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Mar 3, 2013 12:37 PM

Aug 2011
Lucy's role in this movie was really pathetic. That crying in the end made me cringe.

The king/prince/whateverhewas was really stupid.

Origin of that Phoenix wasn't explained, or did I not pay attention enough?

Comedy was actually great. Had many laughs, especially when Gray got arrested for being half naked.

Soundtrack was 1000/10 as always. Especially the piece that started playing when Laxus and his team arrived. Sogood.

It was fine, had its moments. 6/10
Mar 4, 2013 3:28 AM

May 2010
great movie.. enjoyed watching it especially because the art and animation were waay better than in the anime episodes.

maybe then fairy tail would have way better ratings in japan when the movie guys would animate the anime.

KerozinnJul 14, 2013 8:20 AM
Mar 4, 2013 9:38 AM

Sep 2012
It was way better than the manga. I wish Mashima find the balls to kill his character too in the manga.
Mar 4, 2013 12:41 PM

May 2008
7/10. It was okayy, that's it. Liked the comedy. (:

And omg Laxus, attacking the monster like a baws.
Mar 4, 2013 7:33 PM
Oct 2008
Id say a 7 though the animation was for once good with FT (never thought those two would go hand in hand)

Kerozinn said:
great movie.. enjoyed watching it especially because the art and animation were waay better than in the anime episodes.

maybe then fairy tail would have way better ratings in japan when the movie guys would animate the anime.
Mar 5, 2013 3:34 PM

Dec 2011
Hmm. Not bad.

Favorite small moment: Erza wearing the wedding dress.

I was expecting more of a battle between Natsu and Dyst... but I guess it isn't about Dyst since the Phoenix is the real enemy.

Dang. It almost made me tear up.

Also didn't expect that Geese would help them! Do I smell like a possible movie 2 where he may be a character??? It so foreshadows it when he mentioned, return the favor someday.
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Mar 5, 2013 8:15 PM

Nov 2011


Finally saw this today after waiting months after it came out in theater. Anyways, I thought the movie

It started off dramatically with the music and all. And holy shit, is that blood I see? That's a first for the movie. The OP song was okay I guess but the animation was NOT. I did not like the animation/visuals of this movie much.

>He's nude.
I lol'd.

>Thank you, undressing habit

For one thing, I didn't like this Eclair character at first. All cold and straight forward with anything. I find her to be naive and lacks a personality, not to mention being nearly useless. The fight scenes were okay I guess. Lol @ Juvia as usual with her beloved 'Gray-sama'

I guess the movie is about a phoenix stone that is a very important source. Rather, it is part of the main plot. Other than that, there's also some other revelations revealed regarding Eclair. Ultimately, I thought the movie was alright but wasn't too special or anything. 7/10.

Lucy said:
Natsu, is magic good, or evil?
Mar 6, 2013 10:51 PM

Nov 2011
For Fairy Tail's standard it was quite good. Was Mashima even majorly involved in the production of this movie? Because if he didn't then it make sense why the movie isn't as bad as the manga.

Mar 10, 2013 4:07 AM

Jan 2009
damn if only the animation of the TV series is this good then it will be amazing!!! laxus did not get a lot of action scenes though i hope their will be more movies eventhough the TV series will end soon

and Eclair's death is not that so sad, she live for like 400 years already and her death was given a happy ending too so its good imo
Mar 10, 2013 3:36 PM

Nov 2012
Finally got to see this Movie, and it was worth to wait for so long.
It was kinda lame in the beginning, but the battles were fun and I almost wet myself when Dragonforce was playing in the background.
Mar 10, 2013 4:38 PM

Jul 2011
I think it was good. Some funny moments. Some sad moments.
At least we got more Fairy Tail there.

and OMG making me cry at the end. I was holding my tears in. But then the list momon ghost appeared all happy to be back with Eclair and then the tears!
Poor lucy too. After making a new friend that she really liked and loses her. I felt bad for her. But happy for Eclair to have been able to make friends with Lucy. They are both good people.
But it was a good ending.

