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May 17, 2013 2:07 PM

Apr 2009
Saki is best girl now. Though honestly I didn't even know her name till going on here she's "Idol Girl" to me lol

last episode blew but this one was great. high entertainment value. cornyness forgiven?
May 17, 2013 2:22 PM

Feb 2012
Where do I sign up to become a vampire and pilot a valvrave?
May 17, 2013 2:33 PM
Feb 2012
Aside from impressively performing robots, supported by amazing visuals and a nice soundtrack, this show doesn't have anything. I just hope that all this is intended in order for the anime to later on become awesome all of a sudden once the world's secrets get revealed.
I try to see the positive side of KV but somehow I can't really find it. Maybe I'm just spoiled by actually good mecha anime and thus can't enjoy this one as much. Who knows?
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
May 17, 2013 2:44 PM
Jan 2013
I feel like too many act like they're being forced to watch this against their own will. I watch Naruto and was going to watch yesterday's filler episode. I managed 5 minutes. Guess what I did? I turned it off and --> went to watch something I enjoy <--. I mean if it's so terrible, why would you after sitting through an episode (or even 6 episodes) come to continuously write about it on forums? That's just my take on it though.
May 17, 2013 3:37 PM

Jul 2008
DaBlackShinigami said:
I feel like too many act like they're being forced to watch this against their own will. I watch Naruto and was going to watch yesterday's filler episode. I managed 5 minutes. Guess what I did? I turned it off and --> went to watch something I enjoy <--. I mean if it's so terrible, why would you after sitting through an episode (or even 6 episodes) come to continuously write about it on forums? That's just my take on it though.

Thats Anime Community for ya :D World's best scientists are still trying to discover why people force themselves to watch stuff they don't like rather than drop it and pick it up later in case they hear it got better.
May 17, 2013 3:42 PM
Feb 2012
DaBlackShinigami said:
I feel like too many act like they're being forced to watch this against their own will. I watch Naruto and was going to watch yesterday's filler episode. I managed 5 minutes. Guess what I did? I turned it off and --> went to watch something I enjoy <--. I mean if it's so terrible, why would you after sitting through an episode (or even 6 episodes) come to continuously write about it on forums? That's just my take on it though.

Your post is probably partially referring to me so I'll go ahead and answer.
In my case the show's preview made me interested in it. Add to that that it was produced by Sunrise and given their track record of anime great things were expected. While the first episode was interesting in its own right (i.e. it set up quite a few plot points at once), the episodes to follow weren't. The show's mecha action is amazing, I have to repeat myself, and some of its premises are enough to keep me watching for now (that vampire thingy aside since it's really random). In other words there are things I enjoy hence I'll continue to watch until it gets better and my patience pays off or it gets worse and I drop it, having learned my lesson.

Also, it's not like I come here to 'bitch' about the show. Can't speak for other users though.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
May 17, 2013 3:58 PM
Jan 2013
GuiltyKing said:
DaBlackShinigami said:
I feel like too many act like they're being forced to watch this against their own will. I watch Naruto and was going to watch yesterday's filler episode. I managed 5 minutes. Guess what I did? I turned it off and --> went to watch something I enjoy <--. I mean if it's so terrible, why would you after sitting through an episode (or even 6 episodes) come to continuously write about it on forums? That's just my take on it though.

Your post is probably partially referring to me so I'll go ahead and answer.
In my case the show's preview made me interested in it. Add to that that it was produced by Sunrise and given their track record of anime great things were expected. While the first episode was interesting in its own right (i.e. it set up quite a few plot points at once), the episodes to follow weren't. The show's mecha action is amazing, I have to repeat myself, and some of its premises are enough to keep me watching for now (that vampire thingy aside since it's really random). In other words there are things I enjoy hence I'll continue to watch until it gets better and my patience pays off or it gets worse and I drop it, having learned my lesson.

Also, it's not like I come here to 'bitch' about the show. Can't speak for other users though.

Wasn't really directed at anyone, read numerous posts. Fair enough. I guess what I was saying doesn't apply as much to short shows like these. My bad if you felt "targeted" lol. I just feel like some expect too much from this one. While I definitely don't think it's the best of the season, it's not the worst either. It really doesn't deserve all the sh*t it gets imo.
May 17, 2013 4:30 PM

Jan 2008
Kaioshin_Sama said:

As for me I must be the only one that paid attention to all of Saki's lines of dialogue and the nuances of her character up to this point and isn't really all that surprised about her true motivations and personality. If people want to actually take the time to go back and look (and honestly I somehow severely doubt most people are even close to that patient or genuinely interested in seeing) there's quite a few clues even in her earliest introductions that she might do something like this if given the opportunity.

You are (not) alone, Kaioshin.

That's probably one of the reasons I enjoyed this episode much more than the last one too.

But the knee-jerk hatred for Saki will continue, of course! Can't be having people realize they're overdoing it.
May 17, 2013 4:33 PM

Nov 2007
Saki went from decent to annoying real fast.

So now she's just an annoying, whiny, ex idol craving the spotlight? ugh.

L-Elf is still just creeping around and nobody cares still.

Ugh let me guess more of the annoying girls like Shoko will get one of the "robots".

