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Nov 22, 2008 1:00 PM

Mar 2008
tomoya is a beast for holding out that long. also, rofl at Sanae apparently knowing Akiko Minase from Kanon (pretty clear the jam was hers, after all...).

so, looks like now that they've covered the arcs more or less, it'll start wrapping up to graduation and then go into Afterstory proper. excited to see how they make it work
Nov 22, 2008 1:22 PM

May 2008
that was sad when tomoya was gettin beat up and nagisa's expression priceless....
though the funny part was the rainbow break cracked me up!
Nov 22, 2008 1:36 PM

Jun 2007
Oh god they actually did jam and bread combo lol.
I'm very satisfied with how they did Yukine's arc. Just as good as in VN.
Nov 22, 2008 1:41 PM
Apr 2008
I only realized the Kanon connection just now, hehe.

Overall I still love Clannad, but weren't they going to explain the "other" world? Or are they just going to do it bit by bit, like with the orbs?
Nov 22, 2008 1:44 PM
Oct 2008
A small and great arc, just like Misae's one.
It's really incredible how so many emotions are created in just two epis. That's what makes them brilliant.
The fight scene was amazing, way better than the soccer club one, and a bit violent. It can shock some ppl i guess .-.
Overall, great episode :3
Nov 22, 2008 2:08 PM

Jun 2008
Akiko's Jam~!

What an episode, I don't think I've ever cried so many times in one episode. I cried, at least 4 seperate times lol? This was a tearjerker, amazing in so many ways. I was yelling at the screen "would you leave him alone!" *sob sob* At Tomoya's fight, ;__; The animation was amazing this episode as well!

Floating orbs, the happiness things. They must mean something big, w00t w00t. They were shown with Kotomi's Arc, and Fuuko's. Misae's and now, Yukine's. Also in that magic world, hmmmmm~!
Nov 22, 2008 2:13 PM

Jun 2007
Zeino said:
Poor Nagisa have to see Tomoya beaten up T__T

I cried... Indeed a great episode ;_;
Nov 22, 2008 3:43 PM
Dec 2007
Great arc once again, even if I really wish for the main arc to begin soon, which seems will happen next week.

slayer545 said:
I just checked this episode out and I am in tears!

I never had such a anime discovery! Thank you MAL for guidance!

Haha nice Angel999 you got a funny new nickname ! Not very well hidden though, but nice try ;)

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Nov 22, 2008 4:26 PM

Sep 2007
Jacut said:
Great arc once again, even if I really wish for the main arc to begin soon, which seems will happen next week.

slayer545 said:
I just checked this episode out and I am in tears!

I never had such a anime discovery! Thank you MAL for guidance!

Haha nice Angel999 you got a funny new nickname ! Not very well hidden though, but nice try ;)

So I'm not the only one who realized it was him!? Thank god.

This arc was nice. The ending had my eyes watering a bit. The bread+jam scene was kind of strange since it's being placed right smack in the middle of the dramatic climax.
Nov 22, 2008 4:51 PM

Jul 2007
yamazaki_san said:
And I think everyone should be with me that the part of all the gangsters praying for Kazuto makes you want to cry.

i was almost in tears upon seeing yukine getting punched and cry...then the next scene showing them at the grave(i actually thought he was dead too, but for some reason i just kept telling myself he isn't just because i dont want it too predictable).in any case, my tears almost fell when the rival just bowed. it was a great sign of respect for the enemy and i admire that.

this episode was awesome as hell. it sure had it's fail moments(like everyone is saying, that jam thing was a bit bad timing and inappropriate...but still they had to make tomoya fight instead of sunohara so i guess that's the reason?

any one care to put up some info on the difference from the VN and the show? im just curious as to why fans of the VN are crying murder over the eps. a pm would do fine thanks :P
Nov 22, 2008 5:43 PM

Mar 2008
2 episodes to cover 1 arc ... bit rushed
Nov 22, 2008 6:03 PM
Nov 2008
Heart_of_Storm said:
Wolfsongs1 said:
Episode 8 was cool, but i cant find episode 9...

You cant find episode 9 because it hasnt aired yet

Will be subbed and released this time next week :-)

kk thx
Nov 22, 2008 6:54 PM

Sep 2008
You can't expect every arc in the game to be in-depth in the anime. They do have only 26 episodes and they want to include much of the story as they can into the anime. Even if it only two episodes, I still loved it.

