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Jul 1, 2013 5:05 PM

Jul 2012
When I was a small boy, I noticed that "Japanese cartoon" characters all had pointy chins, big eyes, tiny tiny noses and mouths (unless they were yelling), and spoke very fast. I decided I didn't like that and stopped watching them.

...time passed...

...many pages fell off the calender in rapid succession...

...newspapers spun around...

Then a friend of mine lent me a copy of Akira. Woah! That was incredible! I guess those Japanese cartoons aren't so bad.

...more time passes...

...The pile of calender pages on the floor gets to be a problem...

...Those spinning newspapers are making me dizzy...

Toonami and Adult Swim begins. I tune them in for background noise while I steal music on this internet thingy. I often get distracted and watch the anime (I had learned the term by then). After a while the music gets to me and I decide to steal some. The first was Outlaw Star...

You youngsters listen up, this bit is important. In those days, when we weren't working at the quarry on our dinosaurs we were discovering that there was all kinds of wonderful music that was so much better than what the record companies were shoving down our throats.

The evil record companies were horrified. "What? People are listening whatever music they want? That we don't necessarily own, whose musicians are not chained up in our basement? This is terrible! We cannot allow this to happen!" So they formed an evil alliance called The Recording Industry's Assholes Association (RIAA).

The dastardly RIAA sent out their terminator units. Their first target was Napster. The people were defenseless, the carnage was... was... I'm sorry... Give me a minute to pull myself together. I lost a lot of dear friends that day...

The refugees that survived scattered to various places. I ended up in a wonderful place called AudioGalaxy. In this utopia people gathered in small groups based on whatever music, group, band, musician or genera they loved and freely shared that love with like minded others. It was an idyllic existence. Not unlike this place.

During this too brief respite from the recording industry's terrors, I wanted to steal the OP and ED songs for Cowboy Bebop. I found there were great many more CB songs than that and there, at the bottom of the list, was a lively little message board with a group of people excitedly talking about Cowboy Bebop and other shows like GTO and Trigun. I happily joined that group and made many friends, some of which, I still speak with today. They opened up a whole new world of anime for me which I thoroughly enjoy to this day.

But the insidious RIAA was not through...
GrinfilledCeltAug 18, 2013 7:44 PM
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
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Jul 1, 2013 5:14 PM

Jul 2012
Sorry, that was kind of long, but the muse visited me. What was I to do?

So how did you become an anime fan? Embellishments are encouraged. =0)

BTW, that friend who lent me Akira, hates anime. As far as I know Akira was the only anime he ever liked. Now whenever I mention anything about anime to him he just rolls his eyes and tunes me out. Oh well, not much you can do if they don't want to know.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 1, 2013 7:22 PM

Feb 2013
It's been a long time since I said ain't nobody got time for that.

Well I started watching Toonami when I was like 4 and around 2 years ago I just got tired of rewatching the good ol anime like DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin etc so I starting watching new anime. Btw I still rewatch a lot. I never really got into anime as a whole. Back in like 2007 I was watching Naruto on Toonami and I got tired of waiting every week so I started watching it in Japanese subbed online. Don't give a shit whether or not it's anime. Most anime on my list are old Toonami shows. I've known about anime all along unlike most kids that were Toonami fans but once again I don't give a shit about anime as a whole.
The first anime I completed was probably Dragonball.
"I told you. My name's not Kaka anyone."
"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good, nightmare to you!"
Jul 1, 2013 7:52 PM

Jul 2012
Are you kidding, K? For someone who doesn't care about anime, you sure have watched a lot of it.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 1, 2013 9:50 PM

Feb 2013
I shit you not. If I did I'd have completed at least 600 by now
"I told you. My name's not Kaka anyone."
"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good, nightmare to you!"
Jul 1, 2013 9:59 PM

Jul 2012
You don't get laid much do you? =0D
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 1, 2013 10:10 PM

Feb 2013
I'm a sloth, of course I do.