The only good part involved the blonde.
May 17, 2013 5:10 PM

Apr 2013
DaBlackShinigami said:
I feel like too many act like they're being forced to watch this against their own will. I watch Naruto and was going to watch yesterday's filler episode. I managed 5 minutes. Guess what I did? I turned it off and --> went to watch something I enjoy <--. I mean if it's so terrible, why would you after sitting through an episode (or even 6 episodes) come to continuously write about it on forums? That's just my take on it though.
because we still enjoy it even tho it sucks big time? i mean, don't get me wrong this show is awful in my mind, but I'm still entertained every time I watch an episode.
May 17, 2013 5:12 PM

Feb 2013
Please don't tell me I'm the only one who kinda hates Rukino.

She's kinda conceited, kisses Haruto, becomes a Valvrave user, leaves Haruto to fight on his own and only with the motivation started by Shouko did she start to fight. Yet, she's the one taking the one Shouko likes away from her... Rukino probably doesn't like Haruto as much as Shouko does either; she's mostly just using him for the sake of becoming more famous. AND that video she made! Like, seriously! Who does that?! Goes to show another reason why I don't like her >.< However, her Valvrave's pretty sick with the legs and the flying from place to place.

Darn, L-Elf's being targeted!
May 17, 2013 5:23 PM

Jul 2009
This show is very off...
I almost puke to people writing "This is the best show ever!" in this thread.

Everything regarding the show is O.K. i.e. Animation, Visuals, CG, etc. I like the character design and specially the Valvrave CG design and weapons.

Apart from the Story itself and how the Animation and scenes are portrayed. Well the story is okay problem is in new scenario's in new episodes its like a De Javu good example look at how Shoko acts last episode and look at how she was on this episode. Its like someone who can't speak English was placed within a room where everyone speaks english and when asked only answer's Yes, Yes, Yes again and again.

I haven't read any manga about this Valvave or any Novel etc. But just by looking at this episode, it looks highly sped up, the scenarios as i have mentioned have similarities from the first episode and the other recent eps, and all the character's reaction from emotion, actions etc escalated very quickly every time i.e. Rukino.

Its like having a recipe and you have the best ingredient (Valvrave robots, Space Nazi, ERU ERUFURUUUU, etc.) But then did not know the basic procedure of preparing and mixing it then puff you get Kakumeiki Valvrave Za comedy.

And lol to Kobayashi F1 driver there.

Anyways, the show got problems.. its like a half assed story which was forced to be animated to fill the empty spot for this season's anime. To drop rating is over 9000 now, but i feel that i have to watch this season atleast so I can justify my 1/10 score .

The definition of Kakumeiki Valvrave = W.T.F

Seriously though, im not randomly mocking this episode ... If you have watched atleast 10 different actually good Mecha series and compared this show, you know where im getting at hell even the average one's will kill this show's story. And this show got alot of reference (more of like plagiarized) from other mecha shows and is trying hard to be like Gundam 00 with the intro's lol but its Sunrise so f it..

May 17, 2013 6:57 PM
Oct 2012
Uchihafan25 said:
Eru Erufururu

i lol'd

well at least no musical this time
maybe i should start to try to enjoy this like a comedy too, i think i am still taking this too serious
but i don't really know how to feel about that whole "broadcast the fights"-thing, MJP is doing that too, but it annoys me a little more in valvrave

saki also said multiple times that she's "immortal". i think she's going to die
May 17, 2013 7:00 PM

Apr 2013
Do i sense some saki X shoko there at the end?
Have we been trolled into thinking that the love triangle was saki -> haruto <- shoko
when it was saki -> shoko <- haruto all along?
May 17, 2013 7:18 PM

Apr 2009
Furin1994 said:
Uchihafan25 said:
Eru Erufururu

well at least no musical this time

thank GOD. no more please
May 17, 2013 8:49 PM

Dec 2010
So from this episode:
-I don't feel any sympathy for Rukino at all and it was stupid as fuck that she was able to magically power up from her desire to become "famous." Sit down, sister.
-L-elf, the only redeeming character, is being pushed to the sidelines
-Haruto to be honest was more interesting when Rukino was possessing him
-Shoko's being the annoying orator who saves the day with a friendship speech (or whatever), like always
-The psychotic little boy who likes to kill and is always giggling is just getting on my nerves
-Lelouch has it bad for L-elf

I didn't think this anime could get any worse - but it does, with every single episode, without fail.

Pretty sure I could write a better story and script than this half-assed pile of feces.
PknoctisMay 17, 2013 8:52 PM
May 17, 2013 9:53 PM

Sep 2011
10$ says that after all the Mechas' with their rightful owners get put into 'em, they'll combine into one big one, trl0l0l0l0l0. The last Mecha in the OP doesn't look like a Valvrave, but a combination, that or it's probably going to be L-Elf somehow.
May 17, 2013 10:02 PM

May 2013
Duh ep... More interested on the conflict between L-elf and A-drei...
shikuchiMay 17, 2013 10:15 PM
May 17, 2013 10:19 PM

Jun 2008
So is L-Elf gonna ever feature prominently again?

I have no idea what's going on in this show or what direction it is headed, but man it's so absurd that I have to watch.
May 17, 2013 10:30 PM

Jan 2013
We will have social media integrated into everything? Even in our battle mechs? The future of video games is ruined.

I have no idea what this is anymore, it started as a cool mech show with body snatching vampire pilots, and now it's... something... no idea what... from now on everything can be resolved with the power of freindship plus deus ex machina abilities they just happen to stumble upon and know how to use perfectly in the most convinient of moments...

