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Dec 21, 2012 3:05 PM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
Oh well. 8/10 to the series. Was enjoyable.. but couldnt rly love it as original series.
Dec 21, 2012 5:18 PM

Jun 2009

manga story more better than this!!!
Dec 21, 2012 5:25 PM
Oct 2011
In my eyes the only highlight was the confession from Nagi to Hayate. I wish his response was a bit more open and aggressive. But since he is pretty dense and doesn't know how to express himself well it's to be expected I suppose. Although him pulling her in and saying it's precious and to protect it pretty much a good sign of things progressing down the Hayate x Nagi route I feel. Season 3 is definitely a more mature setting vs the first two seasons.
Dec 21, 2012 10:28 PM

Jan 2011
De-JaY said:
Wow... what a piece of crap.

This show didn't feel like Hayate no Gotoku. I watched the first two seasons and read the manga up to Volume 12 or 13 and this show didn't feel like any of this at all.
For being a 12 episode show the story didn't advance a whole lot. It was mostly really boring. This might have worked for a three episode OVA but not for a whole series.

Yes, I hate this anime. But it taught me to appreciate the old seasons, especially S1.
So that's a 3/10.

word. I'm giving it a 5/10. I don't even know why. Not a single episode was good. Except for maybe the first episode and that's only because it stole the epic scene from S1. And maybe the last and only when Nagi confessed since well that's a whole underlying plot point and I can't help but like to finally see her parents plus her dad is a cool guy. A few chuckles here and there. Animation change was an immediate kill joy. Characters felt really out of place half the time. To each their own but wow if you rate this highly or think this actually compliments the Hayate universe. It's just very very average as a stand alone anime and less than that as an installment in the series.

And if this is an independent story why is it marked as a sequel in the chain of seasons instead of marking it as an "other"...since this isn't exactly a sequel to S2, it just happens to occur after S2.
IZEROIIDec 21, 2012 11:11 PM
Dec 21, 2012 11:26 PM

Nov 2007
A rather good ending to a mediocre Hayate series which was highly anticipated yet turned out to be quite the unwanted (NOT) season 3.

I hope they go back to the original plot in the manga and no more side seasons. The news of a new season excites me, but if it turns out to be something like this, I will be disappointed again. Well, I will keep my expectations low for the coming season for now. :/

Since it's Hayate, I cannot give it under 7. My past love for it simply won't allow. :(

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Dec 22, 2012 7:50 PM
Dec 2012
Pretty good. I don't get why people are bitching about the artwork so much though.

Dat engrish lol
Dec 23, 2012 6:25 AM

Aug 2011
This and the previous episode really raised the enjoyment factor compared to the early half on the season. The airborne confession was lovely and her relationship with Hayate is really pure. Enjoyed the snippets of English from the robbers too. Absolutely adored the OP and ED, I often watch them multiple times per episode.

This was my first viewing in the Hayate no Gotoku! series so of course I felt a little lost at some of the plot points. Without reading spoilers, I wasn't sure how Ruka tied into all of this (not that it mattered, all her songs are great) and was confused with characters having powers like explosive talismans and swords. The plot was pretty ridiculous at times but I didn't come here for that.

Loved Tsugumi and Nagi. Both their sense of fashion is top tier. My fondness is especially towards Nagi, probably due to her determination to play all video games in one sitting while sacrificing personal hygiene. Such strong willpower!

Although I hardly laughed at the jokes, this series has a certain warmth to it that keeps me coming back. 5/10.
I've heard good things about its previous seasons so I'm very excited to start them soon. And with a new season confirmed for 2013, I think it's great time to be a fan of Hayate no Gotoku!
Dec 23, 2012 7:00 AM

Jun 2009
Besides some artwork derp here and there, it's actually not that bad.

will recognize as part of Hayate franchise.

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Dec 27, 2012 6:32 AM
Jul 2018
jenchiuk said:
Mikenzb said:
I'm interested in all these comments.

i just started and finished watching season 3 of this anime and I loved the ending.

I guess I dont understand the story line from season 1 and 2 so maybe thats why.

But for a first timer watching this anime and starting from Season 3 I loved it.

The plot and structure for the 1st and 2nd season were actually messed up. If you haven't read the manga, I'm suprised how you were able to cope with some of the stories. If you do see season 1 and 2, I recommend you do a bit of research as the episodes are not really in chronological order...

