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Mar 27, 2012 9:58 AM

Nov 2011
Dat final episode!

Picking up from last seems that poor little Hina still hasn't found out the truth :

I have to admit though. Hina is very mature for someone her age. Her parents must be very proud.

LOL @ Sora's reaction when she realized that Yuuta was holding her. Dream goal achieved.

What an interesting question there...Yuuta:

Her response:

Anyways, interesting series and now I'm going to miss Sora, Miu, Hina, Raika, and "Uncles". Tuesdays won't be the same without them again...

A well-deserved 9/10 in my estimate.

Stark700Mar 28, 2012 12:29 AM
Mar 27, 2012 12:16 PM

Nov 2008
Perfect Ending to a very emotional rollercoaster of a series, to make things even more perfect they even move back into their old home, enough said.


*wipes tears away*

Mar 27, 2012 1:13 PM

Oct 2010
To make it short most filled drama in the whole series they really pump out the emotional of "Joy" and "Sadness" into this episode. Expanding the terms fully on the characters.

Some nice last moments of Sora in her bra was quite something they want us to remember. However Sora will be mostly remember as a Choir girl whom is MINES! I would surely be wild with her at her age last I remember myself of it.

Hina was THE MOE DANGER OF ALL TIMES! She earned herself over 1000s of heart being out-beaten by the sheer amount of hggggggggggnnnnnnnhhhhhh done in the whole series for her. The most WANTED FOR BREAKING HEARTS BY MOE! I had to yell that one! Serious accusation still.

Raika in the future of mangas sadly becomes a slut for Yuuta's ecchi/hentai fantasies going as far as doing the cream for cum on her shit. That sadly is having a negative effect on its fans that complain of the show catering too much towards the ecchi fandom where it should stay for family viewing whom the BDs did their best to do with no nipples added. I will try to find the link for the proof but I saw it.

Finally Miu, what can be said about her other than a JAIL BAIT TEASING GIRL. Obviously the episode 1 breast press does land in the Jail in some countries if they see it like that. Miu is totally a cock teaser no matter how I look it at and at 10 she might make very sexually excited some males of 12/13 year old. Despite that I like her mature side even though being hidden and needing polishing. It's there.

Finally the show was at most ideal. No one in Japan would do what Yuuta did. Westerns perhaps but I see it had to come by in Asia when I hear "It's a girl? GARBAGE DUMP HER! We need males." Yeah that mentality, I don't see it especially in investing time with 3 girls of all. IMO this anime is the discourage this kind of thinking but will a anime really achieve this? Can really make people think like it did with Yuuta? IDEALLY ONLY! It's up to the people to PEP up and be like Yuuta when faced with a situation like that. To raise up to his challenge even if it's one girl. They just exaggerated it in this anime with 3 of them.

So in conclusion all I can say is 8/10 to 9/10 I will leave it at that. Shame on people who think this is PEDO! Let me say it:All was done to reduce the fan service of Hina, all was done to make NOT HAVE NIPPLES! BDs don't have them. So it's a nice effort on the studio to make this more comedic than ecchi. With happiness I can tell you from the manga's point that the series is less ecchi. That's right! TV SERIES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MANGA IN ECCHI. 100% Kudos to the studio for that effort. I will commend them on that. Might edit later.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Mar 27, 2012 6:58 PM

Jul 2010
I felt so sad for Hina when they finally broke the news to her.

A great final episode to this series. I can only hope for more in the future.
Mar 27, 2012 7:24 PM

Aug 2008
Poor Hina :< But still, she recovered way too easily, especially for a little child.

