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Jul 6, 2008 1:22 AM

Feb 2008
New OP & ED! FLOW is way berter than orange range.
Orange!!! You so cruel! What a relief Sayoko survived.
V.V. is uncle of Cornelia? then he is brother of the emperor...
Veletta talked to Ougi!
Orange became Lulu's side. I didn't expect this.
Agaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! Shirley Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
oh it's so sad... I couldn't enjoy the new ED at all...
Now Lulu's enemy is changed from Britania to V.V. cult.
dtshykJul 6, 2008 1:31 AM
Jul 6, 2008 1:24 AM

Apr 2007
damn you beat me, 48 secs, lol.

so, shirley died. just as planned. also, wtf, no c.c.? I missed her.
Jul 6, 2008 1:28 AM

Jul 2007
Great episode :3

NOw I am wondering....How will Rollo go out of this situation he put himself in? Lulu's Reaction? What does destiny hold in hand for Cornelia?(seems the Cornelia bits we will find out next episode) and...ORENJI? -.-

EDIT: again. -____- I'll just be quiet next time >__>
Jul 6, 2008 1:34 AM

Jun 2008
all i can say is once again they managed to throw in stuff at the end that totally threw me way the heck off.

i mean i heard the rumors and spoilers, chose not to believe them, but OMG.


there goes what i was rooting for...

still a little skeptical of what happened with orange...can't wait for subs to find out for sure.
Jul 6, 2008 1:41 AM

Jul 2007
lovelawliet said:
all i can say is once again they managed to throw in stuff at the end that totally threw me way the heck off.

i mean i heard the rumors and spoilers, chose not to believe them, but OMG.


there goes what i was rooting for...

still a little skeptical of what happened with orange...can't wait for subs to find out for sure.

Considering how Orange-centered picture drama was, Its not surprising - after all, the only reason he wanted to go on to society's highest level - knight of one, was because he failed to protect Marianne :[
Jul 6, 2008 1:48 AM

Feb 2008
lovelawliet said:
all i can say is once again they managed to throw in stuff at the end that totally threw me way the heck off.

i mean i heard the rumors and spoilers, chose not to believe them, but OMG.


there goes what i was rooting for...

still a little skeptical of what happened with orange...can't wait for subs to find out for sure.

He was trapped in a "Sakuradaite" canceller like system.

Lulu bursted his anger against V.V.cult, but Shirley obviously killed by Rollo. I wonder how he reacts when he know the truth.

Fai said:
Considering how Orange-centered picture drama was, Its not surprising - after all, the only reason he wanted to go on to society's highest level - knight of one, was because he failed to protect Marianne :[

But the revenge on Zero propelled Orange. It's surprising for me to see him surrender so quickly.
dtshykJul 6, 2008 1:52 AM
Jul 6, 2008 1:51 AM

Apr 2007
dtshyk said:
He was trapped in a "Sakuradaite" canceller like system.

lol, indeed, that was weird. and then YES YOUR MAJESTY.
Jul 6, 2008 2:02 AM

Feb 2008
nihil said:
dtshyk said:
He was trapped in a "Sakuradaite" canceller like system.

lol, indeed, that was weird. and then YES YOUR MAJESTY.

Nothing is impossibe for Black Knight tech team. They can make any super machines from the invincible KMF to the secret weapon which terminates Tokyo instantly.

BTW, I stop creating the episode discussion from the next episode (unless nobody does it for 1h after it's aired). My email box is overflowed with CG reply mails.
dtshykJul 6, 2008 2:06 AM
Jul 6, 2008 3:15 AM

Jul 2007
dtshyk said:

Nothing is impossibe for Black Knight tech team. They can make any super machines from the invincible KMF to the secret weapon which terminates Tokyo instantly.

"Tokyo destruction" was done with the simple knowledge on how it was built - Ie, since it was "city on the city on the city which is on the city", the "blocks" would be in need of being replaced over the time. All Lulu did was time the release of whatever was holding the blocks together(with a bit of geassing there and there) to fall apart.

