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Copycat Threats to Kuroko no Basket Found at Comiket 83

Dec 31, 2012 6:09 AM

Feb 2008
Comiket 83 executive committee announced on the official website that three threatening letters, presumably placed by copycat blackmailers, were found at Kuroko no Basket block of Comiket 83. However, they decided to continue the event with the great help of the police because it could have provoked more copycats if they had given in to the threat.

Picture of the empty KuroBas block at Comiket 83

Comiket staff stated that the restraints upon the freedom of expression, not limited to Kuroko no Basket, will continue unless the threatening stops. They said they will keep on doing their best to protect the long-standing culture.

Source: Comiket 83
Related topic: Kuroko no Basket Gets Banned at Comiket 83
myanimelistllcMay 11, 2016 9:00 AM
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Dec 31, 2012 6:13 AM
Feb 2012
There's more letters now? God, what's up with those assholes disturbing such a peaceful event with bullshit like that. Fucking sick.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Dec 31, 2012 6:14 AM

Oct 2011
Hope These Threats Stop And Hopefuly They Wont Escalate T_T
Dec 31, 2012 6:31 AM

Oct 2011
Now there are more of them trying to copy the original? How long is this going to go on... I'm glad it didn't affect the second season of the anime from being made but something like this can wear down on a person...
Dec 31, 2012 6:33 AM

Apr 2009
GuiltyKing said:
There's more letters now? God, what's up with those assholes disturbing such a peaceful event with bullshit like that. Fucking sick.

Comiket isn't a peaceful event, Comiket is a war.

And war is hell.
Dec 31, 2012 6:46 AM
Aug 2011
These fuckersbasement-dwellers need a hobby or something.
Dec 31, 2012 6:53 AM

Jul 2012
There's so much fuss over this anime/manga, is it really that good?

Don't tell me it's because of shipping...
Dec 31, 2012 6:53 AM

Sep 2011
I expected more blocks for KnB...
And more of this shit again? This is why the current anime industry is going downhill, and alot of things contributed to that ._.

Niko-kun said:
There's so much fuss over this anime, is it really that good?

Don't tell me it's because of shipping...

I still don't get it either, and no it's not because of something as minor and trivial as that, though i wouldn't know lol
Dec 31, 2012 6:56 AM

Jul 2012
Japan also seems to have a thing for basketball. Now that I think of it.
Dec 31, 2012 7:02 AM

Sep 2011
Niko-kun said:
Japan also seems to have a thing for basketball. Now that I think of it.

Yeah, Slam dunk was a very huge success, and the manga Real is also doing pretty well :p, i think among the crapton of the moe stuff being released in the recent years, stuff like this is one of the few genres left that attracts the general (non-otaku) audience.
so it's likely someone who has something against the mangaka i think.
Dec 31, 2012 7:02 AM

May 2008
Wow I'm getting so sick of this. It's going way over the line.

Dec 31, 2012 7:05 AM

Jul 2012
KayChan4U said:
Wow I'm getting so sick of this. It's going way over the line.

Yeah indeed, but the real problem is with the people outside the 'fandom' in Japan.

Shit like this doesn't help when people there are so close minded to begin with.

Inb4 Kuroko no Basket makes you a criminal.
Dec 31, 2012 7:06 AM
Jun 2012
Niko-kun said:
There's so much fuss over this anime/manga, is it really that good?

Watch/read it and form your own opinion.
Niko-kun said:
Don't tell me it's because of shipping...

Dec 31, 2012 7:14 AM

Sep 2011
Niko-kun said:

Yeah indeed, but the real problem is with the people outside the 'fandom' in Japan.

Shit like this doesn't help when people there are so close minded to begin with.

Inb4 Kuroko no Basket makes you a criminal.

