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Feb 28, 2013 7:06 PM

Nov 2011
Ahh it's over. Well, at least it was a fun read. Otherwise, it was alright. Also lol'd @ Sayaka throughout the series, oh the fun. 5 year time skip huh? That sure went fast..
Stark700Feb 28, 2013 7:13 PM
Feb 28, 2013 7:28 PM

Oct 2011
Yes :P he ended up with the girl of my choice :)
Sayaka <3
Feb 28, 2013 7:31 PM

Sep 2011
Sayaka end :>
Feb 28, 2013 7:59 PM

Feb 2012
Good end but the usually ROFL BAD END
Feb 28, 2013 8:49 PM

Jul 2012
Decent manga. I thought most of the characters were spineless and whiny, but it's just showing the hardships of being a mangaka. Loved the ending and how Inamine went down the Sayaka route. The kid is named Miyu, eh? Really enjoyed this manga. Too bad it escalated so quickly....
Feb 28, 2013 10:44 PM
Mar 2012
Feb 28, 2013 11:46 PM

Nov 2012
The ending wasn't what I expected, but I can't complain.

Hopefully this means Aflame Inferno will get some more progress, unless IDY decides to make another series...
Mar 1, 2013 12:04 AM

Jul 2009
meh. not good, not bad. ok?
i guess that means a 6/10 for "fine". but feels like a 7/10. so iono. 6.5/10?
Mar 1, 2013 3:59 AM

Dec 2008
The way the plot was resolved was rathe poor but bonus points were scored for Sayaka End :)
Also the gender of Iwasaki Rune was confirmed and the point of the lesson is - when a cute pettanko invites you to eat at a gay bar make sure she really is just a pettanko before commiting yourself to "her" route XD Then again, even with that reveal I still think of him as fun and interesting character (also the only other male besides the MC who isn't "evil" or completely unimportant) that you just can't help but like ^^
KarharotMar 1, 2013 5:45 AM
New profile design sucks.
Mar 1, 2013 4:57 AM

Feb 2012
Juumonji ending, fuck yeah, I'm satisfied.
Mar 1, 2013 7:11 AM

Nov 2011
The ending just what i wanted. :)
Mar 1, 2013 8:46 AM

Oct 2009
Jesus christ what the fuck was that? I know Im Dal Young alsways has rushed endings but...that was rushed to shit. The MC never has really shown any romantic view of Sayaka, the assistant and the call girl are never brought up again. Jesus christ that was a shit end. Onihime VS was better, least that ending showed the rest of the characters.

Once again, a shit ending to a great series. Typical Dal Young
Mar 1, 2013 2:25 PM
Feb 2012
Rushed ending is rushed.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Mar 1, 2013 5:33 PM
Mar 2011
Meh, still a better ending than Onihime VS.

I rather liked this ending honestly.

And also, was I the only one who was surprised that girl was a Trap?
BackLashWaveMar 1, 2013 5:39 PM
Mar 2, 2013 4:21 AM

Oct 2011
very weird ending for an impressive manga (mostly) - really felt like it was rushed with the jump forward in time - should of definitely been resolved in a more in-depth fashion........that being said, it was a fun ride overall, and it was nice to see inamine end up with jumonji - i really loved the psychotic and manipulative Sawanoguchi - a very interesting character.......enjoyed the fact that the protaganists/villians all were well-rounded with many shades of light and dark good and evil - individuality won out over the corporate beast - always nice to see the underdog win in the end.......
octal9Mar 2, 2013 4:25 AM
Mar 2, 2013 4:27 AM

Oct 2011
Zarich said:
Jesus christ what the fuck was that? I know Im Dal Young alsways has rushed endings but...that was rushed to shit. The MC never has really shown any romantic view of Sayaka, the assistant and the call girl are never brought up again. Jesus christ that was a shit end. Onihime VS was better, least that ending showed the rest of the characters.

