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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Jul 14, 2012 2:47 PM

Dec 2009
dotphil said:
Chrischunn said:
The episode, like everyone said, was quite rushed seeing as they removed numerous aspects of it such as Kirito and Asuna's real first meeting, Argo, bath scene etc.

One thing that was left out from the novel and really should have been put in was the explanation of Kirito's arrogant sounding speech. In the novel, Kirito's reasoning was explained:

Thanks for the extra explanation. As I haven't read the manga this really helped out.

The manga adaptation is not as good as the source material...the Light Novel. :>
Jul 14, 2012 3:00 PM

Jul 2011
somewhat decent ep

I hope there's PvP or Guild v. Guild conflict in the series
Jul 14, 2012 3:02 PM

Mar 2011
Nachtwandler_21 said:
reve said:
Nachtwandler_21 said:
Why they rushed. It weas said that only SAO arc would be animated. 25 eps are more than enough.

Ep wasn't bad actually but I raged that they cut all scenes with Argo and Asuna and Kirito's meeting in dungeon.

It was never stated that only SAO arc is going to be animated. Judging from cutting and next episodes titles ALO is going to be animated as well

It was mentioned in producer's interview as I remember. And there's totally no hints for ALO adaptation so far. No ALO scenes in trailers. No ALO characters in chara list and cast(Suguha made cameo appearance in ep. 1 so she doesn't count). And the tempo is not the case. They still could fit only SAO+SS in 25 eps

Yea, I dont think they will animate the ALO arc, with 25 eps i think SAO is the only arc they can manage.
EucliwoodJul 14, 2012 3:47 PM
Jul 14, 2012 3:05 PM
Mar 2011
Hybridbloodszak said:
Hm while I thought the episode was rushed at first after thinking about it I was fine with it. What I wasn't fine with however was the main speech at the end, to me that development came from left field. I knew he was a little on the arrogant side since he got into the beta test but still a little more time to let us as viewers know he has that darker side beneath him would be nice. A good episode nonetheless though, 22 minutes flew by without even realizing it and was surprised when the ED came up

Random Thoughts

I really liked the raid group vs boss fight! Slick animation and great camera angles

Is this going to be a long running show or a 1-2 cour series?

I hope it isn't too long before Asuna comes back I'm interested in finding out more about her

I can understand why you thought Kirito was being arrogant as they didn't really explain it well. What Kirito was doing was saving all of the beta testers who weren't
going out and hoarding gold, items and quests by directing all of the hate to the beta tester that were leaving the new guys alone and going off by themselves. If you have any spare time I would recommend that you read the novel as it explains things a lot more than this episode did.
Jul 14, 2012 3:08 PM

Mar 2011
ghdht369 said:

I can understand why you thought Kirito was being arrogant as they didn't really explain it well. What Kirito was doing was saving all of the beta testers who weren't
going out and hoarding gold, items and quests by directing all of the hate to the beta tester that were leaving the new guys alone and going off by themselves. If you have any spare time I would recommend that you read the novel as it explains things a lot more than this episode did.

Yea, the novel explain things in a lot more detail than the anime, it's worth the read ^^ especially when the anime is probably only going to cover the first arc.
Jul 14, 2012 3:11 PM

Apr 2010

Although it felt like we had already seen the fight (think it was actually the one in the pv's?), it was pretty alright. Kirito had all the epic moves and was really stunning and fortunately got the final blow! and that cool coat of midnight or whatever, that scene was just amazing when he put it on after going into serious beater mode, hope he stays that way

Unfortunately the ending song and animation is pretty dull and I already dislike Asano. Surely she can act more engaged and stronger. [how do you not access the menu at all to figure out your party members name?! and her attacks werent even as strong as his, ugh
<img src="" />
Jul 14, 2012 3:15 PM

Jul 2012
The time-skip kinda shocked me, but nonetheless this was yet again another enjoyable episode. I hope we get to learn more about Asuna, I'm interested to know more about her.

Damn, Kirito's got some balls to actually stand up and say stuff to get everyone to go against him. I'm still a bit confused on why he did that though. Was it because he knew that everyone else would be against him since he's a beta tester, and it'd be better if they feared him then turned against him? If anyone knows, please tell me.

