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Jul 6, 2008 12:25 PM

Jan 2008
Well i just took a look at the raw, i cant wait for the sub to come out. I love this series.

Jul 6, 2008 3:09 PM

Aug 2007
I know. It was really good. I have been waiting for this new season!!
Jul 6, 2008 5:06 PM

Oct 2007
OP-Excellent Animation, crappy song
The episode itself-Okay is all I can say, I guess it redeemed itself from the second season, had good balance of Action, Comedy, Romance, Suspense, and a little fan service(very little, thank god!)
ED-Crappy in more ways than one, I guess this is the part of the show that won't change. So much fan service in the ED.
Jul 6, 2008 5:47 PM

Nov 2007
Ah damnit I wanted to be the first for the first episode xD.

Will post later with screenies ^^
Jul 6, 2008 5:58 PM

Mar 2007
Anime OP: Great animation and I enjoyed the song as well.
Episode itself: Great with tons of Louise x Saito stuff.

Episode Spoiler Below.
I'll probably upload screenies since I took many though it's mostly of Louise. :P

3 Louise Panties Fanservice images <3

Screenshots from the OP. ED, and the middle break. (many)

Pictures from the Actual Episode Part(mostly Louises)MANY
Flame_HazeJul 6, 2008 6:52 PM
Jul 6, 2008 6:02 PM

May 2007
Ahaha I agree with ^. I SAY YES was better than this one.

=) I have screenshots...sorta bad ones, randomly taken by Media Player Classic xD
Jul 6, 2008 6:45 PM

Nov 2007
I would say its good start. Though the intimate scene at the start was a little much for picking up the series.

Screenie Time!

For the first episode i guess a 5/5
Jul 6, 2008 11:21 PM
Nov 2007
I'll will discuss about this after I watched a subbed version
Jul 7, 2008 1:09 AM

May 2007
LOUISE!!! Missed her so much after a year. :D

Really tight introductory episode. It has all. From the comedy, gags, serious drama, development, and even bed business. Nice to see old cast returns.

This basically portrays the daily life of Louise and Saito, not even more intimate since they're no longer bonded as master-familiar. Despite of acting 120% tsunderekko, Saito learned Louise's true feelings and he's also teasing her at times.

The mysterious witch arc finally started. Vague figures who interested with void users but failed at kidnapping Louise for the first time. I love that scene especially since we rarely see Louise blasting out enemies literally with her magic abilities (aside of using it on Saito in daily basis). that topped with the strong chant spell. She's not much of an amateur now, happy to see that. And Saito too for being able to held off without Gandarf. Also lucky Agnes were there.

Saito is now basically someone with high status, refused the offer because he lost the runes - I wonder if what Derflinger said was true. Saito's heart stopped in the battlefield thus he lost the Gandarf power. Interesting twist to say the least.

Can't wait for next episode!
Jul 7, 2008 1:18 AM

Dec 2007
well, this series looks interesting on how the plot develop,
but luoise whining and treating saito like sh!t turns me off.
saito should send luoise to hell imo, dumb boy

Sumeragi Kururu - Pledge Queen of Tool Toul To

Jul 7, 2008 2:00 AM

Feb 2008
They could have skipped that ending imo. They should lay off with that crap, since it just ruins Louise's character. They can't make her develop her tsundere character towards an almost fully dere-dere in some scenes, and then make her go totally cold just like flipping a switch >_>

Nice episode overall. I really liked the shy and blushing Louise, and the Louise pantyshots were a nice addition :3
Jul 7, 2008 2:42 AM

Dec 2007
Great episode. A lot did happen this time. From the runes disappearing on Saito's hand to the introduction of the new villains. Can't wait to see what'll happen next :)
Jul 7, 2008 2:48 AM

Sep 2007
Finally, Louise is back!
I liked this episode (except that sex should continue, fucking siesta!)
Jul 7, 2008 4:05 AM
Mar 2008
Good start of the 3d season.
Jul 7, 2008 4:41 AM

