Jan 13, 2009 1:27 AM
According to Yumiuri Online, Kids Station officially responded to South Korean Netizens' request to cancel the airing of "Axis Powers Hetalia". They said "We didn't know there has been a protest in South Korea. However, no Korean character will show up in the anime." Netizens in South Korea has been claiming that Hetalia manga is insulting Koreans and conducting a protest campaign to collect signatures. Ref. The Korean character in Hetalia manga Source: Yomiuri Edited on Jan 15th================== Korean Congresswoman States "Hetalia anime is a criminal act" At a diplomacy council of South Korean Congress, a congresswoman Jeong Mi-Kyeong stated that Japanese animation Hetalia was considered to be a crime on a private level. Source: |
freedo-May 22, 2009 11:51 AM
Jan 13, 2009 1:32 AM
Jan 13, 2009 2:18 AM
Maybe they should just not read it, then they wouldn't have to fucking complain. |
Jan 13, 2009 3:45 AM
Gah, they're acting like petty little brats, its not like they are the only nation being poked fun at =/. Sheesh they're all suffering from anal retention just because of a fictional character like that. Don't like, don't read, don't watch, simple as that. On the bright side, by removing Korea the other nations can have more time in the Hetalia anime then. |
Jan 13, 2009 3:54 AM
Jan 13, 2009 4:17 AM
Sheesh, good to hear this issue is settled somewhat. It was sure noisy enough in the korean blogosphere since the last few days when someone wrote about introducing Hetalia how Korea was being portrayed as such in it. To be frank, I myself didn't feel really nice about it either as a Korean. Srsly, if you just think about it for a moment, who would not become enraged when some other country would make fun of your nation... especially when it's a country that you've been ruled over by for some decades. PS: Setting the independence day as the Laborers' day was a BIG mistake IMO. :P |
Jan 13, 2009 4:29 AM
Jan 13, 2009 5:29 AM
Who will be the Fool to China's Straight Man now? |
Peace through Superior Firepower! formosan said: Are you using some kind of advanced logic I don't know about? Have you decided to assign new meanings to English words? Are you just intentionally burning a straw man and knowing full well that you're changing the subject and misrepresenting a claim? |
Jan 13, 2009 6:50 AM
What the. I'm not sure what should Italy say then XDD. Being made fun goes for all for them >.> Jeez. I always thought Korea was cute :< |
Need to make new sig. Soon. Maybe. |
Jan 13, 2009 7:31 AM
Oh, for Christ's sake. Not more fuel for the wank. What part of SATIRE do people not understand? *facedesk* |
Jan 13, 2009 7:49 AM
kimatg said: Sheesh, good to hear this issue is settled somewhat. It was sure noisy enough in the korean blogosphere since the last few days when someone wrote about introducing Hetalia how Korea was being portrayed as such in it. To be frank, I myself didn't feel really nice about it either as a Korean. Srsly, if you just think about it for a moment, who would not become enraged when some other country would make fun of your nation... especially when it's a country that you've been ruled over by for some decades. They make fun of EVERY country that was on the map during WWII America France China Germany Heck even Japan makes fun of Japan Why would that anger you?it's not like the manga was made to make fun of Korea don't be so self-centerd that you can't see that it makes fun of everyone |
Jan 13, 2009 8:04 AM
chryseis said: poor Korea ._. even his own country hates him. XD Anyway, reaction is kind of childish. They make fun of everything, and isn't that the reason why we love Axis Power Hetalia? |
Jan 13, 2009 8:13 AM
Oh jesus, and the whining starts about how countries are portrayed in a webcomic (now show) that revels in parody and stereotypes (and quite well too.. love it!). I thought Korea was kinda cute. Actually, they all are.. even if they are stupid, kinda crazy, kinda violent.. still cute as a button. |
Jan 13, 2009 8:16 AM
Jan 13, 2009 8:24 AM
Jan 13, 2009 8:52 AM
I am half Korean so I felt the need to post here. I'm not familiar with Hetalia since I just started to read it because I'm fascinated by WWII. It is true they are making fun of everyone so South Korea should just take a good innocent joke and have fun with it, and I agree to this. I this it's funny how they stereotype the countries and it's cute they don't mean to be hateful went they do. But in general Koreans are bitter about WWII and Japan likes to deny things they have done like Nanjing and Comfort Women. Plus not to long about the whole Shinzo Abe thing didn't help much. So I think that's why I think they're getting their panties in a bunch. |