And Lucy didn't look fat. She looked thick-ish. But Grey looked thicked too, like whoa, too much, no thank you.

And haha at Juvia getting all jealous with that ugly homo.

Oh and Erza's hair looked different. But I'm guessing it was the coloring of the entire anime, but Erza's hair was easier to distinguish.

I still liked the movie though.
Mar 11, 2013 7:31 AM

Apr 2012
i loved the animation
Mar 11, 2013 4:10 PM
Jul 2018
Liked it alot.
Instead of this whole zeref+guild conflict always going on I'd so much rather have the series to just be the guild going on several contracts, adventuring throughout the world.
Mar 23, 2013 11:28 AM

Feb 2012
Was expecting a bit more, but it was still good. 8.5/10 rounded to 9!
Mar 26, 2013 3:32 AM

Nov 2008
The cancellation of the anime all makes sense now.
Mar 26, 2013 3:05 PM

Apr 2008
The drawings are worse in this than the series. How the F is that possible?! :P
Not that the drawings is horrible in the series, it's just that it has become worse in the last 2-3 arcs there.
But I'm used to that the drawings and such is better in movies.

Not really good. :P
Lucy was so annoying in this, such a crybaby.
And the above stuff I wrote.
FluffyDangoMar 26, 2013 4:55 PM

Mar 26, 2013 5:50 PM

Apr 2008
jppcouto said:
how can this be "R - 17+ (violence & profanity)"?!
this movie isn't violent, it only has a little blood, but nothing special: looks like a naruto and bleach movie. For example, Fullmetal Alchemist Movie 1: conqueror shamballa is "PG-13 - Teens 13 or older" and it has much more blood.

That rating of Fairy Tail movie, doesn't make sense

The FMA movie was released before the rule about too much blood was implemented in Japan.
So of course the rating system over there bacame more strict. That FMA movie would probably be 18+ now.

Mar 30, 2013 3:21 AM

Jan 2011
It wasn't bad by any means. It was pretty badass to see all the guild go (nearly) all out on the phoenix. The story was a little meh but hey it highlighted what FT as a guild is all about.

8/10 would of loved to see some more complex fight sequences but oh well. It is only 1.5 hours so can't really knock it too hard for that desire.

Idk what people expect out of a shounen series. BTW I love reading the review from a guy who isn't even current with the series....good stuff right there. And the other has her #1 as One Piece basically meaning I'm comparing FT to One Piece and there is no comparison...I don't smell the bias > > (One Piece movies were given 10, 10, and 9 out of 10)
IZEROIIMar 30, 2013 3:25 AM
Mar 30, 2013 8:52 AM

Mar 2012
BTW I love reading the review from a guy who isn't even current with the series....good stuff right there. And the other has her #1 as One Piece basically meaning I'm comparing FT to One Piece and there is no comparison...I don't smell the bias > > (One Piece movies were given 10, 10, and 9 out of 10)

Ara ara, did you even read it?
Apr 3, 2013 5:48 PM
Apr 2013
I strongly appreciate Hiro Mashima's style of nudity, he keeps it beautiful and pure.
Basic Character anime anatomy.

Lucy was naked but only from the back (her body didn't contain adult naughty bits)

During the final battle of Erza vs Coordinator, each were shown nude during they're re-quipping transform, you could their whole breasts (but no naughty bits). Each of the ova's didn't show adult naughty bits. (Even for Gray)

By doing that he used basic character anime anatomy, by just drawing keeping it pure. Pure and Beauty is how fairy tail has always'd been. I love it. Watching/reading FT made start back drawing my own anime characters/comics again. I respect him that much.

Fairy Tail has always been my favorite anime/manga, I've watched/read every episode/manga they had. I'm a big fan. I appreciate Hiro Mashima for his hard work. He Rules!
tygaarApr 3, 2013 6:43 PM
Apr 17, 2013 4:02 PM

Feb 2011
10/10. That's all I need to say.
Apr 20, 2013 7:18 AM

Oct 2007
I still have Fairy Tail on hold since episode 32 because I found it childish...
So why watching the movie? Usually movies are better (animation/design, not story) than the parent anime so... but this, THIS is UGLY! seriously! I don't remember watching a movie as ugly as this one since years! The girls are like cows or loli... lot of choice! I know, it's a shounen, it's for the fanservice... so let's look at the guy... I remembered that at least Gray was a bishounen and from what I read their are a time skip so he should be more adult, much more my type... but no, he's UGLY, as all the others -_-' and the clothes!!! even 100 yens shops sell better clothes than this... again, specially for the Gray's one!