As for the "canceller" - it was the very same technology they used to stop Lancelot in R1, the very same technology Guren is equiped with - Jeremiah's body is still cyborg-ized, and, thus, in a sense not that different from other mecha.
Jul 6, 2008 3:53 AM

May 2008
Only comment I have to say

'Sayako FTW!'
You can't spell slaughter without laughter!
Jul 6, 2008 4:32 AM

Apr 2008
How dare they get rid of shirley :(
Jul 6, 2008 6:45 AM

Nov 2007
Right now I'm 80% sure it was Suzaku, not Rolo. I'd have to watch the Raw to be able to fully grasp it though.
Jul 6, 2008 7:31 AM

Nov 2007
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AERRRRHARHAFHAHHAGADAHGHADHFAfalkdhflaksjhfa

Wow, this episode totally is something...
New OP was good, srsly, I feel kinda sorry for Orange Range but FLOW is way better. XD
Orange.... whoa I TOTALLY didn't expect that.
Well now Lulu lost one precious friend in exchange to a valuable ally... :|

dtshyk said:
My email box is overflowed with CG reply mails.

Haha that's when you need email filters and labels! XD

kimatg on | blog | pixiv | deviantART
Jul 6, 2008 8:20 AM

Oct 2007
New OP is easily the best in the franchise.
Jul 6, 2008 9:09 AM

Sep 2007
What the heck, why kill off Shirley? Didn't want her to end with Lulu or anything, but still. Though it seems once Jeremiah uses the geass canceler, it allows a re-geassing. Also, new OP and ED are good!
Jul 6, 2008 9:21 AM

Apr 2008
See you later, annoying character. Bye bye. Sleep tight.
Jul 6, 2008 10:21 AM

Jan 2008
Shirley got Rick-ROLOed ; ] Conversation between Orange and Lulu was praiseworthy..for a latin soap opera. Other than that, great episode.

"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled,
which leads to an unknown, secret place."
Jul 6, 2008 10:35 AM

Jul 2007
kashim said:
Shirley got Rick-ROLOed ; ] Conversation between Orange and Lulu was praiseworthy..for a latin soap opera. Other than that, great episode.

Considering that Jeremiah went into emo mode every time he remembered the death of Marianne, I do not think it was that ooc for him :)

After all - all what he tried to do or did was for the sake of Marianne, which he failed to protect. He tried to make up for that, to become Knight of One, to be able to find the ones guilty for Marianne's, Lulu's and Nunnally's "deaths". His life objective was dedicated to these three persons, so its not that surprising for him to react like that.

Nevermind on how he was portrayed, he was still honorable person and member of Marianne's guard, as seen in picture drama about him.
Jul 6, 2008 11:22 AM
Jan 2008
well said fai :D

anyway, shirley is x_x before nina? thats messed up -______________-
Jul 6, 2008 11:37 AM

Jun 2007
Less Bullshit and more original Geass. A pretty good episode really. (although its not saying much based on what we've gotten so far) Why is it that every time there is a dramatic death in GC, I have to laugh? Must be because of the irony lol. Did Orange even need to cancel all the Geass in that area? It just feels like this whole thing could have been easily avoided. But this way they can get rid of a rather useless character, and now they can put Lulu in his: WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOR!?!?!?!? mood.

And those Gurren designs look an awful lot like those in Tekkaman Blade.

btw I HATE Ali Project, why did they get to have another ending >.>
muldermanJul 6, 2008 11:45 AM
Jul 6, 2008 12:02 PM

Apr 2008
Great job rolo just 3 more and you can have Lulu for yourself^^;

Must say loved this episode;) not one bad thing happened in it. Can't wait for the next oneT_T
Jul 6, 2008 12:16 PM

Mar 2008
poor Shirley.

But oh well, there goes the Lelou x Shirley pairing.