Once again, a shit ending to a great series. Typical Dal Young
have to agree with this.....if im dal young would have ended this more fully it could have gone from being a good manga to being a great one.......sad!
Mar 2, 2013 8:14 PM

Mar 2011
I liked ending and this was a great manga. Took forever to get to 20 chapters but still liked it. Romance was thrown in at last possible second though and felt forced. 7/10
[Input amazing signature]
Mar 3, 2013 9:03 AM

Sep 2007
Really a good ending for what i thought. :)
Mar 3, 2013 2:58 PM

Jan 2008
octal9 said:
Zarich said:
Jesus christ what the fuck was that? I know Im Dal Young alsways has rushed endings but...that was rushed to shit. The MC never has really shown any romantic view of Sayaka, the assistant and the call girl are never brought up again. Jesus christ that was a shit end. Onihime VS was better, least that ending showed the rest of the characters.

Once again, a shit ending to a great series. Typical Dal Young
have to agree with this.....if im dal young would have ended this more fully it could have gone from being a good manga to being a great one.......sad!

well i know i always said, its the editors and stuff, but he should be working with the japanese long enough to deal with their demands by now >.< i know, its much harder for a non-japanese mangaka, but it would be nice if he could, at least, try to come up with a proper end >.>

"Smiles aren't made, they're shown."- Belldandy (A!MG)
Mar 4, 2013 3:11 PM

May 2011
Shitty ass ending. Only redeeming quality is that the MC finally picked a girl, Sayaka, and knocked her up.
Mar 8, 2013 10:47 AM

Oct 2008
I really wish this author did not have such issues ending series. I thoroughly enjoy the series, but these endings are just so lackluster. The ending for this manga was ok well I'm done now got mine lemme roll over and fall asleep. AKA lazy ending that is rushed and forced, but the progress to it was entertaining. Really this series had nice artwork and ofc the fanservice was nice, but this chapter kind of just forced everything out. I wonder when Dal Young will learn to give proper conclusions. I am curious what lead those two characters to end up together, but considering his go with the flow nature it made some sense.
Mar 15, 2013 5:55 AM

Sep 2009
well that escalated quickly, what is wrong with Im Dal Young ending a bunch of good manga and manhwa after another, did he run out ideas?? what manga/manhwa will be having a rush ending?? freezing or aflame inferno perhaps?? and even other characters that was always shown in previous chapters didn't show up in this last chapter.

but i don't really hate the ending i was happy he ended up with sayaka ^...,^
devilscornerMar 15, 2013 6:01 AM
Mar 16, 2013 11:38 PM

Dec 2008
Sayaka's my fave, but what a bad ending. Unfortunately, I'm not surprised. That whole 5 year time skip was sad. Inamine & Sayaka getting married wasn't even sappy, touchy or even good. Her getting preggers had nothing even close to an "Awww! So happy for her!".

I just went "What? Are you serious? Why on earth did I pick up ANOTHER Im Dal Young manhwa? Learn from your past mistakes already!".

Ignoring the ending, I'll give it a 6/10.
Apr 24, 2013 4:28 AM

Aug 2012
What an unexpected ending.
Apr 28, 2013 6:27 PM

Dec 2010
Why Dal Young?! Why do you keep butchering the endings?!

At least it was a Sayaka I love Sayaka...

Sad to see that Rune was a trap. Had a feeling it was the case though ever since she invited Kouta to the gay bar lol. Still...he was cute...yeah...

Fuck Sawanoguchi.

May 8, 2013 5:55 PM

Sep 2011
Well, at least he ended up with Sayaka and gave it to her. It was a 6.5/10 for me but because i can't rate it like it, i'm going to give a 6.
Sep 29, 2013 10:09 PM
Mar 2013
Totally a different ending that i expected. I actually thought it would end with Inamine beating Ozma and begin dating Sawanoguchi. But this ending was even better. Jumonji Sayaka All the wayl
Oct 15, 2013 11:22 PM

Mar 2013
The ending was not bad, but having more development on Kouta and Sayaka would have made it alot better imo.
Nov 29, 2013 9:57 PM
Jul 2018
Not that good a manga overall, but him actually ending up with Sayaka was good and did surprise me. But as the person above me said, it was pretty underdeveloped.
Dec 3, 2013 1:16 PM

