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Oct 21, 2012 12:09 PM

Sep 2011
Man, that was beautiful, I had a lot of fun watching this series :) It had everything, comedy, emotions, light-hearted parts etc.
I'm sad though, that it probably won't have a 2nd season with all of them scattered and Sawa abroad.

I really liked all the characters, they are not just the usual stereotypes, even the supporting ones, not the vice-principal and the chairman though (at least the v-p got her redeeming scenes, so I'm not mad at her anymore). Favorite has to be Konatsu, who I will also put between my favorites. She is cute, beautiful and kind as hell :D
Second is probably a tie between Sawa and Wakana, they are both great and pretty.
The story was great, the songs (pretty much all of them, especially Kokoro no Senritsu, Shiokaze no Hamonii and Goin' my way (why did it have to be so short?). The last song was also pretty good as well as the opening (too bad it wasn't them singing it).
The I even have to say anything? It's P.A. Works, simply eyegasmic.

Unfortunately it also had its fare share of problems so I can only give it an 8/10.
I started watching because I loved Hanasaku Iroha (I know it doesn't have that much in common though), and I wasn't disappointed.
RazielZeroOct 27, 2013 4:28 PM
Oct 21, 2012 1:38 PM

Jan 2012
musical and beautiful in so many ways
Oct 23, 2012 8:02 AM

May 2010
Sigh..Another beautiful series ended.Loved that song.9/10:D
Oct 23, 2012 1:07 PM

Oct 2012
I will miss Wakana and friends :(
Oct 30, 2012 3:19 PM

Aug 2009
This was such a nice ending.
Just how I wanna end a really good anime, with tears coming down my cheeks.
I am so gonna miss this.
And my first thought when it was all over - "I want more" ;>
Nov 4, 2012 1:36 PM

Mar 2010
A lovely Anime series, with a lovely ending.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Nov 9, 2012 2:37 PM

Nov 2010
It was a great show to follow
Not very original, but what they presented was excellent
The camera work which was added in the last few episodes were done very nice especially the one at the concert

I hope P.A. Works would continue with their good jobs

Missing the Characters already
Nov 16, 2012 6:51 PM

Aug 2011
I like Wien and Sakai's story.
But Sawa story is weak and boring.
Some of the drama are pretty average.
Didn't realize that the 'romance part' in Sawa's arc is a hint on a romance.
Taichi didn't manage to get the girl but a little bit of romance is still sweet :)

I like all characters :)
Wien being my favourite.

Nov 25, 2012 4:20 AM

Apr 2009
Nice songs! Nice Anime! Nice show!

9/10 :)
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Nov 26, 2012 3:09 PM

Aug 2011
Yeah I miss Wakana already :(
Nov 26, 2012 8:48 PM

Jul 2012
Amazing episode and a very nice ending too 8/10
Nov 29, 2012 2:29 AM

Jan 2012
My quick review:

Wein is a fag

Wakana is an emo slut

Konatsu is a Suzimiya Haruhi-wannabe

Atsuhiro is a foreveralone

Sawa = fap fap fap

Dec 4, 2012 2:01 PM

May 2011
flaxman85 said:

Atsuhiro is a foreveralone

Wakana = fap fap fap

Fixed. <3

And Atsuhiro is Wien

“Girls can wear jeans and cut their hair short and wear shirts and boots because it’s okay to be a boy; for girls it’s like promotion. But for a boy to look like a girl is degrading, according to you, because secretly you believe that being a girl is degrading.”—Ian McEwan, The Cement Garden (1978)
Dec 5, 2012 9:47 PM

Aug 2012
All of these feels!

It was nice to watch the characters grow and mature through both their light-hearted and difficult times together. Their struggles were rewarded well with a delightful and touching ending, which I was very pleased with because I can't get enough of their smiles!

