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Sep 26, 2012 6:06 AM
May 2012
thanks to this kind of anime i can really appreciate the anime which are actually good and which i like, that's why i did watch this abomination of an anime series...

i was really laughing at the end, not because it was funny, because it was hilarious how down this anime went and all the forced drama and the actual plot drifted away and how things were wrapped up,...
RaphowSep 26, 2012 6:14 AM
Sep 26, 2012 6:56 AM

Jun 2009
Way too much forced drama in the last few episodes, especially for an ecchi/harem series. And even the episodes before then weren't all that good. Glad it's over, 3/10.
Sep 26, 2012 7:35 AM
Mar 2012
I really enjoyed the first half of the anime (would give it something like a 8 or even a 9). But when they went to the shimigami world everything started to get boring and annoying. They should have stayed with the comedy and ecchi part.

Also they added more and more filters and effects to the episodes. I really didn't like this.

And the end, yeah, it was a bit rushed but I kind of liked it. I prefer this to an complete open end like a lot of harem animes have. Ahh and I really liked the dog censoring :)

Looking forward to the OVA. OVA's are normally pure ecchi and comedy and this is what I liked about the series.
Sep 26, 2012 8:11 AM

Jun 2009
Heck, despite being stupid as hell i have to give credit to creators for making it a Lisara x Ryousuke ending.
The series was quite amusing and had some sexy actions, a score of 5 from me.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Sep 26, 2012 8:27 AM

Jan 2011
OrochiPL said:
Heck, despite being stupid as hell i have to give credit to creators for making it a Lisara x Ryousuke ending.
They didnt even have the balls to go through with it. After all that happened, she still acts like a bitch and wants to not only show him no affection, hates the one thing he prides himself in. Worst harem female lead of the season.
Sep 26, 2012 8:33 AM

Jan 2011
Arbel said:
Again, it's funny just how many haters actually took the time to not only watch all 12 episodes but also complain about how bad they are/were in this thread xD
It's an ecchi/harem series. Seriously, what exactly did you expect?

You clearly missed the part about 95% of the "haters" being fans of the series before the drama kicked in around episode 8.
Sep 26, 2012 8:39 AM

Jul 2012
Not the best ending

This is also one of the first animes where i don't rly want a new season
O'Hai :D
Sep 26, 2012 8:52 AM
Jan 2011
Oh c'mon, why doesn't Lisara let her self get banged by Ryosuke?
Sep 26, 2012 9:07 AM

Jan 2011
Its the last ep... I kinda expected this sort of ending and I'm not very surprised. Though it was nice that Lisara finally confessed, she went back to her tsundere self at the end.

Overall, the whole anime was meh though the starting few eps were quite good IMO. I guess the anime went downhill around the time when they discovered Mina was the special specimen.
I mainly see the animes... so don't blame me for not knowing about the Manga/LN
Sep 26, 2012 9:19 AM

Aug 2011
"We haven't gone all the way yet."
If that's not reason to not die then what is?

This crashed and burned faster than Lisara's flimsy outfits.

Sep 26, 2012 9:40 AM

Sep 2011
meh 5/10
Like all the sexy ladies though. But Mina is a fuggo, she can die.
End art was awesome
Come visit my town // I apologize in advance for my second-rate English

Join my fan club // Improve the transport network
Sep 26, 2012 11:53 AM

Nov 2007
muntasir123 said:
Will the manga go past this, 'WTF' is this bullshit? I believe there is a light novel?

Manga & Light Novel is a big 360 compared to the anime adaptation. Much better in my opinion.
I'm reading the manga now, should've just skipped the anime after episode 8, but I hate not closing out my collection.
Sep 26, 2012 12:05 PM

Nov 2009
Average anime is average...nuff said.
Sep 26, 2012 12:31 PM

Jun 2012
that was pretty bad in the end... I got more kicks out of Kiss x Sis :/
Far far inferior to Highschool DxD in the end.
4 maybe 5 out of 10
Sep 26, 2012 12:31 PM

Jun 2011
Well the anime went downhill halfway and ended decently(barely). The girls were pretty hot and we finally get to see Quelle boobs at the end art so 6/10
Sep 26, 2012 1:10 PM

Oct 2011
The entire series is REALLY kinda BORING and LAME!!!!
Sep 26, 2012 2:11 PM
Apr 2009
Jeller said:
Not the best ending

This is also one of the first animes where i don't rly want a new season

Or they could make an OVA and go full hentai, the jump doesn't seem that large if you ask me.
Sep 26, 2012 2:14 PM

Mar 2012
Thats just it the main probleam this anime series is that it started great but the second half focused to much on the drama, a lot of ppl have said that the main reason this series started going downhill in the second half was becuase of this reason.