This part made me tear a bit. :]
Nov 22, 2008 7:45 PM

Jul 2008
Well, I kinda laughed when I saw Akiko-san's jam. Then Sanae's bread? I would be knocked out, too.

But yeah, it could've done without the bread. Anything would've been more fit than just "Oh snap. Bad bread. *Keels over*" Especially in that serious of a situation. >-<;

The huge splash of water when he hit Okazaki with two fists... I thought he killed him. I really did. The silent scream from Nagisa was what made me think it, too.

Can't wait for the next episode! :D
Nov 22, 2008 7:47 PM

Aug 2008
slayer545 said:
SwordWielder said:
they changed like the whole scenario of the game. but this arc is too short... 2 episodes? wtf?
and look at the rainbow bread with jam!

Yeah I call it poison bread. :P No offense whatsoever.
Yeah I have another one. That makes me freak out!

I did not see Nagisa in first season like this:

Happy "rainbows" to everyone! ;)
I do remember seeing Nagisa with similar expressions to that in season 1.
You might just not remember them. How about watching season1 again? Hmm I'm rewatching both season 1 and 2 myself, after s2 concludes.

Amazing episode! I really loved it!
Tomoya's fight was epic. He's a true man. And all the other characters were great.
It's a shame I didn't cry... Didn't cry through Kanon or Air either... there way too good for making me cry!
Hmmm I must play Clannad at all costs... I wanna learn more of these "orbs".
I have seen no spoilers, nor played the game so... I'm thinking these "orbs" are connected/related, to the "other world", the world in where that garbage doll and cute girl live at. If I'm wrong, then too bad.

I rank this episode a 5, and this anime over a 10.
Clannad is my 2nd most favorite anime so far...

EDIT: @Lunatickr:
Hahahaha! We got the exact same avatar! And TechDragon does as well!
Tomoyo! ~Yay
lol ;)
GenixNov 22, 2008 7:52 PM
Nov 22, 2008 8:01 PM

Mar 2008
Lunatickr said:
You can't expect every arc in the game to be in-depth in the anime. They do have only 26 episodes and they want to include much of the story as they can into the anime. Even if it only two episodes, I still loved it.

It's the complete opposite. None of this gang fighting stuff happened in the novel, as far as I can remember. It's revealed that Yukine's brother has been dead quite early on, and the ending is where Yukine and all her brother's friends go to the graveyard to mourn for him one year after the day he died. Okazaki supposedly resembles Yukine's brother, and the running joke is that delinquents keep barging into the reference room when it looks like he's trying to make an advance on her. The stuff with the kid and the lap pillow all happened, though.
Nov 22, 2008 8:50 PM

Dec 2007
Sheepdude said:
Lunatickr said:
You can't expect every arc in the game to be in-depth in the anime. They do have only 26 episodes and they want to include much of the story as they can into the anime. Even if it only two episodes, I still loved it.

It's the complete opposite. None of this gang fighting stuff happened in the novel, as far as I can remember. It's revealed that Yukine's brother has been dead quite early on, and the ending is where Yukine and all her brother's friends go to the graveyard to mourn for him one year after the day he died. Okazaki supposedly resembles Yukine's brother, and the running joke is that delinquents keep barging into the reference room when it looks like he's trying to make an advance on her. The stuff with the kid and the lap pillow all happened, though.

That's a lot of changes there.
But it turned out great, and that's what important.

Btw, between Yukine's arc in the anime and in the visual novel, which one is better?

And Jam Bread Combo ftw!
That is one Deadly Weapon of Mass Destruction there. ^_^
Nov 22, 2008 11:06 PM

Jul 2008
Good episode, Okazaki can really take a beating. At least there is peace between the delinquents in whatever city they are in.
Nov 22, 2008 11:41 PM

Apr 2008
I think all the arcs are only 2-episode length. Just noticed this after watching Misae arc. This is the 4th arc now if I'm correct.

Tomoya sure is tough. He just caught killing blows there.

I lol'd hard at the Hyper Rainbow Bread. Rainbow to all of you ^^

BTW, I think Akiko and Sanae are friends. JAM + BREAD (the ultimate combination) = world domination. This is warfare...

Nov 23, 2008 12:47 AM

May 2008

This was an ok 2-3 ep arc, it definitely wasnt the best that Clannad has shown us but it was alright.

