Forum Settings
Sep 14, 2008 6:10 PM

Nov 2007
Claim from Childhood Friend:

-Without a Valid reason your Choice will be Ignored-
-Yuki-Sep 14, 2008 6:57 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Sep 14, 2008 6:15 PM

Mar 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Washu Hakubi.
Option: marry
Reason: she is my one and only true love, of course this was inevitable.
Banner: Yes please.

Sep 14, 2008 6:28 PM

Jul 2008

Claim from Childhood Friend: CC, Saber, Maka Albarn and Tsubaki
Option: Marry CC, friends with Saber, Maka and Tsubaki
Reason: I love them all, but CC is my true love.
Banner: Making my own.

Sep 14, 2008 6:42 PM

Mar 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Rena Ryuuguu
Option: Your Childhood friend is now Your Best Friend
Reason: She is by far my favorite character and I would like to be friends with her forever
Banner: Yes please

Claim from Childhood Friend: Fate Testarossa
Option: Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your Brother/Sister
Reason: I would love to be related to Fate, also Fate always wanted a sister
Banner: Yes please

Claim from Childhood Friend: Hanyuu Furude
Option: Give a Childhood Friend an Anti-Aging Potion and Adopt Them
Reason: Hanyuu is so cute, I wouldn't mind having her as a daughter and having her cute forever
Banner: Yes please

Claim from Childhood Friend: Tamaki Suou
Option: Marry One of Your Childhood Friends
Reason: Tamaki is very nice, sweet, and funny.
Banner: Yes please

Adding Pics Later Added
ppizzapieSep 14, 2008 7:02 PM
Sep 14, 2008 6:48 PM

Apr 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Harry McDowell
Option: Kill one of your childhood friends
Banner: Yes, Please
Pic: soon ^_^

ppizzapieSep 14, 2008 7:15 PM
"Every man shall reap what he has sown, from the highest lord to the lowest gutter rat. And some will lose more than the tips off their fingers, I promise you. They have made my kingdom bleed, and I do not forget that"
Sep 14, 2008 7:45 PM

Apr 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Naruto Uzumaki
Anime/Manga: Naruto
Option: Marry One of Your Childhood Friends
Reason: We have so much in common and I love him so much!
Banner: Yes, Please!!!

Claim from Childhood Friend: Konata Izumi
Anime/Manga: Lucky Star
Option: Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your Brother/Sister
Reason: We both share the same interest.
Banner: Yes, Please!!!

Claim from Childhood Friend: Edward Elric
Anime/Manga: Full Metal Alchemist
Option: Your Childhood friend is now Your Best Friend
Reason: Been there for me no matter what.
Banner: Yes, Please!!!

Claim from Childhood Friend: Train Heartnet
Anime/Manga: Black Cat
Option: Give a Childhood Friend an Anti-Aging Potion and Adopt Them
Reason: He's soooo cute as a child!! KAWAII!!!! ^-^
Banner: Yes, Please!!!
Picture: Um...can you use which ever pic you didn't use on the Childhood Friend Banner? (Can't find anymore Chibi Train pics :( )

Edit: Added Pictures!
MischiefMaverickSep 14, 2008 8:10 PM

Sep 14, 2008 8:03 PM

Dec 2007
Claim from Childhood Friend: Katsura, Hinagiku
Anime/Manga:Hayate the Combat Butler
Option: Find out that my childhood friend is actually my sister
Reason: She's awesome sister. :D
Banner: Yes, Please!

Claim from Childhood Friend: Simca
Anime/Manga: Air Gear
Option: Find out that my childhood friend have crush on me
Reason: She's always be there for me no matter what
Banner: Yes, Please!

