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Nov 2, 2008 4:38 PM

Jul 2008

*Mod edit*
aeroNov 17, 2008 3:40 PM
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me.
Nov 2, 2008 5:55 PM

Nov 2007
Well, that was a fun episode. It's good to see more about Yomi's relationships, rather than having another action based episode. It'll bring more emotion into the end. The anime version makes Nori's personality a bit more serious than the manga though imo.

Oh, and I liked how they finally put in the Ga-Rei styled "shock eyes".

ternalnodoreiNov 2, 2008 6:04 PM
Nov 4, 2008 9:34 AM

Jun 2008
nice episode

it seems that Mei will try to kill Yomi
Nov 4, 2008 9:54 AM

Sep 2007
Woah, this was genius as always, there really has to be a badass reason for Yomi to snap...

Nov 4, 2008 10:57 AM

Jul 2008
Trineas said:
Woah, this was genius as always, there really has to be a badass reason for Yomi to snap...

I have reviewed over and over about what you wonder--------------->TOTAL BRAINWASHING or mind lock. There is no other way and why?--------------->She has a Ga-Rei with her so demons can control her with ease. That kid might have that ability to control Ga-Rei users...................DON'T YOU THINK SO?
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me.
Nov 4, 2008 12:09 PM

May 2008
I though that after this episode I'd drop this anime for good. I didn't like the pace (nothing good was happening) and the story revolving around Kagura (whiny bitch) is rather dull and boring.
However, I do like Yomi and other side characters: Nabuu twins (ALL HAIL BRITANNIA - lol Wakamoto), the gay one (what's his name?) and Noriyuki's spirit pets.
The fight between the Noriyuki and Yomi was priceless and the fluffy part melted my heart. During the scene where he, not intentionally, insults her make-up and perfume, I'd personally spill all the perfume over his head, just for kicks, and see what it does to his sensitive nose. I don't hate him, he's just the type of character to lash out all of your anger.
Oh, and finally, adorable, moe - albeit an evil one - Mei. I already love her more than Yomi and I can't wait to see her throwing her two-cents in the whole picture. I have a sneaky suspicion, that she's the reason behind Yomi's death and her return from the death.

Nov 4, 2008 12:59 PM

Oct 2007
Interesting episode, now we know where the plot is going to hit. I am still waiting for Natsuki's team to be introduced again.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Nov 4, 2008 3:45 PM

Dec 2007
this anime just gets better and better, nothing groundbreaking yet, but anyway. its the ending that im worried for right now, feels like it would be easy to screw it up..
Nov 4, 2008 4:29 PM

Jun 2007
Nice episode~~
romance sure makes me raise my score :D
Yomi looks like the typical antagonist, thou. Still, looking forward to the 'snap' :D
Nov 4, 2008 5:16 PM

Jul 2008
Amazing episode! The date was hilarious! I loved how Yomi reacted to it. Her silent technique was effective.

Mei looks like a suspicious character! Like DieInHell said, I'm looking forward to seeing her role in the story.
Nov 4, 2008 8:10 PM

Mar 2008
the so-called plan was kind of a turn-off (too cliche maybe?) but the start with Nori vs. Yomi was awesome XD
Nov 4, 2008 10:19 PM

Oct 2008
so so episode
just something to foward the character development and new characters, mei vs yomi soon? thats gonna be awesome
Nov 5, 2008 12:29 AM

Oct 2007
loved the interaction between all the characters especially Yomi and Noriyuki... still can't wait to see whyd Yomi got so mad for...
Nov 5, 2008 1:34 AM
Oct 2008
I have been kind of dissapointed with this series the last few episodes it has taken quite a different route after the action packed episodes in the begining, its interesting to see mei how she has to tie into all of this but still just dissapointed on the slow build up
Nov 5, 2008 2:01 AM

Jan 2008
Wow, even more generic 'goodness' . dropped

"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled,
which leads to an unknown, secret place."
Nov 5, 2008 5:35 AM

Oct 2008
now that was one hell of a filler episode. that's how fillers should be relationship introduction and development not some random tits n ass shit.
Nov 5, 2008 6:50 AM

May 2008
i thought it was really funny but I was hoping that it would have more moments like the ones of first episode
Nov 5, 2008 10:52 AM

Jun 2008
Man I adore this anime!!
That part when she slaps him I was like "please don't let this be one of those stupid cliches" and he slaps her back! hell I laughed so hard xD
Nov 5, 2008 10:58 AM

Mar 2008
I sence a pairing~~ :D
I have grown to like this series, really! :3

"One day, we'll set out to sea! And live our lives the way we want!!" - Ace to Luffy, both chasers of dreams
Nov 5, 2008 12:02 PM

Sep 2007
angel999 said:
Trineas said:
Woah, this was genius as always, there really has to be a badass reason for Yomi to snap...

