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Oct 1, 2007 12:21 PM

Jul 2007
What does everyone think about why Simon left? I'm interested in hearing everyones theories. XD

Mine is that Simon knew that if he continued on, he'd become the Spiral Nemesis himself, and so he let off. I mean look, Arc-Gurren-Lagann smashed a hole through space and time, so if thats so powerful to do that, then how come Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann can't? I think Simon made sure not to.

Remember the anti-spirals? They said that if Spirals continued to evolve they'd become on par with galaxies, and then they'd evolve further to create a black hole which swallows everything. The Spiral Nemesis. If Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann punched a hole through space and time(remember TTGL is on the galaxy level here)then that would have destroyed the entire galaxy. When Arc-Gurren Lagann punched a hole everything got sucked in, but because it wasnt that big it was fine. What about something of the size TTGL would create? Spiral Nemesis level anyone? ^^
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Oct 3, 2007 4:15 PM

Jul 2007
Ehh, I don't know. Maybe I'm just not one for big theories, but I think he left because... well, what was there left? Simon didn't like his desk job, he liked being in Gurren Lagann. Now that the big enemy is gone, and Nia as well, there really wasn't much left to keep Simon around.

I don't know, that's just how I look at it.
Oct 4, 2007 12:57 PM

Jul 2007
Yeah I see, but I just get the feeling theres a bit more. XD
Oct 8, 2007 3:39 PM
Jul 2007
i pretend that everything after simon's dramatic wedding exit didn't happen

and instead fantasize about him going and pulling an Orpheus
Oct 8, 2007 3:54 PM

Jun 2007
...i didnt even think of a reason why.
I just assumed it was one of those natural anime character sentimental confusing actions they seem to pull off all the time :D
Could be that he had nothing left for him there so he decided "wth, lets go explore the world"

Oct 9, 2007 12:09 PM
Jul 2005
accela said:
i pretend that everything after simon's dramatic wedding exit didn't happen

and instead fantasize about him going and pulling an Orpheus

Hey, me too!

As far as I'm concerned, after he left the wedding, the beginning of episode 1 happened.
Oct 9, 2007 1:04 PM

Jul 2007
Well the beginning of ep 1 will probably happen in an OVA anyway. "End of Gurren Lagann." Ironic name, cus there'll probably be more after. Gainax love milking stuff, not that Im complaining atm though.
Oct 16, 2007 11:27 AM
Jul 2007
KobaKoba said:
accela said:
i pretend that everything after simon's dramatic wedding exit didn't happen

and instead fantasize about him going and pulling an Orpheus

Hey, me too!

As far as I'm concerned, after he left the wedding, the beginning of episode 1 happened.

Totally. I've made up my own ending to GL. He goes and decides to get back Nia from the vastness of oblivion; the countless stars in the galaxy is time itself or the other spiral life forms or something trying to take him down. Boota and Viral there because Simon had to go get the GL back after all.

He'll get Kamina and Kittan, Lord Genome and the crew while he's at it. Cue Episode 1.
Oct 20, 2007 8:42 PM

Jul 2007
hate to say it, but the crew who made gurren-lagann said that the beginning of ep 1 was in an alternate reality, that it didn't happen, and won't happen. (though it'd still be awesome if it did :D)
Oct 21, 2007 7:15 AM
Jul 2007
we all know that, ViM; we're just fantasizing because we didn't like the ending
Oct 23, 2007 2:43 PM

Jul 2007
They say that now. Just wait! If Gainax pull out something that isnt as big as TTGL next(since they seem to keep trying to top themselves) they'll quickly release a new TTGL thing the fans want, and it might be that.

Well I wish anywya. x_x

Still the ending wasnt that bad. XD
Oct 23, 2007 8:08 PM

Jul 2007
Katraal is right, you never know.
They just might make it happen somehow or at the very least do something similar to it. :p
Oct 24, 2007 11:35 PM

Aug 2007
I literally JUST finished TTGL, and I checked this topic because I was hoping for an explanation about why Simon up and left after the wedding. I do like Katraal's therory - it makes a lot of sense, if you think about it, and it's more satisfying than "he did it for dramatic effect".
Oct 26, 2007 12:15 PM

Jul 2007
Awesome. I'm glad my theory is taken reasonably well =D.

I usually randomly think after every episode so that's built up from a while now XD.
Oct 26, 2007 12:22 PM
Aug 2007
Katraals theory is reasonable, I accept it and if anyone noticed Simon evolved a lot after the wedding his eye had a spiral within it, which thus means hes reached maximum spiral power.
If, Simon kept evolving like that, and remained in Gurren Lagann Simon would become the Spiral Nemesis
Oct 28, 2007 10:05 PM

Aug 2007
Indeed, if Simon hadn't stopped, he'd have become the Spiral Nemesis. I think that's what the very beginning of episode 1 was alluding to - doesn't he say something like "all the stars in the sky are our enemies?" I think that's the alternate path Simon could have taken, the path where he inevitably becomes the Spiral Nemesis and destroys the universe. Sorry if that's been mentioned already.
Nov 1, 2007 11:44 PM

Jul 2007
So does that means that Kittan also could of become the Spiral Nemesis?
Nov 2, 2007 4:11 PM

Jul 2007
Any of the gurren-dan could have really, they all have exceptional Spiral Power.

Look at the first ED though. I feel that shows Simon getting closer to the spiral power, and if you notice that Nia and Kittan are at the end, then comes Kamina after a long while. Simon walks past them, he surpasses them and obtains the spiral.

Basically I think that where they were there is where they got to, and Simon just went that extra further to achieve all that power. Kamina being the closest beside him.
Nov 4, 2007 8:11 AM
Aug 2007
In addition, the proof is also in one of the episodes.
You see Simons glasses, evolve.
One stage is Kaminas stage, THEN Simons new glasses.
That also hints, Simon has evolved passed Kaminas spiral power.
Simon is stronger than Kamina now.
Nov 8, 2007 10:05 AM

Mar 2007

And anyway, we're talking Gainax, remember? They just love those open endings.
Edit: And I AM talking NGE, after watching it. WTF was that? !@#$@#
RoadLordNov 28, 2007 11:15 AM
Nov 26, 2007 8:42 PM

Nov 2007
Rasenore said:
Mine is that Simon knew that if he continued on, he'd become the Spiral Nemesis himself, and so he let off. I mean look, Arc-Gurren-Lagann smashed a hole through space and time, so if thats so powerful to do that, then how come Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann can't? I think Simon made sure not to.

I agree.

Also, as an add-on to your theory, he could be tryin' to find a purpose for his existance, by wandering the earth, apreciating all the things and beings he ended up saving from oblivion after all those years.

I say this cuz if he only wanted to stay off the Gurren-Lagann, all he had to do was... well... stop using it :P

He seems to have the required amount of self-control to achieve that, but still, he chooses a life of solitude (and a long one indeed... the guy is relativelly young by the time of the wedding thing. I'd guess 25~26 yrs old)

I wish to be moved. I cannot feel in life.
Nov 30, 2007 1:27 PM

Jul 2007
Simon was 14 in the original 2 arcs. In the timeskip is was 21. That leaves him about 21 to 22 years old in the wedding scene(he could have celebrated his birthday with his new present the TTGL for all we know =P) so yeah he was.

I don't think he was searching for a purpse. He has his. He's simply a digger and nothing more, and so he wanders around helping people out the way Digger Simon can. Not GAR Simon.
Dec 23, 2007 9:43 PM
Oct 2007
I think that Simon left because he want to leave it to the new generation....
Dec 24, 2007 7:01 AM

Jul 2007
That's basically it, but at the same time he's avoiding being with them for that purpose, otherwise he might be swayed into helping them using the Gunmen again if things got bad for something. =)
Dec 25, 2007 10:03 PM

Dec 2007
Some good theories here. I just finished the series tonight. I can agree with the one about Simon leaving so that he wouldn't become the Spiral Nemesis. Who knows, maybe we'll see GAR Simon again one day. I wouldn't be complaining.

Feb 6, 2008 6:55 AM
Aug 2007
Simon realized, he in episode 27 he was going to become the Spiral Nemsis.
I'm jeez Arc-gurren lagann punch made a hole in space.
Think about what would happen if Tengen toppa gurren lagann did the same, and Simon never reached maximum spiral power, yet he managed to beat Lord Genome, and if you watched carefully, the anti-spiral said to Lord Genome he was one of the strongest spiral knights.

So, basically..Simon knew it and left, just as the person who started this thread said.
Mar 3, 2008 1:53 PM

Jul 2007
Oi Kisrui. I said basically all of that in the first thread though. Recapping much? =P
Jun 6, 2008 1:36 AM

Jun 2008
I guess in the end, he just wanted to go back to a normal life, like Yoko when she went back to the school, fighting too much will only lead to pain in the end, he already lost Nia because of the fight against anti-spirals, plus its like you guys said, he wanted also to entrust the future to the next generation as well, though there is one thing that does actually bother me, he promised to protect the universe to the anti-spiral being, yet he gave up his power drill for the Gurren-Lagann, what's he going to protect the universe with now? his stick? super kung-fu skillz? I doubt a plain human has the power to fight things like a Gurren-Lagann the size of a galaxy.

What would have been awesome was if he said, "oh... Nia is gone and I've talked about this with her, I've had feelings for Yoko this entire time, Yoko, would you accept the ring?" that would have made my day. But the ending was still good nonetheless.
"I only have two modes... At war with something, or having sex with it! There is no middle ground." -Colbert

Jun 11, 2008 1:33 PM

Aug 2007
Simon left because he thought his life was complete and he had nothing left to accomplish. He wanted others to pick up where he left off and by leaving everyone and everything he had ever cared about, he was making a sacrifice for the greater good. I find that completely selfish and self-centered. A person doesn't decide when his life is over, death will decide that for you. As long as you are living, you should be fighting. I find his choosing a simple life to be an incredibly weak move as there is no reason he should avoid contact with his friends and alienate himself from the world. If he had power that could destroy the world he should fight it, not allow the power to rule him. Isn't that what Gurren Lagann is all about?
Jun 16, 2008 12:45 AM

Apr 2008
Well I Think He Left
To Have A Break
He's Been Worrying About the Anti Spirals For Like 7 Years!
Then They Take Nia Which Was Totally Lame ¬¬
Abit More Worry On Him
Then They Say They Are Gonna Like Blow Everything Up!
I Meen 1 Million Live On The Line!
I Mean After The Wedding I Bet He Was Like
"My Wife Has Disapered, I Got Convicted By My Friend, Nearly Got Beat Up In Prison, Went Into Outer SPACE!, Lost Half My Friends And I Come Back To Earth A FUCKIN WIDOW!, FUCK THIS SHIT!"
Thats My Theroy ^__^
-Spongee xx
Sep 6, 2008 12:56 PM

Apr 2008
RoadLord said:

And anyway, we're talking Gainax, remember? They just love those open endings.
Edit: And I AM talking NGE, after watching it. WTF was that? !@#$@#

Yea, you couldn't possible expect more than that from them
Dec 31, 2008 7:21 PM

Dec 2008
accela said:
i pretend that everything after simon's dramatic wedding exit didn't happen

and instead fantasize about him going and pulling an Orpheus

I also like this idea. A cool alternate ending might have been him smashing through time and space to reach whatever oblivion holds Nia, his spiral power exponentially evolving into the Spiral Nemesis, then finally reaching Nia and they kiss as the Universe is destroyed around them.

I guess they couldn't end with everyone dying, but it would have been an enjoyably epic finale!
fedaykinDec 31, 2008 7:40 PM
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." Douglas Adams
Jan 26, 2009 4:58 PM

Sep 2008
elc1247 said:
I guess in the end, he just wanted to go back to a normal life, like Yoko when she went back to the school, fighting too much will only lead to pain in the end, he already lost Nia because of the fight against anti-spirals, plus its like you guys said, he wanted also to entrust the future to the next generation as well, though there is one thing that does actually bother me, he promised to protect the universe to the anti-spiral being, yet he gave up his power drill for the Gurren-Lagann, what's he going to protect the universe with now? his stick? super kung-fu skillz? I doubt a plain human has the power to fight things like a Gurren-Lagann the size of a galaxy..

hey man acording to the law of the spiral it could be posible for gim to fight a gian robot with his hands, power of the spiral=infinite power

good theories but i think i will stick to the one given to us by the anime. however i wold be lying if i said that the spiral nemises theory did not make sence
Feb 5, 2009 10:17 AM

Feb 2009
Simon explained this himself if the old generation sticks around it will just get in the way of the next
Mar 16, 2009 5:58 PM

Jul 2008
Old generation? He's only 21, he is still part of the new generation. That make's no sense.

Then there's Yoko, did she really grow old without ever being with a man. Thats sad and its a shame that fine body was never used properly.