Other than that, pretty good ending to a decent series.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Mar 27, 2012 9:12 PM
Jul 2009
So the ending doesn't imply a second season [It said Bye Bye in the last artwork scene] however it does show them moving to the original house, could they continue from where the novel left off. From what I heard the anime (all 12 episodes) basically covers only the first volume of the novel, if thats true were missing ALOT.
Mar 27, 2012 9:18 PM

Sep 2011
AzureRevolver said:
So the ending doesn't imply a second season [It said Bye Bye in the last artwork scene] however it does show them moving to the original house, could they continue from where the novel left off. From what I heard the anime (all 12 episodes) basically covers only the first volume of the novel, if thats true were missing ALOT.

I gotta agree about that end. I'm hoping they continue for a second season with the other novels. I may have gotten bored sometimes, but overall it was a great and emotional series to watch through. I never read the novels so I'm not sure on what we're missing exactly. Hoping for a season 2 though; If not it's a nice end :).

8/10 for me.
TyrelJan 2, 2016 11:06 PM
Mar 27, 2012 9:24 PM

Apr 2009
i'd say i'm supposed to give this an 8 on my scale.. but i'd like to give it a 9 because i really love the show and it actually has more value than most other shows in a similar genre.. dang, i think i'm giving away too many 9's at the end of this season..
Mar 27, 2012 9:33 PM
Oct 2010
If the relatives do help out I can see it working realistically (especially if they do indeed move into a better home.)

So overall it's been a nice anime, 8 from me.

Anyway, dunno about the manga, but Raika here is really cool. Among other things, I loved how she easily grasped what Yuuta meant when asking her to be his wife (or did she really?) while the rest remained in shock.
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Mar 27, 2012 9:38 PM

Jul 2009
Hmm... not bad. Raika is best supporting chara.
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Mar 27, 2012 9:43 PM

Jun 2010
I'm not sure about that ending. I loved Hina in that last scene when she's hitting the window. XD

I loved that whole thing with Hina in the beginning. Manly tears, am I right.

Mar 27, 2012 9:44 PM

Jul 2010
Good anime, all the characters were great.
The scene when everyone sees Hina for her parents day was touching and overall 9/10 for meh
Mar 27, 2012 9:49 PM

Dec 2009
Story - 8/10 (Even though they kinda of ripped off Usagi Drop a little)
Characters - 9/10
Sound - 7/10
Animation - 8/10
Total - 8/10
Great show, hope to see another season, or an OVA.
Mar 27, 2012 10:03 PM

Sep 2010
Yumekichi11 said:
To make it short most filled drama in the whole series they really pump out the emotional of "Joy" and "Sadness" into this episode. Expanding the terms fully on the characters.

Some nice last moments of Sora in her bra was quite something they want us to remember. However Sora will be mostly remember as a Choir girl whom is MINES! I would surely be wild with her at her age last I remember myself of it.

Hina was THE MOE DANGER OF ALL TIMES! She earned herself over 1000s of heart being out-beaten by the sheer amount of hggggggggggnnnnnnnhhhhhh done in the whole series for her. The most WANTED FOR BREAKING HEARTS BY MOE! I had to yell that one! Serious accusation still.

Raika in the future of mangas sadly becomes a slut for Yuuta's ecchi/hentai fantasies going as far as doing the cream for cum on her shit. That sadly is having a negative effect on its fans that complain of the show catering too much towards the ecchi fandom where it should stay for family viewing whom the BDs did their best to do with no nipples added. I will try to find the link for the proof but I saw it.

Finally Miu, what can be said about her other than a JAIL BAIT TEASING GIRL. Obviously the episode 1 breast press does land in the Jail in some countries if they see it like that. Miu is totally a cock teaser no matter how I look it at and at 10 she might make very sexually excited some males of 12/13 year old. Despite that I like her mature side even though being hidden and needing polishing. It's there.

Finally the show was at most ideal. No one in Japan would do what Yuuta did. Westerns perhaps but I see it had to come by in Asia when I hear "It's a girl? GARBAGE DUMP HER! We need males." Yeah that mentality, I don't see it especially in investing time with 3 girls of all. IMO this anime is the discourage this kind of thinking but will a anime really achieve this? Can really make people think like it did with Yuuta? IDEALLY ONLY! It's up to the people to PEP up and be like Yuuta when faced with a situation like that. To raise up to his challenge even if it's one girl. They just exaggerated it in this anime with 3 of them.