Japan is actually one of the most "open-minded" countries.
It's just that they dislike the anime fandoms because of their obsessive hobbies and their "wasted lives", and when you think about it, it's kind of understandable. and it's not just in japan, this applies anywhere.
Dec 31, 2012 7:23 AM

Dec 2010
I hope this stops once and for all soon. This has hurt the KuroBasu franchise greatly. We just all want to enjoy one our favorite series. :(
Dec 31, 2012 7:24 AM

Sep 2011
endless_nine_09 said:
This has hurt the KuroBasu franchise greatly.(

fanarts don't affect a series.
the second season is already announced, so you'll enjoy your favourite series soon enough ;p
Dec 31, 2012 7:38 AM

Nov 2007
Downgrade355 said:
I expected more blocks for KnB...

From the "Anime Sales in Japan 2013" Mania thread. Kurobas makes up around 8% of the doujin circles just listed here. It'd be less if there are more circles dedicated for other less popular anime. That's the scope of the ban at Comiket though.

I'm neutral about Kurobas... but I think these threatening letters has gone far enough. It's not good for the anime industry as a whole, because what would happen if people started to threaten other popular anime series?

Just some random stuff - change in number of doujin circles focusing on the most popular anime at Comiket, with the + or - being change from 2011.

2442 (-284) - Touhou
1014 (-112) - Tiger & Bunny
*900 (new) - Kuroko no Basuke [KuroBas got barred from Comiket due to the threat letters]
*744 (+254) - iDOLM@STER
*688 (-160) - Hetalia
*622 (-96) - Sengoku Basara
*514 (+50) - Vocaloid
*426 (-72) - Tennis no Ouji-sama
*424 (+132) - Magi
*414 (+12) - Precure
*400 (+6) - Fate/[etc]
*346 (-82) - Uta no Prince-sama
*324 (+66) - Nintama Rantarou
*318 (-106) - Gintama
*272 (-8) - Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
*264 (-20) - Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
*262 (-118) - Ribbon [dunno what this refers to; the shoujo manga anthology?]
*250 (-108) - Inazuma Eleven
*232 (-136) - Ao no Exorcist
*230 (-44) - Tales of [etc]
*208 (-54) - One Piece
The News Club: Quality News/Discussion (anime, CDs, manga, novels, games, seiyuu), & sales data (daily, weekly, mid-year, yearly).
Dec 31, 2012 7:41 AM

Feb 2012
Man this again?

Damn, at last Comiket stuff did it right this time, they didn't backed down, stand up and fight those retards.
Dec 31, 2012 7:47 AM

Jul 2012
Downgrade355 said:
. and it's not just in japan, this applies anywhere.

Yeah right, I'm pretty sure people in other parts of the world aren't afraid of going to a convention about whatever.

You should do some research on the net.
Dec 31, 2012 8:01 AM

May 2008
KayChan4U said:
Wow I'm getting so sick of this. It's going way over the line.
Dec 31, 2012 8:03 AM

Sep 2011
"It's just that they dislike the anime fandoms because of their obsessive hobbies and their "wasted lives", and when you think about it, it's kind of understandable. and it's not just in japan, this applies anywhere"

This is what i wrote, read again and reply when you're done ;p

Yup, tbh i expected it to be at least 10%. and i agree with you, they're going a bit overboard about this.

as for that list of circles, i kind of doubt it's credibility (Don't get me wrong please), it lacks many significant animes in comiket (Unless that list excludes Day 3), i mean where is SAO, Chuunibyou, Horizon, Tari Tari, Nyaruko, Hyouka , Nisemonogatari and all those significant titles, commercially and in conventions? (yet i'm see'ing some old ones in there) pretty sure i came across a crapton (and by a crapton, i mean a crapton lol) of doujins when i was browsing Toranoana last time lol, well unless Otaku decided to go all digital, which i doubt.
Downgrade355Dec 31, 2012 8:13 AM
Dec 31, 2012 8:17 AM
Dec 2012
It's a Stand Alone Complex.
Dec 31, 2012 8:23 AM

Feb 2010
GuiltyKing said:
There's more letters now? God, what's up with those assholes disturbing such a peaceful event with bullshit like that. Fucking sick.

