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Mar 11, 2012 10:37 AM

Jan 2011
Wouldn't she have been the descendant of Negi and Ayaka?

Even thought I still hate how stupid of a pairing that was considering how much bloody screen-time Asuna x Negi got together and how long they had been together.

This manga let me down in the end which is unfortunate as I loved the rest of this series.
Mar 11, 2012 11:55 AM

Jul 2010
I give this manga a 9/10 since it's my favorite. But that last chapter somehow reminded me of School Rumble ending chapter years back. I hope there is some extra chapter or some spin-off to give details about some unanswered questions.
Mar 11, 2012 12:01 PM

Mar 2011
I feel as though one of my favourite manga was happily being chatty and smiley walking along, and then suddenly gets hit by a bus and is killed in a split-second.

Ken Akamatsu, I hope you take all the feedback you will no doubt receive from this and learn from it. Take all the good parts (Mahora festival arc was the most amazing thing I had ever read at the time) and make sure your next work will be remembered more than the ending to this bitter-sweet ending to an otherwise great series.
Mar 11, 2012 12:21 PM

Mar 2009
PrometheusZero said:
I feel as though one of my favourite manga was happily being chatty and smiley walking along, and then suddenly gets hit by a bus and is killed in a split-second.

Ken Akamatsu, I hope you take all the feedback you will no doubt receive from this and learn from it. Take all the good parts (Mahora festival arc was the most amazing thing I had ever read at the time) and make sure your next work will be remembered more than the ending to this bitter-sweet ending to an otherwise great series. Not a bus but close.

Chances are that maybe they will make a movie or something to cover the "Rescue Nagi" plot thing someday.
It was fun. Hope next manga will be even better :)
Mar 11, 2012 12:58 PM

Oct 2009
It is going to be hard o beat 31 girls. That is, unless Ken makes another group of 31 girls and puts in another teacher, this time without any magic so we can just have some comedic ecchi slice of life stuff. Anyways, ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Mar 11, 2012 12:59 PM

Oct 2011
Troll of 2011 Tite Kubo (might redeem himself this year).. Troll of 2012.. Ken Akamatsu..heard he got tired of Negima!, he should have taken a year hiatus like Togashi..
Mar 11, 2012 5:01 PM

Feb 2008
This has to be the worst ending to anything i've ever watched or read in my life. It's clear that Ken just lost faith in his manga and made shit up on the spot.
Mar 11, 2012 5:34 PM

Jun 2007
I'm with the earlier posters, that definitely looked like a wedding scene with Ayaka as bride's maid and Fate as the best man, so Negi x Asuna (thus fulfilling the standard rule of all harem series).
Mar 11, 2012 5:59 PM

Mar 2009
TheTsunami said:
I'm with the earlier posters, that definitely looked like a wedding scene with Ayaka as bride's maid and Fate as the best man, so Negi x Asuna (thus fulfilling the standard rule of all harem series). Their wedding, Guests to Natsumi big moment :) If it was Negi and Asuna wedding he would stand right by her side.

Why would Asuna end up with Negi when 1-2 chapters ago she was shocked about who he likes?

Chao comes from alternative world where we got the "bad ending" that She had to fix. She was not born in the normal time line since events were changed and Negi probably didn't end up with her ancestor.

I still think some Final Anime series or movie would be nice to cover all the missed manga parts. At least he ended it when he got burned out. Bad ending but better than dragging it forever with pointless plot twists.
Mar 11, 2012 6:11 PM

Jun 2007
Fair enough. =)
Mar 11, 2012 6:14 PM

Mar 2009
I think the one Negi likes is hidden in this chapter but I can't seem to find out who it is... several people seem to have gotten married so it must be one of them... >.<
K-ON v1.1 ... Please leave you comments on my profile! ^_^
Mar 11, 2012 8:10 PM
Oct 2011
Oh come on ken that ending was really boring U can do better then that I mean your other manga had a great ending negima neo shows who negi end up with and them kiss was great negi x asuna COME ON MAN U INSPIRE ME TO DO good romance manga novels and instead U GIVE THIS PIECE OF CRAP THATS AN ENDING!!! HELL NO!!
Mar 11, 2012 9:40 PM
Nov 2011
Setsuna: Decided to get married in 2017.
Konoka: After healing village, got married in 2017.