Jul 6, 2008 12:21 PM

Sep 2007
Jul 6, 2008 12:27 PM

Jun 2008
great episode, kinda foresaw the ending halfway through the episode though
sayoko scene was full of win

Jul 6, 2008 12:27 PM

Aug 2007
Yay for Orenji-kun!

Jul 6, 2008 12:30 PM

Oct 2007
holy crap...
i like the episode...
it's geniues(the series and the ep)
jeremiah is one of the "good" ones?
and then rolo oO
poor shirley...even if i didnt like her much..but..... >.<
want to see more...
and whats with kallen?
Jul 6, 2008 12:30 PM

Feb 2008
Lelouch + Terminator Orange= Best combo ever!!
I wasn't surprised that Shirley died, but I was surprised that it was Rollo who killed her.
Also, lol @ Sayako, the shinobi maiden =P

The new OP is pretty good btw, though the song could have been better, imo (still, I find this OP to be better than the previous one).
Jul 6, 2008 12:34 PM

Mar 2008
Shirley! :((((((
I hope Rolo dies, i never liked him from the start anyways.
The episode was awesome until that faggot Rolo killed Shirley! >:(
P.S. Sayoko = win
Jul 6, 2008 12:35 PM
Nov 2007
Hahahah, now we're back to the unintentional hilarity.

Apparently we are now getting one new revolutionary technology introduced per week. And, apparently, new and entirely inconsistent backstories for everybody!

But the best part was the human bungee rope scene. It's a good thing everybody's legs are half a meter too long, or else they wouldn't have managed to catch Shirley!
Jul 6, 2008 12:51 PM

Jan 2008
WAHa_06x36 said:
Hahahah, now we're back to the unintentional hilarity.

Apparently we are now getting one new revolutionary technology introduced per week. And, apparently, new and entirely inconsistent backstories for everybody!

But the best part was the human bungee rope scene. It's a good thing everybody's legs are half a meter too long, or else they wouldn't have managed to catch Shirley!

Hmmm, if you're on about Orange being cut up about Marriane's death, well it was mentioned in R1 and in the 'Bonus Material' it got referred to and elaborated on there as well. So it's nor completely left field.

But if, like many, you're only following the episodes as they come out, then yes, it does seem like a bit of an ass-pull.
Poor Shirley.... *sniff* well at least she got her moment of happiness at the end of 12.
Jul 6, 2008 12:57 PM

Mar 2008
that's why we have articles like these:

"Information not actually mentioned within the show, but only found in other material related to the franchise. The difference between this and normal merchandising is that this information may actually be relevant to understanding the plot, making the audience wonder why the writers didn't put it in the show to begin with.

For example, many anime OVAs based on a manga begin with a One We Prepared Earlier situation and rarely explain themselves under the assumption an OVA (being an occasional test run for a series) will typically be watched by someone who has read the original manga.

Other information can be found in text novels, video games, radio dramas, and image songs. Though if you don't have the money for all that, your best bet is The Other Wiki.

Fairly common in anime, this is mostly unknown in American shows. However, it's very common in American comic books, possibly because of the assurance the sterotypical fan is obsessive enough to collect supplemental material. "

Quoted from:

visit tvtropes, I am that shameless in promoting this site.

and, of course

Jul 6, 2008 12:59 PM
Apr 2008

The episode was good but man.. didn't think it would end like that>><
Jul 6, 2008 1:10 PM

Mar 2008
Sutiivu said:
See you later, annoying character. Bye bye. Sleep tight.

even if I was a little sad about hear death, nor do I like why she had to die, when the ep ended, I was like, "oh well, some people have to die anyways."

besides, that knowledge of her is daaaaaangerous.

The plots thicketh again.
Jul 6, 2008 1:15 PM
Aug 2007
What the FUCK.
Shirley deserved a better death, that was bs.
notepadJul 6, 2008 1:25 PM
Jul 6, 2008 1:24 PM

Jul 2007
WAHa_06x36 said:
Hahahah, now we're back to the unintentional hilarity.