It's obvious people will copy that, considering how the police has bowed to that first guy.
I probably regret this post by now.
Dec 31, 2012 8:41 AM
Aug 2012
What the hell, this kind of stuff is just ridiculous.
Dec 31, 2012 8:46 AM
Aug 2012
Downgrade355 said:

fanarts don't affect a series.
the second season is already announced, so you'll enjoy your favourite series soon enough ;p

But it does affect the series. A big part of any franchise is the fandom and their creativity. It helps it grow and flourish and fosters more love for the series, anything hampering (like this) ruins that creativity, not to mention is disturbing.
Dec 31, 2012 9:19 AM

Sep 2011
megucas said:

But it does affect the series. A big part of any franchise is the fandom and their creativity. It helps it grow and flourish and fosters more love for the series, anything hampering (like this) ruins that creativity, not to mention is disturbing.

What helps a franchise grow are the sales, not Doujinshi made by fans to be sold to certain type of fans at a convention (There were some studios before who prohibited the making of doujinshis of their anime to preserve their reputation), the studio and animators do not benefit from these fanarts. anime and its sales come first, then the fanarts, not the other way around. and i'm not sure what "creativity" you're talking about, it's the same thing we've seen every year at conventions, just with different series.
Downgrade355Dec 31, 2012 9:25 AM
Dec 31, 2012 10:25 AM

Sep 2011
i see your point and while what you say is true, the benefit to the original creators isn't that big, if there was any benefit at all that is, since the benefit to a studio from doujinshi is next to none, my point is that they can't get much "new" fans through doujinsh especially when said doujinshi target a specific fandom within the general fandom of the seriesi, in most cases the already existing fans are the ones who purchase doujins.
Downgrade355Dec 31, 2012 10:31 AM
Dec 31, 2012 10:39 AM
Jun 2009
Huhhh. This thing is still going on? Getting sick of it already.
Dec 31, 2012 11:25 AM

Nov 2008
Seriously they really need to get a life
Dec 31, 2012 11:27 AM

Aug 2011
NoxiousDoctrine said:
It's a Stand Alone Complex.


Jan 1, 2013 1:59 AM

Jan 2011
Amarrez said:
GuiltyKing said:
There's more letters now? God, what's up with those assholes disturbing such a peaceful event with bullshit like that. Fucking sick.

Comiket isn't a peaceful event, Comiket is a war.

And war is hell.

You saying that with that avatar was hilarious :D

The decision to continue, to avoid more copycats reminded me a Bakuman chapter.
Jan 1, 2013 4:09 AM

Nov 2009
Squatta said:
Now there are more of them trying to copy the original? How long is this going to go on... I'm glad it didn't affect the second season of the anime from being made but something like this can wear down on a person...

Compared to the shootings and them copycat threats on the other side of the world...
Jan 1, 2013 11:38 AM

Oct 2010
Downgrade355 said:
i see your point and while what you say is true, the benefit to the original creators isn't that big, if there was any benefit at all that is, since the benefit to a studio from doujinshi is next to none, my point is that they can't get much "new" fans through doujinsh especially when said doujinshi target a specific fandom within the general fandom of the seriesi, in most cases the already existing fans are the ones who purchase doujins.

Publicity helps alot. Just look at SAO. Even non-anime viewers are now watching it. Guess how my friend got to know about SAO? Fanarts. My other friend? SAO Hentai Doujinshi. Apparently I'm the only one who saw SAO on MAL news board.
Reim_SeranthJan 1, 2013 11:44 AM

~ IA- Aria on the Planetes ~ Vocaloid V3 voiced by LiA (Clannad Afterstory, Angel Beats! theme song singer)
Jan 1, 2013 1:03 PM

Sep 2011
wishbook said:

Publicity helps alot. Just look at SAO. Even non-anime viewers are now watching it. Guess how my friend got to know about SAO? Fanarts. My other friend? SAO Hentai Doujinshi. Apparently I'm the only one who saw SAO on MAL news board.