And ShellySaurus that is the most HILARIOUS avatar ever

Nov 23, 2008 1:26 AM

Aug 2008
A tearful episode indeed.
Yukine !!<3<3

Now, whose arc is next?
They see me trollin', they hatin'.
Nov 23, 2008 2:04 AM

Nov 2008
corroded said:
yamazaki_san said:
And I think everyone should be with me that the part of all the gangsters praying for Kazuto makes you want to cry.

i was almost in tears upon seeing yukine getting punched and cry...then the next scene showing them at the grave(i actually thought he was dead too, but for some reason i just kept telling myself he isn't just because i dont want it too predictable).in any case, my tears almost fell when the rival just bowed. it was a great sign of respect for the enemy and i admire that.

this episode was awesome as hell. it sure had it's fail moments(like everyone is saying, that jam thing was a bit bad timing and inappropriate...but still they had to make tomoya fight instead of sunohara so i guess that's the reason?

any one care to put up some info on the difference from the VN and the show? im just curious as to why fans of the VN are crying murder over the eps. a pm would do fine thanks :P

i *just* finished downloading and installing the Clannad VN on my computer, plus the english translation cuz i cant read non-romanized japanese at all o.0 (i take that back, i now know how to read the words "Save" and "Load" in japanese now ^_^). So far its got a LOT of similarities from the 1st seasons starting eps (im only on like day 3 in-game after the start, not that far into the game obviously), but there are some differences as well (cant name many off the top of my head atm though, other than the fortune-telling by ryou at the very start, which in the anime the first fortune she tells him is actually the second one in the VN that happens the following day of the first one - sorry for the confusing sentence lol). All in all, I've seen nothing of the VN compared to what the full game is like (or so ive been told)... just got done with furukawa finding out that the drama club is disbanded (a bit farther, but thats basically the key point i left off at before taking a quick break to come check out the forums :P)... the VN is awesome so far! I recommend getting it!

Ugh, wall of text, my apologies...
Nov 23, 2008 4:26 AM

Mar 2008
The Jam and Bread Fusion!

Surprised how it rapped up from such a weak intro last episode. Awesome Kyo-ani remaking XD
Nov 23, 2008 5:00 AM

Apr 2008
Lol at the Sanae's bread + Akiko's jam deadly combination XD

And it seem that the arcs of side charachter ended, so now we're back on track *__*

Nov 23, 2008 5:21 AM

Oct 2008
wow tomoya is a failure at fighting on so many levels was fun to watch him get the shit kicked out of him then get in a couple chump punches the boss of the other gang is rather pathetic as well though to go down to it... it was cool seeing her brother be dead though that was fun to have happen instead of a chance at recovery that was great but it is screwed the woman got punched in the face...
Nov 23, 2008 8:19 AM

Oct 2008
swiftdeathsk - I'm at the same point myself in VN :D
And yes, LOAD and SAVE are memorable ;)
OT - a friend of mine is die hard fan of Pro Evolution Soccer so he plays premium japanesse ver. of PES, menu is all japanesse so he just learnt what is what by comparising with eng version, even though he do not understand jap at all :D

Nov 23, 2008 11:51 AM

Sep 2008
the 1vs1 eas great.. tomoya was awesome...
Nov 23, 2008 12:48 PM

Nov 2008
Przemos19 said:
swiftdeathsk - I'm at the same point myself in VN :D
And yes, LOAD and SAVE are memorable ;)
OT - a friend of mine is die hard fan of Pro Evolution Soccer so he plays premium japanesse ver. of PES, menu is all japanesse so he just learnt what is what by comparising with eng version, even though he do not understand jap at all :D

:P hopefully gonna get a lot farther today, about to go play it right now after this post.

I don't have that option of comparing, since the only thing that is translated is the dialogue (basically, i have to randomly guess as to what im doing in the menu, but at least it's all pretty self-explainatory).

I am, however, as of last night (lol), in the process of teaching myself japanese using: <- not that bad of a site actually, pretty helpful even though I haven't yet gotten into the actual content (its all been explainations so far)... maybe soon I can watch Clannad After Story when it's RAW instead of having to wait for Subs ^_^
Nov 23, 2008 1:40 PM

Aug 2008
SwordWielder said:
they changed like the whole scenario of the game. but this arc is too short... 2 episodes? wtf?
and look at the rainbow bread with jam!