May 2007
mmmm <3 who will sub it
Jul 7, 2008 5:10 AM

Mar 2008
I HAVE NEVER LAUGHED SO MUCH THE FIRST EPIOSDE OF A ANIME AS MUCH AS THIS ONE. Ok, this is starting to go crazy! Saito's mark is gone? Cause maybe since he got revived he might be like that prince revived by the Advaris ring (one who got stolen from the water spirit {season 1}). Finally the romance everyone wanted is a lot better than the other season with Louise and Saito. New guy named Joseph and his familiar, which also is a void familiar. Hmmmmmmm. Apparently now there are many void users O_o which means a revolution or evolution of those types. Hmmmmmmmmm. A ring that can revive owned by a elf princess with big you know what. More hmmmmmmmmmmmm. The OP & ED are good. Seems Louise knows magic better and Saito should have shut up and take the title cause in real life in a Monarchy you can be put to death for refusing such a honor from Royalty (read books). I AM HAPPY AND EXCITED BUT MOST OF ALL VERY HAPPY THAT ALL HERE ARE HAPPY TO SEE THIS. Ja ne!
Jul 7, 2008 6:18 AM

Apr 2008
Compared to the second season's first episode, which completely derailed everything they'd established in season one, this was a nice start. We've got a romantic relationship that actually progresses -- a rarity in anime these days, it seems. We've got appearances from every minor character ever, which stretches logic a bit, but with any luck it promises a season that won't ignore Kirche, Tabitha, Guiche and the rest like Futatsuki no Kishi did. We've got plot movement that actually means something; the plight of our protagonists here is dire enough to care about, especially when compared to the previous season's first episode. Hell, there's even some unexpected character development.

In short, I am a happy fanboy.

flaskis said:
They can't make her develop her tsundere character towards an almost fully dere-dere in some scenes, and then make her go totally cold just like flipping a switch >_>

I'm convinced that she isn't tsundere at all; she's certified 100% sadistic, and I can cite the end of this episode as evidence thereof. What is it that makes her blast Saito? Mounting sexual tension. Long story short, Louise just likes it that way. (I wrote about that, come to think of it; it's here.)

And anyway, would it be Zero no Tsukaima if Saito didn't end up thoroughly wounded by the end?
Jul 7, 2008 6:30 AM

Nov 2007
Epic 1 was epic. As expected of my favorite series, it's gonna be a promising season with a decent plot.

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
Jul 7, 2008 6:39 AM

Sep 2007
Tsun-Tsun Dere-Dere

Calm down everyone, it's just the same as season 1 and 2...

Jul 7, 2008 6:50 AM

Apr 2008
i loved it as hell >;o 10-10 for me 5 is not enough to rate it
Jul 7, 2008 6:56 AM

Dec 2007
Strong start, It's starting more like how Futatsuki no Kishi ended (not the very end, i mean the final 2 arcs). Those arcs were really good, and it had a great blend of everything. This episode was nicely balanced out, and it was nice not to see Saito go gaga over every girl he saw. Even though his behavior at the end irked me slightly, it was amusing nonetheless.

Looks to be a good season
Jul 7, 2008 7:30 AM

Oct 2007
After such a long wait I finally got to watch the 1st episode of this new season and it certainly was worth the wait. The beginning was really sudden but I liked how things turned out and it looks like a new story has already begun to surface. Also there was a lot less fanservice than I expected. I wonder if Saito will get his Familiar powers back?

Can’t wait for some more Louise x Saito moments and Saito should remember; No means No. ^_^
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Jul 7, 2008 7:44 AM

Mar 2008
Remember what the fairy called Saito at the end of the 2nd season?

"Left hand of god".

Guess it makes sense now. The "brain of god" appeared. So there is at least another "right hand of god" tsukaima.

Anyway, decend start. It picks right off where the last episode left us and (again) shows some more development between those two. It's really rare for those kinds of shows to steadily develop the relationship of its main cast. Although everything else is pretty much the same. Louise still has a long way to go. I got a deja vu feeling from the seasons before, when watching their relationship problems. It's so stupid, actually. ^^

I am really looking forward to Mamiko Noto as the fairy (again) next episode. <3

Animation seems to be the same, they even used the same commercial separator in the middle part. Not that it would really bother me.

Anyway, let's hope it will be another good season. Glad they are back.
Jul 7, 2008 8:19 AM

Sep 2007
can't wait for the next episode ^ ^
I'm wondering if those 2 will ever get out of their relationship problems.... doubt it..

Jul 7, 2008 8:27 AM

Jun 2007
wow, I have to say.
Expected this to be a lot worse but this episode was actually pretty good and enjoyable,
far different from what we learned in Session two which started horrible and got even worse later.
But maybe it's only me really having expected absolutely nothing from this anime through.