Gonna be looking forward to Saturday's from now on.
Jul 14, 2012 3:16 PM

Mar 2011
27CansOfTuna said:

Although it felt like we had already seen the fight (think it was actually the one in the pv's?), it was pretty alright. Kirito had all the epic moves and was really stunning and fortunately got the final blow! and that cool coat of midnight or whatever, that scene was just amazing when he put it on after going into serious beater mode, hope he stays that way

Unfortunately the ending song and animation is pretty dull and I already dislike Asano. Surely she can act more engaged and stronger. [how do you not access the menu at all to figure out your party members name?! and her attacks werent even as strong as his, ugh

Don't want anyone stronger than Kirito ww, and asuna's supposed to be a speed kind rather than power but ye i wish she had more scenes
Jul 14, 2012 3:20 PM

Sep 2008
Very entertaining episode.
I'm glad that he joined the quidditch team.
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Jul 14, 2012 3:22 PM

Jul 2012
Good episode =]
The evil laugh was so sudden o-o
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Jul 14, 2012 3:32 PM

Feb 2010
I didn't read the novels and i understood pretty fine that kirito was trying to save other beta tester from being blamed.

Anyway i didnt like the episode, everything was so predictable and boring, and the whole deal with the beta testers is stupid.
VanisherJul 14, 2012 3:39 PM
Jul 14, 2012 3:34 PM

Aug 2010
THAT WAS SO EPIC (i havent read the novels or the manga ) its might be rushed not sure
but could someone tell me whats the coat he got and whats its ability's?
They said its a rare item?
the0foxJul 14, 2012 3:38 PM
Jul 14, 2012 3:37 PM

Dec 2011
I agree that this episode was rushed but I think that the rush fit in well. Loved this episode, can't wait for the others.
Jul 14, 2012 3:42 PM

Apr 2010
otakuthon said:
disagree with people who said this episode was rushed. I read the manga and I must say this pace is far more superior than the one from manga (manga started immediately at floor 76 or so). Really wasn't expecting this episode to be this good. In addition, did anyone listen to the bgm during the boss fight??? I can't even put its epicness into words.

The manga most likely did not adapt the side story this episode adapted. If you get what I mean. x.x
Jul 14, 2012 3:43 PM

Mar 2011
otakuthon said:
disagree with people who said this episode was rushed. I read the manga and I must say this pace is far more superior than the one from manga (manga started immediately at floor 76 or so). Really wasn't expecting this episode to be this good. In addition, did anyone listen to the bgm during the boss fight??? I can't even put its epicness into words.

Agree, the bgm was purely epic! and also agree with the fact its not rushed , i believe this is the right pace to go at (accel world was a bit slow to me) and its following the novel really nicely
Jul 14, 2012 3:46 PM
Jul 2012
otakuthon said:
disagree with people who said this episode was rushed. I read the manga and I must say this pace is far more superior than the one from manga (manga started immediately at floor 76 or so). Really wasn't expecting this episode to be this good. In addition, did anyone listen to the bgm during the boss fight??? I can't even put its epicness into words.

Well the light novel did also jump to the 74th floor immediately. Episode 2 of the anime was just covering one of the side stories in volume 2. I think the anime will cover a few more side stories before jumping to the 74th floor.
Jul 14, 2012 3:47 PM

Nov 2007
I have mixed feelings about this episode. However, since I've already read the novels, I'm a bit biased, so keep that in mind.

The first boss fight is described in the side story "Aria in the Starless Night". If the entire SS was animated, it would have taken at least 2 episodes. Stuffing it all to one episode kept the pacing and maintained the dark mood. However, one side character was left out, as well as quite a bit of interesting/funny moments between Kirito and Asuna.

I guess this is the necessary price for keeping the viewers hooked on a new series. However, having read the novels, I can't help but feel a slight disappointment.

Oh well. As long as the animators don't suddenly change the atmosphere to all-out pure lighthearted comedy and maintain their current approach, I guess sacrificing some material is acceptable.

Next Saturday can't come soon enough! :)
Jul 14, 2012 3:47 PM

Dec 2011
Well so far it continues to deliver, it didn't feel rushed but more like short =/ (its only the first boss after all)

Asuna<33 is great can't wait to see more of her. The animation and music was yet again amazing and the story around Kirito continues to deepen 0_0

Gawd is soo hard enduring not reading the manga/novel hate waiting a week ~_~ but its what make these moments worth while rather than being disappointed ~
Jul 14, 2012 3:48 PM

Dec 2009
So far so good. This anime is getting really interesting, loving it!
Jul 14, 2012 3:49 PM

Jun 2012
still loving it
Jul 14, 2012 3:55 PM

Dec 2009
Great episode, even if it felt a little too fast. Another letdown was the fight, in which some things felt static and chaotic at times. Otherwise, I love it all.

Oh, and the music is great.
I have my own anime blog. It's called Anime Viking. Hope you'll you read it!