I do agree with a lot of people that this show may have been confusing simply because it was clear that it was targeted at people who read the manga making people who haven't giving it a very hard time to understand. I suggest you either read the manga or perhaps start from scratch from the anime but you need to know when to watch which epsiodes as nearly all the episodes in season 2 are actually in the middle of season 1.

Hopefully if you do this, you will perfectly understand the next new HNG in Spring 2013

I have watched Season 1 and 2 and Now I understand. I was able to cope with Season 2 being in the mid of Season 1 That I don't mind but I think this Season was alright.

Well This Season was still nice not bad but not good still my score at this goes from 10 to 9 after watching Season 1 & 2
Dec 28, 2012 11:59 AM

May 2012
What an amazing ending! Really loved every last bit of it, finally... finally Nagi managed to say that she loves Hayate! Really amazing that we also got to see the father from Nagi! It was just beautiful and with amazing action!

Really loved this short but awesome sequel of Hayate no Gotoku! 9/10
Dec 28, 2012 9:40 PM

May 2011
The ending was really nice and incredibly enjoyable, but I still can't forgive the rest of the series based on just this ending. I'm not even bothered by the fact that this series tried to be more serious too, but the fact that it didn't do that well as a serious anime in comparison to how great it use to be at comedy, I can only frown upon it.

Dec 30, 2012 6:07 PM
Jul 2012
I'm still curious about Hayate's brother, I did try to read the manga but I don't know which chapter to start. I don't care about fillers I just don't want to read the same stuff that happened in the manga.
Jan 1, 2013 5:54 AM

Jun 2010
Well, I admit it definitely wasn't the best HnG anime so far, but heck, the last couple of episodes proved that Hata had an interesting story going behind the scenes all this time. The Black Camelia "exchanging souls" business really tied up all the stuff we've been fed throughout the whole anime which seemed random - the story of Nagi's father, the villain's motivations, the Tsugumi mystery... If the beginning of the anime hinted at how good the story behind it all is, I think it could be more interesting all throughout. As is, it's still interesting, just with fillers and stuff that seems like fillers. At least we got to finally see how Nagi's father looked like (so far we've seen flashbacks with just a similar-to-Hayate silhouette). All in all, the manga is better as usual, but HnG stays one of my favs.
Jan 1, 2013 10:15 PM

May 2012
TheMooseIsLoose said:
I'm still curious about Hayate's brother, I did try to read the manga but I don't know which chapter to start. I don't care about fillers I just don't want to read the same stuff that happened in the manga.

Season 2 ended around chapter 148.
Jan 1, 2013 10:44 PM

Jan 2012
I prefer the comedic Hayate no Gotoku! better.
My Guitar Covers:

Jan 7, 2013 10:55 AM

Jun 2011
I was horribly disappointed by this 3rd season, nothing's like Hayate no Gotoku should be. I've rarely been disappointed this badly by any anime so far, 3/10

HNG is supposed to be funny but I couldn't laugh a single time during these 12 episodes. All the new characters that were introduced were annoying. The whole plot and how the characters were tied to each other through it were so random that it seemed as if Hata was just trying to put as much twists and new stuff into the series as he possibly could within the time limit of 12 episodes.
I didn't like the 'serious' parts in the first two seasons either, so it's a given I didn't like the 3rd season. Only Nagi and Hayate seemed to be somewhat how they are supposed to be, the other regulars acted either completely differently from how I'm used to or their characteristics were increased to a stupidly ridiculous level.

Demons, Las Vegas, magic? This is not the HNG I know =( Give me my old Hayate no Gotoku back! D:

And of course there's the horrible art style too, but that's up to debate... Though I'm pretty sure most people agree with me when I say that the old style was much better.

3/5 for this episode.
Jan 8, 2013 11:54 AM

Jan 2011
Although this was decent, it was definitely not good enough to have the title of Hayate no Gotoku attached to it. I would've probably liked it better as a standalone with a more serious art style and just a lot more seriousness attached to it. I'm extremely disappointed with this, I hope the original series will get a true sequel instead of this nonsense. 7/10, because as standalone it wasn't that bad.
EDIT: I also forgot to mention that Ruka was almost entire unused, and what was up with all the stuff with the apple in the OP and during Ruka's scenes. Building up stuff that has never been used?
loliowoJan 9, 2013 8:39 AM
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Jan 8, 2013 11:21 PM

Aug 2008
jenchiuk said:
babler said:
I really didn't think I could ever sit through anything worse than chaos head. Why was this abomination made. I don't like to go into forums trashing shows I don't care about but wow, I really liked the first two seasons and then they made this. This is the worst anime I have ever watched, and it's a no contest. I was actually laughing about how ludicrous the plot is. Furthermore, since when does everyone have superpowers and shit, wtf? Isumi was the only one who ever had any kind of supernatural ability and that was more for the lulz than anything. All of a sudden Hina summons a sword and shit, what was I just watching? Also there are several points in the show where characters magically know stuff they shouldn't and the entire plot is incongruous as fuck. Animation also terrible, just awful, I mean, look at the villians with their masks and no eyeholes. One of them is even smoking a pipe through his mask rofl. god...

