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Jul 27, 2013 9:31 AM

May 2012
Long arc.
Isayama Hajime should be awarded The Manga with The Highest Inconsistencies of Characters' Appearances.
He keeps performing multiple plastic surgeries on those Shingeki No Kyojin characters in a SINGLE chapter.
Yes, I've read up to the latest chapter of Shingeki No Kyojin manga.
Forced myself to read through the kidsketching chapters after the anime's ended. At least from now on, I only have to go through the hell once a month.
Patiently awaiting SNK TV/movie/OVA anime-sequel.
The 2015 SNK live-action movie would probably suck.
Jul 27, 2013 9:38 AM

May 2013
Index sighting!

Good episode.
Jul 27, 2013 9:58 AM

Oct 2009
Finally it ends, some of the best works of JC yet.
Back to SoL, hope it won't last long..but yesssssss more Frenda!!!
Jul 27, 2013 10:18 AM

May 2011
I was expecting a little more from the arc conclusion, but it was still pretty nice. Definitely a fantastic rendition of the Sisters arc, I enjoyed every moment of it. Outstanding job, J.C. Staff!
Jul 27, 2013 10:28 AM

Jul 2013
Became intense during the first half then a comedy in the 2nd half

For those who watch the index series, is it similar in the railgun series but different perspective? Cause tbh I only watch the index version for several episodes and decided to put it on hold until the railgun s is finished.

And another thing is that i wasn't engaged on the index series until this season came out amazing.

I'll put on a marathon day for index though.

Jul 27, 2013 10:29 AM

Mar 2012
There goes a great ending to a great arc. I'm still dumbfounded at the fact that JC Staff was able to direct and animate something this good. I have high hopes for the next story arc, Liberal Arts City. Until then, let us enjoy a couple of weeks of SoL to wind down from this high tension arc.

My only hope is that they do as good a job with WWIII in Index (IV I assume) as they did with this arc.

Barion-Zara said:
I would've really liked if they adapted the Railgun SS1&2 from the LNs.
Lessar animated FREAKING WHEN???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sadly, no Lessar until Index III. Lessar making her debut would have been awesome.

Although, I am annoyed they cut this part from the manga

On another note, next episode, the cookie baking and some Frenda.
(Also known on other places as Hiss13)

All hail the adorable chess master!
Jul 27, 2013 10:36 AM

Aug 2010
CreationBreaker said:
I have high hopes for the next story arc, Liberal Arts City. Until then, let us enjoy a couple of weeks of SoL to wind down from this high tension arc.

Was it confirmed that they're doing Liberal Arts?
Jul 27, 2013 10:39 AM

Apr 2010
So the arc of which we knew the ending is over but what will happen next looking forward to it.
A shame we didn't get to enjoy Index bothering Touma mercilessly but i guess we will get to see that in Index three again.

We also didn't get to see the frog doctor this entire season i am starting to miss him hope he makes a appearance soon.
He is probably brewing up his next plan for modifying Touma's body to the ultimate shounen hacks.
Jul 27, 2013 10:43 AM

Aug 2009
Barion-Zara said:
CreationBreaker said:
I have high hopes for the next story arc, Liberal Arts City. Until then, let us enjoy a couple of weeks of SoL to wind down from this high tension arc.

Was it confirmed that they're doing Liberal Arts?
Hints.Hints everywhere.Even some words from the second Op along with some scenes from the video(hotels and sea) make it seem like it is a planned to be animated.
Aversa said:
So the arc of which we knew the ending is over but what will happen next looking forward to it.
A shame we didn't get to enjoy Index bothering Touma mercilessly but i guess we will get to see that in Index three again.

We also didn't get to see the frog doctor this entire season i am starting to miss him hope he makes a appearance soon.
He is probably brewing up his next plan for modifying Touma's body to the ultimate shounen hacks.
As if.Let me tell you a secret
Jul 27, 2013 10:50 AM

Jan 2008
The swing part was hilarious. Misaka even facepalm'd. Everything after was just as humorous.