Jan 13, 2009 9:30 AM
Jan 13, 2009 9:58 AM
D8 But..Korea is cute~ x Lmao. Surely of all the countries to complain it should be Italy. As hilarious and lovable as little Itaria is, I think I would be a bit miffed if my own country was portrayed like that. As it is, I love the fact that England is a pompous, stick-up-the-ass, tsundere bitch to America type character ^^ But it's satire. These things shouldn't be taken seriously for god's sake. Korea will be missed. |
Jan 13, 2009 10:34 AM
This is like child protection agency demanding ban of anime because a child is in it... This is like feminism groups protesting because women are wrongly portrayed in an anime... This is like koreans protesting because a satire show is portraying koreans the way most westerners imagine them oh wait.. |
Jan 13, 2009 1:21 PM
Very funny! I am certain that the manga Hetalia had no intentions to insult South Koreans, but rather that it is merely a work of fiction. It is outrageous that people are protesting over a fictional character. Besides.. There won't be a Korean character in the anime. Hetalia seems to be a very interesting anime and I am happily looking forward to it. :) |
Jan 13, 2009 1:58 PM
Scud said: Maybe they should just not read it, then they wouldn't have to fucking complain. honestly. oh well, too bad for koreans |
Jan 13, 2009 2:36 PM
I understand that Korea's reaction is COMPLETELY immature, but what gives you guys the right to say this?: Sohei said: Scud said: Maybe they should just not read it, then they wouldn't have to fucking complain. honestly. oh well, too bad for koreans Scud & Sohei, I'm pretty sure you've both complained about something utterly stupid. |
Jan 13, 2009 4:16 PM
Hetalia sounds like a series I would instantly hate. >_> |
meh ( .-.) |
Jan 13, 2009 4:27 PM
some people really need to get a sense of humor about things. Life is absolutely hilarious if you think about it. why do they have to take it so seriously? :s one good thing came out of this stupidity. I hadn't heard of this manga/anime and now i have and ill be sure to watch the anime when it comes out because it sounds pretty cool. |
shinigamidonoJan 13, 2009 4:34 PM
Jan 13, 2009 4:46 PM
No Korea...?! BLASPHAMY! But that sucks. Take a chill pill, Korea. ): |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Jan 13, 2009 6:15 PM
Jan 13, 2009 6:34 PM
Jan 13, 2009 6:41 PM
Although Japan and South Korea seems to be the closest in Asia, yet whenever something trivial like this manga joke for example, a small number of South Koreans get all fired up and make a huge fuss over it. This isn't the first time that it happened.. The minority of South Korea should learn from its majority, chill out! |
Jan 13, 2009 7:25 PM
peacemaker406 said: Korea was one of the victims in Japanese rampage on Asian continent. (More like the Asian version of the Holocaust) And Koreans STILL sensitive on the issue of being mocked at in stand point of WWII. ESPECIALLY when it is directed by the Japanese. Know some f**king history before you reply to anything you f**kin d**s*its. There is a REASON why the HUGE masses of Korean netizens rose up against this issue. Don't take it wrong ppl of MAL. I'm only directing this at the a**holes who thinks Koreans have issues for rising up like this. He's got a point there right. (though I wish he could have written it without all the swearing...;;) We Koreans all have different opinions and attitudes about the past toward Japan. Some are more open towards the Japanese culture when some are not. But as long as he's Korean, I'm pretty sure that nobody would disagree with the fact that things Japan did to our nation was HARSH during the colonization period. That's probably why Korea is more sensitive to WWII than any other nation, when it's not only Korea that's being made fun of. I bet nobody knew about the fact that there was a similar uproar among some netizens when Code Geass started airing. It was about the fact that Japan was being portrayed as the one "ruled over," as if putting themselves in place of Korea during WWII. ...but I too think that was taken way too seriously. ~_~;; |
Jan 13, 2009 7:51 PM
Ridiculous... |
![]() |
Jan 13, 2009 9:09 PM
