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Jul 6, 2013 8:35 PM

Sep 2012
Oh geez, some Japanese fans in 2ch have been saying she is Cure Ace for some time and I did not take them seriously !!! I should have ....!

symbvJul 6, 2013 8:38 PM
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Jul 7, 2013 3:18 AM

Sep 2012
At least, she's strong.
Jul 7, 2013 2:21 PM

Apr 2008
Cure Ace was absolutely fabulous - her transformation sequence was just leagues above the other girls'. Toei had been conserving their budget nicely for this episode as well, as it was good to see some actual fights involving actual animation.

As for the rest of the episode, I'm really getting tired of Mana being a Mary Sue and having next to no character flaws. Her "dilemma" here barely felt convincing as not being able to save Regina is essentially the same as not being able to help an old lady cross the street. To clarify, Mana wants to help anyone and everyone, and her shounen goal of "I need to get stronger in order to do so" hardly conveyed a character flaw.

I also thought it was a load of bull how the other three Cures struggled with this week's Jikochu, whereas all Mana had to do was yell while untransformed and she could damage them. DokiDoki throws logic out the window once again...or the writers are just dead set on showing how perfect Mana is.

Also, where the heck did Joe go? Did the writers just forget about him now that he's no longer relevant?

Hoping Ace's character will breath some life into this disappointing season. Though it's a bit odd how they're just throwing a Makoto episode in there next week when Ace needs the development more than anyone.

Jul 7, 2013 2:40 PM
Sep 2011
How to run an already ruined series completely into the ground.

1 ) Introduce a new warrior out of flippin' nowhere.

2 ) Make her completely overpowered.


4 ) Everything else this episode did.

The new villains are... interesting for lack of a better word, but we barely know the ones we have so I'm not sure this is necessary.

Father of the year is putting Regina to sleep, probably so she can be awakened later in the show, even more powerful, ala Dark Precure.

Ai-chan pulled a Chibiusa, I guess Joe doesn't want to take care of her any more.

Cure Ace makes me want to barf. With no explanation for who she is and why she's a Precure, it makes me kind of irked to see her lecturing the other Cures like she's better than them. And somehow her voice is ten times more annoying in civilian form.

Mana stop fantasizing about your girlfriend and go fight! Also, seriously? Civilian Ace and Regina look nothing alike, especially since the former lacks the giant ribbon on her head.

Yay the return of manager-lady, and some focus on the other three cures for a chance.

Not much of a fight, just the expected "The three get the stuffing kicked out of them until Mana shows up."

Cure Ace's transformation is flashy, but unnecessarily lengthy at this point. At least Cure Moonlight's was gorgeous AND shorter.

Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh at this point the show should pick up from it's "bleh" period, not nosedive straight into it. I'm legitimately considering dropping it.
Jul 7, 2013 3:41 PM
Apr 2013
I'm still not getting how Aguri ends up looking older than everyone else when she transforms. I need this explained to me.
Jul 7, 2013 3:59 PM
Sep 2011
SlipperyIcicle said:
I'm still not getting how Aguri ends up looking older than everyone else when she transforms. I need this explained to me.

Suite Precure did the same stunt to hide Cure Muse's identity. Of course it's completely pointless and stupid here because at this point her civilian identity is both incredibly obvious, and not even formally introduced yet. We saw her in the preview, it was already completely obvious who she was.
Jul 7, 2013 4:06 PM

Oct 2011
Now this was rushed - actually spliting this episode in two parts would make it great: one part with Mana struggling and other about those two guys. Both parts might have more impact than.
That part when she changed her mood so quickly was weird and gained new strenght (but that was easy to see).
Also that thing Ai-chan did - is Mana's mother related to Nozomi? You know, thinking that little sister is supposed to have wings? That was kind of weird tbh.

Still I just add one point to overall score of this series :) yes, Ace is awesome. I loved her transformation - it was long but looked great, so I don't care.
And maybe someone in Toei remembers that they used to have strong and badass magical girls in this franchise - sure she is not on Black or Dream level, but best since Fresh (not that there was any competition since then).
She doesn't look, so far, as failure of a mentor like Moonlight, knows how to fight, seems nice person - I need nothing more. Ok maybe she should speak less in civil form and more as Ace :)
Also I still think she is the Princess.

regarding Joe: he seems to be busy hiding the Princess. At least that we saw in previous ep... it makes some sense.
Dalek-bakaJul 7, 2013 4:11 PM
Jul 7, 2013 4:17 PM

Apr 2011
Being Mana is suffering...
Jul 7, 2013 4:26 PM

Jul 2012
Don_Don_Kun said:

As for the rest of the episode, I'm really getting tired of Mana being a Mary Sue and having next to no character flaws. Her "dilemma" here barely felt convincing as not being able to save Regina is essentially the same as not being able to help an old lady cross the street. To clarify, Mana wants to help anyone and everyone, and her shounen goal of "I need to get stronger in order to do so" hardly conveyed a character flaw.