Guess this means we'll be seeing less of Touma now...?
PaulJul 27, 2013 11:49 AM
Jul 27, 2013 10:55 AM

Mar 2013
The scene which stood out the most for me in this episode was the Background Monologue of Accelerator, how they handled it was superb.
Izayoi’s personal philosophy is “To suppress and control both the strong and weak.”
Jul 27, 2013 11:07 AM

Mar 2013
"Touma Kamijou is the greatest hero of all time." Well, at least that's what I like to say :P based on my own experiences of watching anime for at least 2 years....
So, basically, to sums it up, Misaka is a tsundere >:D
Anyways, a certain nun makes an appearance....for at least 3 seconds though..
Jul 27, 2013 11:10 AM

Apr 2010
Jul 27, 2013 11:47 AM
Dec 2009
imo, JC Staff can do whatever SoL, fanservice-filled arc they want to now. They did such a superb job with the adaptation, that they've earned it.
Jul 27, 2013 12:02 PM

Feb 2012
Great end to the arc.

Let the SoL begin!
Jul 27, 2013 12:08 PM

Aug 2008
Eh, this ending was a little bit too anticlimatic for my taste. The fight lasted too short, and the epilogue to the arc lasted too long.

Also, I feel like Accelerator is mentally retarded. He should have already known from the previous episode that he's no match for Touma in a hand to hand combat, but he can easily destroy Touma using projectiles. So what does Accelerator do when he sees Touma standing up? He decides to charge full speed at Touma instead of launching debris at him. I'm a little disappointed in him.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Jul 27, 2013 12:22 PM

Mar 2012
guyklc said:
Eh, this ending was a little bit too anticlimatic for my taste. The fight lasted too short, and the epilogue to the arc lasted too long.

Also, I feel like Accelerator is mentally retarded. He should have already known from the previous episode that he's no match for Touma in a hand to hand combat, but he can easily destroy Touma using projectiles. So what does Accelerator do when he sees Touma standing up? He decides to charge full speed at Touma instead of launching debris at him. I'm a little disappointed in him.

Accelerator was not exactly in the best of mental states at this point. Put yourself in his shoes for a bit.
(Also known on other places as Hiss13)

All hail the adorable chess master!
Jul 27, 2013 12:50 PM

Feb 2008
Probably the best episode of this series, though I didn't really understand the point of the Index cameo.
Jul 27, 2013 1:19 PM

Aug 2010
ssjokg said:
Barion-Zara said:
CreationBreaker said:
I have high hopes for the next story arc, Liberal Arts City. Until then, let us enjoy a couple of weeks of SoL to wind down from this high tension arc.

Was it confirmed that they're doing Liberal Arts?
Hints.Hints everywhere.Even some words from the second Op along with some scenes from the video(hotels and sea) make it seem like it is a planned to be animated.

Do u have any links for the video scenes ur mentioning?
Jul 27, 2013 2:07 PM

May 2010
Wow the episode ended off really well!

"See you around Misaka"
Jul 27, 2013 2:37 PM

Oct 2012
lololol...the misaka sisters are just too awesome
Jul 27, 2013 2:49 PM

Dec 2009
Epic! And I want more romantic moments! x3
I'd be amazing if they become a couple but I wouldn't be surprised if it never happens with this kind of (shounen-like) story, you know what I mean.
Jul 27, 2013 2:52 PM

Feb 2013
Accelerator got owned twice in CQC
so of course he thinks he can get a half dead touma with more CQC
I thought he was suppose to be a genius. Why can't he kick more pebbles?
Jul 27, 2013 2:53 PM

Sep 2011
What a great way to end a fantastic arc<3. J.C Staff can do anything they want now IMO, but I was still hoping for some of the next arc in Railgun manga to be adapted. As long as I get my Misaka<3
Jul 27, 2013 3:06 PM
Nov 2008
guyklc said:
Eh, this ending was a little bit too anticlimatic for my taste. The fight lasted too short, and the epilogue to the arc lasted too long.