But really, I usually just re-watch stuff cuz idc about anime... that much at least.
KakaKarrotCakeJul 1, 2013 10:31 PM
"I told you. My name's not Kaka anyone."
"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good, nightmare to you!"
Jul 1, 2013 10:21 PM

Jul 2012
Now that's just over the line. I don't want crap like that scaring the women away. It's nice to have them around. Please take it down. Find something better.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 1, 2013 10:31 PM

Feb 2013
I'll comply to your wishes but there's one thing I need to tell you for the future
"I told you. My name's not Kaka anyone."
"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good, nightmare to you!"
Jul 1, 2013 10:39 PM

Jul 2012
lol. Thank you.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 1, 2013 11:13 PM

Dec 2012
How did I started? let's see..

When I was small (7-9 years old) loved to watch Naruto which was airing on TV , well it was in russian dub and of course I didn't understand that , lol.

Years later I got tired of Naruto and all those pokemon shows like Bakugan , Yu-Gi-Oh etc.
Stopped watching it and lived normal life~ though some months passed and I saw my cousin was watching a show called ''Death Note'' , I said ''damn , looks epic , I should try''

of course I forgot to watch Death Note because I'm damn forgetful then later ,while browsing the internet I saw that Anime is being translated in my language , I was curious what's that thing called ''anime''? , I think 2012 of spring anime was only translated and I started to watch whoever catched my attention. (I judged by picture)
Guess which anime made me love anime? Mysterious Girlfriend X , lol.
Jul 2, 2013 3:33 AM

Apr 2011
Well, I never thought that that me watching anime around 14 years ago would eventually lead to me becoming an anime fan. And since I still had school that time, I wasn't able to tune in to every anime show aired on our local TV networks. There was even a time that I was on a semi-hiatus from watching anime, and that was during my university days. And though things have gotten busier since I started working, the ironic thing is that I seem to have more time to watch anime than when I was still a student.

As to when I started to become an anime fan, that would be the year 2000, a year after I started watching anime.
Jul 2, 2013 6:34 AM

Jun 2012
Ill try and keep this short. When I was younger my favorite "shows" were pokemon and yu-go-oh. I diddnt know anything about anime but watched my Saturday morning cartoons. I think it was called kids WB or something. My neighbors had more channels than me at the time and I would go over their house to watch toonami. I remember DBZ was my favorite and I watched it all the time. So it went like this for a bit and then when I was about fourteen or so I was watching youtube and I discovered AMV's. I must have watched half of the ones on youtube in a day. Shortly after I found a website to watch anime on and the first one I clicked was bleach. So it was kind of like rediscovering anime even though I'd already seen a bit.

I watched it for days without a break since it was summer. After that I started watching anime most everyday. I will watch almost anything as long as its interesting and if not ill still watch if somebody I know likes it. I have a few friends who are casual watchers but they don't like it as much as me so I came to MAL.

That's pretty much it, now anime is my main hobby and I plan to watch it for as long as it exists:)
If strength is justice, then is powerlessness a crime?

Jul 2, 2013 10:58 PM

Jan 2012
I guess I am one of the lucky ones. See before the 90's they had only ever had a few random series appear on TV, like Speed Racer. Before then nobody really knew or had heard about what anime was. I got to see where it really start to get big. Back in the 90's Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z made their first debut on America TV on the Warner Brothers Network as a Saturday morning cartoon. I used to LOVE watching them... but it was derpy back then. Since nobody really knew what an anime was, they really didn't understand that anime is has a continues storyline from one episode to the next. It was like cartoons where you just put any episode on, and DBZ was so awesome that we didn't care. But it was so weird watching Goku fighting Vegeta one week and then the next week Goku would be running down snakeway to train with king kai. After that shows like Pokemon and Yu gi oh, Cowboy Bebop and more and more series were introduced on the WB and Cartoon network, and I was there watching all of that. Before I loved everything One Piece my favorite show for years had always been DBZ. I love anime!
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Jul 3, 2013 1:16 AM

Jul 2012
Nya-ah-ah! I knew this would be a good topic. People love talking about themselves. =0D

Thanks for sharing everyone. Those are good stories. It took me a long time to read those. They're very thought provoking. Keep it up.