This will rest as the second anime I've ever given a 1/10.

It may have been confusing if you haven't read the manga maybe.... If I didn't read the manga, I would be honest to say that this season would be extremely confusing but I managed to figure it out since I read the manga as it INDIRECTLY relates to it. I do agree with you however that it isn't as good as the first two seasons.

Is this show actually canon material? It was so poorly made I assumed it was just made up by anime producers using the Hayate cast.
Jan 13, 2013 11:45 PM
Apr 2011
just finished the whole series.
Very touching story about Sanzenin Nagi parent but very funy too.
Nagi need tobe more honest with his feeling and Hayate as always, dull about love.
Cannot wait for the next seasion.

I give 8/10 for this seasion of hayate.
Jan 30, 2013 6:14 AM

Dec 2010
The ending was okay, but it's a shame imo that this season didn't live up to the awesomeness of it's predecessors. The whole series was mediocre, at best.

Gave it a 7 out of 10 instead of a 6 or 5 because I love this franchise, and the animation is beautiful (minus the character designs ofc).
Mar 26, 2013 7:36 PM
Jul 2018
A debut of a cheap rip-off of a cute character from popular anime series, worst character design, uncreative and lame jokes and poor settings but good ending in the end. I give it 2 stars.
Mar 26, 2013 9:40 PM

Jul 2009
This show definitely does not deserve a MAL score of 7, especially when so many garbage anime out there are higher than a 7. I think too many people became butt hurt that their beloved HnG has been remade and altered. So, in response they lash about by giving a clearly unjustified low score. I on the other hand rate it as a stand alone anime that borrows the cast from a popular show, and in the end, it turns out it was executed fairly well.

The plot for me shaped up really well near the end. It was well thought out and definitely exciting to watch. Nagi's dad is such a cool guy, and I'm glad there was a little father-daughter love at the end. Seeing him cross dress was a bit weird, haha. Unlike Hayate, he actually has a manly figure, so it was alarming.

Nonetheless, I gave this an 8, in spite that I think it was 'good' and not 'very good'. But, it's my attempt to boost the score, if even a little bit. I can afford to do so every once in awhile. ;) Of course it won't move the needle, but this anime is as good as the previous seasons, if not better. It just does so in a different way -- in its own unique way. I can see why the author acknowledges this adaption (see ch. 400).
KurogashiMar 26, 2013 9:49 PM
Mar 30, 2013 4:08 PM

Jun 2011
Didn't understand what some people disliked about the season :O I enjoyed it.
Apr 1, 2013 10:15 PM

Jun 2009
Well it wasn't bad ill give it a 7
Apr 11, 2013 4:37 PM

Mar 2012
It started kinda weak but the ending compensated for it.. If you're a fan of HnG and had already read the manga, you'll like this.. 8/10 for me..
Keep moving forward
Jun 20, 2013 7:40 AM

Dec 2011
3rd Season? lol.

Hayate The Combat Butler: CTMEOY
I'm very dissapointed. The comedy, the art. The previous TV Series is better.
The plot is quite interesting though, but still. Sorry, it wasn't good enough.

Sep 23, 2013 10:23 AM
Oct 2011
The ending was nice and it felt like their was actual character development, but since it clear unless you read the manga you missed out on a lot of stuff between season 2 and 3. Which also made me feel detached from the characters.
Oct 20, 2013 3:26 AM
Aug 2013
the ending was a happy one... i really liked this season
8.5/10 from my side
Jun 15, 2014 8:23 AM

Nov 2012
So I kept running without knowledge about some characters.
Disappointment after movie is gone, BD graphic improved, story had nice conclusion.
It's still not the same as previous seasons, but I'm pleased 7/10.
Oct 6, 2014 12:27 AM

Feb 2012
Disappointed in this season! I was on a HnG marathon this late last month to now and starting with season 1. Upon watching season 3, I was very much bewildered on what was going on. The characters significance was greatly altered. Main characters weren't getting much screen time, the characters' roles have changed, character designs have been drastically adjusted and the HnG "feel" just wasn't as evident as compared to previous seasons. Whatever happened to the mysterious narrator? Tama? The other cat, Shiranui? Wataru, his maid and the video rental and why is it now a manga shop?

