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Jun 13, 2008 8:41 AM
Jun 2008
In the rebuilt, who would you like shiji to have a romantic relation with?
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Jun 15, 2008 2:26 PM

Aug 2007
..... I've always wanted to Shinji to actually hook up with Asuka.

Jun 20, 2008 12:40 AM
Oct 2007
...I've only watched the series as of now, but I have always been rooting for the Asuka and Shinji pair.

But I still find the Rei x Shinji adorable.
"You are always more beautiful when drenched in blood."
Jul 2, 2008 1:51 PM

Jul 2008
All I got to say is that at the end of The End of Evangelion the only person Shinji decides not to kill is, might as well warn you now that if you haven't seen the movie this will spoil it for you so stop reading, Asuka. So I mean...

Also, and I'm not entirely sure why, I always thought that Rei was a clone of Shinji's mother even though Rei was albino and his mother wasn't still ... do an overlay of their faces and you'll see what I mean. So if you look at it that way their whole relationship would be, to put it lightly, very awkward.
Aug 25, 2008 4:14 PM

Jun 2008
Well....for me it pretty obvious....Asuka, cause she is like his complete opposite. And we all know opposites attract. Besides....he can't go for Rei....ew....shes like.....his sister.

Aug 26, 2008 2:31 PM

May 2008
Misato is like a surrogate mother to him, as is Rei in a way. Though I guess Asuka (at least in the series) is kind of like his sister, so while very creepy, makes the pairing all the more likely.
Aug 26, 2008 3:12 PM

Jul 2007
I could see Shinji x Rei being an attractive couple, however I feel that Shinji x Asuka would be better. Misato x Shinji would be really hot, but considering their relationship in the anime I could not see that working out... she was way too much of a mother figure.

Naturally these types of relationships would be shunned by feminists and humanists in real life, so it wouldn't extend that well in that kind of mindset.
Sep 5, 2008 5:03 AM
Aug 2008

I badly want to say Rei or Kaworu, but I don't think it's possible for them to be together.
Sep 5, 2008 5:29 AM

Aug 2007
tatteredreverie said:

I badly want to say Rei or Kaworu, but I don't think it's possible for them to be together.

kaworu? >_< hell no!!11

although shinji x rei could be nice, shinji x asuka is meant to be :3

and I hope they don't change the romantic relationships from the original series ;P


or maybe they could do a 3some xD
duarteslm2Sep 5, 2008 5:42 AM

モンテーロ 富守
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Sep 6, 2008 1:09 AM

Feb 2008
FALLEN101 said:
All I got to say is that at the end of The End of Evangelion the only person Shinji decides not to kill is, might as well warn you now that if you haven't seen the movie this will spoil it for you so stop reading, Asuka. So I mean...

Huh? Have you watched the movie with eyes shut?

Well... I guess EoE is something everyone ahs to interprete for himself.

Well, back to the question.
Asuka is the one for Shinji, I guess. They have the same problem - just different ways to handle it. They are very similiar people who have issues due to low-self esteem and abandonement.

Sep 10, 2008 6:45 AM

Oct 2007
Gewaltgoere said:

Huh? Have you watched the movie with eyes shut?

Well... I guess EoE is something everyone ahs to interprete for himself.

The ending is in fact a bit of a mystery, Shinji wished for all of the people to dissapear and the reason why Asuka was still in her physical form while the rest was gone proves atleast something. I dont know why Shinji restrained himself from choking Asuka at the end, maybe because then he would have been all alone? who knows?
I like to think Asuka and Shinji as the new Adam and Eve. thats my conclusion atleast.

as for the topic I go for Asuka all the way, Rei is sweet but she isnt really a candidate at the end is she? :)
Sep 10, 2008 8:14 AM

Aug 2007
Valashu said:
Gewaltgoere said:

Huh? Have you watched the movie with eyes shut?

Well... I guess EoE is something everyone ahs to interprete for himself.

The ending is in fact a bit of a mystery, Shinji wished for all of the people to dissapear and the reason why Asuka was still in her physical form while the rest was gone proves atleast something. I dont know why Shinji restrained himself from choking Asuka at the end, maybe because then he would have been all alone? who knows?
I like to think Asuka and Shinji as the new Adam and Eve. thats my conclusion atleast.

as for the topic I go for Asuka all the way, Rei is sweet but she isnt really a candidate at the end is she? :)

Rei was starting to get in love with Shinji but then
if only that didn't happen... who knows, maybe she could have had a change against Asuka.

What I think that happen there was Shinji was choking Asuka because he thought she hated him (at least that's the impression he got from seeing those weird visions) but then she pat his face and he realised she didn't.

モンテーロ 富守
[ new website coming soon ]
Sep 10, 2008 10:38 AM

Jan 2008
Shinji? Himself.