So in conclusion all I can say is 8/10 to 9/10 I will leave it at that. Shame on people who think this is PEDO! Let me say it:All was done to reduce the fan service of Hina, all was done to make NOT HAVE NIPPLES! BDs don't have them. So it's a nice effort on the studio to make this more comedic than ecchi. With happiness I can tell you from the manga's point that the series is less ecchi. That's right! TV SERIES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MANGA IN ECCHI. 100% Kudos to the studio for that effort. I will commend them on that. Might edit later.

Really, you really shouldn't say something like that when you so so obviously have no idea what in the world your talkling about. Now I know this is you and your posts are normally nonsensical anyways but... goodness please at least try not to talk out your ass .... please.

Anyways nice ending though I think I'd give the show overall 7/10 just because.
Few maxims have done as much harm as, "Children should be seen and not heard."
Mar 27, 2012 10:04 PM

Dec 2008
decent show overall, a lot of the material felt like it was constantly being rehashed throughout the series. this episode in particular was great other than the creepy fat guy jerking off at hina's musical.

Mar 27, 2012 10:09 PM

Sep 2011
Stuartxtr7 said:
Story - 8/10 (Even though they kinda of ripped off Usagi Drop a little)
Characters - 9/10
Sound - 7/10
Animation - 8/10
Total - 8/10
Great show, hope to see another season, or an OVA.

Theres a special coming out as far as I know but thats about it xD
Mar 27, 2012 10:11 PM

Nov 2011
Great final episode.
Had it's share of drama, laughs and happy ending.

Was really sad to see Hina having to accept the fact their parents weren't coming back but then she's really strong to refusing to cry for Sora's and Miu's sake.

Yuuta deciding to keep the girls and their relatives finally realizing that the girls staying with him is for the best..

Then of course we have Yuuta's proposal to Raika!(Possibly it was only for that day to show Hina she has a family, unsure..) but laughed my ass off when she used the hat to accept the proposal.

Then the weirdo club pres. had a loli-overload at the musical! Oh that was funny..
Finally then the ending showing them living happily.. Well besides the fact Yuuta got locked out of his own house and Hina was banging on the door telling him to open it... Was about to cry from laughter! lol

Finally the credits showing them moving to the old house and apparently Yuuta stamping a piece of paper? Not sure if those were legal guardian documents or some contract for the house.(sadly no subs on that piece of paper)

Honestly this was a great final episode, hoping for a season 2.

Ranks around an 8-9/10 for me.

Sadly now that this is over I have no more lolis to watch. ;(
RagixMar 27, 2012 10:30 PM
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Mar 27, 2012 10:17 PM

Jan 2011
i understand everyone's happy about a happy ending and all that, but realistically(not like it matters) none of those present problems went away...they're still financially and mentally exhausted
Hide behind the mighty wall of internet, i shall
Mar 27, 2012 10:18 PM
Dec 2011
Random Acorn song > Twinkle Twinkle
Mar 27, 2012 10:31 PM

Jan 2011
I'm surprised that they revealed the truth to Hina! Though she took it surprisingly well. I expected that she would be traumatized or something.

I thought Yuuta would actually give the girls to the relative, and then somehow get them back. But it looks like the girls have grown attached to Yuuta and the relatives have accepted this.

Lol at

Yuuta: Raika, will you be my wife?
Raika: *ping pong!*
Everyone else: O.o

I thought it was a marriage proposal! It turns out it's only for one day. Oh well.

Then we see the girls planning a surprise for Yuuta, very similar to the one for their real father in the first episode. I guess this symbolizes that the girls see Yuuta as a father now?