Jul 14, 2012 3:55 PM
Sep 2010
Meh I really don't want to see ALO this season...they need to stop rushing it. And oh no, next episode is gonna be a heartbreaker D=
Jul 14, 2012 3:58 PM

May 2012
predictable, though what else would you expect? Main Character's death in second episode?
Sore Wa Himitsu Desu
Jul 14, 2012 4:00 PM

Apr 2012
I haven't read the novel, but this episode seemed well paced. It also helped that the episode didn't stop every two minutes to explain what was going on.

It was clear from the beginning that Diabel was hiding something from others. How could his party have located the first boss and known about the change in the boss' attack style unless they actually have fought the boss? How was it that he picked up on who Kibaou was doubting before anyone else did? Almost as if Diabel wanted to distance himself from the suspicion of being a beta tester. I'm not sure if Kirito immediately picked up on these suspicions, but Diabel definitely realized that Kirito was a beta tester. At least three times, Diabel casts a suspicious look towards Kirito's direction. Diabel even becomes best friends with Kibaou in order to portray himself as a leader/hero.

That is what makes Diabel's sacrifice all the more surprising. If Diabel had been conniving against his party all along, he would have immediately grabbed Kirito's potion and healed himself. Instead he reveals his suspicions that Kirito was a beta tester to Kirito. This reveals to us Diabel's true intentions. He had already realized that there had been division between the beta testers and the first timers. He tried to bring the two groups together. Unfortunately, to an outsider, it would look as though he was plotting something behind their backs. The only way to maintain all his hard work so far and reveal his true intentions was through his sacrifice. Though, I have to admit, it did feel cheesy and a bit contrived, but I will give the episode the benefit of the doubt.

Now what the episode did fail to clarify is how Diabel's actions changed Kirito. The only interaction I see of Kirito having with Diabel is Diabel's death scene. All of a sudden Kirito realizes Diabel's intentions and the meaning behind his sacrifice. The audience has been given clues about Diabel's intentions all along, but I haven't seen evidence that Kirito himself has noticed what we, the audience, have noticed. If the episode had worked on that, the final scene of Kirito's 'betrayal' would have made much more sense and carried a lot of depth. But, oh well, this is what we have.
Jul 14, 2012 4:01 PM
Jul 2012
I loved it! Can't wait for the 3rd episode!
Jul 14, 2012 4:02 PM
May 2010
Some things seem wrong about this episode:
-Dafuq is Diabel talking about the highest level boss room? Why? Does it come as some kind of huge surprise that the highest floor has a boss room? And how does he even know that kind of stuff?
-Raid system seems strange? What's the point of being in supporting party if the ones who are actually fighting the boss get all items and exp? Wouldn't it make more sense to go with only one party?
-Kirito tries to save Diabel, but Diabel would rather have a speech about how he used to be a beta tester too?
-Why does Kirito think Diabel was a good guy when he just learned that he was a greedy fuck who tried to use them all for his own benefit?
-Kibaou's speach after they defeated the boss makes no sense at all. While no-one except Kirito knows 100% that Diabel was a beta tester too, it's painfully clear that no-one ordered Diabel to jump in all by himself. Besides Kirito has all the information needed to clear his name (and all the accusations against the beta testers are false anyways, so you would think that they would side with him rather than Kibaou), but because he is socially retard he instead decides that the world is evil and against him and he will never again be so foolish as to group with other people. Good thinking there!

Even if some of these things are better explained in the novel, it doesn't make the anime any better. Novel discussion forums are located here
Jul 14, 2012 4:05 PM

Feb 2012
Where could i read the novel?
I actually really enjoyed the episode and Asuna is really kick ass :p
Jul 14, 2012 4:07 PM

Jun 2012
this episode was okay... it just felt really rushed... Maybe if they had separated it into two episodes it might have been better.

Well, hopefully the next will be good~ Can't wait for it!
Jul 14, 2012 4:08 PM

Jun 2012
andrewx816 said:
Where could i read the novel?
I actually really enjoyed the episode and Asuna is really kick ass :p

You can go to baka-tsuki . org. they have all the neovels until 9 i think.
Jul 14, 2012 4:12 PM

Mar 2011
Laquendi said:
Some things seem wrong about this episode:
-Dafuq is Diabel talking about the highest level boss room? Why? Does it come as some kind of huge surprise that the highest floor has a boss room? And how does he even know that kind of stuff?
-Raid system seems strange? What's the point of being in supporting party if the ones who are actually fighting the boss get all items and exp? Wouldn't it make more sense to go with only one party?
-Kirito tries to save Diabel, but Diabel would rather have a speech about how he used to be a beta tester too?
-Why does Kirito think Diabel was a good guy when he just learned that he was a greedy fuck who tried to use them all for his own benefit?
-Kibaou's speach after they defeated the boss makes no sense at all. While no-one except Kirito knows 100% that Diabel was a beta tester too, it's painfully clear that no-one ordered Diabel to jump in all by himself. Besides Kirito has all the information needed to clear his name (and all the accusations against the beta testers are false anyways, so you would think that they would side with him rather than Kibaou), but because he is socially retard he instead decides that the world is evil and against him and he will never again be so foolish as to group with other people. Good thinking there!

