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Mar 23, 2012 10:48 AM

Oct 2010
Well this episode made me happy for the Sheer fact that CHRIS in the following spoiler
of the tears of Joy! I am damn glad she made it! My prayers and HOPE have been answered truly. Everyone reviving as Angels makes God and blessings outboasted in this series. No surprise but nicely laid out.

About the beginning, the start was rather nice in that they showed another part of Chris’s armor breaking up here and another view of the beam coming towards Chris here. It showed angles not seen before IMO. While I admit that Fine’s face here did not look too thrilled but angered. In fact I pity how they show Hibiki here all crippled due to the trauma of Chris’s sacrifice. Suffice to say that the heart depiction in the spoiler
has rather peak interest of mines.
That is for the way it was shown and how the infection of that colored substance occurs. As a result Berserk mode occurs.

About Hibiki in Berserk mode, it was very nice of them to show Hibiki being normal to gradually being infected with the darkness here. As it shows only her face black. Tsubasa in response had a nice angered face here and a a very nice challenging pose towards Fine. Obviously anger is at its peak. However Fine was totally not impressed with her pose here. Despite that Hibiki’s Berserk mode fully in black appearance in the spoiler
was indeed scary. I find myself marveling at its insanity that was not shown before. Like with much, haste makes waste such as despite the amazing comeback of Hibiki she gets pummeled here by Fine. Her scary looks also fear out Miku and friends here. Even so Hibiki’s pummel did not stop her. In fact her comeback in the spoiler
left Fine sliced deeply.
Deep as in her chest cut open and one breast half sliced. It was very gross in the spoiler to see the healing. Good it was not more than that. Boy oh boy that look in Fine’s eyes. PSYCHO! That’s all I will say.

If psycho was not enough 2 fronts opened up while Fine is healing:

1. Hibiki turning against Tsubasa in the spoiler
this is probably the hardest shit as a one time segment in its presentation. That of Tsubasa letting herself be hit and worst of all it’s a damn bloody direct hit! Shit! Oh the pain of seeing Tsubasa’s armor shards and blood here. Terrible! What impressed me is that Tsubasa gave a hug to Hibiki and used her shadow bind on her in the spoiler
while having a bleeding wound to the chest.
Despite that Hibiki still cried while out of control. That was emotional TBH. I kept telling myself that Tsubasa is NUTS! She is insane to use that method despite working the best against berserkers it’s the dangerous one. You take a risk of getting a fatal hit that may kill you. Bad thing in battle IMO. Everyone was totally worried. I do wonder if this here was censored of blood? Makes no sense to do so if it was not censored before.

2. Hibiki got the anime girl in the spoiler
totally into panic mode. With a face of a animal reacting here. I am not surprised she broke totally. I have never seen her like that. Certainly scary what paranoia can do. Sadly Fine fawns over it with no care while the moon being red is still broken here.

So that being said the Berserk mode being not controllable should have a off button somehow to turn it off. Cause it was totally not beneficial other than mass power. It paranoid a civilian girl and hurt Tsubasa badly. At least it made her lose energy in the worst case.

About the girls helping out, resuming it all is the following spoiler
basically it was my favorite one involving the 3 girls. This is due to the determination of that Anime Girl with those nice green eyes and brown hair along with her expressions, whom were the riches of all the episodes in this series. She also got a good amount of time. Comedy wise the fall was good.

Bringing in the girl that Hibiki saved along with her mother was nostalgic in the spoiler
as she was responsible for waking up Hibiki’s Symphogear. It was due to the sheer emotions of wanting to protect that it all happened. It’s thanks to her being saved. Not only that her smile is so MOE.

About the fan service, in terms of fan service, I find that during the naked innocent session of Kanade/Tsubasa that the close up of Kanade in the spoiler (NSFW)
was nice enough. Other than that the list:
  • Find it was most nice and innocent of the depiction of Kanade/Tsubasa in the spoiler
    it showed the BlankBs and BlankVs while maintaining a level of innocence with the colors.