"Even non-anime viewers are now watching it" lol i'm not sure what you're trying to say there.
your friend was browsing through some hentai site and happened to find some scanlated SAO porn doujin, that's not "Publicity", Fanarts rarely help with "publicity", like i said before, in most caes the already existing fans are the ones who purchase fanarts and doujinshi, SAO fans who read hentai doujins are only a small group in the bigger fandom.
again, Commercial anime and sales come first, then comes its events/conventions/fanarts for the fans who're interested in that, it's not like a serie's sales are going to suddenly increase after a group of people buy its fanarts at a convention, so no, Doujinshi generally don't help in making a series more known (I also mentioned before that many studios prohibit doujinshi of their anime).
Jan 1, 2013 1:17 PM

Nov 2008
Anyone got a list of studios and authors that prohibit doujinshi.

Jan 1, 2013 1:35 PM

Sep 2011
Hoppy said:
Anyone got a list of studios and authors that prohibit doujinshi.

copyright law prohibits doujinshi, not just studios.
i found a list a few months ago on a japanese forum, i'll look for it again and post the source.
Jan 1, 2013 11:31 PM

Sep 2009
I'm getting so sick of hearing about this. I seriously hope they catch the guy soon before anything even worse happens.
Jan 2, 2013 5:06 AM

Oct 2010
Downgrade355 said:
wishbook said:

Publicity helps alot. Just look at SAO. Even non-anime viewers are now watching it. Guess how my friend got to know about SAO? Fanarts. My other friend? SAO Hentai Doujinshi. Apparently I'm the only one who saw SAO on MAL news board.

"Even non-anime viewers are now watching it" lol i'm not sure what you're trying to say there.
your friend was browsing through some hentai site and happened to find some scanlated SAO porn doujin, that's not "Publicity", Fanarts rarely help with "publicity", like i said before, in most caes the already existing fans are the ones who purchase fanarts and doujinshi, SAO fans who read hentai doujins are only a small group in the bigger fandom.
again, Commercial anime and sales come first, then comes its events/conventions/fanarts for the fans who're interested in that, it's not like a serie's sales are going to suddenly increase after a group of people buy its fanarts at a convention, so no, Doujinshi generally don't help in making a series more known (I also mentioned before that many studios prohibit doujinshi of their anime).

They came to know SAO through fanarts and doujin, then they went to crunchyroll.

Fandom watches SAO > Put Kirito as messenger, game forums, facebook profile pictures > "hey, what's that fanart?" >" It's SAO, try it" > Friends search about SAO > They like it too > They become an advocate > More probability of online streaming and BD import sold.

^ That's the case with SAO. I can't even tell how many people started Kuroko after seeing its yaoi fanarts on tumlbr.

The power of mere fanart, the power of fandom.
Reim_SeranthJan 2, 2013 5:18 AM

~ IA- Aria on the Planetes ~ Vocaloid V3 voiced by LiA (Clannad Afterstory, Angel Beats! theme song singer)
Jan 2, 2013 6:41 AM
May 2012
Oh Fudge this Copycats or whatsoever!
Luckily the Second season was not affected by this :)
Jan 2, 2013 8:05 AM

Dec 2012
wishbook said:

The power of mere fanart, the power of fandom.

The fandom power is powerful, they buy BDs/DVDs, merchs, book, doujin, and even can force sequel/ gaiden (side story) from publisher/ author.
Jan 2, 2013 5:12 PM

Sep 2011
you're speaking of random foreign sites, i'm speaking of Doujinshi and Fanarts in general, i'm speaking of comiket, the actual sales in japan, the sales that actually matter, what counts.
Jan 6, 2013 1:50 AM

Dec 2009
WTH again !!Really !! I'm getting sick of this threatening letters ..
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