Unlike DXD which managed to ballance the Drama and Ecchi together with the plot which made it great this one was just to out of balance and focused to much on the dramatic plot which let to its downfall.

This one is practically the first series that im not at all expecting a second season. there still is a chance for it to be annouced when the ova comes out but in all honesty i think it wont be the case

Bottom line 6/10

Main reason for it to have Failed (in my opinion) :
To Much Focus on the Drama in seconnd half
A Lot of Plot Holes
Not Much Characther Build up
Even for a standered Harem series the ecchi moments were to weak
Sep 26, 2012 5:39 PM

May 2012
4/10 loss of time
Sep 26, 2012 5:59 PM

Feb 2012
Finally, this anime is finished. Could have been better if it stayed the same like the first 6 eps.

9/10. Why? My list is messed up and I'm planning on fixing it soon. I'll let this series have time with a high score.
Sep 26, 2012 8:17 PM

Jul 2008
Mediocre end to a mediocre show, 6/10 for all the B cup love for Lisara.
Sep 26, 2012 8:48 PM

Dec 2009
There's any ero doujinshi about this serie?
Sep 26, 2012 8:49 PM
Oct 2009
transcendent12 said:
that was pretty bad in the end... I got more kicks out of Kiss x Sis :/
Far far inferior to Highschool DxD in the end.
4 maybe 5 out of 10
It's not really inferior. High School DXD does have a better overall storyline and female cast, but Boku H actually has by far an infinitely more likable main male character. This is actually a big deal.

I'm not really sure what people are expecting from ecchi harems typically speaking. I'm personally expecting an awesome main male character and good fanservice. Boku-H has plenty of good fanservice, and I mean just to make things clear, the focus of the show like many other harems is the MAIN MALE CHARACTER. Plot is secondary, as are female characters as long as they are pretty and have different personalities. The fact of the matter is Boku H does get one important thing right, and it's the fact Ryosuke is a fucking manly boss of a male protagonist.

Ecchi and hentai are typically very character driven, and fall apart if the main character is not likable. High School DXD actually focuses more on Rias as opposed to Issei, the former of whom is actually an interesting and likable character, which makes it an exception to the norm. Compare to say Shuffle!, the anime adaptation which is an overrated piece of garbage not because the story or female characters are awful, but because Rin is boring, unlikable, and unrelatable.

I can't see how this show can be considered not enjoyable. Yes the plot was a mess, and the female cast ended up being overall pretty lame, but that doesn't matter for the most part. What actually matters is that Ryosuke is likable and thus is able to carry the show and gives us a reason to appreciate the madness that is pretty faces grouped up to cater to a sexual orientation. Not often is it you have a male protagonist who is an open pervert, not creepy because he comes off as trustworthy, AND is able to confidently say to the woman he loves "size doesn't matter".

In all honesty, it actually helps that the female cast has a lot of character flaws, because in a way, it emphasizes Ryosuke's extreme manliness.
A2ZOMGSep 26, 2012 8:54 PM
Sep 26, 2012 8:58 PM

Jul 2011
Glad I never have to watch this shit again. 2/10. Also I had no idea what was going on in the story from ep 3 onwards since I either fell asleep each episode or I was thinking about other stuff than this shit.
Sep 26, 2012 9:02 PM

May 2008
Comedy is back WOOHOOO , well that was short lived but i enjoyed the last few moments as always ! Ilia always comes up with the best lines

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Sep 26, 2012 10:45 PM
Sep 2012
Well I think the reason why most people finished the anime to the end is because...;

a) they keep giving this anime the benefit of the doubt that it'll turn better..
b) They really hate leaving animes unwatched, no matter how bad if they're already 2-3 eps in ( me in a way )
c) time killer
d) they actually liked it

overall I give this anime 4/10, and all 4 points are for the beginning few episodes.. even though I was close to stopping it after the first 10 minutes of the first episode.

( really can't stand the abusive female character type )
Sep 26, 2012 10:52 PM

Dec 2007
It started off decently, flatlined, had a brief uptick 2/3 of the way through, and then just kind of petered out into what was a rather poor ending. I give bonus points for Lisara actually getting scarred, however, and the fanservice was passable. And it certainly doesn't stack up that badly against its direct competition. Still, not that good a series. I'd put it at a 5, maybe 6 if compared just to its contemporaries.
Sep 27, 2012 2:51 AM

Jul 2011
Eh... The storyline is pretty incomplete. So much stuff left unexplained even if there was a second season planned. Stuff with his father, who he may have killed or not. The carpet bombing ending. It had potential, but like most ecchi series, it just didn't fulfill.