Hello, another Korean here. I have not yet read Hetalia (But, Studio DEEN is one of my favorite anime studios, therefore I will pick it up in the near future) While I do understand why some of the Koreans might have been against the character portrayal as it is still regarded as a sensitive topic. I do not support or oppose the character 'Korea' being depicted in the anime. But, more importantly, I don't see why there should be flaming against Korean for wanting their depiction out of Hetalia anime even though Japanese studio already have agreed to do so in respect for the Korean protesters. |
Jan 13, 2009 9:16 PM
Flyleaf said: I'm sure I have, but that doesn't mean that they aren't complaining about something stupid. My complaints don't hold the power to change an anime. There is a big difference between me complaining and a large group of people complaining.Scud & Sohei, I'm pretty sure you've both complained about something utterly stupid. |
ScudJan 13, 2009 9:25 PM
Jan 13, 2009 9:33 PM
Give the extra screen time to Sealand. They won't care. Korea wasn't even really a focus ever. Which brings up another point.. some complainers aren't very familiar with the source material. Not only is it all in good fun, but some strips are more time ambiguous. It's not all about WWII. For example, Sealand, which wasn't founded until after WWII, is running around (with an awesome hat). Such serious business. |
Jan 13, 2009 9:47 PM
Just so people know, there are still some minorities who are extremely sensitive about WWII topic in Korea after what Japan has done to them (things like comfort women). It's likely that some minority group of people started to protest and complain that Korea is made fun of at and that information just kind of influencing other people, many of them who are not familiar with the show (thus not knowing that other countries are also made fun of). A lot of Koreans are quite nationalistic and WWII is still very sensitive topic as far as I know because there are still living people who have endured extreme hardships during the war. All countries have different cultures and beliefs so please do respect that at least. |
Jan 13, 2009 9:50 PM
shinkeikaku said: Sealand is adorable. Approved. Give the extra screen time to Sealand. They won't care. Korea wasn't even really a focus ever. Which brings up another point.. some complainers aren't very familiar with the source material. Not only is it all in good fun, but some strips are more time ambiguous. It's not all about WWII. For example, Sealand, which wasn't founded until after WWII, is running around (with an awesome hat). Such serious business. If I'm correct, there's a Prussia too, right? Which is similar to the Sealand thing. (Hetalia noob here sorry if I'm wrong) |
Jan 13, 2009 10:01 PM
peacemaker406 said: I see a lot of fucking bullshits these 14 year-olds are putting up as a reply. These kids apparently do not understand how biased their fuckin point of view is. Korea was one of the victims in Japanese rampage on Asian continent. (More like the Asian version of the Holocaust) And Koreans STILL sensitive on the issue of being mocked at in stand point of WWII. ESPECIALLY when it is directed by the Japanese. Know some fucking history before you reply to anything you fuckin dipshits. There is a REASON why the HUGE masses of Korean netizens rose up against this issue. Don't take it wrong ppl of MAL. I'm only directing this at the assholes who thinks Koreans have issues for rising up like this. I am afraid you are the one who doesn't get it. we are here because we are Anime fans. Anime is for the most part fantasy and entertainment. I don't want to see any of the political bs make its way here. They are sensitive to it? fine. they don't have to watch it. no one who watches this and is in a sane state of mind will think less of Korea due to the contents of a made-up Anime show that was produced to provide entertainment. There is enough blunt in-your-face racism in this world to be insulted by. Another important thing to note about the current hatred of Koreans towards Japanese is, It's a bunch of people to young to have been alive when these offenses were occurring who are pissed off at a bunch of people to young to be alive to have done the offending. I am not saying forget your history. I am however saying: Chill! There is no reason to be insulted by this show. Get over yourself. |
shinigamidonoJan 14, 2009 6:02 AM
Jan 13, 2009 10:05 PM
OverChasm said: Hetalia sounds like a series I would instantly hate. >_> Never been a big fan of culture bashing, m'self. But this is quite an overreacting. I'm also curious to see it now that I've read this topic. |
![]() Old avatar and sig retired for now. |
Jan 13, 2009 10:24 PM