The music, of course, is great (their singing voices!), the artwork is beautiful, there is humor, drama... a wonderful slice of life.
Dec 16, 2012 10:43 PM

Jan 2011
made me rethink my future, i hate thinking about me future
Hide behind the mighty wall of internet, i shall
Jan 1, 2013 8:29 PM

Feb 2012
it has ended? i'm gonna watch it again already!
Jan 4, 2013 3:43 AM

Aug 2012
Nice ending! 8/10

Holy crap i really hope Taichi confessed to Sawa, I really wanted to here what he said to her!
Jan 11, 2013 12:15 PM

Jun 2008
This show was heartwarming, I really enjoyed it, and it's characters and story. What a great end to such a precious show<3
Feb 26, 2013 12:12 PM

May 2009
I think TariTari was fine.. Nothing less or more than that.
Sometimes I was kinda bored (please don't throw things at me T-T) but the story was nice and I really loved the way everything was drawn. The songs were the reason I kept watching, but somehow I still wanted to know what they would do in the end (in my opinion there was no 'real' story besides the story about the main character's mother).
The suprising good side of this anime was in the end, lmao. The relationship between Sawa and Tanaka. I wonder what Tanaka said to Sawa in the airport.

Anyway it was a good/fine show. 6/10
check out my twitch:
Mar 2, 2013 10:51 PM

Feb 2010
I didn't remember when was the last time i cried with an anime ending ;_;
"...To kiss, that beautiful woman cherry-like lips"
Mar 3, 2013 11:49 PM

Jan 2013
Beautiful animation.
Semi-boring plot.
Not my kind of music.

Mar 13, 2013 9:31 PM

Mar 2012
For the most part I generally agree with a number of already posted opinions, but my two cents:

I was surprised at how much conveniently placed drama there was throughout this whole show, even more surprising was 80% of the problems didn't involve music, or anything closely related to it but these problems formed almost 75% of the 13 episodes....yet music is supposed to be the central theme

More over, the very few episodes that related to the central plot I found incredibly boring....not only this but the extra 1-2min scenes in some of the episodes I felt like were there just to say that the episode involved "music" or something thereby related to it...a very poorly executed series, and to deviate from the ever more popular K-ON! (I didn't find it very good either...), they added a very late and very much random "romance" at the end....6/10

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Apr 3, 2013 7:27 PM
Aug 2007
Nice little anime.. a lot of funny moments and a few sad moments as well. The last episode was quite good as well.

Overall, it wasn't anything amazing, but its an easy to watch anime if you have some spare time...
Apr 14, 2013 11:59 AM

Sep 2009
Pretty good anime IMO. I thought Konatsu being the de facto leader was funny. Sawa and her personality was the best in the show for me.

Jun 12, 2013 4:03 AM

Aug 2008
Oh god even though the ending was happy, I was crying whole way through ;w; especially when they sang at the school festival.

AND WAS TAICHI CONFESSING TO SAWA? Ah, I really wanted to see more romance in this show, but it's still nice. Ahhh when he wiped his tears when she already left.

So much emotion in this final episode I love it~
Jul 7, 2013 10:08 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
fullmetal_adam said:
Tari Tari was a great series. I was a bit disappointed we didn't get to hear what Taichi said to Sawa at the airport though. =( Did I miss something with that final scene of Wakana coming home? Maybe it was a reference to the first episode or something? It just seemed like it didn't really have a purpose. Overall, it's got to be a 9/10 for me.

Well seing as how Taichi blushed when he told Sawa something, I'll assume it was a love confession. Sawa probably told Taichi that she'd love to be his girlfriend, and Taichi might have said "I'll wait for you". That's just my possible scenario.

Well this was a great episode, and wow Nao looked happy directing the choir club. Well hopefully there's a season two. I'd love to see some romance, especially between Wien and Konatsu.

Jul 21, 2013 2:27 PM

Aug 2010
Great ending to the series. I'm pretty sure that Taichi confessed to Sawa at the ending. And it doesn't look like she rejected him either. So there's hope for the two in the future :)

Overall a solid 7/10 for the show. It was an enjoyable show with some feel good moments.
Aug 31, 2013 9:54 AM

Sep 2012


Sep 1, 2013 9:20 AM

Sep 2012

Nice ending to a cute story.
Sep 20, 2013 11:50 AM

Nov 2007
GOOD! It made me cry and laugh a lot of times! :)
This is a really good slice-of-life anime. :) 10/10
I really enjoyed it.
The characters are soooo lovable! <3
They really did a good ending.
Nov 14, 2013 4:45 AM

Nov 2011

Excluding the predictability of some characters, especially the principal, I do not like it one bit! D:
Unfortunately, the ending is granted.
Nothing so serious, the anime did not aim at originality or to be a masterpiece, but a little sorry.
Too short to be able to thrill to the story, which has maintained the typical expectations of a slice of life. It was my fault I did not follow continuity with the various episodes, and I did not appreciate the series in a constructive manner. So for now my final grade is 7/10.
However, one thing is certain the work of PA Works was outstanding! * _ *
Another thing I hate in the finals and did not have a little more than narrative in the post. I want to know more about what happens to the characters! ^ ^ "
Aug 3, 2014 12:25 AM

Apr 2012
This anime was fantastic. It never bored me and was a good ride of feels. I love it :D
Aug 4, 2014 12:58 PM
Aug 2013
before talking about this episode we missed a very important piece...