Aug 2011
For somewhat rushed ending, it was done pretty nice. After some hints revealing "her" as him wasn't such a surprice, but even so...
In the end I find this manga quite interesting and art was really nice (as all of the Im Dal Young series) and the ending with Sayaka was a bonus so I'll go with 7/10
Jan 8, 2014 7:33 AM

Aug 2012
It hooked me from the get-go and the way the story progressed each chapter was great. What bothers me the most is how fast this last chapter had been. Many things could be added, instead, the mangaka just threw as a lame internal Ozma drama. Most series always end at such a low note, and I'm sad that this is one of them.

Oh well, I'm just glad that MC-kun managed to get Sayaka at the end.. I was rooting for them.
Jan 28, 2014 11:00 AM

Mar 2013
At least Sayaka turned into Inamine's wife in the end lmao
Jan 29, 2014 2:14 PM

Feb 2010
jeez man i read all of this in two sittings and he does this at the end XD
Aug 2, 2014 4:58 AM

Mar 2014
LOL happy ending..

So Kouta really did knocked up Sayaka that night eh.. :p

Aug 4, 2014 5:09 AM

Oct 2013
Zhou said:
Juumonji ending, fuck yeah, I'm satisfied.
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
Oct 26, 2014 8:05 PM
May 2014
this chapter was nice until the "5 years later" text popped up.

the ending was too rushed and somethings were missing.

i was expecting something like this though as the MC cannot end with the main heroine hinata as of her past experiences she wouldnt want to do it again.

farr out i was so into it and now it is over it feels like its to rash. need a new manga to read now.....
Nov 2, 2014 11:03 PM

Feb 2014
x-Sena-x said:
LOL happy ending..

So Kouta really did knocked up Sayaka that night eh.. :p

He knocked her up that night and the baby was still inside her even after 5 years?

Bad ending. Bad series. No plot development, no romance either. NOT EVEN ENOUGH BOOBS!
Feb 17, 2015 7:08 PM
Jun 2013
Damn, this isn't even funny. How can they just put two people together from which one of them didn't even show any interest in the other for the whole manga? This was just ridiculous. I would rather go with Sawanoguchi just because she was there the whole time, helping him one way or another, and making him feel reassured.
From 9/10 to 6/10 with such an ending. There you have it.

Mar 7, 2015 6:51 AM
May 2012
Well, rush ending indeed. Y'all keep on saying that Dal likes to rush the ending of his Manga (this is my first Manga of his, I discovered him because of Freezing Anime). Maybe he has a problem that he just couldn't end his story properly. I don't know. It happens to many movies, too, and Anime.
Well, it's true that Inamine didn't even show any interest towards Sayaka, but something must have happened during that 5 year time skip. I wish Dal have shown us, though. Still, I really like the ending cause Juumonji Sayaka is <3
Rune is a fucking trap, and Miyu just freaking disappeared. Why did they name their son/daughter after her. Hinata might get lonely, she should get back with Oomura.
Well, I enjoyed this Manga. Though, it would have been much better if this was longer. Oh well. I don't know if I will give this 7 or 8.
Well, it's time for me to get back on Anime. I shall watch the latest episode of Naruto: Shippuuden now and continue Fairy Tail. Need more bewbs. Thank you ^^
Apr 6, 2015 9:39 AM

Jun 2014
Where is Miki and the loli assistant?

Fuck yeah! Juumoji (spelling?) definitely the best girl so I'm satisfied with this lackluster ending. Hinata is hot but she's a slut. She's ok being a nude in front of guys.

Jul 30, 2015 2:06 PM

Jan 2015
Sato already fished the situation in a few words ...
how I hate these leaps of time .. although terminates such plot in one chapter was even impossible ...
I had no hope that the end .. it was good ... but could be hotter ....