Oh... and when Rukino bit Haruto, shouldn't have that caused some sort of cross celular abnormality making them posses each other's body, or make them more uber vampiric or something? That's the first thing than came to mind, and yet when something would make sesne then it just goes with no consecunece at all.
JaksserMay 18, 2013 12:41 AM
May 17, 2013 10:33 PM

Dec 2012
Ok L-elf, enough sneaking around and spying, granted we are getting interesting story tidbits about the true purpose of the school, but get back in the fight yo!

Saki is a former idol (fired apparently), so, I can see why it's all about being famous for her...

3 more pilots to choose!

More fighting next week please!
May 17, 2013 11:28 PM

Apr 2009
Being human is overrated. Or at least that's what Saki thought as she made her choice to "sign the contract". Well, at least Haruto can't use the excuse that "he's a monster" just as much now that he's not alone anymore.

With the help of her "audience" cheering her on, Saki overcomes her intial stage fright battle shock and puts to good use the great mobility and ranged attack of her new unit the Valvrave IV "Carmilla". The writing's not exactly up to par like some of the past episodes, but I'm no longer here for that anyway. Looks like that's the last we'll see of that slimy senator. Good riddance.

We'll probably get to see who the next pilots are in the next episodes now that it's already known that there's more than one Valvrave. Or that's what I'd like to see.

Did I just see a death flag in the preview? Certain non-main characters don't get all that much attention unless something terrible is gonna happen to them.
May 18, 2013 12:00 AM

Mar 2012
Does anyone know the song when Saki fight? And this show keep getting me smile whether because of it's riddiculousness or because it was that funny if I don't think too hard.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
May 18, 2013 1:20 AM
Jan 2013
Ok, so Saki got her Valvrave, now It seems that L elf will get his and go back to his own side, so that leaves us with the other mechs.
May 18, 2013 1:38 AM

Feb 2013
After hearing the complains and whining for the past few weeks, I seriously feel that this show is wrongly judged and misunderstood.

Valvrave is not about creating serious mood, dread, realities of war, struggles of morality, being emotional, complicated political intrigues, nor is it about complicated tactics or hard sci-fi.

No, Valvrave is about destroying your expectations and surprising you with its constant twists along the story. It creates a feeling that you never know what's going to happen next and keep you on your toes. So, why are there complaints about how a character doesn't turn out to be what you expect how he/she supposed to be or how the turn of events are not what you expect them to be, when this is what Valvrave does best? Being more open minded and having flexible expectations is the first step to enjoying this series.

Valvrave is about its quirky and amazing characters. Every character have their chance to shine. From the cool and analytical L-11, to the Optimistic and bright Shoko, to the ambitious and strong-willed Saki. It is precisely because they act so weird or goofy that makes them all the more interesting and likeable. Remember, this show is not aiming to create a serious mood, it aims to create an uplifting mood through quirky dialogues and ridiculous behaviours that are meant to amuse the audience and they certainly succeed. Does it make for bad writing or story telling? No, its doing something different from the crowd, not unlike Majestic Prince. So, again, why are people complaining about the writer trying something different. Calling Valvrave bad simply because of not creating a grim mood is simply stating that mecha is all about serious war and death, when its not. Please be more adaptive.

Valvrave is about interesting and amusing character interactions. To the dynamic between Haruto and Shoko, to the bro-ness between A-drei and L-11, to the clash of ideals between L-11 and Haruto, to the multi-faceted relationship betweeen Haruto and Saki, to the awesome dynamic between Saki and Shoko. Why does a character acting quirky or illogical means they're badly written? There are many sides to a single human, they are even more sides from person to person. So, again, put yourself in their shoes and know that people are different, have different circumstances, and have different histories. The characters acting weird is them being unique, and that shows they are or were in unique circumstances.

Valvrave is all about over the top events that make you go "what?" or "wow". Its not about realism or hard science. It doesn't have to be entirely logical or realistic. In the first place, the ultimate goal of fiction is not to create another reality (take note that I did not say it was not a goal), but to let the author's imagination roam, and for the audience bask in it. So, I say, screw realism, and bring me entertainment. I have to say in terms of impact, Valvrave definitely takes the cake. (Though I have to stress that the majority of events in Valvrave is entirely logical if you bother to think deeper).

If you can go past those ridiculous actions of the characters or the lack of realism in certain events, you'll find that Valvrave have good plot progression and character development. The events from the previous episodes have built up the ground work for many plot points from this point on. L-11 doing his research on the Valvraves and manipulating the strings, A-drei going for a confrontation with L-11 and their clash of thoughts and emotions, the dynamic between Haruto, Shoko and Saki, mystery of the Valvraves slowly getting unraveled, finding suitable pilots for the Valvraves and its effects on the students in question, Haruto's parent being involved in the development , the relationship between the white haired princess, A-drei and L-11, the body-switching ability and its implications, and the list goes on. There are many subtle hints dropped here and there and it really spiced up the story. How can people call the story a trainwreck when it managed to tie so many plot points together and integrate the characters in it so well? Not to mention, all the characters get to shine in all their uniqueness.

After all that ranting, I would like to say that Valvrave is by far one of the most unique and amazing show I've encountered. The story, characters, humor, mecha design, and action are just amazing There is just so many things to praise about it that no essay is going to be enough for it. For now, I'm just going to praise the mecha action. Its one of the best I've seen since OO along with Unicorn and akito the exiled.