Even if some of these things are better explained in the novel, it doesn't make the anime any better. Novel discussion forums are located here

Like you said some things are better explained in the novel, so for those who want more detailed explanation better read the novel. It's almost impossible to fit all the details in the anime

TheWitcher said:
predictable, though what else would you expect? Main Character's death in second episode?

Yeah, a bit predictable but still a great epsiode
Jul 14, 2012 4:13 PM

Dec 2009
Best GIF of the whole Episode Heh. XDDD

NettoAzureJul 14, 2012 4:16 PM
Jul 14, 2012 4:17 PM
May 2011
i wanted to know the lvl of both but it wasnt show =S
Jul 14, 2012 4:19 PM
Aug 2010
Continues to be pretty fun to watch, looking forward to more.
Jul 14, 2012 4:20 PM

Sep 2008
Can someone explain to me why he was considered a cheater?
Jul 14, 2012 4:20 PM

Dec 2011
Is it just me or does anyone else get all tingly inside when Kirito does his battle cry? :3
Jul 14, 2012 4:23 PM

Dec 2010
I was a little wary at the beginning of the episode, but the middle to end part was awesome.

Everyone says it's rushed, but I actually think the pace is perfect. Any slower and it would get boring.
Jul 14, 2012 4:23 PM

Jul 2010
Netto_Azure said:
Best GIF of the whole Episode Heh. XDDD

Damn, I laughed.

The anime might seem a little confusing to those who haven't read LNs, but it's only the second episode after all. It's not like they're gonna reveal everything in two episodes, so I'm looking forward to the next episode.
Jul 14, 2012 4:24 PM

Jul 2012
MagicIdiot said:
Can someone explain to me why he was considered a cheater?

Because those people believed that Kirito knew something but didn't tell them. ie: Boss's Skills...
Jul 14, 2012 4:24 PM

Feb 2010
Laquendi said:
Some things seem wrong about this episode:
-Dafuq is Diabel talking about the highest level boss room? Why? Does it come as some kind of huge surprise that the highest floor has a boss room? And how does he even know that kind of stuff?
-Raid system seems strange? What's the point of being in supporting party if the ones who are actually fighting the boss get all items and exp? Wouldn't it make more sense to go with only one party?
-Kirito tries to save Diabel, but Diabel would rather have a speech about how he used to be a beta tester too?
-Why does Kirito think Diabel was a good guy when he just learned that he was a greedy fuck who tried to use them all for his own benefit?
-Kibaou's speach after they defeated the boss makes no sense at all. While no-one except Kirito knows 100% that Diabel was a beta tester too, it's painfully clear that no-one ordered Diabel to jump in all by himself. Besides Kirito has all the information needed to clear his name (and all the accusations against the beta testers are false anyways, so you would think that they would side with him rather than Kibaou), but because he is socially retard he instead decides that the world is evil and against him and he will never again be so foolish as to group with other people. Good thinking there!


The episode was really bad.
Jul 14, 2012 4:24 PM
Jul 2012
MagicIdiot said:
Can someone explain to me why he was considered a cheater?

I guess he has so much information that it's like he's cheating.

IIRC, it makes much more sense of what he does at the end when a certain side character appeared.
Jul 14, 2012 4:33 PM

Mar 2011
People call some player a cheater bec. they are jealous XD
And yeah kirito used to play on the BETA so he has a knowledge bout the game and he can take an advantage of that (well we know what he did on epi 1) XD

Jul 14, 2012 4:34 PM

Jan 2012
Jul 14, 2012 4:40 PM
Apr 2012
Up until near the end this was amazing death, emotions, inner monologues mysterious girl it had everything but the one thing that somewhat ruined it for me is when the main character pretended to be cocky and cruel just to get out of the situation.

If there is one thing I dislike about any anime its when the protagonist changes character completely that is what ruined guilty crown for me I hope he ends this facade and goes back to normal.