It did not show what happened to the worker and the fan number one ....
good, now is wait a spinoff or remake .. will know;;
Nov 10, 2015 1:50 AM

Jun 2013
if only they tonned down the amount of whines and complains the MC does it would have been better. what a surprise ending.

Nov 15, 2015 9:05 AM
Jun 2014
Good manga but I really wanted him to be with Hinata. At least he ended up with the second best girl.
Jan 17, 2016 7:20 AM

Mar 2014
Countermeasures like that are casual for someone who ascended to the peak but cannot view the horizon .
Looks like the 'system' needs some reworking to do .. specifically on their ego . Glad they're still some that are sane enough .
Dafuq .. That startled me . I always thought of the Art Director was a girl but I think I need to a bit of time to absorb that one .
Internal conflicts could also meant good resolutions ~ . Realization ~ !!
"Just like when I found you." Here's the make up part !!
5 years later .. that escalated very quickly . At the least they declare a truce to each other ~ .
VERY GREAT CHAPTER . InaminexJuumonji ~ !! It is not exactly what I one but whatever ~ !! <3

The fact that it was rushed , had unpleasant character point-of-views (e.g. MC whining many times and etc) and also .. nahh not much to say , just that . The point is , the whole concept of the manga is amazingly good . "Know yourself before knowing others deeply." Absolutely , It brought me the feeling of motivation . Inspiration . That was cut out because of this ending . Not really satisfying honestly . I wanted more but I understand it nevertheless . Being an Author is not easy as you think . It's broader than you imagine it would be . And so much of that .
I did enjoy reading it and I have no qualms about that .. but It's just had to end like that . I WANTED MORE (I repeat) .
Note : Just to shorten my opinion , The ending was quite nice but It could be better if continued long enough .
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Oct 30, 2016 10:14 PM

Dec 2014
Very ruseh chapter. I was waiting some development regarding the background of the characters... I was waiting maybe some better explanation about Omura's reasons for his actions other than mere ego.

Also, does he publish for Heat now. Did he left Splash... or did Sawanoguchi left Splash. For God sake, what happened?!
Loli asistant vanished, and so did Miki - about which I trough that she will be romantic interest, taking in consideration that she oblviouly liked him... and I was really waiting for some backstory for her.
Sayaka route was ok, but it really come out of nowhere... it was like the last person in my list that i was expecting him to end up with. The order was: Sawanoguchi, Miki, Loli, the girl from Ozmu who see him as a rival, and only after that Sayaka... is actually kind of dumb if you think about it: all that drama with Omura blackmailing him to lose because of the scandalous ''relationship'' with Sayaka... and then, 5 years later they are married. Wut?!

It was a good read... I initially trough it was eroge, do to having an ''Adult'' tag, so I started to read it for.. that, and finished it because I liked the story. But the ending really ruins the fun. If the ending was better I would had given it a 9... so 7/10.
Nov 7, 2021 9:32 AM

May 2012
Took me like 8 years to bother to finish this manga.

Kind of a boring story all around. I can see the author put a lot of thought into the story and I can see it being interesting to the people who like seeing the inner struggles of being a manga artist, but it wasn't really my thing. The rushed ending was disappointing. Why set up this Ozma showdown for half of the manga and then skip the last chapter of it? Even if the results ended up not mattering, I still would have liked to at least see who came out on top. Multiple characters ended up getting completely ignored by the end, like Sakomizu.

It did have some positive points though. I really liked the beach chapter, some panels were beautiful to look at, and he ended up marrying Juumonji at the end.

Ultimately giving it a 4/10. The good points helped it in keeping me motivated to finishing it for sure, but it was definitely a slog to get through, especially the last couple volumes.
Apr 4, 2022 3:24 AM
Mar 2010
Lmao, of all the things to praise, blokes really worshipping the fanservice of the beach episode.

Divisive! I enjoy reading every panel of this series when the MC is working on his manga. Not only it focuses on feasible struggles, it also sheds another angle, (not saying necessarily true) about how the author-editor works and results into something worth publishing on a magazine. Again, nothing amazing but it's always good to see an underdog achieve something against all adverisity.

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