Claim from Childhood Friend: Nishino, Tsukasa
Anime/Manga: Ichigo 100%
Option: Marry her
Reason: I love her so much!
Banner: Yes, Please!
Pic: (The girl with the yellow hair)

Claim from Childhood Friend: Hanazono, Shizuma
Anime/Manga: Strawberry Panic
Option: My Childhood friend
Reason: She's so cute. Shizuma <3
Banner: Yes, Please!
gameoffreak8Sep 18, 2008 11:56 AM
Sep 14, 2008 9:13 PM

Dec 2007
Claim from Childhood Friend: V.V.
Anime/Manga: code geass
Option: marry
Reason: because i live hi and he loves me back
Banner: yes plz

UPDATED. gameoffreak8 and cree47 it'd be nice if you provided pictures
ppizzapieSep 14, 2008 9:21 PM

Alfred F. Jones is mai Husbando.
Sep 15, 2008 1:53 AM

Apr 2007
Claim from Childhood Friend: Haine Otomiya
Anime/Manga: Shinshi Doumei Cross
Option: Your childhood friend is now your best friend
Reason: I really like her and I wanna be best friends with her forever.
Banner: Yes, please!

Claim from Childhood Friend: Yoshitaka "Maora" Ichinomiya
Anime/Manga: Shinshi Doumei Cross
Option: Your Childhood friend is now Your Best Friend
Reason: He's funny and really like his cross-dressing as a girl.
Banner: Yes, please!
MomoHime125Sep 15, 2008 1:56 AM

Current Avatar: Sawako from Kimi ni Todoke
Sep 15, 2008 1:53 AM

Apr 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Sakura Matou
Anime/Manga: Fate/Stay Night
Option: Marry Your Childhood Crush
Reason: I loved her ever since I saw her, and now I can finally give her happiness and love she deserves.

Claim from Childhood Friend: Rin Toshaka
Anime/Manga: Fate/Stay Night
Option: Finding out that your Childhood friend is now Your Sister-in-Law
Reason: She alway's been their for me. She becomes a close Sister-in-law after marriage with Sakura.

Claim from Childhood Friend: Emiya Shirou
Anime/Manga: Fate/Stay Night
Option: Partners in crime. Finding out that your best buddy is now Your Brother-in-Law
Reason: Best buddies in school. Ends up marrying Rin Toshaka.

Claim from Childhood Friend: Shiki Tohno
Anime/Manga: Tsukihime
Option: Partners in crime.
Reason: Best buddies in school. Help him find a girlfriend. XD

Banner: I'll make my own banner for all 4.

Sep 15, 2008 6:42 AM

Apr 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend : Sawatari Makoto
Anime : Kanon 2006
Option : Your Childhood friend is now Your Best Friend
Reason : She's my most favorite character. I'll take care of her as a bestfriend.

Claim from Childhood Friend : Sakagami Tomoyo
Anime : Clannad
Option : Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your Brother/Sister
Reason : I want a strong, beautiful and a good housekeeper to be my sister ^^

Claim from Childhood Friend : Sawatari Makoto
Anime : Kanon 2006
Option :Take your Childhood Friend with you on a Journey to discover something that hasn't been discovered before
Reason : I'll learn more about her power so that I can encourage her that her power can be used for good intentions.

Banners: I'll make my own.

Only one option for each character. Please put whether you want or are making your own banners
SylpheedSep 16, 2008 4:50 PM

Sep 15, 2008 1:15 PM

Mar 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Louise de la Valliére
Anime/Manga: Zero no Tsukaima
Option: Take your Childhood Friend with you on a Journey to discover something that hasn't been discovered before
Reason: To learn more about Saito's "Gandalfr" and Louise's "Void Wizard".

Claim from Childhood Friend: Suzumiya Haruhi
Anime/Manga: Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu
Option: (a new option) Create alternative universes
Reason: To make haruhi not being bored.