P.S. I don't even know why I bothered to defend this show when so many of the "plot holes" were addressed in the past few episodes. I shouldn't have wasted my breath trying to explain it to those that say the show is bad because of it and instead should have waited for the show to do it itself. I feel like an idiot.
May 18, 2013 2:51 AM

Aug 2008
Not too sure if I like her. A washed up performer who got abused by her parents and now is a self-centered, conceited, and egotistic chick. An attention whore. Oh well, I'm willing to see how things develop and if my opinion warms up on her. Actually, I'm not particularly crazy about any character, personality-wise anyway. Meh.
May 18, 2013 3:00 AM

Sep 2012
I feel honored to post right after you. With your post I don't need to write as much as I usually would have to in order to highlight how I (and others) could enjoy the anime. Perhaps I would not praise the show as highly as you did but still so far I find it really entertaining, so much so that I indeed look forward to the next episode every week.

Anyway, you know what, the latest episode finally aired in Tokyo last night (the one overseas fans got one day earlier was from Osaka) and then I checked into the Japanese forums and blog sites to find out the reactions from the fans in Japan... and what I found is....

This episode got thumbs-up by many viewers, including those who pooh-poohed the last 2 episodes !!! In particular, the vast majority of viewers gave high score for the Saki character, again completely going against the prevailing opinion among the western fans (at least judging from what was said in this forum). They find the character refreshing and they like how sharp her character is. Her negative traits like selfishness, tendency to get carried away, unsociable coolness, and being calculating are what they find appealing and interesting, and they find it a good example of character development. Intriguingly, there is even an insightful comment about how this Saki character may be refreshing in Japan (because such character is not common in anime) but could be boring or annoying to western people LOL In fact, some go as far as saying this episode could prove to be a turnaround episode for the series if the later episode is as good as this one. Talk about differences of tastes and standards - I never expect to see such a divergence of opinions so soon after ep.5 of Gargantia, but well it happens.
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
May 18, 2013 3:09 AM

Apr 2011
Kaioshin_Sama said:
XartaX said:
Every episode is like the corpse of a train that is ressurected to get wrecked once again by the end of it.

What is with peoples fascination with saying minor variations on this one line every week?
That quote is like the corpse of a train that is resurrected to get wrecked once again.

I like the new Camillia Fabu-rave.
May 18, 2013 3:13 AM

Dec 2012
This episode was all about insane female who want to be famous by any means but still supported by her friends. The end.

Genix said:
Not too sure if I like her. A washed up performer who got abused by her parents and now is a self-centered, conceited, and egotistic chick. An attention whore. Oh well, I'm willing to see how things develop and if my opinion warms up on her. Actually, I'm not particularly crazy about any character, personality-wise anyway. Meh.

I honestly do not like her. At first I thought she is a calm girl, but suddenly my belief shattered in this episode.

Baddie007 said:
Ok, so Saki got her Valvrave, now It seems that L elf will get his and go back to his own side, so that leaves us with the other mechs.

Maybe. Just maybe.
I like anime.
May 18, 2013 3:31 AM

Feb 2010
pp813 said:
Please don't tell me I'm the only one who kinda hates Rukino.

She's kinda conceited, kisses Haruto, becomes a Valvrave user, leaves Haruto to fight on his own and only with the motivation started by Shouko did she start to fight. Yet, she's the one taking the one Shouko likes away from her... Rukino probably doesn't like Haruto as much as Shouko does either; she's mostly just using him for the sake of becoming more famous. AND that video she made! Like, seriously! Who does that?! Goes to show another reason why I don't like her >.< However, her Valvrave's pretty sick with the legs and the flying from place to place.

Darn, L-Elf's being targeted!

Nope, I hate her too. I actually liked her at first, then this ep happened. She's like 'i'm just living to be famous, so I'll jump in this here robot, ignore reality and be not interested in actually fighting to protect everyone else'.
May 18, 2013 3:34 AM

Mar 2012
NeoAnkara said:
Does anyone know the song when Saki fight?
Still haven't get answer.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
May 18, 2013 3:35 AM

May 2008
Never liked Saki that much , this episode her personality really made a huge turn for the worse. Using people's bodies to spread lies is seriously disgusting. Luckily for Haruto, Shouko is one of the more level-headed characters in this show and understands Haruto so well. If not Saki may have ruined Haruto's life in more ways then 1.

Awesome Sig by Lailide
May 18, 2013 4:11 AM

Jan 2009
NeoAnkara said:
NeoAnkara said:
Does anyone know the song when Saki fight?
Still haven't get answer.

wait for the OST
May 18, 2013 4:20 AM

Feb 2010
Hey, did that AI appear on the green valvrave screen? I can't remember.
May 18, 2013 4:37 AM

Feb 2013
symbv said:
I feel honored to post right after you. With your post I don't need to write as much as I usually would have to in order to highlight how I (and others) could enjoy the anime. Perhaps I would not praise the show as highly as you did but still so far I find it really entertaining, so much so that I indeed look forward to the next episode every week.

Anyway, you know what, the latest episode finally aired in Tokyo last night (the one overseas fans got one day earlier was from Osaka) and then I checked into the Japanese forums and blog sites to find out the reactions from the fans in Japan... and what I found is....

