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Apr 12, 2008 11:34 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- Wow. A nice way of ending a harem/romance type of anime. I've rated this 8 at first cause I found it just average/decent. But after the half of the series, the plot got twisted that I think it's so original. That's why I've rated it 9 now. Well, the ending is kinda a bit cool. Even though I've already see that coming (attempt suicide) since episode 23; (the only thing that can be done in order for Asa to use her magic). But I've never expect that she will have her hair grow so long! As far as the series ended, it was satisfying that it didn't made a cliffhanger or some questions unanswered. All things are clear and beautiful. Btw, about the ending credits. I've lol'd when Kaede and Sia just.. k k kk kk kkisu.. LOL! And also, PRIMULA is the best! She changed so lot! As far as I know, the only character I've seen so much character development in all the anime I've seen is Primula! Since ep2~24, she has the most greatest character development for me, I think. (Not counting the action animes like Bleach, Naruto) I will watch SHUFFLE! MEMORIES when I have time. ^^ |
Apr 13, 2008 6:20 AM
It was really ok,and tho I would have preferred him to end up with some other girl*points at Kaede* it still went smoothly... |
Apr 13, 2008 11:50 PM
Apr 25, 2008 11:51 PM
Apr 26, 2008 1:27 PM
May 9, 2008 9:56 PM
DarthNicolas said: It was really ok,and tho I would have preferred him to end up with some other girl*points at Kaede* it still went smoothly... I totally agree. From the way it started and was progressing it seemed like Kaede would be the first choice for Rin. After all she took care of him, made lunch for him, and showed great affection because she loved him. I liked Asa at the start too. We all knew she liked Rin but she kept it strictly as a sister brother type connection because she knew Kaede really loved him. I had great respect for Asa because of that. Through out the whole series we barely see Kaede but when we do see her we notice she does things a g/f or wife would do for their b/f or husband. And because of her lack of screen time I was pretty sure they would have their own ark at the end where he finally notices all the work shes been doing for him and the way shes been acting and finally ask her out. Then we have the date with Asa. This is when the show took a weird turn for me. All of a sudden everyone around Rin seemed to just pick Asa as his significant other because he was having more fun with her. That kind of irritated me but I still didn't lose hope in Kaede. She still didn't have her ark/air time yet so I was still waiting. Then comes the whole Asa being sick arc where Rin basically treats Kaede like shit, ignores her, and totally disregards her feelings. It's no wonder she snapped after a few days. Her whole world has been based on being with Rin and now he basically said leave me alone I don't need you right now. Then we find out the only reason Rin's allowed Kaede to pamper him was because he's scared she would kill herself. He mentions the whole time he assumed the reason she pampered him was to atone for her past mistakes, which was not the case. She did all those things because she loved Rin and just wanted to be with him. Which he never got and by the time he heard her confession it was to late. So in the end my opinion of Rin went from really positive to really negative. The whole series he was seen muttering to him self "was I really not paying attention to all their feelings?" every time something went wrong with one of the girls but he never once mentions this when Kaede is braking down and crying. It's as if he just didn't want to deal with her at all. I think there where so many better ways for him to express his self to her at the time. It's to bad he had to be an asshat. The ending was nice and all but it just didn't feel right to me. After the whole ignoring of Kaede, I just didn't have that "Rin is a genuine nice guy" feeling anymore and I was left with bitter feelings and a false resolve. Kaede went from being a broken down suicidal girl to normal as if nothing happened. Which I think the producers did intentionally just to end the show and keep everyone on a positive note. I probably would have given this show a 9/10 if I still had the same opinion about Rin all the way through the show even if he did end up with Asa in the end. But since he turned into an asshat I dropped my rank to an 8/10. |
DeathfireDMay 9, 2008 10:02 PM