I see what you did there!
Mar 12, 2012 4:10 AM
Mar 2012
well he did made Love Hina i thought there was a better outcome but here is what i assume

1.) he's getting pressured from his superiors and i have no doubt it will affect its thinking capabilities
2.)there may be a OVA to depict the story on how nagi was rescued+lfate side story and all those loopholes u can find
3.)overall i think the alternate universe thingy is kinda desperate way to conclude the story (just my opinion:ken maybe intended to end the story where negi is dead however got undesirable response from his fan who wanted a vanilla ending therefore he tried his best to turn the story around and tried to save the whole crew?)

beside if he paired Negi x Asuna it may angered all Negi + nodoka fans~or any possible combination, thats why he just left it up to our imagination of ? i dont really like this way though instead why not we try to guess who it is? Negi + class rep? the only hint is that they are quite similiar... Negi + Fate Averruncus!!!!!!!!!!!
dlwk2004Mar 12, 2012 4:17 AM
Mar 12, 2012 12:40 PM

Jun 2008
Nice 9 year troll. Thanks for killing me. The past 3 months just jumped off a cliff. :sad:

No words to describe how I'm feeling right now.
Signature Here.
Mar 12, 2012 1:30 PM

Aug 2008
yeah, too many things left unexplained. A rather bleak and lacking ending. Excellent troll ending though! I'll give you that much.

Now for discussion! It's interesting though. The Asuna from the current timeline doesn't actually belong there. What would happen when the ordinal one awakes? That would be funny to see haha (I'm assuming that the Asuna that came into the current timeline is immortal).
And Chao became a dimensional hopper... that's an interesting concept, seeing that she still visits the current timeline (and probably even more) likes is nothing just to visit her friends and have some R&D that way, while at the same time fighting a war on her original one lol.

There just was so much left unexplained though.
Like how Nagi was rescued. Who was the Lifemaker, really. Who was Negi's crush. And I could go on... Oh well I guess.

Maybe Mr Ken just go bored of doing this manga or something? The best Arc was doubtfully the Magic World one, and since it was the longest one, I think it defines this manga the best. And Just for it I'll leave it at an 8 rating (not that it matters much). If it wasn't for that one arc, I'd rate this manga a 7 best, probably even a 6... (It would've been a 5 without that Festival arc by the way) O_o

Yerocha said:
I suppose there are much worse final chapters you can have than this. At least we got confirmation on a few pairs (Hakase/Godel, WTF?). I was still hoping for Negi/Chisame, or at least Negi/Anyone.

Exactly. I grew to like Chisame as a character alot during the Magic World arc. At least SOMEBODY should've ended up with him... even the ghost lol. Incidentally, my top choices were Chisame, and Asuna. Yue was a high tiered one too.
Mar 12, 2012 1:37 PM

Aug 2008
TheTsunami said:
I'm with the earlier posters, that definitely looked like a wedding scene with Ayaka as bride's maid and Fate as the best man, so Negi x Asuna (thus fulfilling the standard rule of all harem series).

Oh yeah. I didn't think too much of that panel at the time. You might be right! Probably not though. It's either unintended, or the author being a tease (ie. an ass, seeing as we'll never know for sure now) hahaha.
Mar 12, 2012 1:51 PM
Mar 2012
come on people, i can´t believe that ken akamatsu wanted to end this manga this way. something most have pushed him to end it so suddenly. please check again chanter 334, specially pages from 11 to 13, ¿do you think he made that pages, to then have an end like this? that have no sense. i don´t know what happend but it is very sad that this great manga had to end like this.
Mar 12, 2012 5:01 PM
Feb 2012
I wanted more Asuna time. Negima final chapter needed to be wayyyy longer. I wouldn't have minded waiting a month for a good, well made final chapter. Sadly the pulishers gave Kimi no Iru Machi more pages (I think).

Akamatsu should have at least ended the series with one girl with negi. Fans just need clarification to who a character ends up with.
Mar 12, 2012 5:14 PM

Dec 2007
I can't believe this ending... I can't even really put into words what I'm feeling... haha
Seeing how it ended, I would have far preferred for Asuna to wake up after her "sacrifice", and we find out that the manga was actually about her all along. Eva could just recap the events of the battle to save Nagi, and briefly recall how each person lived their lives. And as for the question of who Negi ended up with, Eva could start to tell and then have Asuna say "No, I'd rather not know... I'd feel sorry for the other girls"... And then end with Asuna changing her looks to blend in with society, since she's now more than likely famous for having saved the world, and heading off to start her new life...
It would have been a sad end, but it would have at least made the chapters after the Magic World arc mean something...
Mar 12, 2012 5:22 PM

Feb 2012
9 year troll. Dammit, I think he ended up with Eva. Since Asuna said "Well you two are the same type of people".
Mar 13, 2012 12:48 AM
Jul 2011
In the first chapter, Negima told Asuna "Your love will be unrequitted" (in other words, unfulfilled or un-returned).