This episode got thumbs-up by many viewers, including those who pooh-poohed the last 2 episodes !!! In particular, the vast majority of viewers gave high score for the Saki character, again completely going against the prevailing opinion among the western fans (at least judging from what was said in this forum). They find the character refreshing and they like how sharp her character is. Her negative traits like selfishness, tendency to get carried away, unsociable coolness, and being calculating are what they find appealing and interesting, and they find it a good example of character development. Intriguingly, there is even an insightful comment about how this Saki character may be refreshing in Japan (because such character is not common in anime) but could be boring or annoying to western people LOL In fact, some go as far as saying this episode could prove to be a turnaround episode for the series if the later episode is as good as this one. Talk about differences of tastes and standards - I never expect to see such a divergence of opinions so soon after ep.5 of Gargantia, but well it happens.

It's a given that I would be biased considering almost every episode clicked with me (episode 5 being the only exception) That said, I'm not completely blind to the flaws. To me, the most prominent one being: Haruto got overshadowed by L-11, Shoko and even Saki in terms of development and personality, although I'm sure that will change soon in the coming episodes. It's just that I think the strengths of Valvrave completely outshines/ overshadows its weaknesses. While most people seems to think otherwise.

Btw, thanks for the info.
May 18, 2013 4:37 AM

Aug 2012
Meh, this anime starts to get a bit lame.

And giving a mech to that bitch doesn't help at all.
May 18, 2013 4:44 AM
Oct 2011
roorensu-kun said:
I almost puke to people writing "This is the best show ever!" in this thread.
Pretty sure everyone is saying that sarcastically, since most people are watching it as a "comedy" anime. We're all well aware of how awful this show is; it is essentially 2013's Guilty Crown.
May 18, 2013 4:47 AM

Sep 2011
cloud8100 said:
Hey, did that AI appear on the green valvrave screen? I can't remember.

I don't think so
Guess Haruto's Valvrave is the only one that has VVV-tan
May 18, 2013 4:58 AM

Feb 2013
Hrodulf said:
roorensu-kun said:
I almost puke to people writing "This is the best show ever!" in this thread.
Pretty sure everyone is saying that sarcastically, since most people are watching it as a "comedy" anime. We're all well aware of how awful this show is; it is essentially 2013's Guilty Crown.

Call me weird since I'm not being sarcastic AT ALL.
May 18, 2013 5:10 AM

Nov 2009
Cool Episode!!!

The mecha types that were shown in the OP really did belong to JIOR after all. Seems like Saki has got her own share of it and is having a lot of fun with it and the way how she was being owned in the middle of the fights was somehow very weird to me but the Geppou like technique reminded me of of the Rokushiki techniques that were shown in one piece. The design is pretty good though and it seems like L-elf is planning something with A-drei attempting to kill him. I knew ARUS would be at a major disadvantage but I didn't expect them to be destroyed in an instant.

Looking forward to the battle and the whole plan in the next episode!!


May 18, 2013 5:21 AM

Feb 2013
jenchiuk said:

Looking forward to the battle and the whole plan in the next episode!!

I'm very excited for the next episode since L-11 will most likely get a lot of screen time considering A-drei is after him. Looking forward to more L-11.
May 18, 2013 5:56 AM
Aug 2012
Well that was a much better episode than the last one. Lol at all this hate and "saki is a attention...." comments. The real train wreck here are these comments not the show. The funny thing is how people put stupid one liners but fail to see normal details. One good example would be people asking when it was said that Saki was an idol (already told in episode 1). Guess they were too busy writing one-liner comments.

About Saki, if we notice what she was saying and those flashback coupled with the rumors, it is obvious that she has some deep and sad back story behind her. Pretending not to care about the flashbacks because you don't care about the character is pretty stupid isn't it? Moreover why do we take things literally? Saki wants attention. Is it that bad? Everyone wants attention. But that makes her a bitch doesn't it? It's not about wanting attention, it's about being recognized by people. From the flashbacks we can assume Saki really had a tough life, think about what she say about her parents. Someone even tried to kill her. An idol's life isn't easy (well i am no expert but you don't need a PHD in psychology to understand a little bit either). She always tried hard to be famous, to be someone people recognizes, to be someone everyone remembers so her existence isn't erased and she had to do it by herself (Before you say i am making stuff up, notice what she says and watch the flashbacks again). She may not be your perfect princess and her methods aren't likable but she is still much better than the rest of the female cast and that's a fact.

Well about the show, we are getting some hints about the plot but not anything concrete yet. Guess they are going to introduce and focus on the pilots first before going to the main plot. The only things i didn't like was Saki using Haruto's body to seduce the blonde and Shouko's annoying characteristics as usual. All she can do is jump, dance and scream.

The fight scenes were nice. It was good to see the green Valvrave in action. Also Saki's mecha suits her an Idol singing and dancing on the stage. But i am still confused as why didn't the AI appear on the green one? Plus the big revelation about the school.........the idea was to find compatible pilots for the Valvraves. Guess not everyone can pilot them and L-elf is too afraid to try piloting one. Haruto was right to be worried as he saw what happened to the ARUS ACE(?) pilot. Oh Moses died!!! I am really glad that he did............his character pissed me off.

Now let's put together some points we have learned until episode 6 (things which people tend to forget).

- The Dorssian Commander referred to them as Entities.............guess they are much more special than we thought.

- Haruto lost control another time but returned to normal after the impact (slap whatever you call it). They still haven't shown what negative effect does the nano machines/whatever were injected in them have. Immortality doesn't come cheaply so i am pretty sure there are side effects too.