I think that Sanae's friend is a character we all know about. Hell, I would so try them both at the same time. Love the referance to Kanon. But now we have to take into consideration that Kanon and Clannad exist in the same universe. Dibs on Mai, Tomoyo, and Kyou!
Now I have to take a cold shower.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 23, 2008 5:45 PM

Jul 2008
evilium said:
draker said:
I found ridiculous how everyone got knocked out by Sanae's bread and that jam. That was just stupid, not even funny =/

If you watched Kanon (2006) and remember Akiko's Jam....

That's what the Jam is. It's not any old Jam. All you people who remember, should know that getting KO'ed is appropriate.

So true, when I saw the jam I was like "Omg please do not eat that" and who the fuck will thrust a shiney bread to begin with XD.

Else that that it was an awesome episode, the best so far with the last one of Minase arc.
Clannad and Ef this fall kick ass!

Nov 23, 2008 6:01 PM

Apr 2008
dont let this mess with your idea of gangsters. In real life, gangsters are generally people who have very bad personalities and would do horrible things.

i thought yukine's arc was mostly really cheesy, but the ending was done amazingly well, just like misae's arc.
so far i would say that misae and yukine's arcs were better than every other character's arcs in both shows of this series.
Kyon97Nov 23, 2008 6:11 PM
Nov 23, 2008 6:09 PM

Jun 2008
One of the saddest episodes of this series. (too bad i read a spoiler earlier ruined part of the emotional effect, but thats what i get for clicking on spoiler)

Although the bread part was a little unnecessary, i feel that it was actually good that they put that in. Had to have some comedy. First with some amazingly brilliant rainbow colored bread followed by pulling Akiko's jam out of the bag made it even more epic. Notice the fizzle and crackling electric effects upon putting the jam on the bread.
Signature Here.
Nov 23, 2008 6:42 PM

Jul 2008
chieftain20 said:
(too bad i read a spoiler earlier ruined part of the emotional effect, but thats what i get for clicking on spoiler)

Same there, tough in my case the guy who spoiled was an idiots.
Nov 23, 2008 8:34 PM

Nov 2008
maxime1007 said:
evilium said:
draker said:
I found ridiculous how everyone got knocked out by Sanae's bread and that jam. That was just stupid, not even funny =/

If you watched Kanon (2006) and remember Akiko's Jam....

That's what the Jam is. It's not any old Jam. All you people who remember, should know that getting KO'ed is appropriate.

So true, when I saw the jam I was like "Omg please do not eat that" and who the fuck will thrust a shiney bread to begin with XD.

Else that that it was an awesome episode, the best so far with the last one of Minase arc.
Clannad and Ef this fall kick ass!

OMG your post made LOL. Who would trust a shiny bread anyways?
please report all angel999 duplicate accounts to the mods asap
Nov 23, 2008 11:41 PM
Oct 2007

Anyway, I thought the second half of the episode was sad and I cried but the first part was a bit boring. I kinda already predicted that her brother was dead to begin with. Why else would he not show up and she never mentioned visiting the hospital at all.

The bread+jam part was like an ad, lol, with Nagisa as the model. It was inappropriate right there, I agree, but whatever. Tomoya's fight wins!

Each arc in AS and each episode so far are good in their own rights. But I feel like these individual arcs haven't added anything to the main story and I miss the days when the whole gang is together. So I'm glad they're making these arcs short and can't wait to see the next episode.
Nov 24, 2008 2:21 AM
Sep 2007
wow tomoya is a failure at fighting on so many levels was fun to watch him get the shit kicked out of him then get in a couple chump punches the boss of the other gang is rather pathetic as well though to go down to it...

The gang leader went down because he was exhausted from smashing up Tomoya. ._.
Nov 24, 2008 8:22 AM

Nov 2008
roysen said:
wow tomoya is a failure at fighting on so many levels was fun to watch him get the shit kicked out of him then get in a couple chump punches the boss of the other gang is rather pathetic as well though to go down to it...

The gang leader went down because he was exhausted from smashing up Tomoya. ._.

exactly... i'd get KOd after a few punches landed on me if I spent half the afternoon (cuz it started with daylight and they were still fighting at night) punching the crap outta someone...

Tomoya knows how to take a punch!
Nov 24, 2008 8:47 AM

Nov 2008
roysen said:
wow tomoya is a failure at fighting on so many levels was fun to watch him get the shit kicked out of him then get in a couple chump punches the boss of the other gang is rather pathetic as well though to go down to it...