I also thought it was a load of bull how the other three Cures struggled with this week's Jikochu, whereas all Mana had to do was yell while untransformed and she could damage them. DokiDoki throws logic out the window once again...or the writers are just dead set on showing how perfect Mana is.

Also, where the heck did Joe go? Did the writers just forget about him now that he's no longer relevant?

Hoping Ace's character will breath some life into this disappointing season. Though it's a bit odd how they're just throwing a Makoto episode in there next week when Ace needs the development more than anyone.


RLinksoul said:
How to run an already ruined series completely into the ground.

1 ) Introduce a new warrior out of flippin' nowhere.

2 ) Make her completely overpowered.


4 ) Everything else this episode did.

The new villains are... interesting for lack of a better word, but we barely know the ones we have so I'm not sure this is necessary.

Father of the year is putting Regina to sleep, probably so she can be awakened later in the show, even more powerful, ala Dark Precure.

Ai-chan pulled a Chibiusa, I guess Joe doesn't want to take care of her any more.

Cure Ace makes me want to barf. With no explanation for who she is and why she's a Precure, it makes me kind of irked to see her lecturing the other Cures like she's better than them. And somehow her voice is ten times more annoying in civilian form.

Mana stop fantasizing about your girlfriend and go fight! Also, seriously? Civilian Ace and Regina look nothing alike, especially since the former lacks the giant ribbon on her head.

Yay the return of manager-lady, and some focus on the other three cures for a chance.

Not much of a fight, just the expected "The three get the stuffing kicked out of them until Mana shows up."

Cure Ace's transformation is flashy, but unnecessarily lengthy at this point. At least Cure Moonlight's was gorgeous AND shorter.

Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh at this point the show should pick up from it's "bleh" period, not nosedive straight into it. I'm legitimately considering dropping it.

Are my thoughts on this episode. Really, how did this season stoop so low?

And I rolled my eyes when Ace took Regina's transformation device away from her randomly. I mean, really? Was the necessary? Obviously NOT if she gets it back in the same episode. And no one tries to fight back or get it back for her? Are you kidding?

Jul 7, 2013 5:46 PM

Dec 2011
RLinksoul said:
How to run an already ruined series completely into the ground.

1 ) Introduce a new warrior out of flippin' nowhere.

2 ) Make her completely overpowered.


4 ) Everything else this episode did.

The new villains are... interesting for lack of a better word, but we barely know the ones we have so I'm not sure this is necessary.

Father of the year is putting Regina to sleep, probably so she can be awakened later in the show, even more powerful, ala Dark Precure.

Ai-chan pulled a Chibiusa, I guess Joe doesn't want to take care of her any more.

Cure Ace makes me want to barf. With no explanation for who she is and why she's a Precure, it makes me kind of irked to see her lecturing the other Cures like she's better than them. And somehow her voice is ten times more annoying in civilian form.

Mana stop fantasizing about your girlfriend and go fight! Also, seriously? Civilian Ace and Regina look nothing alike, especially since the former lacks the giant ribbon on her head.

Yay the return of manager-lady, and some focus on the other three cures for a chance.

Not much of a fight, just the expected "The three get the stuffing kicked out of them until Mana shows up."

Cure Ace's transformation is flashy, but unnecessarily lengthy at this point. At least Cure Moonlight's was gorgeous AND shorter.

Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh at this point the show should pick up from it's "bleh" period, not nosedive straight into it. I'm legitimately considering dropping it.

Personally I don't think it is at the point it is ruined yet.Since I think it's nice to seeing a new warrior come as long she doesn't end up getting shoved off like Rikka, Alice, and Makopi (to an extent). I have to admit I do wanted Regina to be Ace though. Personally I think Aguri looks like Regina with her bangs pulled back and brown hair. I didn't mind Aguri too much. My hopes for Regina at this point is not to pull off a la Dark Precure due to Ace Shot was too powerful or something. I have to say my only issue is Toei showing off Mana a bit too much. I don't think Jikochuu Trio is that underdeveloped.
MitsukiHimekaJul 7, 2013 6:12 PM
Jul 7, 2013 5:51 PM
Apr 2013
RLinksoul said:
SlipperyIcicle said:
I'm still not getting how Aguri ends up looking older than everyone else when she transforms. I need this explained to me.

Suite Precure did the same stunt to hide Cure Muse's identity. Of course it's completely pointless and stupid here because at this point her civilian identity is both incredibly obvious, and not even formally introduced yet. We saw her in the preview, it was already completely obvious who she was.