- Valvraves need special pilots, not everyone is able. So what kind of characteristics are accept by he Valvraves when they choose the pilots?

There are interesting things to talk and speculate about this show. But i am just a idiot/weirdo for linking this show according to MAL logic.

Now about the character.......why do people forget 2 simple words called Character Development. That doesn't happen to perfect characters does it?

- Haruto is weak and lame? Did you see how Saki panicked during the fight? Think how Haruto handles that? He wants to protect is friends and he is giving it everything he has got when fighting. The only problem i see in him is that he is too attached/dependent on Shouko. Once he can get free for her, his character can grow much better. I am hoping for that.

- About Saki already discussed above. She needs to realize what she really want rather then saying that she just wants to be famous. She has some great potential for development. Also she is caring if you look how she treats the glasses girl (sorry forgot her name). She reminds me a lot of Sherill from Macross Frontier.

- About Shouko....what can i say? Hopefully she won't ride a Valvrave and sing jingle all over the universe. Hopefull she will die/get seriously injured so the other characters can have some scope for development. For now i see her as holding everyone back.

- L-elf....the character i still dislike. Too scared to get in a valvrave so he needs test subjects. Not to mention people seems to forget what his offer was............."Haruto i have your friends hostage so you will do as i say". Well not literally but it's what he meant mostly. But who cares about that as long as he can make missiles appear out of his pockets and kill a lot of people ruthlessly. He is the best monster character after all!!!

Well that was a long post.........i really don't care what people say but just had to let that out.

May 18, 2013 6:22 AM

Apr 2013
Well that was very unexpected... I thought Saki actually loved Haruto but I guess she was only using him just for his fame and powers and doesn't really care about him lol.

There goes the chance of them both getting together... Oh well...
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 18, 2013 6:46 AM

Feb 2013
Dragon_Slayer_X said:
Well that was a much better episode than the last one. Lol at all this hate and "saki is a attention...." comments. The real train wreck here are these comments not the show. The funny thing is how people put stupid one liners but fail to see normal details. One good example would be people asking when it was said that Saki was an idol (already told in episode 1). Guess they were too busy writing one-liner comments.

About Saki, if we notice what she was saying and those flashback coupled with the rumors, it is obvious that she has some deep and sad back story behind her. Pretending not to care about the flashbacks because you don't care about the character is pretty stupid isn't it? Moreover why do we take things literally? Saki wants attention. Is it that bad? Everyone wants attention. But that makes her a bitch doesn't it? It's not about wanting attention, it's about being recognized by people. From the flashbacks we can assume Saki really had a tough life, think about what she say about her parents. Someone even tried to kill her. An idol's life isn't easy (well i am no expert but you don't need a PHD in psychology to understand a little bit either). She always tried hard to be famous, to be someone people recognizes, to be someone everyone remembers so her existence isn't erased and she had to do it by herself (Before you say i am making stuff up, notice what she says and watch the flashbacks again). She may not be your perfect princess and her methods aren't likable but she is still much better than the rest of the female cast and that's a fact.

Well about the show, we are getting some hints about the plot but not anything concrete yet. Guess they are going to introduce and focus on the pilots first before going to the main plot. The only things i didn't like was Saki using Haruto's body to seduce the blonde and Shouko's annoying characteristics as usual. All she can do is jump, dance and scream.

The fight scenes were nice. It was good to see the green Valvrave in action. Also Saki's mecha suits her an Idol singing and dancing on the stage. But i am still confused as why didn't the AI appear on the green one? Plus the big revelation about the school.........the idea was to find compatible pilots for the Valvraves. Guess not everyone can pilot them and L-elf is too afraid to try piloting one. Haruto was right to be worried as he saw what happened to the ARUS ACE(?) pilot. Oh Moses died!!! I am really glad that he did............his character pissed me off.

Now let's put together some points we have learned until episode 6 (things which people tend to forget).

- The Dorssian Commander referred to them as Entities.............guess they are much more special than we thought.

- Haruto lost control another time but returned to normal after the impact (slap whatever you call it). They still haven't shown what negative effect does the nano machines/whatever were injected in them have. Immortality doesn't come cheaply so i am pretty sure there are side effects too.

- Valvraves need special pilots, not everyone is able. So what kind of characteristics are accept by he Valvraves when they choose the pilots?

There are interesting things to talk and speculate about this show. But i am just a idiot/weirdo for linking this show according to MAL logic.

Now about the character.......why do people forget 2 simple words called Character Development. That doesn't happen to perfect characters does it?

- Haruto is weak and lame? Did you see how Saki panicked during the fight? Think how Haruto handles that? He wants to protect is friends and he is giving it everything he has got when fighting. The only problem i see in him is that he is too attached/dependent on Shouko. Once he can get free for her, his character can grow much better. I am hoping for that.

- About Saki already discussed above. She needs to realize what she really want rather then saying that she just wants to be famous. She has some great potential for development. Also she is caring if you look how she treats the glasses girl (sorry forgot her name). She reminds me a lot of Sherill from Macross Frontier.

- About Shouko....what can i say? Hopefully she won't ride a Valvrave and sing jingle all over the universe. Hopefull she will die/get seriously injured so the other characters can have some scope for development. For now i see her as holding everyone back.