And the story? they (and the supposed to be phoenix) kill hundreds of people but stupid cow Lucy's crying for stupid Eclair and don't want to supposed to be phoenix to be destroyed... yes, why not! let's destroyed the world because she want to protect so much a tsundere she met few hours/days before...

Yellow bird was also horrible! I didn't specially like the flying cat but the biggg head yellow bird is horrible and have absolutely no use except apologize for the stupid tsundere!

KaiserNazrin said:
For Fairy Tail's standard it was quite good. Was Mashima even majorly involved in the production of this movie? Because if he didn't then it make sense why the movie isn't as bad as the manga.

Sorrows said:
The cancellation of the anime all makes sense now.

so if the movie was supposed to be good, I understand why I didn't like the anime... but I like Rave (and Plue)! Why not a new Rave anime and not not again bad Fairy Tail...

1h30 for this... -_-
Apr 20, 2013 7:32 AM

Nov 2010
amayih said:
I remembered that at least Gray was a bishounen and from what I read their are a time skip so he should be more adult, much more my type... but no, he's UGLY, as all the others -_-'
It might be a little bit of a spoiler but he and some other people didn't age during the time skip.(it's part of the story)
Apr 27, 2013 10:59 AM
Feb 2012
It's been a while since anything FT-related moved me to tears.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
May 14, 2013 4:05 PM

Jul 2011
I was expecting much more from this movie but it was really boring, the plot was horrible. The only good things were the animation and the comedy.

May 15, 2013 10:14 PM

Jul 2010
ainky said:
I was expecting much more from this movie but it was really boring, the plot was horrible. The only good things were the animation and the comedy.


glad i'm not the only one who felt the same way. i thought i was alone going through the first page.

Jun 20, 2013 9:29 PM

May 2012
Finally watched it! And it was good. Amazing fight scenes and it really has a fairy tail feel to it. Just want to mention that I like the attack on the guild by the Carbuncle and Juvia's misunderstanding against that firing guy is funny.. and this one just so hilarious too:

Jun 27, 2013 4:08 PM

Nov 2011
The visuals and fights looked great and had some humor as well presented with the story.

My favorite being this.
rebelakuma said:

The story wasn't too compelling, but I admit at some scenes I started to feel a bit teary eyed, but that didn't last too long.


Had some good things, but nothing superb to make me be shocked in amazement by it. Nice watch though for FT fans.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Jul 7, 2013 2:25 PM
May 2011
Rexzazel said:
Oh my god, that was such a good movie. Gray finally gets arrested for exhibitionism, Erza wants to get married, the fights were great, but the ending was very sad.

Manly tears were shed........and proudly at that.

Seriously ?

Lucy getting overattached to any random and to no time , is really boring ( happens a lot in the series too ) -_- and i didn't give a damn about Eclaire and her bird -_-

All this movie had , were a few funny scenes, other than that , it was cliche and a waste of time
Jul 24, 2013 1:45 PM

May 2012
While you do notice they have put a lot more effort into animation and art in this movie but well with doing that they lacked the proper feel of Fairy Tail! The concept of the story is pretty nice but well IMO doesn't really fit the feel and style of Fairy Tail, the battle was so so and could've been made more way better! Either way not a bad Movie! I do wonder though when this story is taking place, before the parent's story last arc or after...
Aug 26, 2013 1:33 PM

Apr 2011
I like the movie a lot and did not expect many things from this movie, as a Fairy Tail anime watcher, I'm surprise. It feels like Hiro just shut up so many fans with "no death" thing in anime. Hiro should do more movies for FT, this guy can really come up with stories not related to the main series. XD