Claim from Childhood Friend: Souma Kyou
Anime/Manga: Fruits Basket
Option: Marry One of Your Childhood Friends
Reason: Cynthia is not even a zodiac, Kyou married to her because when they were a children & teenagers, Cynthia helped Kyou to beat his stubborn and rebel personality. Kyou loves her since they were teenagers.
(sorry for grammar mistakes)

Please put whether you want or are making your own banners
ppizzapieSep 15, 2008 5:06 PM
Sep 15, 2008 1:44 PM

Feb 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Kohaku
Anime/Manga: Tsukihime
Option: Marry
Reason: Cuz our friendship eventually evolved into a true and never ending love.
Banner: I'll make my own
Sep 15, 2008 2:40 PM

Mar 2008
1st claim

Claim from Childhood Friend:Chika Akatsuki
Anime/Manga:Zombie Loan
Option: childhood friend who is my brother
Reason: i really would like him to be my brother
Banner:no, i´ll make my own^^

Sep 15, 2008 4:40 PM

Mar 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend : Spike Spiegel
Anime/Manga : Cowboy Bebop
Option : Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your brother
Reason : Coolest onii-san I can think of. Also, he'd teach me how to pilot :D
Banner : Yes please.
Pic :

Claim from Childhood Friend : Haruhi Fujioka
Anime/Manga : Ouran High School Host Club
Option : Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your sister
Reason : Love her personnality, she'd make a great sister. Aslo, she'd help me with my studies :P
Banner : Yes please.
Pic :

Claim from Childhood Friend : Horo
Anime/Manga : Spice and Wolf
Option : (new one) Your childood Friend becomes your lover.
Reason : I loved her at first sight, she did too, but she dislikes marriage. We still live fully happily and are truly in love :D
Banner : Yes please.
Pic :

ppizzapieSep 15, 2008 5:05 PM
Sep 15, 2008 5:52 PM

Feb 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Shana
Anime/Manga: Shakugan no Shana
Option: Marry One of Your Childhood Friends
Reason: She is my only true love!
Banner: Yes please!

Claim from Childhood Friend: Kouzuki Kallen
Anime/Manga: Code Geass
Option: Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your Brother/Sister
Reason: She has lost her Brother and Mother so I will be there to make her happy instead ^^ and she is a really great sister to have.
Banner: Yes please!

ppizzapieSep 15, 2008 10:56 PM

Sep 16, 2008 7:51 AM

Jul 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Yamamoto Takeshi
Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman REBORN!
Option: Take your Childhood Friend with you on a Journey to discover something that hasn't been discovered before
Reason: we're both adventurous!
Banner: I'll make mine! =]

Claim from Childhood Friend: Lambo
Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman REBORN!
Option: Your Childhood Friend falls in love with you but accepts it as one-sided and stays as your best friend
Reason: he's cute, but not the type I'll fall in love with
Banner: I'll make mine! =]

Claim from Childhood Friend: Sawada Tsunayoshi
Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman REBORN!
Option: Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your Brother/Sister
Reason: I love him as my brother! And that's really the case!
Banner: I'll make mine! =]
Sep 16, 2008 11:15 AM

Mar 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Allen Walker
Anime/Manga: D.Gray-Man
Option: Marry One of Your Childhood Friends
Reason: Because we love each other
Banner: I'll make it ^^

Claim from Childhood Friend: Kanda Yuu
Anime/Manga: D.Gray-Man
Option: You and your Childhood Friend become partners in crime
Reason: We tortured a lot of people and then killed them (C.C., Schneizel el Britannia, Kamina and Nagato Yuki included)
Banner: I'll make it ^^

Claim from Childhood Friend: Primo Vongola
Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Option: Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your Brother/Sister
Reason: He was an orphan and was on the street at first, but later when I found him, I took him home and my mom and dad thought of adopting him. I also love my brother very very~ much desu~! =]
Banner: I'll make it ^^
Sep 16, 2008 12:38 PM

May 2008
#1 & #2
Claim from Childhood Friend: Tsukasa and Kagami Hiiragi
Anime/Manga: Lucky Star
Option: Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your Brother/Sister
Reason: I'll adopt them because I've always wanted to have two twin sisters who don't even resemble each other. That's them! ^^
Banner: Yes please

Claim from Childhood Friend: Ayu Tsukimiya
Anime/Manga: Kanon
Option: Give a Childhood Friend an Anti-Aging Potion and Adopt Them
Reason: She's easily the most adorable girl I've ever seen. I'd like her to always be so cheerful and so cute so that's why I'll prevent her from aging and take her under my wing =D
Banner: Yes please

ppizzapieSep 16, 2008 3:22 PM
Sep 16, 2008 4:51 PM

Apr 2008
Sorry, I forgot to specify the banner.

