All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 120.4
Mean Score:
- Watching15
- Completed502
- On-Hold41
- Dropped35
- Plan to Watch38
- Total Entries631
- Rewatched11
- Episodes6,967
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 19.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries76
- Reread0
- Chapters3,476
- Volumes290
All Comments (254) Comments
old Megatron face is so cold and clean, much more intimidating than the new ones which aren't bad but look like less and less robot-y. It was also a nice contrast to Optimus's masked face which has a sorta Japanese hero quality.. I wonder what it would be like if they switched faces. When Megatron smiled, you were fucked! lol
Also this is amazing, I love these spoken word comics (they're need to be more!)
Oh btw do you like the Transformer's movie theme song? The one by Lion, I like it, but here is a cover I wasn't aware of:
I haven't talked to a lot of people on my list recenly and since most of your draw or design in some way be sure to share any new works you have with me! I'd love to see.
On the subject of design I've collected all the profile and list designs I made for MAL and put them into some blog posts, I hope you'll check them out! Here's my avatar one: