarantee that and are you seriously complaining about Berg Katse (the bad guy, the evil alien who wants to destroy the world) being a jerk?

I doubt that Hajime even intentionally revealed herself to the world either, I mean, how was she supposed to know the camera's were even there? and the only reason she removed her helmet was so she could have a face-to-face chat with Rui.
KoybzAug 28, 2013 12:52 PM
Aug 28, 2013 2:22 PM

Aug 2009
@MakiseChristina- Your older than me =/

Like I said a lot of what I wrote can be considered trivial and subjective. That being said it's very hard to sympathize and otherwise care about these characters. A lot of the appeal for most people is that they're "eccentric", but honestly I don't think that really matters anymore, considering there are a consistent amount of eccentric characters in pretty much every anime these days, considering the majority that are coming are comedies and eccentrics pretty are the bread and butter of those. This show is not a comedy though, infact I'm not even sure what it is. It's not a sentai fighting show for sure, considering how little fights there are. It's just a bunch of eccentric characters trying to be more obnoxious than the next.

Yes, I'm complaining about Berg being obnoxious, you don't have to be an obnoxious jerk to be a villain. You can just go ahead and kill the person or fulfil your plan. You don't have to go around molesting people and mocking them. It's not like he even seems to have a personal vendetta against humans or any of the Gatchaman. Hes just a jerk because he feels like it, he has no motivation. This is exactly the problem with the other characters. The characters have no motivation for what they do. How am I supposed to care and sympathize with the characters when they have no clear purpose.

Also why did Hajime need to take off her mask to talk to Rui? More than that why the hell does she need to be face-to-face with him to talk? Did she not care that she would be revealing Gatchaman to the world and the problems it might cause for her team mates? This is exactly why I don't like her character. She never takes these things into account she just does things on a whim, because she feels like it and doesn't consider how it might affect other people. I honestly can't imagine working with someone like her, I'm surprised they even still keep her on the team. She isn't a team player and she doesn't listen to anyone on the team.
LoneWolfAug 28, 2013 3:58 PM

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Aug 31, 2013 3:12 PM

Nov 2011
I'm able to stand it, but I'm sort of on the edge. A review says it takes getting passed the first episode to really experience the anime, which is true for the plot, but not so much for the characters as I felt Hajime just became more and more 'eccentric' the farther I went in.

The characters are beginning to mold a bit better, but as we only have 4 episodes left, I don't know if it will give them enough time for them to really become that great. I mean, for awhile there we had Hajime being over-eccentric and seems to always be hyped up on caffeine, Sugane who walked with a stick up his ass(strict like a samurai I suppose), a leader who isn't much of a leader and so-on. The only real stand out characters to me are OD and Joe(Although he just seems to be more mysterious, I don't even know why he's considered an MC when he shows up less than OD), I'm waiting to see what these last 4 episodes will bring though, Sugane is finally loosening up a bit but I'm still trying to warm up to a few of the characters.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Sep 2, 2013 3:04 AM

Dec 2008
op you are a really boring person aren't you

also did you really just call hajime a bitch and call rui "gender confused" god you're terrible
lynbeeSep 2, 2013 3:23 AM
Sep 3, 2013 1:12 AM

Aug 2009
I'm not sure how wanting characters to have common sense makes me a boring person =/

Hajime is indeed a bitch. She doesn't consider how her actions will effect other people and she doesn't respect anyone in the show. Not only this but the way that people react to her is just unrealistic. If normal people had to deal with such an eccentric person they'd easily be annoyed with her personality and distance themselves from her. Shes obnoxious and loud and selfish, pretty much the definition of bitch. Not to mention in the newest episode how the media and public reacted to the fact that were are Gatchaman and aliens. You really don't think there would be any sense of panic or paranoia? Everyone is just completely normal, acting like nothing ever happened.

Theres a reason why this kind of stuff doesn't get revealed in most shows. People would freak out if they knew there were aliens and alien technology. There should be military and government agents coming after them and interrogating them in small rooms. Yet none of this happens. It's this kind of unrealistic portrayal that keeps me from really enjoying this show. Also I'd consider anyone who crossdresses gender confused... is there another word for it? Gender ambiguous? Transvestite? It's the same shit man.

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Sep 5, 2013 7:47 PM

Feb 2013
At first, I didn't like Hajime. I found her annoying. But now I think every character has a nice personality, including Hajime. She's adorable.

Sep 5, 2013 9:40 PM

Dec 2008
dude could you stop calling hajime a slur just cuz you don't like her/her behavior cuz that's really really disgusting

also lol wearing clothing doesn't mean you're "gender confused" i'm pretty sure rui is very certain about their own gender pal.
Sep 5, 2013 9:59 PM

Sep 2012
As long as I read the very first sentence in the first post, I know there is a big problem - Lacking in direction? I think the direction of the series is pretty focused. And reading it more about how Hajime is a bitch only reinforces the perception that the poster sees the show in twisted way that suits his preferred way to interpret a show rather than what most of us (and how the staff intend us) see. Such a pity that he actually wasted time not only watch a show that clearly he fails to understand and also fails to enjoy, but wasted even more time writing diatribes to trash it and its characters LOL
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Sep 6, 2013 8:54 PM

Aug 2009
Why does anyone write anything on a public forum? I simply wanted to get my opinion out there, because the characters in this show genuinely annoy the fuck out of me and I was curious to see if anyone felt the same way; or better yet if anyone had any valid point to convince me otherwise. The whole point of this forum is for discussion right? Well considering the lazy BS responses I'm getting like "tl;dr" and "don't be hating", it's obvious people don't give a shit.

As for direction, I think it's a lot clearer now than it was when I first wrote the post. In terms of themes the show has a lot going for it. Deconstruction of the sentai genre, effects of social media on modern society/communication in general. It's just the way it's going about it, that makes me unable to enjoy the show. The characters lack motivation and they're efforts to make me care about them just have less and less effect each time. In the most recent episode Hajime gives the Gatchaman's phone number to the public and doesn't bother taking any of the calls and leaves everything to Paiman because shes busy eating. He's getting calls from reporters and event planners and is visibly struggling to sort out her mess, but she obivously doesn't care. Are you seriously telling me you want to be the guy that has to deal with that shit?

Also are you honestly telling me someone that someone who cross-dresses on a regular basis isn't gender confused? Objectively he knows he's in a man's body, but theres obviously something in his subconscious that makes him want to appear as a female, despite his gender at birth. Go outside and count the number of men dressed in woman's clothing and with make-up. Unless you live in the red light district, I imagine that number is very small or non-existent. This is ofcourse considering you can tell the difference, or maybe they're just really good cross-dressers lol. Better yet, why not just go outside and crossdress yourself? Theres a reason people cross-dress and it usually isn't just because they "feel like it". Unlike the characters in this show -_-
LoneWolfSep 6, 2013 9:09 PM

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Sep 6, 2013 8:59 PM

Dec 2008
ahahahahaha no, just, no dude. just. never talk about gender variant people ever again ok? in fact do me a favor and just. never talk. ever. again. thanks.
Sep 7, 2013 4:13 AM

Apr 2010
battosai-01 said:
In the most recent episode Hajime gives the Gatchaman's phone number to the public and doesn't bother taking any of the calls and leaves everything to Paiman because shes busy eating. He's getting calls from reporters and event planners and is visibly struggling to sort out her mess, but she obivously doesn't care. Are you seriously telling me you want to be the guy that has to deal with that shit?

You failed to keep in mind that Hajime is extremely smart and doesn't do things without thinking.

Notice how Paiman handles all the calls without tact which is precisely what is needed but also he is not a moron and can recognize if the call is actually important.

Also notice the alternatives: Utsu answering the phone. OD answering the phone. Sugane answering the phone. Joe is not mentally capable of doing anything yet.

Sure Hajime could answer the phone herself but she has to solve Berg's riddle or do you believe the others have the mental capacity to solve it?

Next, notice how she pushes Paiman to the camera. Remember his guilt about abandoning the 2 of them? Remember how he always hesitates to make a decision? Remember how he is afraid of Berg? Guess why she make him speak to the camera?

Then notice WHEN Haijime jumps in. Think about why. Whats so bad if she doesn't jump in at that point in time.