^)^ DeathfireD ^)^ Anime Alliance P2P Network *OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS*![]() |
May 10, 2008 10:45 AM
@^ Exactly your right. But since I've voted for Asa from the start till the end. I didn't have any regrets or negative feelings in the ending. I think it differs from the viewer whether you'll like the ending or not, since this is a harem type of anime; so whose girl you've chose, you'll vote for her till the end. Yeah the whole ending really turned out a big twist like the first half was just like fillers if you think that way. I also agree that the producers might just did that intentionally to have a peaceful ending. XD |
May 16, 2008 10:00 AM
I thought the ending was good , i knew it since episode 7 that Asa would end up with RIn, Anyway all girls still love RIn no matter what, and will still fight for him. plus sia and nerine were marriage candidate to rin. which means that there is still a battle between all of them. felt a bit sorry for kaede but you never know she might be with rin years later/ loved all characters even mayumi was cute but wondered of she liked rin or not? |
May 18, 2008 6:57 PM
May 23, 2008 7:44 PM
Leading up to those last episodes I was convinced that they were going to kill off Asa, which bummed me out. She was my favorite! I did roll my eyes a few times at the ending conflict (I mean come on, Asa being dead will be easier for her mother to deal with than her using magic? That just made no sense). At any rate, I they did a decent job with the ending, I liked the dramatic step Rin takes to get Asa to save herself. I also enjoyed the fact that they didn't leave any loose ends, the kind that make you go slowly insane as you try to figure out what happened! Overall it was a pretty good show, the best episodes being the early portion of the series, but overall it was worth the watch. Oh and in the ending credits that whole Sia and Kaede "accidental" smoochie...was that supposed to be comedy or vague foreshadowing...because if it's the latter...that would be AWESOME. ;) |
May 24, 2008 12:25 AM
they made 2 sequels tick tack and really really, but not anime, hopefully they will make it into an anime, cause i really enjoyed shuffle. |
May 24, 2008 6:45 PM
May 24, 2008 11:25 PM
You know babykeiji, you could have lied to me and I'd have been just fine with that. Now my dream of Sia and Kaede has been shattered :( |
May 25, 2008 9:26 AM
May 29, 2008 4:23 PM
Jun 2, 2008 4:11 AM
Jun 7, 2008 12:17 PM
BAH, how could Asa be okay with everyone hitting on her bf? man I wish all girls were that understanding. Fun series! 7/10<-- only because the final conflict was so dumb :) |
Jun 13, 2008 5:57 AM
I just finished the anime.. Well.. It's a good series but I really don't go for Asa that well.. Sorry babykeiji ^_^.. I was really wishing he would pick Sia or Nerine, but he ends up with Asa.. I have to admit that I was a bit irritated when he chose Asa over the others.. I would have given this anime a 9 or 10 but since the final conflict was not that good (for me).. I gave it an 8.. Overall it's a good series to watch, and it's very enjoyable =D |
Jun 13, 2008 3:55 PM
from the beginning when i saw asa i kind of had a feeling that rin was gonna pick her |
Jun 25, 2008 11:40 PM
@DeathfireD post. I agree for the most part about Rin changing. He completely neglected Kaede and seemed like a total jerk. However I believe your comment's a bit biased since you favored Kaede. Towards the latter part of the series, they clarified that he had a misunderstanding towards her gestures (housewife chores, etc, which were done out of pure love) and I'm sure they were all satisfied with that. Everyone apologizes and go back to being happy. It was not 100% entirely his fault because she, too, admitted to not letting him know clearly that she had "real deeper" feelings for him. I think they purposely left out him being sincere to Kaede's feeling because of the actions of the past where the "omg choking death sin" was committed and this is all atonement for that sin. Otherwise the whole atonement theme would not fit into the series and would've stretched the series further. This also allows the story to emphasize on his feelings towards the one girl he loved most of all. ^Summary - I totally understand what he posted, but in Rin's defense, he was not all too bad. He just had his mind focused on his primary target ;) Giving the ending "victorious" chick being Asa, the story folds up nicely over a period of time blending into the revelation of Kaede's feelings (arc) and Asa's mysterious illness (arc). It kinda gives off a feeling that everyone else is belittled by Asa's superiority in the end but unless you want to go with the polygamous ending (which I wouldn't have mind at all ^_^), this is the only way it could've been done. I mean really, I carry a box-cutter everywhere I go. Not suspicious one bit. Agreeing with the OP, no cliffhangers is a good thing. I was happy with the definitive results that are realistic to a great story therefore a 9/10 for me. |