I'll be making all my banners. Post #11 Claim.

Sep 16, 2008 7:01 PM

Mar 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Orihime Inoue
Anime/Manga: Bleach
Option: Marry
Reason: Because Hime = <3
Banner: I'll make one

Claim from Childhood Friend: Shirley Fenette
Anime/Manga: Code Geass
Option: Become partners in crime
Reason: We want loot
Banner: I'll make one

Claim from Childhood Friend: Asuka Langley Soryu
Anime/Manga: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Option: Adopt
Reason: She needs some parental loving
Banner: I'll make one

Sep 18, 2008 10:42 AM

Mar 2008
2nd claim:

anime:Monster soul (manga)
reason:she rocks! and is super powerful
option:discover something that hasn´t been discovered before (an adventure)
banner: (own banner)

3rd claim:

claim: Nakahara Misaki
Anime: welcome to the NHK
reason: she is super cute! a
option:my childhoof fiend is now my best friend
banner: own banner

ppizzapieSep 18, 2008 7:26 PM

Sep 18, 2008 9:39 PM

Feb 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Akabane Kuruodo
Anime/Manga: Get Backers
Option: You Childhood friend is Forced to be your Fiancee
Reason: Our Parents Consider This A Business Deal - Also,Me And Akabane Are Best Friends.

Claim from Childhood Friend: Shido Fuyuki
Anime/Manga: Get Backers
Option: Your Childhood Friend falls in love with you but accepts it as one-sided and stays as your best friend
Reason: I'm Engaged To Akabane.

Claim from Childhood Friend: Ban Midou
Anime/Manga: Get Backers
Option: Your Childhood Friend falls in love with you but accepts it as one-sided and stays as your best friend
Reason: I'm Engaged To Akabane.

Banner: Nope. ^^

UPDATED. You sure have interesting choices lol

I Hope That Was A Compliment, =P
JadedGothSep 21, 2008 1:43 PM
Sep 24, 2008 1:11 PM

Apr 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Katsura Kotonoha
Anime/Manga: School Days
Option: Your Childhood friend is now your ex Boyfriend/Girlfriend
Reason: What can I say? It was a really sad parting, but in the end, I figured out who I really liked and it wasn't Katsura-san. Don't get me wrong, I still like her, but we're just not made for each other.
Banner: Please.

Claim from Childhood Friend: Tohno Akiha & Yumizuka Satsuki
Anime/Manga: Tsukihime
Option: Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your Brother/Sister
Reason: As time went by, each of us did our own research and eventually found out the truth of our parents and siblingship. I'm happy with them as my sisters.
Banner: Please

RaidanzoupOct 12, 2008 9:07 AM
Sep 27, 2008 11:45 AM

Jun 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Haruka Suzumiya
Anime/Manga: Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien
Option: Marry to your childhood friend.
Reason: Everyones knows, I love her so much, more than my own life, she is my reason for living, she is my true love without questioning. I'll be with her for all the eternity, nobody can stops my love for Haruka. It has no limits.

Claim from Childhood Friend: Hayate Yagami
Anime/Manga: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS
Option: Is my best friend.
Reason: She is always helping me, she is one of my best friends in this land. So I will continuing to be his friends forever. I want to be alongside her as best friends forever.

Claim from Childhood Friend: Primula
Anime/Manga: Shuffle!
Option: Ending up adopting her.
Reason: She never had a family, and she has encouraged me in several ocations, so I want to be like a father to her. I love her so much too. She's like my cute little daughter

Claim from Childhood Friend: Shiori Misaka
Anime/Manga: Kanon 2006
Option: She gets in trouble and I will save her life.
Reason: She has been ill since she was born, so I want to save her life at any cost, no matter what. I have seen my precious friends died so I cannot take that experience again. I will save her life no matter what.