windy said: Yes, there's a Prussia. I had to check my book to remember him ^_^;; (which has a nice profile listing of everyone). There's a Taiwan too and they certainly had their run-ins with the Japanese around WWII times as well.Approved. If I'm correct, there's a Prussia too, right? Which is similar to the Sealand thing. (Hetalia noob here sorry if I'm wrong) |
Jan 13, 2009 10:28 PM
I would say Koreans shouldn't make such a big fuss cos this is Japan you know >.< even though if we really did have a bad history with Japan and a lot of Koreans wouldn't like Japan as a country cos of that T__T but still it's just an anime/manga ~ not worth it really :P |
Jan 13, 2009 10:30 PM
Why as korean even mad ? at least they got into the dang thing, wheres the luv for canada D: |
Jan 13, 2009 10:37 PM
Jan 14, 2009 2:00 AM
Jan 14, 2009 3:03 AM
Which is undestandably enough given the history, but then Germany/Preussia is mocked aswell, now you don't see me throwing a fit over that (im german). Its all been in the long long past, so who cares really.. (Ok, BAD comparision, i know history ;p) Anyway, I understand why the uproar is, still anime is anime... not like anyone is gonna like korea more or less based on this. But if this was a PR-Stunt then it was well executed, because i hadn't heard of this anime either. Oh well ;p |
Jan 14, 2009 3:24 AM
Boo freaking hoo Korea Seriously you should grow up My Grandfather is a holocust survivor and one of my favorite mangas is Hellsing that has the wholel Nazi army half way through the manga till the end One of my favorite Hellsing characthers is Rip Van Winkle and she was a Nazi Believe me Jews had it tough and we still do with how a lot of the world view us but so freaking what?if something is good I will read/watch it if something is funny but offensive I will still laugh because it's freaking funny My point is Hetalia is a gag manga it's like Azumanga Daioh with countries and I wish it had more countries (I am waiting for a little Israel to come up and that the mangaka will make fun of because I am sure it will be funny) Will you ban Azumanga Daiou if Osaka was Korean? |
Jan 14, 2009 4:56 AM
Ah qq and keep playing sc |
[url=]![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jan 14, 2009 6:20 AM
whiteday26 said: Japanese studio already have agreed to do so in respect for the Korean protesters. That's a mistake of fact. They didn't have the intention to show korea from the beginning, not in response to the protest. Koreans got mad at nothing. |
Jan 14, 2009 6:32 AM
Look, I don't think it's so much that Koreans can't take a joke as it was a Japanese mangaka that invoked it. Because since it's a Japanese, the insinuations will be seen differently or, actually are different. In reference to the history lesson on the previous page, Japan used to occupy Korea and committed heinous war crimes during it's occupation and they haven't yet apologized, which one could construe as a non-recognition of them. Thus, anything pertaining to the issue is obviously very touchy, if brought up by a Japanese, no? I highly doubt they'd get this fired up, should it be an American comic artist who was penning this instead as the context wouldn't have been the same or rather, seen the same by the Koreans. Some mentioned, "But hey! Japan was also making fun of other countries too." Well, to be fair, Japan wasn't the one who did anything to most of those other countries nor haven't apologized for what they did. I do agree that the Koreans are a bit overboard in demanding the anime to be axed. They could have just insisted, at the most, for Korea to be removed which Japan decided to. Anyhow, Japan isn't going to be canceling the anime series no matter. thirdlc said: whiteday26 said: Japanese studio already have agreed to do so in respect for the Korean protesters. That's a mistake of fact. They didn't have the intention to show korea from the beginning, not in response to the protest. Koreans got mad at nothing. dtshyk, can you clarify? Did the Japanese themselves never had any intention to feature the Korean character or they axed it out because of the Korean protest? |
KeiraJan 14, 2009 8:52 AM
Jan 14, 2009 7:24 AM
Keira said: Actually, there is a China and even Taiwan character. Both have "rough" histories with Japan.Some mentioned, "But hey! Japan was also making fun of other countries too." Well, to be fair, Japan wasn't the one who did anything to most of those other countries nor haven't apologized for what they did. As to the post above me, I wouldn't be shocked if Korea wasn't ever going to show up. Korea was a minor character amongst the minors. |
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