In the ending we see that they move out of the apartment and back to their old home. I'm guessing the document being signed gives Yuuta legal rights over that house?
apbiofreakMar 27, 2012 10:35 PM
Mar 27, 2012 10:32 PM
Jan 2012
hellsascendant said:
i understand everyone's happy about a happy ending and all that, but realistically(not like it matters) none of those present problems went away...they're still financially and mentally exhausted

I think they worked something out financially with the aunt and uncle
Now they just have to live out the rest of there lives happy

The show didn't have much of a plot But Hina Makes up for it 10 fold.
Mar 27, 2012 10:47 PM

Dec 2008
Random0832 said:
hellsascendant said:
i understand everyone's happy about a happy ending and all that, but realistically(not like it matters) none of those present problems went away...they're still financially and mentally exhausted

I think they worked something out financially with the aunt and uncle
Now they just have to live out the rest of there lives happy

The show didn't have much of a plot But Hina Makes up for it 10 fold.

Well granted, slice of life shows like these aren't known for their "plot", I mean Usagi Drop didn't have a "plot" either.

And I'm sure the power of love and family overcomes all problems, but realistically, I expect the relatives to finally lend a helping hand so Yuuta gets some pressure off, and he still has his uni friends, and Sora and Miu are more than capable to surviving.

All in all, better than average show.

Tonight... we are young... so let's set the world on fire, we can burn brighter, than the sun...
Mar 27, 2012 11:25 PM

Jun 2009
Wow, Hina is stupidly popular isn't she... Alot of people from the marketplace just went there for her.

Overall, an enjoyable story. 7/10
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 27, 2012 11:44 PM

May 2010
That heartwarming town and its people .... ka.

I like the ending, their parents didn't suddenly turn up and take them away.

Average show but I'm giving it a 8.
Mar 28, 2012 12:00 AM

Sep 2011
Oh... I-it's over... no more heartwarming anime of the week for me. I feel so sad.

But I also feel happy because it ended on a positive note. That was probably the happiest Twinkle Twinkle Little Star ever. And they moved in to their old house. Brilliant! I tried holding back my tears. But when they said "Girls, listen to your father!" at the end and the credits rolled, man I lost it.

Why can't their uncle just give them financial support though? Ah whatever, I love this series. If the post about the anime only covering volume 1 of the LN is true, I hope they plan for a second season.
Try your ability! Do it!
Mar 28, 2012 12:00 AM
Nov 2011
very heart warming episode and a satisfying ending
great series
Mar 28, 2012 12:18 AM

Sep 2011
Good episode,the end...T__T

First it was drama,finally telling Hina straight that her parents are never coming was sad seeing all the girls crying specially Hina trying to denying it....

Then Raika told Yuuta what he need to hear that he cant be their father but he is their father...also loved Yuuta asking her to be her wife and using the hat buzzing haha.

Hina telling the rabbit she wouldnt cry anymore was soooo cute....and so strong of her.

At the end the uncle being a nice dude let them stay together,and it looks by the end it may give the house to them to wrong about him at first great dude,for now.

The festival was cute,beside listening to Twinkle Twinkle little start for 4000 time was cute,Hina being super popular and having so many father and mother,who couldnt want to be her father and mother!?!?!?

At then the girls give him a surprise,Miu wanting to pee like their real father,Hina crying for cake and Sora fanservice and then the tittle of the anime...good ending.

Now it was good hearthwarming ride,Sora tsundereness was great going to miss her,Miu mature and being extremely sexy will be miss,and of course HINA CUTENESS OVERLOAD ITS GOING TO BE MISSED AS HELL!!!
The story was ok,music acceptable,art was great and characters were pretty good(even the pedodent).