kanakaJun 25, 2008 11:45 PM
Jun 29, 2008 9:58 PM
Jul 8, 2008 2:42 PM
Jul 14, 2008 12:32 PM
Finally a harem anime where the guy actually ends up with the one I wanted him to end up with :D Rin + Asa look so cute together.... I totally expected Kaede to be a nutcase, especially since I watched this anime since it was rec'd from School Days...and it almost seemed like said somewhere between 18-20 and I was so sure she would end up slicining someone...but she got back on track (good for her). Now that I mentioned School Days...I think this show points out exactly why Makoto is in a body bag and Rin is in the happily ever after. I mean Rin's decision was the thing that got him out of this mess, cause he was able to go to Kaede and tell her who he likes and that he wants to move out...cant say the same thing ab Makoto though....poor guy couldnt make up his mind and the women got to him in the end...sad :( Pretty decent anime...but the ending twists were slightly predictable so i rate it 7/10. |
Jul 19, 2008 9:53 AM
Gave it a 9. I hated that it has to be Asa but after watching the last episodes I've finally accepted her to be the chosen. Her story is good and I can't deny about it. If her story will not be that big, I'll add her to my hate list. Good series. Too bad for my Sia-chan whom I'm betting on. Another factor for a 9 is Primula. She got out of being a silent type. To conclude it, I don't hate or love Asa-senpai. |
Jul 28, 2008 2:24 PM
I thought this ending was all right, I didn't think he would end up with Asa until near the end, I thought it would be Sia. I could predict the attempted suicide a mile off, but being able to predict something doesn't mean it's bad. Anyway, who knows what could happen after...the other girls haven't given up, and there is some way between dating and marriage. I was kind of glad things went (relatively) back to how things were at the end. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by this anime. 7 out 10 (which is good for me). Also...Primula wears glasses? |
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Jul 28, 2008 2:38 PM
Aug 11, 2008 11:13 PM
babykeiji said: Wow. A nice way of ending a harem/romance type of anime. I've rated this 8 at first cause I found it just average/decent. But after the half of the series, the plot got twisted that I think it's so original. That's why I've rated it 9 now. Wait wut, 8 is an average score. LOL an average score is 5, which is what I rated this anime. |
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Sep 18, 2008 1:31 PM
I like shuffle just cause u couldn't tell which girl he would he up most harems u can tell which girl will be choose by the op... |
Sep 20, 2008 6:25 PM
I thought he would end up with Kaede but I was glad he ended up with Asa. this was the first time in a harem anime that the guy ended up with the right girl. I dont see why so many people were upset about it. He picked the girl that was actually sane and who wasn't clingy. what's wrong with that? |
Sep 22, 2008 12:32 PM
^ nothing just that people love scary and normal girls |
Oct 5, 2008 2:17 AM
Gah, I'm pretty upset with him choosing Asa. I knew that he wasn't going to end up with Sai, but she was by far my favorite character in the whole show, right next to Primula. I hate to say it, but I felt the last few episodes were actually ruined for my because of the choice. I thought this was going to be an lolwtfanservice harem(Not to say that there wasn't a lot, although it did settle down), but it was actually pretty funny. I saw that I liked the characters as the show went on, and not for a hundred miles would I have seen Asa make such headway. I knew that it wasn't going to be Sai after she already had her arc in the beginning for the most part, and I thought it was pretty obvious Nerina wasn't going to happen due to her personality. By the time we found out Kaede to be a nutcase, it was already decided who he was going to be with. I would have been happier if they made a really good comedy, and there was no choice made. I loved this anime for the first half and I really wanted to give this a 10/10 just for Primula. The Kaede episodes from her childhood were pretty damn good too but it just kinda fell apart towards the end for me. |