Apparently we are now getting one new revolutionary technology introduced per week. And, apparently, new and entirely inconsistent backstories for everybody!

But the best part was the human bungee rope scene. It's a good thing everybody's legs are half a meter too long, or else they wouldn't have managed to catch Shirley!

New technology? nothing new in that this week.

Inconsistent back stories? Jeremiah's character was defined even before R2 started in Episode 4.33(aka Picture Drama 5), where he talks to Villeta(just before the Suzaku parade) about his feelings, having failed to protect Marianne, Lelouch, Nunally...and now Clovis, etc etc etc. The whole picture drama shows that the only two reasons on why Jeremiah is trying so hard to get the highest military role possible - Knight of One, is because of his little sister and wish/promise_to_himself to bring the killers of Marianne family into the light.
Sayoko? We already know that she was no ordinary maid ever since her "oaths" in the diary material and how she saved Nunally from Mao in R1.

And did I hear an insult to CLAMP character designs? well whatever, next time - arguments please...
Jul 6, 2008 1:27 PM
Jun 2008

That aside, this episode had more plot twists in one episode than most series have in their entire run. Typical Sunrise trainwreck-of-awesomeness.

God, I love this show.
Jul 6, 2008 1:30 PM
Mar 2008
wow this becoming so factioned

lulu faction
emperor faction
Jul 6, 2008 1:39 PM
Oct 2007
oh wow...
sure i didnt like shirleyXlelou...but they didnt have to kill her off...
and now i dislike rolo...well, i think it was rolo

and karen!!
Jul 6, 2008 1:54 PM

Feb 2008
that was sucky.... but thats retribution in a sense.

since i dont care much for op and ed credit songs im not too bothered by it weee.

i think in the end lulu will just end up dying.
Jul 6, 2008 1:58 PM

Jun 2007
Uhm I think there is a reason we didn't see Rolo kill Shirley people...
They are probably going for the "lol it was someone else scenario" here.
Everything from the expressions Rolo made to the sorta foreshadowing in the previous episodes. It would be too cheap to have Rolo as the killer. For now they just want you to think he did it.
Jul 6, 2008 2:06 PM

Jul 2007
kisami said:

i think in the end lulu will just end up dying.

Totally doubt it. I count on redemption type ending, where having finished his "mission" of life, he goes back into shadows, together all those who remember him (like Kallen, Sayoko, Nunally and Lelouch living in some quiet farm with the news about something like peace treaties between countries going on the radio)

Lelouch did not do anything which could be considered as really evil. If anything, for now he is the Batman of anime - the one to do the judgement, bu tnot the one to rule it later on.

mulderman said:
Uhm I think there is a reason we didn't see Rolo kill Shirley people...
They are probably going for the "lol it was someone else scenario" here.
Everything from the expressions Rolo made to the sorta foreshadowing in the previous episodes. It would be too cheap to have Rolo as the killer. For now they just want you to think he did it.

Unless Rollo fell asleep while using his geass, I just can't see any other person doing that - the main point, i bet won't be "who killed iher for real", but "how and will Lulu find out the truth that it was Rollo? How will Rollo try to get out of the situation?)

overall I see Rollo trying to blame it on V.V(would fit "he is guilty for all the stuff") or Suzaku(would paralel on How Suzaku blamed Lulu for Yufie's death) or even Orange(cause he is the only danger to Rollo now - an easy way for Lulu to finish Rollo off)
Jul 6, 2008 2:06 PM

Feb 2008
9Tale said:
Right now I'm 80% sure it was Suzaku, not Rolo. I'd have to watch the Raw to be able to fully grasp it though.

Lol - funny.