I have reviewed over and over about what you wonder--------------->TOTAL BRAINWASHING or mind lock. There is no other way and why?--------------->She has a Ga-Rei with her so demons can control her with ease. That kid might have that ability to control Ga-Rei users...................DON'T YOU THINK SO?

That wouldnt be badass at all.
Awesome as always, etc. Made it into my 3 fav's of the season. Hope it will stay there.
Nov 5, 2008 12:05 PM

Jul 2008
Well, for a "filler" I can't really complain. No action, but a fair bit of character development so it's all good. It was almost a little too funny for it's own good though. At the very least, I guess they can swap between action and comedy fairly well.

"I'd suck you~" Berri||Desu Ne?
Nov 5, 2008 2:42 PM

Sep 2008
mmm something boring...

this anime take another way that I expected.. :(

Nov 5, 2008 3:12 PM

Jul 2007
the ending *kiss was fuching lame, 1/5
Nov 5, 2008 4:07 PM

Sep 2007
Kotori said:
the ending *kiss was fuching lame, 1/5

Agreed... I like Noriyuki, but still quarell relationships never work out, and Yomi would be much better as a psychotic lesbian character then just a tsundere :P

But I still love the show for the characters... Kagura with fake tear stuff lol :D

Nov 5, 2008 4:38 PM

Jul 2008
180° turn from the 2 first eps but still as good :)
I love this anime :D.

I don't think Yomi is being mind controlled, like she said at first she loved and cared for Kagura a lot, then she got jealous because Kagura got better than her and come to hate her little by little, maybe she's mind fucked but mind controlled I doubt so.
Also we have yet to see the buterfly dude and what he can do.

My guess is that he want to control everyone like he did with the girlfriend of the guy in the first ep. Yomi think that nobody can kill him, that he'll control everyone and make them kill innocent people so she resolved to kill her friend so that they don't get controled by him. That would be where the "Will you kill someone you love, because of love?" come from.
Nov 5, 2008 5:17 PM

Jul 2007
Maybe it's related to that other girl introduced in this episode, the other successor to the inheritance..
Nov 5, 2008 5:25 PM

Jul 2008
maxime1007 said:
180° turn from the 2 first eps but still as good :)
I love this anime :D.

I don't think Yomi is being mind controlled, like she said at first she loved and cared for Kagura a lot, then she got jealous because Kagura got better than her and come to hate her little by little, maybe she's mind fucked but mind controlled I doubt so.
Also we have yet to see the buterfly dude and what he can do.

My guess is that he want to control everyone like he did with the girlfriend of the guy in the first ep. Yomi think that nobody can kill him, that he'll control everyone and make them kill innocent people so she resolved to kill her friend so that they don't get controled by him. That would be where the "Will you kill someone you love, because of love?" come from.

That could be also INTERESTING as a possibility. NICE THEORY! So one thing we suspect both of us----------> Butterfly guy can control. What exactly and all we don't know BUT the butterflies seem to hint something. They are always there before Yomi kills the people she is to kill.
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me.
Nov 6, 2008 12:15 AM

Dec 2007
anyone else feel that this episode is rather tragic?
considering we know how it's going to end up.

anyway... more manga goodness =D

and where the hell is
Nov 6, 2008 1:37 AM

Sep 2007
I really think I would enjoy Touru & friends story a hundred times more. I just find Kagura so annoying. . .Hopefully we go back to where the series started off soon. EDIT: CRAP!!! Shouldn't have even have tried to read the manga, pretty sure it ruined a good majority of the anime. . .
J-970Nov 6, 2008 1:58 AM
Nov 6, 2008 1:39 AM

May 2008
this episode was just hilarious^^ 5/5
Nov 6, 2008 11:22 AM

Apr 2008
This episode rocked, as usual :D can't get enough of this anime
When the episode started I was like "YES YES finally an episode about Noriyuki and Yomi!" and I didn't get disappointed. They are like the cutest couple ever

angeline_ said:
Man I adore this anime!!
That part when she slaps him I was like "please don't let this be one of those stupid cliches" and he slaps her back! hell I laughed so hard xD

agreed. it was epic xD
angel999 said:
I find it stupid to get angry over something enough to throw coffee at your fiancee!? O_O+Have a fight started. Noriyuki can win anytime!