The gang leader went down because he was exhausted from smashing up Tomoya. ._.

The blow that did it for your explanation is a direct hit to the solar plexus however the gang leader seem to be WAY OVER the endurance level. He actually took really good!

O_O that guy Sasaki is nuts! He really is trained in the street fighting. That is why Okazaki seemed sluggish in the fight even at his best. Okazaki has no experience in street fighting but the emotions fixed most things so I am happy in the end.
please report all angel999 duplicate accounts to the mods asap
Nov 24, 2008 2:05 PM

Mar 2008
Wonderful episode, really emotional. I suspected Yukine's brother to be dead, and i was right in the end... :(

But i really laughed a lot with the "rainbow bread" and "ultimate jam" ^^ So Akiko-sans is Misae's friend ? ^^
Nov 25, 2008 1:18 AM

Mar 2008
im pretty sure that thing about the ball of light obviously ties into the girl and the robot
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Nov 25, 2008 7:27 AM

Nov 2008
traed said:
im pretty sure that thing about the ball of light obviously ties into the girl and the robot

Yes! I think more that the ball of light could be Kazuto's soul as well. Anyone think so too?
please report all angel999 duplicate accounts to the mods asap
Nov 25, 2008 12:40 PM

Nov 2008
slayer545 said:
traed said:
im pretty sure that thing about the ball of light obviously ties into the girl and the robot

Yes! I think more that the ball of light could be Kazuto's soul as well. Anyone think so too?

both imo... when i saw the lights in the illusionary world (with the girl), i figured they were the souls of the people who had died in that world before it was post-apocalyptic (because, they repeat the fact that the world has ended in just about every ep that they show it in, same with the Visual Novel (VN FTW!!))
so, that (if i am correct) means both of these are correct.

However, notice that the colors of the lights are different in both worlds? In the real world, they are a blueish color, in the illusionary world, they are a yellowish color. Maybe the illusionary world is just a story that nagisa heard in the past, and possibly has to do with the play she did for her drama club in the first season that they just never finished... idk, but it will be explained eventually ^_^... if it's not, ill just have to finish the VN >_>
Nov 25, 2008 2:24 PM

Nov 2008
swiftdeathsk said:
slayer545 said:
traed said:
im pretty sure that thing about the ball of light obviously ties into the girl and the robot

Yes! I think more that the ball of light could be Kazuto's soul as well. Anyone think so too?

both imo... when i saw the lights in the illusionary world (with the girl), i figured they were the souls of the people who had died in that world before it was post-apocalyptic (because, they repeat the fact that the world has ended in just about every ep that they show it in, same with the Visual Novel (VN FTW!!))
so, that (if i am correct) means both of these are correct.

However, notice that the colors of the lights are different in both worlds? In the real world, they are a blueish color, in the illusionary world, they are a yellowish color. Maybe the illusionary world is just a story that nagisa heard in the past, and possibly has to do with the play she did for her drama club in the first season that they just never finished... idk, but it will be explained eventually ^_^... if it's not, ill just have to finish the VN >_>

Interesting, I will look this up for meaning. Usually yellow=life/light
Blue is peace/serenity. I will check this up and will edit this part.
please report all angel999 duplicate accounts to the mods asap
Nov 25, 2008 3:11 PM

Nov 2008
slayer545 said:
swiftdeathsk said:
slayer545 said:
traed said:
im pretty sure that thing about the ball of light obviously ties into the girl and the robot

Yes! I think more that the ball of light could be Kazuto's soul as well. Anyone think so too?

both imo... when i saw the lights in the illusionary world (with the girl), i figured they were the souls of the people who had died in that world before it was post-apocalyptic (because, they repeat the fact that the world has ended in just about every ep that they show it in, same with the Visual Novel (VN FTW!!))
so, that (if i am correct) means both of these are correct.

However, notice that the colors of the lights are different in both worlds? In the real world, they are a blueish color, in the illusionary world, they are a yellowish color. Maybe the illusionary world is just a story that nagisa heard in the past, and possibly has to do with the play she did for her drama club in the first season that they just never finished... idk, but it will be explained eventually ^_^... if it's not, ill just have to finish the VN >_>

Interesting, I will look this up for meaning. Usually yellow=life/light
Blue is peace/serenity. I will check this up and will edit this part.

another thing that i just realized... this is a bit of a stretch, since i dont remember 100% if this part from the VN was in the anime as well, but the robot in the illusionary world tries to reach out and touch one of the yellow lights, but it passes through his hand. in the anime (this ep at the end) yukine says that those who catch one of the lights gets to make a wish... this could have some meaning to it, or it could be completely irrelevant since the robot is basically (imo) a soul possessing this body of junk that the girl created for him and cant even feel the girl's hand when he holds it...

just something i felt like adding, maybe someone has a thought about this and if it is/isnt irrelevant.