Many of you talk about DB & DBZ. Even though I was all growed up when those came around they still hold a fond place in my heart. They got me through a time when I couldn't afford internet or cable. Lets see...there was Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh, too. Couldn't make myself watch Pokemon. I kind of wish I had now.

Hey deeviluke! Go over to one of the Underrated Anime threads and tell me all about Mysterious Girlfriend X. I'm not familiar with that one.
GrinfilledCeltJul 3, 2013 1:44 AM
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 3, 2013 5:37 AM

Apr 2011
GrinfilledCelt said:
Couldn't make myself watch Pokemon. I kind of wish I had now.

I'm still watching Pokémon up to its new eps, so it's never too late for you to do that! Although, as of late, I'm more into its games than its anime, but who cares? I still love Pokémon, and that's my bottom line! xD
Jul 3, 2013 6:18 AM

Jul 2012
That's cool, DT. I've never faulted anyone of any age for liking Pokemon. I think it was the American-style cartoony VAs and overly simple (also American-style) animation that put me off. That got in the way of the story for me and still would. If I could get past that and get into the story I may well forgive those flaws and love the show as so many people do. With so much other stuff available to me now, I don't think I could watch it. Now, I might give it a try if I were cut off from the internet and cable again long enough to exhaust the vast backlog of anime I've downloaded. Again, I wish I'd watched it when I had the opportunity so that now I could have a valid opinion of the show.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 4, 2013 11:41 PM

Feb 2013
But damn, apparently hardly anybody knew what anime was back in the 90s and shtuff. I think my bro told me it was an anime when I first watched it so long ago.
"I told you. My name's not Kaka anyone."
"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good, nightmare to you!"
Jul 5, 2013 12:50 AM

Jul 2012
If you compare viewership of the most popular anime ever, which ever that may be, to the viewership of, say, House, you could still say that hardly anybody knows what anime is. That makes all anime fall under our purview as under appreciated. We're just preaching to the choir here.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 5, 2013 12:57 PM

Feb 2013
How I got into anime? When I was really young (around 4 or 5 years old), the only anime that we had around the house was Hayao Miyazaki's "My Neighbor Totoro". It was and still is my one of my favorite films. Unfortunately, I never grew up with watching Toonami simply because we didn't have cartoon network at my house until I entered high school. However, I got the chance to watch shows like Monster Rancher, Ultimate Muscle, Shaman King, One Piece through Fox on Saturdays. When we finally got satellite, it was during the period when Toonami stopped airing, but adult swim was still airing anime on Saturday nights so I got into series like Death Note, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell, Inuyasha, etc. and I thought that was it. I quickly came to realize that anime is a pretty huge thing in Japan and there were tons of series out there. Nowadays, thanks to the internet and netflix, I've been able to watch all the anime to my heart desires. With that said, I guess I'm a pretty average fan. I don't own much anime; probably 4 or 5 box sets and I'm working collecting the "When They Cry" and "Flowers of Evil" manga.

So that's my "condensed story". If I were to explain everything it would be equivalent to a 4-5 page essay, haha.
Jul 13, 2013 9:15 PM
Jul 2018
As a kid I often found myself watching Toonami so I knew about shows like Dragon Ball Z, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, etc. I also watched Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh on Kids WB (and surprisingly, Cardcaptor Sakura), and some shows on Fox Kids that I didn't really realize were anime such as Ultimate Muscle and Shaman King (though I avoided the 4kids dub of One Piece because I thought it looked stupid). Outside of that, I didn't actively watch anime (though I vaguely remember being aware of Cowboy Bebop and FMA, and I also remember seeing Code Geass and Death Note while staying up late on Adult Swim, though I never bothered actually watching them), and after the end of Toonami & the series finale of the original Yu-Gi-Oh, I stopped watching anime (I stopped watching Pokemon somewhere in the Hoenn region).