He really needs to settle his issues with himself first. Otherwise his relationships would be mere crutches. After he sorts out his problem, either Kaworu or... Well, I say Kaworu. Asuka is also a fine match, I admit.

It's far too easy to put oneself in Shinjis position instead and go for personal preference, I think.
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Sep 10, 2008 11:21 AM

Jan 2008
hmmm i think Asuka
they come back at the end and they have a funny relationship^^. Always shuting but help eachother anytime. I saw both ends. The alternative and the Anime version. The alternative is a bit better ^^
but back to topic.
Asuka x Shinji ^^

Sep 11, 2008 9:45 AM

Aug 2007
the alternative? there is a alternative? o,o

モンテーロ 富守
[ new website coming soon ]
Sep 11, 2008 1:12 PM

Jun 2008
duarteslm2 said:
the alternative? there is a alternative? o,o

End of Evangelion, baka.

Heal your favourite characters, hurt those you don't like - There can only be one!
The Hurt & Heal Club

Sep 11, 2008 2:58 PM

Aug 2007
hafer said:
duarteslm2 said:
the alternative? there is a alternative? o,o

End of Evangelion, baka.
As far as I know there's only that one, so which other one were you guys talking about? -,-'

モンテーロ 富守
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Sep 12, 2008 4:49 AM

Jan 2008

Or what?
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Sep 12, 2008 5:54 AM

Jun 2008
End of Evangelion is the alternative to the last two episodes. Now back to topic, guys.

Heal your favourite characters, hurt those you don't like - There can only be one!
The Hurt & Heal Club

Sep 12, 2008 11:25 AM

Aug 2007
ohhhhhhh, those two episodes 25/6 !? they have nothing to do with the end, they're just extras. Episode 24 shows screens of EoE in the next episode preview. Also, that "Happy Ending" as nothing to do with the story, It's a completely different world from NGE called Angelic days If there is a alternative end to the series, it's those two episodes not EoE.

LOONG LIVE EOE!! \o\o/o/
duarteslm2Sep 13, 2008 4:00 AM

モンテーロ 富守
[ new website coming soon ]
Sep 12, 2008 10:11 PM

Nov 2007
Sep 17, 2008 1:56 AM

Sep 2008
Evengelion is all about the characters being mentally f***ed up so I want to see the Shinji/Rei pair pushed in rebuild since they're playing Rei up as sort of Shinji's sister ;)

And Shinji is killing Asuka for all eternity at the end of EoE because he wanted to be with her and all Asuka wanted was to die like she thought she was supposed to (the series ending is better because it makes more sence.. it just doesn't look as cool)

Sep 19, 2008 2:09 AM

Aug 2007
seriously if you're talking about the episodes 25and26 it's not a ending it's a different world known as Angelic days >_>

モンテーロ 富守
[ new website coming soon ]
Sep 19, 2008 8:13 AM

Jan 2008
No, it isn't. Just the short part with Shinji in a classic harem situation is. The rest is the "inside" of the Human Instrumentality Project. Story goes Shinji created a whole bunch of parallel worlds when he had powers equivalent to God during it - the world of Angelic Days one. I'm not sure if that interpretation is fanmade or Word of GodGAINAX though.
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Sep 19, 2008 11:41 AM

Sep 2008
duarteslm2 said:
seriously if you're talking about the episodes 25and26 it's not a ending it's a different world known as Angelic days >_>

that's only in the newest retcon. Back in the day it was the actual ending, but fans were so dissapointed with it (mostly becasue of the animation in ep 26 I think) that Gainax went back and made EoE as the alternitive ending and said 'just ignore eps 25 and 26'

Oct 23, 2008 6:10 PM
Jul 2018
Sup all? First post in here.

Actually the death threats Anno received that were shown in EoE (only one was a death threat the rest were praise) was in terms of Death and Rebirth ending on a cliff hanger; with EoTV (short term slang for the final two episodes of the TV series), people actually enjoyed the ending.

Anyway at topic: Asuka.

"I want to help you somehow. And be with you forever."~Shinji in EoE just before Third Impact occurs. Also take into account all the times in the series he stares at her, blushes around her, is happy to see her...

With Asuka: "Why are you there?! You don't do anything! You won't help me! You won' t even hold me!"~Asuka in DC 22'. The fact that she asked him to kiss and was the only guy in the series she chased after besides Kaji should be pretty telling. Also the final scene in EoE when she just happened to float up to shore and rest besides Shinji before he noticed her... (She *didn't* just magically reappear. That would take away the meaning of what Yui, Kaworu and Rei were telling Shinji with how everybody can return if they chose to.)

Besides, Rei is related to Shinji due to Yui and also happens to be Lilith, Misato truly loves Kaji despite her confused feelings for Shinji and her father, while Kaworu, despite being kind to Shinji, had to die because of representing Shinji's rejection of the ideal (Instrumentality) for the real (reality). Asuka is the only real choice for him based on how the two interact towards each other. Despite everything they went through, all of the pain Asuka and Shinji caused each other, they were still together in the end.