I do like Cuele though.
The chip in my mind, it summons me.
I gave my life to your machines.
Sep 27, 2012 3:01 AM

Mar 2012
This shit was way better than DxD but it was still pretty bad tbh, but it's an ecchi show so what the fuck do you expect.
Sep 27, 2012 5:35 AM

Feb 2012
Pretty stupid ending, just fuck him, Lisara.
Sep 27, 2012 7:46 AM

Dec 2011
Glad things got resolved in the end.
5/10 for me.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 27, 2012 8:23 AM

Apr 2009
im going to have agree with most ppl here the ending was horable. Such a shame it started so well.
I am the light and the darkness tossed away by fate.
I am hope and despair needed by all and to none.
I am CuresDestiny.
Fear me or Not it is all the same to me.
<insert maniacal laughter here>

Sep 27, 2012 11:29 AM
Feb 2012
Lisara should have changed at least a little but she's still a bitch who acts even worse than before.

Resolves nothing for the long term.
Sep 27, 2012 2:34 PM

Aug 2011
Well at least Lisara and Ryosuke finally admitted their true feelings for each other, even though nothing's really changed between them.

I'm not a big fan of the series to be honest. I think Hiro Shimono's voice as the protagonist sounds like a constant whine and his ero habits gets repetitive fast. Granted, he did have some hilarious innuendos throughout the series though. As for the other characters, they were forgettable and uninteresting. Did not like Lisara at all and she didn't really change that much considering her relationship with Ryosuke certainly did.

There's something about the whole demon side to this show that I don't like. All the names used for their transformations into shinigami and their attacks made me feel uncomfortable, I didn't immediately think "hell yeah that sounds like a cool powerful move". The design for the characters themselves were unsettling at times, I found Mina's expressions to be sometimes very awkwardly drawn. Also, these past few episodes had that grunge effect to show the invasion of the demon world and it just made me concentrate on how annoying the corners of the screen were. It was like a bad photoshop job.

I don't think it's fair for me to compare this to Highschool DxD since I much prefer the latter. I think I just didn't care about Dakara's characters enough to feel concerned when a major crisis was happening. OP and ED were horrible, in the end I never really liked the song choice and the graphics that went with them. 2/10.
Sep 27, 2012 4:53 PM

May 2011
Shitty ending

By a shitty anime

..and yet again the MC ends up with the worst chick
Sep 27, 2012 7:40 PM

Sep 2011
Shit ending. Back to square one (No surprise), bad MC.
Should of dropped this show near starting episodes.

TyrelSep 28, 2012 6:44 AM
Sep 27, 2012 8:11 PM

May 2012
A horrible ending to a horrible anime.

1/10 overall.
Go ***k yourself.

Polite as usual,
Sep 27, 2012 9:09 PM

Sep 2012
For me... the ending is not that bad for an anime of this kind. No surprises yes, but it could end more horribly.. I think I will give it a 3/10 for the not so good plots and settings.
Sep 27, 2012 11:11 PM

May 2012
I'm not sure why everyone is saying this anime was shit. I watched it all the way though, and I really enjoyed it. The paranormal side of things was a good idea, the fanservice was great, the way she saved Ryosuke was pretty nice, and the scenery was beautiful. I actually really liked it. 9/10
Sep 27, 2012 11:16 PM

Feb 2012
Smasher39 said:
I'm not sure why everyone is saying this anime was shit. I watched it all the way though, and I really enjoyed it. The paranormal side of things was a good idea, the fanservice was great, the way she saved Ryosuke was pretty nice, and the scenery was beautiful. I actually really liked it. 9/10

For me, it's really shit. But it's like after watching a lot of anime like this, you start to get tired of it...
I would say it's a bit better than the ones in its league.

But AFAIK, most people here hates it for the unnecessary fanservice and weak plot-delivery.
Sep 28, 2012 1:22 AM

Jun 2010
Oh well, I hope there will be no season two.

Sep 28, 2012 11:27 AM

Jun 2008
I'm kind of surprised by how much hate this is getting. It wasn't a great anime by any means, but these last two episodes were, for me, actually good enough to raise my score from what would have been a 5 to a 6. The last few scenes were a bit embarrassing, but meh.

I also strongly agree with A2ZOMG on Ryousuke. Ryousuke is a much better protagonist than most are in these kinds of shows. His pervertedness is over-the-top, but it's better than being a wimp.

In the end, I won't exactly miss this show, but I don't regret watching it. 6/10.
FloreteSep 28, 2012 11:30 AM
Sep 28, 2012 11:34 AM
Feb 2012
As someone here has said multiple times, Ryosuke was a really good harem anime main character. I'd say he is up there with Tomoya (Clannad) and another of Shimono's characters Keima (TWGOK). I also really liked the main character of Highschool DxD. My favorite by the way is Ayumu from Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? He is the epitome of awesome :P. What I like about these characters that many, many, main characters in Harem shows lack is, that they are active. People like them for a reason, Ryosuke included.

Most series have a great female cast (Campione, ToLoveRu) but have extremely dull main characters. The main characters lack personality completely. I hated ToLoveRu because of how boring Rito was ( I love ToLoveRu darkness because it just throws the whole pointless drama out the window and replaces it with soft core porn).

That said not even a character as entertaining as Ryosuke can save this show from it's horrible plot. Almost nothing happens through most of the series. The female cast is pretty bad (Mina = Dull, Kyuuru or whatever = poorly written, Iriya = annoying, Lisara = Bitch).

I actually liked Kyuuru's character, that is her personality... but she was poorly written into the plot. I could not find any reason for her being there, she felt extremely unimportant. What's worse is , for some reason she was the one character who they decided not to ever show full frontal nudity of and I have no idea why. She was always strategically censored.

Iriya was annoying, it felt like she should have been Lisara's rival, but she did a very poor job at that. Making her just a nuisance. Her proportions were all messed up too, not an attractive character at all.

I actually liked Lisara for the most part of the show. However, I cannot forgive her after that ending. WTF is that, Ryosuke pretty much proved he values his love for her more than his own life... and what is her answer: We can go out, but no touching. God her ratio of tsun to dere is like 99:1... Tsundere is supposed to be like a locked chest, you go through all that trouble to open it so you can get your reward. There is no reason opening a chest filled with crap though.

Finally Mina, I actually probably like her the best. Not because she is an osananajimi, that has nothing to do with it. (I hated Ringo from Air Gear, I was a huge Kururu fan. So Osananajimi has nothing to do with my judgement, I work on a case by case basis.) What I liked about Mina was that she was openly in love with and truly cared about Ryosuke. I found her to be an extremely pure character. What I did not like about her character is that she pretty much only became important in the end, and backed down completely from all the other girls who 'loved' ryosuke. Her character was sweet and dull at the same time. I was actually happy Ryosuke ended up with Lisara at first, however the ending made me regret ever feeling like that... he totally should have just gone with Mina. The only badly written part of his character is that he rejected Mina solely on the fact that they were childhood friends....

I'd give this anime a 5/10, it has a few decent characters, but I can't even really remember what the story was about so I don't know any reason why I should want to watch it again. I believe there will be a second season of Highschool DxD, that is overall a better ecchi harem anime so atleast we have salvation down the road. Now if only they would schedule 3rd Seasons of Kore wa Zombie desu ka and Baka to Test to Shokanjuu, the world would be a much happier place.
Sep 28, 2012 5:47 PM
Dec 2008
Who the hell was the teacher at the end?
Sep 28, 2012 5:54 PM

Dec 2011
athlonxp said:
Who the hell was the teacher at the end?

Dunno, Lisara's mom may be???

What a waste of time... the seccond anime i wonder how i even got to end it.
Sep 28, 2012 8:06 PM

Jul 2012
Lol that ending... 8/10 for this episode. +1 for her finnally confessing. rofl
Sep 28, 2012 10:43 PM

Jun 2008
I think everyone has already said what needs to be said.

-Good start to the series, TERRIBLE second half.

-Convoluted story.

-Shitting ending with absolutely no regards to storytelling.

-Obviously the series was generic from start to end.

Overall, the only worth while aspects of this anime were the occasional well done ecchi scenes involving Lisara.

5/10......I'm being VERY generous.
Sep 29, 2012 2:36 AM

Dec 2009
Looks like I made the right decision to stop after episode 3.
Sep 29, 2012 2:48 AM
Sep 2012
really curious to the sales of this series now. can someone tell me if this show is still gona sell cus of some boobs or horrible as expected?
Sep 29, 2012 2:51 AM

Feb 2012
mochax3 said:
really curious to the sales of this series now. can someone tell me if this show is still gona sell cus of some boobs or horrible as expected?

It's Japan we're talking about... I can't tell :O
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