Flash forward to sophomore year. After randomly rewatching the first 11-12 episodes of Yu Yu Hakusho, the anime bug bit me and I decided to watch Code Geass, which a friend told me about sometime over the summer (this is late 2011). I was hooked, finishing the series in about 8 days. I watched Elfen Lied and Evangelion after that, and when New Year's rolled around I attempted to stop watching anime because I knew how distracted I could be. Broke that within a week when I watched Haruhi Suzumiya... And now I'm here. (I could go on retelling my entire recent history with anime, though you can find that on my MAL since I add dates to all the shows I watch; the only other notable event is me marathoning all of Gintama and Gintama' in less than 2 weeks... That's when I realized that I was really addicted).
Jul 13, 2013 10:03 PM

Jul 2012
lol You've got it bad, carlo, but you are not to blame. Those are good shows. =0)
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 18, 2013 4:16 PM

Mar 2013
Here's how I became an anime fan.
Like most people who grew up in the 90's I watched shows such as Pokemon, which is probably one of the first animes I watched, and was introduced to Toonami. However I wasn't really into anime at the time. Yeah, I thought it was cool and saw a few episodes of Naruto and DBZ, but I never got into anime as much as everybody else was. Maybe I was into the minority group on that one, wasn't into popular stuff, or just liked other shows, but it never grabbed me from the start. However, I started to really get into it when I was in high school.

A couple of my friends were anime fans, saying they liked Naruto and other shows. I also was looking up videos on Youtube where people would mention or talk about anime a lot. This got me into thinking, maybe I should try watching some shows and see what I think of it. The first anime that I watched that made me a fan today was Wolf's Rain. I checked it out cause I liked wolves and was curious. Luckily for me, the entire series was on Youtube at the time, so I sat down and watched it. From that point on, I wanted to see more shows like that. It was the first show I wathced in a while where it a had a really good, complex story to it with good characters. It's what I wanted to see in storytelling without me realizing it because a lot of western animated shows are often toned down because of its audience demographic, but soon found out that anime doesn't have that problem. I love the fact that they are able to create stories that you otherwise couldn't be able to tell in other forms of media. It's because of that show that I was able to watch other amazing anime out there such as Fullmetal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Trigun, Code Geass, Baccano, Fate/Zero, and much much more. I'm glad to be an anime fan and it has changed my life for the better. I hope I can meet fans out there who love and respect anime as much as I do. Well, that's my story anyway.
Jul 26, 2013 1:38 AM

Jul 2013
Detective Conan, well the English contemporary "Case Closed" and Inuyasha, also early Cowboy Bebop, and Lupin The Third
Dr. Sheldon Cooper " It is no way to make new humans. People coming out of people. Some kind of dirty magic show.
Jul 27, 2013 11:26 PM
Feb 2012
How I got into anime..? Hmm.. I must've been 7-8 when Cardcaptor Sakura was airing. For me at the time, it was really epic! And then I watched Naruto, Dragon Ball Z and then Lovely Complex which got me hooked on romantic comedies. And now I'm a fan of Key's especially Clannad AS and now I'm currently waiting for Little Busters! Refrain. Also, I like the gore ones like When They Cry series.
Jul 28, 2013 12:01 AM
Jul 2013
When I was maybe 6-7 years old and I had two older brothers who watched Naruto. At that age I really liked action and lots of fighting kind of stuff, so I thought it looked pretty cool. I always watched all the episodes even though I couldn't read the subtitles fast enough.
Jul 28, 2013 11:28 AM

Jul 2012
See, Kakarot, that junk on Saturday mornings do some good after all.

Now that you guys are here we can show you anime for your maturing tastes.

I didn't know a sequal to Little Busters was coming out, aqsa. Cool! I was going to reccomend some romantic comedies to you but you are already on top of all I had in mind. For something gorey, you should add Shigurui.