Asuna's love is indeed unrequitted when she returns in 2135 to find Negima dead. Until Chao (in her long-long awaited return) rewrites history to 'a blank page' using her awesome hacking stopwatches of hacks.

^ THAT was a good ending. But the last chapter (and 354) were complete trite (the 2nd time skip was uneccessary because the future details of all the characters could have easily been shown after chapter 353, Yue being assaulted should be left to the doujins, too vague about the true route and Nagi has no right to show up so casually after such a long journey).

I'd still give it 9/10. It was an amazing manga for it's 9 years, but the last 2 chapters need to be ignored. I would suggest that Ken planned to finish Negima at the events of 353, but his plotline ended too quickly and he had to write 2 more chapters from nothing.
Mar 13, 2012 4:39 AM

Dec 2011
Loftyz47 said:
In the first chapter, Negima told Asuna "Your love will be unrequitted" (in other words, unfulfilled or un-returned).

Asuna's love is indeed unrequitted when she returns in 2135 to find Negima dead. Until Chao (in her long-long awaited return) rewrites history to 'a blank page' using her awesome hacking stopwatches of hacks.

^ THAT was a good ending. But the last chapter (and 354) were complete trite (the 2nd time skip was uneccessary because the future details of all the characters could have easily been shown after chapter 353, Yue being assaulted should be left to the doujins, too vague about the true route and Nagi has no right to show up so casually after such a long journey).

I'd still give it 9/10. It was an amazing manga for it's 9 years, but the last 2 chapters need to be ignored. I would suggest that Ken planned to finish Negima at the events of 353, but his plotline ended too quickly and he had to write 2 more chapters from nothing.

Let's treat the last two chapter as two different one-shot.
Mar 13, 2012 8:51 AM

Dec 2010

5/10 for the entire chapter. KonoSetsu being married is the only one that I only enjoy.

Manga overall
Mar 13, 2012 9:09 AM
Mar 2012
Although I was late to start reading Negima (only been reading since last October), I've thoroughly enjoyed the entire series.

I must admit that I expected an open ending where we do not find out who Negi ended up with, but the execution that Ken ended up going with could have been better... The way he surmised each character in the last chapter would have been much better had he done it in an epilogue AFTER tying up the series first.

Oh well, regardless of that, the series as a whole will go down as one of my favourites. Whilst the ending my not have been to my taste, if I hadn't been so attached to the series in the first place, I wouldn't have cared so much about how he ended it. That just goes to show that Ken must have done something right along the way!
Mar 14, 2012 12:06 PM

Jun 2010
Bad ending.

Oh well. 5/10.
Mar 14, 2012 2:47 PM

Mar 2008
Man, the ending is just so incredibly lackluster and unfulfilling compared to the rest of the manga. I don't think it negates the other chapters though, so 8/10 from me.

Still, what a huge slap in the face. I read this so called ending then just sat stupefied for a while, amazed at how much of a NON ending this was to such a long running project.

Meh. Nothing more to say really, the last few chapters were one big "meh"
Mar 14, 2012 4:29 PM

Aug 2008
I'm pretty bummed out as well, but I recall a majority of manga out there having pretty unsatisfactory ends.

I think the problem might be a lot of these manga authors go in without the vision as to where they intend the series to go which is why a lot of manga ends are so unsatisfactory and crappy. At the same time they kind of can't because the editors and publishers have the final say and keeping a steady income means writing grand plots with a ton of elements that may or may not go anywhere.

An example of an author having such vision (in recent memory) is Kozue Amano. She said herself that by the time she had the second chapter of Aqua finished she already had an ending in mind. She sat on this for 8 years. Aria, despite the speedup in later volumes, had a pretty satisfying end.

Now I might be oversimplifying since writing skill plays into it a lot but from my experience what gets a project/organization off the ground and used to gauge its success is vision. I get the feeling Akamatsu chose to end it because of the lack of/poorly defined vision for the series. Probably why the anime adaptations for Negima are all over the place as well.
Mar 14, 2012 5:03 PM
Feb 2012
Uh ok, not what I expected, though we did see info on everyone in the future, it still seemed unsatisfactory

And I got no idea what Nagi is doing there, or who Negi's love interest was then, unless I missed something...