So true. I would love to have his kind of beasts =3 I love them and I got all heartmelting when I found out they give birth to new super-cute baby creatures
Nov 6, 2008 3:10 PM

Aug 2008
For an episode w/ no action I was certainly entertained. It was nice to see things play out differently, but still realistically. Liking the relationship, but you can definitely see some darkness b/w them. That Mei character might as well be dragging a sign that says "BAD NEWS" behind her.

I think they are gonna drag us into caring about this relationship, eventhough we have a good idea how it turns out.
Nov 6, 2008 8:31 PM

Jan 2008
LOL. I enjoyed this ep. with Nori and Yomi fights.

So, that's how their engagement started (arrangement by both parents). Good. That was well laid out.
Nov 6, 2008 9:44 PM

Jul 2008
Serena said:
This episode rocked, as usual :D can't get enough of this anime
When the episode started I was like "YES YES finally an episode about Noriyuki and Yomi!" and I didn't get disappointed. They are like the cutest couple ever

angeline_ said:
Man I adore this anime!!
That part when she slaps him I was like "please don't let this be one of those stupid cliches" and he slaps her back! hell I laughed so hard xD

agreed. it was epic xD
angel999 said:
I find it stupid to get angry over something enough to throw coffee at your fiancee!? O_O+Have a fight started. Noriyuki can win anytime!

So true. I would love to have his kind of beasts =3 I love them and I got all heartmelting when I found out they give birth to new super-cute baby creatures

Yeah the birth thing was cute and Yeah I would like to raise spirit beasts!
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me.
Nov 7, 2008 2:17 AM

Feb 2008
this anime is getting so much better compared to the first 2 confusing episodes. looking forward to more noriyukixyomi relationship development. i really wonder what are they hiding from the others

Nov 7, 2008 2:59 PM

Nov 2007
It gives you the feeling that everything will go wrong but you can do nothing about it....
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Nov 7, 2008 8:27 PM

Nov 2007
Nice episode, not enough action (or like none at all) but the set up date and everything that followed was great, the introduction of Mei was planned nicely as well =D

wakka9ca said:
It gives you the feeling that everything will go wrong but you can do nothing about it....

My thoughts too D: although I wouldn't mind them putting the explanation behind the connection with the characters in the first episode O_O
Nov 8, 2008 12:29 AM

Jul 2008
A nice and fun episode, looking for more action to come though.
Nov 8, 2008 8:06 PM

Aug 2008
It was an ok episode. Having this kind of filler isn't what I expected for this kind of anime, but whatever. I love the opening, and I'm glad they are using it as the actual opening now :)

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Nov 11, 2008 3:42 AM

Oct 2008
This was a fun episode. :P The moments between Yomi and Natsuki we're hilarious. Kazuki and Iwahata we're pretty funny too.

Nov 13, 2008 2:54 PM

Feb 2008
Yeah, this is turning out to be quite good, even if it's not what I expected. I like the fact they're showing us all these characters, making us care about them, probably before they all die a horrible death in future episodes/seasons which brings me to my next point...

I'm sure this has been brought up before but I'm guessing this is the first part of at least a 2 part series of 13 episodes each and since this is kind of a prologue ga-rei -zero- fits well. So the next part will be called ga-rei -one- etc.

Anyway, good stuff with the bisexual supernatural hot girl swordfighting maniac known as Yomi.
Nov 13, 2008 5:16 PM

Aug 2007
kuroshiroi said:
Yeah, this is turning out to be quite good, even if it's not what I expected. I like the fact they're showing us all these characters, making us care about them, probably before they all die a horrible death in future episodes/seasons which brings me to my next point...

I'm sure this has been brought up before but I'm guessing this is the first part of at least a 2 part series of 13 episodes each and since this is kind of a prologue ga-rei -zero- fits well. So the next part will be called ga-rei -one- etc.

Anyway, good stuff with the bisexual supernatural hot girl swordfighting maniac known as Yomi.