If action/adventure is your thing, Soge, you should definately add Cowboy Bebop and Black Lagoon to your Plan To Watch list (and Baccano and Samurai Champloo and Ghost in the Shell and Outlaw Star and Moribito and Eden of the East and Trigun and Gantz and Wolf's Rain and Freedom and...)
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 28, 2013 1:17 PM

Jun 2013
For me it started out more of a forbidden love with me and anime.
I first got into anime when i was around 10, my close friend and i started naruto, we were already cooped inside all day everyday so it wasnt that hard to finish it.
After we finished naruto i stopped watching anime a few years later i moved and could no longer hang out with my friend he facebooked me and told me to try naruto shippuden... and thats where it all went wrong i was watching 20-30 episodes a day in my bedroom not paying any attention to the things going on around me my mother eventually took away my computer and said thats enough. i was desprate to finish the series so i started watching it on my ipod and had to hide it whenever my mom was around. Eventually i finished (the episodes that were out at the time) after that i stopped watching anime completly.
Suprising huh? a few years later i moved again, where i live now there is nothing to do other then video games and surf the web, i finally got back into anime and within no time at all i wasted i think its been 960 hours watching anime now. (according to myanimelist.)
Jul 28, 2013 6:29 PM

Jul 2012
I can see your mom's concern, A4L, I'm a prime example of what happens to people who sit around all the time. It ain't pretty. =0D
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 28, 2013 8:50 PM

Jun 2012
Wow its way more fun hearing about peoples experiences with anime than I thought it would be.

I spent an entire summer watching anime once...I don't regret it but I have started watching a more appropriate amount, mostly due to the fact that I have to work now. I pretty much stopped playing video games in order to have enough time for anime. I prefer it this way though.(I do still play a few of my favs from my childhood)
If strength is justice, then is powerlessness a crime?

Jul 30, 2013 6:58 PM

Mar 2013
I used to love watching animes on Toonami when i was like 7 til i was 10 I think. Always got through the week by saying I can finally watch the next episode of DBZ, Naruto, Zatchbell, One Piece, Blue Dragon,Yu Yu Hakusho, and some other animes, then I found out I could watch anime online, but it was usually subbed so I had to get used to it.
Jul 30, 2013 9:23 PM

Jul 2012
A lot of people fell in love with anime on Toonami. That's why it's so nice to see it back. Nobody likes subs when they start out, no matter how snobby they get about it later. =0D If you won't watch subs, you miss out on a lot of good stuff.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Aug 6, 2013 1:12 PM
Feb 2012
When I was a little girl my brother loved Naruto ... and I hated it. It was like torture when in the TV was nothing else and my brother wanted to watch Naruto... In that time I had better time sitting n staring on a white wall.

But that was little stupid me. And I didn’t know that a lot of years latter I will love it!

I think that it was 3 summers ago :3 I started meeting with one girl and she was watching Katekyo Hitman Reborn. She made me watch the 1 episode (I am so thankful for that) I watched it like for 2 hours because my internet connection was slow :/... I was so angry cause of that I almost didn’t watch it... But I made a great decision and now I am an proud otaku.
Aug 6, 2013 8:45 PM

Jul 2012
Well, welcome to the fandom, Princess of Kuro (The term otaku really isn't a compliment.) I'm glad you made it.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Aug 6, 2013 9:15 PM

Jan 2013
Wow, everyone has their own story lol I just realized I've never wrote anything here before.
Aug 6, 2013 9:20 PM

Jul 2012
Holdin' out on us, eh? =0)
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Aug 6, 2013 9:29 PM

Jan 2013
lol maybe xD
Aug 7, 2013 8:46 PM

Jun 2012
You realize after saying that you can't not tell us.XD
If strength is justice, then is powerlessness a crime?