  • I swear that Tsubasa has the most ecchi and appealing poses during her fights in the spoiler
    that attracted some attention.

  • Fine also has some strange angles around like in the spoiler
    that is just plain obvious but wrong timing. Well it’s not the first one.
So overall it was Kanade they showed much more than before. Damn, such a nice body for a nice family life.

About Tsubasa VS Fine, totally mind blowing BGM amazing! It was totally kick ass! Fine really did not look too thrilled over all this but Tsubasa did not waste anytime to fight. A immediate 2 hit combo in the spoiler
and get this: AFTERBURNERS! There are 6 of them in the spoiler to boost the speed of the sword. I did not know that at all even. However that Azure shot got me some Fine blowout in the spoiler
that was totally win! ROFL! Also the way Tsubasa attaches her foot on the sword is cool! I suspect a short of magnetic attachment. Fine did not lose anytime over it. Triple protection of Asgard! However Tsubasa did not care of that and used the swords height to propel herself. This resulted in a New Attack in the spoiler
Fire Maiden time! Heck yeah! It totally proves Tsubasa has Fire/Purification elements. The blue flames are possibly that. All was cool and I was thinking Tower is gone but turns out not. Fine had to use the scorpion tails and got Tsubasa here bad. So bad that it interrupted her attack and got her falling here.

THIS! What is in the following spoiler
that’s what made Tsubasa have a different feel. Quite simply Phoenix! Yes the shape and flames are totally shaped of it.
That is pretty insane. The meaning totally changes some things of Tsubasa such as wondering what purposes it has that Tsubasa did not show. Fine’s face in the spoiler
was so priceless of the result. That it’s amazing really. I liked it. Since it shows best her despair. It was depressing to see all sad in the spoiler
especially the anime girl since I like her most. Sadly Tsubasa officially died in that explosion.
The highlight was most likely Tsubasa destroying that Tower of Babel in the following,

While the Blast Radius in the spoiler
was big! Really huge in fact. Regardless, disaster averted! Moreover we get to see Tsubasa use a new technique that involves fire! Very nice! In thee end rubble! Rubles in the spoiler
of the remains of that tower.

About Hibiki and Fine, bad situation! Total abuse. No it was not cool. Seeing Hibiki being kicked, get her hair abused and end up like in the spoiler
??? NO WAY! That was totally shit. Find totally laughable that Fine is bitching of her loss here and gets even all crying about it. RIDICULOUS! She needs to die is all I was thinking at that point. It was totally nerve wreaking to see Hibiki so messed up and out of powers in the spoiler
while Fine raises her scorpion tails and has a most nasty expression.

In thee end my MIRACLE REVIVER comes around. Everyone’s songs revives everyone relics and reincarnates their Gears as White Angel Gear. Hibiki looks most stunning in the following,

Along with Tsubasa and Chris in the spoiler
OMG Chris is so cute she has Pink Wings! I am happy! While Tsubasa got blue crystal clear wings. Kind of like Nymph from Sora no Otoshimono. Indeed I think that Kanade is at the roots of it. It would be impossible with no medium and amplifier to have achieved such a Miracle as in the spoiler
Kanade is its roots as the amplifier of these songs to reach directly into the Relic. How else explain in that spoiler a sudden burst of Mana/Spiritual Energy around? Well’s it’s a though. Still Hibiki’s faces there and blow off of Fine was splendid!

BTW Image Stitches are done in the Club:
Nice ones of Kanade, Fine, Hibiki and Tsubasa.

GIFs are done in the club:
Made a sig of the end of this episode.
Yumekichi11Mar 24, 2012 3:08 AM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Mar 23, 2012 11:08 AM

Nov 2008
Kill em all averted by the choir.

Glad Hibiki, Tsubasa, and Chris are back alive

Tower of Babel got destroyed as well by Tsubasa's " heroic sacrifice".

Ryoko is going to get what she deserves for last episode.

Hibiki in full berserk mode is quite scary and awesome.