8/10for me hope it sells well for another season since like you said it just use VOL1 of LN so there is a lot of plot to be adapted.....going to miss it T__T

Last pack of GIFs and Shit on the Club!!:
raxius1230Mar 29, 2012 10:50 PM
Mar 28, 2012 12:29 AM

Nov 2011
Stuartxtr7 said:
Story - 8/10 (Even though they kinda of ripped off Usagi Drop a little)
Characters - 9/10
Sound - 7/10
Animation - 8/10
Total - 8/10
Great show, hope to see another season, or an OVA.

Same, or a spinoff.
Mar 28, 2012 12:48 AM

Sep 2008
so, i was kinda expecting this kinda ending since episode 2, but it was so damm cute i cant resist myself to put a 9 on this, i never tougth i would enjoy an anime like this since usagi drop, these ones are rare and valuable! (like flat chests, acording to konata =D )
so, off to read the novels =)
Being a fan is like having a penis. Its nice to be proud of it But don't pull it out in public and wave it in other's faces

Kyurem Black. Kyurem White. Together they are Pretty Kyurem.
Mar 28, 2012 1:07 AM
Aug 2010
I swear to god, if I ever hear Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star one more time....I'm going to strangle the nearest person!!!

Other than that, a very nice finale to a heart warming slice of life anime.

Loved all the characters except the disgusting Pedo who should be killed on the spot.

The story was very moving and probably a bit more realistic than most anime that are made.

Overall, I have little complaints and I enjoyed the show very much....8/10

To be honest, I might be rating it a bit higher compared to other anime which I think have more potential and yet I rated lower than this.

I think in the end, the series did a very good job presenting the highs and lows of this "family" and they were able to do it without resorting to HAX, Magic, or other stupid plot devices that ruin a story.

I'm hoping for a season 2.
Mar 28, 2012 1:08 AM

Dec 2011
Brilliant final episode, touch my bloomin' heart it did!

So many manly tears for Hina.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 28, 2012 1:33 AM
Dec 2011
The OP and the pictures between commercials led me to believe this was going to be a stupid series filled with ecchi incesty underagy (yay I spraken di gewd igrish) undertones, but I was very pleasantly surprised! I never expected this series to remind me of Usagi Drop but it actually did. I only began watching when ep11 aired so I saw 11 eps in 1 day then had to wait an entire week for the conclusion. Luckily ep 12 was a 5 out 5 for me and was worth the wait!
Mar 28, 2012 1:35 AM

Dec 2009
OK this was a good show.
I loved Yuuta's "proposal" to Raika, and her answer was hilarious xD
FFS I don't even have the power to complain about the twinkle twinkle, automatically minus one point in the rating.

So overall I liked this show, but some MAJOR negatives.

- Pedo prez Sako-senpai. Please die in a fire. I just can't stand him and his orgasms in a daycare musical -_-'
- For a feel good show, I think it's unacceptable to have pantsu shots. Atleast when they come from little girls.

The positives.

+ Raika. She's overall the best character by far. Nice personality, epic acting skills. The prefect girl for Yuuta, Hopefully they'll wind up together if we get a second season.

+ Hina before she got annoying with the stupid singing.

So overall I'll give this a 6/10. Almost gave it a 7 just because of Raika, but I didn't. Stupid Pantsu shots and pedos destroying this anime.

Sent with Mal Updater
Mar 28, 2012 1:40 AM

May 2008
Hina is amazingly understanding. most child her age probably would not even think about someone else other then herself. I guess this is the best way to end it in one episode though. PAPA NO IUKOTO O KIKINASAI!

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Mar 28, 2012 1:49 AM

Oct 2010
Khaoticsuccubus said:
Yumekichi11 said:
To make it short most filled drama in the whole series they really pump out the emotional of "Joy" and "Sadness" into this episode. Expanding the terms fully on the characters.

Some nice last moments of Sora in her bra was quite something they want us to remember. However Sora will be mostly remember as a Choir girl whom is MINES! I would surely be wild with her at her age last I remember myself of it.