I get that she's Cure Ace. But if you look closely in the episode you'll see that Aguri is shorter than Mana but when they both transform Cure Ace is taller than Cure Heart. I wish they had introduced Aguri earlier in the season. She's the first late cure that has an entirely new character introduced to the season.
Jul 7, 2013 6:08 PM

May 2013
There are still a lot of open questions about Cure Ace and it doesn't look like they will be answered anytime soon. I agree that the Makopi focused episode next week is kinda random. The fact that Mana mistook Cure Ace's civillian form for Regina makes me curious. How are they related? Oh and Cure Ace's transformation is the best of this season by far, I really liked it.
Jul 8, 2013 2:34 AM

Feb 2012
They have Gluttony in the show now. Other than that, I'm also not too fascinated about this bitch showing up trampling all over the cures and their struggles. Well, someone has to take the cake of being the most annoying precure.
Jul 8, 2013 12:53 PM

Oct 2011
mecharobot said:
They have Gluttony in the show now. Other than that, I'm also not too fascinated about this bitch showing up trampling all over the cures and their struggles. Well, someone has to take the cake of being the most annoying precure.
Actually Mana's action were dumb much earlier but since MakoPi went full retard along the way, Rikka won't stop her friend and Alice is Alice... I felt refreshing to have someone doing this.
Sure she was nasty (not enough if you ask me) but it worked - well at least for next 3-4 episodes.
Jul 8, 2013 5:10 PM

Jun 2009
Well dang, I wasn't disappointed with this episode. I've been enjoying Mana's and Regina's friendship growth arc, so this and the last episode have been breaking my heart. :c Especially since the other girls became friends with her too, arghh! I do agree that the resolution to Mana's struggle felt kinda rushed, yet I'm not too bothered about it.

Cure Ace's henshin is what I've been waiting for. Those dynamic angles, camera movements, use of silhouette, and that Sailor Mars tribute. So visually pleasing… ˘u˘

In regards to Aguri looking older as Cure Ace: Remember Magical Emi and the whole "transform from little girl to older form of herself" trope precedent in older magical girl anime? The silhouette portion of the henshin sequence also backs this up. I think it's pretty awesome of Toei to do something like this for the first time in the franchise.

Pretty sure it's not random for a Makoto focused episode to be next because:
24 - Makoto / 25 - Alice / 26 - Rikka / 27 - Ace explanation of origin, etc.

This episode seems to be the start of Ace being a mentor figure to strengthening all the girls. I wonder if this means the fights will gain a level up after this…? Evidence from that HeartAce combi in 23. ;D
Jul 8, 2013 7:10 PM
Jul 2013
am i the only one that thinks that cure aces attack says "Ace shot perfume"? because when i watched the subs they said "Ace shot boom"
Jul 8, 2013 9:22 PM

Nov 2011
I for one isn't disappoint with the episode, probably because I don't expect much from kids show. I mean really? At this point I don't think they care about logic anymore.

Ace was pretty awesome. Look like they divide Moonlight into two characters. We can expect future battle to create more bigass craters.

Pretty lame that they reveal Ace's identity so soon.

Jul 8, 2013 9:29 PM

Dec 2011
While I'm glad that Regina isn't Cure Ace, introducing a new character into the team isn't sitting well for me. Rikka and Alice (especially the former) haven't gotten much focus as the spotlight is often occupied by Mana and to a lesser extent Makoto, who then got overthrown by Regina. I'm worried that Aguri's presence might make this worse. Imho following this episode up with more character-centric episodes, while this somewhat compensates the lack of Rikkabonding moments/growth, I find this decision weird seeing as it would have been better to explain (or at least leave clues or tidbits of info) on Cure Ace. I'll just wait and see how this turns out.
Jul 9, 2013 1:04 AM
Nov 2008
I wasn't disappointed.
The main problem is that the series is going very fast, that's true, luckily the next episodes are for character development one for each vow.

Last week people wondered how Mana's mother was holding a flying baby with no problem ? Solved easily the same way Chibiusa

Everyone was surprised by the fact we got two more villain ? I wasn't for sure, and I won't be when they will introduce the last two.
We have Ira - Mammon - Bel - Levi - Gula so the only ones remaining are Lucifer/Pride and Asmodeus/Lust

I don't understand why everyone is so harsh with this series, even more considering when it's following Smile-no-plot Precure or comparing many times with Heartcatch but ignoring how the first half was boring as hell
Jul 10, 2013 12:45 PM

Jan 2008
They rush it, they deprive it from logic and don't develop characters properly... and I still enjoy it. My gosh, how I enjoy it.
Ace's attack is quite lame but her transformation? It instantly became my favourite from the franchise. Also, someone asked how it's possible that she's visibly taller than in her civilian form - I think she gets taller in the silhouette part because apart of that (and of course being flashy/pretty), it doesn't serve other purpose.