Mar 23, 2012 1:27 PM

Jul 2010
The choir of hope saves the episode.
Mar 24, 2012 3:22 AM

Oct 2010
For anyone’s information in terms of Fine’s attack in the spoiler
I have found its meaning in wiki:
According to it, it’s the Home world of Odin. Based on that info I can assess the following part in the spoiler
of Hibiki as to why she was able to break the protection. Quite simply due to Gungnir. First of all Gungnir cannot be used other than by Odin so you must be part of him or be him to use it. Hence the Relic being part of him.

One should know that someone whose protection you use belongs to can and should be able to remove it or use it as deemed. In other words Hibiki was able to break the protection because she is linked to the spell’s Home world ruler. That itself makes her supreme in all magic pertained to that Home world For all magic of a Kingdom’s ruler belongs to them and can be used as suited. Therefore Hibiki was able to break that protection while Tsubasa simply could not.

Hope it helps to understand that one element.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Mar 24, 2012 4:02 PM

Feb 2012
Well, out of everything in this show that's the one thing I didn't see coming. Now hopefully it just sticks to 'kill Hibiki' rather than killing them all again.

Also that twin-tailed background girl was even more annoying than usual in this episode.
Mar 24, 2012 4:19 PM
Aug 2009
Definitely the worst anime of the season.
Mar 24, 2012 4:41 PM

Sep 2011
Good episode,sing to victory!!

Hibiki Berserk mode was awesome,now that is a berserk mode!!

Tsubasa was awesome this episode,first stopping Hibiki,then the fight with Fine(the ost was awesome btw) that it was great and last....sacrificing herself to destroy the Tower,i really liked her death also was well made.

Fine all her plans is she being a hearthbroken bitch that got rejected...typical.

The Chore for the rescue!!! Thanks to them Hibiki got her determination and it looks like it bring back to life both Chris and Tsubasa YAY!!! Also twin tailed girl...i really wanted to slap her more that once.

Next episode they are going to kick Fine ass and then....maybe die.....will see.
Mar 24, 2012 4:45 PM

Jun 2009
Horrible anime
Mar 24, 2012 5:36 PM

May 2011
Well, damn cliffhanger, but I thought it was necessary

So all three of them had new transformation. This is going to be intense.
Mar 24, 2012 7:14 PM

Mar 2008
YuanMori said:
Well, out of everything in this show that's the one thing I didn't see coming. Now hopefully it just sticks to 'kill Hibiki' rather than killing them all again.

Also that twin-tailed background girl was even more annoying than usual in this episode.

Or better yet, none of them could die and we could have a happy ending. Here's to hoping. We've had 2 resurrections so far.
Mar 24, 2012 7:21 PM

Aug 2010
Bitches be crazy.
fuck everything and rumble
Mar 24, 2012 7:25 PM

Aug 2010
At the start of the episode I was thinking it was going to be a terrible episode but it turned out good at the end.
Mar 24, 2012 7:28 PM

Jan 2010
I hate that bitch who keeps comparing stuff to anime. You're not being funny or clever, I just want to hit you.
"My tables-meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain."
Mar 24, 2012 7:43 PM
Jun 2008
oh great look like i guess terms anyone who is not named kanade is still ok.

after seeing chris fall down hibiki going HULK mode going full attack.
fine using asgard shield (great mix thor terms on it) to block but got sliced then hibiki go after tsubasa.
oh fine can regenerate herself after getting cut in upper-half.
tsubasa let hibiki hit her to trap her go all or nothing on fine.
with quick talk to kanade go nuke whole tower & down goes tsubasa.
after tower goes down fine going no while hibiki just gone shock-stun NO!!!
miku, genjuro & rest wonder to do oh little girl that hibiki save ask to cheer for hibiki?
so need get place power back on so to power room.
fine talking about "him" hibiki look like pity fine but fine don't want.
power room door is small one of those 3 girls small person do it cause it's anime doing.
more anime talks doing form the human pyramid & hit the switch.
fine looking to finish shock-stun hibiki then choir of songs appear.
after hearing it hibiki is back & ta-da so is both chris & tsubasa there all ok.
going now super Symphogear mode.