If you always dismiss Hajime as an airhead, then you'll never get her character and reasoning. If you do understand that she has intellect and empathy and is emotionally stable, then you need to actually think about what she is REALLY doing.

As can be seen, explaining just 1 part about Hajime's actions take a lot of words. Its not particularly surprising others aren't willing to do it especially since it will become obvious if you actually spent time thinking about it rather than having people explain.
Sep 8, 2013 2:14 AM

Aug 2009
No one would need to answer the phone if she didn't give their number out in the first place. Honestly what purpose did that serve? To let people know they're not interested in interviews and public appearances? Didn't they literally do just do a public appearance and interview in the last episode? Even if shes not interested any more she could have easily just said so during her interview. More importantly shes putting the whole team in danger by giving our their number. With the right technology you could easily trace they call and find out where they are. Do you think no secret/government/military organizations are interested in getting their hands on the Gatchaman devices? They give you freakin' mecha bird themed armor instantly. I imagine they would atleast be interested to see how the technology works. Also it seems you've forgotten Paiman is an alien and Utsu can instantly heal people. Despite whatever moral or ethical concerns there may be, it's almost guaranteed that there are scientists out there who are willing to cut those two open. Honestly what is the life of a little girl and a tiny panda alien thing, compared to medical and scientific advances for all of mankind?

If Hajime is as "extremely smart" as you say do you honestly think she wouldn't have thought of any of this? It's like the whole team missed out on the whole "With great power comes great responsibility" memo. Speaking of responsibility, where the hell are any of the characters parents? Most of the cast is over 18, so I guess they get a pass, but what about Hajime and Utsu? Even if they're over 18 don't you think they're parents would want to have a talk with them after seeing that news broadcast? Talk to them about wtf they're doing with their lives. Why they're fighting aliens in bird armor instead of focusing on their careers. I imagine Sugane especially would have strict parents, considering he seems to be the most strait-laced member of the team. I'm not even sure if I want to know the people that raised Hajime, because they were obviously doing something wrong. As for Utsu I have no idea, her age in her profile says 15(estimated) so maybe shes also an alien or something? What happened to the MESS that Hajime tamed, did they just leave it to run around the base? How do they know it's not a double agent or something?

Another problem in this show is we really don't know much about the characters. There are no flashbacks and very little backround information given about how the characters grew up and how they became who they are. I won't go as far to say theres a lack of character development, because the characters are developing to some extent, especially Rui and Paiman as you pointed out. The show is still airing as well so, who knows if we will get some in the future. Like I said before, the show has good themes, but when actions that are supposed to have negative consequences don't, there is an obvious problem. I know Japan is more of a reserved/non-confrontational society, but don't you think there atleast 1 yakuza/yankee type person in that city that wouldn't tolerate her loud obnoxious personality? Literally no one in this show gives her shit for how she acts. Everyone just goes a long with her ideas and no one opposes her (aside from Joe who doesn't show up for the interview). Her actions have no negative consequences and become justified in the end for the sake of plot convenience. Yeah it may make sense within the logic of the show, but if you try to apply any real-word logic to it, it instantly falls apart.

@lynbee- Look I'm sorry if I offended you, but honestly you shouldn't be getting offended because of fictional characters. I understand this sounds a little hypocritical coming from a guy that wrote multiple paragraphs about why I don't like the characters, but I think you need to learn how to deal with people who have different opinions than your own. There are millions of people on the planet (about 7 billion to be exact) and it's very likely that many of these people are going to have a different opinion than you. Instead of getting frustrated and more or less telling me to STFU, you should present your own opinions in a way that would make me think otherwise. Use logic, reasoning and examples from the show. Or if your too lazy/ don't care, just ignore me. Don't come at me with these half-assed responses though. Also like I said they're just fictional characters, I'm annoyed at them for ruining an otherwise decent show with interesting themes, but I'm not going to call other people terrible or disgusting because they don't agree with me.
LoneWolfSep 8, 2013 3:04 AM

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Sep 8, 2013 7:01 AM

Apr 2010
battosai-01 said:

Really long. I'll answer in points. Simpler and faster
i) Wanting to attack some beings with much higher technology with lower technology
ii) Amnesia effect
iii) Hajime phones her mother in an episode
iv) Nothing is known about the rest. Hence nothing can be concluded.
v) Where the mess is, is not relevant. They can easily pop up later as part of the solution
vi) Mess are in multiples. If they wished harm, the would have attacked enmasse.
vii) Hajime is female. Males attacking females are instantly laughed at.
viii) Flipside, apparently loud and obnoxious people are regularly attacked in real life. I know several. They haven't been attacked. Why?
Sep 8, 2013 4:23 PM

Aug 2009
i) We fear what we don't understand, plus they could easily kill them with snipers or kidnap them. As for the alien characters, Paiman is a 3ft bear thing and yeah I doubt they could catch JJ though.
ii) Didn't they abandon that whole concept after she revealed their existence to everyone? Even if they used it on an individual person, they would just need to ask someone else, because everyone knows now.
iii) Missed that my bad, I doubt they talked about anything actually important though, like why shes in the Gatchaman team and why they do what they do.
iv) Thats my problem, they don't give enough background information on the main characters
v) I'm speaking specifically about the MESS that Hajime "tamed" and brought back to the base. Do you really think its smart or responsible to have one of the enemies your organization has been fighting for years loose in your home base? The other team members are okay with this? I would imagine atleast Joe and Sugane who have actually been fighting them would take issue with this.
vi) First of all I'm not sure what you mean by "attack" are you talking about physical violence? I was implying more of a harsh scolding, threatening or manhandling at the worst. Also "Males attacking female are instantly laughed at"... again I'm not sure about the context your referring to, but physical and sexual violence against women is a huge problem is many countries and in no way should be regarded as a laughing matter. In Japan alone 33% of married Japanese women suffer from domestic violence and an even more of these crimes go unreported. 1289 cases of rape have been reported in Japan as of 2010 and likewise many sexual assault go unreported. I imagine so many of these cases go unreported, because they would bring shame to themselves and their family, this is only an assumption based on my limited understanding of Japanese society though. Do you realize how offensive it is to all these victims to say males attacking females is laughable?
vii) I'm pretty sure the people you know have the common sense to quiet down when in the presence of people who look dangerous (people who look like they could be affiliated with gangs, people with mental conditions, homeless people who don't have anything to lose etc.). I doubt Hajime even has this amount of common sense though, since shes always always happy all the time. They could have atleast one scene where she like reflects on her actions or explains her reasoning; but nope too busy being a genki-girl.
LoneWolfSep 9, 2013 2:56 AM

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Sep 11, 2013 11:02 PM

Apr 2008
Yes, Hajime is not the type of characters I usually enjoy watching and get attached to. Keeping up with her is tiring to the point of annoying sometimes, but does that really make her a weak character or even a bitchy one? no I don't think so.
Generally, in anime and any fiction, I think every character can be interesting if presented well, no matter how dull/annoying/bitchy they my seem or even be. Having that in mind, I think it's really hard managing to fairly present characters in a 12 episode anime with a not-so-simple story, not many can pull that off.
Sep 12, 2013 4:32 AM

Sep 2012
hajime is annoying

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Sep 15, 2013 1:43 AM

Oct 2009
Now I just remember of who Hajime reminds me of, Lisa (risa) from MMO PSO2..

The type that looks harmless and cheerful all the time, but she might shoot you from the back just for the feel of it. Btw, she was voiced by HanaKana.

My impression of Hajime is quite like this.
If a character seems to never get mad, it means they were mad all the time.
Despite all that, I still like her character, I dunno, manic pixie girl is charming in its own way.
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Sep 27, 2013 11:11 PM

Jun 2008
I think you're taking the show way too seriously..... o-0 It's meant to be a fun and harmless show so there is no depth into this at all. While the characters may not be seemingly look all that likable or even leave any impressions at all, it's really fun to watch them. At least, that's how i feel. Hajime didn't strike me as an annoying character and she's not even halfway close to what i've seen in other anime but i do think she is a very eccentric person. At times, while she seemingly understand the way the world works, she can easily disregard all the stereotypes and prejudice towards anything and treat all the same. She never get mad or angry or even pissed. Just a very hyper person and always see the positive side of things rather than the negative side. She kind of reminded me of what i used to be like and we even share the same birthday and age~! o-0 Her reactions toward the things around her is what makes it interesting for me to watch. One of the things that i like about the show is the OST and the atmosphere. It feels very light hearted and fun and it gives off the same feel as FLCL for some reason and that's exactly the way i feel.
EstherellaSep 27, 2013 11:15 PM
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Dec 29, 2013 6:33 PM