This episode is really satisfying.

dat script made me cringe, magical land and stuff idk it just did
Performance- beautiful
the song is really nice but is there a diffrence between Wakana's and her mom's and nao's song??? i have to listen to both later
ahhhh sweet ending is sweet

what was that about Taichi and Sawa, I'm surprised there was no violent reaction from her dad when he probably confessed. Doesn't look like rejection, maybe waiting?? They didn't even show his face at the take off!!!!
what, what, what were those bits of TaichiSawa hints only to let us down like that????

What country did Sawa go to????? and going abroad was a pretty obvious choice during her arc. Me during sawa's arc: why not go abroad? they're taller than you there most of the time

Taichi can just go to a tournament abroad and visit Sawa, if he's good enough
Ah, Konatsu cut her hair!
Wakana grew taller, what was that about the last scene? where did she go?
Out of the 5- only Vienna did not have a plan ahead. I guess he'll just inherit their business(?) or maybe a job about books, taking notes, or rangers

maybe a season 2 of how their lives were after or maybe just a 24 min special would do

Them singing in acapella is the BEST PART OF THE EPISODE, AND SERIES.
Aug 8, 2014 12:14 AM

Jun 2011
Graduation always make me feel sad.

Now, did Taichi just confessed to Sawa? It does make me feel that way. Either way it's fine. I stopped caring about my ships after a while. Wakana and her dad gave me the creeps, for some reason I always picture it as WakanaxDad. !>.>

One fault I find with the series is that the series based too heavily on the 5 kids, they placed too much importance in them. What I mean is, it's like everyone else spin around them, they're in the center of it all. For example, the chairman, he waited outside the school just for that 5 kids? Well well he sure is freeeeeeeeeee, huh? It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Characters are so self centered in the annoying way too (yes you can be self centered and not annoying). It feels like most of the characters here are teens, I mean yes they are age-wise, but the kind of immature teens I mean, even the adults. They don't give out the "they are grown ups" feel. And yes, you can be a grown up and have problems too. Oh well.. I rant on for too long.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Aug 20, 2014 9:49 AM
Apr 2014
I enjoyed every episode, but in this last episode I was crying whole way through.

Sep 6, 2014 10:20 PM

Jun 2009
I really liked how we didn't even need to see Taichi wipe his tears to feel that emotion.
Everyone's doing their own thing now... all grown up. Sniff.

My favorite was Konatsu and Wein. I also have her dolphin but mine is pink and, unfortunately, cannot swallow me.

I give this show a 6.6. But I'll round it off to a 6 because I just can't forgive some of these plot holes, no matter how cute the girls are.
Dec 4, 2014 1:43 PM
Apr 2014
It was good and enjoyable up until the end. Unfortunately it did lack something, as in a little more depth, and it had its boring parts, but overall it went at a nice and relaxing pace. I liked that there never was too much drama, it made me sympathize a lot more with the characters who never were drama queens, and for the first time I didn't dislike anyone from the main cast. Another thing that made this anime a little flawed was a lack of exploration of the two male members. You could tell since the opening that they would be there as supporting characters, but maybe they could have featured them a little more, as in seeing their point of view a little more often. But then again, none of them except maybe Wakana had really serious issues, and it was refreshing seeing the story develop in a natural way. The episode in which Wakana finally opens up is still my favourite, as it was nicely delivered and not overdone, and the emotions felt real. Overall a good and balanced series, I'm happy I decided to watch it.
Dec 7, 2014 4:37 PM

Oct 2011
Very glad I watched this anime. It's heartwarming and I always feel a little sad finishing such a great anime. For me there was not one boring moment. I'm going to miss it a lot. I can't remember the last time I cried watching an anime but this series made me cry many times. Definitely on the rewatch list.
Jan 12, 2015 4:30 AM