finale ep next wonder what might happen give if recall "you know what".
you either with ANIME or against the anime
Mar 24, 2012 7:58 PM

Sep 2010
Glorious music.
Mar 24, 2012 8:16 PM

Jul 2009
I can't believe that for a sec there, I thought this might end up as a good show.
And fuck no, you don't just get freaking obliterated into nothing and then magically resurrect cuz ya heard some chicks sing. Go die already!
... On the other hand, as far as I can recall, Hibiki was dead at the beginning of episode one, right?
So, fingers crossed!

Also this:

I just... This has got to be the most ridiculous attack animation I've ever seen. Just... What the bloody hell. Dat quality.

ElectromistressMar 24, 2012 8:25 PM
Mar 24, 2012 8:29 PM
Nov 2010
The ending was one of the most cliche and sappy I have ever seen... And it was hilarious.

4th wall-chan and her friends are actually useful in this.
Mar 24, 2012 8:54 PM
Sep 2009
This show is so unbelievably bad... I freakin' love it!
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
Mar 24, 2012 9:40 PM

Dec 2011
So wait, what just happened?

Chris is like severely damaged after her Swan song and Tsubasa sacrificed herself, now they are back? Wow you rock Hibiki!
Mar 24, 2012 9:40 PM

Jan 2011
damnit i thought this was the end! once again another cop out and everyones fine! can a brotha get at least one Bad ending for once this season lol still have my hopes for Another and Future dairy.

Meta bitch-Yumi wasn't annoyning at all and who puts a switch that high up !
Mar 24, 2012 9:42 PM

Dec 2011
katsu044 said:
damnit i thought this was the end! once again another cop out and everyones fine! can a brotha get at least one Bad ending for once this season lol still have my hopes for Another and Future dairy.

Meta bitch-Yumi wasn't annoyning at all and who puts a switch that high up !

Why do you want a bad ending?
Mar 24, 2012 9:52 PM
Sep 2009
Go back to the first scene of the first episode... I'm pretty sure the main characters aren't coming back forever, otherwise that scene with Miku at the cemetery, at Hibiki's grave in fact, means nothing.Then again, with as 'smoothly' written as this series is, maybe the writers decided to discard that scene for lulz.
NeverKnowsBest26Mar 24, 2012 9:55 PM
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
Mar 24, 2012 10:04 PM

May 2011
I kinda just laughed the whole way through this episode. Not even the characters can take this shit seriously

Hoping everyone dies and stays dead in the final ep :P
Mar 24, 2012 10:11 PM

Jan 2011
Xtc said:
katsu044 said:
damnit i thought this was the end! once again another cop out and everyones fine! can a brotha get at least one Bad ending for once this season lol still have my hopes for Another and Future dairy.

Meta bitch-Yumi wasn't annoyning at all and who puts a switch that high up !

Why do you want a bad ending?
i dunno you get bored after a while when all series just have happy ending Plus the biggest let down for this show was how it was going for a darker tone from the first episode foreshadowing one of the characters Deaths and killing off the most interesting person kanade but slowly became a train-wreck after that.
Mar 24, 2012 10:34 PM

Oct 2011
the begening was a lol"slow" but darn! the ed was good! no one died :")
Mar 24, 2012 10:35 PM

Dec 2011
katsu044 said:
Xtc said:
katsu044 said:
damnit i thought this was the end! once again another cop out and everyones fine! can a brotha get at least one Bad ending for once this season lol still have my hopes for Another and Future dairy.

Meta bitch-Yumi wasn't annoyning at all and who puts a switch that high up !

Why do you want a bad ending?
i dunno you get bored after a while when all series just have happy ending Plus the biggest let down for this show was how it was going for a darker tone from the first episode foreshadowing one of the characters Deaths and killing off the most interesting person kanade but slowly became a train-wreck after that.