Banners, I'll do them ^_^

I married to my chilhood friend, Haruka, my only and true love. My best friend Hayate is to united to Haruka and me, just like a sister to us. Haruka and me have adopted Primula to be our little daughter and give the love she never got. Shiori is in trouble and I have to save her life at any cost. So, I will save her at any cost with the help of my beloved Haruka, my little daughter Primula and my best friend Hayate.

P.S. I came up with this post from the bottom of my heart. Seriously ^_^
ArcherEmiya24Sep 27, 2008 12:00 PM
Oct 2, 2008 10:19 AM

Aug 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Maya Natsume
Anime: Tenjou Tenge
Option: Your Childhood friend is now Your Best Friend
Reason: Favorite Character (That's still a reason, right)
Banner: I'll make my own.

Claim from Childhood Friend: Aya Natsume
Anime: Tenjou Tenge
Option: Your Childhood friend is now Your Best Friend
Reason: Favorite Character (That's still a reason, right)
Banner: I'll make my own.

ppizzapieOct 3, 2008 7:50 PM

▬▬▬▬김유정 ▬▬▬▬
Oct 4, 2008 4:46 AM

Apr 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Simon
Anime/Manga: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Option: Marry Child Hood Friend
Reason: I've Fell In Love With Him ^///^
Banner:I'll Make It ^^
Oct 4, 2008 8:35 AM

Nov 2007
Claim from Childhood Friend: Wolfram von Bielefeld
Anime/Manga: Kyou Kara Maou!
Option: [E] Marry One of Your Childhood Friends
Reason: He really is my one true love. <3 We share this love-hate relationship but we both know we love each other no matter what. :D
Banner: I'll make my own~

ppizzapieOct 5, 2008 10:30 PM
Oct 8, 2008 11:11 AM

Jul 2007
1st claim::

Claim from childhood friend: Sararegi
Anime or Manga: Kyou Kara Maou
Option: H: "Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your Brother/Sister"
Reason: Because having him as a brother would be ... interesting. As to how he become my brother: adoption of some sort.
Banner: making my own thanks

You told me to make you feel [color=#CC6600]like you're in heaven
Oct 8, 2008 2:06 PM

Feb 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Gaara
Anime/ Manga: Naruto
Option: H: "Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your Brother/Sister"
Reason: Cause I love him like a brother...
How he became my Bro: He is my long lost Brother
Banner: Please
Oct 19, 2008 5:38 PM

Jan 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Nah Hae-Young
Anime/Manga: Unbalance x Unbalance
Option: Marry
Reason: she is "the only one" ;)
banner: make mine

"Smiles aren't made, they're shown."- Belldandy (A!MG)
Oct 20, 2008 7:30 AM

Mar 2008
Dust2Dust said:
Claim from Childhood Friend : Spike Spiegel
Anime/Manga : Cowboy Bebop
Option : Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your brother
Reason : Coolest onii-san I can think of. Also, he'd teach me how to pilot :D
Banner : Yes please.
Pic :

Claim from Childhood Friend : Haruhi Fujioka
Anime/Manga : Ouran High School Host Club
Option : Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your sister
Reason : Love her personnality, she'd make a great sister. Aslo, she'd help me with my studies :P
Banner : Yes please.
Pic :

Claim from Childhood Friend : Horo
Anime/Manga : Spice and Wolf
Option : (new one) Your childood Friend becomes your lover.
Reason : I loved her at first sight, she did too, but she dislikes marriage. We still live fully happily and are truly in love :D
Banner : Yes please.
Pic :

I don't need banners to be made anymore, I'll make my owns :)

ppizzapieOct 20, 2008 7:04 PM
Nov 2, 2008 2:34 AM

Mar 2008
-Cynthia- said:
Claim from Childhood Friend: Suzumiya Haruhi
Anime/Manga: Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu
Option: (a new option) Create alternative universes
Reason: To make haruhi not being bored.

I've just realized that Haruhi was claimed by anyone before me in first club. So I changed my claim to "Hiraga Saito from Zero no Tsukaima" in the club.

Option: Take your Childhood Friend with you on a Journey to discover something that hasn't been discovered before
Reason: To learn more about Saito's "Gandalfr" and Louise's "Void Wizard"

Same options with Louise de la Valliére ^^

And I'll make my banners.
Nov 2, 2008 9:02 AM

Jun 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Katagiri Yuuhi
Option: Marry One of Your Childhood Friends
Reason: She's the only one for me.
Banner: Making my own.

Claim from Childhood Friend: Teletha Testarossa
Option: Your Childhood Friend falls in love with you but accepts it as one-sided and stays as your best friend
Reason: Tessa is also a great character, but I can't have 2 wifes xD.
Banner: Making my own.
Nov 2, 2008 9:37 AM

Jul 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Watanuki Kimihiro
Option: Your Childhood Friend falls in love with you but accepts it as one-sided and stays as your best friend.
Reason: Um... I'd like him as a friend, but I still long for someone else...
Banner: I'll make it ^^

Claim from Childhood Friend: Zashiki-Warashi
Option: Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your sister
Reason: We're really alike, and I could help her get Watanuki :3... i claimed her as my sis, 2, in anoder club xD
Banner: i'll make it ^^
Nov 5, 2008 1:26 AM

Aug 2007
Claim from Childhood Friend: Ogata Aoi
Option: Marry Your Childhood Friend
Reason: At first a business deal to strengthen the Group's power, even though it becomes obvious something there's something more to "us".
Banner: Yes, please!~

Claim to Childhood Friend: Eyes Rutherford
Option: Your Childhood friend is Best Friend
Reason: He's level-headed and can keep me in track, we care for each other like siblings, even though I can be annoying during "music time".
Banner: Yes, please!~

Thank you!~

"The world's decadence often pertains to a single lonely heart."
Nov 8, 2008 10:18 AM

Aug 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Chrome Dokuro
Option: Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your Sister
Reason: We're kinda alike =)
Banner: Will make my own.

ppizzapieNov 14, 2008 9:55 PM
Dec 13, 2008 12:22 PM
Feb 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Yuki Sohma
Anime/Manga: Fruits Basket
Option: Marry One of Your Childhood Friends
Reason: Yuki is a really sweet person. Though he is horrible at housework, I think he would be a good husband that would always be faithful to me ; D
Banner: Yes please ; D

Claim from Childhood Friend: Irie Naoki
Anime/Manga: Itazura na Kiss
Option: Getting into a huge fight and end up not being friends anymore
Reason: In Itazura na Kiss, Irie is always getting into fights with Kotoko because he is such a proud person. He also gets into fits of jealousy with Kotoko, which causes them to fight (In this situation, he is jealous of me and Yuki. Therefore we get into a fight and aren't friends anymore)
Banner: Yes please ; D

ppizzapieDec 19, 2008 8:30 PM
Dec 21, 2008 8:31 PM

Jan 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Zeke
Anime/Manga: Zoids Chaotic Century
Option: Partners in Crime/Go on a journey/Chidhood Friends
Reason: Both of us are best friends and allies. Besides Shino, when young Zeke was my only friend, and to this day, besides those two my only other friend is Seras.
Banner: Yes Please

Claim from Childhood Friend: Victoria Seras
Anime/Manga: Hellsing Ultimate
Option: Forced to get engaged
Reason: as her visa was going to expire I proposed to keep her from going back to britan.
Banner: Yes please

Claim from Childhood Friend: Shino Aburame
Anime/Manga: Naruto Shippuuden
Option: Kill chidhood friend
Reason: He tried to destroy Zeke but I stopped him.
Banner: Yes please

Claim from Childhood Friend: Himura Kenshin
Anime/Manga: Ruroni Kenshin
Option: Find out hes your brother/sister
Reason: Because he would be a great ani
Banner: Yes
BlazrSamaDec 21, 2008 9:16 PM

Jan 7, 2009 8:53 AM
Sep 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Rokudo Mukuro
Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Option: Marry
Reason: Because Rokudo Mukuro = My <3
Banner: I'll make it, thanks *-*

Claim from Childhood Friend: Luna Edomae
Anime/Manga: Seto no Hanayome
Option: H. Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your Brother/SisterReason: She'll be a cute sister! :D
Banner: I'll make it, thanks!