Hope it continues at this level.
Jul 7, 2008 9:03 AM
Jan 2008
minori-osu has some decent subs on this one. fast too

anyways, i guess this anime goes back on the "business as usual" theme with lotsa cut sex, tsundere, and beat up saito at the end.

the op and en song sucks though. i've gotta admit that i liked ichiko's "i say yes" better. also, this season run for 13 eps unlike the 12 ep futatsuki no kishi. i just hope they dont mess the end though by ruining a good romantic scene with tsundere explosions XD

one point of interest here would be the hooded saito. i think h finally became a noble since that cloak is what nobles wear. that or that saito will be facing off sheffield and would have one of them die.

i think it was told on wiki or on the previous seaons that gandalfr is the right hand of god and void users are its left hand. then if there's the brain, what part of god's body does sheffield's master belong to?

Jul 7, 2008 9:21 AM

Jan 2008
Awesome episode, defiantly worth the wait ^_^
Jul 7, 2008 9:22 AM
Oct 2007
To be honest, I was quite disappointed with the opening episode, continuing my disappointment from the ending of the second series...

There is just this complete refusal to follow through with the character development they set out to do, and it's really getting on my nerves. As someone said earlier, Louise changes mood like flicking a switch. The writers also seem to think that there must be a joke in every episode, or at least that Louise must get angry at Saito in every episode no matter how strange it is, like at the end of this one.

I pray it will get better though...
Jul 7, 2008 9:44 AM

Jan 2008
Another season of love, expressed by concussion, whippings, blunt force truama and magical confragulation. Geeze, I had hopes from the first 5 minutes that there would be more kissing and less disfunctional relationship violence.

Not really complaining, that would look silly since I HAVE watched 2 seasons already. If these two knocked boots more than beat eachother up, it wouldn't be a Zero no Tsukaima anime anymore, Just a magical romance anime.
Jul 7, 2008 10:29 AM

Jun 2008
Finally, the first episode. I really liked it.
Jul 7, 2008 11:32 AM

Mar 2008
Well, its 5 of 5 just for Louise and the beginning (damn maid)...

Jul 7, 2008 11:57 AM

Oct 2007
Mikhael04 said:
To be honest, I was quite disappointed with the opening episode, continuing my disappointment from the ending of the second series...

There is just this complete refusal to follow through with the character development they set out to do, and it's really getting on my nerves. As someone said earlier, Louise changes mood like flicking a switch. The writers also seem to think that there must be a joke in every episode, or at least that Louise must get angry at Saito in every episode no matter how strange it is, like at the end of this one.

I pray it will get better though...

I can understand your frustration. But this has become part of Louise's character, right? It wouldn't be her if she didn't flip out after a deredere spell. Although, I agree that they don't need to have her flip out in every episode. I was really disappointed when they ended season 2 that way, because up to that point the last episode was really moving. But I've come to accept that that's how they'll end just about every episode.

All in all, it was an ok episode. I guess they're just setting up the plot for the season, though it was nice to get some relationship development between Saito and Louise.

I do hope they bring the ecchi level this season down to at least the season 1 levels. I already have my fill of ecchi comedy with To Love-ru. I'm hoping ZnT3 doesn't end up being TLR with wizards instead of aliens.
rabbitpoetsJul 7, 2008 12:01 PM
Jul 7, 2008 12:02 PM
Jun 2008
I thought it was a good episode, 4/5. I liked how right off the bat, Saito is trying to get it on =D. Guess he never learned no means no, or that mood is everying lol. I wonder if the elf gets into some sort of intamate relationship with Saito......
Jul 7, 2008 12:09 PM
Jun 2008
Great episode. was getting a little sexual at the beginning Lol.

expect a new character with blue hair, from the sponsors after the OP, who looks like shes gonna be an awesome girl :D

seems like a lot of people here dont like it, and others love it. i like the idea of how Saito is the left hand of God, and the familiar that attacked Louise is the brain of God... that means theres gonna be lots of God's parts... Maybe something will happen when they all join forces or something Lolol. And could void magic have anything to do with God/Kami in this anime?

also makes me bring up the question about the two seperate worlds. Same gods? interesting
Jul 7, 2008 12:12 PM

Nov 2007
Nice episode :D really cute beginning xD
Jul 7, 2008 1:15 PM

Oct 2007
Wouldn't say awesome but it was a great episode. Didn't like th OP song, but the ED was fine. Some development on the SaitoxLouise pairing, I loved how he was getting pushy at the end! He really would like to tap that ass. :-P

Really wonder how the elf will contribute to the story and who this Joseph character is.