Also, I feel like Accelerator is mentally retarded. He should have already known from the previous episode that he's no match for Touma in a hand to hand combat, but he can easily destroy Touma using projectiles. So what does Accelerator do when he sees Touma standing up? He decides to charge full speed at Touma instead of launching debris at him. I'm a little disappointed in him.

think for a bit bro, acc was controlling almost all the wind in the city to produce that ball, he even said that he couldn't use the wind to anything else. By that he probably meant that he couldn't use the vector change in anything else besides himself, that is why he charged at touMAN.

Plus, he wasnt in his best mental state.

really great episode, way better than the one in index 1. Looking forward to the SoL episode =)
Jul 27, 2013 3:06 PM

Jan 2013
There better be follow through on the romance, or this will suck
Jul 27, 2013 3:07 PM

Jun 2011
RightToLeft said:
Accelerator got owned twice in CQC
so of course he thinks he can get a half dead touma with more CQC
I thought he was suppose to be a genius. Why can't he kick more pebbles?

You do remember last episode that the last shrapnel attack Accelerator used on Touma was dodged and got him the hardest punch in the face of that episode right? Accelerator used projectiles in the fight as well they were massive steel beams and Touma managed to dodge, do not underestimate Touma's ability to dodge and read attacks but i will leave it at that since anymore will be going into spoilerish territory.

Though yes Accelerator was not thinking that clearly and was somewhat stubborn about crushing Touma in CQC since Touma breaking through was like a challenge and a mark on Accelerators pride. You could see at the end of the fight when Touma stood up that it shook Accelerator and made him falter Touma really shook Accelerator up in many ways.
DragoonDeusJul 27, 2013 4:56 PM
Jul 27, 2013 3:08 PM

Jul 2010
Epic conclusion to the fight. He broke his freaking finger and busted his face on last time. To think he still had the strength for that. Accelerator on the other hand, was mentally exhausted.

So Mikoto did make Touma self made cookies afterwards, but she couldn't even give them in the end since her tsun mode was still in control. Her little bit of dere in the end was too cute. It's gonna be a while before she'll be honest with her feelings though. ^^

And so this is the end of the sisters arc. Next episode doesn't seem like it's any arc in particular (I did spot Frenda though), but it won't be long before we'll be seeing (that annoying) Misaki again.
OnyxthegreatJul 27, 2013 3:15 PM

Jul 27, 2013 3:15 PM

Aug 2009
Barion-Zara said:
ssjokg said:
Barion-Zara said:
CreationBreaker said:
I have high hopes for the next story arc, Liberal Arts City. Until then, let us enjoy a couple of weeks of SoL to wind down from this high tension arc.

Was it confirmed that they're doing Liberal Arts?
Hints.Hints everywhere.Even some words from the second Op along with some scenes from the video(hotels and sea) make it seem like it is a planned to be animated.

Do u have any links for the video scenes ur mentioning?
dadihu said:
guyklc said:
Eh, this ending was a little bit too anticlimatic for my taste. The fight lasted too short, and the epilogue to the arc lasted too long.

Also, I feel like Accelerator is mentally retarded. He should have already known from the previous episode that he's no match for Touma in a hand to hand combat, but he can easily destroy Touma using projectiles. So what does Accelerator do when he sees Touma standing up? He decides to charge full speed at Touma instead of launching debris at him. I'm a little disappointed in him.

think for a bit bro, acc was controlling almost all the wind in the city to produce that ball, he even said that he couldn't use the wind to anything else. By that he probably meant that he couldn't use the vector change in anything else besides himself, that is why he charged at touMAN.