OMG@ bird dying... its like happy or chopper. NO friendship power lOL

and poor Erza, she should use that archer form more often. :O
Sep 16, 2013 1:17 AM

Aug 2013
I went with not much expectations and got a little surprised..
The art was nothing much.. characters felt a bit plain at the beginning too.
But the funny scenes and not to mention fan-service was damn funny.. I notice Lucy had a pretty huge butt. LOL
The fighting scene is good too just that it lacked their skills and moves.
The story is quite normal but after awhile I really got into the emotional scenes.. the feels.
All in all it was enjoyable to watch. :)
Oct 2, 2013 3:40 AM

Jan 2013
Erza looks fearsome before the OP but she was cute when she overdid it. I laughed at the comment about Erza's desperation for being a waifu^_^. "How desperate you have to be" xD.

Natsu's words at the end made my eyes teary. I want to give 10/10 but for some reasons I'll give it 9/10.
Was a sad movie, just like the ED song. But the fact that we are waiting for a new season I watched this at a good moment, it reminded me why I like Fairy Tail and it also brought back some memories from the series as of where would this fit in.

ahxiian said:
.. I notice Lucy had a pretty huge butt. LOL...

Lol I noticed that too xD.
Oct 13, 2013 9:28 PM

Aug 2011
Des said:
The drawings are worse in this than the series. How the F is that possible?! :P

How are the drawings worse than the series?
Are you people stupid? or blind? or both?

Anyway this movie was average at best (that's being nice) and awfully boring.
Dyst was the most forgettable villian ever, he even looked like a washed-up version of Jellal.
standOct 13, 2013 9:31 PM
Oct 14, 2013 6:59 PM

Jan 2011
Somehow the colors looked a lit bleached out her. Not sure if it's the movie itself (can't remember noticing anything when watching the special though) or just the version i watched. Or it's just my imagination.

Overall usual Fairy Tail style, but that also means villians that totally overpower everyone, no matter how much training Natsu and co had in the past. It's okay with some of the dark guilds and other obviously powerful enemies, but any random guild no one has ever heard of? I mean, not only was it never mentioned in FT before, it wasn't even recognized in-universe.

On the other hand it also included some nice scenes, like Eclair headbutting Cream in the cell. Or Coordinator being like "how desperate are you" when she can't dispel Erza's wedding dress. I think she was right there. Who knows, maybe Erza can keep Jellal out of jail long enough to marry for once. Or they marry in the prison chapel..

I also think the connection between Dyst's past and his actions now is literally non-existent. No villain ever said "no" to living forever, especially if it's presented on silver platter like this, so the scene in the prologue was kinda pointless.
Oct 16, 2013 5:03 AM
Oct 2013
4/5 good film at all. Think about its the first one.
It was fun to watch and hat some nice fight scenes.
I noticed that erzas hair was a little bit different (which i liked) and gray had a way bigger body than usual. He was a little bit taller and had more muscels. So u could see a better different between him and natsu.
And the end.. well i liked it, it was a nice NaLu moment but only a little bit of NaLu because for real.. it was a FairyTailxLucy moment.
Natsu hugs her as a friend, just saying that he and the rest of the guild is there for her, that shes not alone. So yeah we see natsu hugging lucy *O* but more friendly than romantic.. u know.

P.S Oh and about dat "lucy looks fat" gosh.. go to your f****** top model shizznit.. annoying kids.. really.. only dogs want to play with bones.. and except that, she wasnt fat at all, not even a little bit. She just has DAT ass and DAT tits.. even if its too IMO.
Nov 21, 2013 11:58 AM

Sep 2013
i exepted the movie to.. be like fairy tail

yes its fairy tail but theres alot of stuffs that changed

gray look and act different

the "end of the world" is a bit overdone in fairy tail

and i only liked the start of the movie which really was like the fairy tail i love

and ive seen it with dubs and without and the dubs were BAD in the series it was ok but in the movie O.O

its a nice movie but as a fairy tail movie its ok

i give it 7/10
i got no gif for my signature..... imagine some cool swords clashing and light and fighting everywhere!
Nov 28, 2013 8:58 PM

Mar 2008
parfaited said:
Des said:
The drawings are worse in this than the series. How the F is that possible?! :P

How are the drawings worse than the series?
Are you people stupid? or blind? or both?