- L-elf....the character i still dislike. Too scared to get in a valvrave so he needs test subjects. Not to mention people seems to forget what his offer was............."Haruto i have your friends hostage so you will do as i say". Well not literally but it's what he meant mostly. But who cares about that as long as he can make missiles appear out of his pockets and kill a lot of people ruthlessly. He is the best monster character after all!!!

Well that was a long post.........i really don't care what people say but just had to let that out.

Nice observations there. Totally makes me realize about new things. I totally agree there about Saki. Her motivations are pretty normal and acceptable. The desire to become famous is what drives a lot of us after all.

I have to disagree with the claim that Shoko is holding back the characters though. Yes, the other characters might be overly dependent on her, but she is the reason and motivation for them to come this far, especially for Saki and Haruto. Although I have to agree that it would be nice to see Haruto less dependent on Shoko.

I respect your opinions. Just giving my thoughts on the matter.
FiveOVERMay 18, 2013 7:06 AM
May 18, 2013 6:58 AM

Feb 2010
Dragon_Slayer_X said:
Well that was a much better episode than the last one. Lol at all this hate and "saki is a attention...." comments. The real train wreck here are these comments not the show. The funny thing is how people put stupid one liners but fail to see normal details. One good example would be people asking when it was said that Saki was an idol (already told in episode 1). Guess they were too busy writing one-liner comments.

About Saki, if we notice what she was saying and those flashback coupled with the rumors, it is obvious that she has some deep and sad back story behind her. Pretending not to care about the flashbacks because you don't care about the character is pretty stupid isn't it? Moreover why do we take things literally? Saki wants attention. Is it that bad? Everyone wants attention. But that makes her a bitch doesn't it? It's not about wanting attention, it's about being recognized by people. From the flashbacks we can assume Saki really had a tough life, think about what she say about her parents. Someone even tried to kill her. An idol's life isn't easy (well i am no expert but you don't need a PHD in psychology to understand a little bit either). She always tried hard to be famous, to be someone people recognizes, to be someone everyone remembers so her existence isn't erased and she had to do it by herself (Before you say i am making stuff up, notice what she says and watch the flashbacks again). She may not be your perfect princess and her methods aren't likable but she is still much better than the rest of the female cast and that's a fact.

Well about the show, we are getting some hints about the plot but not anything concrete yet. Guess they are going to introduce and focus on the pilots first before going to the main plot. The only things i didn't like was Saki using Haruto's body to seduce the blonde and Shouko's annoying characteristics as usual. All she can do is jump, dance and scream.

The fight scenes were nice. It was good to see the green Valvrave in action. Also Saki's mecha suits her an Idol singing and dancing on the stage. But i am still confused as why didn't the AI appear on the green one? Plus the big revelation about the school.........the idea was to find compatible pilots for the Valvraves. Guess not everyone can pilot them and L-elf is too afraid to try piloting one. Haruto was right to be worried as he saw what happened to the ARUS ACE(?) pilot. Oh Moses died!!! I am really glad that he did............his character pissed me off.

Now let's put together some points we have learned until episode 6 (things which people tend to forget).

- The Dorssian Commander referred to them as Entities.............guess they are much more special than we thought.

- Haruto lost control another time but returned to normal after the impact (slap whatever you call it). They still haven't shown what negative effect does the nano machines/whatever were injected in them have. Immortality doesn't come cheaply so i am pretty sure there are side effects too.

- Valvraves need special pilots, not everyone is able. So what kind of characteristics are accept by he Valvraves when they choose the pilots?

There are interesting things to talk and speculate about this show. But i am just a idiot/weirdo for linking this show according to MAL logic.

Now about the character.......why do people forget 2 simple words called Character Development. That doesn't happen to perfect characters does it?

- Haruto is weak and lame? Did you see how Saki panicked during the fight? Think how Haruto handles that? He wants to protect is friends and he is giving it everything he has got when fighting. The only problem i see in him is that he is too attached/dependent on Shouko. Once he can get free for her, his character can grow much better. I am hoping for that.

- About Saki already discussed above. She needs to realize what she really want rather then saying that she just wants to be famous. She has some great potential for development. Also she is caring if you look how she treats the glasses girl (sorry forgot her name). She reminds me a lot of Sherill from Macross Frontier.

- About Shouko....what can i say? Hopefully she won't ride a Valvrave and sing jingle all over the universe. Hopefull she will die/get seriously injured so the other characters can have some scope for development. For now i see her as holding everyone back.

- L-elf....the character i still dislike. Too scared to get in a valvrave so he needs test subjects. Not to mention people seems to forget what his offer was............."Haruto i have your friends hostage so you will do as i say". Well not literally but it's what he meant mostly. But who cares about that as long as he can make missiles appear out of his pockets and kill a lot of people ruthlessly. He is the best monster character after all!!!

Well that was a long post.........i really don't care what people say but just had to let that out.

Hey, that stuff was obvious but it doesn't stop Saki being annoying in this ep imo. Personally I thought last weeks episode was better as well, this one just didn't feel as enjoyable.
May 18, 2013 7:14 AM

Sep 2012
FiveOVER said:
I have to disagree with the claim that Shoko is holding back the characters though. Yes, the other characters might be overly dependent on her, but she is the reason and motivation for them to come this far, especially for Saki and Haruto. Although I have to agree that it would be nice to see Haruto less dependent on Shoko.
I also do not agree that Shouko is holding back the characters. She is actually the center of many things, and particularly for Haruto, often without her realizing it, and thus influences how many characters develop. For holding back it would mean no development - on the other hand even development that is not to your taste is still development.