Plus, he wasnt in his best mental state.

really great episode, way better than the one in index 1. Looking forward to the SoL episode =)

what do you mean?
ssjokgJul 27, 2013 4:53 PM
Jul 27, 2013 5:05 PM

May 2013
Lol when accelerator's fingers broke. I find clone misaka more attractive hahaha than the original misaka Lol i guest new opening and ed next ep
Jul 27, 2013 5:15 PM

Jul 2013
That background monologue of Accelerator was nicely done... and when Touma broke Accelerator's fingers OUCH! also Misaka's tsundere moment at the end with Touma :D
Perfect arc ending, I hope we'll see more of Touma in the next episodes too.
Jul 27, 2013 5:28 PM

Sep 2011
xin09 said:
Lol when accelerator's fingers broke. I find clone misaka more attractive hahaha than the original misaka Lol i guest new opening and ed next ep
Thats cause she is emotionless and would probably do a lot more than Misaka is willing to... Nosebleeds
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Jul 27, 2013 5:52 PM
Mar 2013
Infinity/10. Too lazy to repost my episode review. But let's just say I thought it was perfect.
Jul 27, 2013 6:04 PM

Dec 2012
Pity we didn't get to see Index munching off Touma's head a bit after the hospital scene :|
"Only one with the courage
to shoulder the burden
of their own fate can
be called a hero.."

Jul 27, 2013 6:29 PM
Oct 2012
Finally, after 6 drawn out episodes the sisters arc is over (counting from vending machine point onwards). I wouln't have minded it so much if they actually followed Misaka's point of view but honestly most of these 6 episodes were more from Toma's point of view and we basically already saw that in the Index counterpart (which had better pacing imo).
Jul 27, 2013 6:34 PM

Aug 2009
musica123 said:
Finally, after 6 drawn out episodes the sisters arc is over (counting from vending machine point onwards). I wouln't have minded it so much if they actually followed Misaka's point of view but honestly most of these 6 episodes were more from Toma's point of view and we basically already saw that in the Index counterpart (which had better pacing imo).

Who cares about proper writing and development right?
Btw we SAW what Misaka was doing.Unless if you wanted to see more scenes of her moping or walking on sidewalks.Which was what she was doing during most of the later part,after the Tree Diagram ep.

Lol at the pace part.
Jul 27, 2013 6:49 PM
Oct 2012
ssjokg said:

Who cares about proper writing and development right?
Btw we SAW what Misaka was doing.Unless if you wanted to see more scenes of her moping or walking on sidewalks.Which was what she was doing during most of the later part,after the Tree Diagram ep.

Lol at the pace part.

I never really cared for the sister arc and yes, i would have rather seen her moping around and seeing her friends speculations about what was bothering her than see -yet again- Toma's part in resolving this arc.

The pacing of the sister arc was fast in the Index series but i'd prefer fast pacing over something we already seen than to see it again but drawn out. Maybe i was the only one who actually wanted to see the sister arc over (in the railgun series) so that we could see new things with Misaka and her crew
Jul 27, 2013 6:53 PM

Jan 2011
FRENDA ! wooo didn't think we would see ITEM again so soon
Jul 27, 2013 6:56 PM

Sep 2011
musica123 said:
ssjokg said:

Who cares about proper writing and development right?
Btw we SAW what Misaka was doing.Unless if you wanted to see more scenes of her moping or walking on sidewalks.Which was what she was doing during most of the later part,after the Tree Diagram ep.

Lol at the pace part.

I never really cared for the sister arc and yes, i would have rather seen her moping around and seeing her friends speculations about what was bothering her than see -yet again- Toma's part in resolving this arc.

The pacing of the sister arc was fast in the Index series but i'd prefer fast pacing over something we already seen than to see it again but drawn out. Maybe i was the only one who actually wanted to see the sister arc over (in the railgun series) so that we could see new things with Misaka and her crew

Eh. Thought its good to see fresh material, its good to see a mistake rectified into an enjoyable segment. The Sister's arc in the Index Anime was like Instant noodle, fast and tasteless, I didn't give a shit about it at all.