Season 2 was obviously the pinnacle of the franchise - enjoyed every episode of it. This season was partial garbage in my opinion. I'm somewhat frightened to proceed to Season 4, but I guess gotta finish what I've started.

You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Oct 6, 2014 2:46 AM
Mar 2013
Unfortunately you won't find the same quality in seasons 3 and onwards as you did in the first two seasons. One thing that turns people off is the visual style of the subsequent seasons but that isn't the only problem as you aptly noted. Nagi turns into a complete tsundere and it is much more unnatural compared to how she acted in the first two seasons. Personally I'd say you've finished the best of the series in the first two seasons so you shouldn't have high expectations for Cuties.
May 7, 2015 6:30 PM
Sep 2014
CCC, i didnt expect it will turn like this. The last few episodes were interesting but i wanted a comedy i saw in first two season. Tama nor narator didnt get a single line in this season, they were hilarious before :(
NarcoMay 8, 2015 5:22 AM
Mar 31, 2016 11:20 PM

Feb 2013
That was definitely interesting.....My favorite is still second season and the movie, but this had it's own charm

Aug 30, 2016 3:16 PM

Jul 2012
The humor portions were generally fairly funny, and I dug when we finally got into the real Black Camellia arc. Of course the pinnacle of bad luck for Yukiji would be to win a massive amount of cash and then have it almost immediately stolen knowing that it could have been hers.
Nov 29, 2017 2:15 AM

Jul 2012
Finally the producer make her parents story and now their story at the climax..
But sadly her father must die :'(
I was thinking it's a bit like naruto's father story

Well it was a happy ending

Feb 1, 2018 4:21 PM
Sep 2017
Okay, so bare with me.
I haven't seen the other seasons other then Cuties and this one.
But I really dislike how a slice of life/comedy turned supernatural.
It was fine how it was.
I lost interest around the 6th episode but finished anyways because I was already half way through.
If this season doesn't define plot twist, I don't know what does.
Also, why does Nagi's father look EXACTLY like Hayate but with blond hair and no cowlick? Wtf. Is that just stereotypical Butler look in Japan?
Feb 19, 2018 10:54 AM

Jun 2017
Dont know what to say anymore, the ending was fine, but this whole season was...unsatisfying
I didn't like the Animation, it wasn't funny and the supernatural part is/was cringe
May 30, 2022 7:30 PM
May 2022
This nagi version is kind of irritating, she's more better in season 1, i can only gave it 7/10 they change a lot in this season and i only watch this because i want to see hayate and maria.. 😁
Apr 8, 2023 9:13 PM

Oct 2021
I watched the dub so my view is based on the dubs.

After watching this I can say that I have mixed feelings.on the one hand I really did like a lot of the plot points.on the other hand there are major shifts in things like the story, animation and tone of the story. The animation is better and some of the designs are nicer too, but the voice acting often doesn't fit the better animation. A character like hinagiku comes off as mopey rather than a cool teenager

I don't think that the show is bad, it's just so different than what i'm use to that it becomes distracting. 

I would recommend it to people as a standalone show, i think. Since I do think that it's still a great watch
MiMiXSheSheApr 8, 2023 9:19 PM
Jun 6, 2023 1:03 PM
Oct 2019
Very interesting season of Hayate No Gotoku, it has a very mixed reception which is obvious, I really get it.
The comedy, jokes and references are mostly kept to the first half, it's also the half that has the comedic intros by Hayate/outros. 

Hayate No Gotoku rarely got as serious as it did in this season, there were some more serious moments but this season, especially its second half went more into the drama, honestly? I think they did it really well, I always really cared about these characters, especially Nagi and Hayate, so it makes sense why I cared so much.

Regardless, I still greatly missed a lot of aspects that were omitted, the narrator, the style of humor, the pacing, I did miss those things but after finishing this season I think I understand their omission, it right ave not fit the story they wanted to tell. I think this season works really well even though it clashes oddly against what came before it, I had a great time, especially with the last few episodes that were great, I wonder how Cuties stacks up.

Jun 26, 2023 1:11 PM
Nov 2010
That was good, but it's rushed. It would've been nice if there were more moments between Nagi and her dad. The plot development should've happened earlier to give it more time to finish satisfyingly. They crammed all the relevant events in the last few episodes.
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