Hina was THE MOE DANGER OF ALL TIMES! She earned herself over 1000s of heart being out-beaten by the sheer amount of hggggggggggnnnnnnnhhhhhh done in the whole series for her. The most WANTED FOR BREAKING HEARTS BY MOE! I had to yell that one! Serious accusation still.

Raika in the future of mangas sadly becomes a slut for Yuuta's ecchi/hentai fantasies going as far as doing the cream for cum on her shit. That sadly is having a negative effect on its fans that complain of the show catering too much towards the ecchi fandom where it should stay for family viewing whom the BDs did their best to do with no nipples added. I will try to find the link for the proof but I saw it.

Finally Miu, what can be said about her other than a JAIL BAIT TEASING GIRL. Obviously the episode 1 breast press does land in the Jail in some countries if they see it like that. Miu is totally a cock teaser no matter how I look it at and at 10 she might make very sexually excited some males of 12/13 year old. Despite that I like her mature side even though being hidden and needing polishing. It's there.

Finally the show was at most ideal. No one in Japan would do what Yuuta did. Westerns perhaps but I see it had to come by in Asia when I hear "It's a girl? GARBAGE DUMP HER! We need males." Yeah that mentality, I don't see it especially in investing time with 3 girls of all. IMO this anime is the discourage this kind of thinking but will a anime really achieve this? Can really make people think like it did with Yuuta? IDEALLY ONLY! It's up to the people to PEP up and be like Yuuta when faced with a situation like that. To raise up to his challenge even if it's one girl. They just exaggerated it in this anime with 3 of them.

So in conclusion all I can say is 8/10 to 9/10 I will leave it at that. Shame on people who think this is PEDO! Let me say it:All was done to reduce the fan service of Hina, all was done to make NOT HAVE NIPPLES! BDs don't have them. So it's a nice effort on the studio to make this more comedic than ecchi. With happiness I can tell you from the manga's point that the series is less ecchi. That's right! TV SERIES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MANGA IN ECCHI. 100% Kudos to the studio for that effort. I will commend them on that. Might edit later.

Really, you really shouldn't say something like that when you so so obviously have no idea what in the world your talking about. Now I know this is you and your posts are normally nonsensical anyways but... goodness please at least try not to talk out your ass .... please.

Anyways nice ending though I think I'd give the show overall 7/10 just because.
I was mentioning in general of the difference and Pros of the series compared to the manga as well as some of the characters what I though of them during the whole series and what they reflected upon me and I have to admit I do know what I mention about.

You should know that there are totally 2 sides to this anime and one can choose it. That's what is fascinating about this series. Sadly the people tend to view it the wrong way tend to dismiss as being that but really it's not and more of a family oriented series. The toned down ecchi is not arguable along with the nipples being totally out just like in the manga. Remains to see if they are going to apply them to Raika.

Anyhow, I wonder why you responded to me like that.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Mar 28, 2012 2:45 AM

May 2010
very lovely final episode and a very enjoyable anime with lots of emotional moments.

8/10 and the #4 this season for me
Mar 28, 2012 2:50 AM
Feb 2012
What a beautiful last episode. Don't know why but Hina's scenes regarding her parents had me in tears. So, so touching. </3

As some of you said, it's true that this show doesn't have a plot per se but it's interesting enough for me to keep watching week after week. A surprisingly good show and one that deserves a 10 instead of a 9.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Mar 28, 2012 3:01 AM

Oct 2011
just about one of the most perfect family drama's i've ever had the pleasure to see! equally heartbreaking, funny, and touching - really a great ending to a great show.......i would love to see a second season of this!!!
Mar 28, 2012 3:03 AM
Jul 2018
Beautiful ending :3
Mar 28, 2012 3:04 AM

Jan 2011
Really nice episode to end off the series would had been Perfect if despite what anyone says about the prez being helpful If he just wasn't around at all! and Raika becoming his wife wasn't just for a Day ;_; but i guess you can say i'm a happy camper solid 8/10 hope to see a S2 or some OVAs.
Mar 28, 2012 3:05 AM