Other than that this episode still gets a 5/5 from me and I can't wait till next weeks episode.
Jul 14, 2012 4:40 PM
Jul 2012
Saineria said:
Onii said:
Felt rushed

Rushed? Uh oh. I guess it's what happens when they have something as big as Aria SS fit into one episode...

yeah, Aria in the Starless Night was very detailed and had much more large scale than this one episode. it felt very rushed when this whole side story arc was pushed into a single episode... it could have been better if this was at least divided into two episode but that could also have it's disadvantages... but overall, this episode was great! first introduction of "Asuna the Flash"! man, her skills are amazing... one more thing I was disappointed was Kirito's announcement of being a "Beater" combination of Beta tester and Cheater. it was dramatic and seiyuu's voice acting was great. but in my opinion, something felt "missing" was it not dramatic enough? or was it to simple? well, thats just my opinion. but can't wait till Episode 3~! XD

@ Yumaol: this episode was the Sidestory of SAO; Aria in the Starless Night arc. before the main story of volume one after the intro? you could say.
Jul 14, 2012 4:47 PM

Nov 2008
Finally Asuna makes her appearance - I truly hope this series doesnt go anime only end - I wonder how they will really keep with the novels 'order'
sirwenceJul 14, 2012 4:51 PM
Jul 14, 2012 4:48 PM
Sep 2010
Laquendi said:
Some things seem wrong about this episode:
-Dafuq is Diabel talking about the highest level boss room? Why? Does it come as some kind of huge surprise that the highest floor has a boss room? And how does he even know that kind of stuff?
-Raid system seems strange? What's the point of being in supporting party if the ones who are actually fighting the boss get all items and exp? Wouldn't it make more sense to go with only one party?
-Kirito tries to save Diabel, but Diabel would rather have a speech about how he used to be a beta tester too?
-Why does Kirito think Diabel was a good guy when he just learned that he was a greedy fuck who tried to use them all for his own benefit?
-Kibaou's speech after they defeated the boss makes no sense at all. While no-one except Kirito knows 100% that Diabel was a beta tester too, it's painfully clear that no-one ordered Diabel to jump in all by himself. Besides Kirito has all the information needed to clear his name (and all the accusations against the beta testers are false anyways, so you would think that they would side with him rather than Kibaou), but because he is socially retard he instead decides that the world is evil and against him and he will never again be so foolish as to group with other people. Good thinking there!

Even if some of these things are better explained in the novel, it doesn't make the anime any better. Novel discussion forums are located here

Well the Diabel’s group was the first to map out the boss room/the 20th floor. These players need to make sure exactly what the dungeon looks like so they dont die. He knows about the boss and such since he’s a beta tester and cause of the information guide.

IIRC in the light novels items go to players randomly and exp is distributed according to damage dealt. Larger parties mean less risk of dying.

Diabel already lost all his hp and it’ll hit zero regardless. Potions in the lower floors suck since they only heal over time instead of instantaneously. I doubt Kirito’s potion would’ve saved him even if he took it.

Kirito doesn’t think Diabel is a good guy. Diabel just tells him to beat the boss lol.

The speech makes sense since Kirito clearly knows how to deal with the boss’s katana attacks. The guide given out (from the beta test) says the boss uses some other sword. Though the accusations are false, they certainly seem valid until Kirito reveals that he reached katana wielding monsters in the beta. Kirito also goes solo to get more exp and such.
Jul 14, 2012 4:50 PM

Apr 2012
Huh i dont think this episode was in the novels...sweet new material :D
Jul 14, 2012 4:51 PM

Jun 2010
RUSHED. Yes I agree. They rushed it.

Im not pretty sure because Im still at volume 5 but is that what really happened in vol 7 side story?

Is that what really Kirito did? His attitude is not supposed to be like that at the first stages of the game right? Uhm, nvm. I'll just continue reading the novel.

I don't really have a problem if they rushed it or not. But what I don't like is that if they are changing the story even slightly. Did they? Someone enlighten me.

Though it will be really good if they put a 50+ episodes and Animate until the end of the SAO arc.
Jul 14, 2012 4:51 PM
Sep 2010
Knightmaretiger said:
Huh i dont think this episode was in the novels...sweet new material :D

Its in the side stories. Man they should've included First Day though, the story would flow better
Jul 14, 2012 4:58 PM
Jul 2012
-MgZ_ said:
RUSHED. Yes I agree. They rushed it.

Im not pretty sure because Im still at volume 5 but is that what really happened in vol 7 side story?

Is that what really Kirito did? His attitude is not supposed to be like that at the first stages of the game right? Uhm, nvm. I'll just continue reading the novel.

I don't really have a problem if they rushed it or not. But what I don't like is that if they are changing the story even slightly. Did they? Someone enlighten me.

Though it will be really good if they put a 50+ episodes and Animate until the end of the SAO arc.

I think it's not under any specific volume on bakatsuki, so it's all the way down (Aria).

You'll know what they changed when you read it.
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