....Unless Anno decides to screw with us and make Glasses Girl Mari Shinji's love interest, but this isn't one of those Eva games where a noncanon character tries to become Shinji's squeeze (Mana and Mayumi) and fails depending on how you have Shinji think about Asuka. ;) I believe in the Anno that believes in himself! (And hey, if he ends up keeping potential pairings ambiguous in the end of Rebuild similar to EoE, that's fine too.)

EDIT: Though just to make it clear, I do agree that Shinji (and the rest of the cast) would need to work on their personal issues and learn to love themselves before loving others first as both endings show. (You guys do think the series ending and film ending is the same, right? ^_^; )
removed-userOct 23, 2008 6:20 PM
Nov 6, 2008 3:51 PM

Nov 2008
Well considering who Rei is, or, who she's made from to be more precise then that'd not work! They have a connection, and do the whole synchronised thing very well, but I really don't think, considering both their personalities it would ever happen, even if Gainax wanted semi-incest to happen.

Asuka, the obvious choice. The only choice.

Misato, like other have said has the whole guardian thing going on so she's not an option.
Get a life and stop reading my signature...
Feb 19, 2009 9:55 AM

Jan 2009
Rei or Misato
Mar 15, 2009 12:57 AM

Feb 2009
SailorStarDust said:
Sup all? First post in here.

Actually the death threats Anno received that were shown in EoE (only one was a death threat the rest were praise) was in terms of Death and Rebirth ending on a cliff hanger; with EoTV (short term slang for the final two episodes of the TV series), people actually enjoyed the ending.

Anyway at topic: Asuka.

"I want to help you somehow. And be with you forever."~Shinji in EoE just before Third Impact occurs. Also take into account all the times in the series he stares at her, blushes around her, is happy to see her...

With Asuka: "Why are you there?! You don't do anything! You won't help me! You won' t even hold me!"~Asuka in DC 22'. The fact that she asked him to kiss and was the only guy in the series she chased after besides Kaji should be pretty telling. Also the final scene in EoE when she just happened to float up to shore and rest besides Shinji before he noticed her... (She *didn't* just magically reappear. That would take away the meaning of what Yui, Kaworu and Rei were telling Shinji with how everybody can return if they chose to.)

Besides, Rei is related to Shinji due to Yui and also happens to be Lilith, Misato truly loves Kaji despite her confused feelings for Shinji and her father, while Kaworu, despite being kind to Shinji, had to die because of representing Shinji's rejection of the ideal (Instrumentality) for the real (reality). Asuka is the only real choice for him based on how the two interact towards each other. Despite everything they went through, all of the pain Asuka and Shinji caused each other, they were still together in the end.

....Unless Anno decides to screw with us and make Glasses Girl Mari Shinji's love interest, but this isn't one of those Eva games where a noncanon character tries to become Shinji's squeeze (Mana and Mayumi) and fails depending on how you have Shinji think about Asuka. ;) I believe in the Anno that believes in himself! (And hey, if he ends up keeping potential pairings ambiguous in the end of Rebuild similar to EoE, that's fine too.)

EDIT: Though just to make it clear, I do agree that Shinji (and the rest of the cast) would need to work on their personal issues and learn to love themselves before loving others first as both endings show. (You guys do think the series ending and film ending is the same, right? ^_^; )

I'd really like Asuka x Shinji relationship. Maybe it's just because I loved the story in Re-Take between them I wanted it to be portrayed in the rebuild. Also in the original series it kind of guides a hint of affection between the two of them. And reading what SailorStarDust I can see it being the most possible choice in a romantic type relationship in rebuild. Unless they make it with one of the "new" characters that they are possibly making for rebuild.

Apr 3, 2009 4:44 PM
Jan 2008
In all likelihood, Asuka. From a plot/thematic standpoint, it makes the most sense.
Apr 5, 2009 8:38 PM

Oct 2007
OT, but now I'm confused. I didn't think EoE was an alternative ending, I thought it was just sort of a retelling or something. what's the 'real'/canon ending to the series then? 25/26 from the TV series or EoE?

Like if you were gonna go tell someone to watch the series from the beginning, what sequence of things would you tell them to watch?

Also, Asuka. (@ the original thread topic)
May 8, 2009 12:52 PM

Apr 2009
okay. Asuka would be an interesting possibility. But it wouldn't work. She's much to outgoing, loud and just crazy.
No, the better choose would be Rei, as she is calm, quiet and overthinking things, just like Shinji. Rei would be the perfect partner for him.And that's what I would like to see.
But, you know, there will be new characters in the rebuilds. So maybe there will be a girl that's truely falling in love with our hoping-for-Shinji.

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