As for Haruto and Shouko, in fact from a magazine interview of the director I read that the presence of Shouko for Haruto will dominate through the series, so I guess we should not put too much expectation that Haruto will not become so dependent on Shouko, unless it is someone else controlling Haruto's body (which of course is something else).
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
May 18, 2013 7:49 AM

Nov 2011

Anime that is emphasizing the purely social component of being a figurehead, it seems to follow a program similar to the big brother! Saki proves to be a character different from what was previously expected, one that wants absolutely emerge at all costs, Haruto still makes the part of the idiot! Tsundere? It would seem so, but it is still early to say with certainty assoluta.Tecnicamente remains a quality production and the fanservice never fails, then all satisfied!
May 18, 2013 7:51 AM
Aug 2012
symbv said:
FiveOVER said:
I have to disagree with the claim that Shoko is holding back the characters though. Yes, the other characters might be overly dependent on her, but she is the reason and motivation for them to come this far, especially for Saki and Haruto. Although I have to agree that it would be nice to see Haruto less dependent on Shoko.
I also do not agree that Shouko is holding back the characters. She is actually the center of many things, and particularly for Haruto, often without her realizing it, and thus influences how many characters develop. For holding back it would mean no development - on the other hand even development that is not to your taste is still development.

As for Haruto and Shouko, in fact from a magazine interview of the director I read that the presence of Shouko for Haruto will dominate through the series, so I guess we should not put too much expectation that Haruto will not become so dependent on Shouko, unless it is someone else controlling Haruto's body (which of course is something else).

Well i have to agree she has been a source of motivation but what about responsibilities? She is the one who proposed the plan but the way she acted on the previous episode really destroyed my likeliness/hopes for her. Yes she is good as a cheerleader but that won't always help.

It's a fact that Haruto is way too attached/dependent on her which at the very least is holding him back from thinking on his own while he is around her. I feel that he still thinks whenever he is in trouble, Shouko will come to help him. I really hope that news isn't true because that way Haruto is going to turn into another Amata (Aquarion Evol) which is going to be just painful. Well let's think of it this way, when the enemies are going to attack them at full force or when they are going to be in a critical situation which will work better! Someone's tactical strategies or Shouko's "you can do it" speech/"jingle bell' song? Her happy-go lucky persona is going to cause severe problems for them later on. But that's just my opinion.

Well i guess i have different opinion about Shouko and L-elf than others. These will be good topics to discuss/debate nonetheless.

May 18, 2013 7:56 AM

Mar 2012
Dragon_Slayer_X said:
symbv said:
FiveOVER said:
I have to disagree with the claim that Shoko is holding back the characters though. Yes, the other characters might be overly dependent on her, but she is the reason and motivation for them to come this far, especially for Saki and Haruto. Although I have to agree that it would be nice to see Haruto less dependent on Shoko.
I also do not agree that Shouko is holding back the characters. She is actually the center of many things, and particularly for Haruto, often without her realizing it, and thus influences how many characters develop. For holding back it would mean no development - on the other hand even development that is not to your taste is still development.

As for Haruto and Shouko, in fact from a magazine interview of the director I read that the presence of Shouko for Haruto will dominate through the series, so I guess we should not put too much expectation that Haruto will not become so dependent on Shouko, unless it is someone else controlling Haruto's body (which of course is something else).

Well i have to agree she has been a source of motivation but what about responsibilities? She is the one who proposed the plan but the way she acted on the previous episode really destroyed my likeliness/hopes for her. Yes she is good as a cheerleader but that won't always help.

It's a fact that Haruto is way too attached/dependent on her which at the very least is holding him back from thinking on his own while he is around her. I feel that he still thinks whenever he is in trouble, Shouko will come to help him. I really hope that news isn't true because that way Haruto is going to turn into another Amata (Aquarion Evol) which is going to be just painful. Well let's think of it this way, when the enemies are going to attack them at full force or when they are going to be in a critical situation which will work better! Someone's tactical strategies or Shouko's "you can do it" speech/"jingle bell' song? Her happy-go lucky persona is going to cause severe problems for them later on. But that's just my opinion.

Well i guess i have different opinion about Shouko and L-elf than others. These will be good topics to discuss/debate nonetheless.
Please don't let Haruto become like Amata who is only saying Mikono-san or Shoko become like Mikono who is only a burden and her only line is Amata-kun.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
May 18, 2013 8:05 AM

Sep 2012
Dragon_Slayer_X said:
Well i have to agree she has been a source of motivation but what about responsibilities? She is the one who proposed the plan but the way she acted on the previous episode really destroyed my likeliness/hopes for her. Yes she is good as a cheerleader but that won't always help.
It is all fine to dislike Shouko but that does not mean that she is "holding back the characters". My issue has to do with the "holding back" statement, not whether she is likeable (though I still like her). Haruto may be being held back from thinking on his own because of Shouko, but he is clearly developing on quite a few aspects too, so his development in general is not being "held back" but just that he might be expected to develop more independence if he does not involve Shouko in his thinking so much, but then I think it is a given that to Haruto Shouko MEANS A LOT and he clearly has very high opinion of what she thinks too, so I guess that is part of his core personality and can't be helped.
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
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