I thought it was weird that after the 20 year time skip they both looked like they were 60 instead of the 41 years they were supposed to be.

If they would of just shown Simon and Yoko together after that 20 year skip it would of been the best ending ever. Insted they both lost the ones they loved at a young age and then grew old alone.

I really hated episode 27 from the wedding onwards. I was going to give the anime a 10 till I seen that shit. Instead I gave it a 8.
Three Thousand Realms in a Single Moment
Mar 17, 2009 1:27 AM

Sep 2008
i could not condemn gurren lagann to an 8 or 9 for the last 5 min.
Mar 18, 2009 8:13 AM

Jul 2008
Endings are one of the most impotant parts of an anime series. If it sucks the overall feel of an anime drops drasticly for me.
Three Thousand Realms in a Single Moment
Oct 10, 2009 2:04 PM

Mar 2009
the ending

great tales everyone
but see to belive
he left because he would protect the univers
he accepts that he lost nia in the fight
he goes on without regret (amazingly i think after all he went through his life)
he watch from behind the reponsebiety of the world with the great force his still have

meanvile yoko accepts that she lost her crush love kamina , and a great partner kittan , so she is STILL virgin (LOL ) sry I had to ponit it out

but hi it was only the end of TTGL but not of Gurren Lagann so i will wait untill a new seson or anime version will come
just like the FMA
if not
i see something better with the time
BUT i will never forget TTGL because not all is perfekt in realty and in anime execpt kamina he rocks
i am going to be the i the one with the biggest manga pocket collgection

Nov 27, 2009 9:29 PM

Jun 2009
Remember what Kamina Said "Your Drill is the Drill that will Piece through to the Heavens" part in all the episodes it was mentioned? he never specified if simon would do anything afterwards. so i think he just wanted to vanish and leave things to the new generation and become like his brother, gone but never forgotten. that's my theory just based on what i believe happened- the wedding had nothing to do with the decision.
Dec 16, 2009 5:30 PM
Jan 2009
i think the reason why he left is because the universe is at peace now so he leave them the future on to the next generation as he trust human beings so much i remember him saying to the antispiral that "we spiral beings are not stupid" something like that
May 30, 2010 11:13 PM

Apr 2010
Did any one else notice simons spiral eye? and does that mean hes immortal like lord genome now?
Jun 14, 2011 8:16 PM

May 2011
I'm new here, but let me give it a try.

First off, the beginning of Gurren Lagann with Simon on the deck of SGGL is known as Garlock Simon, a version of Simon who didn't listen to the Anti-Spiral's words and became the Spiral Nemesis, fighting the other spiral beings.

Kind of like the Multi-dimensional maze path Simon could have went but didn't.

But reasons for leaving is a two-sided story. The anime ending and the 2nd movie ending.

In the movie's ending, Nia wanted to cover the planet in flowers but was no longer able to do so. So Simon took it upon himself to take Nia's dream and make it a reality, so he left to do so with Boota.

The anime's ending was perhaps because there was nothing left for him to do. Nia is gone, their main enemy was defeated, he didn't like his desk job, and if he continued fighting, he could have turned into the Spiral Nemesis. So he left to do the one other thing he was good at. Digging. Someone already mentioned this but it fits.

Some of the anime ending fits in the movie version too, but the flower planting ending was just for the movie and that's the one I go with. Besides, in the anime ending, Simon puts her ring on her grave, while in the movie ending, he wears it around his neck like his core drill.

Anyways, that's what I got.
Nov 12, 2011 6:56 PM
Jul 2018
He is a huge source of spiral energy... It comes to a point that the spiral nemesis might occur. The beggining of ep1 was, for me, what would happen if they went drunk on power. "all these lights in the sky are our enemies" meaning all his enemies are all spiral life forms out there, dunno that's how I see it
Nov 22, 2011 12:12 PM
Nov 2011
I personally believe that Simon gave up his life because "There are people better suited to go down the tunnel I (he) dug" and he believed that those people were humanity and the rest of the spiral races. I also choose to believe that Simon has the gift of eternal life (like the spiral king) so he could be called upon whenever he was needed.
Lastly I believe that as a hobo (LOL) he could stay wherever he wanted due to the fact that he would be recognized as himself and given great respect.

P.S. I do not think he needs Gurren Lagann to channel his spiral energy but even if he did when he wanted GL it could always find Simon (just like Laggan did).
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