Railgun S, is like that thick, flavorful and detailed Tonkotsu soup that takes hours to brew~ But the satisfaction you get when you finish it just can't compare.

Having mistakes in directing in the past changed is great!
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Jul 27, 2013 7:04 PM

Jun 2011
musica123 said:

The pacing of the sister arc was fast in the Index series but i'd prefer fast pacing over something we already seen than to see it again but drawn out. Maybe i was the only one who actually wanted to see the sister arc over (in the railgun series) so that we could see new things with Misaka and her crew

The first season of Index which was what the sister Arc then was from aired back in 2008 it is now 2013 which is a more than a large enough gap for this to retold and rather differently and so much better, it is not like it aired last year or it is the endless 8 or something. They did tell it from Misaka's point of view this time hell did you forget about all the previous episodes involving destroying labs and ITEM? they also showed things from Accelerators point of view at times and fleshed him out more as well (which is good for Railgun only watchers because we wont get his meeting with Last Order). They told the complete and full story this time and did the fight how it was actually meant to be shown unlike the index anime fight which is rather different and quite lacking in comparison. The animation, OST, composition and pacing were all better the VA was top notch with Misaka's VA pulling off something truly moving on the bridge scene, everything was just better. Also i seem to remember the Accelerator fight lasting 2 episode in the Index anime and the bridge taking up a whole episode as well so what are you on about?

This arc is the best thing we have ever gotten out of the Raildex animes and you complain about it? Confirmed for shit taste and goes to prove people will always complain no matter what you do, poor JC Staff they really pulled it off this time and still can not please everyone.
Jul 27, 2013 7:39 PM

May 2012
Sweet... but too bad she did not give the cookies. And Kuroko! I miss her. Glad this arc ended. Overall a very good arc.
Jul 27, 2013 7:46 PM
Oct 2012
Slicer22 said:

The first season of Index which was what the sister Arc then was from aired back in 2008 it is now 2013 which is a more than a large enough gap for this to retold and rather differently and so much better, it is not like it aired last year or it is the endless 8 or something. They did tell it from Misaka's point of view this time hell did you forget about all the previous episodes involving destroying labs and ITEM? they also showed things from Accelerators point of view at times and fleshed him out more as well (which is good for Railgun only watchers because we wont get his meeting with Last Order). They told the complete and full story this time and did the fight how it was actually meant to be shown unlike the index anime fight which is rather different and quite lacking in comparison. The animation, OST, composition and pacing were all better the VA was top notch with Misaka's VA pulling off something truly moving on the bridge scene, everything was just better. Also i seem to remember the Accelerator fight lasting 2 episode in the Index anime and the bridge taking up a whole episode as well so what are you on about?

This arc is the best thing we have ever gotten out of the Raildex animes and you complain about it? Confirmed for shit taste and goes to prove people will always complain no matter what you do, poor JC Staff they really pulled it off this time and still can not please everyone.

well, if you actually read my original post, you'd see that im counting from the vending machine point on-words. I consider everything from lab destruction pre-sister arc...lets face it, when sister acr is mentioned, I'm not thinking of Misaka vs ITEM. I think of Toma vs Accelerator.

Therefore, as ive said, i consider Misaka destroying labs as pre-sister arc and count the sister arc starting from the vending machine point on-words. See, i understand and appreciate the build up, but the build up and the main event are NOT the same thing. Misaka destroying the labs is a build up to the sister arc. Now who's the one with shit taste that can't distinguish two different things.
musica123Jul 27, 2013 7:49 PM
Jul 27, 2013 8:11 PM

Jun 2011
musica123 said:

Well, if you actually read my original post, you'd see that im counting from the vending machine point on-words. I consider everything from lab destruction pre-sister arc...lets face it, when sister acr is mentioned, I'm not thinking of Misaka vs ITEM. I think of Toma vs Accelerator.

