Apr 10, 2012 8:47 PM
Hey guys I was wondering, what will happen when the Saber from Fate/Stay Night meets the Saber from Fate/Prototype since those two share something in common like their Noble Phantasms are Excaliburs but different designs. |
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Apr 24, 2012 11:54 PM
It isn't really possible, mainly for two reasons: 1. Both are Knights of Britain, and come from the same background, with same history. There can't be two from the same universe., despite Arturia being a fiction legendary hero. 2. The holy sword Excalibur can only exist on the hand of the owner, mainly due to reason 1 as stated above. The designs are based off the pioneered idea of Nasu (or maybe the animation studio, who knows) but they really are the same swords. Apart from these, if ever they place an overlapping universe, it's hard to say how two very similar heroes will face each other off, and what the battle will result in. If ever, perhaps Arturia has a little edge over Arthur maybe because we know more about her abilities (apart from the Noble Phantasm) from the VN. |
Apr 25, 2012 12:07 AM
It isn't possible. The same reason why Dark Saber will never meet Saber even in Carnival Phantasm. You're better off asking what would happen if Nero (Red Saber) and Arturia meet for the first time. |
Apr 25, 2012 12:33 AM
saber could win the grail then wish for two sabers then fight one another :D |
Apr 25, 2012 1:04 AM
-Quasar said: It isn't possible. The same reason why Dark Saber will never meet Saber even in Carnival Phantasm. You're better off asking what would happen if Nero (Red Saber) and Arturia meet for the first time. Actually Saber and Nero (Red Saber) already met, but that's only in a spin-off manga known as "All Around Type Moon Ahnenerbe no Nichijou vol 2 chapter 8," it's with other characters from Fate/Stay Night, Tsukihime, and Kara no Kyoukai and yeah I know, Saber from Fate/Prototype is the archetype version of Saber from Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Prototype is one of Nasu's original work before he made Fate/Stay Night. |
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Apr 27, 2012 5:29 PM
Actually they could meet. The Holy Grail is corrupt for a start which means anything could happen. Two, if there were two legends of Arther, namely one of female and one of male it completes two separate legends and therefore two separate Sabers. Three, the only reason Dark Saber couldn't meet Saber is because they were one and the same. Dark Saber was just a corrupted Saber. |
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Apr 27, 2012 6:05 PM
BloodHedgehog said: Actually they could meet. The Holy Grail is corrupt for a start which means anything could happen. Two, if there were two legends of Arther, namely one of female and one of male it completes two separate legends and therefore two separate Sabers. Three, the only reason Dark Saber couldn't meet Saber is because they were one and the same. Dark Saber was just a corrupted Saber. But Arturia's legend is Arthur's legend, she disguised herself as a male and was remembered as one. The two cannot coexist. |
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Apr 28, 2012 5:56 AM
Topgunuk69 said: This pretty much. That said, a "king Arthur" could theoretically be summoned as a Heroic Spirit if Arturia followed the normal rules. Since she doesn't follow the regular rules, the terms that allow her to be summoned in the Grail War don't allow her to be summoned as anything but what she was in life (that includes lacking the stolen Avalon and the broken Sword of the Stone "Caliburn" as well as being a woman even though her "legend" specifies her as a man). If she followed normal rules there was actually a good possibility the truth could easily be bypassed and her identity as a woman bypassed altogether hence summoning her as a man.BloodHedgehog said: Actually they could meet. The Holy Grail is corrupt for a start which means anything could happen. Two, if there were two legends of Arther, namely one of female and one of male it completes two separate legends and therefore two separate Sabers. Three, the only reason Dark Saber couldn't meet Saber is because they were one and the same. Dark Saber was just a corrupted Saber. But Arturia's legend is Arthur's legend, she disguised herself as a male and was remembered as one. The two cannot coexist. And the Grail Corruption doesn't mean anything can happen. It merely affects certain things, especifically things like the limit that ony allowed Neutral or Good Heroic Spirits of competing, which allowed Antiheroes and "tragic" heroes turned murderers to also be Servants (hence the two Casters being allowed in, as well as Rider). It also could be blamed for the 5th War's Caster summoning of an errant spirit as a fake Servant. Other rules are observed however, like the rule that real assassins all have to be a specific Hero. |
Sep 15, 2012 4:13 PM
It can't be done. Just like how there can't be two owners of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception originating from the same universe, the two Sabers can never meet unless a remake of Fate/Unlimited codes includes Proto!Saber. (Just like how some of the Melty Blood games had Ryougi Shiki as well as Tohno Shiki) Any possible reason for them to meet that I can think of ends with "Blame Zelretch" |
Sep 15, 2012 5:22 PM
Zfish9 said: No, unlike Mystic Eyes of Death Perception there's several ways for different Arthurs/Arturias to exist, depending on what people believe at the moment (heck, an errant spirit could easily assume a ficticious Arthur persona like the 5th's War Sasaki Koujirou did). And in the Third War, if I remember correctly, it is said the Edelfelt sisters were both Masters of a Saber class servant. Said Servant was thus divided into two completely different versions of the same Servant. SO yes, there's already a canon occurrence of one servant having two different versions at the same time. Sadly we're never told which servant it was since it was during Hollow Ataraxia.It can't be done. Just like how there can't be two owners of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception originating from the same universe, the two Sabers can never meet unless a remake of Fate/Unlimited codes includes Proto!Saber. (Just like how some of the Melty Blood games had Ryougi Shiki as well as Tohno Shiki) Any possible reason for them to meet that I can think of ends with "Blame Zelretch" |
Jul 16, 2017 1:11 PM
Is Prototype's Saber a male Arthur or someone else from Arthruian legend? And who was that girl in the after credits scene? Fate/Stay Night had three people from Greek Mythology, Herakles and Medea even knew each other. |
Jul 30, 2017 2:21 AM
Well if they indeed meet , I would think they sit , drinking tea , having a talk about their life. Or probably bad mouthing Gilgamesh. Lol haha. That would be great , so casual. |
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Aug 15, 2017 10:30 PM
This is a hell of a necro, but I don't get why you guys say 2 Excaliburs couldn't exist in the same universe. In the VN of Stay-Night, it says some of the weapons Gil uses are the very same other existing heroes have as hougus. The only difference being they weren't known as legendary weapons in Gil's time (or that they were the base of those legendary weapons, I can't recall the right wording) |
Aug 15, 2017 11:16 PM
LoliMoutoNiichan said: Gil's treasury holds the originals/prototypes of NP's that are created by man. For example, Cu's Gae Bolge is just a replica, while Gil owns the original in the GoB.This is a hell of a necro, but I don't get why you guys say 2 Excaliburs couldn't exist in the same universe. In the VN of Stay-Night, it says some of the weapons Gil uses are the very same other existing heroes have as hougus. The only difference being they weren't known as legendary weapons in Gil's time (or that they were the base of those legendary weapons, I can't recall the right wording) |
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