Holy crap what an episode. New OP yay - at least better than the old one anyway. Sayoko Ninja! Suzaku saves Lelouch saves Shirley! Orange flips sides ftw! Villetta+Ohgi! Shirley talks about forgiveness with Suzaku. Uh-oh Rolo you f'ed up now! We find out Lelouch can geass someone again after they've been cleared by Orange. NO SHIRLEY don't die and give all the gay Shirley haters the satisfaction! Damn she did anyway. New ED - meh.

Jul 6, 2008 2:09 PM

Apr 2008
mulderman said:
Uhm I think there is a reason we didn't see Rolo kill Shirley people...
They are probably going for the "lol it was someone else scenario" here.
Everything from the expressions Rolo made to the sorta foreshadowing in the previous episodes. It would be too cheap to have Rolo as the killer. For now they just want you to think he did it.

May be they dont want to show an main char getting knifed down;7 especially some civilian^^; but i hope youre right;) well one thing is certain... i think... she's dead, at last 1 less girl competing for Lulu.
Jul 6, 2008 2:12 PM

Mar 2008
Was it just me, or did Shirley's deathwound look more like a slash wound than a gunshot wound?

And Kallen's not even in the ending....or I didn't see her at least.
Jul 6, 2008 2:15 PM

Feb 2008
mulderman said:
Uhm I think there is a reason we didn't see Rolo kill Shirley people...
They are probably going for the "lol it was someone else scenario" here.
Everything from the expressions Rolo made to the sorta foreshadowing in the previous episodes. It would be too cheap to have Rolo as the killer. For now they just want you to think he did it.

He did use his time-stop geass on her. So they would have to suspend a LOT of disbelief to explain.

1. Why he time geassed her at all if not to kill her.
2. Who else had a motivation.
3. How they were outside of Rolo's geass range - ran in and killed her (or sniped her and why)

I dunno seems WAY too far-fetched but I guess not impossible.
Jul 6, 2008 2:20 PM

Jan 2008
Thanatos said:
Was it just me, or did Shirley's deathwound look more like a slash wound than a gunshot wound?

And Kallen's not even in the ending....or I didn't see her at least.

it's just you...that was definitely a gunshot wound.
It was sad about shirley she said the taboo word (nunally) if only she didn't say that then rollo wouldn't have shot her. Rollo's prolly going to kill nunally to if she ever gets to be with lulouche again ;__;.
But I really love the way this series is going right now, I mean in a way it's alright that shirley died cuz I didn't want to see her get together with lulouche =__=. And its kinda funny that lulu gets a great fighting piece in exchange for his dearest friend. kyaaa x333 I can't wait to see the rest ~~~
avatar credit goes to Tifa@MAL ::tnx!::
Jul 6, 2008 2:43 PM
Jun 2007
If rolo really did kill Shirley i will hate him forever... Sure Shirley was a bit disliked by me but she wasn't so bad that i wanted her to get killed, I'm more actually sad that she died.
Moderator Edit: Signature deleted. Please re-read the General Forum Guidelines.
Jul 6, 2008 2:45 PM

Feb 2008
wow...that caught me by surprise! I thought the ED artwork was very nice too. Even though I don't like Ali Project, I still hope the subbers will go back and do the karaoke for posterity's sake. ^^

WAHa_06x36 said:
It's a good thing everybody's legs are half a meter too long, or else they wouldn't have managed to catch Shirley!

lol, CLAMP ftw <3
Jul 6, 2008 2:46 PM
Dec 2007
Ninja Sayoko lost to Orange-kun ;_;.

I love the new OP but the new ED is a disappointment.

Overall, great episode.
Jul 6, 2008 3:05 PM

May 2007
Agreed. ALI PROJECT always seems to sound the same.

"Thanatose" said:
Was it just me, or did Shirley's deathwound look more like a slash wound than a gunshot wound?

Shirley's wound looks much more like a shot wound. @ 20:39 on gg's sub of it, you can clearly see that it's not a laceration, and rather its a puncture wound.

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