Therefore, as ive said, i consider Misaka destroying labs as pre-sister arc and count the sister arc starting from the vending machine point on-words. See, i understand and appreciate the build up, but the build up and the main event are NOT the same thing. Misaka destroying the labs is a build up to the sister arc. Now who's the one with shit taste that can't distinguish two different things.

What in the actual fuck are you going on about? The whole reason Misaka was destroying labs and being attacked by ITEM was because of the sisters this was the whole driving force for her since episode 6. The sister arc has started ever since episode 2 and you truly are a retard if you even try and deny that, it can not be considered anything but the sister arc what else could it be? The very first scene of episode 2 is a flash back to Misaka as a young child being convinced to give access to her DNA map the very reason for the sisters creation in the first place. Get this through you blind head episode 2-16 is the sister arc it is not even up for discussion it is fact there is no pre-sister arc there is simply the sister arc which like you tried to deny earlier was told from Misaka's point of view, this is where the sister arc starts from Misaka's point of view which is the entire point of this Railgun adaption of the sister arc.

You complain you wished it was from Misaka's point of view but you then say "oh the sisters arc is only from the vending machine" you just contradict yourself and ignore the very sister arc from Misaka's point of view itself. You just pretty much said only Touma's part is the sister arc then say you wished it showed it from Misaka's perspective which it did from the vending machine point on as well it just showed you Touma's point in certain scenes as well which were taken from the Index novel. They blended the Railgin Manga and Index novel very well from the point when Touma got involved.

To spell this out for you one more time because apparently someone whacked you with the stupid stick. MISAKA'S point of view of the sisters arc starts from episode 2 and her point of view is continued to be shown even after the vending machine episode all the way to the end of the arc but it also shows Touma's and Accelerator's point of view at times as well to give more depth and because they blended the manga and the novel. Touma vs Accelerator is just the climax of the arc hell it was the climax back in the original index novel as well there was always more to the arc than just Touma fighting Accelerator if that is all you ever took from it then it is your fault for being that shallow.
DragoonDeusJul 27, 2013 8:16 PM
Jul 27, 2013 8:19 PM

Sep 2011
Peten00b said:
Pity we didn't get to see Index munching off Touma's head a bit after the hospital scene :|

You are joking right? That was one of the most IRRITATING part of the Index Anime, Index herself.

I'm not really into biting unless the girl is vampire
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Jul 27, 2013 8:50 PM
Nov 2010
I thought this series really ended this part well. I was kinda dissapointed when she didn't give the cookies though. Didn't anyone else find the two sister's playing on the swings and guessing who was older super cute? x333 I can't believe she faked a laugh! xDDD hahaha and even though u could tell from a mile away it was gonna be heartwarming it was still cute. =3

Does anyone else think that Mikasa looks absolutely sexy with long hair? xD zomg. x.x *reviews episode flashbacks* xD
Jul 27, 2013 8:55 PM

Jul 2008
Okay JC, you delivered so much with this first half that you can do whatever you want with the remaining episodes and I won't even be mad.
Jul 27, 2013 9:01 PM
Mar 2013
Paul said:
The swing part was hilarious. Misaka even facepalm'd. Everything after was just as humorous.

Guess this means we'll be seeing less of Touma now...?
why you asking? you were hoping for more touma or something? if you were then pretty much he won't show up much now and to be honest i think im satisfied with the amount of screen time he had since well he was just amazing this adaption.
Jul 27, 2013 9:34 PM

Jun 2009
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 27, 2013 9:59 PM
Mar 2013
People are complaining so much or liking it so much... (lol). I gave this an infinity. Here's why because I want to make it clear. The music or lack of it this episode was amazing.

2. Accelerator had some pretty visible character development here that was really nice. He's obviously at fault, but he noticed that at the end of the fight, something that wasn't apparent in the Index version.