Sure there's other unanswered questions as well, but I can't think of them at the moment.
I guess I just expected it to be better, still this has been one of my favorite manga so I'm sad to see it go despite this ending lacking a lot of elements.

I'll re-read this chapter, might improve my opinion of it maybe...
Mar 14, 2012 8:05 PM

Jul 2007
What a roller coaster. First I thought Yue was picked, then no one was picked, the NAGI OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE, then YAY KONOSETSU! and YAY NATUSUMI/KOTARO!, then WTF DID YOU DO TO CHISAME YOU MOTHERFUCKING TROLL!!! then end.

8/10 for the whole thing, though I wish it had ended 25 chapters ago...
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
Mar 14, 2012 9:29 PM

Apr 2009
I seriously think he picked Eva. It makes the most sense tbh.
Mar 15, 2012 12:17 PM

Oct 2008
A lil' bit disappointed. I personally think that it's better to end the series at #353 and make it open but good ending (also sequel can be prepared afterwards if he wanted), compare to this two crap ending chapters.
Mar 15, 2012 7:31 PM

Nov 2007
Well could have been worse.


I was a nice ride of 9 years. I was there since the very beginning...
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Mar 16, 2012 1:28 AM

Jun 2009
People You can talk if i'm wrong, but i tell for you what i thought about the finale.
I after reading the manga as everybody else think The mangaka don't tell anyone with who Negi gets, but after a bit of thinking i found out something. Ken akamatsy tells at the manga that Cho is Negi's descendent, that's means he finishe with someone obviously. When the mangaka've been commenting about each students's life fineshed he show as Asuna as ayaka wearing withe dress with Negi and Fate. Later i deduce myself they could be a double couple but don't know which would of who, but Negi couldn't get wit Asuna because he talks her who he liked and for her expression isn't she. It does remain Ayaka, so i looked for something to prove my ideas, when at the chapter 355 describe what happens to Ayaka it show that she get pleased and so much happy just stay by his side, but at the chapter 353 when asuna is looking at the time box Ayaka has a grand-grand-grand-granddaugther, in orther words, How she got the parent if she If she ever was at his side(negi), that's means negi might married with Ayaka. only can be two people ayaka or asuna.
hyoga11Mar 16, 2012 1:36 AM
Mar 16, 2012 9:39 AM

Sep 2011
What kind of ending is this!?? It doesn't even say WHO he ended up with and what happened! So many loose ends... Negima Darkness coming?
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Mar 16, 2012 9:43 AM

Sep 2011
Swifteh said:
9 year troll. Dammit, I think he ended up with Eva. Since Asuna said "Well you two are the same type of people".

Would have been pleased if that's the case actually, any of these girls would do in fact:
Chisame Hasegawa

Holy shit... I forgot who the other girls were, but yeah these girls would've made great end heroines for Negi to me
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Mar 17, 2012 9:49 AM

Mar 2008
Though I did dislike the ending, it could be worse.

If he had omitted the final 2 chapters, we would have had a possibility of a sequel series that could have filled in a lot of questions and loopholes in this ending.

I honestly believe that he was pressured to end it quickly, by either fans, his publisher, or someone close to him. This might explain the lack of thought put into these final 2 chapters, as it seems they were rushed compared to other chapters.

I'm still hoping he starts a sequel/in-between to fill in the holes at least and please explain how he died in the future. This has been stumping me for a while.
Mar 18, 2012 8:22 PM

Dec 2007
The ending didn't disappoint at disappointing. Still that "did they or did they not" trolling with Konoka and Setsuna was funny. They did, I don't care what anyone can say against it, they did
undead_blopaMar 18, 2012 8:45 PM
Mar 19, 2012 1:21 PM

Dec 2011
Well, they left it ambiguous.
But if you look at their positions.

at back

[Fate] [Negi]

at front

[Asuna] [Inchou]

I am assuming Inchou (Ayaka) got married to Negi, as I don't like Asuna. And to their positions, this is the conclusion I could make. Remember the part where Negi whispered to Asuna who Negi likes? It is not Asuna herself. It is another person. So I guess she got married to Ayaka alright. Eva is now with Nagi, so Eva can't end with Negi.

Can't wait for your next work, Akamatsu-sensei!
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 19, 2012 2:23 PM
Dec 2010
LOL many here are saying FUCK YOU KEN AKAMATSU!!