Ahhh I see you point. So you would've wanted all of them to die?
Mar 24, 2012 10:51 PM

Jan 2011
Xtc said:
katsu044 said:
Xtc said:
katsu044 said:
damnit i thought this was the end! once again another cop out and everyones fine! can a brotha get at least one Bad ending for once this season lol still have my hopes for Another and Future dairy.

Meta bitch-Yumi wasn't annoyning at all and who puts a switch that high up !

Why do you want a bad ending?
i dunno you get bored after a while when all series just have happy ending Plus the biggest let down for this show was how it was going for a darker tone from the first episode foreshadowing one of the characters Deaths and killing off the most interesting person kanade but slowly became a train-wreck after that.

Ahhh I see you point. So you would've wanted all of them to die?
not necessarily but if your trying to go for a serious tone right off the bat and then do a 360 at the end it's kinda of a let down you know it's just a shame because this was one my biggest surprises of the season but turned out to be one of my biggest letdowns haha.
Mar 24, 2012 11:45 PM
Feb 2008
I do like this show but some things bother me
1.) The noise have no exposition what so ever. And even when their source is recognized it's not given explaination. Apparently the noise have been plaguing the city from some welfare Halo weapon with summoning ability.

2.) Slightly bothered by the bridge workers under the Commander. These guys tend to acknowledge things the computers already knows because of giant flashing lights and words. Also during earlier points in the anime they tend to talk about stuff that helps NO ONE. Action or other wise who cares about them.

3.) The Irony is that you're in an anime. We get it Ihata.

4.) Fine has no exposition what so ever. I thought she was Ryoko just pretending to be good but then she's like. Oh I'm evil soul and awakened. And her plans are to destroy the moon?

5.) Power levels of the Neushtan armor. Chris shows up with an improper version of the thing and wins then determinator Tsubasa "beats" both her and Fine. Even though Fine's could handle all 3 of them. And earlier the commander would have beat the hell out her had it not been for an instance of sympathy.
Mar 25, 2012 12:28 AM

Oct 2011
Wow :D they have hiper-tech supercomputer at school :P

but still this show is so bad that it's actualy quite good
last episode was in a bland area, but we've returned to "logic" of it and other things that make it funny

Fine is one over-talkative villain, even by the standarts of anime-world
or maybe she can only recieve information if she will speak it out loud. Who knows.

And dat anime-reference girl :P but she wasn't soooo bad this time.

BTW I somehow don't think they were resurected for real - ok in this series it is possible but maybe it's more or metaphor... spirits of friends unite with one remaining to fight for love, justice and peace

So for all of those flaws
Dalek-bakaMar 25, 2012 12:34 AM
Mar 25, 2012 12:46 AM

May 2010
not a bad episode BUT what brings my piss to a boil is when anime charackters talk about what would/should happen in this situation if they were in an anime !!!

we fucking know ur in an anime so crawl thru that damn hole and stfu !

KerozinnMar 25, 2012 1:15 AM
Mar 25, 2012 1:41 AM

May 2010
Yay,Chris is alright along with everyone else including "Kanade".See by the end of episode there are 4 lights when they are resurrected.
TragicRomanceMar 25, 2012 1:45 AM
Mar 25, 2012 1:43 AM
Dec 2011
Soooo...what three girls failed to do
Took one girl and her anger to destroy the tower
hmm i see teamwork works so well
Mar 25, 2012 2:23 AM

Aug 2011
Bet that Hibiki is going to use her Swan Song in the next episode ;)

btw, everyone can use the Swan Song only once or am I wrong?
Mar 25, 2012 2:28 AM

Jan 2008
Hibiki yelling symphogear with the angst of every high school kid ever was awesome. i dont really know why chris and tsubasa are alive again but whatever, i didn't want them to die in the first place.
Mar 25, 2012 2:56 AM

Jan 2011
Is here anybody that likes this anime?
I do :)
Aww Hibiki is going to die next ep!
Mar 25, 2012 3:57 AM

May 2010
anime is just average cliche story. hard to realy like it
Mar 25, 2012 4:08 AM