Anyway this movie was average at best (that's being nice) and awfully boring.
Dyst was the most forgettable villian ever, he even looked like a washed-up version of Jellal.

The graphics quality of the movie was pretty bad. Pretty much the entire first mission was less than stellar.

Movie was alright, NaLu is not a thing.
Feb 14, 2014 4:09 AM

Sep 2009
I cried a lot @_@
Mar 2, 2014 10:11 AM

Dec 2013
Moomoooooon!! =( *tear*
Love and Peace!!!
Mar 2, 2014 10:33 AM

Dec 2013
razisgosu said:
parfaited said:
Des said:
The drawings are worse in this than the series. How the F is that possible?! :P

How are the drawings worse than the series?
Are you people stupid? or blind? or both?

Anyway this movie was average at best (that's being nice) and awfully boring.
Dyst was the most forgettable villian ever, he even looked like a washed-up version of Jellal.

The graphics quality of the movie was pretty bad. Pretty much the entire first mission was less than stellar.

Movie was alright, NaLu is not a thing.

First of all, its Fairy Tail! How good would you expect the movie to be? I wouldn't say the art was better or worse, but it was different. Some aspects seemed more detailed and some seemed simpler.

I for one enjoyed this rendering of Lucy's figure ;-) Its a welcome difference from the TONS of boney anime backsides!
Love and Peace!!!
Mar 17, 2014 7:34 AM

Mar 2014
Best anime movie ever. 5/5
Mar 20, 2014 2:55 PM

Oct 2013
Meh nothing special,but i did enjoy it and the animation was amazing so i'll give it 7/10.

May 6, 2014 2:04 PM

Apr 2010
Decent movie, worth the watch. If only the TV series was animated even half as well as this.
May 15, 2014 5:16 PM

Nov 2013
It was so bad I have no words.

Its like Fairy Tail but without the humor and the usual ost and with a story even worse than the manga.

Jun 7, 2014 11:59 PM

May 2010
im expecting this movie to be awesome but its not :(
very disappointed through the movie the only thing that gets me interested is when Eclair was revealed to be 400 yrs old and when she died T^T cry so much...
Jul 5, 2014 4:47 AM
Jun 2013
I don't know what I expected either.
In my opinion it's definitely worse than the series.
The progress happens too fast and we can't look into the story deep as we do in the series. I liked the animation, but this one felt rushed.

Dec 15, 2014 11:02 PM

Jun 2011
That was really just bad, and yea it's mainly because the story progresses too fast, it doesn't even have depth, no proper build up, no proper pay off, no nothing, everything is just.. for the action. I laughed when people from Fairy Tail were crying at the end, I don't even know what Lucy was crying for, the heck she barely interacted with Enclair, and she's the one who interacted the most with Enclair, which makes me feel like the "feels" was pretty superficial. Natsu and the gang barely even knew Enclair at the beginning, like, they only met her for like what, 5 minutes? They just decided to help her because they have nothing else to do? How convenient is that writing? They are not Luffy for God's sake, it's just so off. The art style too, it looks really different, and it's all weird.

"Is magic evil?" Now they are trying to sound deep. -_-

The bad guys don't even matter, and they took up quite a lot of screen time. The action was boring, bad guys destroyed FT headquarter, FT counterattacks later. For whatever reason they just.. win. "How desperate are you?", and Erza just win like that.. the heck I prefer nakama power over that to be perfectly honest. In the end I don't know Enclair enough to care much about her.

To me the movie is just bad.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Feb 24, 2015 9:08 PM

Sep 2013
The story was pretty standard Fairy Tail but the animation was a huge improvement. Erza, Wendy, Natsu and Happy just seemed... so much better to watch.
Feb 27, 2015 11:55 AM

Mar 2014
It was pretty enjoyable! I'm glad that I at least watched it.
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