"Thousands have lived without love, not one without water." -Wystan Hugh
Jul 7, 2008 1:21 PM

Nov 2007
BAD French on the assignment paper..Can't they hire one single person capable of expressing himself/herself appropriately in foreign languages??
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Jul 7, 2008 1:44 PM

Apr 2008
YAAAAAY More Zero no Tsukaima , such a cute and awesome anime ^_^

Why WHY WHY , after season 1 and 2 only having so few episodes , also season 3 only 13 episodes, nooooooooooo :( Yeah saito, you go dude, lol -rapes- :p hehe yeah, thank god no TOO much fanservice, sometimes it just ruins anime :( but sometimes it just makes it better too hehehehe =p

Thought it was a pretty good start of the new season, disappointed in seeing it's only getting 13 episodes . because it looks like a pretty cool storyline developing, yay next episode elf/fairy time ^_^ I wonder when the new blue haired girl from opening comes in, she looks fun ^_^
Jul 7, 2008 1:44 PM

Oct 2007
5/5 it really did have everything, and at least their relationship did go up a level :P
It really looks better now, i cant wait for more!
Jul 7, 2008 2:11 PM
Feb 2008
Awesome episode, Saito never cease to make me laugh. Especially near the end when he used those smooth words to get Louise to fulfill the promise they made the morning before.
Jul 7, 2008 2:40 PM

Jun 2008
Awhhh I'm so happy it has finally come out ! I missed Louise, alot T___T;;

I'm glad things are going at a much faster pace, c; The first episode turned out to be much better than I'd thought it'd be. It definately kept me interested the entire way through, wich is fantastic. They let us know that Louise and Saito have progressed, and I have to say when Siesta "interrupted" i wasnt entirely all "omfg, stupid mofo" this time, something about her lines didnt seem as "sluty" as last season, x__x; so my respect for her has returned.

I would have preferred if the ending, had set on Saito pushing Louise inside and her continuing to stutter, but they once again ended it by having Louise be angry and blow Saito up. Same, old same old,

I'm glad Tiffania will make her apperance, :)

OH-> opening song, i personally really enjoyed it. Upbeat ICHIKO as usual! :D The animation was outstanding in my opinion, and the ending I think was much better then last season, I just could not stand an episode ending with sadness/tears/suspence and have "STUPID DOG" suddenly be yelled, @__@; anywho, enough of my rambling!

I heart Zero no Tsukaima<3
Jul 7, 2008 2:46 PM

Jan 2008
Loved it, what a great way to start off the new series.
Jul 7, 2008 2:47 PM

Jun 2008
wakka9ca said:
BAD French on the assignment paper..Can't they hire one single person capable of expressing himself/herself appropriately in foreign languages??

LAWL ---> I so noticed that as well, C;

by theeee wayy, im glad to see Tabitha and Kirche, and then Tabitha's dragon's human form will make an intoduction, she looks adorable <3 cannot wait for her as well ! :D I loved her appearance in the opening already, :) yayyy.
Jul 7, 2008 3:10 PM

Feb 2008
aaa looked very should be fun. its ab it short though but i hope it goes well.
Jul 7, 2008 3:16 PM

Oct 2007
wtf, Noto Mamiko is going to be the VA for Tiffiana? x_X i can't wait to see how this is gonna turn out
Jul 7, 2008 5:25 PM

Oct 2007
Season 1 Saito = One of my favorite characters
Season 2 Saito = One of my least favorite characters, I hated him. He as butchered. Turned into a sick pervert.
Season 3 Saito = So far so good, didn't see him looking at other girls in a dirty way.
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Jul 7, 2008 6:37 PM

Jan 2008
One word - awesome

Waiting week for anoter ep... <hanging>
Jul 7, 2008 7:26 PM

Feb 2008
Awesome episode! Saito was cool even without the Gandalf. But I hope he gets it back soon.

Jul 7, 2008 7:46 PM

Dec 2007
I'm so happy that the third season finally started. <3
Anddd to top it all off, it started out with a HAWT sex scene. ((which was pretty hawt, although Siesta royally ruined it. >_>))
Jul 7, 2008 9:01 PM

Jan 2008
Ahh! Saito almost banged her! SO CLOSE! *shakes fist*
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