Mar 2012
OP, i feel your pain. You're fighting a losing battle with this thread, real talk. Honestly, I think this anime's plot far trumps its characters easily. I actually like quite a few of them and, like you, Hajime is the only one that sticks out like a sore thumb. She doesn't annoy me as much as some anime characters have, cause at least she's happy and a nice person. But, she's the kinda suffocating nice person who does it to an illogical degree. And mind you, this wouldn't bother me if this was an anime like Muromi-san where every character is eccentric or weird in some way; the nature of Crowds makes me feel like Hajime's just breaking all the rules cause 'motto kawaii desu ka' or whatever and that really bothers me. I still enjoy the anime and honestly Rui felt more like a main character to me. But Hajime as is doesn't seem to have much depth or reasoning at all. I usually LOVE main characters to a fault, but for the life of me I can't bring myself to like Hajime one bit. Also, funny how she preaches so much about 'there must be a reason for why people are like that' yet she never explains why she's like she is. If there was a valid reason I'd like to know, cause it'd make her character more relatable.

Btw, like OP this is my OPINION. This is how i PERSONALLY feel. It's not a prescriptive case, it's not a value judgement, it's a subjective viewpoint. That is all.
JusticeSoulTunaDec 29, 2013 7:00 PM
Twitter: @JusticeSoulTuna
Wordpress: JusticeSoulTuna
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I'm literally JST everywhere
Jan 4, 2014 1:37 PM

Jul 2008
first 2-3 Episodes they are mah to bad thin WOW

i think it part of the show idea any way

the idea of the show is OLD way Vs. NEW way
old way is anime like Gatchaman, anime about heroes save the day and nothing happen in the end of the episode (Amnisia Effict)
NEW way, is the CRAWD and GALAX, AKA Realstic , now with Internet and sites like Facebook and twitter human can do great thing be working togather AKA Crawd

these is why the Gatchaman characters are SterioTyps but the idea is thy will go out of that shill and be open to the world .

and in the end both way is right but i wrong to be the only way, Heroes must work with the Crawds

but it just what i think of the show
Jan 14, 2014 9:07 AM
Oct 2012
Very late to this thread, but just watched the series, and wanted to add my two cents.

For those who think that Hajime is an airhead, or a bitch, or selfish, really need to stop wasting their time on fiction aimed at anyone older than six, because it is wasted on you.

Hajime is the antidote to the real enemy of this show: cynicism. That is why she is so joyfully optimistic, far from bitching and whining about their duty, or about the state of the world, or about the need to change, things, Hajime knows that the world isn't the horrible place that people believe it to be, and she has the courage to face this cynicism and in doing so enables people to rise about their own pettiness and become true heroes.

Far from being an airhead, she was the only one who actually listened to what everyone else was saying and thinking about (from JJ's okoans, BK's riddles, the first alien's real intent, as well as the personal issues each member of her team had (which she figured out from the first episode)).

Far from being a bitch, she actually saves everyone in the show from their worst enemy: themselves. Pai Pai from his fear, OD from his shame, Jou from his self loathing, Sugane from his own misguided sense of duty, and Utsutsu from her self hatred. Her collage club was built to help to help the various public servants get over their petty internecine fighting and remember to put the public first. Everything she did had the purpose of helping other people from the start.

As for selfish. Explained above you realize that she isn't, but to add to this, the ending is pretty simple. BK feeds on negative emotions, what defeated him was that everyone put aside their pettiness and decided to just have fun. But you can never "defeat" negative emotions, people will always have them, so what Hajime did at the end was to, in a sense, imprison BK in herself. That was what the phone call to her mother was about. That no matter what happened SHE would not give into self-hatred, she would always remain the same. As long as that is true than BK can be contained. So in short Hajime took on the responsibility of protecting humanity, as the true hero she is should.

Far from being an "insult" to the original, this was an extremely faithful adaption. Once you realize who the true enemy was, then everything makes perfect sense.

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