3. Touma's presence here was actually pretty good. I normally like Touma. I argue that this animated version of Touma: "Biri-biri Touma" is a nice version of him. He's probably going to be a lot more like this in future arcs if he shows up (I'm saying this as a Light Novel reader...)

4. The visuals were amazing in this adaptation. It tells a full story and it really has some great information that richly complements Index season I. Of course you could just watch this and love the Raildex franchise world (even if you only saw the AC part of it...)

5. J.C. staff has really done some amazing quality scenes recently and are trying to show that Railgun and Index are related franchises even if you hated one, they are trying to make you like at least one of them... I think both of them are really good... but take your pick at what you like I guess...

6. My 3 favorite scenes in all of Railgun S happened this episode (well excluding one other possible scene...) with Touma getting up, Touma punching out Accelerator, and Mikoto spending time with her sister and talking to Touma as we saw how she seems to be feeling a lot better after everything was over.

7. This was really well done. People can criticize Index biting Touma (which actually annoys me lol but isn't horrible) but this is Railgun, not Index. They're the same franchise, but have very different developments happening. This time Railgun definitely pulled off all stops to make this arc amazing.

8. Even if this arc finished, it still isn't actually done. I'm guessing cookies are next episode and... the after effects of this arc on their friendship still hasn't been explored. It should obviously have an impact on everything from here on out. Now that Mikoto knows she has 20,000 sisters going around the city (I'm talking like a non-LN reader) other people would notice that she has clones. It isn't exactly easy to keep a secret like that if they aren't "employed." This shakes things up a lot for the future and brings some interesting material for future arcs.

9. All of the characters here had some pretty good character development. Even Touma showed that when the moment calls for it, he can call Mikoto "Misaka" (this is the reason I normally call her Misaka lol) because he feels a true emotional connection to her now. This is something nice to see. It is different from how he has been portrayed so far in the raildex anime up until now.

10. With the light of huge spoilerish recent news that came out in Railgun, railgun as a series has a lot more potential and has become way more enjoyable for me even more than before. So I really feel like people should just try to enjoy the ride. I guess some people don't like how it changed its focus. But if you read the manga, the manga was always much darker than the anime. Season 1 manga was pretty dark in comparison to the anime. The anime itself just toned it down in order to attract more fans. Season 2 tried to stay truer to the actual ideas of the story. Some people don't like it, but I think this was a step forward for the series. This more intense type of character development is welcome. Maybe some people only like some of the developments in the show... but either way. This show is characterizing the world made by the author of the franchise and it's not exactly a utopia. It's a dystopia. This season has started to show this truth and finally we've gotten a taste of this. This is why J.C. staff really has stepped up recently and I really respect them.

This is hence why I gave this episode infinity/10

The reason why there is such a backlash to this new season and why newer fans criticize the old season is simply because it toned down what was actually happening. Even Index seasons I and II did this. This season didn't tone anything down. And hence this is why people really appreciate it, it's showing the real heart of the franchise. This can arguably be the more emotional side of what many call a "shonen" franchise, but it's gjust a great arc with a ton of potential, that is fun to watch.
dnivJul 27, 2013 10:04 PM
Jul 27, 2013 10:30 PM

Mar 2012
yeokso said:
Such an amazing episode. It really does feel like they could just end the whole season right here. But I highly doubt anyone here wants that. xD

No, next is Liberal Arts City (after a few SoL episodes).
There's too much material in the Daihaseisai Arc (Railgun ver.) to squeeze into 8 episodes. Not to mention, the arc is nowhere near complete, especially with

dniv said:
Reply (post 101)
Well said, buddy.
(Also known on other places as Hiss13)

All hail the adorable chess master!
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Stark700 - Sep 6, 2013

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Jun 8, 2024 5:38 PM

Poll: » Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S Episode 20 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Aug 30, 2013

105 by whitebeartigtig »»
Jun 8, 2024 5:04 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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