FactorOct 5, 2008 3:28 AM
Nov 8, 2008 2:54 PM
Factor - because of people like You we have so many unended stories. Good harem/ecchi story is when there is a happy ending, or even decision made :) |
Dec 7, 2008 12:12 PM
Overall I liked this anime more then most harem. It had an ending(wow!), good comedy and a twist. As I already mentioned I was disappointed with Rins choice, but that seems to be an unwritten rule, that the protagonist always chooses my least favourite character, but I can life with that. On on hand some parts of the end-plot didn't made that much sense for me, but on the other hand the idea was okay and enjoyable (Besides the fact that it was a bit predictable). I give this a 8/10. |
Dec 17, 2008 6:08 PM
The first part was unexpected again. But nice. It wasn't as touching as other dramas I've watched so far. But still, it was really good. Asa looks so much better with long hair. :D ![]() I'm totally satisfied with the end. Even though Asa isn't my fav. ^^ ![]() 9/10 |
Dec 21, 2008 3:23 PM
Jan 1, 2009 12:26 AM
Loved it. Loved it, loved it, loved it. I had expectations for this series to be a decent harem but it was an amazing one. I expected average character development with relatively flat personalities and I got extraordinary characters that were fun and really colorful. I expected just a normal high-school life story lightly incorporating Gods and Demons but I got something completely new; completely unique. This series amazed me from start to finish, more and more so with each episode. No down time either; and it kept a good balance of seriousness with comical relief. No cliffhanger; everything was wrapped up nicely and clearly; the "cherry-on-top," so to speak. And hey, even if I hated anything about this Anime, he DID end up with Asa-san (<33) so I wouldn't fully hate it anyway. Shuffle! gets a deserving 10 out of 10. =D |
Jan 2, 2009 11:59 AM
Brilliant ending, the suicide scene was very touching. 9/10 from me too, I would have preferred Kaeda, but Asa was 2nd on my list, and was 1st for half the Anime, Go Asa! ~Abs |
Jan 17, 2009 11:48 PM
Just finished, I was seriously rooting for Asa in the beginning, but I don't know after the kaede part I just can't say with a straight face that i'm truely happy with Asa winning. Kaede deserved to win, but at the same time, looking back at it, I really don't see any romantic feelings from Rin toward Kaede. Which really explains the horrible treatment she got(honestly i was expecting her to hang herself or something throughout the psycho episodes). But I just feel bad for her, I can't feel happy for Asa at all, I REALLY wanted Asa to win... But it just wasn't right... |
Jan 19, 2009 4:02 AM
Bladin said: Just finished, I was seriously rooting for Asa in the beginning, but I don't know after the kaede part I just can't say with a straight face that i'm truely happy with Asa winning. Kaede deserved to win, but at the same time, looking back at it, I really don't see any romantic feelings from Rin toward Kaede. Which really explains the horrible treatment she got(honestly i was expecting her to hang herself or something throughout the psycho episodes). But I just feel bad for her, I can't feel happy for Asa at all, I REALLY wanted Asa to win... But it just wasn't right... I guess it's because Rin had always been regarding Kaede as a sister, rather that someone he would love. I wouldn't say Rin was harsh towards Kaede because of what she did to Asa though. He just had to decide what to do in order to clear the clutter right? I had a feeling that the ending would have Asa die ... around episode 22 when Rin finally chose Asa to be the one. And maybe *magically* the producer can do something about Rin x Kaede. Fortunately that didn't happen! <3 Rin x Asa |
Website is reporting as Malware. |
Feb 5, 2009 4:04 PM
Finally an harem that ends like I wanted it to end. I never really liked neither Sia nor Nerine, since pairing them with Rin was forced, and for Kaede... well, she's like a sister for Rin. I always found Asa a better match for Rin, since they always joke and get along very well. Also I love her character, always cheerful, and her voice :) And he really DID end up with her. I found the first half kinda boring, because it was a stupid harem, and Rin couldn't never decide (reminding me of Makoto <.<). But the second half totally amazed me, and now I'm rating it 10. Absolutely satisfied, it made my day =) PS: is Memories worth the watch or should I just avoid it, keeping the memories of THIS anime? |