Oct 2011
People talking shit about this -.- I too once lost hope but this episode is a good comeback. When Chris and Kanade was alive I was like O.O. We will see in the finale. Somehow this anime reminds me of Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
Mar 25, 2012 4:12 AM

Jul 2009
katsu044 said:

Meta bitch-Yumi wasn't annoyning at all and who puts a switch that high up !
Haha my thoughts exactly, was just waiting for someone to slap her hard and tell her to get ahold of herself^^
And indeed that's the first master power-switch I've seen that was so small and placed in such an inconvenient place xD

Seriously hope the whole "resurrect" thing is just a metaphor though...
I want Hibiki to go on a final rampage, where she annihilates Finé and destroy her own body in the process.

Everyone holding hand laughing as they walk into the sunset and live happily ever after are the worst endings, even for something so cliché as this.
Mar 25, 2012 6:11 AM

Dec 2010
336 when is Hibiki gonna die?
Mar 25, 2012 6:38 AM

Jul 2008
Inb4 Ryoko use her swan song and since she has fused with her power there's only Hibiki's that can stand up to it.
At the start of ep 1 we've been told that Hibiki died... I don't buy that bullshit anymore since you obviously cannot die in this show if you're a main character.

We'll probably be shown the scene in ep 1 where Miku mourn the death of Hibiki only to be shown a bit afterward that Hibiki is still alive and pursue her new found dream in the shadow.

6/10 if Hibiki survive.
7/10 if Hibiki really die with no hint whatsoever of her still being alive.
Mar 25, 2012 6:38 AM

Jun 2009
Suddenly lolpower and double resurrection. Right when i started to believe the ending will be just as shown in 1st episode. Now i'm not so sure anymore, but it wouldn't be suprising if all three of them sacrificed themselves to kill Fine in the end.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Mar 25, 2012 6:42 AM

Aug 2007
Aren't it more symbolic stuff like their Symphogear that reactivate in Hibiki's? I think Hibiki is still going to die. Not because of the Swan Song, but because of the fusion with the monsterthing...
Dutch anime blogger with a love for Ikuhara's antics and proper storytelling.
Mar 25, 2012 7:14 AM

Nov 2009
Enjoyable ep.

SYMMMPHOOOOGEARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! - That's epic!! I can replay that scene for over 100 times.

I like anime girl (twintail girl )(Yumi) more and more. I would like to see other character like her in another anime.

Fine haven't use her swan song yet. If she do, Hibiki kanade and chris may have use their swan song to stop her ,resulting in the death of them.

Waiting for last ep.
Marina2Mar 25, 2012 7:19 AM
Mar 25, 2012 7:20 AM

Aug 2008
How can something be so bad yet so awesome at the same time? My maiden heart is in turmoil
Mar 25, 2012 8:39 AM

Apr 2011
Yes! Chris is back! Ultra Happy!
Mar 25, 2012 9:57 AM

Jul 2010
My head is full of fuck. What the hell is this show on about?

Good to see Hibiki back on her feet though. Let's tear some shit up in the last episode.

Mar 25, 2012 9:58 AM

Feb 2012
It seems the main problem with this show is that the writers are apparently all newbies. The concept is good, but the writing and therefore execution of it continues to fall short.

I'm hoping we get a full figma line and not just Hibiki, I would love to have more mecha musume girls to my collection.
Mar 25, 2012 11:56 AM

Jul 2009
I really wanna slap that anime comparing bitch so hard right now. Kill her already Jeeeeeeez. This show would've been so much much better if it weren't for the horrible battle animation and lousy story telling. People need to know when to kill characters already, STOP KEEPING THEM ALIVE DAMN IT!!!!
Mar 25, 2012 3:59 PM

Oct 2007
Kvakond said:
How can something be so bad yet so awesome at the same time? My maiden heart is in turmoil
I guess we are watching the same show.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Mar 25, 2012 8:01 PM

Sep 2007
This show just took a huge dive once Chris and Tsubasa came back from the dead.
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