Even though they've read the manga for free they have the guts to bad mouth the author how shameless ahahahaha its so funny
tatsundereMar 19, 2012 2:31 PM
Mar 23, 2012 3:42 PM

Sep 2011
Eh, I'm satisfied with Konoka & Setsuna :3
Mar 27, 2012 12:49 PM

Feb 2008
well, whatever. it ended lets move on. i did enjoy reading it though.
Mar 27, 2012 6:32 PM

Jan 2012
This manga was excellent until the "defeat" of the mage of the beginning. That whole ending was just confusing as hell. And after that it was just "oh the bad guy died so the manga is over so lets just wrap it all up really quick."
Mar 27, 2012 6:34 PM

Jan 2012
kuropon said:
I can't believe this ending... I can't even really put into words what I'm feeling... haha
Seeing how it ended, I would have far preferred for Asuna to wake up after her "sacrifice", and we find out that the manga was actually about her all along. Eva could just recap the events of the battle to save Nagi, and briefly recall how each person lived their lives. And as for the question of who Negi ended up with, Eva could start to tell and then have Asuna say "No, I'd rather not know... I'd feel sorry for the other girls"... And then end with Asuna changing her looks to blend in with society, since she's now more than likely famous for having saved the world, and heading off to start her new life...
It would have been a sad end, but it would have at least made the chapters after the Magic World arc mean something...

I would have actually liked this ending much more. Except I don't agree with Negi dying. He should be immortal because he's no longer human. He defeated the mage of the beginning so what the hell else on this planet and the magical one could freaking kill him?
Mar 28, 2012 12:23 AM

Jun 2009
Aezile said:
Satisfying ending. Thank you.

Couldn't have said it any better, that's exactly how I felt.
Mar 28, 2012 12:29 AM

Jun 2009
ichigo03 said:
Aezile said:
Satisfying ending. Thank you.

I don't mean to offend but.....HOW THE HELL is this a "Satisfying ending"?

This is the biggest Troll job...EVER!

Not only did they not show who Negi ended up with (Although, I personally guess it was Ayaka).

They show Nagi???

LOL...OK, skip one of the biggest moments in this manga by not even showing it.

There are no words to properly describe what just happened.

I expected an ending like this when there were still 5 chapters left, it's hardly trolling it's not like it came out of know where. It had to be wrapped up somehow, and knowing that Ken Akamatsu could not go in depth anymore with what's left, I would say it's a satisfying ending and I'm leaving it at that.

Earlier on I was raging quite a bit with what's left and still unsolved...and especially at that crap of an anime final, but now I rather have some kind of closure with the characters (if the immediate ending to the story was inevitable for Akamatsu...such as being pressured) It's either he sucked at planning or he was suddenly cut off, and I'm betting on the second one because I find it hard to believe the mangaka was planning on leaving it at that.
giraffe13280Mar 28, 2012 12:50 AM
Apr 2, 2012 9:53 AM

Mar 2012
Ending didn't seem satisfying to me. At the very least it showed what happened to his class. I'm pissed off though, ken doesn't say who he ends up with, well whatever I bet he couldn't make up his mind who negi ends up with is probably why. It seemed like an open ending to me. Maybe more story material can be produced....... who knows.
Apr 13, 2012 6:36 AM

Jun 2010
I expected such an ending. I mean, the whole manga has been like that ever since the magic world arc began - NOTHING. EXPLAINED. AT. ALL! So yeah, it sucked. Fortunately I don't care for this manga enough to be offended.
The lesbian marriage is just wrong.
Apr 18, 2012 7:44 AM

Jul 2008
I dropped the manga 40 chapters ago and decided to catch up yesteday.
40 bad chapters and I expected a good ending? More fool me, really.
Apr 21, 2012 4:44 PM
Apr 2012
I agree that the ending could have been a lot better in terms of making everything known so the fans wouldn't be guessing what really happened for the rest of their lives o-o.. With the whole Konosetsu thing though, I believe they got married to each other, though he didn't clearly state it. They both got married in the same year, in their picture they are wearing wedding kimonos, Setsuna is holding Konoka bridal style.. Plus all the rest of the build up of them in the manga couldn't have been for nothing. I doubt he would do all that only to have them married to someone else. I believe they really did get together as a couple in the end. I wish he would confirm though xD I would feel a lot more at ease.. they were my favorite after all :p
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