Good god I hope so. o.o

Anyways, fun episode. I enjoyed it greatly. I wonder why they (Noriyuki and Yomi) are putting up a front.

And its starting to make more and more sense now.

5/5 from me.

Felli disapproves of this thread.
Nov 13, 2008 7:02 PM

Sep 2007
angel999 said:
We get a new character who is a BISHOUJO ONNA! By the name of Mei. Apparently daughter of Kagura's father but She looks way stronger than she appears.

Mei is not the daughter of Kagura's father. That'd basically make them sisters and she would be the one inheriting Ga-rei Byakuei, and not Kagura but that is not the case here. She's the daughter of the Isayama Yuu, the man that got owned by Yomi's father. Get your facts straight.

angel999 said:
WTF is Yomi problem when Noriyuki complained of the perfume to a bad smell then throws him hot coffee? There was a really bad air when it started Nue VS the ferrets? Interesting but Noriyuki is her fiancee so NO!

Uh... since Noriyuki was complaining about how Kagura didn't know how to use perfume, it was an indirect insult to Yomi since she was the one using it. Common sense. Besides, there is no intimate relation between those two. It's an arranged marriage and they both agreed to it since they don't want to disobey their families.

I'm glad they finally got all the slice of life shit out of the way. They need to start throwing in more meat to the story instead of ridiculous yuri antics and love matchmaking.

Nov 13, 2008 11:50 PM

Aug 2007
Wasabi said:

Uh... since Noriyuki was complaining about how Kagura didn't know how to use perfume, it was an indirect insult to Yomi since she was the one using it. Common sense. Besides, there is no intimate relation between those two. It's an arranged marriage and they both agreed to it since they don't want to disobey their families.

I'm glad they finally got all the slice of life shit out of the way. They need to start throwing in more meat to the story instead of ridiculous yuri antics and love matchmaking.

The "slice of life shit" adds a lot to the overall story of -zero. What better way to flesh out Yomi's character than to dedicate an episode about her relationship with her future husband? There were even slight hints to the overall progression of the story, especially with the introduction of Mei and the power struggle between the next successor of Isayama. Not everything has to be hack and slash for the story to develop.

Overall, this is a great slice of life episode with just the right amount of story development to further propel the plot. Just a shame that we all know that things can only go downhill from now on...a love/hate relationship with this kind of storytelling.
Nov 14, 2008 12:41 AM
Nov 2007
This is so much better than the last episode. I feel really relieved that the story is getting good again. I really was hoping for some Yomi x Noriyuki so I'm really glad that I got it!

Yomi is awesome. Kagura is really whiny and annoying. I really hope the people from the first episode come back.
Nov 14, 2008 8:07 PM
Dec 2007
maxime1007 said:
My guess is that he want to control everyone like he did with the girlfriend of the guy in the first ep. Yomi think that nobody can kill him, that he'll control everyone and make them kill innocent people so she resolved to kill her friend so that they don't get controled by him. That would be where the "Will you kill someone you love, because of love?" come from.
That would be quite unique way of it, though I'm betting on the more normal reason. I'm more of the opinion this question is thrown at Kaguya, since, if Yomi is being mind-controlled by butterfly kid (like the other girl from the flashbacks in episode 1), Kaguya will have to kill her to free her. We already saw Kaguya's hesitation to kill possesed humans in the last episode.

I'm really looking forward to see how exactly Yomi ended up in the current situation. This will obviously involve the people from the first episode, since Yomi was actually part of the flashbacks, and the main guy from that group recognized her. They seriously need to link those guys back to the story in some form, otherwise that whole episode would have been unnecesary.

Nov 14, 2008 11:20 PM
Mar 2008
Another sweet episode, Mei was cool too.
Nov 15, 2008 12:06 AM

Jan 2008
Yomi, ftw ^^ After the shitty 4th episode(thx to Michael), this one was great, slice of life at its best, good development, and more Yomi :)
Nov 15, 2008 6:25 AM

Oct 2008
omg this episode was epically funny loved how badly he got owned nothing like getting coffee splattered in your face and i understand what hes saying about the too much perfume thing people nowadays seem to drench themselves in it rather than do what theyre supposed to making them absolutely reek of it... perfume and cologne are meant to compliment not to overpower
Nov 18, 2008 12:52 AM

Dec 2007
wahhs . i love YOMI && that guy together ^^ hahas . they looked KAWAIIII (:

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