Aug 7, 2013 9:03 PM

Jan 2013
Yeah, you're probably right lol

I guess it all started on that fateful night; I wasn't supposed to stay up late, well I was 3 at the time. But, I was really hungry, so I wanted a late night snack. As I was walking towards the kitchen, I noticed the living room had flickering lights. I was like What the heck? Is the t.v. on? And I saw my big brother on the couch watching t.v. with the volume low. My eyes turned to the monitor and squirtle popped out. Yep, that was my first Pokemon/Anime experience. Ever since that day, I began to borrow lots of old anime films from my library.
Aug 8, 2013 9:59 AM

Feb 2013
At first, around 7 i watched the classic anime like DBZ Pokemon Yu Gi Oh....
but i didnt know it was anime then, i thought they were just cartoons. I didnt know what anime was until the time when i read the first Rurouni Kenshin manga at my local library. They only had the first volume and really loved it. I ended up buying the entire series and then i heard it was made into an anime and i went and watched it (still think the manga was way better). Thats when i REALLY got in to anime/manga. And then i got into Bleach ( fangirled over that for some months) and then Naruto then etc. I got hooked over all the popular shonen anime and thats how it went down lol
Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to Suffering. (Yoda)
Aug 11, 2013 12:41 AM

May 2013
Wow...I'll never forget. When I was about 14-15, my parents would go traveling and I would go stay over at my grandmas house. I would sleep on the big sofa in the living room but I was always too hyper to sleep so I would turn the TV on at like 3am and start flipping the channels. I don't remember how I got to cartoon network but I did and they were showing the episode of Cowboy Bebop when Spike is all bandaged up and then the next night I saw Inuyasha and THATS when I knew whatever this kind of cartoon was...I liked it! lol So then every time after that I would flip it to cartoon network to watch Inuyasha at my grandmas house if I happened to stay over.

Although it wasn't until I was about 17 that I actually remembered about Inuyasha and then started watching the series on my own at home. Good times :)
Aug 19, 2013 10:10 PM

Apr 2013
Hmm... Well it all started in an island far far away, long story's short, I was watching T.V and let's just say had limited channels back then and believe it or not my cartoons were all anime, and american made cartoons were what I was unfamilar with, I grew up on Doraemon, Mach Go Go Go, Astro Boy, all those really oldies, and progressed to Dragonball, Baki, Hajime no Ippo, Galaxy Angels, Cardcaptor Sakura, Sailor Moon, and all the like, and ever since then I've been an anime person
Aug 19, 2013 10:20 PM

Mar 2012
To be honest I do not remember when it started but I secretly always loved anime since I was a child I always watched Poke'mon and DragonBallZ but then it stopped for a while, and I came to New Zealand and this is where I started watching Naruto/Bleach I thought they were great anime at the time... But then! I discovered the world of Anime! I started watching really good stuff and I was Hooked. Recently it has toned down a bit though since there isn't any good anime with a solid plot and story line. :S
Aug 20, 2013 12:23 PM

Jul 2012
It always seems to go that way, Etyo. The fact is that most anime is always okay at best. The really good shows come around occasionally and that is the stuff you remember fondly. There is also the stuff you remember because it's so bad. Most of the stuff in any given season is alright. You enjoy watching it but six months later you can barely remember it. It's always been that way.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Aug 23, 2013 9:33 AM

Aug 2013
I fel in love with anime when they showed the Gundam wings serie on dutch television when I was about 11 or so (i believe it was during 1999 or 2000).... this was for me by far the best thing ...then came ofcouse DBZ and Pokemon , digimon , yu-gi-ho (all first seasons )

but at the age 17, I decided to rewatch Gundam wings and came on my first anime site and watched seed and seed destiny 2 , and when that was finished it left a gaping hole in my heart ...then someone recommended Naruto to me ....and that is where it started after pulling all nighters with naruto , kiba , MAR and bleach ... I kept on searching and searching ! and now we are here, again feeling the gaping hole in my heart if there are no well made anime to watch ! :) so now hope this site and the clubs gonna help me out !