another_anonFeb 6, 2009 1:54 AM
Feb 5, 2009 4:27 PM
Memories is just a recap so it's not worth watching. only the last episode of it has something new. And I know how you feel. this was the first harem anime that had the ending I wanted too =) |
Feb 6, 2009 9:58 AM
Thanks for the answer. I only watched the 12th episode since it was totally new^^ aww, I want more =( |
Feb 7, 2009 3:30 PM
AkariChan said: I guess it's because Rin had always been regarding Kaede as a sister, rather that someone he would love. I wouldn't say Rin was harsh towards Kaede because of what she did to Asa though. He just had to decide what to do in order to clear the clutter right? While i would say that he made the right decision in choosing who he wanted, and they truely make a good couple. The problem was just how ignorant Rin was of Kaede's feelings for like the entire show, and then instead of setting things right or talking to her about it, he let it go, and ignored her, and basically she was already in "wife mode" while he was treating her as "room mate" not even a sister is neglected as much as she was. She was going batshit crazy toward the end, because(and truthfully her fears were justified) that she was going to lose Rin. And to make matters even worse, when Rin was moving out, he still treated her the same way, they had their final closing chat which basically set her out of suicide mode. But it was a pathetic way to handle it. To me he seemed like he was running way from Kaede instead of dealing with it before the problem arose. Off topic, so what exactly is the "new" content in memories? |
Apr 17, 2009 8:42 AM
Gave the series a 9 as it was auseme but not a masterpiece. Even though i also woulda liked it if Rin and Kaede were together but the 'unforgivable crime' probably played a factor in reasoning why it couldn't happen. Still, loved the last episode which still gave me a few laughs after the tragic scenes. P.S loved Rimu in school and her sly trick after Kaede's move with the coffee! |
May 15, 2009 10:17 PM
Jun 29, 2009 3:26 PM
Rin's idea was great : D Ending - nothing special... Happy and again I saw there something like invisible harem ^^ |
Jul 5, 2009 10:11 PM
pretty good ending, the attempted suicide made sense and somehow I didn't see that coming until he whas about to do it. I liked how at the end it was back to lighthearted and all the girls still liked him and turned down Itsuki haha but hey like they said there's always the polygamy option even if Asa wouldn't like that lol. I believe he did neglect Kaede quite a bit and even led her on but I guess that was hard for him to focus on after the things she did to him while kids. I mean he forgave her but it still had to have been hard on him. Again I'm happy with an Asa ending but Sia or Kaede would of been ok to. Nerine was just kind of bland and didn't really work with him. Primula had some more emotions at the end which was nice. It was also good the little things tied up at the end like Asa's mother kind of meeting the 2 fathers. I still never got where was Asa's father? Nerine and Sia's mothers? None of that seemed explained at all. |
Jul 17, 2009 2:06 AM
have seen this movie till end ^^ well maybe i just give 8/10 for this anime i don't like rin's character after all if he didn't like kaede why he just tell kaede about that instead of neglected kaede and just going with asa without ever think about kaede's feeling but forget about it maybe it just because i vote for kaede ^^ asa is nice but if i become rin i would be prefer kaede instead of her =P |
Jul 21, 2009 2:57 AM
Jul 23, 2009 8:20 AM
I'm completely happy with the Asa ending. She was the only one who didn't force herself on him. Though I freaked out on Rin when he cut himself up. He definitely could have approached that situation differently... but as he said, he's stupid and couldn't think of anything else. I'm really happy that this harem ended with a character that was not destined to be his from the very beginning. I did see many hints from early on in this anime that Asa had a very good chance. I was always very unsure though whether this was a secret hint or just a prelude to an Asa arc. I'm still debating with myself whether this is worth an 8 or a 9. It's definitely worth more than any other harem. |
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