Mar 2014
Haven't watched a show this good in a while.
Only thing missing with the ending was perhaps something like them all meeting up when they got older and not just Wakana, some sort of resolution for the romance would be amazing too, there wasn't much focus on it but it was pretty obvious that it was there, guess I'll leave that up to my imagination.
Things don't always go the way we want them too and it's likely they didn't up together and the anime just didn't want to break our hearts, and maybe putting them together would mess with the message of the show but I'd prefer that.
Paulo27Jan 12, 2015 4:34 AM
Mar 5, 2015 1:39 AM
Jul 2018
The story and characters weren't particularly great but the series was good and fun to watch. I haven't seen many music focused anime with a main female and male cast. I enjoyed the dynamics between them.

The songs were nice but rather forgettable. Guess it's just wasn't my kind of music.

Personally would've preferred no romance, hints or otherwise. I also wish we got to see the gang together after some years. That would feel more conclusive and satisfying to me.

Mar 14, 2015 12:09 PM

Jun 2013
That was such a beautiful ending to an increadably underrated anime
I might have teared up a bit at the end ^^
Apr 7, 2015 4:04 AM
Mar 2015
Taichi x Sawa <3<3
im sure he confessed to her at the airport ^^

love the story overall but i wish there will be more ep or maybe OVA *^*
May 24, 2015 3:47 PM

Jul 2008
that feel when it takes you 3 years to finish an anime.
May 25, 2015 1:58 PM

Jan 2010
This was a sappy, whimsical, happy-go-lucky, and all in all a show that stuck to its guns to the very end. My biggest criticism of Tari Tari is its over reliance on bureaucratic obstructions to create drama, whether if it's the vice principal or the chair of the school. Whenever the club tried to get anything done, there always seemed to be some force of nature (or the plot) that tried to make things hard for them. It probably would have worked better had Tari Tari been a longer show, but since its plot setup lends to a shorter show, the amount of interference is really apparent.

Despite that, by the end of the show, there was a sense that the group was really tight. Often, we'd have a bunch of Skittles thrown in a bag - they're all different, and they're only sticking together because we're told that the bag contains them as a group. Here, I don't see that. This is shown in how the club reaches out into the student body and the neighborhood, making the show less about a self-contained group and more about a community sticking together.

Without a doubt, this is a clumsy show. I honestly lost track of the show's original goal, as it jumped from the formation of a choir club, to the individual dilemmas of the characters, to the school being closed down. Again, with a 13 episode show, there can only be so many plot threads before the plot starts feeling eclectic and desperate to create drama. Still, I say the show worked out. I would have preferred the ride to the end to be more focused, but the ending was fine as it is.
Jun 16, 2015 5:12 PM

May 2008
This was a good show with a very good balance between music, drama, comedy and slice of life. 9/10
Jul 7, 2015 12:44 AM

Apr 2014
Tari Tari was a great anime. This is one of those anime that I'll remember for a long time. Even though it's sad to see it's ended, I'm satisfied with the ending. And I'm sure Taichi confessed to Sawa at that airport scene, because he is embarassed in the end.

Sep 8, 2015 8:23 AM

Nov 2012
Im sure Taichi confessed to Sawa and was rejected. She looked troubled when he confessed to her and i think she said "Arigatou gozaimasu" or however its spelt. i wish there was some kind of closure to that storyline. i imagine sawa might find someone while abroad. she could stay wherever shes at for several years, and for her to stay loyal for a guy she didnt have feelings for is just wishful thinking. after all this is the same studio that did true tears and look how the relationships went in that series.
Sep 19, 2015 5:06 PM

May 2012
Pretty solid ending I must say, I quite liked the overall setting and atmosphere of this anime as it had a really lovely touch to it, together with the great animation I sure liked it till the end.

All in all a pretty solid music anime!
Oct 17, 2015 6:38 AM

Jan 2013
Great ending to a great series! I'll so miss this anime.
Season 2 pls?
Nov 3, 2015 1:00 PM

Sep 2013
I somewhat liked Sawa and Wakana. They were kinda cool. Konatsu and Wien were annoying-as-hell pieces of crap, and Tanaka was... well he was quite nonexistent. He was just a furniture.
Power Rangers were super-annoying. Kill it with fire.
I also didnt like the amount of happy-go-lucky bullshit. There was just way too much of it.

Could have been a decent show if it had some sort of plot and better characters. 5/10
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