Sure, there are plenty things they could do better, but I'm still having plenty of fun watching this one. I am curious what will they make out of Ace and I'm also happy Regina didn't become a Cure. It just doesn't fit her character at all for me, even after "friendshipication".
Jul 12, 2013 4:19 AM

Nov 2012
every episode of dokidoki tends to be as bad as the ones before so i've just come to accept its inherent poor quality. that transformation sequence was everything though.
Jul 12, 2013 5:30 PM

Aug 2011
Holy heck! Cure Ace's transformation scene is amazing. It's definitely my favourite of the the Precure and I'm very impressed with her in general. She's so overpowered, it's exhilarating to watch. But just who is she? Where did she come from? I look forward to knowing more about this mysterious Precure.
Jul 14, 2013 1:20 AM

Jan 2008
Calling it now: Cure Ace is actually Ann. Hidden in plain sight. It also explains why she's so strong.
Jul 14, 2013 10:39 AM

May 2010
Dako said:
Holy heck! Cure Ace's transformation scene is amazing. It's definitely my favourite of the the Precure and I'm very impressed with her in general. She's so overpowered, it's exhilarating to watch. But just who is she? Where did she come from? I look forward to knowing more about this mysterious Precure.

CureAce transformation was epic.
Her weapons where lame tho. lol
Jul 14, 2013 5:13 PM

Jul 2010
_Legna_ said:

I don't understand why everyone is so harsh with this series, even more considering when it's following Smile-no-plot Precure

I don't think people realize that this is a children's anime. That's why their so hard on it. I'm not expecting it to be amazing with characters and plot. After watching any of these precure series can anyone seriously go into a new series expecting character development, a good plot or no plotholes? if so your watching the wrong series.
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
How to Watch Bleach Without Filler (Complete):
Jul 14, 2013 7:47 PM

Oct 2011
This episode did feel really rushed. But, I did like Cure Ace's transformation. Fire, ftw?! :D
Jul 25, 2013 7:43 AM

Nov 2008
Still better than Smile.
Dec 21, 2013 8:18 PM

Jul 2008
I enjoyed the episode on the most shallow level. Cure Ace's transformation was amazing, and the fights were fun to watch.

It doesn't really make any sense for this new girl to come out of literally nowhere and be on such a high level compared to the precure that already exist. How does she even know Ai-chan? Who the hell is she?

Mana's depression or whatever didn't have much weight behind it, and she wasn't even "not" a precure for a whole episode. Everything feels rushed and all over the place. But I guess I prefer plot for plot's sake than the endless filler of Smile.

And next episode is some filler about MakoPi ugh.
Oct 1, 2020 8:07 PM
Sep 2019
Ace is everything. The random, completely unexplained appearance, the gorgeous transformation and attack, the “Bakyuun” and “Adieu”, the endless rose petals. And of course the strength (though no one is ever close to Moonlight or anyone from Heartcatch’s level).
Dec 24, 2020 1:29 PM
Feb 2018
The Cures looked insanely nerfed and struggled to the Jikochus except this time Mana wasn't. Nice writing there.

Ai using her magic to make people remember her as Mana's sister? How do you explain the wings though?

Cure Ace's civilian form is cute, but don't Cures usually have the same height as their civilian forms? Ace looks so much taller. Also, what did Mana even see back there, was it one of Aces' magic? Also funny how Mana talked about Regina to Ace in her civilian form like she supposedly knows anything, sure we know she's Ace, but Mana probably doesn't.

How were the people asking for autographs being selfish? They asked nicely, took it well when given a no. They weren't even doing it any someone elses' expense, so yeah I really don't see what's selfish about it.

How did Mana even get the power up? I feel like she didn't and that all the Cures just got nerfed somehow. Cure Ace looking way too strong. If Sparkle Sword doesn't work, how did Heart Shoot work? Aren't they both done by the Arrow?

Yeah this series is not being consistent and logical, used to it from watching Smile but I did have higher expectations. I still enjoy it though, a series being bad won't stop me from enjoying it if it has good parts.
CWCDec 24, 2020 1:35 PM
Aug 14, 2021 7:26 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
I have to agree with all these negative comments here. This is only getting more random, boring, and illogical.

These two new villains look a bit silly, especially Leva.

SerafosFeb 21, 2024 1:01 AM
Nov 19, 2023 11:39 PM
Jan 2021
Ace is such a bitch, I hate her so much. Showing up out of nowhere, acting like she's the boss of the team suddenly and like she's better than everyone else, like she has any right to judge them or take away Mana's powers. I can see now why people hate this season so much. Ace single-handedly ruining things like this. Regina 100% should've become Ace instead.

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