ppizzapieJan 31, 2009 1:39 AM
Feb 7, 2009 12:17 AM

Jul 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend:eve
Anime/Manga:black cat
Option:Give a Childhood Friend an Anti-Aging Potion and Adopt Them
Reason:she is the cutest girl ever. i want to give her all so she can smile and being happy again, and stop thinking she's a monster. *-*
Banner:yes please~

Claim from Childhood Friend:Kousuke Asazuki
Option:Your Childhood Friend is In Trouble and You must Try to Save His Life
Reason:kouske is a blade-child which means ppl come after hes life since he was a baby, he is so awsome so i want to save him *--*
Banner:yes please~

pic: eve (with the orange back-ground please!)
from here

---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 15, 2009 1:59 PM

Dec 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Gilbert
Anime/Manga: Axis Powers Hetalia
Option: Marry One of Your Childhood Friends
Reason: I love mai husbando~ <3
Banner: Will Make Myself~

Claim from Childhood Friend: Elizaveta
Anime/Manga: Axis Powers Hetalia
Option: Your Childhood friend is now Your Best Friend
Reason: Eliza is just a generally awesome character. And we could both be fangirls together, ufufufu~
Banner: Will Make Myself~

There is nothing in this world more ugly than imperfection
Feb 16, 2009 8:03 PM

Sep 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Kaoru Hitachiin
Anime/Manga: Ouran High School Host Club
Option: Your Childhood friend is now Your Best Friend
Reason: Because he's awesome and I'd love to have him as a best friend~
Banner: I'll make my own

Claim from Childhood Friend: Kaname Kuran
Anime/Manga: Vampire Knight
Option: Kill one of your Childhood Friends
Reason: Because I hate him now and feel he must die, of course. I wonder for my sanity when I was child for being friends with him in the first place.
Banner: I'll make my own
Mar 18, 2009 2:07 PM

Dec 2008
Kyora said:
Claim from Childhood Friend: Elizaveta
Anime/Manga: Axis Powers Hetalia
Option: Your Childhood friend is now Your Best Friend
Reason: Eliza is just a generally awesome character. And we could both be fangirls together, ufufufu~
Banner: Will Make Myself~

Changing option to: "You and your Childhood Friend become partners in crime"

There is nothing in this world more ugly than imperfection
Jul 18, 2009 11:13 PM

Apr 2009
Claim from Childhood Friend: Dino Cavallone
Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman Reborm
Option: Marry one of your childhood friends
Reason: despite being clumsy at times, Dino is a great character and we like to cherish our friendship into something more (<---crappy reason >.>)
Banner: i'll make mine

Claim from Childhood Friend: Euphemia Li Britannia
Anime/Manga: Code Geass
Option: You and your childhood friend become partners in crime
Reason: she is my awesome character and since she was labeled as a criminal, as her childhood friend, we shall be partners in crime! (<--- another crappy reason >.>)
Banner: i'll make mine

Aug 17, 2009 2:08 AM

Sep 2008
Claim from Childhood Friend: Seto Kaiba
Anime/Manga: Yu Gi Oh
Option:Your Childhood Friend is In Trouble and You must Try to Save Her Life
Reason: He is my best friend and has a great personality [and has lost his soul again^]
Banner: will make my own

Claim from Childhood Friend: Mai Valentine
Anime/Manga: Yu Gi Oh
Option: Find out that your Childhood Friend is really your Brother/Sister
Reason: she is great and has wonderful hair.
Banner: will make my own
Jan 6, 2010 10:49 PM

Aug 2009
Claim from Childhood Friend: Gilbert Nightray
Anime/Manga: Pandora Hearts
Option: Marry one of your childhood friends
Reason: I love Gil so much~ So inevitably we got married ♥

Claim from Childhood Friend: Alice
Anime/Manga: Pandora Hearts
Option: We're now best friends~
Reason: We could understand each other really ewll, and both shared th elove of meat, so over time, we grew to be awesome friends ;3

I'll make banners~ ^^

Thanks to Shiro-chan for scripting! ♥
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