Oct 2011
GuiltyKing said:
What a beautiful last episode. Don't know why but Hina's scenes regarding her parents had me in tears. So, so touching. </3

As some of you said, it's true that this show doesn't have a plot per se but it's interesting enough for me to keep watching week after week. A surprisingly good show and one that deserves a 10 instead of a 9.
i feel the same - had to change my rating after seeing the last episode from an 8 to an almost perfect 9! this show had me tearing up pretty regularly - really brings me back to losing one of my parents - very realistic portrayal (for anime) of family drama!
Mar 28, 2012 3:09 AM

Oct 2011
hellsascendant said:
i understand everyone's happy about a happy ending and all that, but realistically(not like it matters) none of those present problems went away...they're still financially and mentally exhausted
but isn't that normal when raising children (especially three)? what a dark way to think about child rearing...
Mar 28, 2012 3:13 AM

Sep 2010
A good ending I guess.... Never really cared much about this series....

Episode - 5/5

Series - 7/10
Mar 28, 2012 3:17 AM

Oct 2010
episode 4/5

overall 9/10

seemed like a rushed ending
Mar 28, 2012 3:59 AM

Apr 2011
A Nice and heartwarming ending. It's good to know that they're back at their old house, it's more comfy and well spaced their.

Reika' acceptance to be a wife-for-a-day for Yuuta was sweet. They look like a couple on hina's little performance while on the Sora's expression of jealousy was cute. She won't give up without a fight.

Good series. A second season will be more than welcome.
Mar 28, 2012 4:00 AM

Sep 2011
octal9 said:
hellsascendant said:
i understand everyone's happy about a happy ending and all that, but realistically(not like it matters) none of those present problems went away...they're still financially and mentally exhausted

That's not really true considering the girls original house is much closer to their school so that they don't have to do the long train journey, I think they said an hour/hour and a half each way, to school and back anymore. That would mean that they have plenty more time to do their other activites during the day.

Also, based on the fact that they were given the original house to live in and that Yuuta's uncle and aunt were willing to take all three girls in together, it wouldn't be too crazy to assume that they were willing to help support the girls financially in some way or that Yuuta would be given access to his sisters accounts to some extent for that purpose. The novels would obviously shed more light on this.

Anyway overall I really enjoyed the serios, definitely a 9/10! I was acutally expecting Yuuta to have to give up the girls at the end of it all. It was an emotional rollercoaster the whole way and did an excellent job of tackling a very heavy topic in a believable and uplifting way, while not throwing in too many convenient deus ex machina solutions to problems!
Mar 28, 2012 4:14 AM

Jul 2009
The characters are not good enough to make you really care for them imho, in fact the whole story is quite ridiculous at times making it even harder to watch this for anything else than lolis and comedy.

But somewhat entertaining and decent ecchi every now and then at least warrants a score of 6.
People ranking this 9 and 10 really need to expand their view on how to judge something o.O
Mar 28, 2012 4:24 AM

Dec 2010
Khaoticsuccubus said:
Really, you really shouldn't say something like that when you so so obviously have no idea what in the world your talkling about. Now I know this is you and your posts are normally nonsensical anyways but... goodness please at least try not to talk out your ass .... please.

Anyways nice ending though I think I'd give the show overall 7/10 just because.

Lol i agree with this, expecially after he watch tons of hentai and praise shows like Shoukoujo. Biggest troll in the forum. :D

Overall a good serie, not my kinf of show but enjoyable.

Mar 28, 2012 4:42 AM

Aug 2011
Season 2 please, I need more Hina.

EternalDreamer said:

People ranking this 9 and 10 really need to expand their view on how to judge something o.O

Or you can accept the fact that different people have different opinions from you and that your score of 6 is not going to be universally accepted as the correct score for this series.
Mar 28, 2012 4:44 AM

Aug 2010
A nice story, I can't complain.
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