I try watching american series but they just annoy me, always the same setting no deep plots and if I did a month of american series , I fell back in my habit of chilling out and watching anime ! so I decided to fuck the rest and gave my all to anime :P
Aug 23, 2013 11:04 AM

Jul 2012
Welcome to MAL. Abolic. You're going to love this place. If MAL can't help fill your bottomless pit of anime desire there is no hope for you. I see you have a good load of anime under your belt already, but we should be able to help you out. I like the quote in your sig, too. Mushishi is one of my top ten favorites, but then I must have a hundred anime in my top ten list. =0D

Abolic said:
I try watching american series but they just annoy me, always the same setting no deep plots and if I did a month of american series , I fell back in my habit of chilling out and watching anime ! so I decided to fuck the rest and gave my all to anime :P

American cartoons are usually pretty bad. That's because usually they only make cartoons for children and they think their children are idiots. (Hell, they think the adults are idots, too. See the movie Idiotocracy .) There are some notable exceptions but they are few.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Aug 28, 2013 2:08 AM

Sep 2012
I remember watching Sailor Moon when it first aired in the US, which was in '95 i think. I was only 5 or 6 at the time and I didn't understand what anime was, but i knew there was a difference between Sailor Moon and the loony toons. I had also watched Toonami occasionally. It wasn't until I was 10 or so, channel surfing, and i see Ashitaka surrounded by little kadoma! (Princess Mononoke if you aren't aware)
I fell in love. It was game over after that. I remember discovering Adult Swim, i would turn the tv volume down really really low and sit close. (past my bedtime ya know? had to be sneaky! :D ) My rebelliousness(lol) led to a new foundation though, Cowboy Bebop,YuYu Hakusho, inuyasha, plus anything airing between '01 and '03. After rediscovering Toonami i was in anime heaven.
This also sparked a love for console gaming! ^.^

sorry its little long >.<

its pretty cool to read everyone's story, anime became such a large part of myself that its nice to see others are in the same boat! lol
Aug 28, 2013 11:27 AM

Jul 2012
FalconAway said:
... i knew there was a difference between Sailor Moon and the loony toons.
How astute! =0D Loony Tunes is still good though.

FalconAway breathlessly said:
It wasn't until I was 10 or so, channel surfing, and i see Ashitaka surrounded by little kadoma! (Princess Mononoke if you aren't aware)
I fell in love.
Princess Mononoke is the favorite Ghibli film for many people. I'm not one of them but it's up there.

FalconAway needlessly said:
sorry its little long >.<
Nonesense. I love these stories.

FalconAway went on and said:
its pretty cool to read everyone's story, anime became such a large part of myself that its nice to see others are in the same boat! lol
So why would you feel that yours is too long? Gods, look at mine!
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Aug 28, 2013 12:26 PM

Sep 2012
GrinfilledCelt said:
FalconAway breathlessly said:

ahaha, it is like that. i get nerdy about anime.
GrinfilledCelt said:
Princess Mononoke is the favorite Ghibli film for many people. I'm not one of them but it's up there.

Actually I have a hard time swallowing the morally grey themes Miyazaki has to offer in his movies nowadays. I cant see it anymore in the real world and its depressing. lol
GrinfilledCelt said:
So why would you feel that yours is too long? Gods, look at mine!

because it was 4am :p
FalconAwayAug 28, 2013 12:51 PM
Sep 8, 2013 11:16 AM
Apr 2013
I've always known what anime was, however this was because I was not allowed to watch it. My parents had known people when anime first started gaining popularity and they saw shows like Ghost in the Shell and Hellsing. Of course since that is the example of anime they saw they felt it would not be good to expose myself and my sister. We never contested this since the only example of "anime" we saw was DBZ which held no interest for us. Over time it was relinquished a smidge as shows like Hamtaro entered the scene, and American shows started to adopt the art style. Finally my sister and I stayed up late and watched Inuyasha and fell in love with it. At the same time a lot of my friends at school were watching Death Note and I ended up seeing that as well. Our parents had decided that we were old enough and one day while watching an old movie that we have watched time and time again did we convince our parents to themselves give it a try. We were watching Kiki's Delivery Service, a film that my parents had not realized was actually anime. With us showing her this she went from being sort of okay, to completely understanding.
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