EDIT (again): More proof that the lights are souls:

Kittenia said:
Akiko's Jam~!
Floating orbs, the happiness things. They must mean something big, w00t w00t. They were shown with Kotomi's Arc, and Fuuko's. Misae's and now, Yukine's. Also in that magic world, hmmmmm~!

Kotomi's parents died -> they were happy and could rest peacefully when kotomi finally recieved the teddy bear they wanted her to have.

Fuuko's dead -> she made her sister happy by having everyone come to her wedding, thus making herself happy... although she still appeared from time to time (although she hasnt recently... i wonder why :?), i still believe she's able to rest peacefully but doesnt want to go to heaven yet because she want's to keep an eye on her sister.

Misae's -> Okay, for some reason I'm having a memory failure right now (lol -.-) so i cant remember much about this arc... i'll have to re-watch and fix this part of the post... unless someone else would be able to fill in the blanks a bit - i should be able to remember and form a quick conclusion from my memory.

Yukine's brother died -> obviously you just saw this ep, but I'll explain it anyways; yukine's brother wanted to stop the fighting (at least from memory this is true... i could be wrong and if so this entire conclusion is a bust, but even if it is, it's just cuz he's happy because his little sister was able to make peace and become happy), but try as he might, he couldn't do so before his death. Yukine finished what he was unable to do, thus making him happy and able to rest peacefully.

See where I'm going with this? There is more proof of my original conclusion throughout the show than what is immediately obvious.

perhaps the two colors of the lights are actually connected; they are yellow when they are unhappy and unable to rest peacefully, and are also invisible to all but the most pure (and other souls, since i stand by the idea that the robot in the other world is just a soul that the girl made a body of junk for it to possess, which is why the robot sees it too). once the souls are happy and able to rest peacefully, they turn blue, and become visible to more (but for some reason yukine did not see her brother's soul, but tomoya did, and yukine is far more "pure" than tomoya is, so this kinda contradicts my idea, yes... that I have yet to find an explaination for -.-). but when they are blue, they also rise to heaven, which is why you do not see any blue souls in the illusionary world, since they have all gone to heaven...

Sorry, HUGE wall of text...
swiftdeathskNov 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Nov 25, 2008 6:46 PM

Nov 2008

VERY NICE! Thank you for the analyzing! Very informative and agree that about the proofs the paranormal never ceases in Clannad.
please report all angel999 duplicate accounts to the mods asap
Nov 25, 2008 9:59 PM

Jan 2008
I didn't mind the bread bit, for me it seemed somewhat necessary. If Sunohara had not been knocked out he would've been the one fighting. If it was him fighting, the entire fight would've turned into a comedic scene. Tomoya's fighting was serious and thus opened up the opportunity for Yukine to come in and reveal the fact that her brother was dead and ultimately end the fighting between gangs.

Also, in regards to Tomoya's fighting and sucking... come on people Tomoya is a high school student with a bad shoulder who occasionally gets into fights. Sasaki is a gang leader who probably fights all the time and is like a foot taller than Tomoya. I wonder who would win?

Nov 25, 2008 10:26 PM

Sep 2008
Epic episode is epic. Tomoya got his ass kicked.
Go Watch Sumomo momo Its epic. It has not gotten much attention... Episode 1
Nov 25, 2008 10:50 PM
Mar 2008
Funny, cool fight, and touching yo. Yuki-nee is now second next to Kyou for me and then Tomoyo.
Nov 26, 2008 12:48 AM

Aug 2007
I have a little issue with the bread and jam like stated earlier. I do appreciate the Kanon reference but I thought it was inappropriate. Also there's a tad too much fistfighting and crying in my Clannad but I'm pretty excited about this series so far.
Nov 26, 2008 3:14 AM

Sep 2007
evilium said:
If you watched Kanon (2006) and remember Akiko's Jam....
My thoughts exactly. That was pretty clever though to mix Akiko's Jam with Sanae's bread. XD

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